CD77 Superstrip Chemisys Australia Pty Ltd Chemwatch Hazard Alert Code: 4 Version No: 1.1 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Safety Data Sheet according to WHS and ADG requirements Print Date: 21/03/2015 Initial Date: 21/03/2015 L.GHS.AUS.EN SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING Product Identifier Product name Synonyms Proper shipping name Other means of identification CD77 Superstrip Not Available TOXIC LIQUID, CORROSIVE, ORGANIC, N.O.S. (contains methylene chloride) Not Available Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Relevant identified Paint stripper uses Details of the manufacturer/importer Registered company Chemisys Australia Pty Ltd name Address Telephone Fax Website Email P. O. Box 3604 Loganholme Queensland Australia 1300 128835; 0438 923248 07 32877288 [email protected] Emergency telephone number Association / Not Available Organisation Emergency telephone 0438 923248 numbers Other emergency 0405 935409 telephone numbers SECTION 2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification of the substance or mixture HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL. DANGEROUS GOODS. According to the Model WHS Regulations and the ADG Code. CHEMWATCH HAZARD RATINGS Min Flammability 0 Toxicity 3 Body Contact 4 Reactivity 1 Chronic 2 0 = Minimum 1 = Low 2 = Moderate 3 = High 4 = Extreme Poisons Schedule GHS Classification Max [1] Not Applicable Acute Aquatic Hazard Category 3, Acute Toxicity (Oral) Category 4, Carcinogen Category 2, Chronic Aquatic Hazard Category 3, Metal Corrosion Category 1, Serious Eye Damage Category 1, STOT - SE (Narcosis) Category 3, STOT - SE (Resp. Irr.) Category 3, Skin Corrosion/Irritation Category 1B Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 2 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip 1. Classified by Chemwatch; 2. Classification drawn from HSIS ; 3. Classification drawn from EC Directive 1272/2008 - Annex Legend: VI Label elements GHS label elements SIGNAL WORD DANGER Hazard statement(s) H290 May be corrosive to metals H302 Harmful if swallowed H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage H318 Causes serious eye damage H335 May cause respiratory irritation H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness H351 Suspected of causing cancer H402 Harmful to aquatic life H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Precautionary statement(s) Prevention P201 Obtain special instructions before use. P260 Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. P234 Keep only in original container. P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. P273 Avoid release to the environment. Precautionary statement(s) Response P301+P330+P331 IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. P303+P361+P353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. P305+P351+P338 P308+P313 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor/physician/first aider P363 Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. P390 Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/physician/first aider/if you feel unwell. P304+P340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Precautionary statement(s) Storage P405 P403+P233 Store locked up. Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Precautionary statement(s) Disposal P501 Dispos e of contents /container to authoris ed chemic al landfill or i f organic to high temper atur e i ncineration SECTION 3 COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Substances See section below for composition of Mixtures Mixtures Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 3 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip Print Date: 21/03/2015 CAS No %[weight] Name 75-09-2 30-60 methylene chloride 100-51-6 10-30 benzyl alcohol 64-18-6 10-30 formic acid SECTION 4 FIRST AID MEASURES Description of first aid measures Eye Contact If this product comes in contact with the eyes: Immediately hold eyelids apart and flush the eye continuously with running water. Ensure complete irrigation of the eye by keeping eyelids apart and away from eye and moving the eyelids by occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids. Continue flushing until advised to stop by the Poisons Information Centre or a doctor, or for at least 15 minutes. Transport to hospital or doctor without delay. Removal of contact lenses after an eye injury should only be undertaken by skilled personnel. If skin or hair contact occurs: Immediately flush body and clothes with large amounts of water, using safety shower if available. Quickly remove all contaminated clothing, including footwear. Wash skin and hair with running water. Continue flushing with water until advised to stop by the Poisons Information Centre. Skin Contact Inhalation Transport to hospital, or doctor. For thermal burns: Decontaminate area around burn. Consider the use of cold packs and topical antibiotics. For first-degree burns (affecting top layer of skin) Hold burned skin under cool (not cold) running water or immerse in cool water until pain subsides. Use compresses if running water is not available. Cover with sterile non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth. Do NOT apply butter or ointments; this may cause infection. Give over-the counter pain relievers if pain increases or swelling, redness, fever occur. For second-degree burns (affecting top two layers of skin) Cool the burn by immerse in cold running water for 10-15 minutes. Use compresses if running water is not available. Do NOT apply ice as this may lower body temperature and cause further damage. Do NOT break blisters or apply butter or ointments; this may cause infection. Protect burn by cover loosely with sterile, nonstick bandage and secure in place with gauze or tape. To prevent shock: (unless the person has a head, neck, or leg injury, or it would cause discomfort): Lay the person flat. Elevate feet about 12 inches. Elevate burn area above heart level, if possible. Cover the person with coat or blanket. Seek medical assistance. For third-degree burns Seek immediate medical or emergency assistance. In the mean time: Protect burn area cover loosely with sterile, nonstick bandage or, for large areas, a sheet or other material that will not leave lint in wound. Separate burned toes and fingers with dry, sterile dressings. Do not soak burn in water or apply ointments or butter; this may cause infection. To prevent shock see above. For an airway burn, do not place pillow under the person's head when the person is lying down. This can close the airway. Have a person with a facial burn sit up. Check pulse and breathing to monitor for shock until emergency help arrives. If fumes or combustion products are inhaled remove from contaminated area. Lay patient down. Keep warm and rested. Prostheses such as false teeth, which may block airway, should be removed, where possible, prior to initiating first aid procedures. Apply artificial respiration if not breathing, preferably with a demand valve resuscitator, bag-valve mask device, or pocket mask as trained. Perform CPR if necessary. Transport to hospital, or doctor, without delay. Inhalation of vapours or aerosols (mists, fumes) may cause lung oedema. Corrosive substances may cause lung damage (e.g. lung oedema, fluid in the lungs). As this reaction may be delayed up to 24 hours after exposure, affected individuals need complete rest (preferably in semirecumbent posture) and must be kept under medical observation even if no symptoms are (yet) manifested. Before any such manifestation, the administration of a spray containing a dexamethasone derivative or beclomethasone derivative may be considered. This must definitely be left to a doctor or person authorised by him/her. Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 4 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip Print Date: 21/03/2015 (ICSC13719) For advice, contact a Poisons Information Centre or a doctor at once. Urgent hospital treatment is likely to be needed. Ingestion If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, lean patient forward or place on left side (head-down position, if possible) to maintain open airway and prevent aspiration. Observe the patient carefully. Never give liquid to a person showing signs of being sleepy or with reduced awareness; i.e. becoming unconscious. Give water to rinse out mouth, then provide liquid slowly and as much as casualty can comfortably drink. Transport to hospital or doctor without delay. Avoid giving milk or oils. Avoid giving alcohol. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Treat symptomatically. for intoxication due to Freons/ Halons; A: Emergency and Supportive Measures Maintain an open airway and assist ventilation if necessary Treat coma and arrhythmias if they occur. Avoid (adrenaline) epinephrine or other sympathomimetic amines that may precipitate ventricular arrhythmias. Tachyarrhythmias caused by increased myocardial sensitisation may be treated with propranolol, 1-2 mg IV or esmolol 25-100 microgm/kg/min IV. Monitor the ECG for 4-6 hours B: Specific drugs and antidotes: There is no specific antidote C: Decontamination Inhalation; remove victim from exposure, and give supplemental oxygen if available. Ingestion; (a) Prehospital: Administer activated charcoal, if available. DO NOT induce vomiting because of rapid absorption and the risk of abrupt onset CNS depression. (b) Hospital: Administer activated charcoal, although the efficacy of charcoal is unknown. Perform gastric lavage only if the ingestion was very large and recent (less than 30 minutes) D: Enhanced elimination: There is no documented efficacy for diuresis, haemodialysis, haemoperfusion, or repeat-dose charcoal. POISONING and DRUG OVERDOSE, Californian Poison Control System Ed. Kent R Olson; 3rd Edition Do not administer sympathomimetic drugs unless absolutely necessary as material may increase myocardial irritability. No specific antidote. Because rapid absorption may occur through lungs if aspirated and cause systematic effects, the decision of whether to induce vomiting or not should be made by an attending physician. If lavage is performed, suggest endotracheal and/or esophageal control. Danger from lung aspiration must be weighed against toxicity when considering emptying the stomach. Treatment based on judgment of the physician in response to reactions of the patient For acute or short term repeated exposures to strong acids: Airway problems may arise from laryngeal edema and inhalation exposure. Treat with 100% oxygen initially. Respiratory distress may require cricothyroidotomy if endotracheal intubation is contraindicated by excessive swelling Intravenous lines should be established immediately in all cases where there is evidence of circulatory compromise. Strong acids produce a coagulation necrosis characterised by formation of a coagulum (eschar) as a result of the dessicating action of the acid on proteins in specific tissues. INGESTION: Immediate dilution (milk or water) within 30 minutes post ingestion is recommended. DO NOT attempt to neutralise the acid since exothermic reaction may extend the corrosive injury. Be careful to avoid further vomit since re-exposure of the mucosa to the acid is harmful. Limit fluids to one or two glasses in an adult. Charcoal has no place in acid management. Some authors suggest the use of lavage within 1 hour of ingestion. SKIN: Skin lesions require copious saline irrigation. Treat chemical burns as thermal burns with non-adherent gauze and wrapping. Deep second-degree burns may benefit from topical silver sulfadiazine. EYE: Eye injuries require retraction of the eyelids to ensure thorough irrigation of the conjuctival cul-de-sacs. Irrigation should last at least 20-30 minutes. DO NOT use neutralising agents or any other additives. Several litres of saline are required. Cycloplegic drops, (1% cyclopentolate for short-term use or 5% homatropine for longer term use) antibiotic drops, vasoconstrictive agents or artificial tears may be indicated dependent on the severity of the injury. Steroid eye drops should only be administered with the approval of a consulting ophthalmologist). [Ellenhorn and Barceloux: Medical Toxicology] Clinical experience of benzyl alcohol poisoning is generally confined to premature neonates in receipt of preserved intravenous salines. Metabolic acidosis, bradycardia, skin breakdown, hypotonia, hepatorenal failure, hypotension and cardiovascular collapse are characteristic. High urine benzoate and hippuric acid as well as elevated serum benzoic acid levels are found. The so-called "gasping syndrome describes the progressive neurological deterioration of poisoned neonates. Management is essentially supportive. Depending on the degree of exposure, periodic medical examination is indicated. The symptoms of lung oedema often do not manifest until a few hours have passed and they are aggravated by physical effort. Rest and medical observation is therefore essential. Immediate administration of an appropriate spray, by a doctor or a person authorised by him/her should be considered. Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 5 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip (ICSC24419/24421 SECTION 5 FIREFIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing media Foam. Dry chemical powder. BCF (where regulations permit). Carbon dioxide. Water spray or fog - Large fires only. Special hazards arising from the substrate or mixture Avoid contamination with oxidising agents i.e. nitrates, oxidising acids, chlorine bleaches, pool chlorine etc. as ignition may Fire Incompatibility result Advice for firefighters Fire Fighting Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. Wear full body protective clothing with breathing apparatus. Prevent, by any means available, spillage from entering drains or water course. Use fire fighting procedures suitable for surrounding area. Do not approach containers suspected to be hot. Cool fire exposed containers with water spray from a protected location. If safe to do so, remove containers from path of fire. Equipment should be thoroughly decontaminated after use. Fire/Explosion Hazard Non combustible. Not considered to be a significant fire risk. Acids may react with metals to produce hydrogen, a highly flammable and explosive gas. Heating may cause expansion or decomposition leading to violent rupture of containers. May emit corrosive, poisonous fumes. May emit acrid smoke. , carbon dioxide (CO2), aldehydes, hydrogen chloride, phosgene, other pyrolysis products typical of burning organic material Contains low boiling substance: Closed containers may rupture due to pressure buildup under fire conditions. WARNING: Long standing in contact with air and light may result in the formation of potentially explosive peroxides. SECTION 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Minor Spills Drains for storage or use areas should have retention basins for pH adjustments and dilution of spills before discharge or disposal of material. Check regularly for spills and leaks. Clean up all spills immediately. Avoid breathing vapours and contact with skin and eyes. Control personal contact with the substance, by using protective equipment. Contain and absorb spill with sand, earth, inert material or vermiculite. Wipe up. Place in a suitable, labelled container for waste disposal. Chemical Class:acidic compounds, organic For release onto land: recommended sorbents listed in order of priority. SORBENT TYPE RANK APPLICATION COLLECTION LIMITATIONS LAND SPILL - SMALL Major Spills wood fiber - pillow 1 throw pitchfork R, P, DGC, RT cross-linked polymer - particulate 1 shovel shovel R,W,SS cross-linked polymer - pillow 1 throw pitchfork R, DGC, RT sorbent clay - particulate 2 shovel shovel R, I, P foamed glass - pillow 2 throw pitchfork R, P, DGC, RT wood fiber - particulate 3 shovel shovel R, W, P, DGC LAND SPILL - MEDIUM cross-linked polymer -particulate 1 blower skiploader R, W, SS polypropylene - particulate 2 blower skiploader W, SS, DGC Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 6 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip sorbent clay - particulate 2 blower skiploader R, I, P cross-linked polymer - pillow 3 throw skiploader R, DGC, RT polypropylene - mat 3 throw skiploader W, SS, DGC expanded mineral - particulate 3 blower skiploader R, I, W, P, DGC Legend DGC: Not effective where ground cover is dense R; Not reusable I: Not incinerable P: Effectiveness reduced when rainy RT:Not effective where terrain is rugged SS: Not for use within environmentally sensitive sites W: Effectiveness reduced when windy Reference: Sorbents for Liquid Hazardous Substance Cleanup and Control; R.W Melvold et al: Pollution Technology Review No. 150: Noyes Data Corporation 1988 Clear area of personnel and move upwind. Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. Wear full body protective clothing with breathing apparatus. Prevent, by any means available, spillage from entering drains or water course. Consider evacuation (or protect in place). Stop leak if safe to do so. Contain spill with sand, earth or vermiculite. Collect recoverable product into labelled containers for recycling. Neutralise/decontaminate residue (see Section 13 for specific agent). Collect solid residues and seal in labelled drums for disposal. Wash area and prevent runoff into drains. After clean up operations, decontaminate and launder all protective clothing and equipment before storing and re-using. If contamination of drains or waterways occurs, advise emergency services. Personal Protective Equipment advice is contained in Section 8 of the MSDS. SECTION 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions for safe handling Safe handling Contains low boiling substance: Storage in sealed containers may result in pressure buildup causing violent rupture of containers not rated appropriately. Check for bulging containers. Vent periodically Always release caps or seals slowly to ensure slow dissipation of vapours DO NOT allow clothing wet with material to stay in contact with skin The substance accumulates peroxides which may become hazardous only if it evaporates or is distilled or otherwise treated to concentrate the peroxides. The substance may concentrate around the container opening for example. Purchases of peroxidisable chemicals should be restricted to ensure that the chemical is used completely before it can become peroxidised. A responsible person should maintain an inventory of peroxidisable chemicals or annotate the general chemical inventory to indicate which chemicals are subject to peroxidation. An expiration date should be determined. The chemical should either be treated to remove peroxides or disposed of before this date. The person or laboratory receiving the chemical should record a receipt date on the bottle. The individual opening the container should add an opening date. Unopened containers received from the supplier should be safe to store for 18 months. Opened containers should not be stored for more than 12 months. Electrostatic discharge may be generated during pumping - this may result in fire. Ensure electrical continuity by bonding and grounding (earthing) all equipment. Restrict line velocity during pumping in order to avoid generation of electrostatic discharge (<=1 m/sec until fill pipe submerged to twice its diameter, then <= 7 m/sec). Avoid splash filling. Do NOT use compressed air for filling discharging or handling operations. Avoid all personal contact, including inhalation. Wear protective clothing when risk of exposure occurs. Use in a well-ventilated area. WARNING: To avoid violent reaction, ALWAYS add material to water and NEVER water to material. Avoid smoking, naked lights or ignition sources. Avoid contact with incompatible materials. When handling, DO NOT eat, drink or smoke. Keep containers securely sealed when not in use. Avoid physical damage to containers. Always wash hands with soap and water after handling. Work clothes should be laundered separately. Launder contaminated clothing before re-use. Use good occupational work practice. Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 7 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip Observe manufacturer's storage and handling recommendations contained within this MSDS. Atmosphere should be regularly checked against established exposure standards to ensure safe working conditions are maintained. Pure formic acid slowly decomposes releasing toxic carbon monoxide and may pressurise containers. Water in less concentrated acid improves stability. Extreme care needed in opening containers of unknown age WARNING: Decomposition may occur after prolonged storage. Store in original containers. Other information Keep containers securely sealed. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Store away from incompatible materials and foodstuff containers. Protect containers against physical damage and check regularly for leaks. Observe manufacturer's storage and handling recommendations contained within this MSDS. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Suitable container DO NOT use aluminium or galvanised containers Check regularly for spills and leaks Lined metal can, lined metal pail/ can. Plastic pail. Polyliner drum. Packing as recommended by manufacturer. Check all containers are clearly labelled and free from leaks. For low viscosity materials Drums and jerricans must be of the non-removable head type. Where a can is to be used as an inner package, the can must have a screwed enclosure. For materials with a viscosity of at least 2680 cSt. (23 deg. C) and solids (between 15 C deg. and 40 deg C.): Removable head packaging; Cans with friction closures and low pressure tubes and cartridges may be used. Where combination packages are used, and the inner packages are of glass, porcelain or stoneware, there must be sufficient inert cushioning material in contact with inner and outer packages unless the outer packaging is a close fitting moulded plastic box and the substances are not incompatible with the plastic. Benzyl alcohol: may froth in contact with water slowly oxidises in air, oxygen forming benzaldehyde is incompatible with mineral acids, caustics, aliphatic amines, isocyanates reacts violently with strong oxidisers, and explosively with sulfuric acid at elevated temperatures corrodes aluminium at high temperatures is incompatible with aluminum, iron, steel attacks some nonfluorinated plastics; may attack, extract and dissolve polypropylene Benzyl alcohol contaminated with 1.4% hydrogen bromide and 1.2% of dissolved iron(II) polymerises exothermically above 100 deg. C. Methylene chloride is a combustible liquid under certain circumstances even though there is no measurable flash point and it is difficult to ignite its is flammable in ambient air in the range 12-23%; increased oxygen content can greatly enhance fire and explosion potential Storage incompatibility contact with hot surfaces and elevated temperatures can form fumes of hydrogen chloride and phosgene reacts violently with active metals, aluminium, lithium, methanol,, peroxydisulfuryl difluoride, potassium, potassium tertbutoxide, sodium forms explosive mixtures with nitric acid is incompatible with strong oxidisers, strong caustics, alkaline earths and alkali metals attacks some plastics, coatings and rubber may generate electrostatic charge due to low conductivity Segregate from: powdered metals such as aluminium, zinc and alkali metals such as sodium, potassium and lithium. May attack, soften or dissolve rubber, many plastics, paints and coatings Reacts with mild steel, galvanised steel / zinc producing hydrogen gas which may form an explosive mixture with air. Formic acid: reacts explosively or violently strong oxidisers, with hydrogen peroxide, furfuryl alcohol, hypochlorites, isocyanides, nitromethane, chromic acid, nitric acid, phosphorus pentaoxide, strong bases thallium nitrate, nitromethane. reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid to produce carbon dioxide is incompatible with alkalis, ammonia, aliphatic amines, alkanolamines, furfuryl alcohol, isocyanates, alkylene oxides, epichlorohydrin, palladium is a strong reducing agent attacks aluminium, cast iron and steel, some plastics, rubber and coatings Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 8 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip slowly decomposes in storage forming carbon dioxide gas Segregate from alcohol, water. Avoid strong bases. Segregate from alkalies, oxidising agents and chemicals readily decomposed by acids, i.e. cyanides, sulfides, carbonates. + X 0 + X + X O + — Must not be stored together — May be stored together with specific preventions — May be stored together PACKAGE MATERIAL INCOMPATIBILITIES Not Available SECTION 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Control parameters OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS (OEL) INGREDIENT DATA Source Ingredient Material name TWA STEL Peak Notes Australia Exposure Standards methylene chloride Methylene chloride 174 mg/m3 / 50 ppm Not Available Not Available Sk Australia Exposure Standards formic acid Formic acid 9.4 mg/m3 / 5 ppm 19 mg/m3 / 10 ppm Not Available Not Available EMERGENCY LIMITS Ingredient Material name TEEL-1 TEEL-2 TEEL-3 methylene chloride Methylene chloride; (Dichloromethane) Not Available Not Available Not Available benzyl alcohol Benzyl alcohol 30 ppm 49 ppm 49 ppm formic acid Formic acid Not Available Not Available Not Available Ingredient Original IDLH Revised IDLH methylene chloride 10,000 ppm 2,000 ppm benzyl alcohol Not Available Not Available formic acid 30 ppm 30 [Unch] ppm MATERIAL DATA For paraffin waxes and hydrocarbon waxes a complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum fractions by solvent crystallisation: TLV TWA: 2 mg/m3 For methylene chloride Odour Threshold Value: 158 ppm (detection), 227 ppm (recognition) NOTE: Detector tubes for methylene chloride, measuring in excess of 25 ppm are commercially available. Long-term measurements (4 hrs) may be conducted to detect concentrations exceeding 13 ppm. Exposure at or below the recommended TLV-TWA (and in the absence of occupational exposure to carbon monoxide) is thought to minimise the potential for liver injury and to provide protection against the possible weak carcinogenic effects which have been demonstrated in laboratory rats and mice. Enhancement of tumours of the lung, liver, salivary glands and mammary tissue in rodent studies has lead NIOSH to recommend a more conservative outcome. The ACGIH however concludes that in the absence of documentation of health-related injuries at higher exposures after a long history of methylene chloride use and a number of epidemiologic studies, the recommended TLV-TWA provides an adequate margin of safety. Concentration effects: Concentration Clinical effects >300 ppm Sweet odour 500-1000 ppm (1-2 h) Unpleasant odour, slight anaesthetic effects, headache, light-headedness, eye irritation and elevated COHb concentration 2300 ppm (5 min.) Odour strong, intensely irritating; dizziness 7200 ppm (8-16 min) Paraesthesia, tachycardia >50000 ppm Immediately life-threatening for formic acid: Odour Threshold Value: 20-40 mg/m3 (detection) NOTE: Detector tubes for formic acid, measuring in excess of 1 ppm, are available commercially. The TLV-TWA is thought to be protective against the risk of respiratory and eye irritation and possible skin irritation. Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 9 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip Exposure controls Engineering controls are used to remove a hazard or place a barrier between the worker and the hazard. Well-designed engineering controls can be highly effective in protecting workers and will typically be independent of worker interactions to provide this high level of protection. The basic types of engineering controls are: Process controls which involve changing the way a job activity or process is done to reduce the risk. Enclosure and/or isolation of emission source which keeps a selected hazard "physically" away from the worker and ventilation that strategically "adds" and "removes" air in the work environment. Ventilation can remove or dilute an air contaminant if designed properly. The design of a ventilation system must match the particular process and chemical or contaminant in use. Employers may need to use multiple types of controls to prevent employee overexposure. Local exhaust ventilation usually required. If risk of overexposure exists, wear approved respirator. Correct fit is essential to obtain adequate protection. Supplied-air type respirator may be required in special circumstances. Correct fit is essential to ensure adequate protection. An approved self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) may be required in some situations. Provide adequate ventilation in warehouse or closed storage area. Air contaminants generated in the workplace possess varying "escape" velocities which, in turn, determine the "capture velocities" of fresh circulating air required to effectively remove the contaminant. Appropriate engineering controls Type of Contaminant: Air Speed: solvent, vapours, degreasing etc., evaporating from tank (in still air). 0.25-0.5 m/s (50-100 f/min.) aerosols, fumes from pouring operations, intermittent container filling, low speed conveyer transfers, welding, spray drift, plating acid fumes, pickling (released at low velocity into zone of active generation) 0.5-1 m/s (100-200 f/min.) direct spray, spray painting in shallow booths, drum filling, conveyer loading, crusher dusts, gas discharge (active generation into zone of rapid air motion) 1-2.5 m/s (200-500 f/min.) grinding, abrasive blasting, tumbling, high speed wheel generated dusts (released at high initial velocity into zone of very high rapid air motion). 2.5-10 m/s (500-2000 f/min.) Within each range the appropriate value depends on: Lower end of the range Upper end of the range 1: Room air currents minimal or favourable to capture 1: Disturbing room air currents 2: Contaminants of low toxicity or of nuisance value only. 2: Contaminants of high toxicity 3: Intermittent, low production. 3: High production, heavy use 4: Large hood or large air mass in motion 4: Small hood-local control only Simple theory shows that air velocity falls rapidly with distance away from the opening of a simple extraction pipe. Velocity generally decreases with the square of distance from the extraction point (in simple cases). Therefore the air speed at the extraction point should be adjusted, accordingly, after reference to distance from the contaminating source. The air velocity at the extraction fan, for example, should be a minimum of 1-2 m/s (200-400 f/min) for extraction of solvents generated in a tank 2 meters distant from the extraction point. Other mechanical considerations, producing performance deficits within the extraction apparatus, make it essential that theoretical air velocities are multiplied by factors of 10 or more when extraction systems are installed or used. Personal protection Safety glasses with unperforated side shields may be used where continuous eye protection is desirable, as in laboratories; spectacles are not sufficient where complete eye protection is needed such as when handling bulk-quantities, where there is a danger of splashing, or if the material may be under pressure. Chemical goggles.whenever there is a danger of the material coming in contact with the eyes; goggles must be properly fitted. Eye and face protection Skin protection Full face shield (20 cm, 8 in minimum) may be required for supplementary but never for primary protection of eyes; these afford face protection. Alternatively a gas mask may replace splash goggles and face shields. Contact lenses may pose a special hazard; soft contact lenses may absorb and concentrate irritants. A written policy document, describing the wearing of lenses or restrictions on use, should be created for each workplace or task. This should include a review of lens absorption and adsorption for the class of chemicals in use and an account of injury experience. Medical and first-aid personnel should be trained in their removal and suitable equipment should be readily available. In the event of chemical exposure, begin eye irrigation immediately and remove contact lens as soon as practicable. Lens should be removed at the first signs of eye redness or irritation - lens should be removed in a clean environment only after workers have washed hands thoroughly. [CDC NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin 59], [AS/NZS 1336 or national equivalent] See Hand protection below Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 10 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip Elbow length PVC gloves When handling corrosive liquids, wear trousers or overalls outside of boots, to avoid spills entering boots. Hands/feet protection Body protection See Other protection below Overalls. PVC Apron. PVC protective suit may be required if exposure severe. Eyewash unit. Ensure there is ready access to a safety shower. Other protection Thermal hazards Not Available Recommended material(s) Respiratory protection GLOVE SELECTION INDEX Glove selection is based on a modified presentation of the: "Forsberg Clothing Performance Index". The effect(s) of the following substance(s) are taken into account in the computer-generated selection: CD77 Superstrip Material CPI BUTYL C CPE C NATURAL RUBBER C NATURAL+NEOPRENE C NEOPRENE C NEOPRENE/NATURAL C NITRILE C PE C PE/EVAL/PE C PVA C PVC C SARANEX-23 C TEFLON C VITON C VITON/BUTYL C VITON/CHLOROBUTYL C Type BAX-P Filter of sufficient capacity. (AS/NZS 1716 & 1715, EN 143:2000 & 149:2001, ANSI Z88 or national equivalent) Where the concentration of gas/particulates in the breathing zone, approaches or exceeds the "Exposure Standard" (or ES), respiratory protection is required. Degree of protection varies with both face-piece and Class of filter; the nature of protection varies with Type of filter. Required Minimum Protection Factor Half-Face Respirator Full-Face Respirator Powered Air Respirator up to 10 x ES BAX-AUS P2 - BAX-PAPR-AUS / Class 1 P2 up to 50 x ES - BAX-AUS / Class 1 P2 - up to 100 x ES - BAX-2 P2 BAX-PAPR-2 P2 ^ ^ - Full-face A(All classes) = Organic vapours, B AUS or B1 = Acid gasses, B2 = Acid gas or hydrogen cyanide(HCN), B3 = Acid gas or hydrogen cyanide(HCN), E = Sulfur dioxide(SO2), G = Agricultural chemicals, K = Ammonia(NH3), Hg = Mercury, NO = Oxides of nitrogen, MB = Methyl bromide, AX = Low boiling point organic compounds(below 65 degC) * CPI - Chemwatch Performance Index A: Best Selection B: Satisfactory; may degrade after 4 hours continuous immersion C: Poor to Dangerous Choice for other than short term immersion NOTE: As a series of factors will influence the actual performance of the glove, a final selection must be based on detailed observation. * Where the glove is to be used on a short term, casual or infrequent basis, factors such as "feel" or convenience (e.g. disposability), may dictate a choice of gloves which might otherwise be unsuitable following long-term or frequent use. A qualified practitioner should be consulted. SECTION 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Information on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance White/clear Physical state Gel Relative density 1.19 (Water = 1) Odour Not Available Partition coefficient Not Available n-octanol / water Odour threshold Not Available Auto-ignition Not Available temperature (°C) pH (as supplied) 1 Decomposition Not Available temperature Continued... Version No: 1.1 Melting point / Page 11 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip Print Date: 21/03/2015 Not Available Viscosity (cSt) Not Available freezing point (°C) Initial boiling point Not Available and boiling range (°C) Not Applicable Evaporation rate Flammability Taste Not Available Not Available Explosive properties Not Available Not Applicable Oxidising properties Not Available Not Available (%) Lower Explosive Limit Solubility in water Surface Tension Not Available (dyn/cm or mN/m) Not Available (%) Vapour pressure (kPa) Not Available (g/mol) Flash point (°C) Upper Explosive Limit Molecular weight Volatile Component Not Available (%vol) Not Available Partly miscible Gas group Not Available pH as a solution Not Available VOC g/L Not Available (g/L) Vapour density (Air = 1) Not Available SECTION 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Reactivity Chemical stability See section 7 Contact with alkaline material liberates heat Unstable in the presence of incompatible materials. Product is considered stable. Hazardous polymerisation will not occur. Possibility of hazardous reactions See section 7 Conditions to avoid See section 7 Incompatible materials See section 7 Hazardous decomposition products See section 5 SECTION 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Information on toxicological effects Inhalation of vapours or aerosols (mists, fumes), generated by the material during the course of normal handling, may be harmful. Evidence shows, or practical experience predicts, that the material produces irritation of the respiratory system, in a substantial number of individuals, following inhalation. In contrast to most organs, the lung is able to respond to a chemical insult by first removing or neutralising the irritant and then repairing the damage. The repair process, which initially evolved to protect mammalian lungs from foreign matter and antigens, may however, produce further lung damage resulting in the impairment of gas exchange, the primary function of the lungs. Respiratory tract irritation often results in an inflammatory response involving the recruitment and activation of many cell types, mainly derived from the vascular system. Inhaled Acidic corrosives produce respiratory tract irritation with coughing, choking and mucous membrane damage. Symptoms of exposure may include dizziness, headache, nausea and weakness. In more severe exposures, pulmonary oedema may be evident either immediately or after a latent period of 5-72 hours. Symptoms of pulmonary oedema include a tightness in the chest, dyspnoea, frothy sputum and cyanosis. Examination may reveal hypotension, a weak and rapid pulse and moist rates. Death, due to anoxia, may occur several hours after onset of the pulmonary oedema. Inhalation hazard is increased at higher temperatures. Inhalation of vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. This may be accompanied by narcosis, reduced alertness, loss of reflexes, lack of coordination and vertigo. Inhalation of quantities of liquid mist may be extremely hazardous, even lethal due to spasm, extreme irritation of larynx and bronchi, chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary oedema. Inhalation of benzyl alcohol may affect respiration (paralysis of the respiratory center, respiratory depression, gasping respirations), cardiovascular system (hypotension Excessive inhalation of formic acid vapours can produce coughing, difficulty in breathing , possible bronchitis, headache, and body weakness. However, the warning properties of formic acid minimize the chances of systemic effects occurring as a result of inhalation. Workers exposed to 15 ppm of a mixture of formic and acetic acid complained of nausea. Accidental ingestion of the material may be harmful; animal experiments indicate that ingestion of less than 150 gram may be fatal or may produce serious damage to the health of the individual. Ingestion Ingestion of acidic corrosives may produce circumoral burns with a distinct discolouration of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and oesophagus. Immediate pain and difficulties in swallowing and speaking may also be evident. Oedema of Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 12 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip the epiglottis may produce respiratory distress and possibly, asphyxia. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and a pronounced thirst may occur. More severe exposures may produce a vomitus containing fresh or dark blood and large shreds of mucosa. Shock, with marked hypotension, weak and rapid pulse, shallow respiration and clammy skin may be symptomatic of the exposure. Circulatory collapse may, if left untreated, result in renal failure. Severe cases may show gastric and oesophageal perforation with peritonitis, fever and abdominal rigidity. Stricture of the oesophageal, gastric and pyloric sphincter may occur as within several weeks or may be delayed for years. Death may be rapid and often results from asphyxia, circulatory collapse or aspiration of even minute amounts. Delayed deaths may be due to peritonitis, severe nephritis or pneumonia. Coma and convulsions may be terminal. Ingestion of large doses of benzyl alcohol may cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. It may affect behavior/central nervous system and cause headache, somnolence, excitement, dizziness, ataxia, coma, convulsions, and other symptoms of central nervous system depression. Exposure to excessive amounts of benzyl alcohol has been associated with toxicity (hypotension, metabolic acidosis), particularly in neonates, and an increased incidence of kernicterus (a neurological condition that occurs in severe jaundice), particularly in small preterm infants. There have been rare reports of deaths, primarily in preterm infants, associated with exposure to excessive amounts of benzyl alcohol. The amount of benzyl alcohol from medications is usually considered negligible compared to that received in flush solutions containing benzyl alcohol. Administration of high dosages of medications containing this preservative must take into account the total amount of benzyl alcohol administered. The amount of benzyl alcohol at which toxicity may occur is not known. If the patient requires more than the recommended dosages or other medications containing this preservative, the practitioner must consider the daily metabolic load of benzyl alcohol from these combined sources. Ingestion of formic acid causes acute local tissue damage with other effects ranging from nausea and dizziness to unconsciousness. Intentional ingestion is reported to produce salivation, vomiting (which may be bloody), a burning sensation in the mouth and pharynx, diarrhoea and severe pain. Circulatory collapse may follow, causing death. Formic acid might directly damage clotting factors leading to increases in haemorrhage and bleeding. It has an elimination half-life of 2.5 hours. Skin contact with acidic corrosives may result in pain and burns; these may be deep with distinct edges and may heal slowly with the formation of scar tissue. Skin contact is not thought to produce harmful health effects (as classified under EC Directives using animal models). Systemic harm, however, has been identified following exposure of animals by at least one other route and the material may still produce health damage following entry through wounds, lesions or abrasions. Good hygiene practice requires that exposure be kept to a minimum and that suitable gloves be used in an occupational setting. Skin Contact Toxic effects may result from skin absorption Open cuts, abraded or irritated skin should not be exposed to this material Entry into the blood-stream through, for example, cuts, abrasions, puncture wounds or lesions, may produce systemic injury with harmful effects. Examine the skin prior to the use of the material and ensure that any external damage is suitably protected. Skin contact with formic acid may cause irritation and burns with possible chronic effects from repeated exposures. A worker receiving splashes of hot formic acid to the face developed marked dyspnea with difficulty in swallowing, inability to speak and died 6 hours later. The liquid causes burns with vesiculation, and keloid scars may often develop at the site. It is not clear whether irritancy is due to acid effects or whether it is due to the fact that formic acid may react as an aldehyde. Eye When applied to the eye(s) of animals, the material produces severe ocular lesions which are present twenty-four hours or more after instillation. Direct eye contact with acid corrosives may produce pain, lachrymation, photophobia and burns. Mild burns of the epithelia generally recover rapidly and completely. Severe burns produce long-lasting and possible irreversible damage. The appearance of the burn may not be apparent for several weeks after the initial contact. The cornea may ultimately become deeply vascularised and opaque resulting in blindness. Eye contact with formic acid liquid or high vapour concentrations will produce irritation and conjunctivitis and may cause corneal burns Repeated or prolonged exposure to acids may result in the erosion of teeth, inflammatory and ulcerative changes in the mouth and necrosis (rarely) of the jaw. Bronchial irritation, with cough, and frequent attacks of bronchial pneumonia may ensue. Gastrointestinal disturbances may also occur. Chronic exposures may result in dermatitis and/or conjunctivitis. The impact of inhaled acidic agents on the respiratory tract depends upon a number of interrelated factors. These include physicochemical characteristics, e.g., gas versus aerosol; particle size (small particles can penetrate deeper into the lung); water solubility (more soluble agents are more likely to be removed in the nose and mouth). Given the general lack of information on the particle size of aerosols involved in occupational exposures to acids, it is difficult to identify their principal deposition site within the respiratory tract. Acid mists containing particIes with a diameter of up to a few micrometers will be deposited in both the upper and lower airways. They are irritating to mucous epithelia, they cause dental erosion, and they produce acute effects in the lungs (symptoms and changes in pulmonary function). AsthmatIcs appear to be at particular risk for pulmonary effects. Chronic On the basis, primarily, of animal experiments, concern has been expressed that the material may produce carcinogenic or mutagenic effects; in respect of the available information, however, there presently exists inadequate data for making a satisfactory assessment. Long-term exposure to respiratory irritants may result in disease of the airways involving difficult breathing and related systemic problems. Limited evidence suggests that repeated or long-term occupational exposure may produce cumulative health effects involving organs or biochemical systems. Allergic reactions to benzoic acid have been reported. Of 100 patients with asthma undergoing provocation tests with benzoic acid, 47 showed positive reactions. In another study, of 75 patients with recurrent urticaria (skin eruptions) and angio-oedema (a deep dermal condition characterised by large wheals) of more than 4 months duration, 44 were found to be sensitive to Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 13 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip sodium benzoate or p-hydroxybenzoic acid (paraben), alone or in conjunction with aspirin or azo- dyes, or both. In a further work there was no significant objective or subjective skin response to two 500-mg daily doses of benzoic acid or lactic acid in a double blind study of 150 dermatological patients Prolonged or repeated exposure to benzyl alcohol may cause allergic contact dermatitis. Prolonged or repeated ingestion may affect behavior/central nervous system with symptoms similar to acute ingestion. It may also affect the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and metabolism (weight loss). Animal studies have shown this compound to cause lung, liver, kidney and CNS disorders. Studies in animals have shown evidence of teratogenicity in the chick embryo. The significance of the information for humans is unknown. Benzyl alcohol showed no evidence of carcinogenic activity in long-term toxicology and carcinogenesis study. Chronic occupational exposures to formic acid may produce nausea and albumin or blood in the urine. CD77 Superstrip TOXICITY IRRITATION Not Available Not Available TOXICITY dermal (rat) LD50: >2000 mg/kg methylene chloride IRRITATION [1] Inhalation (rat) LC50: 76 mg/L/4H [2] Oral (rat) LD50: 985 mg/kg Eye(rabbit): 162 mg - moderate [2] Eye(rabbit): 500 mg/24hr - mild Skin (rabbit): 100mg/24hr-moderate Skin (rabbit): 810 mg/24hr-SEVERE TOXICITY IRRITATION dermal (rat) LD50: 1000000 ppm/90M benzyl alcohol Inhalation (rat) LC50: >4.178 mg/L/4h [2] Oral (rat) LD50: 1560 mg/kg [2] [2] IRRITATION Inhalation (mouse) LC50: 6.2 mg/L/15M Inhalation (rat) LC50: 15 mg/L/15mE [1] Oral (rat) LD50: 730 mg/kg Legend: Skin (man): 16 mg/48h-mild Skin (rabbit):10 mg/24h open-mild TOXICITY formic acid Eye (rabbit): 0.75 mg open SEVERE [2] [2] Eye (rabbit): 122 mg - SEVERE Skin (rabbit): 610 (open) - mild 1. Value obtained from Europe ECHA Registered Substances - Acute toxicity 2.* Value obtained from manufacturer's msds. Unless otherwise specified data extracted from RTECS - Register of Toxic Effect of chemical Substances Asthma-like symptoms may continue for months or even years after exposure to the material ceases. This may be due to a nonallergenic condition known as reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) which can occur following exposure to high levels of highly irritating compound. Key criteria for the diagnosis of RADS include the absence of preceding respiratory disease, in a nonatopic individual, with abrupt onset of persistent asthma-like symptoms within minutes to hours of a documented exposure to the irritant. A reversible airflow pattern, on spirometry, with the presence of moderate to severe bronchial hyperreactivity on methacholine challenge testing and the lack of minimal lymphocytic inflammation, without eosinophilia, have also been included in the criteria for diagnosis of RADS. RADS (or asthma) following an irritating inhalation is an infrequent disorder with rates related to the concentration of and duration of exposure to the irritating substance. Industrial bronchitis, on the other hand, is a disorder that occurs as result of exposure due to high concentrations of irritating substance (often particulate in nature) and is completely reversible after exposure ceases. The disorder is characterised by dyspnea, cough and mucus production. CD77 Superstrip No significant acute toxicological data identified in literature search. for acid mists, aerosols, vapours Data from assays for genotoxic activity in vitro suggest that eukaryotic cells are susceptible to genetic damage when the pH falls to about 6.5. Cells from the respiratory tract have not been examined in this respect. Mucous secretion may protect the cells of the airways from direct exposure to inhaled acidic mists, just as mucous plays an important role in protecting the gastric epithelium from its auto-secreted hydrochloric acid. ln considering whether pH itself induces genotoxic events in vivo in the respiratory system, comparison should be made with the human stomach, in which gastric juice may be at pH 1-2 under fasting or nocturnal conditions, and with the human urinary bladder, in which the pH of urine can range from <5 to > 7 and normally averages 6.2. Furthermore, exposures to low pH in vivo differ from exposures in vitro in that, in vivo, only a portion of the cell surface is subjected to the adverse conditions, so that perturbation of intracellular homeostasis may be maintained more readily than in vitro. The material may produce moderate eye irritation leading to inflammation. Repeated or prolonged exposure to irritants may produce conjunctivitis. The material may produce severe skin irritation after prolonged or repeated exposure, and may produce a contact dermatitis (nonallergic). This form of dermatitis is often characterised by skin redness (erythema) thickening of the epidermis. Histologically there may be intercellular oedema of the spongy layer (spongiosis) and intracellular oedema of the epidermis. Prolonged contact is unlikely, given the severity of response, but repeated exposures may produce severe Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 14 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip ulceration. For benzyl alkyl alcohols: Unlike benzylic alcohols, the beta-hydroxyl group of the members of this cluster is unlikely to undergo phase II metabolic activation. Instead, the beta-hydroxyl group is expected to contribute to detoxification via oxidation to hydrophilic acid. Despite structural similarity to carcinogenic ethyl benzene, only a marginal concern has been assigned to phenethyl alcohol due to limited mechanistic analogy. For benzoates: Acute toxicity: Benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid and its sodium and potassium salt can be considered as a single category regarding human health, as they are all rapidly metabolised and excreted via a common pathway within 24 hrs. Systemic toxic effects of similar nature (e.g. liver, kidney) were observed. However with benzoic acid and its salts toxic effects are seen at higher doses than with benzyl alcohol. The compounds exhibit low acute toxicity as for the oral and dermal route. The LD50 values are > 2000 mg/kg bw except for benzyl alcohol which needs to be considered as harmful by the oral route in view of an oral LD50 of 1610 mg/kg bw. The 4 hrs inhalation exposure of benzyl alcohol or benzoic acid at 4 and 12 mg/l as aerosol/dust respectively gave no mortality, showing low acute toxicity by inhalation for these compounds. Benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol are slightly irritating to the skin, while sodium benzoate was not skin irritating. No data are available for potassium benzoate but it is also expected not to be skin irritating. Benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol are irritating to the eye and sodium benzoate was only slightly irritating to the eye. No data are available for potassium benzoate but it is expected also to be only slightly irritating to the eye. Sensitisation: The available studies for benzoic acid gave no indication for a sensitising effect in animals, however occasionally very low positive reactions were recorded with humans (dermatological patients) in patch tests. The same occurs for sodium benzoate. It has been suggested that the very low positive reactions are non-immunologic contact urticaria. Benzyl alcohol gave positive and negative results in animals. Benzyl alcohol also demonstrated a maximum incidence of sensitization of only 1% in human patch testing. Over several decades no sensitization with these compounds has been seen among workers. Repeat dose toxicity: For benzoic acid repeated dose oral toxicity studies give a NOAEL of 800 mg/kg/day. For the salts values > 1000 mg/kg/day are obtained. At higher doses increased mortality, reduced weight gain, liver and kidney effects were observed. For benzyl alcohol the long-term studies indicate a NOAEL > 400 mg/kg bw/d for rats and > 200 mg/kg bw/d for mice. At higher doses effects on bodyweights, lesions in the brains, thymus, skeletal muscle and kidney were observed. It should be taken into account that administration in these studies was by gavage route, at which saturation of metabolic pathways is likely to occur. Mutagenicity: All chemicals showed no mutagenic activity in in vitro Ames tests. Various results were obtained with other in vitro genotoxicity assays. Sodium benzoate and benzyl alcohol showed no genotoxicity in vivo. While some mixed and/or equivocal in vitro chromosomal/chromatid responses have been observed, no genotoxicity was observed in the in vivo cytogenetic, micronucleus, or other assays. The weight of the evidence of the in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity data indicates that these chemicals are not mutagenic or clastogenic. They also are not carcinogenic in long-term carcinogenicity studies. In a 4-generation study with benzoic acid no effects on reproduction were seen (NOAEL: 750 mg/kg). No compound related effects on reproductive organs (gross and histopathology examination) could be found in the (sub) chronic studies in rats and mice with benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, sodium benzoate and supports a non-reprotoxic potential of these compounds. In addition, data from reprotoxicity studies on benzyl acetate (NOAEL >2000 mg/kg bw/d; rats and mice) and benzaldehyde (tested only up to 5 mg/kg bw; rats) support the non-reprotoxicity of benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid and its salts. Developmental toxicity: In rats for sodium benzoate dosed via food during the entire gestation developmental effects occurred only in the presence of marked maternal toxicity (reduced food intake and decreased body weight) (NOAEL = 1400 mg/kg bw). For hamster (NOEL: 300 mg/kg bw), rabbit (NOEL: 250 mg/kg bw) and mice (CD-1 mice, NOEL: 175 mg/kg bw) no higher doses (all by gavage) were tested and no maternal toxicity was observed. For benzyl alcohol: NOAEL= 550 mg/kg bw (gavage; CD-1 mice). LOAEL = 750 mg/kg bw (gavage mice). In this study maternal toxicity was observed e.g. increased mortality, reduced body weight and clinical toxicology. Benzyl acetate: NOEL = 500 mg/kg bw (gavage rats). No maternal toxicity was observed. The material may produce moderate eye irritation leading to inflammation. Repeated or prolonged exposure to irritants may produce conjunctivitis. The material may produce severe skin irritation after prolonged or repeated exposure, and may produce a contact dermatitis (nonallergic). This form of dermatitis is often characterised by skin redness (erythema) thickening of the epidermis. METHYLENE CHLORIDE Histologically there may be intercellular oedema of the spongy layer (spongiosis) and intracellular oedema of the epidermis. Prolonged contact is unlikely, given the severity of response, but repeated exposures may produce severe ulceration. WARNING: This substance has been classified by the IARC as Group 2B: Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans. Inhalation (human) TCLo: 500 ppm/ 1 y - I Eye(rabbit): 10 mg - mild The material may cause skin irritation after prolonged or repeated exposure and may produce a contact dermatitis (nonallergic). This form of dermatitis is often characterised by skin redness (erythema) and swelling the epidermis. BENZYL ALCOHOL Histologically there may be intercellular oedema of the spongy layer (spongiosis) and intracellular oedema of the epidermis. For benzyl alkyl alcohols: Unlike benzylic alcohols, the beta-hydroxyl group of the members of this cluster is unlikely to undergo phase II metabolic Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 15 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip activation. Instead, the beta-hydroxyl group is expected to contribute to detoxification via oxidation to hydrophilic acid. Despite structural similarity to carcinogenic ethyl benzene, only a marginal concern has been assigned to phenethyl alcohol due to limited mechanistic analogy. For benzoates: Acute toxicity: Benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid and its sodium and potassium salt can be considered as a single category regarding human health, as they are all rapidly metabolised and excreted via a common pathway within 24 hrs. Systemic toxic effects of similar nature (e.g. liver, kidney) were observed. However with benzoic acid and its salts toxic effects are seen at higher doses than with benzyl alcohol. The compounds exhibit low acute toxicity as for the oral and dermal route. The LD50 values are > 2000 mg/kg bw except for benzyl alcohol which needs to be considered as harmful by the oral route in view of an oral LD50 of 1610 mg/kg bw. The 4 hrs inhalation exposure of benzyl alcohol or benzoic acid at 4 and 12 mg/l as aerosol/dust respectively gave no mortality, showing low acute toxicity by inhalation for these compounds. Benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol are slightly irritating to the skin, while sodium benzoate was not skin irritating. No data are available for potassium benzoate but it is also expected not to be skin irritating. Benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol are irritating to the eye and sodium benzoate was only slightly irritating to the eye. No data are available for potassium benzoate but it is expected also to be only slightly irritating to the eye. Sensitisation: The available studies for benzoic acid gave no indication for a sensitising effect in animals, however occasionally very low positive reactions were recorded with humans (dermatological patients) in patch tests. The same occurs for sodium benzoate. It has been suggested that the very low positive reactions are non-immunologic contact urticaria. Benzyl alcohol gave positive and negative results in animals. Benzyl alcohol also demonstrated a maximum incidence of sensitization of only 1% in human patch testing. Over several decades no sensitization with these compounds has been seen among workers. Repeat dose toxicity: For benzoic acid repeated dose oral toxicity studies give a NOAEL of 800 mg/kg/day. For the salts values > 1000 mg/kg/day are obtained. At higher doses increased mortality, reduced weight gain, liver and kidney effects were observed. For benzyl alcohol the long-term studies indicate a NOAEL > 400 mg/kg bw/d for rats and > 200 mg/kg bw/d for mice. At higher doses effects on bodyweights, lesions in the brains, thymus, skeletal muscle and kidney were observed. It should be taken into account that administration in these studies was by gavage route, at which saturation of metabolic pathways is likely to occur. Mutagenicity: All chemicals showed no mutagenic activity in in vitro Ames tests. Various results were obtained with other in vitro genotoxicity assays. Sodium benzoate and benzyl alcohol showed no genotoxicity in vivo. While some mixed and/or equivocal in vitro chromosomal/chromatid responses have been observed, no genotoxicity was observed in the in vivo cytogenetic, micronucleus, or other assays. The weight of the evidence of the in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity data indicates that these chemicals are not mutagenic or clastogenic. They also are not carcinogenic in long-term carcinogenicity studies. In a 4-generation study with benzoic acid no effects on reproduction were seen (NOAEL: 750 mg/kg). No compound related effects on reproductive organs (gross and histopathology examination) could be found in the (sub) chronic studies in rats and mice with benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, sodium benzoate and supports a non-reprotoxic potential of these compounds. In addition, data from reprotoxicity studies on benzyl acetate (NOAEL >2000 mg/kg bw/d; rats and mice) and benzaldehyde (tested only up to 5 mg/kg bw; rats) support the non-reprotoxicity of benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid and its salts. Developmental toxicity: In rats for sodium benzoate dosed via food during the entire gestation developmental effects occurred only in the presence of marked maternal toxicity (reduced food intake and decreased body weight) (NOAEL = 1400 mg/kg bw). For hamster (NOEL: 300 mg/kg bw), rabbit (NOEL: 250 mg/kg bw) and mice (CD-1 mice, NOEL: 175 mg/kg bw) no higher doses (all by gavage) were tested and no maternal toxicity was observed. For benzyl alcohol: NOAEL= 550 mg/kg bw (gavage; CD-1 mice). LOAEL = 750 mg/kg bw (gavage mice). In this study maternal toxicity was observed e.g. increased mortality, reduced body weight and clinical toxicology. Benzyl acetate: NOEL = 500 mg/kg bw (gavage rats). No maternal toxicity was observed. No significant acute toxicological data identified in literature search. for acid mists, aerosols, vapours Data from assays for genotoxic activity in vitro suggest that eukaryotic cells are susceptible to genetic damage when the pH falls to about 6.5. Cells from the respiratory tract have not been examined in this respect. Mucous secretion may protect the cells of the airways from direct exposure to inhaled acidic mists, just as mucous plays an important role in protecting the gastric epithelium from its auto-secreted hydrochloric acid. ln considering whether pH itself induces genotoxic events in vivo in the respiratory system, comparison should be made with the human stomach, in which gastric juice may be at pH 1-2 under fasting or nocturnal conditions, and with the human urinary bladder, in which the pH of urine can range from <5 to > 7 and normally averages 6.2. Furthermore, exposures to low pH in vivo differ from exposures in vitro in that, in vivo, only a portion of the cell surface is subjected to the adverse conditions, so that perturbation of intracellular homeostasis may be maintained more readily than in vitro. FORMIC ACID The material may produce severe irritation to the eye causing pronounced inflammation. Repeated or prolonged exposure to irritants may produce conjunctivitis. The material may cause skin irritation after prolonged or repeated exposure and may produce a contact dermatitis (nonallergic). This form of dermatitis is often characterised by skin redness (erythema) and swelling epidermis. Histologically there may be intercellular oedema of the spongy layer (spongiosis) and intracellular oedema of the epidermis. Asthma-like symptoms may continue for months or even years after exposure to the material ceases. This may be due to a nonallergenic condition known as reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) which can occur following exposure to high levels of highly irritating compound. Key criteria for the diagnosis of RADS include the absence of Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 16 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip preceding respiratory disease, in a non-atopic individual, with abrupt onset of persistent asthma-like symptoms within minutes to hours of a documented exposure to the irritant. A reversible airflow pattern, on spirometry, with the presence of moderate to severe bronchial hyperreactivity on methacholine challenge testing and the lack of minimal lymphocytic inflammation, without eosinophilia, have also been included in the criteria for diagnosis of RADS. RADS (or asthma) following an irritating inhalation is an infrequent disorder with rates related to the concentration of and duration of exposure to the irritating substance. Industrial bronchitis, on the other hand, is a disorder that occurs as result of exposure due to high concentrations of irritating substance (often particulate in nature) and is completely reversible after exposure ceases. The disorder is characterised by dyspnea, cough and mucus production. Acute Toxicity Carcinogenicity Skin Irritation/Corrosion Reproductivity Serious Eye Damage/Irritation STOT - Single Exposure Respiratory or Skin STOT - Repeated sensitisation Exposure Mutagenicity Aspiration Hazard – Data required to make classification available – Data available but does not fill the criteria for classification – Data Not Available to make classification Legend: CMR STATUS REPROTOXIN methylene chloride ILO Chemicals in the electronics industry that have toxic effects on reproduction CARCINOGEN methylene chloride Australia Exposure Standards - Carcinogens SKIN methylene chloride 3 Australia Exposure Standards - Skin Sk SECTION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Toxicity NOT AVAILABLE Ingredient Endpoint Test Duration Effect Value Species BCF methylene chloride Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available benzyl alcohol Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available formic acid Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Do NOT allow product to come in contact with surface waters or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when cleaning equipment or disposing of equipment wash-waters. Wastes resulting from use of the product must be disposed of on site or at approved waste sites. Ecotoxicity: The tolerance of water organisms towards pH margin and variation is diverse. Recommended pH values for test species listed in OECD guidelines are between 6.0 and almost 9. Acute testing with fish showed 96h-LC50 at about pH 3.5 For methylene chloride: log Kow: 1.25 log Koc: 1.68 log Kom: 1.44 Henry's atm m3 /mol: 2.68E-03 BCF: 5 Environmental fate: Methylene chloride is a volatile liquid,and tends to volatilise to the atmosphere from water and soil. The half-life of methylene chloride volatilisation from water has been found to be 21 minutes under experimental conditions but actual volatilisation from natural waters will depend on the rate of mixing, wind speed, temperature, and other factors. The Henry's law constant value (H) of 0.002 atm/m3/mol indicates that methylene chloride will volatilise rapidly from moist soil and water surfaces. Methylene chloride is not strongly sorbed to soils or sediments Based on its low soil organic carbon partitioning coefficient (Koc) of 25, methylene chloride is likely to be very highly mobile in soils and may be expected to leach from soils into groundwater. Based on a reported log octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow) of 1.3 an estimated bioconcentration factor (BCF) of 2.3 was derived. There is no evidence of biomagnification, but because the estimated BCF is low, significant biomagnification of methylene chloride in aquatic food chains is not expected. Air: The main degradation pathway for methylene chloride in air is its reaction with photochemically generated hydroxyl radicals. Thus, the atmospheric lifetime of methylene chloride may be predicted from the hydroxyl radical concentration in air and the rate of reaction. Most reported rates for hydroxyl radical reaction with methylene chloride range from 1.0 x10-13 to 1.5 x10-13 cm3/mol/sec, and estimates of average atmospheric hydroxyl radical concentration range from 2.5 x10+5 to 1x10+6 mol/cm3 Using this information, an average atmospheric lifetime for methylene chloride may be Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 17 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip calculated to be 130 days. Because this degradation pathway is relatively slow, methylene chloride may become widely dispersed but is not likely to accumulate in the atmosphere. The small amount of methylene chloride which reaches the stratosphere (about 1%) may undergo direct photolytic degradation; however, photolysis in the troposphere is not expected. Reactions of methylene chloride with ozone or other common atmospheric species (e.g., oxygen atoms, chlorine atoms, and nitrate radicals) are not believed to contribute to its breakdown. Water: Methylene chloride undergoes slow hydrolysis in water. The experimental half-life reported for the hydrolysis reaction, at neutral conditions, is approximately 18 months at 25 C . However, the rate of reaction varies greatly with changes in temperature and pH. A hydrolytic half-life of 14 days was reported for methylene chloride in acidic solutions at 80-150 C. This experimental value, when extrapolated to 25 C, is about 700 years. Different mechanisms of hydrolyses may be responsible for these two widely different values. Both aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation may be an important fate process for methylene chloride in water. Methylene chloride has been observed to undergo degradation at a rapid rate under aerobic conditions. Reported total methylene chloride loss was 100% after 7 days in a static culture flask biodegradability screening test. Sediment and Soil: The rate of biodegradation was found to be dependent on soil type, substrate concentration, and redox state of the soil. Methylene chloride biodegradation has been reported to occur under both aerobic conditions and anaerobic conditions. The biodegradation of methylene chloride appears to be accelerated by the presence of elevated levels of organic carbon. Methylene chloride has a low tendency to absorb to soil; therefore, there is a potential for leaching to groundwater. Also, because of the high vapor pressure, volatilisation to air is also a likely fate process from dry soil. Its high Henry’s law constant (0.002 atm/m3/mol) indicates that volatilization from moist soil is also likely. Drinking Water Standards: hydrocarbon total: 10 ug/l (UK max.). For benzyl alkyl alcohols: All of the cluster members are liquids under standard temperature and pressure conditions. The log of the octanol/water partition coefficients range from 1.36 to 2.06 and vapor pressures lie within a narrow range of approximately 0.01 to 0.1 hPa at room temperature. Water solubilities exceed 5x10+3 mg/L for the members of this cluster. Environmental fate: The cluster members are expected to have high mobility in soil based on estimated soil partition coefficients. Volatilization of the cluster members is considered low based on measured Henry’s Law constants for two members. The estimated rates of atmospheric photooxidation are considered moderate. The rate of hydrolysis for all cluster members is considered negligible, but there is a potential for some of the members to undergo photolysis. The cluster members are expected to biodegrade rapidly under aerobic conditions in the environment based on the results of ready biodegradability tests. Fugacity modeling indicates that all members of this cluster are anticipated to partition primarily to soil, secondarily to water, and very slightly to air. Overall, the cluster members are expected to have low persistence in the environment. Bioaccumulation potential is expected to be low based on estimated bioconcentration factors. Ecotoxicity: Evaluation of the available experimental and estimated aquatic toxicity data for fish, daphnia, and green algae indicate that the potential acute hazard is low. The potential chronic hazard is expected to be low for fish and algae for all cluster members. However, a moderate hazard is predicted for daphnia for the cluster members with slightly higher molecular weights and octanol-water partition coefficients. For benzoates: The ultimate environmental characteristics for benzoates may be determined by the properties of counter-ions. The description below assumes these to be nontoxic. Environmental Exposure and Fate Distribution modelling using Mackay Level III (the EPA default: equal releases (10,000 kg/hr) and equal distribution to all compartments was used) indicates water (34.8-50%) and soil (48.4-64.2%) to be the main compartment for benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid, sodium and potassium benzoates. None are expected to volatilise to the atmosphere (< 1.51%), nor to adsorb to sediment (< 0.09 %). However physical chemical properties and use patterns indicate water to be the main compartment for these substances. Based on structure and organic chemistry rules (e.g. bonding in organic molecules, activation energy, reactivity, transformations, addition, substitution, elimination) no hydrolysis is expected at pH ranges of 4 - 11. The calculated photodegradation for benzyl alcohol and the benzoates are 50% after 1.3 to 3 days , and the measured photodegradation for benzoic acid is 90% after 140 minutes . Biodegradation and Bioaccumulation: This family of substances is readily biodegradable (> 90% after 28 days) both aerobically and anaerobically (Benzoic acid is used as positive control in OECD Guideline for ready biodegradability testing). From the results of numerous removal experiments the main elimination pathway for the chemicals is biotic mineralisation. The octanol/water partition coefficient of all compounds indicates a low potential for bioaccumulation. This is also supported by the rapid biotransformation and/or excretion of these compounds in urine in mammals. Ecotoxicity: From the data (fish, daphnia, algae, bacteria) it is obvious that neutralisation of the pH greatly reduces (up to one order of magnitude) the acute toxicity of benzoic acid. This is also supported by the lower toxicity observed with sodium benzoate. Under environmental relevant conditions therefore the acute toxicity of benzoic acid, sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate for all four trophic levels is > 100 mg/l. Under environmental relevant conditions the acute toxicity of benzyl alcohol for fish, daphnia and bacteria is > 100 mg/l. For algae, an EC 50 3 hrs of 95 mg/l is reported. Under environmental relevant conditions, benzoic acid and its salts have very low acute toxicity, whereas benzyl alcohol has low to moderate acute toxicity. For benzyl alcohol: log Kow : 1.1 Koc : <5 Henry's atm m3 /mol: 3.91E-07 BOD 5: 1.55-1.6,33-62% COD : 96% ThOD : 2.519 BCF : 4 Bioaccumulation : not significant Anaerobic effects : significant degradation Effects on algae and plankton: inhibits degradation of glucose Degradation Biological: significant processes Abiotic: RxnOH*,no photochem Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 18 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip Ecotoxicity Fish LC50 (48 h): fathead minnow 770 mg/l; (72 h): 480 mg/l; (96 h) 460 mg/l Fish LC50 (96 h) fathead minnow 10 ppm, bluegill sunfish 15 ppm; tidewater silverside fish 15 ppm Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise. Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are less toxic than the product itself. Prevent, by any means available, spillage from entering drains or water courses. for formic acid (and formates) In the atmosphere, formic acid reacts with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals (half-life 34 days). Formic acid is highly soluble in water, it is non-persistent (half-life 2-20 days). Leaches into some soils where it is expected to be biodegradable. Does not concentrate in food chain DO NOT discharge into sewer or waterways. Persistence and degradability Ingredient Persistence: Water/Soil Persistence: Air methylene chloride LOW (Half-life = 56 days) HIGH (Half-life = 191 days) benzyl alcohol LOW LOW formic acid LOW (Half-life = 14 days) LOW (Half-life = 55.46 days) Bioaccumulative potential Ingredient Bioaccumulation methylene chloride LOW (BCF = 40) benzyl alcohol LOW (LogKOW = 1.1) formic acid LOW (BCF = 22) Mobility in soil Ingredient Mobility methylene chloride LOW (KOC = 23.74) benzyl alcohol LOW (KOC = 15.66) formic acid HIGH (KOC = 1) SECTION 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste treatment methods Containers may still present a chemical hazard/ danger when empty. Return to supplier for reuse/ recycling if possible. Otherwise: If container can not be cleaned sufficiently well to ensure that residuals do not remain or if the container cannot be used to store the same product, then puncture containers, to prevent re-use, and bury at an authorised landfill. Where possible retain label warnings and MSDS and observe all notices pertaining to the product. DO NOT allow wash water from cleaning or process equipment to enter drains. It may be necessary to collect all wash water for treatment before disposal. In all cases disposal to sewer may be subject to local laws and regulations and these should be considered first. Where in doubt contact the responsible authority. Recycle wherever possible. Consult manufacturer for recycling options or consult local or regional waste management authority for disposal if no suitable treatment or disposal facility can be identified. Treat and neutralise at an approved treatment plant. Treatment should involve: Neutralisation with soda-ash or soda-lime followed by: burial in a land-fill specifically licenced to accept chemical and / or pharmaceutical wastes or Incineration in a licenced apparatus (after admixture with suitable combustible material). Decontaminate empty containers with 5% aqueous sodium hydroxide or soda ash, followed by water. Observe all label Product / Packaging disposal safeguards until containers are cleaned and destroyed. SECTION 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION Labels Required Marine Pollutant NO Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 19 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 Print Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip HAZCHEM 2XE Land transport (ADG) UN number Packing group UN proper shipping name Environmental hazard 2927 II TOXIC LIQUID, CORROSIVE, ORGANIC, N.O.S. (contains methylene chloride) No relevant data Class Transport hazard class(es) Subrisk 6.1 8 Special provisions Special precautions for user 274 Limited quantity 100 ml Air transport (ICAO-IATA / DGR) UN number Packing group UN proper shipping name Environmental hazard 2927 II Toxic liquid, corrosive, organic, n.o.s. * (contains methylene chloride) No relevant data Transport hazard class(es) Special precautions for user ICAO/IATA Class 6.1 ICAO / IATA Subrisk 8 ERG Code 6C Special provisions A4A137 Cargo Only Packing Instructions 660 Cargo Only Maximum Qty / Pack 30 L Passenger and Cargo Packing Instructions 653 Passenger and Cargo Maximum Qty / Pack 1L Passenger and Cargo Limited Quantity Packing Instructions Y640 Passenger and Cargo Limited Maximum Qty / Pack 0.5 L Sea transport (IMDG-Code / GGVSee) UN number Packing group UN proper shipping name 2927 II TOXIC LIQUID, CORROSIVE, ORGANIC, N.O.S. (contains methylene chloride) Environmental hazard Not Applicable Transport hazard IMDG Class 6.1 IMDG Subrisk 8 class(es) Special precautions for user EMS Number F-A , S-B Special provisions 274 Limited Quantities 100 mL Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73 / 78 and the IBC code Source Ingredient Pollution Category IMO MARPOL 73/78 (Annex II) - List of Noxious Liquid Substances Carried in Bulk methylene chloride Y benzyl alcohol Y IMO MARPOL 73/78 (Annex II) - List of Continued... Version No: 1.1 Page 20 of 20 Issue Date: 21/03/2015 CD77 Superstrip Print Date: 21/03/2015 Noxious Liquid Substances Carried in Bulk IMO MARPOL 73/78 (Annex II) - List of Noxious Liquid Substances Carried in Bulk formic acid Y; Z SECTION 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION Safety, health and environmental regulations / legislation specific for the substance or mixture methylene chloride(75-09-2) is found on the following regulatory lists benzyl alcohol(100-516) is found on the following regulatory lists "Australia Exposure Standards","Australia Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)","International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs","Australia Hazardous Substances Information System - Consolidated Lists" "Australia Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)","Australia Hazardous Substances Information System - Consolidated Lists" formic acid(64-18-6) is found on the following regulatory lists "Australia Exposure Standards","Australia Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)","Australia Hazardous Substances Information System - Consolidated Lists" National Inventory Status Australia - AICS Y Canada - DSL Y China - IECSC Y Europe - EINEC / ELINCS / NLP Y Japan - ENCS Y Korea - KECI Y New Zealand - NZIoC Y Philippines - PICCS Y USA - TSCA Y Legend: Y = All ingredients are on the inventory N = Not determined or one or more ingredients are not on the inventory and are not exempt from listing(see specific ingredients in brackets) SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION Other information Classification of the preparation and its individual components has drawn on official and authoritative sources as well as independent review by the Chemwatch Classification committee using available literature references. A list of reference resources used to assist the committee may be found at: The (M)SDS is a Hazard Communication tool and should be used to assist in the Risk Assessment. Many factors determine whether the reported Hazards are Risks in the workplace or other settings. Risks may be determined by reference to Exposures Scenarios. Scale of use, frequency of use and current or available engineering controls must be considered. This document is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, review or criticism, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from CHEMWATCH. TEL (+61 3) 9572 4700. end of SDS
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