Spring Message Nova Scotia Provincial Council May 2015 One Heart, One Voice, One Mission He is risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Spring has finally arrived. As the Easter Season concludes and we prepare for the Ascension of Jesus, let us lift up our eyes to Heaven and envision this great event of Jesus' time with the apostles after the resurrection. Upcoming Events: 67th Nova Scotia Provincial Convention: St. Joseph’s CWL, Kentville, N.S. – June 5, 6, 7, 2015 CWL Retreat - Our Lady of Grace Monastery, Antigonish County, NS June 20, 2015 95th National Convention – Vancouver, British Columbia – August 16 to 19, 2015 Hfx-Yarmouth Diocesan General Meeting – Immaculate Conception Parish, Truro, NS – Sept 26, 2015 Nova Scotia Provincial Executive Meeting – Friday, November 13, 2015, and Saturday, November 14, 2015 – venue to be determined Hfx-Yarmouth CWL Diocesan Retreat – St. Clement’s Parish, Dartmouth, NS – Nov. 21, 2015 Annual Report Forms Survey – Request for Input With spring, two diocesan conventions were held in both Halifax-Yarmouth and Antigonish Dioceses. It was a time to share faith through the wonderful spiritual programs and liturgies. I attended the Antigonish Diocesan Convention in April and the Halifax-Yarmouth Diocesan Convention in May. Both conventions have provided me with hope and enthusiasm that our members are truly dedicated and provide much needed support within their parish communities and beyond. The high level of commitment continues to inspire me. My appreciation is extended to Holy Rosary Parish Council in Amherst and St. John the Baptist Parish Council in New Glasgow on hosting these two Diocesan events. On June 5, 6, and 7, 2015, we will celebrate the 90th anniversary of St. Joseph’s Council in Kentville in conjunction with our 67th Nova Scotia Provincial Convention. The Call to Convention and accompanying information has been added to the Nova Scotia Provincial Website at www.cwl.ns.ca. Margaret Ann Jacobs, National President Elect/Organization Standing Committee Chairperson, will be attending our convention as Theme Development Speaker. St. Joseph’s Catholic Women’s League and our Provincial Executive are busy finalizing plans. I encourage all members to attend. We know that the Annapolis Valley setting will be beautiful and extraordinary. Our members at St. Joseph’s are eager to make your experience enjoyable and memorable. Please help us celebrate with them. Upon registration you will be asked to select a prayer partner for convention. Just as Mary and Elizabeth greeted each other in hospitality, take time to seek out and welcome your prayer partner. On Saturday, March 7, 2015, I attended St. Rose of Lima’s 50th anniversary in Fall River. In their finery, with hats of the 60’s for their charter members and fascinators for their current executive, the excerpts from their minutes of 1965 proved to be uplifting and enjoyable. Membership dues in 1965 were $1.60. An atmosphere of joy and celebration with beautiful music, support from the Knights of Columbus, and a deep sense of accomplishment and pride among its members – this beautiful backdrop was truly befitting of their commitment to God and Canada. Congratulations to all members of St. Rose of Lima and their Charter Members who received their 50-year pin and all those who were recognized. On Sunday, March 8, 2015, I attended the installation of officers at Our Lady of Assumption Parish in Arichat (Isle Madame). Their Church is steeped in history. Established in 1844, the Church was the original seat of the Diocese of Antigonish. With the closure of St. Hyacinth’s Parish in D’Escousse and Immaculate Conception in West Arichat, two councils remain on this tiny island (the birthplace of my ancestors), Our Lady of Assumption and St. Joseph’s in Petit de Grat. They are indeed committed to uphold the Catholic Women’s League presence in their respective communities. I commend the spirit of these ladies! Our Provincial website (www.cwl.ns.ca) is filled with lots of interesting information. Please share with members who do not have Internet. From spirituality, communication, social justice issues, your Provincial Executive Members are sharing a smorgasbord of initiatives for your council to pursue. They have been diligent to share their ideas and our vision with you. I encourage councils to try one different activity at your monthly meetings. Try new ideas and evaluate their success. Encourage new ideas from your younger members and follow through. Don’t forget to pray for your prayer partner. The winter edition of the League magazine (with a centre folded cardstock) included the name of a CWL member. It was enlightening to hear that one member of my own council received the name of another member within our Council. Elaine was ecstatic at this extraordinary coincidence. I look forward to seeing you at the Provincial Convention. May you have safe travels and pleasant memories to share with your councils upon your return. God’s blessing upon you! Joan Bona
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