Nebraska Airboaters Association, Inc. “Uniting to Preserve Our River Rights” Winter 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE… •Letter from Corp. of Engineers •Labor Day Weekend •Annual Meeting Info •And MORE! •Nir Built Airboats •New Boat Safety Graduates 2013 NAA Membership Application (A CHEAP PRICE TO PAY TO PRESERVE YOUR BOATING RIGHTS.) THE TREASURER WILL MAIL YOUR CARD AFTER THE APPLICATION IS PROCESSED. q Annual Membership = $25 q Is this a New Membership? q Is this a Renewal Membership? Date q Lifetime Membership = $325 Date of Birth MAIL TO: Nebraska Airboaters Assn. P.O. Box 104 Schuyler, NE 68661 Name Address q Save the NAA postage and City State Zip Code Email Phone Number Alternate Phone Number q q q q email my newsletter to me at the email address on left. I do not need a printed issue. I currently own an Airboat. I DO NOT own an Airboat. I want a Membership Card. I do not need a Membership Card. Please cut out this membership form and mail it to NEBRASKA AIRBOATERS ASSOCIATION, P.O. Box 104, Schuyler, NE 68661 DO WE HAVE YOUR CORRECT ADDRESS? Each mailing, the association receives several newsletters back due to old addresses and expired forwarding orders. PLEASE let your director know or contact your secretary, Diane Arps, to report your new address. Her email address is [email protected], and her phone number is 402-641-6402. Please save the association the expense of mailing your newsletter TWICE! If you know of someone who is NOT receiving their newsletter, please let us know that as well! RiverTalk is a publication produced on behalf of the Nebraska Airboaters Association, Inc., by: Publication Printing of Nebraska, Inc. 208 Third Street, P.O. Box 130 Waterloo, NE 68069 Phone (402) 779-4696 Email [email protected] Layout, design and production by Publication Printing of Nebraska, Inc., on behalf of the Nebraska Airboaters Association, Inc. Copyright 2013, All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, reprinted or transmitted or stored in any form or medium, or by any means, now known or later discovered, whether digital, electronic, mechanical (including, but not limited to photocopying and recording) or otherwise, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without express prior permission in writing from the Nebraska Airboaters Association, Inc. Listings and events in this publication are based on information provided to the publisher by the deadline. While efforts have been taken in the preparation of this publication to assure its accuracy, neither the Nebraska Airboaters Association, Inc., or Publication Printing of Nebraska, Inc., assume any liability for errors in, changes to, or omissions from, this publication or from the use of the information contained herein or from any damages (whether direct or indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary) resulting therefrom or in connection therewith. 2 News Articles & Photos are Needed! If you like receiving the RiverTalk, we need YOUR help in getting the news to our members. If you have photos or a story that you would like to share with our members, please email to [email protected] or directly to our printer at [email protected]. Please put NAA Story/Photo in the subject line so it will get our attention! RiverTalk • www.AirboatN Event Calendar DATE TIME Tuesday, December 31, 2013 Saturday, February 1, 2014 EVENT Annual Dues must be turned in. 2:00 p.m. Annual Meeting - Ameristar Casino in Council Bluffs, Iowa And the Water Returns! by Jake Kroeger This photo was taken by Kim Wolfe in the Husker Helicopter on September 28th around 2pm at the Duncan bridge. The following day my son Matt and I boated to the Columbus bridge. The river was high and moving very fast. The water had an unusually brown tint to it but was clear and cold. It was an interesting trip and was good to see the water return to the dry riverbed. Cover photo captured by Kim Wolfe Letter from Corp. of Engineers River Work East of Schuyler Mr. Kroeger, As we discussed about the 404 Permitting and activities associated with filling in “Waters of the U.S.” (e.g. wetlands, rivers, streams) that your Boater Association might find helpful: Clean Water Act, Nebraska 404 Permitting Information: Missions/RegulatoryProgram/Nebraska.aspx Permit Application: http://www. RegulatoryProgramandPermits/ObtainaPermit. aspx Typical Nationwide permits are available for activities associated with river properties for development (temporary and permanent structures), bank stabilization, boat ramps, docks, boat parking areas, cleared areas for recreation, duck blinds, excavated ponds for hunting and habitat, and access roads /culverts. Also any work on or adjacent to the Platte River requires preconstruction notification for Nationwide Permits. So it is best to contact our office to discuss your preliminary plans that may impact or fill “Waters of the U.S.” Side note: Trees cleared on the property placed in wetlands or the river are considered fill and will require a permit. Please refer any pre-application meetings or requests to: Mr. John Moeschen Nebraska State Program Manager 8901 South 154th Street, Suite 1 Omaha, NE 68138 402-896-0896 RiverTalk • 3 2013-14 Board of Directors Tim Noonan, President........................ Schuyler............... (402) 352-5180 Jay Kern, Vice President..................... Cedar Bluffs......... (402) 510-2600 Diane Arps, Secretary/Treasurer..................................... (402) 352-3045 Dean Allas............................................ Memphis............... (402) 690-1884 Cory Bennett........................................ Yutan.....................(402) 658-2181 Mike Cronican...................................... Memphis................(402) 677-7076 Virgil Crumley..................................... Monroe................. (402) 495-3195 Dan Czarnecki..................................... Elhorn Valley....... (402) 933-9654 Mike Denny.......................................... Valley.................... (402) 320-5108 Derick Englebart................................. West Point............ (402) 380-0182 Randy Fetrow....................................... Columbus............. (402) 563-4134 Gary Greving....................................... Western Area....... (308) 986-2337 Nick Hansen......................................... Valley.................... (402) 720-4882 Jerry Hanson....................................... North Bend...........(402) 562-1101 Bob Herring.......................................... Leshara.................(402) 670-7623 Charles Hurley..................................... Fremont.................(402) 727-6752 Jim Kantor........................................... Louisville............. (402) 253-8283 Mark Kreikemeier............................... West Point............ (402) 380-1183 Nir Levin.............................................. Yutan.....................(402) 480-1631 Jeff Lewis............................................. Columbus............. (308) 550-0724 Darren Lindgren.................................. Norfolk..................(402) 720-1194 Jim Marvin.......................................... Louisville............. (402) 333-2164 Tom Poehling....................................... Niobrara............... (402) 589-1622 Mike Pokorny....................................... Schuyler................(402) 430-1104 Roger Reed........................................... Monroe................. (402) 495-2034 Wade Schaferman................................ Fremont................ (402) 720-9439 Richard Schank................................... Western Area....... (308) 940-0753 Matt Shaw............................................ North Bend.......... (402) 652-3487 Don Shunk............................................ Leshara................ (402) 515-6034 Darrell Starks...................................... Elkhorn River...... (402) 677-5638 Jason Thiesen....................................... Cedar Bluffs..........(402) 720-7757 Mark Ulferts........................................ Grand Island........ (308) 536-2854 Paul Ulferts.......................................... Grand Island........ (308) 536-2865 If you have any issues or concerns, please call your local director and we will discuss those issues at our next directors’ meeting. Guess Who?! Letter from the President Well it is that time of year when the weather turns cold and the nights become shorter, I guess they call it old man winter. Hard to believe another summer has passed but it was a good one and I can report with only one or two minor accidents that I know of. It is easy being the president of such a great organization with great people involved. I have to say at this time our organization will have some very big shoes to fill as our secretary/treasure. Diane Arps is stepping down to devote herself and time to being a grandma and finally getting to enjoy the airboat convention instead of having to do a lot of the work behind the scenes without the recognition, she will be greatly missed and we as a organization owe her a huge thank you for all the years of service, and at this time we do not have a replacement so if anyone is interested please contact your Director or myself for further details. I know people are busy with their personal lives, but this is a great chance for someone to step up and take a turn in helping lead one of the best organizations in the country and have fun at the same time. As far as Jay and myself, we are giving it at least one more year and we will see what happens down the road. Also I would like to thank Mark Kreikemeier and his wife for all the years of running the ticket raffle and sad to report that this will be their last year as well, and we will need someone to step up to the plate here as well. Our big fundraiser is coming up and hope all have received their tickets in the mail for our gun raffle, which Jerry Hansen and Matt Shaw did a great job picking up guns from guns for fun which is owned and operated by fellow member Ron Schindler who helps defray our cost. The big day for the air boater’s convention is Feb. 1st at the Ameristar at 2:00 pm. We will have the big room from 10am-10pm so we will not be rushed like last year. The bar bill is higher than most years, but we should be able to cover it this year, drinks will be around $4.00 so we do not need to tip the bartenders. One big thing this year is that under any circumstances no one can bring any food or chips into the establishment, and we could receive a fine, which is determined by the folks at Ameristar. I know people will hear this and complain, but our hands are tied on this matter, but at the last board meeting, it was decided that the air boaters association will spend $2,000 for food at the annual meeting, not sure what it will be at this time. Please take time to try and get donations for this event and yes we will have Bingo after the meeting in the big room, so any type of donation would be greatly appreciated. In closing I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a happy new year and everyone’s family is healthy and well, look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting, and if you see or know of someone who is air boating and is not a member, try to convince them to join it is well worth the money! Also please sell your tickets as this is our only fundraiser for the year and there are a lot of good prizes on the raffle. Safe travels to all this holiday season.. Thank you! Tim Noonan Nebraska Airboaters Association President (Left to Right) NAA President Tim Noonan, his wife Shelly, sons Aaron Eilers and Zach Noonan. 4 RiverTalk • www.AirboatN NAA Meeting Minutes OCTOBER 13, 2013 DECEMBER 8, 2013 President Tim Noonan called the October 13, 2013 meeting to order at 2:00 at the Bottom Road Bar. Roll call was taken with 18 of 32 directors present. Minutes were read. Mike Cronigan moved to approve; 2nd by Nick Hansen. All approved. Treasurer report was presented. Paul Ulferts moved to approve; 2nd by Chuck Hurley. President Tim Noonan called the December 8, 2013 meeting to order at 2:05 at the Bottom Road Bar. Roll call was taken with 16 of the 32 directors present. Minutes were read and Garry Greving moved to approve; 2nd by Matt Shaw. All approved. Treasurer’s report was presented and Virg Crumley moved to approve; 2nd by Mark Kreikemeier. OLD BUSINESS: Tim gave an update on the annual meeting contract and it has been signed. A check for $2000 for the deposit is being signed and mailed in. Tim reminded that we MUST respect their regulations and NO FOOD may be brought into the meeting or there will be additional fees that will be added to the $6,000 room rental. Rooms are blocked for $159 at Ameristar and $102 at Holiday Inn and also $102 at Hampton Inn. OLD BUSINESS. Updates on existing committees: Tim Noonan left several message for Tom Poehling for an update on the Niobrara River, but he has not replied. Garry Greving attended a meeting several weeks ago on the Lone Tree Corridor. He reported that there was a small attendance and they will only meet one or two times a year. Garry did not join any of the committees as he wanted to stay neutral. Darrell Starks reported that the next Lower Platte Corridor meeting won’t be until April 2014. Updates on meetings in the area: Tim has not heard anything on the Niobrara and Tom Poehling was not at the meeting. Lone Tree Corridor had no updates as Garry Grieving was not in attendance. Darrell Starks reported that the Lower Platte Coalition approved the goals and voted to keep them organized. Paul Ulferts reported the fishing tournament on August 17 had over $200 that was left over and will be used to purchase a gun to donate for the auction or raffles at the annual meeting. Tim reminded Paul that Ameristar will allow the gun to be displayed at the annual meeting as long as it has a gun safety lock. Guns have been ordered and Diane will get the list for the raffle tickets to the printer. Mark Kriekmeier will have a goal to have out before Thanksgiving. Tim thanked Jake Kroeger for his first newsletter in his position as news editor. He reminded that Jake should be notified of any news items that happen around the river. NEW BUSINESS: Jane Swanson had emailed the association that parking by the Loup River Bridge by Genoa is no longer allowed. Tim reported that he spoke with Wes Wahlgren and he was advised that there was currently no other alternate areas. Randy Fetrow reported that this was done as there were 4-wheelers that were loading and unloading in this area and it was a safety factor. Jerry Hanson reported that the Barta Family is asking to fund a scholarship that would be the NAA/Lynn Barta Memorial Scholarship. They would like to donate $10,000 a year and have one $5,000 scholarship and two $2500 scholarships. Before any decisions can be made, Tim will check with our accountant for any tax issues, so the item was tabled. Diane notified all directors in writing in late September when this meeting date was changed that she has decided to step down as secretary/ treasurer after this year’s annual meeting so she can spend more time with her family. Chuck Hurley suggested that with the numerous duties that are done that this should become a paid position. Darrell had asked Jeff Hammernick, our tax accountant if he would be interested in the position and he stated that he would and it would be done personally and would not involve the firm. Paul Ulferts moved that Darrell talk with Jeff and he can get more information from Diane on the duties. He would need to be an NAA member and would come to the December meeting to discuss terms. 2nd by Chuck Hurley. All approved. Next meeting is Sunday, December 8, 2013 at the Bottom Road Bar. Budget for raffle items & auction was set the same as last year at $2500. Moved by Jerry Hanson; 2nd by Matt Shaw. All approved. With no further business to discuss, Chuck Hurley moved to adjourn; 2nd by Bob Herring. All approved. Respectfully Submitted, Diane Arps, Secretary/Treasure RiverTalk • Mark Kreikemeier reported that the Gun Raffle tickets were mailed out the end of October. There was an error by the printer in some of the numbering, so if your tickets are not in order, it is due to the printer’s error and not on Mark’s part. Mark will be stepping down from being in charge of these tickets sales after this year, so we will be looking for a volunteer to be in charge. Mark was thanked for the years that he volunteered for this position and Matt Shaw especially thanked his wife Michelle for her help too. Tim had checked with our accountant, Jeff Hammernick, and the funds for the proposed Barta Scholarship are ok to accept as long as that money is dispersed, there is no tax consequence. NEW BUSINESS. With the upcoming resignation of Diane in the Secretary/Treasurer position, Darrell Starks presented Jeff Hammernick. Jeff said that there was a misunderstanding in Darrell’s statement at the prior director’s meeting, and that he cannot do this personally, as it has to come from his accounting firm, Blackman and Associates, so the Association would be hiring Blackman and Associates and Jeff would be representing the firm. Discussion followed and Jerry Hanson moved to table any decision in replacement to see if there are any other interested members; 2nd by Roger Reed. All approved. We will put a search in the next newsletter and on the website. Tim asked Jake Kroeger when news articles are due and deadline will be this Wednesday. This newsletter needs to have a reminder to get dues paid by 12-31-13 to be entered for the Early Bird Raffle. Rick Powers will also send out an email blast. Jay Kern asked for more details on the proposed Barta Scholarship and since the approval of it was tabled at the last meeting, it had not been formally approved. Matt Shaw moved to accept the scholarship to be handled by the current scholarship committee; 2nd by Cory Bennet. All approved. Mark Arps was in attendance as a guest and asked if the Association will continue to give $250 each year to the Nebraska Game and Parks as voted in last year’s meeting and Tim replied that it will be given. Bob Herring suggested increasing the donation amount and moved to change the donation to $500 a year; 2nd by Darrell Starks. 12 directors approved. Motion carried. Jerry Hanson moved to have the Association donate $500 for bingo prizes to have after the annual meeting. The motion was retracted for lack of a second. With no further business, Roger Reed moved to adjourn; 2nd by Randy Fetrow. All approved. Respectfully Submitted, Diane Arps, Secretary/Treasure 5 HELP WANTED! Annual Meeting NOTICES! 1. All directors need to be at the Ameristar at 10:00 AM to help set up the room for the Annual Meeting. DO YOU HAVE THE LOVE AND RESPECT OF THE NEBRASKA AIRBOATERS ASSOCIATION? DO YOU HAVE AN ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND THE TIME TO ATTEND QUARTERLY DIRECTOR’S MEETINGS???? If so, the Nebraska Airboaters Association is looking for a secretary/treasurer to begin in 2014. Diane Arps is stepping down from her position after five years of service. Requirements of this position include notifying directors of upcoming meetings, taking minutes at the director’s meetings, keeping accurate records of membership, depositing funds and keeping books of the association. Computer work is required. General bookkeeping knowledge is helpful. If you are interested in learning more about the work involved, please call Diane at 402-641-6402 or email at [email protected] This position MUST be filled by the first regular meeting for 2014 which will be March 2, 2014. 2. Please bring all raffle items to the meeting room early or give to your local director. 3. Tips are included in the drink prices, so DO NOT tip bar staff! 4. Absolutely NO food can be brought into the meeting room 5. Please don’t drink and drive. Get a room and make a weekend of it! Thank you, and see you there! Annual Meeting ROOM INFORMATION Ameristar Hotel $159 877-462-7827 Holiday Inn $102 712-322-5050 Hampton Inn $102 712-328-2500 Rooms are filling fast so book early! Tire Planter NAA members Tim and Shelly Noonan put to good use some old tires they had sitting around. Shelly was inspired to decorate the river bank with something unusual and beautify the area as well. Be sure and send us your pictures of unusual ways to recycle unwanted items and beautify your stretch of river heaven! 6 RiverTalk • www.AirboatN MEET Your BUILDER In business now for over 13 years, Nirbuilt Airboats calls Wann NE home. Nir and Kim Levine build complete boats as well as being Dealers for Whirlwind Propellers, Rotator and Stinger Gear Boxes, Hamant Hulls and Custom built Airboat Sun Canopies. “We first got into building boats because we didn’t have the money to buy a complete one” says Nir. “We enlisted the help of friends and started to do more and more and it just turned into a business.” In their spare time the Levines along with their daughters enjoy fishing and hunting as well as boating and camping. When asked how important the NAA is to them, Nir said “We support the NAA wholeheartedly! Without them keeping our rights on the river our business could dwindle down.” He also said that “down in Florida we have friends that have to be off the water at 7pm.” When asked where he sees their business in 10 years Nir smiled and said “hopefully still building boats” You can get more information on Nirbuilt Airboats at email them at [email protected] or call 402-480-1632 BRING THIS COUPON TO THE ANNUAL MEETING TO BE ENTERED INTO A SPECIAL RAFFLE. NAME PLEASE PRINT Must be present to win. RiverTalk • 7 Sell Those Tickets! Thanksgiving is now behind us and Christmas is just right around the corner, you all should have received your Raffle Tickets for our annual fund raiser. It is a great combination of 9 guns that anyone would love to win. Get out there and sell those tickets! If you cannot sell them then just write the check yourself and consider it a donation to a very worthy cause. Don’t forget the annual meeting is just a few short weeks away. Make your reservations early and let’s fill the place! Consider coming in on Friday and make it a Party! Also remember to hit up your local businesses for donations. Remind them of all the airboat parts you buy from them, beer, gas, food, etc. Support those who support the NAA! If you need more tickets Mark Kreilemeier at 402-380-1183. contact See you all February 1st! Chance to Win the $200 Early Bird Drawing Just a reminder to pay your annual dues and have them postmarked on or before December 31, 2013 to qualifiy for a chance to win the $200 Early Bird Drawing that will be given away at the annual meeting. You don’t need to be present at the annual meeting to win. All lifetime members are also entered in this drawing too. BINGO Prizes Needed! If you enjoyed the sound of the words “BINGO” at last year’s meeting well we will have it again this year. We will have plenty of room this year to spread out and enjoy a few games of the classic favorite. Please bring some prizes to donate if you want to play. The more the merrier! Don’t forget your lucky Troll Dolls! Welcome New Boaters! Twelve people recently completed their Boating Saftey Course put on by Nebraska Game and Parks and taught by Herb Angel. The class was sponsored by the NAA. Pictured are the students who took the class. NAA family members who attended were Katie Healy, Zach Noonan, and Kristin Lux. All persons born after 1985 are required to complete the Boater Safety Class in order to operate a watercraft in the waters of Nebraska. Congratulations to our graduates and see you on the water! 8 RiverTalk • www.AirboatN Labor Day Weekend - 2013 Labor Day weekend in Nebraska was great this year. On Saturday Nir did not hold his races but had a cookout instead on the Platte River by the mouth of the Elkhorn. The food was great and then everyone went for a ride. Sunday was the Labor Day Weekend tradition and everyone got together at the place known as Don’s Dog House on the Platte River. The Labor Day Weekend Sunday cookout got started by Frank (Whitey) Pollock many years ago. Whitey was one of the early airboaters on the Platte River. Whitey then passed the responsibility of keeping the tradition going to Don Cronican. Don was the owner of Don’s Bar in Memphis NE. The current owners of Don’s Bar is Andy & Jackie Horton. Andy is Don’s grandson. Andy and Jackie have accepted the task of keeping Whitey’s tradition going. The food was great and I even liked the Catfish that was fried up fresh right on the spot. The band Mother Dudes put on a great show and everyone was having a great time. It was estimated that there was over 200 people there. There was more than 20 airboats there when I first pulled up. Don’s Bar has great food also, I have been there and had tacos on Wednesday when they were having their taco bar. They also have fried fish on Fridays and a Sunday brunch and they both are great. RiverTalk • 9 DIRECTORS WANTED! What’s Cookin’? Chinese Chicken Wings 2 cups soy sauce 2 cups brown sugar 2 tablespoons garlic powder 5 pounds chicken wings, split and tips discarded Directions: 1.Stir the soy sauce, brown sugar, and garlic powder together in a saucepan over medium heat; cook and stir until the sugar melts completely. Remove from heat and allow to cool. 2.Place the chicken wings in a large bowl. Pour the soy sauce mixture over the wings and toss to coat evenly. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Allow chicken to marinate in refrigerator overnight or 8 hours. 3.Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 4.Pour the chicken wings and marinade into a 9x13-inch baking dish. Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil. 5.Bake in the preheated oven until thoroughly hot, about 45 minutes. Remove the aluminum foil from the baking dish and continue baking uncovered another 15 minutes. Serve hot. SEASONED PRETZELS 6 c. pretzels (mix shapes if desired) 1/2 c. butter, melted 1 pkg. Hidden Valley Ranch Original Party Dip Mix 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce 1/2 tsp. seasoned salt Directions: Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Place pretzels in a large shallow baking pan. In a small bowl, combine butter, dip mix, Worcestershire and salt. Pour butter mixture over pretzels; stir well. Bake 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Pour onto waxed paper to cool. Store in airtight container. Yields: 6 cups of snack mix. Currently there are 32 directors from various areas across the state. At the last meeting we barely had enough for a quorum (16) to have the meeting. If you cannot commit to attending then please reconsider your position before signing up. We need people who are committed to the NAA and voting on important issues that affect all the members including the area you were voted in to represent. As for those who attend regularly your devotion is greatly appreciated. PUPPY CHOW 9 cups crispy rice cereal squares 1/2 cup peanut butter 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar Lynn Barta / NAA Scholarship The Lynn Barta Family has mad a generous donation of $10,000 to be used for a scholarship fund in the name of Mrs. Barta. Directions: 1.In a saucepan over low heat, melt the chocolate; add peanut butter and mix until smooth. 2.Remove from heat, add cereal and stir until coated. 3.Pour powdered sugar into large plastic bag, add coated cereal and shake until well coated. Store in airtight container. One $5,000 and two $2,5000 scholarships will be awarded to those eligible as outlined in the application form. Please check for details and requirements. The deadline for the application is April 1st. This is separate from the NAA scholarship program already in place. A big thank you goes out to the Barta Family for this wonderful gift that is sure to help students further their education in a big way! Nebraska Airboaters Association, Inc., CLASSIFIEDS YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! FOR SALE FOR SALE 12 ft hull with 6 cylinder, 4.3 fuel injected engine and 2:1 ratio belt drive and whirlwind propeller. This boat has air ride suspension for the seat stand. It will be a great fishing boat to get into tight places. Asking price is $16,000. Call 402-480-1632. Older 16’ Excalibur Airboat with Newer Fuel Injected Small Block Chevy 350 HP, Approx 250 hours, 78” Composite Wind Walker Prop, Century CH3 Reduction Belt Drive, Black Poly, Great Starter Boat, runs and drives great. $15,000 Call 402-699-9924 Advertising in the Nebraska Airboaters Association’s RiverTalk newsletter is free of charge to members of the Nebraska Airboaters Association. Please see page 11 for advertising details! 10 RiverTalk • www.AirboatN For Sale: sale: Also Also for for sale: 1415ft. ft.Freedom Craft airboat with polymere. Brand Brand 15ft. Hamant Hamant hull hull with polymere. Continental aircraft engine new hull. Not rigged yet.the Call 0470 402-666-9226 from Hwy 79 new hull. Not rigged yet. Sensenich "Q" 72" prop. bridge and we'll pick you up! Aluminum rigging Call Call for for more more details details 40gal. fuel tank Stacey Delp Stacey Delp 1-620-442-4963 1-620-442-4963 New trailerShaw owners Pamcustom and Matt r Sale: 6 hrs. on boat and motor. 14for ft.Freedom Craft airboat Also sale: For Sale: For Sale: For Sale: 15ft. Hamant hullCraft with polymere. Brand 14 ft.Freedom airboat 0470 Continental aircraft engine 14 ft.Freedom Craft airboat For Sale: 14 ft.Freedom Craft airboat new hull. Notprop. rigged yet. 0470 Continental aircraft engine Sensenich "Q" 72" 0470 Continental aircraft engine 14 ft.Freedom Craft airboat 0470 Continental aircraft engine Sensenich "Q" 72" prop. Sensenich "Q" 72" prop. 0470 Continental aircraft Aluminum rigging Sensenich "Q" 72" prop. engine Aluminum rigging Call for more details Aluminum rigging Sensenich "Q" 72" prop. 40gal. fuel tank rigging Aluminum fuel tank Stacey Delp 40gal. 1-620-442-4963 40gal. fueltank tank Aluminum rigging custom trailer 40gal. fuel ForNew Sale: "We Cater to Airboaters" New custom trailer "We Cater to Airboaters" New custom trailer 40gal. fuel tank custom trailer 14New ft.Freedom Craft motor. airboat 6 hrs. on andboat motor. 6boat hrs. 6 New hrs. on on boat and and motor. custom trailer 6 hrs. on boat and motor.engine 0470 Continental aircraft o for sale: Also for 6 hrs. on boat and motor. AlsoCall for sale: sale: 402-666-9226 from the Hwy Hwy 79 Also for sale: Sensenich "Q" 72" prop. Call from the 79 15ft. Hamant hull with polymere. Brand 15ft. hull with Brand Also for402-666-9226 sale: 15ft. Hamant Hamant hull with polymere. polymere. Brand bridge and we'll pick you up! 15ft. Hamant hull with polymere. Brand Aluminum rigging new hull. Not rigged yet. bridge and we'll pick you up! new hull. new Not rigged 15ft.hull. Hamant hull with Not yet. rigged yet.polymere. Brand new hull. Not 40gal. fuel tank new hull. Notrigged riggedyet. yet. New custom trailer Call for details Calldetails for more more details Pam and Matt Shaw owners l for more Pam and Matt Shaw 6more hrs. on boat and motor. owners Call forfor more details Stacey Delp 1-620-442-4963 Call details Stacey Delp 1-620-442-4963 cey Delp 1-620-442-4963 Also for sale: Stacey Delp 1-620-442-4963 "We Cater to Airboaters" Stacey Delp 1-620-442-4963 15ft. Hamant hull with polymere. Brand new hull. Not rigged yet. Please call call Please 1-877-844-2772 // 402-964-2172 402-964-2172 // 4024021-877-844-2772 720-0819 Be Be sure sure to to mention mention this this 720-0819 ad and and that that you you are are an an NAA NAA MemMemad ber ber Nebraska Airboaters Association, Inc., CLASSIFIEDS CanCooker is offering a special discount Bottom Road Bar and 727-9890 Grill Bottom Road Bar and Grill just for NAA Members Please call 1-877-844-2772 / 402-964-2172 / 402720-0819 Be sure to mention this ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS ad and that you are an NAA MemSALES & SERVICE CanCooker is offering aber special discount CanCooker is aa special discount CanCooker is offering offering CanCooker offering special discount We are now your Midwest dealer for David Clark CanCooker isisfor offering aaMembers special discount just for NAA just NAA Members just for NAA Members CanCooker is offering a special discount just for NAA Members Co. (Marine Division) Intercom Systems for all justtypes for NAA Members of watercraft. just for NAAPlease Members call ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS is also the Midwest distributor 1-877-844-2772 Please call Please Please callcall Please call for SuperSlide airboat polymer available in: 1-877-844-2772 // 402-964-2172 // 402/ 402-964-2172 1-877-844-2772 402-964-2172 402-/ 402Please call • Black1-877-844-2772 recycled 402-964-2172 HMW medium duty 1-877-844-2772 // 402-964-2172 // 402720-0819 Be sure to this • Blue Stripe 100% Virgin HMW medium 720-0819 Be sure to mention mention this this 1-877-844-2772 402-964-2172 402720-0819 Be sure toduty mention 402-720-0819 720-0819 Be sure to mention this • Blue Iron UHMW, 4 times more abrasion-resistant than ad and that you are an NAA Memad and that you are an NAA Mem720-0819 Be sure to mention thisMemad and that you are anadNAA Bead sure to mention this and aluminum you are an Member adand andthat thatfor you are an NAA NAA Member • Yellow UHMW Quartz-filled Extremely high wear ber that you are an NAA MEMBER CanCooker is offering a special discount just for NAA Members ber ber Extremely high wear Please call 1-877-844-2772 / 402-964-2172 / 402402/677-5638 402/779-0111 720-0819ORBe sure to mention this ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS ELKHORN VALLEY ad and that youAIRBOATS are an NAA MemSALES & & SERVICE SERVICE ber SALES • Red Hot UHMW Glass-filled for Call 402-666-9226 from the Hwy 79 Bottom Road you up! 727-9890 bridge and we'll pick Call for more details Stacey Delp 1-620-442-4963 Bottom Road Bottom Road Bottom Road Bar and Grill Pam and Matt Shaw owners Bar and Grill Bar and Grill Bar and Grill "We Cater to Airboaters" "WeCater Caterto toAirboaters" Airboaters" "We "We Cater to Airboaters" Bottom Road Call 402-666-9226 from the Hwy 79 Call 402-666-9226 fromthe theHwy Hwy 79 Call 402-666-9226 bridge and we'llfrom pick you up! 79 727-9890 bridge and we'll pick you up! Call 402-666-9226 from the Hwy 79 bridge and we'll pick you up! "Weand Cater to Airboaters" bridge we'll pick you up! Pam and Matt Shaw owners Pamand andMatt MattShaw Shawowners owners Pam Call 402-666-9226 from the Pam and Matt Shaw ownersHwy 79 bridge and we'll pick you up! Bar and Grill 727-9890 727-9890 727-9890 Pam Mattwith Shaw owners 15ftand Hovercraft Custom Trailer 727-9890 Hover across shallow water, sandbars, snow, ice and any other reasonably flat surface. Performs like an airboat but uses a lot less power as it hovers about 8” of the surface on a cushion of air, giving a nice soft ride. Very easy to control. Great for fishing, picnics, cruising rivers like the Platte River, Elkhorn River, winter lakes, etc. Carry 2-5 people depending on total weight. Seat unit removable for hauling game, fishing, camping. 9HP Lift engine and fan. 25HP Horizontal Shaft Thrust engine and 46” propeller. NEW horizontal engine fitted this year! Cruise to 30mph+. Very economical on regular gas. Very durable skirt. Fiberglass and foam construction - has lots of buoyancy. Be distinctively different! Go where other craft can’t get to! See this hovercraft in action TALK R in IVER a deer rescue on YouTube: Hovercraft Crews Save Lake Zorinsky Deer and: Hovercraft on the Loop River, NE in HD. More details on my website: $9,875.00 or very near offer. Email me for a time to view. [email protected] or call 402 504 2457 FOR SALE 727-9890 727-9890 2006 15 x 7 1/2 Nighthawk hull with Rod Boxes FOR SALE In great condition. Rigging re-powder coated in 2012. 50 hrs on Fuel Injected BluePrint 396 Stroker with dyno sheet (517 hp/507 lbft torque)...50 hrs on 3 blade Whirlwind EX. RIVER IVER TALK ALK 50 hrs on Rotator 2.68 Gearbox. New Seat Shells and Buttraxx Cushions 2013. Bimini Top. Stereo with iPod input and four speakers. Trailer with rollers and aluminum wheels included. This boat has been completely redone since new... Everything but the hull and it’s in great shape also... Come and take a look... You won’t be disappointed! $32,500 Call 308-550-0107 or message with any questions. Thanks. RIVER TALK IVERTT ALK IVER ALK RR RiverTalk • IVER ALK RIVER TALK Shawsky's Liquor Mart, North Bend, NE "Load your coolers here" Beer, Pop, Ice, Sandwiches, Snacks, We carry it all! Pam and Matt Shaw Owners call 402-652-8240 Shawsky's Liquor Mart, North Bend, NE "Load your your coolers coolers here" here" Beer, Pop, Pop, AIRBOATING MAGAZINE "Load Beer, Advertising in the Nebraska Airboating Association’s - “River Talk” newsletter Ice, Sandwiches, Sandwiches, Snacks, A one year subscription is only is Ice, Snacks, We are are now now your your Midwest Midwest dealer dealer for for David David Clark Clark We free of charge to members of the Nebraska Airboaters Association who are in $24.95 for 6 informative issues We carry carry itit all! all! Co. (Marine (Marine Division) Division) Intercom Intercom Systems Systems for for all all We Co. good standing (i.e. dues are paid). types of watercraft. watercraft. delivered right to your door! Shawsky's Liquor Mart, types of Pam and Matt Shaw Owners ORDER ONLINE: Pam and Matt Shaw Owners Bend, NE North call 402-652-8240 call your 402-652-8240 Please ensure your membership is up to date before submitting advertisement. ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS E-mail: [email protected] "Load your Ph: coolers here" Beer, Pop, 727-798-3457 or 352-255-4776 SALES & SERVICE As of 2 May 2010 Advertising has a new Ice, Sandwiches, Snacks, NOW AVAILABLE DIGITALLY: • Red Hot UHMW Glass-filled for Extremely high We• are your Midwestmember dealer forwill David Clark Red now Hot UHMW Glass-filled for Extremely high procedure. A paid-up be alApple iTunes Airboating App: We carryApp:it all! wear Co. (Marine Division)wear Intercom Systems for all Apple Magamall ELKHORN VALLEY VALLEY AIRBOATS AIRBOATS is is also also the the Midwest Midwest distributor distributor ELKHORN for SuperSlide SuperSlide airboat airboat polymer polymer available available in: in: for • Black recycled HMW medium duty • Black recycled HMW medium duty • Blue Blue Stripe Stripe 100% 100% Virgin Virgin HMW HMW medium medium duty duty • • Blue Blue Iron Iron UHMW, UHMW, 4 4 times times more more abrasion-resistant abrasion-resistant than than • aluminum aluminum • Yellow UHMW Quartz-filled for Extremely high wear • Yellow UHMW Quartz-filled for Extremely high wear lowed one standard size 2” ad at no charge Shawsky's Liquor types of watercraft. Android Market Pocketmags App:Mart, Shawsky's Liquor Mart, per newsletter. If they a larger ad or Shawsky's Liquor Mart, 402/677-5638 ORwant 402/779-0111 402/677-5638 OR 402/779-0111 ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS is also the Midwest distributor PamNorth and Matt Shaw NE Owners Bend, the rate is $8.00 per column inch. a 2nd ad, for SuperSlide airboat polymer available in: Bend, NE North Bend, NE North call 402-652-8240 • Black recycled HMWto medium duty If a non-member wants advertise, it is a VALLEY AIRBOATS ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS •ELKHORN Blue Stripe 100% Virginin medium duty Advertising the Nebraska Airboating Association’s Association’s -- “River “River Talk” Talk” newsletter newsletter is is Advertising inHMW the Nebraska Airboating ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS • Blue Iron UHMW, 4 times more abrasion-resistant than charge of $25.00 per 2” adv. "Load your coolers here"who Beer, Pop, SALES & SERVICE ELKHORN AIRBOATS SALES & SERVICE SERVICE free ofVALLEY charge to members of of the the Nebraska Nebraska Airboaters Association are in "Load your coolers here" who Beer,are Pop, aluminum SALES & free of charge to members Airboaters Association in "Load yourSandwiches, coolers here" Beer, Ice, Snacks, • Yellow UHMW Quartz-filled for Extremely high wear SALES & SERVICE good standing (i.e.for dues are paid). Shawsky's Liquor Mart,Pop, Ice, Sandwiches, Snacks, We are now your Midwest dealer David Clark good standing (i.e. dues are paid). We are now your Midwest dealer for David Clark • Red Hot UHMW Glass-filled for Extremely high Please use the template to ensure your ad ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS We are now your Midwest dealer for David Clark Ice, Sandwiches, Snacks, We carry it all! Co. (Marine Division) Intercom Systems for all Co. (Marine Division) Intercom Systems for all Weyour carry it all!NEhere" Beer, P wear We are now your Midwest dealer Systems for Davidfor Clark Co. (Marine Division) Intercom all fits: Bend, North types watercraft. "Load coolers SERVICE types of of & watercraft. We carry it all! Co. (MarineSALES Division) Systems for all types ofIntercom watercraft. types ofOR watercraft. ELKHORN VALLEY is also the distributor Ice, Sandwiches, 402/677-5638 Pam and Matt Shaw OwnersSnacks, Please ensure your membership is up to date before submitting your advertisement. ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS AIRBOATS is 402/779-0111 also the Midwest Midwest distributor Please ensure your membership is up to date before submitting your advertisement. ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS is also theavailable Midwest Pam and Matt Shaw Owners SuperSlide airboat in: Payments for additional advertising spaceClark "Load We are for now your Midwest dealer for distributor David for SuperSlide airboat polymer polymer available in: your coolers here" Beer, Pop, SuperSlide airboat polymer in: SALES & SERVICE call 402-652-8240 • recycled HMW duty ELKHORNfor VALLEY AIRBOATS is alsomedium the available Midwest Pam and Matt Shaw Owners We carry • Black Black recycled HMW medium duty distributor Co. (Marine Division) Intercom Systems for all are arranged with the Secretary/Treasurer. call 402-652-8240 it all! • Stripe Black recycled HMW medium duty duty • Blue 100% Virgin HMW medium for SuperSlide airboat polymer in: • Blue Stripe 100% Virgin HMWavailable medium duty As of 2 May 2010 Advertising has a new Ice, Sandwiches, Snacks, • Blue Stripe 100% Virgin HMW medium duty types of watercraft. As of 2Iron May 2010 Advertising has • 4 more abrasion-resistant than call- 402-652-8240 • UHMW, Black recycled HMW medium dutya new Advertising indealer the Nebraska Airboating Association’s “River Talk” newsletter is • Blue Blue Iron UHMW, 4 times times more abrasion-resistant than We now your 100% Midwest for David Clark • are Blue Iron Stripe UHMW, 4 times more abrasion-resistant than aluminum • Blue Virgin HMW medium duty procedure. A paid-up paid-up member willhigh be alaluminum WeAssociation carry it all!who are in procedure. A member will be alaluminum Co. (Marine Division) Intercom Systems for allthe Nebraska Airboaters free of charge to members of • UHMW Quartz-filled for Extremely wear • Blue Iron UHMW, 4 times more abrasion-resistant than ••Yellow Yellow UHMW Quartz-filled for Extremely high wear ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS is also the Midwest distributor Pam and Matt Shaw Owners Yellow UHMW Quartz-filled for Extremely highcharge wear lowed one standard sizefor 2” addues at no types of watercraft. aluminum lowed one standard size 2” ad at no charge • Hot UHMW Glass-filled Extremely high for SuperSlide airboat polymer available in: good standing (i.e. are paid). ••Red Red Hot UHMW Glass-filled for Extremely high Red Hot UHMW Glass-filled for Extremely Extremely • Yellow UHMW Quartz-filled for highhigh wear 11 call 402-652-8240 • Black recycled HMW medium duty per newsletter. newsletter. they want larger ad or or wear per IfIf they want aa larger ad wear ELKHORN VALLEY AIRBOATS is also Midwest distributor wear Pam and Matt Shaw Owners •nd RedBlue Hot UHMW for the Extremely high StripeGlass-filled 100% Virgin HMW medium duty nd•for SuperSlide airboat polymer available in: ad, the rate is $8.00 per column inch. a 2 the rate is $8.00 per column inch. a Blue 2 ad, wear • Iron UHMW, 4 times more abrasion-resistant than call 402-652-8240 • Black recycled HMW medium duty 402/677-5638 OR 402/779-0111 402/677-5638 OR HMW 402/779-0111 aluminum If a a non-member non-member wants to advertise, is a a OR 402/779-0111 • 402/677-5638 Blue Stripe your 100% Virgin medium If wants to advertise, is Please ensure membership isduty upitit to date before submitting your advertisement. Yellow Quartz-filled for Extremely high ••Blue IronUHMW 4 times OR abrasion-resistant thanwear 402/677-5638 charge ofUHMW, $25.00 permore 2”402/779-0111 adv. charge of $25.00 per 2” adv. aluminum • Red Hot UHMW Glass-filled for Extremely high • Yellow UHMW Quartz-filled for high wearAirboating Association’s - “River Talk” newsletter is in the Nebraska Nebraska Advertising Nebraska AirboatingAssociation’s Association’s- -“River “RiverTalk” Talk”newsletter newsletterisis in Extremely the As•of 2 May Advertising 2010 Advertising has a newAirboating wear Red Hot UHMW Glass-filled for Extremely high free of charge to members of the Nebraska Airboaters Association who are Please use the template to ensure your ad free of charge members of the Nebraska Nebraska Airboaters Association whoare areinin inis Please use the template to ensure your ad to members of the Airboaters in the Nebraska Airboating Association’s - Association “River Talk” who newsletter procedure. Advertising A paid-up member will be alwear good (i.e. dues are paid). fits: 402/677-5638 goodofstanding standing dues are paid). fits: (i.e. dues OR2”402/779-0111 free charge to members ofpaid). the Nebraska Airboaters Association who are in lowed one standard size ad at no are charge 402/677-5638 OR 402/779-0111 Advertising inwant the(i.e. Nebraska good dues Airboaters are paid).Association’s RiverTalk newsletter is free of per newsletter. If standing they a larger ad or Payments for additional advertising space Airboaters Association who are in good nd Payments for additional space charge to members the Nebraska perofcolumn inch. a 2 ad, the rate is $8.00advertising Please ensure your membership is up to date before submitting youradvertisement. advertisement. are arranged with the Secretary/Treasurer. Advertising inadvertise, the Nebraska Airboating Association’s - “River Talk” newslette standing (i.e. dues are paid). Please ensure your membership is up up to date before submitting advertisement. arranged with the Secretary/Treasurer. Please membership is before submitting your Ifare a non-member wants it isto adate Advertising intothe Nebraska Airboating Association’s -your “River Talk” newsletter is free of charge to members of the Nebraska Airboaters Association Pleaseof ensure your membership is upof tothe date before submitting advertisement. charge $25.00 per 2” adv. free of charge to members Nebraska Airboatersyour Association who are inwho are i As May 2010 Advertising new Please your standing membership ishas up dues toa date As of of 2 new As of 22ensure May 2010 Advertising has a new good (i.e. are paid). good standing (i.e. dues be arealpaid). before submitting your advertisement. procedure. A procedure. will be alprocedure. A paid-up paid-up member willayour be 11member Please template to ensure ad As of 2use Maythe 2010 Advertising has new lowed one standard size 2” ad at no charge lowed one lowed one size 2”has adaat no charge As of May 2, standard 2010, advertising new fits: procedure. A paid-up member will becharge alper If want larger ad or per newsletter. newsletter. a larger ad per newsletter. If they they want larger ad or or procedure. Astandard paid-up member allowed one lowed size 2”will adbe atis noupcharge nd Please ensure your membership toup date before submitting your advertisement. nd one Please ensure your membership isinch. ad, the rate is $8.00 column inch. aastandard size 2" ad at no charge newsletter. Ifto date before submitting your advertisement. ad, perper column a2 2nd ad, the rate is $8.00 column inch. 2 Payments for additional advertising space per newsletter. If they want a larger ad or member wants a larger ad or a second ad, the IfIfthe non-member wants to advertise, it is a If a a non-member advertise, it is a ndnon-member wants to advertise, it is a aarranged are with the$8.00 Secretary/Treasurer. rate is per column inch. acharge 2 As of is May 2010 Advertising a new rate $8.00 per column inch. If a has non-member ofthe $25.00 per 2” adv. As of 22ad, May 2010 Advertising has a new charge charge $25.00 2” wants to of advertise, itper is amember charge of will $25.00 If a non-member wants toadv. advertise, is 2" a procedure. A paid-up beitper alprocedure. A paid-up member will be aladvertisement. charge of $25.00 per 2” adv. lowed one standard size 2” ad at no charge Please usestandard the template to ensure ad Please use the your ad Please use the template to2” ensure your ad lowed one size ad atyour noor charge per newsletter. If they want 11on Please use the template rightatolarger ensuread your fits: fits: fits: nd per If a larger ad or to ensure your ad ad fits. ad,use the the ratetemplate is they $8.00want per column inch. aPlease 2ndnewsletter. ad, the rate is $8.00 per column aIffits: 2 a non-member wants toadvertising advertise, it is a inch. Payments for Payments for additional space Payments for additional advertising spacespace are Payments for additional advertising space Ifcharge a non-member wants to advertise, it is a of with $25.00 per 2”Secretary/Treasurer. adv. are arranged Secretary/Treasurer. arranged the secretary/treasurer. Please call are arranged with the are arranged with the Secretary/Treasurer. Payments for additional space Diane Arps, (402) 352-2483. charge of $25.00 per 2”advertising adv. are arranged the Secretary/Treasurer. Please use thewith template to ensure your ad fits: 11 Please use the template to ensure your ad 11 11 Shawsky's Liquor Mart, North Bend, NE TEMPLATE 2" TALL x 2.5" WIDE fits: Payments for additional 11 advertising space are arranged with the Secretary/Treasurer. Nebraska Airboaters Association, Inc. P.O. Box 104 Schuyler, NE 68661 Nebraska Airboat Association P.O. BOX 104 Schuyler, NE 68661 For Sale: AIRBOAT INSURANCE Or any Insurance Need "Insuring what's important to you---auto, home, family & AIRBOATS!!" Contact Diane Arps FOLDA & Co. Schuyler, NE Ph: 1-888-755-3742 Toll Free or home: 402-352-3045. Lifetime NAA Member A 1 owner airboat, Whitetail hull, black polymer, 350 Marine engine,. Direct drive, Whirwhind prop, 2 blade, with trailer, with custom floor decks. Seat covers turquoise and the boat too. For Sale: 2001 Combee 16’ Hull, w/ Galvanized Trailer New Polymer, Glass, Gelcoat, Cadillac 502 Direct Drive, New Stereo system, Faria gauges. 3 tiered bend seats, holds 8. Call Derick Engelbart 402-380-0182 Clean and runs great, asking $11,500 Contact Jerry Cook Cell:402-699-6617 South of Valley NE AIRBOAT INSURANCE Or any Insurance Need "Insuring what's important to you---auto, home, family & AIRBOATS!!" Contact Diane Arps Diane Arps Agri-City FOLDAInsurance & Co. Schuyler, NE Schuyler, NE Ph: 1-888-755-3742 Toll Free or home: 402-352-3045. Lifetime NAA Member RIVER TALK 12 Nir-Built Custom ForAirboats Sale: and Repair AAirboats 1 ownerCustom airboat, Whitetail hull, black Built To350 YourMarine engine,. Direct drive, polymer, Needs! Whirwhind prop, 2 blade, with trailer, with custom floor decks. Seat covers turquoise Call today to order your new airboat. and the boat too. All types of repairs. Clean and runs great, asking $11,500 334 Main Wann, Ashland, NE 68003 Contact Nir Jerry Cook402-480-1631 Cell:402-699-6617 Levin South “Dealer of Valley for NE Bullfrog Hulls” Support Our Advertisers! For advertising information, please see page 11. 12 RiverTalk • www.AirboatN RIVER TALK 12 D
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