iForCE Newsletter

iForCE Newsletter
APRIL 2015
Message from the CEO
This newsletter will be the first in a series on “What is iForCE?”
First, what is iForCE built on? What is the foundation of iForCE? Without this the entire program comes crumbling down? The Four Pillars of iForCE.
tomorrow’s cyber
security workforce,
Michael Miklich,
Education, Inc.
4609 Allens Mill
Haymarket, VA
(703) 403-1846
Pillar 1 – Be where you are supposed to be. Less than 1/3 of workplace absenteeism is illness related. Unfortunately it is common in the workplace for employees to abuse leave policies. Our goal is to develop excellent attendance habits. A 95% attendance rate is the goal for students in the iForCE program.
Pillar 2 – When you are supposed to be there. A recent study showed 23% of employees are tardy once a month, and 15% of employees are tardy once a week. Our goal is to develop excellence readiness habits. A 99% on time rate is the goal for students in the iForCE program.
Pillar 3 – Doing what you are supposed to be doing. According to the book “Why employees don’t do what they are supposed to do… And what to do about it”, which surveyed 25,000 managers, these are 10 of the 15 common reasons employees don’t do what they are supposed to do:
1. They don’t know why they should do it.
2. They don’t know how to do it.
3. They don’t know what they are supposed to do.
4. They think your way will never work.
5. They think their way is better.
6. They think something else is more important.
7. There is no positive consequence to them for doing it.
8. They think they are doing it.
9. They are rewarded for not doing it.
10. They are punished for doing what they are supposed to do.
Our goal for students in the iForCE program is to maintain a 3.0 GPA in all classes, and consistently complete daily work and homework as prescribed.
Pillar 4 – While meeting or exceeding productivity and output standards. High performing and innovative employees is key to productivity, but effective managers and leaders are required for direction and execution, according to Dr. John Sullivan. Our goal for students in the iForCE program is to earn their certifications, demonstrate the ability to successfully complete labs, and compete at a high level in Cybersecurity competitions.
When students routinely demonstrate the four pillars, success in Cybersecurity follow We have employers waiting to hire those that do as described above.
Be sure to go over the four pillars with your students daily. It is the foundation of iForCE.
Thank you again for your involvement in and use of the iForCE program.
In this section we would like to recognize outstanding work done by our
Congratulations for Great Work displayed by the
following King William High School Students!
Brandi Clark is an outstanding leader at our school. She is a
student that works very hard to be the best student in class.
She does her lessons at home, on her phone and is always
ahead of the class in Hours completed. She is always ready to
assist the students in the class at any time. She is very positive
and hungry to learn the curriculum. I look forward to having
her in class for the next three years.
Joshua Ancarow is the student that this course was designed
for. He enjoys the learning process and from an early age has
been interested in learning about computers. His career goal is
to be in the Marine Corp. He uses the same determination and
commitment, which has made him a great mixed martial artist
to be a great CyberSecurity student. His work ethic is
Cybersecurity Education,
Dominic Kountourotiannis is an outstanding student. Successful
in all his classes. As a student he is a role model. He is always
on task and eager to learn and move on to the next interesting
Hour of work. His hard work in this class will one day land him
in a very important position. He asks very interesting questions
and doesn't settle for the unknown answer.
Please make note and the necessary changes for our
new domain and website address. Our new website can
be located at www.cybersecurityed.org.
iForCE Offices will be Closed During the week of March
30th - April 5th, 2015 for Spring Break.
iForCE Weekly Reports will resume Sunday, April 12th,
Cybersecurity Education,
Please Pay Special Attention to the Additional
Information Regarding the Upcoming iForCE Saturday
Boot Camps!
Have a Wonderful Spring Break!
iForCE has some exciting news about the upcoming CompTIA
A+ Boot Camps, that will be scheduled on certain Saturdays in
4 Hour increments, during April and May in preparation for the
CompTIA A+ certification exams. We will be scheduling one
Saturday or possibly two for your students to partake in the
certification prep training.
We do have several requirements that we need prior to our
1. Have your students, no matter where they are in the
curriculum, take the CompTia A+ Assessment Practice
Exam: Located in iForCE Hours 130-131 for 220-801
and Hours 141-142 for 220-802. This must be done as
soon as possible. Please let me know when the all of your
students have taken the exam.
2. Also, Please let me know which Saturday after April 18th,
can be scheduled for the Boot camp training, with your
schools permission. Send your Saturday requests to
[email protected]
As we will be traveling to each client site on Saturdays to go
over the assessment as well as offer the necessary CompTia
prep training for the certification we do want to ensure that
Knowlogy and iForCE have all the assessments and necessary
tailored training in place prior to the visit.
Thank You and we look forward to a successful boot camp and
certification exam for each of your students!
Computer Boot Camp
Get Connected and Be Prepared
Cybersecurity Education,
Future Student Spotlights
Education, Inc.
4609 Allens Mill Blvd.
Haymarket, VA 20169
(703) 403-1846
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Cybersecurity Education,
We want to hear from you! Please contact us at
[email protected] regarding who you believe
should share the spotlight.
Publisher and Editor: Debbie Palmer
[email protected]