4/19/2015 Lecture 8 Groundwater in GIS GIS in Water Resources Spring 2015 Acknowledgements Special Thanks to: • • • • Tim Whiteaker (UT Austin) Gil Strassberg (Aquaveo) David Maidment (UT Austin) Norm Jones (BYU) …. for use of some of their slide material. 1 4/19/2015 A few Things about GW Because geological layers are complex in their 3D orientation, extent, and lack of homogeneity (there are often lenses of some other material embedded) it is very hard to predict movement of water through the ground. We need many “views” into the ground to get an idea how the sub surface is structured. GW flow rate = permeability X hydraulic gradient Groundwater flow rates are usually quite slow. Average ground water flow rate of 15 m per day is common. Highly permeable materials like gravels can have flow velocities of 125 m per day. 2 4/19/2015 Relation between Permeability & Hydraulic Conductivity Values for Hydraulic Conductivity and thus Permeability vary by orders of magnitude! It can take centuries to millenia for water to infiltrate at some point and re-emerge at another. Arc Hydro Groundwater: GIS For Hydrogeology • Describes the data model – public domain • Chapter for each data model component • Available from ESRI Press (@Amazon for $41) • Norm Jones (BYU) • Gil Strassberg (Aquaveo) • David Maidment (UT Austin) 3 4/19/2015 Arc Hydro—Hydrology The movement of water through the hydrologic system What makes Arc Hydro different? ArcGIS: All features are labeled with a unique ObjectID within a feature layer. Arc Hydro: All features are labeled with a unique HydroID across the geodatabase. HydroID to ID relationships link neighboring features and help to trace water movement. Arc Hydro is a unique “flavor” or style of doing GIS. 4 4/19/2015 What makes Arc Hydro different? Arc Hydro connects space and time: hydro features are linked to time series. Flow HydroID Time FeatureID Time Series Hydro Features Challenges in developing Arc Hydro • • • ArcGIS is a very successful static, 2D or 2.5D system. For surface water resources, we need - Close connection between raster terrain and vector stream data - Linkage to time varying water data observations stored at gauges - Access to precipitation and evaporation data “fields” For groundwater resources we need - 3D representation of boreholes and hydrogeologic units - Integration with groundwater models, especially MODFLOW, which has become the ArcGIS of groundwater 5 4/19/2015 Web Sites • ESRI Data Model Web site http://resources.esri.com/ArcHydro/ • Arc Hydro Groundwater Web sites www.archydrogw.com www.aquaveo.com/archydro Contact • Norm Jones ([email protected] ) • Gil Strassberg ([email protected]) Arc Hydro Groundwater Data MODEL 6 4/19/2015 What is Arc Hydro? Data models (geodatabase designs): Best GIS practices in a specific field. Terminology, common language. Standard. Tools – surface water, groundwater. Community – user community advances best practices. Arc Hydro Groundwater Tools Data model and tools are developed by Aquaveo in partnership with ESRI: Groundwater Analyst Subsurface Analyst MODFLOW Analyst 7 4/19/2015 UC2008 Pre- 1 UC2008 Pre- 1 8 4/19/2015 Groundwater Analyst Tools in the Groundwater Analyst will help you import data into your AHGW datamodel, manage key attributes, and visualize your data. With Groundwater Analyst you will be able to import a variety of datasets (wells, time series, cross sections, volumes) into your geodatabase, manage symbology of layers in ArcMap and ArcScene, map and plot time series, and create common products such as water level, water quality, and flow direction maps. Subsurface Analyst Create and visualize both 2D & 3D geologic models, starting with classification and visualization of borehole logs, creation and editing of cross sections, and generation of 3D geosections and geovolumes. 9 4/19/2015 MODFLOW Analyst The MODFLOW Analyst enables you to create, archive, and visualize modflow models within ArcGIS. The geoprocessing tools are based on the MODFLOW Data Model, which supports the storage of a complete modflow model (including grid structure, inputs, and results) within an ArcGIS geodatabase. Tools in the toolkit enable you to import an existing model into the geodatabase and geo-reference the model so you can visualize and analyze the results in context with other GIS data, as well as create new models from GIS features Arc Hydro Groundwater Data model 10 4/19/2015 Arc Hydro Data Model General model for representing water resources, including surface water components and groundwater components centered on a common framework Surface water Groundwater Network Drainage Hydrography Geology Arc Hydro Framework Chanel Boreholes Hydrostratigraphy Simulation Temporal Arc Hydro Groundwater Data Model 11 4/19/2015 Components • Framework – Surface water features, wells, and aquifers • Temporal – Representation of time series data • Geology – Representation of data from geologic maps • Boreholes – Borehole log table and 3D description of borehole lines and contact points • Hydrostratigraphy – 2D and 3D description of hydrogeologic units • Simulation – Representation of groundwater simulation models Framework 12 4/19/2015 Hydrography • WaterLine, WaterBody represent hydrography • Watershed represents drainage areas WaterPoint • WaterPoint represents points of interest such as structures, dams, springs, diversions, etc. 13 4/19/2015 Monitoring Point • MonitoringPoint features represent locations where water is measures Aquifer features • An aquifer is defined by one or a set of polygon features • Aquifer features can be grouped by HGUID 14 4/19/2015 Well • • Wells are defined as a 2D point in the Well feature class In the Arc Hydro model we only predefine a set of basic attributes Wells in the Edwards Aquifer Point dataset Well HydroID HydroCode LandElev WellDepth AquiferID AqCode HGUID FType Aquifer and well Well HydroID = 53 15 4/19/2015 Hydro Features • HydroID – Unique ID within the geodatabase (internal relationships). Every feature in Arc Hydro is assigned a unique HydroID • HydroCode – Public identifier (external relationships) • Tables and tools to manage HydroIDs within a geodatabase Components • Framework – Surface water features, wells, and aquifers • Temporal – Representation of time series data • Geology – Representation of data from geologic maps • Boreholes – Borehole log table and 3D description of borehole lines and contact points • Hydrostratigraphy – 2D and 3D description of hydrogeologic units • Simulation – Representation of groundwater simulation models 16 4/19/2015 Space-time datasets Space-time datasets 17 4/19/2015 Space-time datasets • Single variable time series – A variable recorded at a location, such as stream discharge or groundwater levels • Multi variable time series – Multiple variables recorded simultaneously at the same location, such as chemical analysis of a water sample • Time varying surfaces (raster series) – Raster datasets indexed by time. Each rater is a “snapshot” of the environment at a certain time. • Time varying features (feature series) – A collection of features indexed by time. Each feature in a feature series represents a variable at a single time period. Variable Definition table • Catalog of time varying parameters (e.g. streamflow, water levels, concentrations, etc.) • Each variable is indexed with a HydroID VariableDefinition HydroID VarKey VarName VarDesc VarUnits Medium DataType IsRegular TimeStep TimeUnits NoDataVal Vocabulary VarCode 18 4/19/2015 TimeSeries table • Each measurement is indexed by space, time, and type • Space = FeatureID • Time = TsTime • Type = VarID VarID provides information on the variable TsTime TsValue FeatureID VariableID Time series views We can “slice” through the data cube to get specific views of the data Where? What? Query by location (FeatureID = 2791) Query by type (VarID = 6875) VarID Query by location and type (FeatureID = 2791 VarID = 6875) TsTime TsTime TsTime 2791 Where and What? FeatureID 6875 VarID FeatureID 6875 2791 FeatureID VarID 19 4/19/2015 Time series views Well HydroID = 2791 Create a plot of time series related to a feature • Get all the data of VarID 6875 measured at Feature 2791 • Time series views A type-time view: Get water levels (TSTypeID =2) for 1/1999 TsTime Water level in the Edwards Aquifer in 1/1999 1/1991 FeatureID 6875 VarID Set of layers for different times creates an animation 20 4/19/2015 Multi-variable time series • Multiple variables recorded simultaneously at the same location • Example – water quality parameters • Indexed by location (FeatureID), and time (TsTime) • Relationship to the VariableDefinition table is through the VarKey Variables (VarKey) Multi-variable time series Can query for multiple variables together New Braunfels Springs Well HydroID = 2833 21 4/19/2015 Raster Series • • Raster datasets indexed by time Each raster represents a continuous surface describing a variable for a given time January 1991 January 1992 January 1993 Feature Series • A collection of features indexed by time • Example of particle tracks • Features are indexed by VarID, TsTime, and GroupID • Each group of features creates a track over time 22 4/19/2015 Time series statistics • • Summarize values over a given time Custom tool - part of Groundwater Analyst Components • Framework – Surface water features, wells, and aquifers • Temporal – Representation of time series data • Geology – Representation of data from geologic maps • Boreholes – Borehole log table and 3D description of borehole lines and contact points • Hydrostratigraphy – 2D and 3D description of hydrogeologic units • Simulation – Representation of groundwater simulation models 23 4/19/2015 Geology • Representation of data from geologic maps • Simplified data model – not comprehensive geologic map design Components • Framework – Surface water features, wells, and aquifers • Temporal – Representation of time series data • Geology – Representation of data from geologic maps • Boreholes – Borehole log table and 3D description of borehole lines and contact points • Hydrostratigraphy – 2D and 3D description of hydrogeologic units • Simulation – Representation of groundwater simulation models 24 4/19/2015 Boreholes Wells and 3D data • 3D data is referenced along wells • From depth (top) – To depth (bottom) From To 25 4/19/2015 BoreholeLog table Combining the well geometry (x, y) and the vertical data stored in the BoreholeLog table we can describe a set of 3D geometries (x, y, z) 750 Upper confining unit 146 Georgetown Fm. (GTWN) 128 41 Cyclic + Marine member (CYMRN) Leached + collapsed member (LCCLP) -60 -81 Regional dense member (RGDNS) Grainstone member (GRNSTN) -140 Kirschberg evaporite member (KSCH) -217 Dolomitic member (DOLO) -372 Lower confining unit, upper Glen Rose (UGLRS) -433 3D features (BorePoints and BoreLines) From the tabular data we create 3D features that can be viewed in ArcScene. 26 4/19/2015 Components • Framework – Surface water features, wells, and aquifers • Temporal – Representation of time series data • Geology – Representation of data from geologic maps • Boreholes – Borehole log table and 3D description of borehole lines and contact points • Hydrostratigraphy – 2D and 3D description of hydrogeologic units • Simulation – Representation of groundwater simulation models GeoSections 27 4/19/2015 XS2D Component Add geophysical plots to 2D cross sections. This tool creates features representing geophysical data, such as points, lines and polygon plots, along with scale bars, for use in an XS2D data frame. 2D Cross Section Editing Edit cross sections in ArcMap Borehole data Outcrop Salt water interface Panel divider Panel 28 4/19/2015 Transform to 3D GeoSection GeoRasters 29 4/19/2015 GeoVolumes Components • Framework – Surface water features, wells, and aquifers • Temporal – Representation of time series data • Geology – Representation of data from geologic maps • Boreholes – Borehole log table and 3D description of borehole lines and contact points • Hydrostratigraphy – 2D and 3D description of hydrogeologic units • Simulation – Representation of groundwater simulation models 30 4/19/2015 Simulation Feature Data Set For more Information … on DataModel http://archydrogw.com/ahgw/MODFLOW_Data_Model … on ModFlow http://modflow.com/ MODFLOW SIMULATION groundwater flow within the aquifer is simulated in MODFLOW using a block-centered finite-difference approach. Layers can be simulated as confined, unconfined, or a combination of both. Flows from external stresses such as flow to wells, areal recharge, evapotranspiration, flow to drains, and flow through riverbeds can also be simulated … on ParFlow https://computation.llnl.gov/casc/parflow/parflow_h ome.html ParFlow is an integrated, parallel watershed model that makes use of high-performance computing to simulate surface and subsurface fluid flow. The goal of the ParFlow project is to enable detailed simulations for use in the assessment and management of groundwater and surface water, to investigate system physics and feedbacks and to understand interactions at a range of scales. 31 4/19/2015 Data model and tools summary • Arc Hydro – general data model that includes a framework, and temporal, surface water, and groundwater components. • Arc Hydro (surface water) – surface water components + tools developed by ESRI. • Arc Hydro Groundwater – the groundwater components + tools developed by Aquaveo (Groundwater Analyst, Subsurface Analyst, and MODFLOW Analyst). • MODFLOW Data Model – geodatabase design for storing MODFLOW simulations. Developed by Aquaveo, and works tightly with MODFLOW Analyst tools 32
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