Danehill Church of England Primary School – Yearly Curriculum Overview A Subject Title Topic and Stunning Start Suggestion Term 1 How We Used To Live SS: I Believe in Unicorns hotseating one of the characters. Term 2 TO 1: Newspaper article reporting on bombing of a town. TO 1: Be able to recognise major European countries on a map of the world. España SS: Learning Platform Art Critics: Giving reviews of Picasso/Britto artwork using Learning Platform. Topic outcomes TO 2: Diary entry of a civilian in a war-torn town. TO 3: Letters home written as if by a soldier on the front-line. FF: Visit to Danehill War Memorial & Graveyard to visit military graves. Edu visit from local historian Terry Denham. TO 2: Create a class information book about Spain. TO 3: Be able to compare two contrasting areas within a country. FF: Spanish food tasting. Year Group: Badgers, Year 3/4 Term 3 Hunters and the Hunted SS: Papier-Mache Cave in playground. Chn to collect sticks and leaves to line the ground. Look at cave paintings and create own on cave walls. Term 4 Welcome to the Jungle! SS: TO 1: Short video clip about Stone Age animal in the style of Deadly 60. TO 2: Create a rainforest environment in the school. TO 2: Write a story set during the Stone Age. TO 3: Create a sales pitch to persuade a person from the Stone Age to start brushing their teeth. TO 1: Write a story about how an animal got its prominent feature. (Just So Stories) Term 5 Walk Like an Egyptian SS: ‘Egyptian Day’. Traditional Egyptian clothes, eating Egyptian foods, making clay scarab beetles, making own papyrus paper. TO 1: Know how life in Ancient Egyptian times was different to our lives today. TO 3: Consider two sides of an argument on a controversial topic (deforestation). TO 2: Create artwork representing Egyptian artefacts. FF: Perform a play set in a rainforest. TO 3: Write a recount of visit to the British Museum. FF: Visit to British Museum, ‘Life In Ancient Egypt’ exhibits/tour. FF: Look into local examples of Stone Age artefacts/sites for potential trip? English Spelling and Grammar Read ‘I Believe in Unicorns’ by Michael Morpurgo. Character profiles and descriptive writing of settings. Newspaper articles relating to an event from the story. Diary writing as Tomas from the story differentiated by event coverage. Letters home from trenches, linked to ‘The War Game’ by Terry Deary. Begin ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ to follow on from diary writing task. Continue ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’. Non-chronological reports: Look at a range of examples for features, reading comprehension based around N-C reports. Write own N-C report in groups to make a class book about Spain. Independent N-C report writing as Mighty Writing. ‘Lonely Planet’ style tourist guide to Spanish cities using Trip Advisor for reviews. Travel Agency role-play. ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. ‘Ug’ by Raymond Briggs. ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King. Story Writing – Imagine you fell down a hole and found yourself in the Stone Age… Persuasive writing – Why it’s important to brush teeth regularly, target audience: Stone Age man. Performance Poetry – onomatopoeia etc. Spellings - Double Consonants - Words ending –y - Adding –ing, -ed and –er - Adding –es - -tch Story Writing – ‘How the … Got Its …’ Rudyard Kipling ‘Just So Stories’ Debate – Should we continue to cut down rainforests to use the wood and to make way for towns? ‘Journey Into The Jungle’ Information Text. ‘Window’ Jeannie Baker. Persuasive Writing – Letter to logging company highlighting the problems with deforestation. Playwriting – Create a script for end of term performance. Spellings - Homophones and nearhomophones - Adding suffixes - Possessive apostrophe Grammar ‘Girl Pie’ independent writing task based around a recipe in ‘Beware of Boys’ – Instructional Writing. Group writing task: Instructions – How to Make a Mummy. Write a Recount of visit to British Museum. Spellings - Homophones and nearhomophones - Prefixes Grammar - Plural and possessive ‘s’ Term 6 Healthy Living SS: 80s-themed Fitness DVD workout (Mr. Motivator) – children and parents in 80s neon work-out gear. TO 1: Healthy living posters aimed at Year 1/2/3 or 4/5/6 to be displayed around school. TO 2: Present data in a range of ways to show how body changes during exercise. TO 3: Create a Warm-up routine for a fitness DVD, recorded using iPads and edited using iMovie. FF: Badgers Olympic Games A range of sports and activities completed where chn have to better their own scores rather than competing against each other. Danehill 150th Anniversary Alice in Wonderland 150th anniversary. Story writing. ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl. Shape Poetry – Calligrams and shape poetry about fruit/veg/fitness/sport etc. Spellings - Homophones and nearhomophones - Endings which sound like /ʃən/ - Suffix –ation 1 Danehill Church of England Primary School – Yearly Curriculum Overview A Grammar - Indefinite article (a/an) - Word families based on common words, e.g. solve, solution, solver, solved, dissolve, insoluble etc.) Maths History/ Geography Science Representing numbers, place value. +/-/x/÷ mental, practical, written methods and problem solving. Recognising fractions and counting in fractional amounts. Shapes and their properties. Comparing and classifying shapes. Angles. Drawing and constructing shapes. Angles, turns and lines. Representing numbers, place value. +/-/x/÷ mental, practical, written methods and properties of number. Rounding. Inverse operations, estimating and checking answers. Comparing, converting and estimating units of distance. Measuring and calculating. Time, inc. conversions. Money (OM starters). Co-ordinates. Bar charts, pictograms and tables. Collecting and recording data. World War I Regional Comparisons: Spain Sound Pitch & Vibration Representing numbers, place value. +/-/x/÷ mental, practical and written methods. Problem solving. Properties of number. Fractions, decimals and percentages. Counting in fractional amounts (Y3) +/- fractions (Y3) x/÷ decimals (Y4) Measuring and calculating (recap perimeter, teach area) Time inc. conversion and problem solving. Drawing and constructing shapes. Comparing and classifying shapes. Angles/Turns/Lines. Stone Age to Iron Age Animals & Humans: The Digestive System, Teeth, Predators & Prey. Year Group: Badgers, Year 3/4 - Expanded noun-phrases Fronted adverbials Plural possessive apostrophe Speech punctuation - Standard English verb inflections Time/Place/Cause using conjunctions Time/Place/Cause using adverbs Time/Place/Cause using prepositions Representing numbers, place value. +/-/x/÷ mental, practical and written methods. Problem solving. Inverse operations, estimating and checking answers. Converting measures (Mass) Solving problems involving measures. Money. Translation of shapes. Solving shape problems. Interpreting, constructing and presenting (discrete) data. Representing numbers, place value. +/-/x/÷ mental, practical and written methods. Problem solving. Properties of number. Equivalent Fractions. +/- fractions and other problems involving fractions. 2D and 3D shapes. Angles. Drawing and constructing shapes. Rainforests (South America) Ancient Egyptians Rivers Light (Reflections & Shadows) Animals & Humans: Movement & Nutrition, Skeletons & Muscles. Design and make a speaker for an iPhone. Computing Art/DT Digital Literacy: E-Safety Design and make a speaker for an iPhone. Programming: (Creating a game using Scratch) Programming: (Bug Fixing and Improving using Scratch) Multimedia: Stop-motion animation Multimedia: App development using Keynote Artist Study: Britto & Picasso Painting: Cave Paintings Printing: Leaves using Polytiles & String Drawing: Sketching Artefacts Modelling: Create models using clay. - Suffix –ly - Suffix –ous Grammar - Nouns using prefixes super-, anti-, auto- Word families based on common words - Noun and pronoun variation within and across sentences - Fronted adverbials - Expanded noun phrases Representing numbers, place value. +/-/x/÷ mental, practical and written methods. +/- Fractions and problem solving involving fractions. x/÷ decimals Capacity linked to George’s Marvellous Medicine. Data handling linked to distances, timings and heart rate. Keep a food diary for a week. Highlight the different food groups to show excesses and lack of certain areas. Multimedia: Shooting & Editing Video Using iMovie to create a warmup for a fitness DVD. Food Tech – Design and Make a balanced meal? Structures: Create and 2 Danehill Church of England Primary School – Yearly Curriculum Overview A PSHE Pupil Voice SEAL – New Beginnings Anti-Bullying Week (17th-21st November) SEAL – Anti-Bullying, Getting On and Falling Out SEAL – Going for Goals Consider social roles within Stone Age society. What roles would chn in the class fit into and why? What roles would they want to be in and what qualities would they have to demonstrate to fit into these roles. Hockey Basketball Year Group: Badgers, Year 3/4 strengthen a structure (a bridge over the Amazon) SRE PE Netball Gymnastics Country Dancing Football RE Jewish Festivals What do we know about Jesus? Easter The life of Jesus Christ. Maundy Thursday Music Recorders Christmas Characters in the Christmas story. Recorders Languages French Spanish Answering the register in Spanish. Learning basic conversational phrases. French Citizenship, Diversity SEAL – Good to be Me Drug & Tobacco Education SEAL - Changes Swimming Field Athletics Swimming Track Athletics Passover Jesus’ Miracles French French Recorders French French – Characters in the Christmas story. 3
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