REGISTRATION INFORMATION FOR THE UPCOMING SCHOOL YEAR We are looking forward to successful chinuch partnership between your family and Yeshiva Darchei Noam throughout the upcoming school year and beyond. Please read this information and the following Checklist of Items Required for Registration carefully. Some of the items are generic forms which appear on the pages following the checklist, but your family's tuition contract, emergency contact information and consent form are personalized forms which were sent as a separate email attachment. A complete school calendar, the YDN parent handbook and other information (seforim lists, school supply lists, etc…) will be available on our website under the “Parent Resources” tab by the end of June. Please submit your completed registration to the Business Office by May 31, 2015. REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: SAVE MONEY BY REGISTERING ON TIME! To show our appreciation to parents who submit their forms in a timely fashion and help facilitate a smooth registration process, YDN is once again instituting a DISCOUNT of $200 PER STUDENT for families who submit all the items required for registration by May 31st. FACTS/TUITION PAYMENT POLICY: The FACTS payment program has greatly enhanced the financial stability of the Yeshiva and YDN is continuing its partnership with FACTS for the 2015-2016 school year. If you are a new parent, you can set up your Yeshiva Darchei Noam FACTS account by using the following URL: note: FACTS has a 2.75% fee for payments made with a credit card. There is no fee for payments made with a checking account. For more information about FACTS, please visit their website or download the FACTS information flyer available at If you are a returning parent and already have a FACTS account but would like to make changes to your banking information, you can do so by accessing your FACTS account online or by calling (866) 441-4637. ADMITCARDS: In August, admission cards will be mailed to all students whose families have completed the Registration process and are financially clear. These admit cards are needed for NIT-checking and the first day of school. BREAKFAST/LUNCH: The tuition fees do not include the cost of breakfast or lunch. The breakfast program (grades 6-8 only) is prepared in-house. Please see the attached breakfast form and submit it to the Business Office if you want your son/s to participate in the breakfast program. Enrollment for the breakfast program is for 5 months at a time. The lunch program is operated by a third party caterer and information about the lunch program will be sent out as it becomes available. MEDICAL FORMS: Please see the Message from the Nurse's office (page 5) TUITION ASSISTANCE: Yeshiva Darchei Noam will only be able to fund a very limited number of tuition scholarships based on both availability and need and scholarships are awarded on a first come – first served basis. To request financial assistance, please download the Tuition Assistance Application available on Tuition Assistance Application received by st the Business Office by May 31 , with the registration fee and all required forms, still qualify for the registration discount. PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, Tuition Assistance Applications received after the May 31st deadline will incur an additional processing fee: o Tuition Assistance applications submitted after May 31, 2015 must be accompanied with $75.00 late processing fee. o Tuition Assistance Applications submitted after June 19, 2015must be accompanied with a $150.00 late processing fee. If you have any questions, please contact the Business Office. (845) 352-7100, ex. 108 [email protected] Business Office Summer Hours: Monday –Thursday: 9:30 – 1:30 The Business Office will be CLOSED for two weeks over the summer. Please call the Business Office before stopping by to confirm the office is open. 1 CHECKLIST OF ITEMS REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION Registration Forms can be submitted by mail, fax or email: MAIL: YDN, Attn: Business Office, 257 Grandview Ave., Suffern, NY 10901; FAX: 845-352-9593 – Attn: Business Office; EMAIL: [email protected]. To ensure that all your forms reach their appropriate destination, please submit all forms at one time. An ‘*’ below indicates that this is a personalized form that is in the accompanying email attachment. If for some reason, you did not receive those personalized forms, please contact the Business Office. The following items are required for registration to be complete: □Signed Tuition Contract* with tuition payment option selected There are two copies of the tuition contract, please keep the copy that has (parent copy) printed on top for your records. If you are applying for tuition assistance, include your completed Tuition Assistance Application together with all supporting data in lieu of the signed contract. □Registration Fee + Post-Dated Checks for Scholarship Fund and Bedek Habayis For your convenience, you can submit your registration without any checks and the office will automatically include the Registration, Scholarship Fund and Bedek Habayis fees into your FACTS tuition payments to be divided over your ten month payment schedule. □Updated or Confirmed Contact & Emergency Information Form* This form includes the Contact & Emergency Information that is currently on file for your family. Please make sure that all information (including the emergency contacts) is complete and correct. If all the information is up-to-date, please check "no changes needed." If information is missing or you would like to make changes, please check off "changes needed" and write the changes directly on the sheet. The Yeshiva recently updated its student data management software. A careful review of this form will help ensure that your account information in the new system is accurate. □Signed Consent Form □Signed District Textbook Application Request Form * (page 3) This form is what allows YDN to receive textbooks from the district on your son/s behalf. One form needs to be completed PER registered student in grades P-8. Only the top portion of the form needs to be completed and signed. □E-Rate Survey (page 4) YDN is eligible for certain government funds based on the results of this survey. Please complete and return EVEN if your family does NOT qualify. Results are kept strictly confidential. □Medical Forms – IF REQUIRED - please see the Message from the Nurse's office (page 5) If you previously submitted some of the required medical forms to the Nurse's Office, you do not need to resubmit those forms together with your registration. st PLEASE NOTE: If you are not able to get updated medical records (if applicable) by May 31 , because you have an appointment scheduled for over the summer, please include a note with your appointment date together with all other registration items. If all other items are submitted by May st 31 , you will still be eligible for the REGISTRATION DISCOUNT of $200 PER STUDENT, but unfortunately, an admit card cannot be issued until any required immunization records are received. Enjoy Your Summer! 2 One form is needed PER student (P-8). Please complete and sign the TOP portion of the form. 3 One form is needed PER family. E-RATE SURVEY 2015-2016 School Year The results of this survey will be kept strictly confidential. Simply by completing this form, you can enable YDN to receive government funding to cover certain costs - THANK YOU! Family Name: ______________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________ City______________________State ___________Zip______________ Circle the number of people in your family (including all children) on this chart and answer the questions below: Family Size Annual Income Monthly Income Weekly Income 1 $21,590 $1,800 $416 2 3 4 5 6 7 $29,101 $36,612 $44,123 $51,634 $59,145 $66,656 $2,426 $3,051 $3,677 $4,303 $4,929 $5,555 $560 $705 $849 $993 $1,138 $1,282 8 $74,167 $6,181 $1,427 $7,511 $626 $145 For each additional family member add: 1. Is your family's income equal to or less than the amount listed next to the number you circled? Yes No 2. If you answered YES, please list the names of all school age children living in your home, including the schools they attend: Name of Child School Grade _ ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________ 4 IMPORTANT MESSAGES FROM THE NURSE’S OFFICE Dear Parents, Enclosed you will find all the relevant information needed for a healthy 2015-2016 school year. Read the information carefully as some information pertains only to certain grades. IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS Please check with your health care provider to make sure that your child has all the needed immunizations. They are listed below. New Students Entering 1st- 8th grade Students Entering P1A Immunization Polio Hepatitis B Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis Measles/Mumps/Rubella Varicella (Chickenpox) Number of Doses 3-4 3 4-5 1 2 Immunization Polio Hepatitis B Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis Measles/Mumps/Rubella Varicella (Chickenpox) TH Tdap 6-8 grade only Number of Doses 3 3 4-5 2 1 1 All students entering 6th grade need a Tdap Vaccine when they turn 11 years of age. HEALTH APPRAISAL/PHYSICAL EXAMS NY State mandates Health Examinations for the following grades: •PRE-1A•2nd•4th• 7thand ALL NEW* STUDENTS (regardless of their grade) Please send in a completed Health care provider's physical form or attached is a form for your provider to fill out. The most recent physical form must be dated after 9/1/2014. *In addition to a health appraisal, all NEW students must also submit a completed a Health History Record Form. ALLERGIES & MEDICAL INFORMATION If your son has an allergy (food, insect, latex, etc.) or medical issue, we should know about, please alert both the nurse and teachers so we can send an emergency care plan for your pediatrician to fill out. This will enable us to help prevent contact with the allergen and treat any reactions. MEDICATION I cannot administer any medication without a signed authorization from your child's Healthcare Provider. This Includes all over the counter medications, e.g. Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and Tums. For all students, please have your Healthcare provider fill out the "Authorization for Medication," section on the physical form enclosed, or they can write a prescription for the 2015-2016 school year. Completing this form before the start of school will prevent any inconveniences or delays if your son needs medication during the school year. I will let parents know before I give students any medication Please return the completed documentation to the school together with the rest of your registration forms. If you have any questions or concerns, call 845-352-7100 ext. 109 or email to [email protected] Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Cara Rogers-Yakal, RN 5 YESHIVA DARCHEI NOAM Health Appraisal/Physical Form Name:___________________________________________________Grade______________Date of Birth:___________________ IMMUNIZATIONS / HEALTH HISTORY No immunizations given today Immunization record attached Immunizations up-to-date PPD: Positive Negative Not done Date: _______ Elevated Lead Yes No Not done Date: _______ Labs: U/A______ Other______________________________________ Significant Medical/Surgical History: see Attached___________________________________________________________________ Specify current diseases: ALLERGIES: Asthma Seizures Diabetes: Type 1 Type 2 Hypertension Other LIFE-THREATENING NON LIFE-THREATENING Insect_________ Medication______________________ Latex______ Food__________________________________________ Seasonal_______________ Other______________________________ PHYSICAL EXAM Height_________ Weight________ BMI_________ Percentile < 5th 5th to 49th 50th to 84th 85th to 94th 95th to 98th >99th B/P __________ Pulse _________ Heart__________ Lungs_________ Scoliosis Negative Positive_______ EXAM ENTIRELY NORMAL Tanner: I. II. III. IV. V. Specify and abnormality_____________________________ Vision Right 20/___ Left 20/___ with Lenses Hearing Pass 20 db sc both ears or: R_____L____ MEDICATIONS Medications (list all): None Additional medications listed on reverse of form if AM dose is missed at home give in school Name: ____________________________________________________ Dosage/Time: ___________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________ Dosage/Time: ___________________________________________________ I assess this student to be self-directed Yes No Student may self carry and self administer medication Yes No Authorization for Administration of Medication in School including OTC Medication Parents will be notified prior to administrating medication to students MEDICATION DOSE ROUTE TIMES TO BE ADMINISTERED INDICATIONS COMMENTS Tylenol (acetaminophen) Advil (ibuprofen) Tums Benadryl (diphenhydramine HCl) Recommendation or Restriction for Participation in Physical Education/Sports/Work: Free from contagions and physically qualified for all activities (phys ed. athletics, playground, work, school) Recommendation/restrictions___________________________________________________________________________ All information contained herein is valid through the last day of the month for 12 months from the date below Medical Provider Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date______________________ Provider’s Name/Address: _____________________________________________________ (Stamp Below) Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Return to: YESHIVA DARCHEI NOAM 257 GRANDVIEW AVENUE SUFFERN, NY 10901 845.352.7100 F: 845.352.9593 בס"ד HEALTH HISTORY RECORD Please fill out for each NEW student STUDENT’S NAME______________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH_______________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________________GRADE____________ HOME TELEPHONE __________________________________________ STUDENT’S BIRTHPLACE_____________________ FATHER’S NAME____________________________________________________ BIRTHPLACE________________________ MOTHER’S NAME___________________________________________________ BIRTHPLACE_________________________ CHILD’S DOCTOR’S NAME____________________________________________TELEPHONE_________________________ CHILD’S DENTIST’S NAME ____________________________________________TELEPHONE_________________________ ORTHODONTIS’S NAME ______________________________________________TELEPHONE_________________________ Has pupil had any of the following illnesses? Please give year. Chicken pox____________ Rheumatic Fever________ ALLERGIES TO: Tuberculosis____________ Scarlet Fever___________ Pneumonia______________ Seizure Disorder________ Medications___________________________ Bronchitis_______________ Heart Disease__________ Seasonal _____________________________ Lyme Disease____________ Migraine_______________ Food_________________________________ Mononucleosis___________ Asthma________________ __________________________________ Diabetes_________________ Other__________________________________________________________________ Is there any other phase of the pupil’s health that the school should be aware? i.e. High fevers, serious illnesses heart murmurs, surgeries, serious injuries or any other medical problems that should concern the school.____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has your child ever been hospitalized? _______If yes, when and why_________________________________ Any history of Amblyopia (lazy eye) in the family? No___Yes___ Relationship to child_________________ Has pupil had a vision exam with an eye doctor? No___Yes___ Date_______________________________ Does pupil wear glasses? No___Yes___ When was present lenses received? ____ Has pupil seen an eye doctor for any other eye condition? No___Yes___ Describe ___________________________ Does pupil have any speech problems? No___Yes___ Has there been any speech therapy? ____ Has pupil received any Dental Care? No___Yes___ Orthodontia (braces) No___Yes___ Additional information or comments: ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian ___________________________________________________________Date__________________________ BREAKFAST ENROLLMENT FORM Grades 6-8 September 2015 – January 2016 Five Month Enrollment Full Breakfast Program (Monday – Friday)/ $395 per student Milk Only for Breakfast (Monday-Friday/ $90 per student Family name:________________________________________________________ Talmid's First Name Grade Please select Full Breakfast Milk Only $395 $90 1. 2. 3. 4. Total Amount Due: Please find my check enclosed. Please make checks payable to Yeshiva Darchei Noam. Unfortunately, post-dated checks cannot be accepted for the breakfast/milk program. Please add the amount due to my upcoming FACTS payment. Please use my credit card information to make the payment. (Please note: there is a 2.5% percent fee for payments made by credit card) Name on Card:______________________________Card Type:_____________ Card Number:_________________________________________CVV________ Ex. Date:___/___Billing Address:_______________________________________ Parent Signature: _____________________________ Date:____________________ Please return your completed form and full payment to the Yeshiva Darchei Noam Business Office by Monday, August 24, 2015
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