dav publi c school, east of loni road, delhi-110093 syllabus 2015

SYLLABUS 2015-16
First Cycle Test
Unit-1 Sports
1. Sports
2. A true friend
3. Mix up at birth
4. What‟s really important
5. A test of strength
 Noun and its kind ( common, proper, collective)
 Pronoun
 Genders
 Preposition
 Tense
 Punctuation
 Unseen passage
Writing skill
 Diary Entry
1. MCQ based on prescribed lessons.
2. Write one value based Quotation on friendship or sports
Second Cycle Test
Unit-2 Travels
1. Travels plans
2. Jungle safari
3. Kanyakumari-Where three seas meet Wit and humor
4. The rich lady and the artist
5 The foolish men
 Adjective
 Determiners
 Verbs
 Adverbs
 Tense
 Punctuation
 Unseen Passage
Writing skills
 Lost and found
1. Make a travel ad/ Pamphlet for the place you like most
2. Make cartoon strips of a travel by train.
Third Cycle Test
Unit-3 Wit and humor
1. Clever fox
2. In the land of Lilliput
3. King Thrushbeard
4. Let us visit the fantasy land
5. Rizi, the Alien
 Subject and Predicate
 Interrogatives
 Conditionals
 Reading for understanding
 Tense
 Punctuation
 Unseen passage
Writing skills
1. Make a collage using different pictures to depict a Fantasy land.
2. Make a cartoon strip based on Aliens.
I- Cycle Test
L-1 My Body
L-2 Plants
L-6 Insects
Activities1. Role Play- Students will enact as different body parts of digestive systemandexplain it.
2. Puzzle on plants
3. Collect the information about disease spreading insects along with the pictures.
Also mention the name of diseases spread and their prevention.
II- cycle test
L-4 Plants Around Us
L-5 Birds- Beaks & Claws
L-8 Water Scarcity &Conservation of Water
1. Make a collage on plants grown in different regions like hills, plains,
marshy areas, deserts etc.
2. Compare the structure of beak & claws of any three birds.
3. Celebrating festivals with water.
Final Term
L-3 Flowers & Fruits
L-7 Food
L-9 Safe Handling & storage of Water
L-10 Water Pollution
Activities1. Use dried fallen flowers & leaves to make a greeting card.
2. Prepare a menu card for your birthday bash mentioning healthy &
nutritious dishes you would like to serve.
3. Slogan writing on water conservation.
4. pH paper test.
1 Family Relationship
2 Sensitivity towards others
3 Celebrating our Diversity
Activities:-Paste the picture of „Louis Braille‟ in notebook & write few lines on him.
- Write five moral values that are important to grow into a good human being.
-Cut & paste pictures on the festivals celebrated in the month of August& September
-“Make someone happy” Make a card & exchange with each other in class.
II- Cycle Test
4 An Ideal home
5 Bricks and Bridges
6 Waste Management
7 The works we do
8 Leisure Time
Activities:-Name & draw any five things that keep the house clean.
-To show a documentary on‟ how bricks are made‟
-Make two dustbins of blue colour& green colour paper cuttings & slips them with
different bio- degradable & non- biodegradable wastes.
-Prepare any item made of waste material.
-To make a time table on how to manage work & play
-Bring your own indoor game to play with friends (group activity
III-Cycle Test
9. Directions
10. Travel & Tours
11. Let us travel
12. Let us communicate.
13. India our Motherland
-Locating & marking places according to the directions of map
-Visit to any tourist place in Delhi for eg. ( Red fort, Lotus temple, Indian gate, Akshardham
temple etc.) and write few lines on it with picture.
-Collect information through internet or travel brochure on any one Indian state
-Draw or paste audio/ visual means of communication
-Write the names of different news channels, newspapers, magazines etc.
-Map of India(states, neighboring countries)
1. Numbers up to 9,99,999
2. Addition and Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Division
1. A number would be given to child. In the classroom, each row would represent a different
period. As the child moves from one period to another that is from one row to another, his value
2. Go to a market with your parents. Make a shopping list. Note down the prices of the things
that you buy, paste their wrapper or price tag and add them.
3. A place value chart would be made depicting periods as well as corresponding places.
4. Students will make a mathematics booklet which will include table‟s up to 20 and properties
of multiplication and division. This will help them while multiplying and dividing numbers.
II Cycle Test
5. Length
6. Weight
7. Capacity
9. Fractions
14. Fun with patterns
1. Depicting a given fraction by dividing pictures of pizza, chocolate etc.
2. Make a measuring tool for measuring capacity by using waste bottles, cans or any other waste
materials and make a scale on it too.
3. Students will paste pictures of commodities measured in mm, cm, m or km.
III Cycle Test
8. Time and Calendar
10. Angles
11. Perimeter
12. Area
13. Volume
1. Students will write their birth date and the day on which it falls in 2015. This will be
depicted in the form of a leaf. This will be put up on the board in the form of a birthday tree.
2. The students will form different types of angles using matchsticks / toothpicks.
3. The students will calculate the perimeter and area of any five things in their house and
represent it in appropriate units. They may measure the table top, TV screen, book etc.
4. The students will make a beautiful geometric rangoli consisting of geometrical shapes. They
will also color it and decorate it beautifully.
I Cycle Test
1. Working of Computer System
2. Windows
Activities: 1.Collect the pictures of different parts of computer and classify them based on their
types.(Input, output, storage devices)
2.Collect the information about windows operating system & their year of launch and
3. If you were to design your own computer, what are the qualities that you would like
your computer to have. Write in your words.
II Cycle Test
3. Generations of Computer
4. MS-Word
5. More on MS-Word
Activities: 1. Design a poster in Ms-word on topic „Respect and be kind to others‟. 2. Design a
newspaper advertisement on MS-Word.
Final Term
Ch-6. Open Office–Draw
Ch-7. More on Open Office–Draw
Ch-8. The Internet
Activities: 1. Use pictures of flowers, birds, animals & other things to draw a village scene on a
computer. Make a story based on your drawing and narrate it in your class.(in
2. Use the search engine and find the information on the following topics:a) Cartoon Network
b) History of computer
First Cycle Test
Step by Step Book
1. Racktangle-Pencil Shading
2. Cone & Circle- Pencil Shading
3. Oil Container- Pencil Shading
4. Jug, Pot, Book & Elmira-Jug & Mug
5. Tea Set, Glasses & Mug-Flower Pot
6 . Flowers-Fruits Basket
Second Cycle Test
Step by Step Book
1. Vegetables Composition
2. Animal Composition
3 Birds Composition
4. Faces with different angles
5. Human Figures
6. Vegetables Seller
Art Activity Book
1. Scenery-Ships
2. Butterfly-Bird
3. Cubs-Leaves
4. Pyramids-Rangoli
5. Bell-Lotus
Art Activity Book
1. Ship-Coconut
2. Tree-Flower& Butterfly
3. Hut-Donkey
4. Hands & Legs Frame
5. Dholak
Third Cycle Test
Step by Step Book
1. Balloon Seller
2..Ice Cream Seller
3. Landscape-Seascape
4. Alphabets-Mathod
5. Poster-Do Not Cut Tree
6. Poster-Save Water
Art Activity Book
1 Zebra-Designer Shoes
2. Pen Holder-Flower
3. Bird-Puppet
4. Key Chain-Mat
5. Model -Ship
१. फैऱती चप्पऱें
२. उऱटा-पऱ
ु टा
३. अनोखा ढं ग
४. ममत्रता
५. सेर को सवा सेर
६. पहऱी बाररश
भाषा अभ्यास:- पष्ृ ठ संख्या १ से २०
व्याकरण:-संऻा,भाषाववचार, क्रिया, वचन बदऱो, मऱंग बदऱो, ववऱोम शब्द,अनच्
ु छे द,चचत्र
वर्णन,शब्द सीढ़ी, संवाद,बबंद ु और चंद्र्बबन्द ु का प्रयोग,पयाणयवाचीशब्द |
१.वगण पहे ऱी
२. कववता गायन
३.श्रवर् कौशऱ
४.चचत्र वर्णन
द्वितीय चक्र:७. दादी का रे द्वियो
८. ककस्से-कहावतों की दुद्वनया
९. नानी की नाव चली
१०.एक बौना और लकड़हारा
११. मौसम
१८.खत पहुँचे सक्को को
भाषा अभ्यास:- पृष्ठ संख्या २१ से ३६,५६
व्याकरण:- संज्ञा, कक्रया, वचन बदलो, ललग बदलो, द्ववलोम शब्द,अनुच्छेद,द्ववशेषण ,द्ववशेष्य,
युग्मशब्द,सववनाम पयावयवाची शब्द ,मुहावरे , अनेक शब्दों के द्वलए एक शब्द,र के रूप, संवाद,लबदु और
चंद्वबबन्दु का प्रयोग |
गद्वतद्ववद्वध:१.नारा लेखन
२.पत्र लेखन
३.श्रवण कौशल
४.मुहावरों की जानकारी
तृतीय चक्र:१२. आुँख -द्वमचौनी
१३. चतुर द्वचत्रकार
१४. एक थी स्वाद्वत
१५.होली के रं ग हज़ार
१६. ऐसे भी बच्चे
१७. कोयल
भाषा अभ्यास:- पृष्ठ संख्या ३७ से ५५
व्याकरण:- संज्ञा, ,द्ववशेषण ,द्ववशेष्य, वचन बदलो, ललग बदलो, द्ववलोम शब्द,अनुच्छेद ,काल, ,मुहावरे ,
,रके रूप,प्रत्यय,उपसगव,द्ववराम द्वचह्न ,अनेक शब्दों के एक शब्द,समान अथव वाले शब्द, जोड़े वाले शब्द,पत्र
लबदु और चंद्वबबन्दु का प्रयोग |
१. ताना-बाना बन
ु ो
२. संवाद
३.श्रवर् कौशऱ
४.दोहाऱेखन/ गायन
िमण - मशऺा
१ यूतनट
२ यूतनट
३ यूतनट -
पाठ १ से ७ तक मऱखखत होगा ।
८ से १४ तक मऱखखत होगा ।
१५ से २१ तक मऱखखत होगा ।