A Handbook of School Guidelines 2015-16 2015 UN Declared International Year of Soils International Year of light and light based technologies D.A.V. Public School Pushpanjali Enclave, New Delhi - 110034 Tel: 27018261, 27010377 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.davpushpanjali.com Blog: davpushpanjali.blogspot.com Name of the student ClassSection Student’s Particulars (To be filled by the Parent / Guardian in capitals) Father Mother Guardian Name of the student : ___________________________________________________________ Admission Number : ____________________________________________________________ Class and Section : _____________________________________________________________ Roll Number : _________________________________________________________________ School House : ________________________________________________________________ Residential Address : ___________________________________________________________ Telephone No. (s) Residence : _____________________________________________________ Mobile Number (s) : (F) __________________________ (M) ________________________ School Bus Route No : __________________________________________________________ (if using) Bus stop : _____________________________________________________________ Mode of Transport (other than School Bus) : ________________________________________ (Give Detail) __________________________________________________________________ Sister / Brother Studying in the school : ___________________________________________ Name : _____________________________ Class and Section : ________________________ Details about Parents / Local Guardian Particulars Father / Local Guardian Mother Name Occupation : Professional Designation or Nature of Business Office Address Phone No. (Office) Mobile No. Email Specimen Signature Father Mother Guardian Class Teacher Student’s Particulars (To be filled by the Parent / Guardian in capitals) Father Mother Guardian Name of the student : ___________________________________________________________ Admission Number : ____________________________________________________________ Class and Section : _____________________________________________________________ Roll Number : _________________________________________________________________ School House : ________________________________________________________________ Residential Address : ___________________________________________________________ Telephone No. (s) Residence : _____________________________________________________ Mobile Number (s) : (F) __________________________ (M) ________________________ School Bus Route No : __________________________________________________________ (if using) Bus stop : _____________________________________________________________ Mode of Transport (other than School Bus) : ________________________________________ (Give Detail) __________________________________________________________________ Sister / Brother Studying in the school : ___________________________________________ Name : _____________________________ Class and Section : ________________________ Details about Parents / Local Guardian Particulars Father / Local Guardian Mother Name Occupation : Professional Designation or Nature of Business Office Address Phone No. (Office) Mobile No. Email Specimen Signature Father Mother Guardian Class Teacher 3 My Health Card (To be filled by the Parent / Guardian in capitals) Name of the student : ___________________________________________________________ Class and Section : _____________________________________________________________ Sex (Male/Female) : ____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth : _________________________________________________________________ Height : _______________________________ Weight : ______________________________ Blood Group : _________________________________________________________________ Vision (Normal/Wearing glasses) : (R) ____________________ (L) ______________________ Specific ailment, if any : ________________________________________________________ Any ailment for which the child is on regular medication : _____________________________________________________________________________ Any operation / Surgery undergone in the past : ____________________________________ Allergies to any medicines, if any : ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Person to be contacted in case of an emergency :Name Relationship with the child Mobile No. Residential Phone no. Residential Address 1. 2. 3. Immunisation record - (Please tick ( ) if the vaccine has been administered) Polio Hepatitis (A & B) Cholera Chicken Pox BCGTyphoid DPT Any Other Measles (Please specify)__________________________ Tetanus Chronic Illness - (Put ( ) whichever case is applicable) None Diabetic Speech disorder Asthma Haemophilia Mental Disorder Any other disease for which the child is on regular medication _____________________________________________________________________________ Signature : ________________ Date : ________________ Specimen Signature Father 4 Mother Guardian Class Teacher DAV Pushpanjali School International School Award, British Council (2013-2016) Certified ISO 9001:2008 CBSE-i The school after creating the wave of 25 years since its inception in 1989 has been imbued with the colour of youth. Life is never stagnant. One is ever growing and ripening. It is a journey where one keeps moving, exploring new paths, enjoying a new environment, Switching over to the next phase of life, focussing towards the next destination, being ready for new changes and challenges and advancing ahead by not only keeping pace with life but striding two steps ahead with a faith that there are far better things full of progress and forward motion. We have followed the maxim and proved our mettle. ISA - The school has been accredited with the, British Council International School Award for the period 2013 - 2016. GTA - The school has been awarded the ‘Global Teacher Accreditation - 2013’. CBSE-i - It is a matter of great pride that the school has attained another benchmark by getting CBSE-i ( International Curriculum) affiliation as one amongst only 21 schools out of Delhi and 50 across the country. The e-Pathshala structure and world class education methodology provides every child at DAV Pushpanjali sufficient scope to become a confident, creative, intellectually aware, physically strong, aesthetically rich, emotionally stable, socially and spiritually, upright human being. Our learning programme intellectually engages, inspires and spurs academic achievement, which is well proved by the excellent performance of students. Our students perform brilliantly at All India Level and win seats in prestigious institutions. The school after achieving ISO 9001:2008, has been at par with International standards since then. It has stimulated the appetite for nonstop success.Our several exceptional innovative achievements make for an immensely rewarding work experience. Physical education is a compulsory discipline in our curriculum. The students are provided with ample opportunity and resources to outshine in sports and games. The school aims at holistic development of a child and with unstinted support, encouragement and synchronised effort of the school, staff and parents, we are sure to scale new heights of achievement and glory. 5 From the Principal’s Desk Dreams can often become challenging but challenges are what we live for. Each moment of life is a new challenge that needs to be met head on for growth and progress and we have honed it to a fine art. We are forever ready to take up every activity with great dedication and enthusiasm because we aim at achieving our goals. For achieving sucess we follow a strategic mantra of, “plan purposefully, prepare whole heartedly, proceed positively and pursue persistently”. It automatically leads to success. We keep setting new targets each year. In 2014 we had participated in the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ and have made it a regular feature. Year 2015 has been declared the International Year of Soils (IYS 2015) and the International Year of Light (IYL 2015). As adherence the school will organise activities to motivate students to raise full awareness among civil society and educate the public about the crucial role soil plays in food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, essential ecosystem services, poverty alleviation and sustainable development. The students will also raise awareness and highlight the importance of light and how light based technologies promote sustainable development and provide solutions to global challenges, energy, education, agriculture and health. “Keep the faith going”. 6 Value Education As per CCE introduced by the CBSE the whole evaluation system has been revamped and everyone is already aware about it. It aims at providing holistic education which lays equal emphasis on all aspects of a child’s life. It does not focus on the academics alone. It takes into account co-scholastic areas too, like thinking skills, social skills, emotional skills, environment consciousness, value systems, behaviour with each other, teacher, elders, proper manners and etiquettes, responsibility for one’s actions, Literary and creative skills, scientific skills, aesthetic and performing skills, health and wellness in other words all that is required to shape all rounded, wellbalanced personality one who can carryout one’s duty with responsibility and aplomb and learn to take things in one’s stride without any misbalancing. This also includes folllowing the rules down to the last alphabet as they are equally essential and a part of the new evaluation system. Therefore, nothing can be ignored or neglected, be it the scholastic or the co-scholastic area as both are important for the all round development of a child. School Norms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Every student should wear an Identity Card. Change of classroom between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly fashion. No child should leave his/her classroom without the class pass / activity pass. Students should be neatly dressed. No slogan writing or scribbling is permitted either on the school uniform or person. Non-Sikh Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals. Sikh Boys must wear navy blue turbans/patka. No shouting or whistling is allowed in the school building. To throw things at others is strictly forbidden. Students are expected to respect all property, which includes respect for school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher, Supervisory Head, Co-ordinator or the Principal. Any damage done will be made good by the one who causes it. Anyone who notices something damaged should report the matter to the school authorities even if he or she does not know who is responsible. Students should use handmade jute or paper bags instead of poly-bags. Re-usable plastic bottles should not be used for eg soft drink bottles for carrying water. Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments such as knives, cutters etc. to the school, or any kind of object that can cause injury to others. Students are advised to keep their class room, school building and campus as clean as possible, and throw leftovers into the dustbin. No books (other than text books or library books) should be brought to the school. The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches or fountain pens) to school. Students who commute in the care of servants should never leave before the servant arrives. In case of delay they should inform the school office. The school reserves the right to suspend or to take strict disciplinary action against a student whose diligence or progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory, or whose conduct is harmful to other students. 7 No student shall indulge in any of the following practices, namely :(a) Writing anything on the shirts, uniform, school furniture etc. (b) Spitting in or near the school building. (c) Any form of gambling. (d) Rowdiness, rude behaviour and abusive language. (e) Use of violence in any form. (f) Bursting crackers or throwing colour on one another / or painting faces within the school premises. (g)Roll Nos. of the students who do not follow the school rules or behave in an indisciplined manner may be withheld, based on the code of conduct issued by the CBSE. (h) A student is not permitted to bring a mobile phone to the school, under any circumstances. (i) No cameras are allowed in the school for any function or picnic. 17. Parents are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address and / or telephone numbers. 18. No student is allowed to visit any of the kiosks situated around the school, and in doing so, will be subjected to punishment. 16. 19. The school is not responsible for any problem related to transport of students who avail transport other than the school bus. Golden Rules of Good Parenting 8 1. Kindly check the haircut, uniform and punctuality of your ward in the morning. 2. Please see that your ward carries text/exercise books according to the Time Table for that day. No extra books are allowed. 3. Kindly ensure that he/she is prepared for the Weekly tests and brings answer books/answer sheets to school. Also see his/her Report Card and teachers’ remarks in his/her class work/ homework exercise books and school diary. 4. Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports. 5. For Classes VI to XII, restrict daily pocket money to between Rs. 10/- and Rs. 15/- per day. Encourage students to bring healthy & nutritive food and a fruit daily from home. No money should be given to the students of classes II-V. 6. a) Students will not be allowed to go home without the written permission of the Principal/Co-ordinator/Supervisor. b) The child will not be allowed to leave the school premises without his/her parent/ guardian on days when a half day is required. 7. In case of an emergency, when a parent cannot come to pick up his/her ward, an authority letter should be given to the person coming to pick up the child. 8. Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her person. There should be a name tag on blazers and sweaters. Expensive articles should not be brought to school. Students are not allowed to wear jewellery in school. In case of violation of this rule, the articles will be confiscated. The school bears no responsibility for articles lost in school. In case of a loss, a letter giving details of the lost item may be sent to the school. 9. Boys are not allowed to wear ear rings in one/both the ears. Students are strictly prohibited from applying mehndi, nail polish or hair colour. 10. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the class except in special cases as decided by the school authorities. Your ward will not be allowed to leave the school once he/she has entered it, till dispersal time. No reasons like weddings, function, prior appointments with anybody without prior information to school etc., will be accepted. On exam days the child should not be encouaraged to go to school for only giving the unit test if he/she is not feeling well. 11. Parents are requested NOT to give Mobile Phones, IPods, MP3’s etc. to their wards under any circumstances. 12. Cameras also should not be given to students for school as well as school picnics. Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability. Discipline is the essence of life. It plays a pivotal part in one’s life. It is a well known fact that no country can advance without discipline and the same applies to institutions. Keeping this in view certain disciplinary measures have become imperative to suit today’s fast changing social and behavioural patterns. The school has started a three card system to control miscreancy in the school and to curtail ill-mannered behaviour on part of the students. A Discipline Committee has been formed to look into cases of indiscipline. 1) A yellow card is issued as a first warning to a student to reform his/her ways. A red card is issued as the final reminder to improve his/her behaviour. 2) A black card denoting suspension from school is issued as a last resort to enforce 3) disciplinary measures. 13. Parents are requested to discourage children from bursting of crackers. 14. Students from class V onwards will not wear casuals on their birthdays. They will come in proper school uniform. No party or cutting of cakes is allowed in the school premises. 15. Students should accompany their parents on the PTM day in proper school uniform. 16. Please do not handover lunch boxes or any item to the security guard at the gate. This is in the interest & safety of your ward. 17. Sports uniform to be worn only on the PT period day. 18. Any communication made by you should be addressed to the Principal and not to the class teacher. Mention your child’s name, address, admission no., phone no., class and section clearly. 19. Do ensure that net-surfing by your ward is done only under your guidance and supervision. 20. Parents are requested to take corrective action against the use of abusive language of their child. 21. Parents are requested to check their ward while using INTERNET. The work / assignment could be accessed through parental guidance to avoid misuse of internet. School Timings Class II to IV Classes V to XII 7:55 am to 2:10 pm (Monday - Friday) (Saturdays are off Until otherwise informed) 7.55 a.m. to 2.10 p.m. (Monday - Friday) 7:55 am - 12:15 pm (first, third and fifth Saturday) Second and fourth saturdays are off (Until otherwise informed) 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The school gates will open in the morning at 7.30 a.m. The school gate will close at 8.00 a.m. 5 minutes after the Ist bell rings. Late arrivals will be sent back home. A student will not be allowed to leave the school premises after entering the school. Three late arrivals in a month would lead to strict disciplinary action. Record of the same will be kept in the school guidelines book. The school will not be held responsible for any child in the school premises before 7.30 a.m. Parents teacher meeting will be held on the 4th Saturday every month as per the school planner. School Transport Rules The school transport alone is the safest of all ways to transport the child to and from the school. 1. School is responsible for picking up and dropping the child back, in time. 2. School always has a teacher and a peon on board to take care of the child in case of an emergency. 3. Other vehicles like vans, etc. being used by parents for the conveyance of their wards are not as safe as the school bus. 4. In case of your own arrangement for the conveyance of your ward please take careful notice of the following points: • Vehicles should not be parked near the school as per court’s directive. • Honking and parking of vehicles near the school building creates early morning chaos, which makes the RWA’s angry. • RWA’s are within their right to take any action against this violation of their peace, both in the morning and afternoon. • Parents should drop and pick their children from the main gate of the area or Parwana Road (for Senior Wing) / Tarun Enclave opposite Kali Mandir (for Kindergarten Wing). • Letting children become independent is a great virtue. • Parents should also instruct the van drivers to drop and pick up the children at the main gate of Pushpanjali Enclave / Tarun Enclave. • Van drivers should be instructed and requested to be punctual, specially in the afternoon at dispersal time for the safety of their ward. • After dispersal the school will not be responsible for any untoward incident. • Parents dropping their wards to school need to do it at the main gate. They are requested not to escort the child to the class room carrying his/her bag or any other article, other than the first two days of kinder garten. Hopefully you would keep in mind the above mentioned points as your ward’s safety is a joint responsibility of both the parents and the school. School provides transport facilities within the range of 10 km. The school bus plies on set routes on all working days. Transport facility can be availed and withdrawn only at the beginning of the session and not in between. The child availing the school transport will not be allowed to skip the route at any cost or reason. During the PTM, parents are requested to park their vehicles at Parwana Road (for main school) and at Tarun Enclave opposite Kali Mandir (for Kindergarten Wing). 10 Leave & Attendance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Parents should fill up the “Record for Non-Attendance” for each day the student is absent from school, stating the reasons for his/her absence. Students who require medical attention during school hours, may be sent by the teacher to the medical room with a slip/note in the diary. No one who has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class without a leave application from the parent, addressed to the Class Teacher, stating the reason for the absence. Leave can be granted on special grounds. All students returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease, should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him to do so. This will be signed by the school doctor, on the basis of which the student will be admitted to the class. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class : (a) Chicken Pox - All lesions are crusted (b) Measles - For 4 days after rash disappears (c) Mumps - For 9 days after on set of swelling. (d) Whooping Cough - For 7 days after effective antibiotic therapy. (e) Viral, Swine flu - till full recovery and a medical fitness certificate. (f) Jaundice- Till full recovery, medical fitness certificate duly certified by the treating physician. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than five consecutive days, renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of a fresh admission fee. During absence from school, only students suffering from illness will be given a chance to re-appear in the test after producing a medical certificate. Discipline Rules Benchmarks LATE COMERS a. b. c. “The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don’t know what to do” – John W. Holt Verbal warning. Parents to be informed through a note. Issue of yellow card. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR & ABUSIVE LANGUAGE a. b. c. d. Written apology by the student. Counselling of student & parents. Reduction in grade in co-scholastic areas. Issue of red card. IRREGULARITY a. b. c. Verbal warning twice. Written information to parents. After school (stay back) to complete the backlog. 11 UNTIDY GROOMING a. b. c. Verbal warning twice. Send back home. Hair cut & nails cut in the school. WORK DEFAULTERS (WEEKLY TEST, LATE SUBMISSION, NOT BRINGING REQUIRED MATERIAL) a. b. c. d. e. Verbal warning. Written note to the parents. Withdrawal of PT period. Reduction of grade in co-scholastic area. Stay back after the school to complete the work. DAMAGING SCHOOL PROPERTY, SMART BOARDS, BURSTING CRACKERS AND UNTIDY CLASSROOMS a. b. c. d. e. Penal fine. Students to clean the classroom. Withdrawal of break & PT period. Suspension from school. Issue of black card. BUNKING THE SCHOOL, CLASSES, ASSEMBLY, ACTIVITY a. Written warning. b. Call the Parents. c. Decision of punishment by Discipline Committee. d. Permissible to school only to give exams. Kindly note : Any student who has been issued any of the 3 cards (yellow, red, black) will not be entitled for the Principal’s Special Award. Library Rules DO’S AND DON’TS IN THE LIBRARY (i) No personal books, pens, bags, poly bags permitted in the library. (ii) No eatables or water bottles allowed in the library. (iii) It is compulsory to bring library notebook in the Library period. Students are supposed to maintain a Library notebook to write book reviews. (iv) Silence and discipline should be maintained in the library. v) In case a book is lost by the child, double cost of the book will be charged. vi) Books should be taken from the library after proper verification of the book from the librarian. vii) If books are not returned on the date specified, then a fine of Rs. 20/- will be charged per week. viii) Library cards are given at the beginning of the session and students will have to return them at the end of the session for library clearance. If students have lost their library cards then they will have to pay a fine of Rs. 30/- along with an application signed by their parents, only then duplicate cards will be issued to the students. ix) A student is not allowed to come in the Library other than in the library period, except with permission from the concerned incharges. x) Students can bring only pencil with their library notebooks. Pens are not allowed in the library. xi) Do not mark or tear pages of the library books. If found doing so, double cost of the book will be charged. 12 INCENTIVES TO THE STUDENTS I) Classwise, students will be awarded for the reading of maximum number of books from the library or other sources. Students will have to show short written summaries. ii) Library Fiesta will be celebrated once a year. In the previous session those who were disciplined and read maximum no. of books were awarded (encyclopedias, story books, sub. books, dictionaries etc.) School Council / CR’s CRs (Class Representatives) Four students from each wing are selected as CRs by a group of teachers on the basis of their all round developed personality, good behaviour, discipline, punctuality, neatness and confidence. They look after the discipline of the fellow students, check their ill-behaviour, set a good example through their own exemplary behaviour and also act as a medium of bridging the gap between students and the administration. They put the students’ problems before the management for their solution and forge a strong bond for everybody’s happiness and smooth functioning of the school activities. Duties of CRs The CRs of the different wings of the school have to perform the following duties : 1. They should see that discipline is maintained on their respective floors. 2. The cleanliness of the floor should be checked everyday. 3. All the CRs should be on duty on the PTM day. 4. They should look after the discipline in the corridors for different activities, library, PT, clubs, etc. 5. They should check the smooth movement of students in the morning, during recess and at the time of dispersal. Student’s Council An efficient and useful instrument of social cohesion and discipline is the Student’s Council, in which authority and responsibilities are shared by the young students, for the welfare of the school fraternity. The Senior Council comprises of Head boy / girl and two representatives elected from each class, along with the nominated members of Class XI & XII and class VI for the junior council. School Counselling and Guidance Cell The School Counselling Centre offers advice on two major areas of guidance : 1. Personal or remedial counselling for students facing a problem in their academic, social or personal lives. 2. Vocational guidance, to enable students to decide on career choices and future prospects. “Raising a child is like trying to Nail Jello to a tree” School counselling centre caters to the need of parents, teachers & students. It helps them to develop a positive attitude towards life. 13 FOLLOWING ARE CERTAIN ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN BY THE CENTRE : • • • • • • • • • Individual & group counselling sessions. Psychometric testing. Organising peer-training programmes. Organising, orientation, seminars & workshops for the teachers, parents & students. Organising career-fair, & career guidance. Identifying special need cases & referring them. Promoting inclusive education. Follow-up of special need children and providing them required facilities in the school & from CBSE. Handling adolescent issues. Personality Enhancement Classes are already running in 3 groups, twice a week that enhance the personality, inculcate confidence and are a regular feature of the school curriculum. School Canteen School Canteen is the epitome of health generating point that sells nutritious food in a clean environment. Does not serve aerated drinks or junk food. There is no separate Canteen / Bookshop in Nursery wing so, every material / stationery items can be purchased from the main school’s book shop. School Book & Uniform Shop School book shop sells, books and notebooks to students and is well equipped with their smallest requirement. Adopt A Child Special care for a special child is a motto which has been set in the school curriculum. Every teacher adopts a child whom she thinks she can guide, understand and provide the needed emotional, moral and educational support. School Clubs CLUBS : Human history is the story of evolution and improvement and unless a person tries to do something beyond what one has mastered, one will never grow. There is always scope for improvement. This opportunity of growth and progress of one’s capabilities is provided in the various clubs run by the school. The clubs continually add to the knowledge and ability of the students and they keep on building their mental assets, as well. There are various clubs like, Interact, Debate, Dramatics, Robotics to name a few as the list is endless. Eco Theatre NDPL Maths Interact 14 Science G. K. / Heritage Think Quest Dramatics Language Techno Kids Robotic I Decide Health Vigilance/ Consumer Forum School House System The School has established a House system to encourage students to work together in unison, with co-operation for healthy competition. The House Captains and prefects meet regularly to discuss, organise and put into action Inter-House events. The daily maintenance of discipline and cleanliness of the school lies in the hands of the House on duty. The students have been divided into six houses, named after great thinkers of the world. Monthly duty has been assigned to each house. The Six Houses are Aristotle, Bhabha, Bose, Einstein, Newton and Raman. The House Captain with House prefect carries out the day-to-day responsibilities of the respective wings of the school. They organise a few Inter House Competitions and also conduct a special assembly. Name of House Color Aristotle Red Bhabha Mauve Bose Yellow Einstein Maroon Newton Blue Raman Green • The house which wins the maximum number of Interhouse Competitions receives the ‘Rolling Trophy’ for the year. Responsibility of House on Duty a) b) c) d) e) f) Check the late-comers at the main gate of the school. Floor wise checking of uniforms. Maintaining discipline in the morning assembly. Recess duty (Students Misbehaviour) in the canteen & on the respective floors. Check movement of students without class pass. Smooth disciplined dispersal of the students. Sports Rules RULES FOR SPORTS ACTIVITIES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Come in proper line from the class. Come in proper sports dress during P.T. period. A student will not be allowed to participate in sports activity without the sports uniform. Students must participate in sports/games. Students should not use abusive language in the playground. Students should wear only plain black sports shoes. Students will not wear sports uniform during exam days. CONSENT SLIP FOR STAY BACK FOR SPORTS PRACTICE Those students who wish to stay back after school hours for sports practice or those students who are going to participate in a tournament must submit the consent slip duly signed by the parents in advance to the concerned sports teacher. 15 Preschool, Pre-primary and Class-I The nursery wing of the school is at Tarun Enclave. It observes five days a week. The school timings of the wing are from 8.25 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. In case of any query, you can meet the class teacher between 8 a.m. & 8.25 a.m. from Monday to Friday and from 8.30 a.m.to 12.30 p.m. on all Saturdays except for the second saturday of the month. The visiting time to meet the Supervisory Head is between 8.30 and 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday. In case of any emergency you can meet the Supervisory Head between 1 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. The teacher evaluation process for these classes is according to the Early Education Development Programme (E.E.D.P.) introduced by the D.A.V. Education Board. The programme designed herein intends to help children grow, learn and develop physically, socially, emotionally, morally and intellectually, thus catering to his/her over-all development. There would be no formal tests and the child would be evaluated on the basis of his/her day to day performance. However, surprise tests would be held from time to time to check the child’s clarity of concepts. Purpose of Teaching 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To enhance language ability by using language skills. To make children feel wanted and loved in order to fulfill their emotional needs. To stimulate muscles by constant use i.e. physical development. To help children in their social development. To inculcate positive values i.e. moral development through prayers, telling stories. To give scope to fantasise, to improve the imaginative power. To facilitate development of cognitive skills All round development of the student to make the learning process enjoyable. Evaluation 1. 2. The teachers evaluate the performance of the child continuously throughout the year in various areas of learning and for the same prepare the checklist after the completion of a particular activity. The result of evaluation is graded and intimated to the parents in the form of a profile (My Personality Development) after every unit. Unit I : Apr - Sept • Unit II : Oct - Dec • Unit III : Jan – Mar Records 1. Note Books 3. Project work / Activity 2. A profile (Report Card) 4. Behaviour & Moral Values * Abbreviations : Preschool - P.S., Pre-primary - P.P., Class I Reading Activity Pre-primary and Primary class students are supposed to read at least 2 or 3 stories respectively of their level in every unit. They should be able to read & comprehend them. Teacher will listen to the stories from time to time and the best reader will be awarded. Teacher will maintain a class library from where students can exchange their books. School Timings – Preschool, Pre-primary & I Classes PS, PP & Class 1 8.25 a.m. to 1 p.m. Note : 1. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school after the bell has rung. 2. Late arrivals will be sent back home. 3. Parents whose ward avails school transport facility (for other details regarding school transport, please see transport rules) should be at the stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the bus to pick up their ward failing to do so he/she will be taken back to the main school (DAV Pushpanjali) in such cases. 4. Parents whose ward does not avail school transport, should pick up their ward from the school premises at 1.10 pm sharp. The school authorities will not be held responsible after 1.15 pm. 16 Assessments for Class II - XII CLASS II In class II, we are already following the EEDP presented by the DAV Education Board. The child will be evaluated continuously throughout the year in various areas of learning set in the curriculum. Tests will be conducted from time to time for continuous evaluation. The child will be graded on the basis of this evaluation. CLASS III-IV To enhance and improve the overall performance of your ward, the system of evaluation for classes III-IV will be continuous. The whole session is divided into three units. In each unit a class test will be conducted at the end of every chapter in all subjects. The student will be tested in his reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in the languages, activities and projects in the other subjects. Emphasis will be laid on the over all growth & confidence of the child to develop his/her personality. The child will be evaluated in both scholastic and co-scholastic areas. Scholastic assessment is on the basis of the following grade system for the various subjects. Grade A+ A B Marks range 90 - 100 80 - 90 65 - 80 Grade C D Marks range 50 - 65 Below 50 The co-scholastic areas will include the behaviour, discipline, social skills, thinking skills, attitudes, values, etc. CLASS V - X C.B.S.E. has introduced the CCE system of evaluation. CCE means Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation. The objective of CCE is to facilitate holistic learning in the school. • It will evaluate both scholastic and co-scholastic areas. • It will have Formative and Summative Assessment. • Formative assessment will be done by the teacher to continuously monitor student progress and Summative assessment will test the syllabus in a pen-paper test. • Formative assessment and Summative assessment both, will be reflected in the Report card. • Co-scholastic areas include behaviour, discipline, life skills, attitudes, values, literary & creative skills, scientific skills, aesthetic skills, performing arts & clubs and physical education. • CCE will eliminate cut throat competition, reduce societal pressure and lead to better learning. • Only the students who obtain the qualifying grades (D & above) in all the subjects shall be awarded a qualifying certificate both by the C.B.S.E. and the school. • The candidates who obtain grade E1 or E2 in a subject will have to improve their performance through subsequent attempts in the board exams, as well as school exams. • Only those who get qualifying certificates shall be eligible for admission to higher classes. • Those who do not get grade (D and above) shall not be permitted for admission to the next class (VI-X). 17 Scholastic and Co-Scholastic Assessment SCHOLASTIC ASSESSMENT FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.Projects 2.Quizzes 3. Research Work 4.Assignments/CW/HW 5. Previous Knowledge 6. Class Participation 7. Group Discussion SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.MCQ 2. Short Answers 3. Long Answers 4. Written Examination 5. Half Yearly/Final Exam CO-SCHOLASTIC ASSESSMENT 1. Life Skills 2. Social Skills 3. Emotional Skills 4.Values 5. Attitude towards a) Teacher b) Student / Peer c) School Programme d) Environment 6. Thinking Skills (Creative and Critical Thinking) 7. Co-curricular Activities 8.Clubs 9. Aesthetic Activities Assessment Measures for Co-Scholastic Areas Value Systems • • • • • • • Is patriotic and respects the nation. Is a proud Indian citizen and celebrates national festivals. Respects India and maintains peace and order. Is socially active. Respectful of opposite gender, classmates and people of the community Treasurer and protector of school, community and national belongings. Environmentally conscious and compassionate protector of all living creatures whether animals, flora and fauna. Attitude • Well behaved, decent, courteous, obedient and helpful to teachers. • Good communicator, adapter and accepter of both school rules and teachers’ directives. • Is friendly, non gender biased, receptive to ideas and opinions of others, expressive, sensitive, supportive and treats others as equals. • Regards school important, is an enthusiastic participator, responsible, careful, environmentally conscious and a great initiative taker. • Is curious, inquisitive, experimental, analytical, Cautious, logical and expressive. • Is non-violent, constructive, unharmful and prevents decimation of both school and public property. • Aspires and strives for improvement in scholastic, co-scholastic areas and excellence in education and life. 18 ASSESSMENT MEASURES FOR SCHOLASTIC AREAS Term Type of Assessment SA1 (Apr Sept) SA2 (Oct Mar) Formative Assessment - 1 Formative Assessment - 2 Summative Assessment - 1 Formative Assessment - 3 Formative Assessment - 4 Summative Assessment - 2 SCHOLASTIC Marks Grade 91-100 A1 81-90 A2 71-80 B1 61-70 B2 51-60 C1 41-50 C2 33-40 D 21-32 E1 20 and below E2 % of Weightage in Academic Session 10 10 30 10 10 30 Grade point 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 Term Wise Weightage Total Formative Assessment 1+2 = 20% Summative Assessment 1 = 30% Formative Assessment 3 + 4 = 20% SA1 = 50% SA2 = 50% Total 100% Summative Assessment 2 = 30% CO-SCHOLASTIC Marks Grade 5 A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1 E CLASS XI-XII Evaluation process is a must in every school to judge the position of the students as to where they stand. The teaching and evaluating process is different at every level. The school also offers special incentives to the meritorious students by awarding them with special blazers and special scholarships. RESULT WEIGHTAGE - XI Unit - 10% Term 1 - 10% Term 2 - 10% Final Term - 70% School Uniform * Please buy the school uniform as per the (DAVCMC prescribed) design displayed in the school uniform shop. * It will be available in the school uniform shop from 21st March,2015 onwards. Note: All students of P.S, P.P, Class I, II, VII and CBSE i (I & II) will purchase the new uniform available at the school canteen. Students of P.S, III - VI may continue with the same uniform or preferably purchase the new uniform if they are in need of a change or have outgrown the old one, as in the coming years the new uniform (instructed by DAV management) will become compulsory. Note: It is compulsory for all students to wear school blazer from 1st December onwards. Tie should be worn with winter uniform. I-card is compulsory for all students. Uniform should have the school monogram. 19 SCHOLARSHIPS/ AWARDS/ SPECIAL AWARDS/ MERITS/ INCENTIVES Special Blazer & Scholarship for the Outstanding Students • Any student securing A+ grade in all the five main subjects of Class III & IV and 9.4 CGPA in Class V for 3 consecutive years will be awarded a blue blazer in Class VI. • The students securing CGPA 9.2 in class VI, VII, VIII for 3 consecutive years will be awarded a maroon blazer in class IX. • Similarly, students securing CGPA 9.2 in class VII, VIII, IX for 3 consecutive years will be awarded a maroon blazer in class X and likewise for VIII, IX & X would be awarded a maroon blazer in class XI. • Any student securing 9.2 / 9.6 CGPA for 5 consecutive years will be awarded a green blazer. • Awardee of green blazer again securing 85% in class XI will be awarded a gold medal in class XII. • Any student who secures 85% and above in class XI only will be awarded a silver medal. Awards 1. 2. 3. Subject toppers - Class XII Highest score in the boards Best in different activities of SUPW Will be awarded in different categories. Category I - Class II-V - Student should have studied in the school since class II Category II - Class VI-VIII - Student should have studied in the school since class V Category III - Class IX-XII - Student should have studied in the school since class IX a). Excellence in Art, Craft & Sculpture d). Excellence in Environment b). Excellence in Dance & Music e). Excellence in Sports (International / National) c). Excellence in Robotics Adjudged by a panel of judges. All rounder of the school a). Should be student of class XII b). Student should have studied in the school since class II c). Student should have outstanding record in academics, sports and co-curricular activities, including moral values and manners. 4. Principal’s Special Award a). Student should have studied in the school since class VI. b). Adjudged at the discretion of the Principal. Note: A Student who has been issued any card for misconduct is not entitled to get any scholarship. HAWAN : CULTURE OF EVERY DAVIAN/ ASSEMBLY DAYS/ BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Hawan II-IV V-VI VII-VIII IX-XII Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Assembly 1st week of the month 2nd week of the month 3rd week of the month 4th week of the month Birthday Celebrations CBSE-i II - IV V-VIII IX-XII Monday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Hawan will be conducted on the last working day of every month to celebrate birthdays falling in that month. 20 Fee Payment Rules (2015-16) 1. The Fee Book is non-transferable. 2. No payment is to be made without proper receipts. 3. Parents have the option to deposit the fee for any number of months in advance. But they must deposit the fees for at least two months, except for the months of April and September 2015 as per the following schedule. Fee for the month(s) payable in Time schedule for payment of fee and other charges is as follows: Fee is to be paid bi-monthly and last date is 15th of every month. April One month fee + 1st installment of Annual Charges by 15th of April May-June Fee for May and June to be paid by 15th May July-August Fee by 15th of July Sept. One month fee + 2nd installment of Annual Charges by 15th of September Oct - Nov By 15th of October Dec - Jan ‘14 By 15th of December Feb - Mar ‘14 By 15th of February 4. Mode of Payment a) Payment can be made in cash only upto 15th of the month in which it is due, as per the above schedule. b) Defaulters shall entail the risk of getting the names of their wards struck off the school rolls automatically and no separate information will be given to them to this effect. To seek re admission if the name is struck off, re-admission fee plus the usual late payment fine shall have to be paid. c) Any student who has not paid the fee till the month of August will not be allowed to sit for the SA I (Half yearly examination). d) Cash / Pay Order / Bank Draft or Cheque favouring DAV Public School, Pushpanjali Enclave. e) Fee structure of CBSE-i students is different kindly contact the school office for the same. 5. Fee Timing All Parents should show the school fee card issued while depositing the fees of their ward, failing which no fee shall be accepted. The fee can be deposited at the fee counter as per the schedule of days and time given : Monday to Friday Saturday 8.00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 8.00 a.m. to 10 a.m. 6. In case of loss of Fee Card, school office should be informed immediately. The new fee book will be issued on payment of Rs. 40/- only. 7. If the Payment of fee is made by demand draft the parents are requested to write the Name, Admission No., Class and Section of their ward on the right hand top corner of the rear side of the Draft. 8. The school office will remain open during summer Vacations, Autumn Break and Winter Break and on all working days at usual timings, but will remain closed on other school holidays. 9. School Transport: Bus charges are payable for eleven months only during the session. If once opted by the students, shall have to continue for full session. No break is permissible. Note: a) Fee Card: Must be produced on the payment of Fee. b) Fine: Default in Non payment in the paying month attracts fine. Name of the ward is likely to be struck-off from school roll for consecutive default for four months. c) Fee counter will remain open on all working days other than public / gazetted holidays. 21 Schedule for Assessment 2015-16 [V-XII] 1. Weekly tests are compulsory for all students of Classes V to XII. Satisfactory written explanation for absence has to be given to the class teacher. A student will not be allowed to leave the school after the exam. In case the child is not well or has to attend some function, he/she should submit an application at least two days before to the class teacher. 2. Test Days for Classes IX - XII - Monday Test Days for Classes V, VI, VII, VIII - Tuesday (Until Otherwise Informed) 3. Information regarding the syllabus of these weekly tests will be given in the printed class syllabus or school diary. Weekly tests should be done only on the test sheets provided in the school test files. 4. We follow a pattern of continuous evaluation by conducting weekly unit tests. This system of regular constant evaluation through unit tests and terminal exams inculcates the habit of regular study and at the same time we make their study value based. 5. During the terminals/(SA1+SA2), (V-XII) school timings will be from 7.55 a.m. to 12.00 noon. Classes II to IV will also observe the above mentioned timings. 6. Students should not bring their bags and extra books during terminal (SA) exam days. 7. Sports uniform is not allowed during exam days. Examination Schedule - 2015-16 Class V-VIII FA I, Term I DATE V VI VII VIII 28/4/15 V.P. COMPUTER V.P. COMPUTER 5/5/15 HINDI ENGLISH COMPUTER V.P. 12/5/15 SCIENCE MATHS ENGLISH HINDI 15/5/15 GK SANSKRIT HINDI SKT./FRENCH 7/7/15 S.ST. SCIENCE S.ST. ENGLISH 14/7/15 ENGLISH HINDI SKT./FRENCH MATHS 17/7/15 COMPUTER V.P. GK GK 21/7/15 MATHS S.ST. SCIENCE S.ST. 28/7/15 SANSKRIT GK MATHS SCIENCE VI VII VIII Revision Test 1 (SA I) 22 DATE V 11/8/15 HINDI ENGLISH SCIENCE S.ST. 14/8/15 S.ST. SANSKRIT HINDI ENGLISH 18/8/15 SCIENCE MATHS MATHS SANSKRIT 21/8/15 ENGLISH HINDI S.ST. SCIENCE 24/8/15 SANSKRIT SCIENCE SKT./FRENCH HINDI 28/8/15 MATHS S.ST. ENGLISH MATHS Term II (FA III) DATE V VI VII VIII 3/11/15 HINDI ENGLISH V.P. COMPUTER 6/11/15 COMPUTER V.P. COMPUTER V.P. 20/11/15 MATHS S.ST. ENGLISH HINDI 24/11/15 SANSKRIT SCIENCE HINDI SKT./FRENCH 1/12/15 ENGLISH HINDI S.ST. ENGLISH 8/12/15 S.ST. MATHS SKT./FRENCH MATHS 15/12/15 SCIENCE SANSKRIT SCIENCE S.ST. 22/12/15 GK COMPUTER GK GK 29/12/15 COMPUTER GK MATHS SCIENCE Revision Test II (SA II) DATE V VI VII 19/1/16 22/1/16 VIII HINDI ENGLISH SCIENCE S.ST. S.ST. SANSKRIT HINDI ENGLISH 25/1/16 SCIENCE MATHS MATHS SKT./FRENCH 29/1/16 ENGLISH HINDI S.ST. SCIENCE 2/2/16 SANSKRIT SCIENCE SKT./FRENCH HINDI 5/2/16 MATHS S.ST. ENGLISH MATHS Half Yearly (SA I) - Sept, 2015 Final Examnination (SA II) - Feb-Mar, 2016 Exact dates will be intimated later Class IX-X Unit Test I DATE IX X 7/5/15 ENGLISH HINDI 11/5/15 HINDI ENGLISH 6/7/15 HISTORY / CIVICS MATHS 9/7/15 GEOGRAPHY / ECONOMICS PHYSICS 13/7/15 MATHS CHEMISTRY 16/7/15 PHYSICS BIOLOGY 20/7/15 CHEMISTRY HISTORY / CIVICS 23/7/15 BIOLOGY GEOGRAPHY / ECONOMICS 23 Pre Term SA I DATE IX X 13/8/15 SCIENCE MATHS 17/8/15 S.ST. SCIENCE 19/8/15 ENGLISH HINDI 21/8/15 HINDI ENGLISH 24/8/15 MATHS S.ST. Unit Test II DATE IX X 16/11/15 ENGLISH HINDI 19/11/15 PHYSICS HISTORY / CIVICS 23/11/15 CHEMISTRY GEOGRAPHY / ECONOMICS 26/11/15 BIOLOGY MATHS 30/11/15 MATHS ENGLISH 3/12/15 HISTORY / CIVICS PHYSICS 7/12/15 GEOGRAPHY / ECONOMICS CHEMISTRY 10/12/15 HINDI BIOLOGY Pre Term II (SA II) DATE IX X 8/2/16 MATHS ........ 9/2/16 ........ SCIENCE 10/2/16 ENGLISH ........ 12/2/16 HINDI S.ST. 15/2/16 S.ST. MATHS 17/2/16 ........ ENGLISH 18/2/16 SCIENCE ........ 19/2/16 ........ HINDI Half Yearly (SA I) - Sept, 2015 Final Examnination (SA II) - Feb-Mar, 2016 Exact dates will be intimated later 24 Class XI-XII Unit Test I DATE XI XII 13/4/15 ........ ENGLISH 20/4/15 ENGLISH ECO/C++/BIO/P.ED./PYTHON 27/4/15 MATHS/H. SC./MMWT ACCOUNTS/PHYSICS/P.SC/F.P-3 5/5/15 CHEMISTRY/B. STUDIES/F.P-1 PSYCHOLOGY/C. ART 11/5/15 ECO/C++/BIO/P.ED./PYTHON MATHS/H.SC/MMWT 18/5/15 PSYCHOLOGY/C. ART CHEMISRY/B.STUDIES/F.P-4 22/5/15 ACCOUNTS/PHYSICS/P.SC./F.P-2 ........ Unit Test II DATE XI 13/7/15 MATHS/H. SC./MMWT 20/7/15 ACCOUNTS/PHYSICS/P.SC./F.P-2 27/7/15 CHEMISTRY/B. STUDIES/F.P-1 3/8/15 ENGLISH 10/8/15 PSYCHOLOGY/C. ART 17/8/15 ECO/C++/BIO/P.ED./PYTHON Unit Test III (XI) / Unit Test II (XII) DATE XI XII 2/11/15 ECO/C++/BIO/P.ED./PYTHON ACCOUNTS/PHYSICS/P.SC./F.P-3 9/11/15 ENGLISH MATHS/H. SC./MMWT 16/11/15 CHEMISTRY/B. STUDIES/F.P-1 ECO/C++/BIO/P.ED./PYTHON 19/11/15 PSYCHOLOGY/C. ART PSYCHOLOGY/C. ART 23/11/15 MATHS/H. SC./MMWT CHEMISTRY/B. STUDIES/F.P-4 30/11/15 ACCOUNTS/PHYSICS/P.SC./F.P-2 ENGLISH TENTATIVE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE (2015-16) CLASS (XI-XII) First Terminal (XII) - Last week of June Second Preboard (XII)- Jan, 2016 Half Yearly (XI-XII) - Sept. 2015 Preboard (XI) First Preboard (XII) - December 2015 Final Practicals (XI) - Jan, 2016 Final Practicals (XII)- Jan-Feb 2016 Final Theory (XI) - As per DAV Board Date Sheet (Feb, 2016) Final Theory (XII) - As per CBSE Board Date Sheet (March, 2016) - Jan, 2016 (Exact Dates will be intimated later) 25 INTERACTION WITH THE PARENTS Meeting the Principal Parents can meet the Principal in the Main Building from 10.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. on all working days. Meeting the Supervisory Head Parents are called to the school on the special PTMs organised by the school. The parents should attend these PTMs along with their ward in proper school uniform. Besides, dates will be intimated to you through your ward from time to time. In case of any emergency, parents can meet the respective incharge on any working day with prior permission and can call the same as per the telephone nos. given below. Parents can call the respective departments on every working day between 8.30 am and 1.30 pm. For Supervisory Head 2nd to 4th For Supervisory Head 5th & 6th For Supervisory Head 7th & 8th For Supervisory Head 9th & 10th For Supervisory Head 11th & 12th For Supervisory Head CBSE-i For Co-ordinator For Transport For Accounts Section For Kindergarten Wing Please hold the line for further enquiry Press 204 (Ms Seema Behl) Press 208 (Ms Punam Mehta) Press 209 (Ms Mamta Sharma) Press 215 (Ms Alka Dhamija) Press 207 (Ms Ajinder Kaur) Press 221 (Ms Jyotsna Kumar) Press 211 (Ms Anjali Bazaz) Press 224 Press 206 Dial 27014811 (Ms Poonam Dhingra) 201 for Reception PTM SCHEDULE (2015-16) Class (P.S, P.P, I) Kindergarten Wing DATE 25/4/15 25/7/15 22/8/15 26/9/15 28/11/15 23/1/16 March 2016 Day Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Timings 8:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m 8:30 a.m - 10:00 a.m 8:30 a.m - 10:00 a.m 8:30 a.m - 10:30 a.m (Unit I Reporting) 8:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m 8:30 a.m - 10:00 a.m (Unit II Reporting) 8:30 a.m - 10:30 a.m (Unit III & Final Reporting) Class (II-XII) Main Building 26 CLASS II-XII II-IV DATE 25/4/15 25/7/15 Day Saturday Saturday Timings 8:30 a.m - 12:00 noon 8:30 a.m - 10:00 a.m V-XII 1/8/15 Saturday 1:00 p.m - 2:30 p.m II-IV V-XII 26/9/15 18/10/15 Saturday Sunday 8:30 a.m - 10:30 a.m Result PTM 8:30 a.m - 12:00 noon II-IV 28/11/15 Saturday 8:30 a.m - 10:00 a.m V-XII 26/12/2015 Saturday 8:30 a.m - 12:00 noon II-VIII 23/1/2016 Saturday 8:30 a.m - 10:30 a.m ACTIVITY CORNER Extracurricular endeavours for the month of April, 2015 CLASS P.S, P.P, I • • • II-IV • • V CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS CATEGORY “Little Chef”- Healthy Food Fiesta (World Health Day 7th April) Sprouts salad making “Importance of vegetables and fruits in our diet” (Enaction by role playing) Quick healthy Bites - ‘Make your fast food healthy' On the spot story writing with illustrations (story Dramatization) Class • Class/Group Interclass VI “Grand ma's tips to remain healthy" - Essay competition Movie making on 'Health is Wealth' Competition in ‘Scratch' software • World Heritage Day (18th April) ‘National Heritage and Nations Pride are two sides of the same coin' Depiction of dresses, culture, food, festivals of different states of India VII ‘Stay Healthy and shape the future of life' - Speech Competition Interclass VIII Poster / Collage making on ‘Mother Earth' Class Interclass • IX-X • ‘Medicines and Health' - Talk Show XI-XII • T-shirt designing on the UN theme - International Year of soils (IYS), Importance of soil for food security and essential ecosystem functions. Interclass Class Extracurricular endeavours for the month of May, 2015 CLASS CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS P.S, P.P, I • II-IV • Greetings for my dear mother - (Mother's Day) • Making a Greeting card for my mother. • ‘Photo frame making & decorating it' CATEGORY Class • To mom with love - making a ‘jewellery box' for my mother. Hindi Rhyme recitation on the theme ‘mother’. Class/ Interhouse V • News Reading (World Telecommunication Day) Interhouse VI • VII • VIII e-Advertisement using Computer ‘Flash software - Based on UV Year of light and Light based technologies. Interhouse IX-X 3D model making (sofware used - google sketchup) Interhouse XI-XII Photo Contest - “ Light matters to all of us" Celebrating International Year of light & light based technologies. To design a model related to telecommunication using e-waste Essay writing - “Advancement in Technology" Interclass Interhouse Class 27 Extracurricular endeavours for the month of July, 2015 CLASS P.S, P.P, I CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS • CATEGORY Buttoning the Shirt Competition Shoe lace tying • Green Handprints : Planting saplings, wearing green bands, Documentary show and discussions on Conservation of water, energy and effects of increasing population. Class • Green Handprints - (World Population Day) “Plant and Nurture a sapling - Plantation Drive. • Discussion and presentations on conservation of Natural resources and effects of burgeoning population. Class • Class • II-IV • V VI VII VIII Poster making Competition - “gekjk LoPN Hkkjr" • Speech Competition - “Waste Incineration" • “My audible thoughts" • Solo Poem recitation - “Call for ban on waste burning" • “My singing talent" Debate - “Garbage Disposal - A Major Hazard" Interclass Interhouse Interhouse IX-X Science Exhibition - “ Celebrating UN, International Year of Light & International Year of Soils. Class XI-XII Ad mad' - Advertisement Ecactment - Advertisment with PPT Presentation and LOGO for promoting the launch of a new product. Interhouse Extracurricular endeavours for the month of August, 2015 CLASS P.S, P.P, I II-IV CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS • Class “Patriotic Fervor" Indian Flag - My Pride - flag making. • Matki Decoration. • Stageshow - “A short skit on any movement/act during Indias freedom srruggle." Class/Group/ Interhouse • 28 CATEGORY Kite making and its decoration (Independence Day 15th Aug.) • “The thread which binds" Rakhi making / Colouring activity. • Gift wrapping (using news paper / recycle paper) • Flag making. V Patriotic Group Song (‘Quit India Day - 9th Aug.) Interhouse VI Skit Competition VI B - Dandi March, VI C - Jallianwala Bagh, VII D - Non cooperation movement, VI E - Quick India movement VI F - Simon Commission Interhouse VII • VIII ‘Patriotic fervor' - Poem recitation IX-X Exhibition - Interdisciplinary Project Display - UN Year of light & light based technologies and International Year of Soils. XI-XII “Howzatt"- Mute clippings, reconstruct conversation. Skit Competition - “My Icon My Inspiration - Freedom Fighter" Interclass Interclass Class Interhouse Extracurricular endeavours for the month of September, 2015 CLASS P.S, P.P, I II-IV CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS ‘Wish Tree' (World Peace Day) and putting a wish list on it for a Happy, Hearty and Green Mother Earth. •Decorating CATEGORY Class Speech Competition - “thou esa i<kbZ dk egRo" e-poster making - “ Correlation between type of soil and (in MS-Paint) Vegetation (Celebrating UN Year of soils) Interhouse V Slogan writing on International Peace Day Interhouse VI • • • Hindi Play on “Jh xq:os ue%" teacher my mentor" - Book mark making Interhouse •“My VII “Vishawa Shanti Geet" - Group Song Class/Group VIII Class/Group IX-X Hindi play on “i<sXkk Hkkjr c<sXkk Hkkjr" Movie making - “Stratospheric Ozone - Our Saviour" XI-XII Teachers Day calebration activities to be organised XI-XII School Interhouse Extracurricular endeavours for the month of October, 2015 CLASS P.S, P.P, I CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS • Fancy Dress : “Our Great Leaders". Patriotic Rhyme Activity. • Cleanliness - “An imperative part of my nature". • Poem recitation - “Mahatama Gandhi - Father of the Nation". • Cleaniliness Drive - “An imperative part of my nature". CATEGORY Class/Group • II-IV Class/Group V “Smoothie Preparation" Interhouse VI ‘Food Craft' : “A decorative salad" Interhouse VII ‘Food Fusion' : Food fusion of any two states Interhouse VIII “Foodie" : A sumptuous breakfast for a foodie Interhouse IX-X Panel Discussion - “National Integration". Interclass XI-XII “Role of United Nations in maintaining global peace" - PPT presentation. Interhouse Extracurricular endeavours for the month of November, 2015 CLASS CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS P.S, P.P, I Diya / Candle decoration / Rangoli making / Card making. Fun Games (Childrens Day Celebration) II-IV CATEGORY Class/Group Colouring Bonanza : (Childrens Day) Drawing and Colouring act. • Fun Games Class/Group • V • Model Making : (Road Safety Day 15th Nov) Traffic signals using Mathematical Skills (Angles) Class/Group VI • Model Making : On Road Safety using Mathematical Skills Class/Group 29 VII Movie making “Road Safety measures to be taken by pedestrians" Interhouse VIII Speech with PPT presentation on “Role of public in Vehicle Road Safety" Interhouse IX-X Pen a Poem : ‘Role of Science in Peace and Development' “Safety is not just a slogan, it’s a way of Life". Interhouse XI-XII Design a logo : ‘Role of Science in Peace and Development' Interhouse Extracurricular endeavours for the month of December, 2015 CLASS P.S, P.P, I CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS • Christmas Tree Decoration Designing my stocking • Singing Christmas Carols Mathematics Quiz (National Maths Day) CATEGORY Class/Group • II-IV Interhouse V Narrate any teaching of Swami Shardanand (Human Rights Day 10th Dec) VI Sound and light Show : Celebrating International Year of light and light based technologies. Class/Group VII Anyone pictorial script on life history of Swami Shardanand Class/Group VIII Essay writing : ‘Good Governance'. IX-X “AIDS - A silent killer" : Poster making Competition. Interhouse XI-XII ‘Crunchy Munchy Dish' : New Year special Interhouse Class Class Extracurricular endeavours for the month of January, 2016 CLASS P.S, P.P, I • CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS English Rhyme Recitation : “India - My Pride" CATEGORY Class II-IV Tapping my feet : Dance Competition Class/Group V-XII Republic Day Celebrations and related activities to be organised Class/Group Extracurricular endeavours for the month of February, 2016 CLASS P.S, P.P, I, II CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS Outdoor Games, Races, Yoga (Sports week) Colour Splash - “Khelo Holi Naturally"Celebrating Holi with natural colours and Gujiya CATEGORY Class/Group III-X “Water Conservation" - Save energy & every drop that drip Awareness Compaigns Class/Group XI-XII “Green Cover" - Book Cover - design on My Dream Earth. Class/Group Extracurricular endeavours for the month of March, 2016 CLASS CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS/PRESENTATIONS/ACTIVITIES/CAMPAIGNS P.S, P.P, I • Collage of flowers (spring celebrations) • Hindi/English Calligraphy. 30 CATEGORY Class/Group “ACTIVITY CALENDER” 2015-16 Activity Sports activity for the month Month House on Duty Special assembly By Theme for special Assembly Theme for Board Decoration Apr,15 Interhouse Athetic meet ARISTOLE ARISTOLE World Earth Day World Earth Day/ Our National Heritage May,15 " BHABHA __ __ " July,15 Interhouse Aerobics BOSE BOSE Nature Conservation Nature Conservation/ Increasing Population & depleting resources Aug,15 " EINSTEIN Dance & Music Dept. Independence Day India - Before and After Independence “laLd`r lHkh Hkk"kkvksa dh tUenkrk" Sep,15 Interhouse Football/ Kho-kho NEWTON NEWTON World Ozone Day “Stratospheric Ozone - My Friend"/ “xq:os ue%" Oct,15 " RAMAN Art/Craft Sculpture Dept. United Nations/ Soaring high in my creative world United Nations / National Integration Nov,15 Interhouse Cricket/U.B/ B.B/Judo ARISTOLE BHABHA Childrens’ Day Road Safety/ Science in Peace & Development Dec,15 Interhouse Cricket/U.B/ B.B/Judo BOSE __ __ “Merry Christmas"/ “Welcoming New Year" Jan,16 __ BHABHA Dance & Music Dept. Foundation Day Republic Day “India of my Dreams" Feb,16 __ EINSTEIN __ __ “Welcoming Spring"/ “Cancer - Spreading fast in the society, reasons & cure" Mar,16 __ NEWTON __ __ “Khelo Holi Naturally/ “My motto my vision - Conserving natural resources” July-Aug, 2015 • Science Exhibition by IX-X on UN Year of Light and light based technologies and International Year of soils. Other Major Highlight April 15-17,2015 April 01,2015 April 7-8,2015 July 20-24,2015 July 29-31,2015 - - - - - Heritage week celebrations. Investiture ceremony Career Mela Van Mahotsav Spectrum (Interschool Fest) November 09,2015 - Anticracker’s Rally / Campaign November 18-20,2015- Library Fiesta December 29,2015 - Farewell (XII) Jan 23,2016 - Foundation Day The School also hosts • • • • Kaleidoscope (Kindergarten wing exhibition) “Footsteps for Good” - (Sports championship CBSE-i) Protsahan Parv - (Award ceremony for the meritorious students) Annual Day and may more activities in its activity calender. Global Initiative - International Collaborative projects and activities will be conducted through out the session for all classes. 31 CBSE-i The school introduced CBSE - i (international) curriculum from the session 2013-14 being one of the only 21 schools in Delhi and 50 across the country to have this accreditation. All Classes are at the main building in Pushpanjali Enclave. The working days and timings are the same as the regular school (7:55 am to 2:10 pm). CBSE-i curriculum is based upon the guidelines provided by CBSE. All the study material is made available online both for the teachers and the parents. Teachers and parents are given access to an individual portal which has all the information be it regarding the curriculum, assessment structure or the latest updates. It is completely an activity based teaching with all the study material kept in school in individual lockers. The students do not carry a school bag and parents are kept abreast with the curriculum and activities through worksheets, correspondence through mail and DAV Pushpanjali website. Every theme / concept taught is supplemented with field trips, recreational and knowledge based activities. Thus, in a nutshell, it can be said that a curriculum which matches with the trends of the global standards of 21st century yet maintains the indigenous flavour of the country. Assessment in classes I - II • In the first two years of primary school students will be informally assessed. • No pass or fail at the end of the academic year and all learners will be promoted to next class. • Continuous observation and documentation based on anecdotal records will be done leading to specific diagnosis, feedback and remediation. • Students will be assessed on the basis of the teachers’ continuous observations in the following scholastic and co-schoolastic areas of learning. SCHOLASTIC AREAS CO - SCHOLASTIC AREAS English Language II Mathematics Environmental Education Visual and Performing Arts Physical Education ICT SEWA Life Skills • The Core - SEWA and life skills will also be filled with emoticons only based on the descriptors provided. 32 Assessment in classes III - V : CBSE-i • In class III, IV the school will undertake both formative and summative assessments in the following areas. SCHOLASTIC AREAS CO - SCHOLASTIC AREAS English Language II Mathematics General Science Social Science Visual and Performing Arts Physical Education ICT SEWA Life Skills • The performance remarks will be based on the descriptive indicators given at the end of the performance profile in both scholastic and co-scholostic areas of learning. GRADING SYSTEM Marks Range Grade Grade Point 80-100 60-80 40-60 33-40 Below 33 A B C D E 5 4 3 2 1 EVALUATION OF SCHOLASTIC ASPECTS Type of assessment Weightage (in Percent) Month Term wise weightage FIRST TERM Formative Assessment - I Formative Assessment - II Summative Assessment - I 10 % 10 % 30 % April - May July - August September F.A. I + F.A. II = 20% S.A. I = 30% SECOND TERM Formative Assessment - III 10 % Formative Assessment - IV 10 % Summative Assessment - II 30 % Oct. - Nov. Jan. - feb. March F.A. III + F.A. IV = 20% S.A. II = 30% Total Formative Assessments (FA)= FA I + FA II + FA III + FA IV = 40% Summative Assessments (SA)= SA I + SA II = 60% Unit test will be conducted after the specific unit has been completed and the dates would be intimated. Same would be followed for S.A I and S.A II (Class III, IV) 33 ASSESSMENT IN CLASS VI CBSE-i • The School will conduct the Summative Assessment I and II of Classes VI-IX and Summative Assessment I of Class X. The Board will conduct the Summative Assessment II at the end of Grade X. • For classes VI-X under CBSE-i, the assessment of subjects under Scholastic Area shall be in numerical scores to be converted to Grades on a nine-point scale which shall be indicated in the Statement of Subject-wise Performance od School-Based Assessment for classes VIIX and for board based exam for class X. • Assessment in subjects under Co-Scholastic Areas shall also be in grades. • The qualifying grade in each subject under Scholastic Area shall be minimum Grade D. • The students shall be assessed in subjects under Scholastic Area using the conventional numerical marking and later converted into the grades and the same shall be awarded as under: GRADING SYSTEM Marks Range Grade Grade Point 91-100 81-90 71-80 61-70 51-60 41-50 33-40 21-32 20 and Below A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D E1 E2 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 __ __ • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall also be reflected in the Statement of Subject wise Performance. • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the average of Grade Points obtained in all the subjects. Subject wise and overall indicative percentage of marks can be assessed as under: 1.Subject wise indicative percentage of marks = 9.5XGP of the subject. 2.Overall indicative percentage of marks = 9.5XCGPA 34 Evaluation of Scholastic aspects Evaluation of academic subjects in classes VI to X. For this, six assessments (four formatives + two summatives) are proposed: TYPE OF ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE OF WEIGHTING IN ACADEMIC SESSION MONTH First Term Formative Assessment -1 10% April-May Formative Assessment -2 10% July-Aug. Summative Assessment -I 30% September Second Term Formative Assessment -3 10% Oct-Nov. Formative Assessment -4 10% Jan-Feb Summative Assessment -II 30% March Total: Formative Assessments (FA) = FA I+FA II+FA III+FA IV = 40% Summative Assessment (SA) = SA I+SA II = 60% TERM WISE WEIGHTAGE FA1+FA2=20% SA1=30% FA3+FA4=20% SA2=30% 1. Components of Formative Assessment FA I • One Individual Written Task* per subject. • One small Group Activity**/ pair work per subject (this should not include Project) FA II • One Individual Written Task per subject. • One small Group Activity/ pair work per subject (this should not include Project) FA III • One Individual Written Task per subject. • One small Group Activity/ pair work per subject (this should not include Project) FA IV • One Interdisciplinary group project*** • One Individual Written Task per subject *Individual Activity (written task) can be any ONE of the following: • Concept Maps • Assignment • MCQ based test • Application based tests towards assessment for bringing in standarsation across diverse school systems, as mentioned above in ‘Components of a Formative Assessment' • Detailed and objective feedback is to be provided for all formal paper pencil formative assessment tests. • Feedback and follow-up of feedback is essential to identify the extent to which the learning gaps are covered, so that further remediation can be planned. • The tasks which need much work outside the school and class hours may not be ideal for formative assessments. • The group activity MUST be conducted entirely under the supervision of the teacher, where she acts as the facilitator. It need not be given as homework. • Group activities (Projects) may be Interdisciplinary. • Interdisciplinary Group Project is to done by students in groups throughout 2nd term. 35 Calculation of Grades towards classes VI-X Term I Assessment FA I Total FAI 10% Component Written Gp. Activities Task Act M. Marks 25 25 Alloted Multiply the marks scored by- 50 FA II Written Gp. Task Act 25 25 50 (Tot. FA I)* 0.2 Assessment FA I Component Activities M. Marks Alloted Multiply the marks scored byMarks Scored Final Score Written Gp. Task Act 25 25 50 20 (Tot. FA I)* 0.2 42 (Tol. FAII)* 0.2 Total FA1 10% 22 Total FA II 10% FA II 100 20 8.4 Total FA+SA 50% T1 Grade (Tot.I+Tot.II) +SAI score Total SAI* 0.3 Total FA2 10% Written Gp. Task Act 25 25 50 18 SA I 30% SA I 30% 100 Total FA+SA 50% T1 Grade (Tot.I+Tot.II) +SAI score (Tol. FAII)* 0.2 38 Total SAI* 0.3 88 168/200 7.6 26.4 42.4 A2 Term II Assessment FA III Component Written Gp. Activities Task Act M. Marks 25 25 Alloted Multiply the marks scored by- 36 Total FAIII 10% 50 (Tot. FA III)* 0.2 FA IV Total FA IV 10% Written Gp. Task Act 25 25 50 SA II 30% 100 (Tol. FA Total IV)* 0.2 SAII* 0.3 Total FA+SA 50% (Tot.I+Tot.II) +SAI score T2 Grade Assessment FA III Total FA III 10% Component Activities M. Marks Alloted Multiply the marks scored byMarks Scored Final Score Written Gp. Task Act 25 25 50 24 (Tot. FA III)* 0.2 44 20 20 FA IV Total FA IV 10% Written Gp. Task Act 25 25 50 22 8.8 SA II 30% Total FA+SA 50% T2 Grade (Tot.I+Tot.II) +SA I score 100 (Tol. FAIV)* 0.2 42 Total SAII* 0.3 76 162/200 8.4 22.8 40 B1 Note: • The Total of FA+SA towards term end will be multiplied by 2 for calculating the final grade for that term as calculation is out of 50% of entire assessment eg: in this case 43.8 corresponds to 87.6 which falls in the 80-100 range of the grades. • The Formative assessment activities can be set for any maximum score they need not be for 25 marks only as given in example. They can be for 10/15/20/50 marks also. The point to be noted is that the final score is to be multiplied by 0.2 • The Summative assessment can be set for any maximum score it need not be for 100 marks only as given in example. It can be for 50 marks also. The point to be noted is that the final score is to be multiplied by 0.3 FINAL YEAR-END SCORE Total FA III FA IV SA II T1 Total T2 30% 88 0.3 50% 168 10% 44 0.2 10% 42 0.2 30% 76 0.3 50% 162 26.4 42.4 8.8 8.4 22.8 40 Assessment FA I FA II SAI Weightage Raw Score Multiply the marks Value towards Final Calculation 10% 42 0.2 10% 38 0.2 8.4 7.6 Date 2/5/15 4/5/15 6/5/15 8/5/15 9/5/15 11/5/15 13/5/15 EXAMINATION SCHEDULE- CLASS III-VI (CBSE-i) FA I III IV V English English S.ST. Maths Maths Science S.ST. S.ST. English Science Science Hindi ICT ICT ICT Hindi Hindi Maths Final Final Score Grade T1+T2 T1+T2 100% 82.4 A2 VI Maths S.ST. Hindi English ICT Science Foreign Lang. 37 Date 13/7/15 15/7/15 17/7/15 20/7/15 22/7/15 24/7/15 27/7/15 III Maths English Science S.ST. Hindi ICT FA II IV Science Hindi S.ST. Maths English ICT V S.ST. ICT Hindi Science English Maths VI Maths ICT S.ST. Science Hindi English Foreign Lang. SA 1 to be conducted between September 1st to September 15th. Ist Term Result - 18.10.15 (8:30 am to 12:00 noon) Date 14/11/15 16/11/15 18/11/15 20/11/15 23/11/15 24/11/15 27/11/15 Date 19/12/15 21/12/15 23/12/15 12/01/16 14/01/16 16/01/16 18/01/16 III S.ST. English Hindi Science Maths ICT FA III IV S.ST. Maths Hindi English Science ICT V English Hindi Maths Science S.ST. ICT VI English S.ST. Science Hindi Maths ICT Foreign Lang. III S.ST. Maths Hindi English Science ICT FA IV IV Science English Maths ICT S.ST. Hindi V Maths Hindi ICT English Science S.ST. VI Science Hindi S.ST. ICT Maths English Foreign Lang. ACTIVITIES :CBSE-i April Class I, Class II,III Class IV-VI Earth Day - 22nd April Rally and Poster Making Heritage Day - 18th April Visit to a Place of historical importance and giving a pictorial representation in the scrap file /PPT May - Mother's Day - IInd Sunday of the Month Class I, II, III Class IV, VI Class IV-VI 38 Cuisine Contest for Mothers and various other games National Technology Day Group discussion on UN Year of Light & Light based technologies and International Year of Soils. July Class I-II International Joke Day1st July Intra-class Joke telling competition Class III-VI Nature Conservation Day - 25th July Learning to Recycle Paper and making an article of the Recycled paper. August Class I-II Group dance competition on a patriotic folk song. Class III-IV Role Play on the influence of freedom fighters in our lives. Class V-VI World Photography Day- 19th August Photography Competition - 6 participants from each class will click photographs at home and display in school with a caption. September Class I-VI Demostration cum workshop on value of First Aid Deaf Day - 26th September (Visit to deaf and dumb school) Sewa Project Class I-II Global Hand Washing Day (Two groups (6-7 students) will demonstrate the technique of hand washing. Class V-VI Intra-class competition on Preparing a healthy snack. October November Class I-VI Sports Events for students of all classes as part of children's Day and Sports Championship ‘Footsteps for good' December Class I-II Christmas Carols to be sung in chorus, a competition for the same Class II-IV Western Dance Competition Class V-VI Symposium on ways and methods to curb pollution. January Class I-III Competition on humorous poem (2-3min) Class IV-VI Comedy Skit (6-7 Students, 4-5 minutes) February - Mother Language Day All CLasses Competitions in Hindi at all levels. UNIFORMCBSE-i Students of Class I and II CBSE-i will purchase the new uniform (as per DAVCMC norms) available at the school canteen. Students of Class III-VI may Continue with the same uniform or purchase the new uniform if they are in need of a change or have outgrown the old one. 39 Reward for Outstanding Students Students who have secured A1 in all the main subjects in class 3,4 and 9.4 CGPA in class 5 will be eligible for blue blazer. Students who have got blue blazer and also have secured 9.2 CGPA in class VI, VII, VIII will be eligible for Maroon blazer on the Completion of the session. PTM and Zero Period PTM will be held on all fourth Saturdays of the month. If fourth Saturday is off, PTM will be held on either 3rd or 5th Saturday, the same will be notified in advance. Zero Period will be on Monday and Assembly will be held on every wednesday. Assessment (CBSE-i) A Complete assessment schedule has been provided. FA’s will be held as per schedule and the date-sheet for SAI and II will be sent in advance • Students who take leave during FA’s or SA’s must for the same. specify appropriate reasons. In case of being unwell, a medical certificate must be submitted. • Please refer to the CBSE-i portal for a details about curriculum and assessment structure. Important National & International Days 07April,15 - 18 April,15 - 22 April,15 - 05 May,15 - 11 May,15 - 31 May,15 - 05 June,15 - 14 June,15 - 22 June,15 - 11 July,15 - 27 July,15 - 28 July,15 - 06 August,15 - 08 August,15 - 09 August,15 - 10 August,15 - 19 August,15 - 29 August,15 - 05 September,15- 08 September,15- 14 September,15- 16 September,15- 21 September,15- 11 October,15 - 40 World Health Day. World Heritage Day World Earth Day World Athletics Day National Technology Day/ Mother’s Day World No Tobacco Day World Environment Day World Blood Donation Day Father’s Day World Population Day Parents Day World Nature Conservation Day Hiroshima Day World Senior Citizen Day Quit India Day/ Naga Saki Day Dengue Prevention Day World Humanitarion Day National Sports Day Dr. Radhakrishanan’s Birthday (Teachers Day) International Literacy Day Hindi Diwas/ World First Aid Day World Ozone Day International Day of Peace International Day of Girl Child 16 October,15 - 31 October,15 - 10 November,15- 11 November,15- 14 November,15- 27 November,15- 01 December,15 - 02 December,15 - 09 December,15 - 10 December,15 - 14 December,15 - 22 December,15 - 23 December,15 - 12 January,16 - 23 January,16 - 30 January,16 - 04 February,16 - 28 February,16 - 03 March,16 - 08 March,16 - 15 March,16 - 20 March,16 - 22 March,16 - 24 March,16 - World Food Day International Integration Day World Science Day for Peace and Development Education Day Children’s Day Thanksgiving Day World AIDS Day World Computer Literacy Day National Girl Child Day Human Rights Day World Energy Day National Mathematics Day Farmers Day (Kisan Diwas) Swami Vivekanand Birthday Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Anniversary Martyr’s Day (Mahatma Gandhi) World Cancer Day National Science Day World Wildlife Day International Woman Day World Consumer Right Day World Sparrow Day World Water Day World TB Day vlrks ek ln~xe;A relks ek T;ksfrxZe;A e`R;ksekZ¿e`ra xe;AA ¬ 'kkfUr%! 'kkfUr%! 'kkfUr%! Om ! Lead me from untruth to Truth, from darkness to Light, and from death to Immortality. Om ! Peace be ! Peace be !! Peace be !!! Pledge India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well being and prosperity, Alone lies my happiness. vk;Z lekt ds fu;e 1- lc lR; fo|k vkSj tks inkFkZ fo|k ls tkus tkrs gSa mu lcdk vkfn ewy ijes’oj gSA 2- bZ’oj lfPpnkuUn Lo:i] fujkdkj] loZ’kfDreku] U;k;dkjh] n;kyq] vtUek] vuUr] fufoZdkj] vukfn] vuqie] lokZ/kj] losZ’oj] loZO;kid lokZUr;kZeh] vtj] vej] vHk;] fuR; ifo= vkSj l`f"VdrkZ gSA mlh dh mikluk djus ;ksX; gSA 3- osn lc lR; fo|kvksa dh iqLrd gSA osn dk i<+uk&i<+kuk vkSj lquuk&lqukuk lc vk;ks± dk ije /keZ gSA 4- lR; ds xzg.k djus vkSj vlR; ds NksM+us esa loZnk m|r jguk pkfg,A 5- lc dke /kekZuqlkj vFkkZr~ lR; vkSj vlR; dks fopkj djds djus pkfg,A 6- lalkj dk midkj djuk bl&lekt dk eq[; mís’; gS vFkkZr~ 'kkjhfjd] vkfRed vkSj lkekftd mUufr djukA 7- lcls izhfriwoZd] /kekZuqlkj] ;Fkk;ksX; crZuk pkfg,A 8- vfo|k dk uk’k vkSj fo|k dh o`f} djuh pkfg,A 9- izR;sd dks viuh gh mUufr ls lUrq"V ugha jguk pkfg,] fdUrq lcdh mUufr esa viuh mUufr le>uh pkfg,A 10-lc euq";ksa dks lkekftd loZfgrdkjh fu;e ikyus esa ijrU= jguk pkfg, vkSj izR;sd fgrdkjh fu;e esa lc LorU= jgsaA 41 Mh- ,- oh- xku LFkkbZ vfojy fueZy lfyy ln;] Kku iznkf;uh T;ksfrZe;] gks pgqfn’kh mn?kks”k vHk; Mh-,-oh- t; t;&Mh-,-oh- t; t; çcy çHkk;e;h fur uwru] thou nkf;uh lnk lukru] osn ç.khrk] ije iqfurk] ;s ?kkjk v{k;] Mh-,-oh- t; t;&Mh-,-oh- t; t; n;kuUn ls çse HkfDr ys] galjkt ls R;kx ‘kfDr ys] ?keZ HkfDr dk jk”Vª ‘kfDr dk] gks fnu eku mn; Mh-,-oh- t; t;&Mh-,-oh- t; t; lq[k le`f) bldh ygjsa] çse ‘kkafr blds rV Bgjsa] lcy ‘kfDre;] çcy Økafre; fy, vVy fu’p;] Mh-,-oh- t; t;&Mh-,-oh- t; t; jk"Vªh; xhr oUnsekrje~ oUnsekrje~ lqtyke~] lqqQyke~] ey;t ‘khryke~ ‘kL;’;keyke~ ekrje~~ ! oUns ekrje~! ‘kqHkz T;ksRluk iqyfdr ;kfeuhe~ QqYydqlqfer nzqeny’kksfHkuhe~] lqgkfluhe~ lqe/kqjHkkf”k.khe~] lq[knke~ ojnke~ ekrje~A oUns ekrje~ ! oUns ekrje~ ! oUns ekrje~ Hkko & eSa Hkkjrekrk dh oUnuk djrk gw¡ lqUnj tyokyh] lqUnj Qyksa okyh] pUnu ls 'khry] [ksrh ls gjh&Hkjh ekr`Hkwfe dh eSa oanuk djrk gw¡A LoPN pk¡nuh ls izlUu jkr okyh] f[kys gq, Qwyksa okys o`{kksa ls 'kksHkk nsus okyh] lqUnj âkl okyh] e/qj cksyus okyh] lq[k nsus okyh] oj nsus okyh ekrk dh eSa oanuk djrk gw¡A ekrk Hkwfe% iq=ks·ga i`fFkO;k% i`Foh gekjh ekrk gS vkSj ge mlds iq= gSa 42 jk"Vªh; xku tu&x.k&eu vf/kuk;d t; gs] Hkkjr HkkX; fo/kkrkA iatkc] flU/kq] xqtjkr] ejkBk nzkfoM+] mRdy cax] foaè;] fgekpy] ;equk] xaxk] mPNy tyf/k rjax] ro ‘kqHk ukes tkxs] ro ‘kqHk vkf’k”k ekaxs] xkgs ro t;&xkFkkA tu&x.k&eaxynk;d t; gs] Hkkjr&HkkX;&fo/kkrkA t; gs] t; gs] t; gs] t;] t;] t;] t;] gsAA 'kqHkdkeuk losZ HkoUrq lqf[ku% losZ lUrq fujke;k A losZ Hk~nzkf.k i’;Urq] ek df’pr~ nq[kHkkxHkoser~AA lc cy /kzqo ru osn i<sa+] lqfopkj c<sa+ ik; p<sa+ fur Åij dksA vfo:) jgsa] _tq iaFk xgas ifjokj dgsa] olq/kk Hkj dks AA 1 AA /keZ /kjsa] ij nq[k gjsa] R;kx rjsa Hkolkxj dksA fnu Qsj firk] oj ns lfork] ge vk;Z djsa] txrh Hkj dks AA 2 AA 43 Hymns Thank you God for the world so sweet Thank you God for the food we eat Thank you God for the clothes we wear Thank you God for the birds that sing Thank you God for everything Through the night thy angel slept Watched beside me while I slept Now the darkness has passed away Thank the Lord for this new day Give me food that I may live Every naughtiness forgive Keep all evil things away God bless our native land Firm may she ever stand Throughout storm and light When the wind and waves thou our country save Thy great might For her our prayer shall rise To God above the skies On Him we might Thou who are ever mine Watching with guardful eyes To thee aloud we cry God save our state. Our father in Heaven Holy be your name Your kingdom come, you will be done On earth, as in heaven Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our sins As we forgive those Who sin against us Do not bring us to test But deliver us from all evil. 44 vFk bZ'ojLrqfr izkFkZuksiklukea=kk% vksýe~ fo'okfu nso lfornqZfjrkfu ijklqoA ;n~HknzUrUu vk lqo AA1AA ;tq0 v0 30 A eU=kk 3 AA vksýe~ fgj.;xHkZ% LkeoÙkZrkxzs HkwrL; tkr% ifrjsd vklhr~ l nk/kj i`fFkoha |keqrseka dLeS nsok; gfo"kk fo/se AA2AA ;tq0 13A3AA vksýe~ ; vkRenk cynk ;L; fo'o miklrs izf'k"ka ;L; nsok% ;L; Nk;k¿e`ra ;L; e`R;q% dLeS nsok; gfo"kk fo/se AA3AA ;tq0 25A13 AA vksýe~ ;% izk.krks fufe"krks efgRoSd bnzktk txrks cHkwo ; bZ'ks vL; f}in'prq"in% dLeS nsok; gqfo"kk fo/seAA4AA ;tq0 25A11 AA vksýe~ ;su |kS#xzk i`fFkoh p n`<k ;su Lo% LrfHkra ;su ukd% ;ks vUrfj{ks jtlks foeku% dLeS nsok; gfo"kk fo/seAA5AA ;tq0 32 A 6 AA vksýe~ iztkirs u RonsrkU;U;ks fo'ok tkrkfu ifj rk cHkwo ;RdkekLrs tqgqeLrUuks vLrq o;a L;ke ir;ks j;h.kke~ AA6AA ½0 10 A 121 A 10 AA vksýe~ l uks caèkqtZfurk l fo/krk /kekfu osn Hkqoukfu fo'ok ;=k nsok ve`reku'kkuk&Lr`rh;s /keUuè;Sj;UrAA7AA ;tq0 32 A 10 AA vksýe~ vXus u; lqiFkk jk;s vLeku~ fo'okfu nso o;qukfu fo}ku~A ;q;ksè;LeTtqgqjk.kesuks Hkwf;"Bka rs ue% mfDar fo/seAA8AA ;tq0 40 A 16 AA 'kkfUr ikB eU=kk vksýe~ |kS% 'kkfUrjUrfj{ka] 'kkfUr% i`fFkoh] 'kkfUrjki% 'kkfUrjks"kèk;%] 'kkfUr%A ouLir;% 'kkfUrfoZ'osnsok% 'kkfUrczZgk% 'kkfUr% lo± 'kkfUr% 'kkfUrjso 'kkfUr% lk ek 'kkfUrjsf/ vksýe~ 'kkfUr%! 'kkfUr%!! 'kkfUr%!!! 45 List of Holidays to be observed during academic session (2015-2016) (1st April, 2015 to 31st March, 2016) DATE OCCASION DAY 28th March, 2015 Ram Navami Saturday 2nd April, 2015 Mahavir Jayanti Thursday 3rd April, 2015 Good Friday Friday 4th May, 2015 Buddha Purnima Monday 17th May - 30th June, 2015 Summer Holidays - For Children 18th May - 23rd May, 2015 Extra Classes (IX-XII) 17th May - 26th June, 2015 Summer Holidays - For Teachers 27 June, 2015 Reopening for Class XII Saturday 1 July, 2015 Reopening P.S to XI Wednesday 18th July, 2015 Idul Fitar * Saturday 15th August, 2015 Independence Day Saturday 29th August, 2015 Raksha Bandhan Saturday 5th September, 2015 Janamashtami Saturday 25th September, 2015 Idul Zuha * Friday 2nd October, 2015 Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday Friday 13th October, 2015 Muharram Tuesday 19th OCTOBER TO 22nd OCTOBER, 2015 - DUSSEHRA VACATION 27th October, 2015 Balmiki Birthday Tuesday 30th October, 2015 Karava Chouth Friday 10th NOVEMBER TO 13th NOVEMBER, 2015 - DIWALI BREAK 25th November, 2015 Guru Nanak’s Birthday Wednesday 24th December, 2015 Milad Un Nabi * Thursday 25th December, 2015 Christmas Friday 30th DECEMBER TO 11th JANUARY, 2016 - WINTER BREAK 15th January, 2016 Makar Sakranti Friday 26th January, 2016 Republic Day Tuesday 7th March, 2016 Mahashivratri Monday 24th March, 2016 Holi Thursday 25th March, 2016 Good Friday Friday Note: In Case State Government declares any change in the date of any of the aforesaid holidays, then the same will be observed on the rescheduled date. Likewise, in case, any of the aforesaid holidays are not declared by the State Government, then on that date DAV Public/Model schools will function on their usual timings. * Any Change in the date of these Holidays will depend upon sighting of the Moon & declaration by the State Govt. 46 Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidalaya Campaign The honourable Prime Minister of India gave a Clarion call for Swachh Bharat and CBSE initiated the campaign ‘Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya’. DAV Pushpanjali being affiliated to CBSE enthusiastically and vigrously participated in the Swachh Vidalaya Abhiyan by taking up a programme for cleanliness. The students, teachers, parents alongwith School Management Committee were encouraged to participate in the under mentioned activities to make the programme a success. The school took up, the following activities during this period. Talk by a few children on different aspects of cleanliness in the School Assembly every day, especially with regard to saying and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, on cleanliness and hygiene. Cleaning of classrooms, laboratories, libraries etc. Cleaning of any statue installed in the school. Cleaning of toilets and drinking water areas. Cleaning of kitchen sheds, stores etc. Cleaning of playgrounds. Cleaning and maintenance of school gardens. Annual maintenance of the school buildings including white wash and painting. Organizing essay, Painting competitions, debates, contests, songs, skits, nukkad natak etc. on cleanliness and hygiene. Constitution of Children’s Cabinets to supervise and monitor the cleanliness drive. Poster making/ Panel discussions on cleanliness. All the students from the Kindergarten wing to senior classes were enthusiastic about it. The Kindergarten Students took a pledge to wash hands before and after meals. They recited poems on hygiene during the assembly. Various ther activities like cleaning the tables and chairs before sitting down were practised. Class I students staged Nukkad Natak to spread awareness and promote the message of ‘Cleanliness’. Saplings were planted by the tinytots on their birthday. The pledge to keep the surroundings clean is regularly repeated as a routine in the morning assembly. Classes II to IV made posters and wrote poems on cleanliness. Swachh Bharat Campaign was incorporated in the teaching methodology of Aryabhatta in maths. It is a class of the decoding maths groups - an NCERT project for students who are weak in maths. A team of 2 teachers inspect the classes and other areas to check the cleanliness of their wing. The students of classes V to VII have established a conducive physical environment in the school which includes cleaning the waste, removing the dust from windows and doors, washing the walls and corridors and cleaning the cobwebs with the aim to make the school a ‘Happy Healthy and Active School’. The students of VI B and VI E have been appointed as the brand ambassadors of ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’, These Students urge and request their peers to stop bringing polythene bags, foils and plastic bottles to school. The 2nd and 3rd floor have become a “POLYTHENE AND PLASTIC FREEZONE”. Surprise Checks are conducted by the brand ambassadors. Nukkad Nataks and street plays are staged by the students from time to time in order to spread the message of cleanliness. THe School plans to continue the Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan and sanitation ratings right upto 2015-16 by organizing film shows, model activities on hygiene, periodic essay / painting and other competitions, role play etc. to reassert the message of Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya. We feel that we need to inculcate the spirit of hygiene, cleanliness and aversion to unhygenic conditions in all our children from the very intial years of their schooling itself, so that every child in the country appreciates the value of good, clean and hygenic living. We belive in our school’s commitment to this national endeavour and pledge to undertake innovative activities involving children in the Abhiyan and help them to imbibe good message on hygiene, sanitation and cleanliness in life. 47 48 Time Table Myself & My Teacher My Name __________________________________________________________ 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________ My Teacher_________________________________________________________ 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________ 49 Late Comer’s Record Date 50 Reason for being Late Arrival Time Signature of Teacher on Duty Signature of Parent Late Comer’s Record Date Reason for being Late Arrival Time Signature of Teacher on Duty Signature of Parent 51 Absence Note Date 52 Reason for Absence Returning Date Signature of Teacher Signature of Parent Parent’s Remarks Date Parent’s Remarks Signature of Teacher Signature of Parent 53 Parent’s Remarks Date 54 Parent’s Remarks Signature of Teacher Signature of Parent Teacher’s Remarks Date Teacher’s Remarks Signature of Teacher Signature of Parent 55 Teacher’s Remarks Date 56 Teacher’s Remarks Signature of Teacher Signature of Parent Planner March 2015 - April 2016 Monday Wk Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 13 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 14 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 15 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 19 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 28 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 35 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 36 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 25 29 33 34 37 38 39 APRIL MAY 21 JUNE 17 JULY 16 AUGUST 12 SEPTEMBER 11 MARCH 2 10 57 Planner March 2015 - April 2016 Monday Wk Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 44 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 45 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 49 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 50 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 14 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 17 18 NOVEMBER 48 DECEMBER 47 JANUARY 46 FEBRUARY 43 MARCH 42 APRIL 41 OCTOBER 40 58 Tuesday Assignment Subject Date Teacher’s Signature Subject Parent’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature Routine - Pack your bag the night before and ensure you have everything, you need for the following day. 59 Assignment Subject Date Teacher’s Signature Subject Parent’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature Examination / Tests - Read the questions carefully and make sure you understand what you have to do before you attempt to do it. Assignment Subject Date Teacher’s Signature Subject Parent’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Listening - Listen to the Key phrases of the teacher carefully such as “This is important”, “You need to know this”. Parent’s Signature Assignment Subject Date Teacher’s Signature Subject Parent’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Study - Set yourself a goal, know what you want to accomplish before you begin to study. Parent’s Signature Assignment Subject Date Teacher’s Signature Subject Parent’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature Organisation - Set certain times of the day for studying, doing homework and other school related activities and stick to it. Assignment Subject Date Teacher’s Signature Subject Parent’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature Management of time - Leave time at the end to look over your work in an examination / test. Make sure you have answered all the questions and you have checked the mistakes. Assignment Subject Date Teacher’s Signature Subject Parent’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature Organisation - Use a wall calender for each term. List all projects and examination dates for each subject as well as any other important commitments you have. Assignment Subject Date Teacher’s Signature Subject Parent’s Signature Date Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature Study - Take short breaks during your study. Eat nutritious food that helps your brain to focus and make sure that you drink plenty of water.
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