Delaware City Schools Board of Education Meeting April 13, 2015 Regular Meeting District Technology Center 6:30 p.m. MISSION STATEMENT The Delaware City Schools will promote a culture of excellence that engages and empowers students and staff to embrace the challenges of our global society. We will build on our traditions, respect our diversity and partner for a strong community. 1.0 Opening 1.1 Call to Order and Roll Call _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Lucas* *Student Board Member 1.2 Salute the Flag 1.3 Adoption of Agenda I recommend we adopt this agenda as presented. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to adopt this agenda as presented. _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Mr. Lucas* 1.4 Approve Minutes With your agenda you have received the minutes of Monday, March 2, 2015, and Monday, March 16, 2015. 4/13/2015 1 Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to approve the minutes of Monday, March 2, 2015, and Monday, March 16, 2015, as presented. _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mr. Lucas* 1.5 Recognitions and Presentations A. 2.0 Smith Elementary – Arts Programming and NGLE Executive Session 2.1 Executive Session to consider Employment of Public Employee or Official I recommend the Board enter into executive session for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of an employee. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to enter into executive session for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of an employee. _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mr. Lucas* ____________ declared the Board in executive session at ____________. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to exit executive session for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of an employee. _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Lucas* ____________ declared the Board out of executive session at ____________. 4/13/2015 2 3.0 Reports 3.1 Unions A. B. C. DCTA UE OAPSE 3.2 Legislative 3.3 Facilities 3.4 Financial 3.5 Superintendent 3.6 Board Requested 3.7 Other PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4/13/2015 3 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Education recognizes the value to school governance of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest. Any person or group wishing to place an item on the agenda shall register their intent with the Superintendent no later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting and include: A. B. C. Name and address of the participant; Group affiliation, if and when appropriate; Topic to be addressed. Such requests shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent and the Board President. In order to permit the fair and orderly expression of such comment, the Board shall provide a period for public participation at every regular meeting of the Board and publish rules to govern such participation in Board meetings. The presiding officer of each Board meeting at which public participation is permitted shall administer the rules of the Board for its conduct. The presiding officer shall be guided by the following rules: A. Public participation shall be permitted. B. Anyone having a legitimate interest in the actions of the Board may participate during the public portion of a meeting. C. Attendees must register their intention to participate in the public portion of the meeting upon their arrival at the meeting. D. Participants must be recognized by the presiding officer and will be requested to preface their comments by an announcement of their name, address, and group affiliation, if and when appropriate. E. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five (5) minutes duration, unless extended by the presiding officer. F. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic unless all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard. G. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no person may address or question Board members individually. H. Tape or video recordings are permitted. The person operating the recorder should contact the Superintendent prior to the Board meeting to review possible placement of the equipment, and must agree to abide by the following conditions: I. J. 1. No obstructions are created between the Board and the audience. 2. No interviews are conducted in the meeting room while the Board is in session. 3. No commentary, adjustment of equipment, or positioning of operators is made that would distract either the Board or members of the audience or disrupt the meeting while the Board is in session. The presiding officer may: 1. Interrupt, warn, or terminate a participant’s statement when the statement is too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant; 2. Request any individual to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum; 3. Request the assistance of law enforcement officers in the removal of a disorderly person when that person’s conduct interferes with the orderly progress of the meeting; 4. Call for a recess or an adjournment to another time when the lack of public decorum so interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting as to warrant such action. The portion of the meeting during which the participation of the public is invited shall be limited to thirty (30) unless extended by a vote of the Board. R.C. 3313.20 - Revised 6/9/03 4/13/2015 4 4.0 Consent Agenda 4.1 Pupils A. Approve Graduates I recommend the Board approve the following student for graduation. This student has met all graduation requirements as of January 5, 2015: Tyler Parsons B. Approve Girl’s Lacrosse Club Programs at Hayes and Dempsey C. Approve Hayes JROTC Drill Championship Trip I recommend the Board approve a Hayes JROTC trip to Daytona Beach, Florida, to participate in the National High School JROTC Drill Championships from April 30 - May 4, 2015, as presented and contingent upon approved transportation arrangements. 4.2 Curriculum and Instruction 4.3 Personnel A. Accept Resignations 1. Assistant Superintendent I recommend the Board accept the resignation of the following individual as Assistant Superintendent: Brad Faust Effective July 31, 2015 2. Teacher I recommend the Board accept the resignation of the following individual as a teacher: Megan Stallard Willis/Orchestra Effective at the end of the current contract year 3. Technology Specialist I recommend the Board accept the resignation of the following individual as a Technology Specialist: Girard Ogletree-Crawford Conger 4/13/2015 Effective May 1, 2015 5 4. Custodian I recommend the Board accept the resignation of the following individual as a custodian: Deborah Baldridge Carlisle Retirement Effective June 19, 2015 5. Educational Assistant Substitute I recommend the Board accept the resignation of the following individual as an Educational Assistant Substitute: Staci Miller Effective March 27, 2015 6. Auxiliary Teacher – Delaware Christian School I recommend the Board accept the resignation of the following individual as an Auxiliary Teacher at Delaware Christian School: Sharon Sheppard B. Effective at the end of the current contract year Approve Employments 1. Supervisor Elementary Special Education (New) Angela Macwhinney $80,069.00 (ADS/4E-Step 3) Effective July 13, 2015 2. Supervisor Secondary Special Education (New) Benjamin Jenkins $78,338.00 (ADS/4E-Step 2) Effective July 13, 2015 3. Teacher I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and salary schedules the following individuals as teachers: 4/13/2015 Erin Hugel Carlisle/2nd $50,369.01 (MA-Step 5) Effective August 10, 2015 Michael Sivert Carlisle/4th $46,806.46 (BA/150-Step 5) Effective August 10, 2015 Emily Schelder Schultz/KG $38,037.10 (BA/150-Step 0) Effective August 10, 2015 6 Erin Waters Schultz/1st $46,298.57 (MA-Step 3) Effective August 10, 2015 Emily Griffith Schultz/3rd $50,369.01 (MA-Step 5) Effective August 10, 2015 Ashley Wermert Woodward Rdg/Title I $38,037.10 (BA/150-Step 0) Effective August 10, 2015 Rehire from Non-Renew Contract Elizabeth Kaylor-Palmer Willis/5th Math $39,790.97 (BA/150-Step 1) Effective August 10, 2015 Jeffrey Sydes Hayes/PhysEd $7,131.09 (BA/150-Step 1) Prorated Effective April 13, 2015 4. Intervention Specialists I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and salary schedules the following individuals as Intervention Specialists: Tyra Baisden Conger/Willis Renelle Tompkins Conger $41,544.84 (BA/150-Step 2) Effective August 10, 2015 Rehire from Non-Renew Contract $43,298.72 (BA/150-Step 3) Effective August 10, 2015 Rehire from Non-Renew Contract 5. Library Media Specialist I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and wage schedules the following individual as a Library Media Specialist: Renee Cook Woodward $14.34/hour Effective April 13, 2015 6. SACC I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and wage schedules the following individual to the SACC program: Collin Combs 4/13/2015 Conger Assistant I $8.75/hour Effective March 20, 2015 7 C. Approve Salary Increase for Administrative and Exempt Executive Administrative Assistant Employees I recommend the Board approve a 2% increase in all administrative and exempt executive administrative assistant salaries effective August 1, 2015. D. Approve Classified Substitutes for the 2014-2015 School Year I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and wage schedules the following individuals as classified substitutes for the 2014-2015 school year - $13.75, substitute bus driver; $11.05, substitute custodian; $9.05, cafeteria; $10.30 classroom assistant; $11.00 clerical: Amber Hudson Anthony Sanfillipo E. Approve Auxiliary Service Personnel for 2015-2016 school year I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and salary schedules the following Auxiliary Service Personnel for the 2015-2016 school year, pending receipt of Auxiliary Funds from the state: F. St. Mary Sally Selmek Mary Jane Matcham Teacher Teacher Delaware Christian Lori Blackburn Karen Snow Sherie Stricklin Teacher Teacher Classified Grace Community Melodee Mears Kristina Snashall Teacher Teacher Approve Summer Acceleration Math Teacher I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and salary schedules the following individual as the Summer Acceleration Math Teacher at $25.00 per hour for up to a maximum of 68 hours from June 15-30, 2015: Alyssa Mills G. Approve Extended Learning Opportunities Substitute I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and salary schedules the following individual as an Extended Learning Opportunities Substitute at their per diem rate: Jen Heady 4/13/2015 Carlisle 8 H. Approve Educational Assistant for Leadership Camp I recommend the Board employ according to Board approved policy and salary schedules the following individual as an Educational Assistant at their per diem rate for up to a maximum of 6.5 hours for the Leadership Camp to be held April 7, 2015: Mark Shepherd I. Approve Supplemental Contracts for the 2014-2015 School Year I recommend the Board approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2014-2015 school year: J. NAME POSITION BUILDING SALARY Curtis Wyckoff Freshman Baseball Hayes $2,364.32 Approve Summer Ohio Valley Leadership School Instructor Pay I recommend the Board approve Summer Leadership School instructor pay for Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Floyd Anible and Master Sergeant (Ret) Douglas Manley to participate as Ohio Valley Leadership School Instructors June 6-13, 2015, at their per diem rate as presented. K. Approve Termination of Employment I recommend the Board approve the termination of employment of the following individuals: Toni Coates Masen McInnis 4.4 Bus Driver Classified Substitute Effective April 14, 2015 Effective April 14, 2015 Financial A. Approve School Fees for the 2015-2016 School Year I recommend the Board approve school fees for the 2015-2016 school year as presented. 4.5 Other A. Accept Donations I recommend the board accept the following donations: 1. Ohio State University - $200 to Hayes Orchestra Fund 2. Tom and Penny Schmidthenner – Bach Tenor Trombone at a market price of $350.00 and a Selmer B-flat Clarinet at a market price of $250.00 to be used in the Dempsey/Willis band programs 4/13/2015 9 CONSENT ACTION: Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to approve all of the consent items as presented. _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Lucas* 5.0 Discussion 5.1 Review Certified Employee Contract Proposals Listed below, for your review, are contract proposals for certified employees: Continuing Contract Suzan Bowe Jessica Darcy Katherine Heinonen Elizabeth Kelly Jenny Nicely Elisabeth Shirring One Year Contract Kelsey Bagley Emily Banaszak Kaitlyn Bibens Megan Burwinkel Joshua Caslow Tracey Codding Brian Coleman Sarah DeLong Denise Flahive Cari Floehr Heidi Gatton Michael Golden Brandi Haines Eric Heminger Chelsea Hood Mary Kate Kohlhas Rachel Kraft Rachel LaRue Bret Level Laura Linden Tamra Londot Amy Lower Raynard Martin Alyssa Mills Amanda Morman Michelle Oberfield Alicia Plowman Gina Puleo Jessica Reed Lauren Ruple 4/13/2015 Jacob Shafer Margaret Stanton Keith Tankersley Danielle Viars Alexa von der Embse Kelly Wagner Moriah Weber Samuel Young Two Year Contract Stacey Ash Jenny Ault Lauren Bastel James Bibler Charles Bleakmore Marissa Borruso Anne Brandyberry Andrew Branham Jessica Braun Michelle Brockett Emily Brown Erika Brown Stephanie Buckingham Kristen Campbell Theresa Carlson Philip Carr Alli Cochran Jennifer Codrea Adam Cramer Meredith Crider Kimberly Ebert Lynette Ellerbrock-Bendele Whitney Farrell Leslie Friedrich Laura Frisch Samantha Ginter Katie Gries Maria Hall Melanie Harry Karen Hembree Lisa Hess Melissa Hoffman Katherine Horner Rebecca Houts Lyndsey Hunter Lauren Keeran Catherine Keller Jonathan Kelley Stephanie Kelly Nicole Kessler Jane Kovatch Leslie Kress Luke Krohn Matthew Kruthaup Joshua Lamb Michelle Leasure Joshua Lee Terry Lenhart Kate Loker Marta Long-Erickson Heather Lowry Douglas Manley Caitlin McGrew Peter Minardi Kelly Montee Patrick Montgomery Amy Mosley Crystal Myers Mark Naegele Julia Niley Lisa Nye Sean Patrick Lisa Pulsifer Angela Raquepaw Rolf Remlinger Kristen Reynolds Dawn Riedlinger Kevin Rieman Mark Rieman Melissa Ruen Darcy Ruffin Rebecca Saunders Katherine Scocozzo Laura Sidol Laura Smith Allison Stelzer Betsy Tefend Sarah Thrush Jennifer Tilden Cynthia Vaught Tiffany Vroegop Amy Waldron Chad Wanner Megan Watson Nathan Weakland William Wion 10 6.0 Action Items 6.1 Approve Bond Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Bonds not to exceed $20,005,000 I recommend the Board approve a Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds in the amount not to exceed $20,005,000 for the purpose of constructing additions to school facilities and renovating and improving the same, including safety and security improvements; furnishing and equipping the same; improving the sites thereof; and acquiring land and interests in land; and authorizing and approving related matters as presented. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to approve a Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds in the amount not to exceed $20,005,000 for the purpose of constructing additions to school facilities and renovating and improving the same, including safety and security improvements; furnishing and equipping the same; improving the sites thereof; and acquiring land and interests in land; and authorizing and approving related matters as presented. _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Mr. Lucas* 6.2 Approve Bond Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Bonds not to exceed $2,995,000 I recommend the Board approve a Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds in the amount not to exceed $2,995,000 for the purpose of advance refunding a portion of refunding bonds, dated March 22, 2006, as presented. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to approve a Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds in the amount not to exceed $2,995,000 for the purpose of advance refunding a portion of refunding bonds, dated March 22, 2006, as presented. _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mr. Lucas* 6.3 Approve Authorization to Public Bid Additions and Renovations Projects at Carlisle and Conger Elementary Schools I recommend the Board approve and authorize the Project Documents, Public Bid Documents and the Legal Notice for bidders as offered and presented by Fanning and Howey Associates and Turner Construction Company, and to further authorize the public bidding for the projects known as: 4/13/2015 11 1. Additions and Renovations to Carlisle Elementary School, 746 W. Central Avenue, Delaware, Ohio, Project No. 21305.01, B.P. 1.1 - Budget estimate for Construction Cost of $4,850,000.00; and 2. Additions and Renovations to Conger Elementary School, 10 Channing Street, Delaware, Ohio, Project No. 21305.05, B.P. 2.1 - Budget estimate for Construction Cost of $2,150,000.00. Moved by____________ seconded by____________ to approve and authorize the Project Documents, Public Bid Documents and the Legal Notice for bidders as offered and presented by Fanning and Howey Associates and Turner Construction Company, and to further authorize the public bidding for the projects known as: 1. Additions and Renovations to Carlisle Elementary School, 746 W. Central Avenue, Delaware, Ohio, Project No. 21305.01, B.P. 1.1 - Budget estimate for Construction Cost of $4,850,000.00; and 2. Additions and Renovations to Conger Elementary School, 10 Channing Street, Delaware, Ohio, Project No. 21305.05, B.P. 2.1 - Budget estimate for Construction Cost of $2,150,000.00. _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mr. Lucas* 7.0 Superintendent’s Comments 8.0 Board Comments 9.0 Calendar: 4/14 4/18 4/30 5/1 5/4 5/6 5/18 5/23 5/25 5/28 4/13/2015 Kindergarten Information Night Hayes Prom District Art Show in Dempsey Commons Family Game Night Board Meeting – 5:30 Retirement & Years of Service Reception Board Meeting – 5:30 Graduation Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL Last Day for Students 12 10.0 Executive Session 10.1 Executive Session to consider Employment of Public Employee or Official I recommend the Board enter into executive session for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of an employee. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to enter into executive session for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of an employee. _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Lucas* ____________ declared the Board in Executive Session at ____________. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to exit executive session for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of an employee. _______ Mr. Backus _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Lucas* ____________ declared the Board out of Executive Session at ____________. 11.0 Adjournment 11.1 I recommend this meeting be adjourned. Moved by __________ seconded by __________ to adjourn this meeting. _______ Ms. McDaniel-Browning _______ Mrs. O’Flaherty _______ Mrs. Rafeld _______ Mr. Weller _______ Mr. Backus _______ Mr. Lucas* 4/13/2015 13
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