DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Corrigendum to Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) Pre-bid meeting fixed for 14.04.2015 about ‘Expression of interest (EOI) from the interested agencies having experience and expertise to impart training and spread awareness among farmers in the areas/villages falling under land pooling policy in Delhi’ published on 03.04.2015, has been re-scheduled for 15th April, 2015 at 3.00 PM at Conference hall, 5th Floor, Vikas Minar, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 due to announcement of 14th April, 2015 as Government Holiday. All other terms & conditions of EOI will remain unchanged as per original. Director (Plg.), Land Pooling DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY NOTICE INVITING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FROM THE INTERESTED AGENCIES HAVING EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE TO IMPART TRAINING AND SPREAD AWARENESS AMONG FARMERS IN THE AREAS/VILLAGES FALLING UNDER LAND POOLING POLICY IN DELHI Delhi Development Authority invites expression of interest (EOI) from the interested agencies having experience and expertise to impart training and spread awareness among farmers in the areas/villages falling under land pooling policy in Delhi. The Master Plan of Delhi 2021 (MPD) has proposed a new approach to development of the proposed urbanisable areas in Delhi. In order to optimally utilize all available resources, public and private, in land assembly, infrastructure development and housing, a new approach of land aggregation based on Land Pooling and owner’s participation has been formulated as an alternative to traditional, large scale land acquisition and development by the Government. The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has been mandated to undertake the urbanization of an area of about 20,000-24,000 ha. which will accommodate a population of 5million,through the land pooling policy as per the Master Plan of Delhi 2021 (MPD). The policy has been notified vide S.O. 2687 (E) dt. 5th September 2013 and will be applicable in the proposed urbanisable areas of the Urban Extensions, for which zonal development plans (ZDP) have been approved. The details of the land pooling policy can be accessed at the DDA website. Under this Policy, the private sector would be responsible for voluntary assembly of land which they would make available to DDA for reconstitution based on the Master Plan and ZDP. Once DDA hands back the private land owners / developers their share of the original land in reconstituted form, the latter would undertake internal planning, development of internal infrastructure and housing and other facilities as per the MPD and respective ZDP. DDA will be responsible for overall planning and reconstitution of land parcels, development of Master Plan level infrastructure in a time bound manner, acquisition of left out land pockets necessary for contiguous development, and overall facilitation to encourage the participation of the private sector.Preparations are in the final stages to launch and operationalise this policy. It has been observed that the farmers who own approximately 50 to 60% of the land which is to be considered for land pooling policy are not fully aware about Expression of interest fromthe interested agencies having experience and expertise to impart training and spread awareness among farmers in the areas/villages falling under land pooling policy in Delhi 2 this policy. It is suggested that DDA should evolve a strategy wherein there is a need to educate the farmers/development entity so that they may participate and get the advantage of the policy for their prosperity. To have maximum participation in the above said exercise, following 4 stages process requires to be considered: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) To educate (implementation of the go to market strategy into land owning community with multiple communication tools and explain benefits). To empower (assist the land owning community to take informed & educated decisions on monetization of their assets through the mechanism of land pooling). To enlist (assist the land owners with documentation & such assistance thereby facilitating the land pooling). To ensure that maximum farmers/development entity apply in the above said scheme. It is proposed that 4 stages task stated above may be carried out through the private agencies who have expertise in these kind of jobs to interact with the farmers at village level for awareness, convincing, interacting and finally assisting in documentation for applying in the land pooling policy of DDA. It is proposed that eligible criteria for pre-qualification/experience of the agency will be as under: Management System: Agency should have necessary infrastructural facilities, managerial skills and required man-power to impart training and create awareness among farmers interested to participate in Land Pooling Policy.The agency shall be registered and at least 3 years old. Technical Capacity: The agency should have knowledge of revenue records and Master Plan for Delhi-2021 with specific inputs about land policy. Financial Capacity: The agency to have infrastructure including facilities and sufficient man power to educate farmers for documentation. Fees: DDA will empanel such agencies and they will be entitled to interact with the farmers for educating 4 stage process as stated above. Individual farmers/development entity will give the fees to such agencies for the assistance provided by the registered agency based on consultation with agencies in pre-bid exercise. Expression of interest fromthe interested agencies having experience and expertise to impart training and spread awareness among farmers in the areas/villages falling under land pooling policy in Delhi 3 Other details: The role of DDA in this exercise is limited only as a facilitator for the information, awareness of land pooling policy to the land owners. The land owner will have discretion to approach/contact any agency at their convenience and it shall not be mandatory for the land owner to consult the agency for participation in land pooling policy. Expression of Interest: The expression of interest is to be given by the Agency in a sealed cover on or before 3:00 PM on 21st, April 2015. All agencies would be invited for presentation with respect to the expertise and experience in the related field based on which evaluation will be done by the committee. Pre-bid meeting fixed for 14.04.2015 has been re-scheduled for 15th April, 2015 at 3.00 PM at Conference hall, 5th Floor, Vikas Minar, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 due to announcement of 14th April, 2015 as Government Holiday. The EOI will be submitted at the following address: Director (Plg.) Land Pooling, Delhi Development Authority, 11th Floor, Vikas Minar, I.P.Estate, New Delhi-110002. Tel. No.: 011-23370326 Expression of interest fromthe interested agencies having experience and expertise to impart training and spread awareness among farmers in the areas/villages falling under land pooling policy in Delhi 4 DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Subject: Form for Expression of Interest fromthe interested agencies having experience and expertise to impart training and spread awareness among farmers in the areas/villages falling under land pooling policy in Delhi. Format for Application for Expression of Interest 1. Name and full address : . . . 2. Registrationdetails : . . . 3. Management Structure : including Infrastructure and Man Power . . . 4. Technical Capacity : . . . 5. Financial Capacity : . . . 6. Turnover for last three years : . Expression of interest fromthe interested agencies having experience and expertise to impart training and spread awareness among farmers in the areas/villages falling under land pooling policy in Delhi 5 7. Current operational areas of : work . . 8. Approval/registration any Government with : . . 9. Areas of work where : expertise available, pl. elaborate . 10. Regular manpower : available on roll for proposed work along with their qualification and experience . 11. Any other credentials in the : subject area . . . . . 12. Contact Person designation with : . . (a) Telephone No. Mobile No. Fax No. . . (b) E-mail address Expression of interest fromthe interested agencies having experience and expertise to impart training and spread awareness among farmers in the areas/villages falling under land pooling policy in Delhi 6
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