Pictet Quality Global Equities Laurent NGUYEN 22.04.2015 Vienna Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities Executive summary › Why Quality ? − Invest in companies having competitive and sustainable business advantage − Attractive risk-adjusted performance over a full market cycle − Down-markets resilience › Why Pictet ? − An unique blend of judgmental, quantitative and technical skills − Proprietary framework with four diversifying dimensions − Research results vindicated by last two years performance › Why Now ? − Next market phase likely to be supportive for Quality companies in light of low expected growth, deflation scares and sideways markets Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 2 1 Why Quality ? Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 3 Defining Quality High and stable return businesses that are resilient to economic cycles and reasonably priced Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities The economic rationale for Quality High return businesses… Reasonably priced businesses… Profitable companies are less-likely to take short-term, potentially counter-productive, measures due to market pressures. For a given stream of long-term future cash flows, the higher the price, the lower the expected return and the higher the riskiness (i.e. duration) of the asset. The comfort of a wide economic moat should translate in better strategic, value-enhancing, decisions in the long-run. Moreover, stocks with high expectations baked in the price are more likely to disappoint than otherwise. Stable return businesses… Resilient businesses… High financial leverage and aggressive M&A policies are double-edged swords. Companies having demonstrated their ability to better navigate the economic cycle tend to provide down-market protection which is in-line with our conviction that in the long-run, to gain more, you have to start by losing less. Prudent companies should be less vulnerable than their reckless peers during and after the unavoidable “hangover” phase. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 5 A proprietary framework : the 4P’s of Quality High return • Gross, Operating and Net margins • Asset efficiency • Special items • ROCE, ROE • Long term averages and trend Stable return • Equity / Assets • Debt/EV • Cash flows /Interest costs • Debt/Cash Flows • 5 yr Asset Growth Profitability Price Reasonably priced • Price/Book • Price/Sales • Price/Cash Flow • Price/Earnings • EV/EBITDA • Dividend Yield QUALITY COMPANIES Prudence Protection Resilient • Volatility • Beta • Correlation • Drawdowns Source : For illustration purposes only. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 6 Nestlé (in portfolio) Global player in food & beverages with market Cap of $250bn and $100bn annual sales Profitability Annualised return: Nestlé :13% MSCI World : 7% Prudence Price Protection Final Rank Profitability Prudence Protection Price • Beta 0.5 vs. MSCI World. • Volatility: 18% Source: Bloomberg, Worldscope, Pictet Asset Management. Figures are shown in US Dollars, as at February 28, 2015. The metrics shown are only for illustrative purposes and do not reflect the comprehensive list of metrics used to build the Pictet Quality portfolio. Pictet Asset Management Ltd has not acquired any rights or license to reproduce the trademarks, logos or images set out in this document except that it holds the rights to use any entity of the Pictet group trademarks. The trademarks, logos and images set out in this document are used only for the purpose of this presentation. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 7 L’Oréal(in portfolio) Global cosmetics company with market Cap of $93bn and $22bn annual sales Profitability Annualised return: L’Oreal :12% MSCI World : 7% Prudence Price Protection Final Rank Profitability Prudence Protection Price • Beta 0.8 vs. MSCI World. • Volatility: 24% Source: Bloomberg, Worldscope, Pictet Asset Management. Figures are shown in US Dollars, as at February 28, 2015.. The metrics shown are only for illustrative purposes and do not reflect the comprehensive list of metrics used to build the Pictet Quality portfolio. Pictet Asset Management Ltd has not acquired any rights or license to reproduce the trademarks, logos or images set out in this document except that it holds the rights to use any entity of the Pictet group trademarks. The trademarks, logos and images set out in this document are used only for the purpose of this presentation. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 8 ThyssenKrupp (not in portfolio) European steel manufacturer with market Cap of $15bn and $56bn annual sales Profitability Annualised return: ThyssenKrupp :6% MSCI World : 7% Prudence Price Protection Final Rank Profitability Prudence Protection Price • Beta 1.6 vs. MSCI World. • Volatility: 39% Source: Bloomberg, Worldscope, Pictet Asset Management. Figures are shown in US Dollars, as at February 28, 2015.. The metrics shown are only for illustrative purposes and do not reflect the comprehensive list of metrics used to build the Pictet Quality portfolio. Pictet Asset Management Ltd has not acquired any rights or license to reproduce the trademarks, logos or images set out in this document except that it holds the rights to use any entity of the Pictet group trademarks. The trademarks, logos and images set out in this document are used only for the purpose of this presentation. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 9 A robust historical evidence Historical risk/reward of high and low quality companies 14% 12% Low Price Top 25% Quality Annualized Return 10% High Protection High Profitability 8% High Prudence MSCI World 6% Low Prudence 4% Low Profitability 2% Low Protection High Price Bottom 25% Quality 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Annualized Volatility 25% 30% Portfolio s simulated following our Quality investment process on a global equities universe. Portfolio rebalanced every 3 months. Source: Pictet Asset Management, Datastream, MSCI. Performance presented gross of trading and tax cost, total return in USD. Non GIPS compliant. Dividends reinvested. Date: 31.12.1991-30.11.2012. Simulated past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Total return performance in USD of cap-weighted top/bottom quartiles. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 10 A defensive investment style outperforming in low growth environments Simulated Pictet Quality strategy vs. MSCI World Simulated Strategy Annualized 5Y rolling monthly performance 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% MSCI World: Annualized 5Y rolling monthly performance Portfolio simulated following our Quality investment process on a global equities universe. Portfolio rebalanced every 3 months. Source: Pictet Asset Management, Datastream, MSCI. Performance presented gross of trading and tax cost, total return in USD. Non GIPS compliant. Dividends reinvested. Date: 31.12.1991-30.11.2012. Simulated past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 11 2 Why Pictet ? › › › › › Philosophy People Process Performance Portfolio Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 12 Philosophy : What are we convinced of ? (Human + Machine + Process) > Machine > Human1 Leveraging the skills of traditionally opposed investment schools within a well-defined and robust process is key to long-term success. Fundamental intuition and knowledge coupled with quantitative rigor and risk culture result in portfolios delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns. History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme2 Investment process must be research-led and evidencebased. Constant collaborative research between judgmental and quantitative analysts help us recognize and adapt to changing or unusual market conditions. An inability to be guided by a "healthy fear" of bad consequences is a disastrous flaw3 Everybody makes mistakes. Thoughtful portfolio construction helps minimize the cost of those future, unknowable, un-forecastable and un-plannable errors. Moreover, the fact that this “healthy fear” is in short supply among markets participants is a key reason why quality companies outperform through time. 1 Inspired by Gary Kasparov 2 Mark Twain 3 Daniel Kahneman Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 13 People : A diversified set of skills Portfolio Manager Laurent Nguyen Fundamental Research Analysts D Tsang (Tech) Marc Booty (Healthcare) J Bryon (Consumer) S Nora (Financials) A Sinclair (Insurance) K Osafo Maafo (Materials) Quant Research Analysts Stéphane Daul Olivier Monti Rémy Cottet ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT RESEARCH Quantitative Analysts Reda Jürg Messikh Ola Obanubi Fundamental Analyst Geetu Sharma IT Analysts Fabien Grossetête Odorico von Susani Product Specialist Habib Nasrallah CORE TEAM Index team Stéphane Cornet David Billaux Samuel Gorgerat Roland Riat Jean-Michel Piuz Uy-Liem Guillaume Douçot Geoffrey Aspeele Benjamin Katlama TRADING & OPERATIONAL SUPPORT As at December 31, 2014. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 14 Process : A no-nonsense, scalable process c. 650 c. 2,700 1 QUALITY ASSESMENT › Data cleaning & validation › Application of the 4Ps framework › Top 25% selected companies companies 2 INVESTIBLE UNIVERSE RESEARCH UNIVERSE c. 150 - 200 c. 350 companies companies1 3 ELIGIBLE COMPANIES FUNDAMENTAL VALIDATION › Judgemental review › Active selection › Elimination of false positives FINAL PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION › Max. 1.5% weight per stock › Size and liquidity constraints › No small cap bias › Low transaction costs QUARTERLY REBALANCING TO ENSURE THAT RANKING IS DRIVEN BY LATEST FUNDAMENTAL DATA 1 Global companies with a float above USD 2 bio Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 15 Process : analyze, validate & optimize › › › Quality analysis − 4Ps Framework applied to each company to create an aggregate score − Quality rank is the equally-weighted sum of the rank of our individual quality factors − Stocks scoring in the top 25% qualify for the next step Fundamental validation − Judgmental review of hard to quantify elements (goodwill, intangibles, forward looking statements, change in accounting rules, etc… ) using fundamental analysis, market intelligence and PAM-wide industry expertise − Eliminate stocks screening poorly on individual metrics even if the aggregate rank is favorable. Portfolio construction − Track cap-weighted portfolio of eligible quality companies with the following constraints : - Maximum weight per company : 1.5% › - No small-cap bias Rebalancing rules − Main rebalancing occur on a quarterly basis driven by earnings reporting frequency (Nov, Feb, May, Aug) − Ad-hoc rebalancing on a monthly basis driven by change in valuation and risk (Price & Protection) Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 16 Value-added of a risk-controlled portfolio construction Historical risk/reward of high and low quality companies 12% Low Price Optimized Quality Top 25% Quality Annualized Return 10% High Profitability High Protection High Prudence 8% MSCI World 6% 10% 13% 15% 18% Annualized Volatility Portfolio simulated following our Quality investment process on a global equities universe. Portfolio rebalanced every 3 months. Source: Pictet Asset Management, Datastream, MSCI. Performance presented gross of trading and tax cost, total return in USD. Non GIPS compliant. Dividends reinvested. Date: 31.12.1991-30.11.2012. Simulated past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Total return performance in USD of cap-weighted top/bottom quartiles. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 17 Performance : Outperformed the MSCI World by +3.4% in 2014 › 5th percentile among global equity managers Annual performance since inception 30% 26.68% › 25% Results in-line with our research 23.46% 20% 15.8% 15% 15.3% 10% 8.55% 5% 0% 2013 4.94% 2013 2014 2014 Pictet-Quality Global Equities-I USD 2015 2013-2014 2015 2016 MSCI World NR USD Source : Pictet. Pictet Quality Global Equities – I Share in USD. Net dividend reinvested. Net of fees Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 18 The advantages of a diversified framework Risk/reward of high and low quality companies in 2014 12% Top 25% Quality High Profitability 10% High Protection Annualized Return 8% High Prudence 6% High Price MSCI World 4% Low Prudence 2% Low Price Low Profitability 0% Low Protection Bottom 25% Quality -2% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Annualized Volatility 11% 12% Portfolios simulated following our Quality investment process on a global equities universe. Portfolio rebalanced every 3 months. Source: Pictet Asset Management, Datastream, MSCI. Performance presented gross of trading and tax cost, total return in USD. Non GIPS compliant. Dividends reinvested. Date: 31.12.2013-31.12.2014. Simulated past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Total return performance in USD of cap-weighted top/bottom quartiles. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 13% 14% Source 19 The dispersion among “Price” indicators Risk/reward of price metrics in 2014 6% MSCI World 5% Low EV/EBITDA Annualized Return 4% Low P/E 3% 2% LOW PRICE 1% Low Price/Sales Low Price/Dividend Low Price/CF 0% Low P/B -1% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Annualized Volatility 11% 12% 13% 14% Source Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 20 Since inception risk/return characteristics in-line with expectations › Defensive stance RISK/RETURN STATISTICS SINCE INCEPTION › Performance in-line with benchmark Quality Equities Beta › Better risk-adjusted performance MSCI World Relative 0.83 1.00 -0.17 Annualized Return 14.8% 15.0% -0.2% Annualized Volatility / TE 8.5% 9.7% 2.9% Sharpe / IR 1.75 1.54 -0.06 -7.5% -9.3% -6.0% From 03.07.2014 03.07.2014 17.04.2013 To 16.10.2014 16.10.2014 19.01.2014 Maximum Drawdown Source : Pictet, MSCI. Before fees in USD. From 30.11.2012 to 31.03.2015 Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 21 Portfolio characteristics Sector exposures Biggest country deviations -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% -10% Energy Switzerland Materials United States Industrials United Kingdom Consumer Discretionary Singapore Consumer Staples Israel Health Care Italy Financials Australia Information Technology France Telecommunications Services Canada Utilities Germany Portfolio Benchmark Active Source : Pictet, MSCI. As of 31.03.2015 Pictet Asset Management | For internal purposes only | Quality Global Equities - Monthly Report 0% 10% Portfolio 20% Benchmark 30% 40% 50% 60% Active Source: Pictet, MSCI. As of 31.03.2015 22 Portfolio characteristics PORTFOLIO CHARACTERISTICS TOP 10 OVERWEIGHT Portfolio MSCI World Active Share 77% Tracking Error 3.6% Beta 0.78 1.0 10.7% 15.2% 181 1633 Median Market Cap (USD) 16.3B 11B P/E 18.2x 22.3x Dividend Yield 3.0% 2.3% ROE 21.0% 17.5% Volatility Number of Positions Source : Pictet, MSCI, APT, Factset. Risk figures on an ex-ante basis. As of 31.03.2015 Company Conocophillips Co Mcdonald's Corp Royal Dutch Shell Plc (nl) Bp Plc Qualcomm Inc Cisco Systems Inc United Parcel Service Inc International Business Machines Corp Intel Corp Wal-mart Stores Inc Portfolio 1.52% 1.51% 1.52% 1.53% 1.50% 1.52% 1.28% 1.52% 1.52% 1.45% MSCI World 0.23% 0.28% 0.35% 0.35% 0.34% 0.42% 0.20% 0.45% 0.45% 0.39% Difference 1.29% 1.23% 1.18% 1.17% 1.15% 1.10% 1.08% 1.07% 1.07% 1.06% Source : Pictet, MSCI. As of 31.03.2015 TOP 10 UNDERWEIGHT Company Google Inc Wells Fargo & Co Apple Inc Jpmorgan Chase & Co Verizon Communications Inc At&t Inc Walt Disney Co (holding Company) Berkshire Hathaway Inc Facebook Inc Merck & Co Inc Portfolio 0.00% 0.00% 1.49% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% MSCI World 0.94% 0.80% 2.17% 0.67% 0.60% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.49% 0.49% Difference -0.94% -0.80% -0.68% -0.67% -0.60% -0.50% -0.50% -0.50% -0.49% -0.49% Source : Pictet, MSCI. As of 31.03.2015 Pictet Asset Management | For internal purposes only | Quality Global Equities - Monthly Report 23 3 Why Now ? Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 24 What we know We are in an aging bull market… fuelled by low-rates … and unprecedented liquidity injections… offering very asymmetric risk-reward… to yield-hungry investors Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet-Quality Global Equities 25 What we expect Next market phase likely to be supportive for Quality Simulated Pictet Quality strategy vs. MSCI World 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% ? 0% -5% Simulated Strategy Annualized 5Y rolling monthly performance 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% MSCI World annualized 5Y return Source : MSCI. MSCI World Total Return in USD. As of 31.12.2014. 12.2015 12.2014 12.2013 12.2012 12.2011 12.2010 12.2009 12.2008 12.2007 12.2006 12.2005 12.2004 12.2003 12.2002 12.2001 12.2000 12.1999 12.1998 12.1997 12.1996 -10% -5% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% MSCI World: Annualized 5Y rolling monthly performance Portfolio simulated following our Quality investment process on a global equities universe. Portfolio rebalanced every 3 months. Source: Pictet Asset Management, Datastream, MSCI. Performance presented gross of trading and tax cost, total return in USD. Non GIPS compliant. Dividends reinvested. Date: 31.12.1991-30.11.2012. Simulated past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 26 Conclusion › A systematic strategy investing in high and stable return businesses that are resilient to economic cycles and attractively priced › A unique process leveraging fundamental and quantitative insights backed by indepth research over several market cycles › Attractive strategy in an era of low growth and elevated macro risks Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 27 Appendix Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 28 2014 : Market review & performance attribution Sector relative performance Sector performance attribution -0.5% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% Energy (-) Energy Materials (-) Materials Industrials (-) Industrials Consumer Discretionary (+) Cons. Discr. Consumer Staples (+) Cons. Staples Health Care (+) Health Care Financials (-) Financials Information Technology (-) IT Telecommunications Services (+) Telecom Utilities (+) Utilities MSCI World YTD = 4.94% Source: MSCI, Bloomberg. Between 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2014 Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities Portfolio Active Contribution (+4.38%) -Selection Effect (+3.65%) -Allocation Effect (+0.72%) Source : Pictet, Datastream, MSCI. Between 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2014 29 2014 : Market review & performance attribution Region relative performance -15% Region performance attribution -10% -5% 0% 5% -0.5% 10% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% United States (-) Japan (+) MSCI North America Germany (-) Canada (+) MSCI Europe France (-) Switzerland (+) Belgium (-) MSCI Japan Sweden (-) Hong Kong (+) MSCI Pacific Ex-Japan United Kingdom (+) Portfolio Active Contribution (+4.38%) MSCI World YTD = 4.94% Source: MSCI, Bloomberg. Between 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2014 Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities -Selection Effect (+3.96%) -Allocation Effect (+0.41%) Source : Pictet, Datastream, MSCI. Between 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2014 30 2014 : Detailed performance attribution TOP/BOTTOM THREE BY SECTOR/REGION POSITIVE Allocation Selection TOTAL TOP/BOTTOM TEN CONTRIBUTORS Companies NEGATIVE Contribution Home Depot Inc (+) 29 Util-North America (+) +58 Finance-North America (-) -44 Intel Corp (+) 23 Finance-Europe Ex-UK (-) +34 Infotech-North America (-) -23 Tim Hortons Inc (+) 20 Consstap-North America (+) +33 Telecom-Japan (+) -18 Bristol-myers Squibb Co (+) 19 Consstap-North America (+) +56 Energy-North America (-) -34 Union Pacific Corp (+) 18 Altria Group Inc (+) 17 Consdisc-North America (+) +51 Consstap-United Kingdom (+) -34 Kroger Co (+) 16 Energy-Europe Ex-UK (-) +47 Energy-United Kingdom (+) -19 Schlumberger Nv (-) 16 Consstap-North America (+) +89 Consstap-United Kingdom (+) -52 Cisco Systems Inc (+) 15 Util-North America (+) +72 Finance-North America (-) -45 Statoil Asa (+) 15 Consdisc-North America (+) +60 Energy-United Kingdom (+) -23 Tesco Plc (+) -13 Wells Fargo & Co (-) -13 Yahoo Japan Corp, Tokyo (+) -13 Conocophillips Co (+) -16 Royal Dutch Shell Plc (nl) (+) -16 Morrison Wm. Supermarkets Plc (+) -16 Apple Inc (-) -18 Glaxosmithkline Plc (+) -18 Occidental Petroleum Corp (+) -21 Bp Plc (+) -28 Source : Pictet, Datastream, MSCI. Between 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2014. Figures in basis points Source : Pictet, Datastream, MSCI. Between 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2014. Figures in basis points Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 31 Monthly 4P’s performance decomposition 4P’s monthly performance since inception Long-Short Portfolios (Long=Top 25%, Short=Bottom 25%) Date 12.2012 01.2013 02.2013 03.2013 04.2013 05.2013 06.2013 07.2013 08.2013 09.2013 10.2013 11.2013 12.2013 01.2014 02.2014 03.2014 04.2014 05.2014 06.2014 07.2014 08.2014 09.2014 10.2014 11.2014 12.2014 01.2015 02.2015 03.2015 MSCI World (TR) 1.9% 5.1% 0.2% 2.4% 3.2% 0.1% -2.4% 5.3% -2.1% 5.0% 3.9% 1.8% 2.2% -3.7% 5.1% 0.2% 1.1% 2.1% 1.8% -1.6% 2.2% -2.7% 0.7% 2.1% -1.6% -1.8% 5.9% -1.5% PROFITABILITY PRUDENCE -3.9% -1.5% 0.2% 0.7% -2.9% 1.2% -0.4% -1.4% 0.0% -2.4% -0.4% 1.5% 0.8% -1.5% 0.9% 0.7% 1.4% 0.5% 0.5% 0.1% 1.5% 0.9% 2.0% 1.2% 0.5% 1.5% -0.7% -1.6% PRICE -1.6% 0.8% 0.2% 1.3% -1.0% 1.3% 1.0% -0.7% 0.5% 0.6% 0.3% 0.3% 1.0% 0.3% 2.3% -2.0% 1.3% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% -0.4% 1.2% -0.7% 1.3% 1.3% 1.8% -0.7% 1.3% PROTECTION 1.8% -0.1% -1.9% -2.2% 1.8% -3.3% -1.3% 0.4% 0.0% -1.0% 0.8% -1.6% -0.8% -2.7% 0.1% 4.4% 4.0% -1.7% -0.5% -0.4% -2.0% -1.7% -1.0% -1.7% -1.1% -1.2% -1.1% -2.1% QUALITY -5.2% -1.3% 5.2% 6.3% 1.0% -6.9% 5.8% -5.3% -2.3% -3.7% -0.7% -0.4% -1.2% -1.3% -1.5% 1.6% 1.2% 0.2% -0.2% 0.6% 0.8% 2.0% 3.4% 0.3% 2.1% 1.5% -4.7% 1.0% -3.6% -0.4% 1.8% 2.5% -0.9% -3.5% 2.0% -2.7% -0.6% -2.9% 0.1% 0.4% -0.2% -1.6% 0.8% 2.5% 2.8% 0.0% -0.2% 0.0% -0.1% 1.4% 2.3% 1.2% 1.8% 2.5% -3.0% -0.6% Source : Pictet, Datastream, Worldscope, MSCI. Total return in USD. Before fees. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet Quality Global Equities 32 Pictet Asset Management For further information, please visit our websites This material is for distribution to professional investors only. However it is not intended for distribution to any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be contrary to law or regulation. Information used in the preparation of this document is based upon sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy or completeness of those sources. Any opinion, estimate or forecast may be changed at any time without prior warning. Investors should read the prospectus or offering memorandum before investing in any Pictet managed funds. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change in the future. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. You may not get back the amount originally invested. This document has been issued in Switzerland by Pictet Asset Management SA and in the rest of the world by Pictet Asset Management Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, and may not be reproduced or distributed, either in part or in full, without their prior authorisation. Pictet Asset Management Inc. (Pictet AM Inc) is responsible for effecting solicitation in North America to promote the portfolio management services of Pictet Asset Management Limited (Pictet AM Ltd) and Pictet Asset Management SA (Pictet AM SA). In Canada Pictet AM Inc is a regulated Investment Adviser authorized to conduct marketing activities on behalf of Pictet AM Ltd and Pictet AM SA. In the USA, Pictet AM Inc's activities are conducted in full compliance with the SEC rules applicable to the marketing of affiliate entities as prescribed in the Adviser Act of 1940 ref. 17CFR275.206(4)-3. Pictet Asset Management | For professional investors only | Pictet-Quality Global Equities 33
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