OREGONIAN, THE SUNDAY FOR SALE. FOR BATE. for ralr. Furniture for Sale. Furniturr Gas ranges, every one Is guaranteed Jewel, Reliable. Vulcan for $10, $12.50, $15 and coal $17.50; "Vinton" oil range for $20; for $25; coal and wood ranges, a ' ourn" Niagara ior $16; Stewart for $27.5o; New Rival for $22.50; cook stoves, $10 and up; Bridge & Beach superior combination coal, gas 'and wood, for $35; "Alcazar" combination for $100; porch bcp.hcs for $2.50; camp chairs for $1.25; English breakfast tables. $3; drop-lea- f kitchen tables. $4.50; solid oak writing desk for $7; combination book case and writing df-sfor $15: solid oak buffet for $22 50; kitchen cupboard for $5; Morris chairv $lu; ironing boards, $1. PEARLMAN'S YELLOW FRONT, bk and b6 Grand Ave. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Furniture for Kale. Furniture for Sale. SLIGHTLY l?SF.D FURNITURE, RUGS. GAS RANHKS, ETC., AT BiG- - REDUCTIONS. WM. GADSBT forii: A SONS. First and Washington tils. "A Better Plica to Trade." Good heavy Porch Chairs, $ good as new Mahogany Settee, Parlor 7.65 special Child's High Chair, slightly 4.75 used Victory wool Mattress, la good condition Hold Seal Congoleum Rug, 8 50 0x12 Mahogany Dresser, plate mirror Rug, Velvet Wilton slightly used 0x12, Rug, 0x12, Range, high Luzerne Velvet best quality Vulcan Gas Side oven large God slightly used Gas Range, Morris heavy 52.50 47.50 49.50 oak frame Solid oak Buffet.'with mir22.50 ror Chi'd's Iron Crib, Ivory 7.50 enamel finith heavy oak Bed Davenport, frame, VERY MASSIVE USED DINING ROOM SET. Read In early English finish. Big the description carefully. dining table. 6 heavy dining chairs with genuine leather seats. A big- round glass china cabinet and a massive buffet ail to match. This set would cost new at a vpry conservative esLlmate st least It condition. $350. In first-as- s Easy terms. is yours for $1S7.50. We charge no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 185 First Street. Near Yamhill Street. 9.50 21-5- Chair, 39.50 value $75.00 Your Credit la Good. LIBRARY AND DAVENPORT TABLES REDUCED. A charming Colonial Davenport Table. 5 ft. long. in brown mahogany finish; $65 $42 50 vaiue, noMf Library Chomwellian Table, in brown manogany now y 30.50 oak. Library Solid quarter-sawe- d top, large botTabie. 2x45-inc- h tom shelf and drawer. Kav Trrms. CO., MISH FURNTTURE 0 First St. $65.00 GADSBT & SONS, First and Washington Sts. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. Chairs Rockers Hed springs Extension table Mattress Kitchen, treasure Solid oak dining chairs with leather seat Dresser S ma h --sized library table.... CokI or wood range 0x12 grass rugs This slightly "used rocker is upin the best grade of holstered black genuine leather and fit ted with the "Seng" springs; easily worth double the price asked; special $28 50: easy terms; no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205-20- 7 1st St.. Between Taylor and Salmon. The House of Bargains. 1.75 1.25 2.50 1.50 7.50 2.50 4.00 4.50 12. M0 0 50 17.50 6.00 of Morrison. WHT PAT MORE? God Seal Congoleum 10.80 art carpets for 9x10 lj Gold Seal Congoleum 9.45 art carpets for l 9x!) Gold Congoleum art 8.40 carpets for 7 Gold Seal Congoleum 6.75 art carpets for 6x9 Gold Seat Congoleum art carpets for We absolutely guarantee these carpets to be the genuine Gold Seal Congoleum: every one sold guarantee if under a money-bacnot satisfactory. 9x12 k FURNITURE AilSH D A V E N PO PTS. DAVENPORTS PRICES. BACK TO PRE-WA- R davenport with 3 Overstuffed spring cuslrons, Joose Marshall In h'gh grade in pts-trupholstered We now offer this beautiful piece at only $65.75. FIRST ST. 75 feet south First St. 1SS-10- 0 $5.00 CO., Several other davenports and suites at equally low prices. Easy " terms. MISH FURNTTURE CO, First St. 188-10- 0 CONTINUOUS POST REDS. EACH. 100 $0.75 A wonderful opportunity to furWe nish up that spare bedroom. these beds in Ivory, white or hne bronze, but do not delay too long. - Easy Terms. We Charge No Interest. CASH. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 1S5 First Street. Near Yamhill Street. TWO FINE 0x12 WILTON RUGS. Used, but In first-clas- s condition These are articles you can Btl'iom find and we will sell the two for $05. Less than the price of one new. Or you can buy them separately at $50 and $45. Easy terms. We charge no in- terest. " GEVURTZ. FURNITURE 185 First St. Near Yamhill Street. COUCHES with drop sides, coil spring support and brand new, regular $13.50 value, while they last, each $7.45. FURNITURE MISH CO.. MISH EXTRA SPECIAL. 6 solid oak leather seat dining Chair at $.1.85 each. "6 ft., 45 In. top. round extension table, round pedestal, practically as good as new, $17.50. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 166-16- 3 First St. 75 feet south of Morrison. CHIFOROBE. Genuine quarter-sawe- d golden oak. has seven drawers and spacious wardrobe; slightly used, but Just like new; a snap at $36.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205-- 7 lat St.. Between Taylor and Salmon. The House of Bargains. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sells for Less. 8 First St. 75 feet south of Morrison. NEW NUFOLD BED DAVENPORT. With solid oak frame, wax finish, seat and back upholstered It holds in brown chase leather. a regular mattress and necessary bedding when folded. $58.50 value. Special ut $47.50. E;tsv Terms. CO., MISH FURNITURE 0 First St. DUOFOLD davenport. lst Imitation leather upholstered. soliV oak frame, the very best oil tempered steel springs; sale price $46.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Selis fcr Lfss. FIRST STREET. 75 Feet South of Morrison. living room set, mahogany and tapestry. Brown Apts., No. 3L Call 69 .69 69 .69 Jhly 60 .69 $1 guaranteed butcher knives Many other articles at this price. $1 brooms, . CUPS AND SAUCERS. SPECIAL . 18 CENTS SET. , SPECIAL, PLATES, GRANITE NEW. ALL 12&C "EACH. SPECIAL. BRAND PLATES; WEEK ONLY THIS EACH. GRIDDLES, ALL TAKE WEEK, ONLY. 40c EACH. HOT THIS 10c Hundreds of other Items for the kitchen at unheard-o- f prices. See these specials in our windows. WALNUT SUITE. Slightly used but cannot be told frnrn new; 4 pieces consisting of dressing tabie and 2 chiffonier, chairs This set is very massive and of the colonial design, extra large mirrors, dustprouf drawers and swelled front. This set would sell at today's prices. for $100. We only have tne one sett and it will go at the exceptionally low price o only $09.50. CIRCASSIAN COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA With Six Recorjls. Finished in the golden quartered oak. Sells new for $125. We only have the one and it will go for $65. This is a rare treat. PORCH FURNITURE. e genuine hickory set for the porch. It will never wear out. This set consists of 1 table. 1 settee, 1 stool and 1 rocker and 3 Who Is the lucky one? ciiairs. Only $19.50 for the entire outfit. SPANISH LEATHER DAVENPORT. With mattress; frame Is heavy massive colonial styie and made of select quartered oak. This is a regular $120 article and cannot be told from new. Our price is It wiil pay you $64.85 complete. to investigate. GENUINE OR FURWE HAVE IT. We have many other articles such as tables, beds, ranges, rugs, chairs and. in fad. anything for the household at reduced prices. IF IT'S HARDWARE HARDWARE TURE CO.. LEVIN CREDIT? Front St. Portland. Or. FURNI- & YES! Main 0072. 221-3-- 5 We deliver. USED GAS RANGES AND WATER., HEATERS. We have a large assortment of slightly used and rebuilt gas ranges-osuch makes as the- Vulcan. Reliable, Garland, Cadillac. A. B. and Jewel. 3 or 4 burners, high or low oven and every one absolutely guaranteed. Prices begin at $17.75. " Also several gas water heaters n f from M i SH $ 75 up. 12. FUR N ITURE CO. 0 First St. ACORN GAS . RANGE. This splendid sanitary range has whlfe enamel front and trays, large oven and broiler, four large cooking burners and simmerer; up to date, and alit is strict1 though slightly used is just as good us now and a rare bargain $48.50: .easy terms if desired 'at no Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205-20- 7 1st St., Between Taylor and Salmon. The House of Bargains. pretty cretonne upholstering and two chairs to match; $125 value. Reduced to $75. REED SUITE. ivory, consisting of Finished settee, table and chair. round Specially priceed at $52.50. A not her ivory settee for only $12.50. M SH FUR N BIG LINE OF USED GAS RANGES. At prices so low they will astonish you. We have the small ones as low as $17. 50. Easy terms. We charge no interest. G E V URTZ Near 185 FU RNITURE Ffrft St. Yamhill CO., Street I TUR E First St. 188-10- 0 CO.. "DUOFOLD" BED DAVENPORT. This brand new solid oak davenport is fitted with the best grade sanitary, rustproof springs and genuine cotton felt box ege mattress; very special at $55. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 1st St., Between Taylor and Salmon. The House of Bargains. 205-20- 7 SMALL size buffet with hevel p!ate mirror: practically new. Special price $22.50. CO., OWL FURNITURE Sells for Less. 8 First St. 75 feet south of Morrison. MASSIVE LADY'S DESK. Colonial design in quarter-sawe- d oak. wax finish, 3 drawers under writing table and large French plate mirror above. This is a real bargain at Easy terms. USED GARLAND GAS RANGE. 4 burners and slmmefer, side Special price ovens a nd broiler. for Monday only, $14.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. ' Sells for Less. 166-16- 8 First St. 75 feet south of"Morrison. $37.50. FURNITURE 1SS-19- 0 OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells fnr Less. 166-- 1 OS FIRST STREET. 75 Feet South of Morrison. dishpans, IVORY FIBER SUITE. Comprising graceful Chase a lounge, spring seat and with MISH OVERSTUFFED Imitation leather rocker, $17.50; bed springs and mattress, consisting of iron, enam-- e ed bed, steel springs, new cotton feit mattress, art ticking, rolled edge, $17.50. granite Blue and white tea pots, only Large' granite stew kettles, only Very best quality sauce pots, only ARE YOU GOING TO THE BEACH? We have small cook stoves, camp stoves, cheap beds, springs and mattresses, chairs, dressers. Come, look them over. $10.75. Ehsv Terms. FURNITURE CO., 1SS-10- 0 First St. , No charge for installation. Easy terms no interest. NEW stalled. Jeffy Gas Water Heaters, ' What it will do for you this week. Any of the following articles: Extra heavy buckets, regular $ .69 $1.25, only priced First St. CO., "WY PAY MORE? FAVORITE GAS RANGES with elevated side oven, 4 cooking burners, fitted with gas saving 'needle valve adjustment and automatic lighter. $50.75 in- Specials." 69 CENTS. STEEL SANITARY 50 188-10- 0 FOR SALE "Gold Seal congoleum" by the yard. 75c; it is worth $125 and every yard Is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money back. In Gold Seal congoleum rugs with same guarantee we give you a 6x6 for $3; 6x0 for $4.5i: SxO for $o; OxtO for $7.50; 0x12 for $0; wool and fibre rugs for 515 in 0x12. We have Jap matting 0x12 rugs x for $4.25. PEA ROMAN'S YELLOW FRONT, S4 and S6 Grand Ave. by buying here. - This Week's NITURE, GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 185 First Street. Near Yamhill Street. BUCK'S COMBINATION RANGES. Or if you prefer, a coal and wood, or gas range. This is a special inducement to sell you Ima wonderful Buck's range. agine the terms; $5 down and a We year to pay the balance. charge no interest. We take your o d range or gas range in exchange, Is a very simple, task when it comes to buying merchandise. Let us show you how. you can save $$ Seven-piec- OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sells for Less. IWMWt ROCKER. TURKISH ... AWAY MONEY. VEGETABLE DISHES. 35c EACH. AVM. Iron beds THROWING only 8.50 First St. CO., SOLID OAK ROCKER GENUINE LEATHER. Auto seat $12.50 OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. $ FIRST STREET. 75 Feet South of Morrison. SPECIAL OFFER GARDEN HOSE. ON guaranteed rub50 feet of ber garden hose reduced for this .week to $3.05. ' MISH FURNITURE CO., 0 First St. EXTRA SPECIAL. Buck's coal or wood range with reservoir, $24 50. New one like it - "KKtE-PIKC- would cost $75. PIANO, nearly new; 1 library table; 2 good rugs; if taken this week OWL FURNITURE CO., 1 NEW SET of overstuffed furniture in will sell very cneapiy: look this ud. Sells for Less. 166-16- 8 tapestry far cale. 606 Michigan ave., Phone Marshall 31S. 283 Lincoln st. First St. n ar FiiMn?. 75 feet south df Morrison. writing desk and chair, surgeon's LADY'S , N looking a bargain in furnii. In bie, treatment table, puds operating ture, see Janitor Mayo apts., 503 Union for both tables. East 4734. a.-N wood and coal heater. LA RGE combination gray, round reed baby car- FOR SALE 1 Thor electric washing ma$20; oak buffet, $25; hall tree, $7.50; EEAUTIFUL . icrrinium i" ru jr , line uuw u CHI' chine, used but very little. 4714 Powell I l tl $5. Owner. Wdln. 106. tnhl, kitchen 2285. or call 320 W. Park. ers. Marshall st . or phone Auto. 61'3 00. Turn It u re for pale; rent hnu.. DAVENPORT in good condition; price rea$30 a month; price $550. Call after 1 sonable. East ltii2. FOR SALE Complete furnishings of four- P. M.. 521 Johnson st room apt., win not sen tnniviauai pieces. DINING table and 6 chairs, $20. 270 East REED rockers. $." 50, dropien f table, $4"; Inquire manager, apt. 1. 167 King st. 24th lit. East 23t. carpet sweeper, $1. Auto. 620-4will sell my high- TWO WICKER rockers cheap. Main 5308 FOR SALE Bed and springs. 351 6th st., LEAVING the city and of o rooms reasonable. class furniture before 10 or after 6 P. M. ne ar Market st. A ut o. 332-- 0 i. 711 East BTth Nort h. SOLID OA K davenpart. leather upholof FURNITURE flat for sale; ELECTRIC washers complete. $.75. Buy , stered. $40. Tabor 324-rent $15: income $05. Marshall 1751. direct irom ractory nere, latent roa- E tiger spring mattress, per-fe- rt RANGE. FU warming hood,- water coils; ucts Co., I0 Union ave. N. condition, reasonable. Pdwy. 2817. good baker: fine condition. Tabor 7JV0S FOR SALE 1 Monarch range, also 1 :as I BEAUTIFUL oak horary table. $25. Call BED SPRING, mattress, two pillows and 4714 Powell at., or Dhone Auto. nlate Sunday, 432 East 42 J aL North. 623-0uresser,. $40. i ruada 723. 7 P. M. fr PLAYER SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 20 Iron beds and Bprings to fit for $3.50 each. Iron folding bed $10. Cabinet folding bed $10. Three-piec- e oak bedroom suite with Napoleon bed $50. 0x12 lii.oleum rugs in one piece Lady's oak desk $16. $18. beds finished iron $7.50. Oak. ash and maple beds $2.S0 to $5. Fiber and wicker rockers $0 up. Sanitary couches ranges $25. Steel $6.50. Gas ranges $15 to $30. Gas: water heaters $10. Wedge wood combination range complete $90. All our stoves and ranges strictly guaranteed. Period dining tables In oak, walnut and mahogany $30 to $60. Chairs to match to $13 50. Buffets to match $50 to You must nee these sets '$05. to understand the good values in carpets and rugs them. Room-siz- e $7.50 up. Some extra good us"d ones. $25 to $45. Overstuffed davenport $55. Overstuffed rockers $15 to $35 Library tables, good selection, $8.50 to $18.50. six solid oak can seat chairs, $15. Rockers $3.50 up. Morris chairs $10 to $25. Sanitary dav enport $7.50.. Dressers, small size $ 7. 50 to $ 1 4. Large s i ze good up. 18.50 Chiffoniers mirrors $32 to $65. Chiffoniers $16 to $30. $100 phonographs for $67.50. Hall mirrors and hall racks $3.50 un to $18. parlor suite'' $35. Center and parlor tables ts $2.50 up. and baby carriages $1.50 up. Baby beds and bassinets $2.50 to $12.50, and lots of other bargains. Come and see them before you bay. FURNITURE FOR SALE PORTLAND, 31 AY 22, 1.1 1921 FOR SALE. Jburuiture for Saie. ENTIRE FLOOR OF SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE, STOVES AND RUGS AT SECOND-HANPRICES. $7.50, $S.50 and $15 05 Iron beds Steel bed springs. $4.85, $0.25, $10. $I2-.5Hardwood dressers $'0.. $17.50 Chiffonier . . . , Gold oak librarJN-ble- a $10 50 and $26.50 Solid oak dining-roe- m table and 6 $6.t.Ofl chairs to match $0.75, $10.50 and $18.50 Oak rockers $ 8.50 $15 sanitary couch rt 50 $ 418 rt $ $12 7.50 $18 ivory reed sulky $125 South Bend Malleable range $57.5) $00 Cascade range with reservoir. .$42.50 $125 Majestic range, in good con$50.50 dition $75. (Ml $125 Vulcan gas range $77.50 $115 Peninsular gas range new Other gas ranges, practically $42 rQ) and $55 00 Three-burneast Dlate. like new $ 8.50 Nickel-plategtis plate $ 5.75 d Kerosene stoves, two ana tnrec- -. FiiarnntPAil like TieW. t.uri.ar FOR PALE. Furniture for Sule. FURNTURE for sale, fiat for rent. 9 rooms, 6 bedrooms, modern and very clean, furniture best grade, almost new; owner leaving city. 434 5lill street, call after 11 A. JU. GOLDEN-OAdining set. 6 chairs, rounfl table, $38; rocker, golden oak, $V, writing desk, golden oak. $18; Wilton rug. Ta0x12. $20; ail In good condition. bor S557. MAHOGANY Win", and Mary buffet. Vulcan gas range, ivory dresser and dressing table; good as new, for sale at hall price. Phone Wdln. 325 for appointment. DIAMOND bargain, solitaire, perfect half carat; will tacrifice if sold before Mon day night. Automatic 210-05- S FOR SALE 2 bedroom suites, 1 walnut and 1 ivory. 1002 East Flanders, AjJJo. log, FOR BALE. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Ptock. Sensation Pilot II, Orewood Frank and Sinclair Cinco at stud; Boston terriers out of champion stock ; see the others first and compare with mine; puppies for snip; small dogs boarded. MRS WILLIAM J. SMITH. Tabor 3156 130 Fast ."Oth St. At PANTHER LAKE breeding kennels. a great- stud. Desire .Monoaram 2.w643. n m out of tiie world s greatest sire. Imn. Tintern DMre and Ch. Midland fearless terrier; the Royal, a only son of iniiern ucire on me racmc V lley. prop., Keulon, Warren coust. FOR MT.E. Machinery. ON ACCOUNT of the Isrge sHra store Hons we sre mnking on we are forced t sell e very t bin n the store at sacrifice prices. Come in or write for these great sacrifice prices. OARDKN HOSR. SPECIAL. 50 FT. NEW HOSH. FIRST QUALITY. AT $3 50. WHILE IT LASTS. or aih.. route 1. FIRE HOSE. PLA YFA R KENNELS., We have lo.nOO feet of Offers at stud the Boston terriers I and 2'v-inc- h fire hose. 00 per cent Boston ter new, for less than half of the new Walnut Duke, winner of price. in show at iVattlo, May, 1021; alvo rier 223-2Wheatland Jackie, a winner nimseir. 1 p. d. c Crocker Wheeler and the uire of winner. Nottingham FUR SALE 1 Alcar btove range, one ave, i'ark Ruse. I'hone'Tahor elect no mot or. a. 230 volt, 1 ioo r. 12x0 rug, one davenport and chairs. 0; p. m. Complet with starter, la GLENCAIRN KENNELS. E. 15th N. first-clns- s shape. The Aristocracy of fhe Log World. FOR SALE Dining-rooaod other fur 1 3!s-p. d. a elertrio motor, HOUNDS. WOLF RUSSIAN nishmgs. Woodiawn o.l2. T30 volts. 1350 r, p. in., In lirst-cia- ss MRS. CAPT. N. B. TAYLOR, $18.50 and $10 50 LEATHER !.r shape. couch, floor lamp, card table. Breeder. importer f"'-Axminster Rug. rugs H4. Belmont. Spanway, Wash. $15.00 Two 6x0 Brussels riTE PIPE PIPE. Office Furniture We ar Easy Terms. PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES headquarters la the N. W. for birds and EDWARDS COMPANY, SPECIAL SALE OKF1CE FURNITURE. We have the largest tck of cages, dogs, cats, rabbits, ca'vej, etc., Adding machines, typewriters, safes, new and used pipe in the city ; Fifth and Oak Streets. food, remedies, etc. Call or writ, pet check writers, safe cabinets, desks, files, sizes runglng 4 Inch to 13 from Routledge 5 ted stock catalog on etc. : lowest- - prices in city. Wax Office inches, b!aelc and galvanised. Our Ecpiipmeut House, 24 N. 5ch. Broadway Floral Co., 14S '2d it.. Fort and, ur, s'ork must h reduced; lowest FOR SALE Box couch, velour, prices on application. FOR SALE 3 5 months' old registered in art for $10; oak frame couch couch, English Setter puppies. Just rinht fori SPECIAL lo'V price on Burroughs. Dalton denim, $12.50; sanitary WOOD PIPE. pad, mi'i la.t training, ueautiiui coniormatlun none; and Wales adding machines, typewriters, complete with an In, Severs! thousand feet of matmarkings, breeding second to ffiifes. Bufii cabinets, new and used desks for $10.50; 40-lL. E. Worrall, 745 wood pipe at a verv low price. Equipment price $loo each. you think Office Wax etc. files, tress for $5. What dowool All in first-clas- s condition, tarred flock East Ash street, Portland. Or. House. 24 N. 5t h at. Broadway 2i of this? A genuine and wrapped with wire. mattress for $8.50. Can you buy 3 roil THREE thoroughbred Flemish Giant does I T W DESK andp chair. 2 tables, d one any place else for less than desks, 3 bookkeep with young, also 4 thoroughbred top desks. 2 flat-toLOGGINO AND MILL PUPPLTKS. . $25? Guaranteed coil spring for xooPter; Hamburg chickens and ers' desks, 8 chairs, 3 filing cabinets. Trip blocks. Tommy Moore, Mffh post child's very cheap, iuixal ytn and xtiuweii. ben- $7.50: continuous , safes !"d. moving bloc): and all other & CO., 01 Park St. beds for $10; another for $8.50; 3076. wood BUSHONG kinds of blocks and mskes, new endrop side wood crib in white mat-ereROLL-TOoak desk and chair, like new, ENGLISH setters. 2 femaleh, 1 ctr old. ss and used, at a money-savin- g price. amel for $7.50; all cotton flat-to- p mahogany 4 puppies nearly ready to wean. 3 males. committee $115; for $2.75; iron beds in half, WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. com.. 1 female; like new, $50; ask for prices right: finest bred dogs table. 3x6-ftthree-quartDRAG SAWS. or full size for $3, plete house furnishers; new and in state. 11. v. LPtd, iieavenon, Oregon. Burnett or Harris. 442 Burns:de St. For this week only new Multto $5. Come to the place where used furniture sold on easy payPoute 4. Hnx nomah drag mwi complete, with desa, like new. SANITARY, oak, roll-to- p ments; no interest and free deeach dollar takes the place of you clutch for $100 each. wnen Oregonian. can iNTclKtiKiSED 655. D Wiil champion bred livery In city or surounding counto prize Persian fur same PEARLM AN'S YELLOW FRONT. Type writers. try. For customers we GARDEN TOOLS. or price? blaca; red 84 and 86 Grand Ave. all eastern Suver. pack, crate and deliver to wharves W RnnfTi.T typewriters, ail makes, rentals, have Just received a carles'! cats. Phone HM-6Portland Cattery. or depots free of charge. of gurden tools, slightly dnraagud repniring supplies. Distributors CORONA years dog, old; 2 PEDIGREED Airedale maSUNDSTRAND, adding by smoke, at sacrlilce prices. portable, WV are the original WESTERN line watch deg for home or automobile chines. Main 2285. L. W. Pease Co., s Call Monday, 576 Haig st.. 2 block from SALVAGE COMPANY of 15 conv CARLE CARLE CARLE. 110 Sixth st. v u a a years ROCKERS tinuous No in business. AT. SEA GRASS We hive 1ut made purchase" of ONE ROYAL, one Underwood and one FOR . SALE Fox terrier, 3 months old. connections with other salvage and HALF PRICE. about lV).noo feet new six nine. Remington typewriter ior saie. tan ia junk dealers. markings, black female, nice teen, six twenty five and eight white with & Delivery Co., 312 & Mad cific Storage 233-5the Just received direct from well-mabest of stock, price $m. than, r . Thom nineteen plow steel cable, si ison. Auto. consignment of WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY, as, orient a biggrass Or. Phone tire sham 151. j from Inch up to IS inehes. We SplenRemington typewriter, only usv. Troutdale. rockers. sea SPLENDID s re In a position to give a verr tioVVii, veterinarian, aotf and cc Hyatt 101 2d St., Between Yamhill and $25 ; $7.50 down, $4 a month. did for the porch or Living room, good discount on this lot. We alito dogs wasnea lady hospital; attendant; Talking Machine Co.. .trn Aider st. also little tables to match. And Taylor. have a large stock of second-hsn- d dry cleaned; blankets mad to order. and of just thinK Of the price. Some as first-clasDon't Mistake the Address. Oregon s rabies, condition, all in ALL M.Kh.S icuieu hnu repaired. Phone Tabur6oui the rockers are priced as low PHONE MAIN 3751. at lowest prices, Typewriter Co.. 04 5th st. Main 3668. PUKE-BREcollie puppies, $5 to $12; $7.05 and good and comfortable rentals, at cut NEW rebuilt, secona-har.1 nanusome i uioruns 01a; satisiemaie chairs they are, too. Easy terms. GEARS. MACHINERY AND rates P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main faction guaranteed. M. J. Ackley, Chap No interest charged. CASTINGS. MUST VACATE. man, or. Type REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell, supplies All kinds and all sizrs. hoxlnrs. Store has hen rented to other parties. CO.. 31Marx, xi. Co., inspection shafting, -' pedigreed ooi. pulleys, grars, sprockets, writer from best BOSTON PUPPIES MEIER & FRANK STOCK -185 First Street. Underwood-Remingtodrums, sprocket cLalns and other $3.50 stock: well marked and prices reason tTOR KENT of furniture and draperies, slightlv Near Yamhill Street. cast in ga Also a large stock of able. Call lsuo E. 0th, or phone Main montn. empire lianain. du"J- damaged in warehouse and removed to boiler, tanks, punches, biom'r, M on ilny. type OA K ST. & C. Bros L. Smith FOR RENT motors, chain hoists and air Broadway between and Park sts. (across IMPORTED St. Andreasberg Rollers, orgaa writer. Main 574. rrom telephone bldg.), must be closed on songster sweetest trained; eartn: now; cheap, A SET of Dictaphones, almost out for whatever price it will bring on of birds guaranteed; circular other , 10 STRUCTURAL IRON. 2u" Oregon bldg There are a number of Al overstuffed request. imri.a. Flake, baiein. Oregon. e, luxuarslrs, channels, fists, $55. J 670, delivers one of our cust NO. 10 ROYAL, Davennorts and chairs : also complete squares, reinforcing b.irs, round PEDIGREED Boston terriers exclusively. riously soft, comfy, overstuffed daven Oregon ian. line of general furniture. sale, all iron, for service, slock for month males etc., a below market price, each your far home; little to ports REAL BARGAINS. typewriter, lik new, sligiiuy ages. The Boston Kennels of IN) rt land. pavs the balance: davenports covered CORONA Overstuffed davenports, best covers, 4;62, heme. East 1. in used 4U7 Ainswort h ave. Woodiawn 528 CROSSCUT BWR. NEW AND with extra heavy tapestry, velvet, velour, good assortment, from $75 USED. AT FROM 50c TO 65c per Poultry. for tuu brocades, etc., specially PEDIGREED police dog puppies from the Overstuffed chairs and rockers, good foot, ever offered speedway week, $12o. bargain Keiineis. J none greatest assortment, from celebrated the is $30 HERE Others $75 to $200. week day, Main 2003, between 0 A. M. Maru and walnut extension table (sein a ROOFING ROOFING ROOFING. C. F. FALLON. and 4:30 P. M. RANCH. lect patterns) $25 We have a lurg stock of paper rtvo,-.,tii- f rr! Furniture a nd Draperies, located. beautifully Mah. and walnut davenport (select. Fine soil ENTERPRISE," a great mag and OUTDOOR roofing, complete with cement and Olds, Wortman Opposite Morrison. rooms patterns) 3 House, 32,i new. your J year. all In are Buildings $0 on rabbits, $1 a Send azine In each roll, mt a money-nav-Innalis UQOlS UCiUW tWO & King, Mah. and walnut gateleg table from 120 Barn. 60x40, has order now. Golner Circulation liureau. and summer kitchen. price. Wa must make room. M:ih. and walnut piano table lamps, cow stanchions, carpenter bench and Canby, Or., box 175. from $10 v stall. Chicken house, double decked pups for salo. Morris Madsen, BELTING RRLTI NO PELTING. Dressers (.good assortment), from. . tnKxl4 ft. canacitv 750 head; chicken AIREDALE We have a bout 50.000 feet of Clarnie road and railing St., 1 ara ivo&e; Dressing table (3 mirrors) $15 double decked, 40x14 tt., capacity house, rubber and leather, new end used 4. box route tJ. Brass beds, iron beds, children cribs, in set room 250 head. Brooder house, double uecKeu, QUEEN ANNE dining belting, all size and all piles, nt j springs, mattresses, chairs, rockers, btif-fes- t. female wire-ha- ir blue leather 28x14 ft., canaclty 2500 chicks, iireed WANTED A registered case, walnut; 6 chairs, far below new discount prices. AIpo library table, mirrors, etc.. at your carver. Vancouver, Airs. including it. j. hoghouses. terrier. match, pens. to Ing woodshed and seats a In rge stock of remnants from own price. Wash. R. F. D. No. 3. Our special price $125 for set. Wind mill and water tank. Hay, straw, 15 to 40 feet In length, at sacriDRAPERIES RUGS. tools, sulky FOX terrier pups for sale; on Gales read. hog feed, sued potatoes, fice. Consisting of mohair plush, silk veCO., FURNITURE gas all and OWL lanterns plow, cultivator. 4 between car line ana osier l uau. iJox lours, tapestries, denims, art tickings, Sells for Less. No. 5,sit. ho TENTS TENTS TENTS kinds of eouinment: 4TiO pure-breetc., at wha tever pric1 It will bring. 116-16- 8 First St. ganized White Leghorns. 0 Orpingtons; 4 MONTHS pedigreed orange and white Just a few hundred 0x0 army 340-35- 1 OAK STREET. 75 feet south of Morrison. and navy tents left; also a larse 1 real Jersey cow, i jersey ncner can, au- pup. ta.--t Hoaglin, pointer male lot of tent flies and wagon covers. 1 Jersey bull calf. 1 sow, & fat pigs. couver, ash. as it WALTZING Write for prices. Furniture, household goods, etc., young What mice for sale or trade. IVORY BEDROOM acres 0 acres clover, 1 MONEY.. stands; SAVE have you? 821 E. Stark, bet. 2b th audi SET FOR $60.50. BLACKSMITHS AND ROAD orchard, 3Vi acres wheat, garden in ana Try our sales department" If you want Sts. 2tth Reduced il household aoods. ro.N'TR ACT RS" TOOLS. h.i Ktmwherrv natch. Graoes and small rir $5.00 CASH. Anvils, blowers, sledges, hamMust CUNNING black and white Scotch collie Spring work all 'completed. freieh't rates to most all peints in our fruit. mers, wedges, packing, remattock a, and shepherd. ..ten weeks old pup; rea- through poci car Expert Money sell tor .less than tne nuunings ana perplaces It in your home a nd you tones, flatters, hardh-- and shapers loaned snnjttMe. Auto, .it --')-'. sonal property cost; $2500 will handle, pairing and rexinishlng. can pay the balance at $1.50 a and vises, blacksmith storage. Fireproof storage everything for gooda to suit. in Price on and singers females. ANDKEASBEUG balance Si'. week, without Interest. And don't Seo owner at room 101 Telephone Low insurance rates. cages. $5750. Phone Automatic till CO.. think this is not a fine set. There WR MAKE A SPECIALTY Of SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER b dg.. Park and O ak sts. 4oth st. S. is a fine bed. a handsome roomy RENTING TOOLS AND EQUIPopp. Multnomah Hotel. st.. 53 4th POULTRY FARM. KING 1 PEDIGREED Boston terrier, toy f male chiffonier and a triple mirror quo. MENT OF ALL KINDS. uroauwav ftione REGISTERED dressing tabie. Only 4 sets, so and 1 full bloooed Airedale. Apply A. FURNITURE moved to 3S4 E. Washington R. I. Red and Barred Rock baby chicks Flnkney, Cove Orchard, fir. 150 screw Jacks and house moT come early. rana, ioi bet. Lnion ana st ing Jacks for sale or rent. from 1 to 10 days old, none better; take Boats, Launches and Marine flqulpnient. venlence of tale. consisting of ranges CO., as many as you want; hatching eges. GEVURTZ FURNITURE $7.50 up, UNUSUAL BARGAIN from $10 to. $25. cook stoves edge 2, box 156, Tabor 6."78. 185 First- - Street. route Troutdale, Bench vises and machinists vise $.i.; spring davenport, oak frame, in a Near Yamhill Street. of different makes at a great disOn Glisan St., 2 miles east of Portland good chaira. $1 up to $4.50; sq. dining CANOE. PETERBOROUGH We deliver. city limits. count. dress$00; cost $18.50, 4.6x12 ft.. S45. table. O. A. C WHITE LEGHORN'S. tables, rugs, ice ers $S.50 up; chiffonier Not brand new. of course, but good We have 100. sets of car wheels Open from S to Chicks on hand, 3 days and week old. chests atM. low prices. for many seasons yet. Main 6286 or with axlea nnd boxlncs, complete, 22, May ready charge louo each; No ISc M. and 6 1 P. to A. and 0:30 boat house. Favorite In Al shape, auiiablu for dump 100. $14 May 15c for For 30. 500 each. FOR SALF. Duvenport. mahogany fur packing, cars. finish, upholstered in art denim, 300 or more wire at my expense and I'll MOORAGE SPACE FOR BOAT HOUSES, bargain, will TO PRIVATE party wanting time, HOUSEBOATS MOTORBOATS AND ship C. O D. A few Barred Rocks. Re is a bargain for $31.25; Day-an-Iif propon or for cheap ELECTRIC WIRE AND PUPIM-IF- . cah. sell EXCUR-SIMay 24, 20c AND Leghorns FS LAUNCH ready FOR SALE. upholstered Brown davenport, solid oak. and ' We have a large stock of R. C. erly secured, one oak extension dining PORT BOATS FOR CHARTER. J. R. McGuire. 787 Oregon St. each. in craftsman, for $45.00; genuine to match, W. 1. electric copP'-wire and table with 4 leather seat chairs 1353 NORTHLAND YACHT AGENCY. A. & W. 40-lcotton mattress cover, 100 FOR $12.50 PER copper cable at a wry low prb e. folding bed couch with tapestry W ESTEKN BANK BLDG. for $5: continuous post steel beds dressers, White Leghorn baby chicks, "Our FinWe can save you money on conbrass bedstead with springs, for $13; Wish Bone fabric steel C, stock, O. and Tancred A. set, All etc. CHARMALEK. est." duit pipe, slightly lined, in perfect kitchen treasure, dinner spring for 7.50; oak rockers for DELIVERIES, sate arrival PROMPT SOME MOTOR liOAT. condition, lull lengths. practically new and in perfect" condition. $3.50 and 5; crib mattress for guaranteed. Season clones June 10. ORMust sell at once, at your own price. Y 686, Oregonian. ; a $10 one for $5. (Sam w. NOW. Appiv is. in DER Fastest SMOKESTACKS vtTR VIT1TR R MONEY SAVED! sys sell). Thv must go Salem, Or. C. N. NEEDHAM, BOAT Ho USE, VONDEKWERTH A larre stock of smokestarka. House sold, compelled to move; best PEARLM AN'S YELLOW FRONT, Bridge. mostly alt Saugen, all East End Morrison-st- . from oriental and WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May quality mahogany furniture, china, 84 and 80 Grand Ave, 10 to 60 Inehea in diameter, etc.. rui. TROLLING BOAT 21 feetx5 feet 6 lnche hoganized stock; safe arrival or rugs, Haviland domestic may heavy-layin- g lengths required. be as CO per a delivery cent engine, si.tO; Scrlpp to from 50 also and June from listed for sale at 1 1 wheel count; live, strong chicks guaranteed. 16x20 K. 11. Hyde of last year's prices; good condition, We have Just purchased a large are not 1172 Detroit $12.50 per hundred: $120 per thousand. U H. practically new. These articles stock of new colum HI A T'"ol prices are present ave. St. Johns car. PIONEER HATCHERY. cheap quality, but 508 E. 53d st. N. 1 set In SLIGHTLY STING FTEKU used bedroom AND II R 441 Sixth St ?e.aliLl!la2aIseen at be Can low. h ousel LA unfurnished KGE triple-platmodern e nal. walnut, vanity dresser, TENNESSEE SPECIAL AND MA laying hens for every convenience, gas. electricity, tele house for sale. HAVE 50 fine N E It V STE EL, II C of mirror; dressing table with chair; AND HIGHFURNITURE sale for $1: am making my pen smaller nhnnn pit v wuliir' u i i t ft I ut I h nonil. dresser. including bed. curved ends, period style; extra large walnut SPEED TOOL STEEL at less than so must sell these; also 5 moorage. No. 14, Oregon Yacht c4ub. Jacobean-wriUn- g $92.50; a bargain. will be the price. desk. 4 largfe. living half It market S. C, strain, $5, Tancred cocks for ee caretaker. set. worth your time to come In and room chairs. Ivory enamel breakiatrotary White Leghorns. Mrs. Mary Scott, Oak- QUICK sale, one of the fastest runabouts I look this over. ALASKA JUNK" COMPANY, Practically as tau and blue rug. stoves. White land, Or. These Largest on the Coant. good as new. i nis vpwinr machine, picture, etc. in northwest. Dig ani seaworthy. 201 Front St., Main 4110, Mar. 301L FOR SALE 600 White Leghorn neus, 1 Is not a $200 or $300 bout, but a firM furnishings are all in excellent cotfrd getting 40 eggs per OWL FURNITURE CO., year old; we are Phone- Main prize winner last season. tion. Col. 125 L ' Sells for Less. day at present ; price $1.25 each. Write 35 17 or Wdl n. 525. LA DI LS1 F U RN 1TUR E RUG. THREE-PIEC166-16- 8 Or., route A, FOR SALE: Houseboat No. 2. moored at FIRST STREET. J. D. Splawn. Gresham, 436. IRON BED AND 75 Feet South of Morrison. box 235. Phone Gresham B EDROO M S ET : VU LCAN A N Y' Oregon Yacht club, fully furnished, silver. d;ahea. niano. dance floor, ail Shi P- 300 LUG HORN baby cmcks, Tancred and GAS RANGE, 30 YARDS LINOLEUM. AND CHAIRS ringiisn strain; cocutieis ncauing vu MAHOGANY TABLE. shape. J. H. Klosterman. 810 Board of AND COOKER FTRELESS ICE from trapnest hens laying 285 to 300 per Trade bldg., city. GOOD RELIABLE year. Price 11 cents. S. II. Clark. KL 1, COMPLETELY furnished jrs range, high oven, like SETT LAUNDRY STOVE; SOME VERY5820. modern house . new, Jiu; cook stove with coll and reserTEL. MAIN PICTURES, TOO. Castle Rock, Wash. boat, if you are looking tor a nargain. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. voir. $12; mahogany William and Mary LEAVING town, must sell turniture at WEEK-OLyour rhn nee; small payment Leghorn chicks from While is here dining tables, f.io; round oak dining ta once, living, dining room and bedroom tiouhe down, balance like rent, f'erkins. 1JJ7 best layers. 12 cents. ble, $15; sideboard. $15; refrigerator. $6 utensils, cooking dishes, 6314. furniture, also Willamette moorane. NEW AND USP:n MACHINERY sewing machine, $6; babybuggy, $5; sev- condition, used only SO P.urrage, Woodiawn ail in first-clatp., ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE Barred Rocks and 0 OR SALE Motorhoat, 2Jx4, 3'-h- . every eral rugs cheap, gardpn tools and lawn Can reasonable. short time, price very a nd gear' reverse engine, 1247 E. 33d su N., north cheap. DELIVERY. hens mowers. JSasteo7. 113 Grand ave. Sunday, week da time be seen liny thing complete and in good running I of Kennedy schoo!. FUMEO-OAlibrary table and rocker, 2 after 6 P. M. st. Phone Kat 1545. 481 P. Mill. N. $12'.. At BOILERS AND ENGINES. order; or RED for sain rooster KIU'IjE ISLAND Yamhill rockers, dining table and 4 chairs, wal Eat will trade f'r 2 laying hena of same. DEEP SKA BOAT for sale, halibut nut dresser, bed stead, mattress and $80 CASH or $S4 terms. $4 a month, buys K. W. 2300-voA. C. gen4 lsrw h. p.; would make trolter, 85x10. Call 85 E. 76th st. springs, sanitary couch, cover and mat but tone erator, a splendid slightly scratched, Foot Umatilla tress, breakfast table; all good. For small cannery tender. 220-voequal to any $200 Victrola Iti YOUNG While Leghorn iaying hens, com1 perttct P. and motor ave., Portland. 702 K. 0th st., Sellwood cash or terms. O 671, Ore- Tancred strain, $1 each. Music House, or will plete. at Oregon Eileramonth. car. gonian. 20 nice records HAVE sellers' contract for $730 payable 1 Vio K. V. A. WeMlnghouse rent at $3 a $10 per month to trade for houseboat Telephone Main 1123. 12 O. A. C. BAR RE D Plymouth Rock hens, team turbo generating set. counter cabinet, 3 compartments aho included. , Oregonian. F, D 220-1 engine-driveA. C. wun nou Die doors, all wood, hardwood icimia. Ask for Mrs. Everett s good layers, $1 50 each ; one rooster of generator. top: accountant s double desk. le cut HIGH-CLAS- S SACRIFICE. CABIN cruiser for sale; one of the beat on same strain ; $ I. Call Main 4675. FURNITURE I.vi-H- . 1 110 see boiler, P. or L. firebox flown to regular desk height, top 4 ft and Laraen. Write the mahogany, river. walnut 5 rooms, new SPRING FRYS lor sale, 40 cents a pound oy a ft.. 44 drawers: 3 flat f nsr cab p.nnuiB pressure. N. 23d ?rt. Ivory; must be seen to be appreciated; dressed Sellwood 3358. 1 tin- - M. P. nia rlne t vpe holler. nets; willing to sacrifice for quick dis- by rent; bungalow to ma Sterling new WEK no dealers: 1 1CKEN house, Philo system, double posai. t all 611 Gasco bldg. I. firebox boiler, 125 lbs. appointment only. Sellwood 2218 after Cideck, rine motor, completely overhauled, cyl cost $20; sell for $H. Main 0264. preNMjre. FOR SALE. HALF PRICE. .Main 0 A. M. inders re bored. p. pall Amerlrsn Cor12U-1 C O. A. Rock BRED Barred 6 leather-seate- d THOROUGH dining chairs. 1 gold HIGH-GRADquartered oak library table SMALL, houseboat for aale. liss enclne. bn.vj. eggs, cheap. hatching en oaa nining taoie. l leatner uphoj. Tabor oe p" ave.; iMi-Call terms. iacq,uer aim 1 Woodward of Foot $25; J'. French Lane and Bodlcy Corstered davenport. all as good as new $8 14 CHICKS with hen, R. I., 3 weeks old $3...0. 4 small Axmlnster rugs. Wdln. 3605 after 0 A. M. liss engine. Phone East 6572 or call apt. 310. Rex very nest gram-- . 3360. so 1110 laying hens. Tabor rocker, 1 Oak $10. and Curate air comprenr. FOR SALE Waterman i. marine. 1.50. a rms. 255 50 ft. garden cose, 1 $20: J. nprlKhr marine engine. NICE Pekm stock eggs tor hatching. Ta gine. Al shape, just the thing for fl.-If OR SALE Heavy white enamel steel 1 North 2tst. 1006. Corliss twin engine. nor 2JxiS g. MTHIQ"lt H St. 117 bed. springs and mattress and bird's eye kiit: sai.K cheat, oak f u rn 1 u re . . oc it hout-ebRed chioata Rhode Island 11 mi Modern SALE w ton rue. k 4x4 4 i, Fo uuii-.manie oureau. en an 0. EQUIPMENT. ote, dining-rooCONTRACTORS ta ers, lit. 35 Tabfir sale. for plumbing complete 8; fixtures. furnished, extension oak table. $25. 63 at cam-- d riven 3 Yard concrete sewing machine and sanitary cot; must m, an sleeping porcn. Mt. Tabor car. h. tl.'d st., weekdays. GOOD White Leghorn hens for sale; good mix err. be sold, by May -- o; iua,wu& vnj. S. ave. K. leying 4Mh 70J0 hens. Lam22 Western air dump cam FOR SALE cheap, one oak dresser. 1 Old Town canoe. Inquire Knowies ave. ai-f- t. 1 Hat car. fryt-rsfoot Haw & Reid boathouse, 30c per pd. baby chix. breakfast table. 1 sanftarv couch, chairs oak tables and chairs, electric MILK-FE' Jerson 2 i ft. fo-flatcars. fireiess cooker, rae ruirs. lawn mower. FUMED thorne. No telephone calls. Tabor HM'L'. parttrose " washer, vacuum,- - ni" n 1 Uuryrus trak shovel. spray pump. Economy fruit hose. ( K ihfl tiiie.t and most modern house house of nvw carpet, kinds all Tabor machine, chickens $3.50. for stair 6 BANTAM yard revolving shovel 1 Erie jars. Aur. piv-- t. corner will home; perfect st., a on 12th 120 E. the river; boats 5027. hold Eoocls. on traction wheels, used 2 years. 54-iSellwood 1 BEAUTIFUL oak pedestal dining take $ 5 00 d o w n. Alder. 1H-1 roooster for sale. - Call at 1170 E. Rucyrus caterpillar shovel. FINE genuine leather-se- at 14-S70: 1 taoie. chairs. dining exchange, fine P. or FOR BALK n 1 30th N. Woodiawn 4317. locomotive crane. rug. 0x12. ori FOR SALS Some furniture, bed. AVhittalls Anglo-Persia- n lot or what have you? 'motor boat i for Mundy hoist1 Hxl2 three-druental colors, same as new, sso. Fhone t. form, gas SlCTTJNG hens, $1.50 each. Tabor 3777. M'oodlawn ing engine. eicture frames, dressmaker Wood lawn 5007. Stock. Pet Birds and Dolts. Rabbit. 1031 K.UUngswortn Washington order, easy frms; 1 to dealers. no hoist DD built .Vix8 heater; HOUSEBOATS t)ON'T sacrifice your furniture it going toy fox terrier puppy, Sell. 2'i27. sflindard A-- l construction. Ing engine. avenue. THOROUGHBRED 1 east or to California We can save you PIANO, mahogany leather rockers, rugs, r months old, DiacK anu wniie zemuie. ri.ASSV canoe and eu lli nmeii t. A- -l condi clamshell. . money cn your freight In our through DD hol-dTabor 060. (ivi'thnv mun. man ran, un Snip at 4". Tabor 8104. tion. Moving( cars; fireproof storage. C M. Olson No. 2fi Western wheel scrapers. mahogany 5 COLLIE pups, 3 month old; very good dinine table and Mar.chairs, CRUISER, excellent hunting cabin. 288, 1 n Transfer & Storage Co.. 2i8. Pine st 31M8 Pas roller. pupa at $5 each. 166 Kilpatrlck st.. Ken dresser, curtains. 20 h. p.. $800. Standiird Boathouse. 1 Smith Chicago paver, capacity $150 WALNUT Brunswick phonograph. tun district. Phor.e Woodiawn 6324. bed. bronze, head and A lbers. 20 feet. La kfl li RI S CA NO K, chea p just as good as new. hair price. 7fl cash. STEEL uuw, 10, W1... pedigreed Persian MOGrove, untter, SALE neariy Beautiful FOlt folds foot 1 or BO oregonian. Kansom concrete mixer, gnu payments 4 month. Call third or furniture iCall 461 E. Couch at., cor. kittens. malea614-6- 7. Portld Cattery. driven. tloor. Euers Mueic building, 2St Wash. OLDTOWN canoe and outfit, nearly Phone Auto. cubic-yar8th N. d dump cars, 60 ' st.. lust below 5th. ave. i.exmgmn : new 1 canary good birds; bargain: gauge. furniture, IM PORTED Chinese New mi.k p roll-todesk, $22.50; round dining OAK houseboat for sale, $5oO. if bought at once. 201 A cheap 3 rocking chairs, 1 dump cars, 4 cubic-yar- d i, suite. singers; 75 Ka.imnm table, $10; Vulcan gas range, $28; 2 bed cigar stund. 100 First st. gauge. Tillamook st. Phone East 7008. G. O. dining set, 1 Toledo cook stove, at 5 each: New Home sewing ma- -, steads, 1 5 gyratory rock No. !4 E. Wth st. rMorin. Gat1 roller singer, good FOR SALE Furnished houseboat; a sac ST ANDREASBERG chine. $10; A-- B gas range, $14.50. 845 806. 5471. crusher. st. lamp. 8.3x10.8 Main 327 Mill rifice .CaMTabor for trainer. OAK JjIBRARY table, floor Williams ave. gauge dinky locomo1 cage, FO R SA L E 26-- f t. launch hull, t heap. mauogaiiy unim parrot wnton, and HardwlK Beautiful SALE FOR tive. DAVENPORT AT A BARGAIN. writing desk; Phone Sell. 2127. O. P. Graham, root ijowen si. chairs, lady's mahogany must sell, reasonable. 1 Symos disc crupher. New davenport with Turkish rtni; a no dealers wanted. 1121 E Market st. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, choice sing Machinery. gaugedinky locomo4 bargain for anyone wanting a fine piece goods. beds. mattresses. imported stocK. tapoj aiv. tives. ers of furniture. Phone, any day but Sun-d- a HOUSEHOLD from rrouauijn y A uto. 314-- 2 6. '""" 1 dresser, chairs, rugs. air compressor and $1 earh. Himalayan rabbits. SALE FOR 20 Monday, modern. S rms for rent. FOR SALE OR RENT. Jak hammer. OAK SIDEBOARD, $15; washstand, $5; Auto. 62.1-16803 Whitman ave. S. E. K. 0th. gang.) mine cars. 10 PARTIAL LIST OF OUR NEW hatrack. 7; gas; Heating stove, 4; li Male police pup. Call Port2 Drag scrapers. 10, good condition, gts FOR SALE ANU REBUILT MACHINERY. brary table, $5 parlor settee. $8 ; bed REFRIGERATOR, mills. Woolen land 14 Wheelers. mumum staonr springs. S3: several pieces of caroet. plate, IUdge, warmer, 5 t resnocs. MOTORS. Oaks skating rink, Sellwood 22S4. Sun- REGISTERED red cocker spaniel pups for Owner, Tabor 3101. Direct Current. sa e. 212 8rt n st. . day or evenings. LEAVING CITY. LOGGERS' EQUIPMENT. 20 H. to P. few SELLWOOD a price, used DOG SALE. FoR COLLIE OOM $100 DAVENPORT, half NEW MAHOGANY DINING 1 Tool agon. 1 755. rrmwu monins. SET. CHEAP, INCLUDING. TABLE. 6 2 Single Phsse A. C Crab hoists. Wells-Farg- o bldg, treatment; 7536. CHAIRS. BXTFFET. MAIN a and DOGS boarded; good care rotary pump 1 to 7V H. P. of sickness, fur Auto 621-8outside runs. Shay locomotive. Bargain, 1 MACHINERY P. D. C. MUST SELL on account .o. apt. uouse. 1 e Three-Phas12x12 Washington jarder, steel A. C, niture -of planer, Crescent motor. SALE Japanese Spaniel. Phone Au FOR Couch. East Ktffl. frame. In. Y'ates bandsaw, atf oomnle-teCamad 2 H. P. to 150 II. P. .1, oregonian. tomatic iNii-J.- i. 1 flat. BEAUTIFUL fox terrier puppies, $10 and 04x10h Smith A WaUon road-e- r, Htf. Lumber Co.. Cama-g- Was-h- . COMPLETE furnishings of four-rooboiler. COMPRESSORS. AIR range. piano. 204 sacramenio st. au ueiweci rme WALNUT dining set, table, six blue-leat- h KeHey. ciarKamsw $15. 22 ceta steel Russell lorglnc Various sizes and makes. 0 and er chairs, w imam and Mary, 1160, for CHOICE SlAGERS ANU a EM ALES. trucka. receivers. Air $80; gas water heater, $10. 327 E. 41st FURNITURE flat, uewly pa- of 468. MAIN CALL THE STUDIO. 2 10x12 Washington halfbreeda. st. N. Tabor 5341. peren, atl rooms reniea, buuu iuiuhuic. ard-c- r. ox 15 Tacoma broad face 3 GAS ENGINES. FOR SALE A singer and a female bird Call after noon. 484 E. Wash. xiic sewing machine, practically tLbfi and two cages for ?13. rnone risi IVi to 25 H. P. new; electric grill, with ovenette; elec- TWO VULCAN gas ranges, one. Ruud wa pile barge, 1 34x5ft, driver Water pups, white; tan and toy fox terrier tric heater, small tabie, electric iron. iron uu, MALE ter heater, One sanitary courn, leads HO foot. MISCELLANEOUS. b e auuea. iast oou. East 7964. two wood heaters. Mar. 2317 Sunday. Pile driver hammers, gas an Pumps, various sixes. gines, pump, tools, etc. FURNITURE for sale, 2 beds, 2 dressers, BEDROOM set, walnut with marble top FOR SALE Male police pup. Call Portla mlwooh2nu. 1 rug, 1 kitchen table, 1 heater, 1 couch, Blowers. One Reliable gas range, rnono woou-law- n Special 1 complete derrick 1 E. 35th st. Tabor hall glass. 175 YOUNG parrot for sale; good talker. Call 1710. . Farm lighting plsnt enrum Washington 0416. 7'i x 10, after 2 p. .v.. r.ast .vj. Generators, hi to 50 KW, VERY fine furniture at half price: leav clsm shell, an derrick gine. NEW FURNITURE PRACTICALLY OF WANTED A female Airedale, 1 to 3 yrs. ing city and am torcea to sen immeblocks. cable and irons, rewinding, In motor Specialise HOUSES FOR SALE: MUST dog. .Marsh. good 4216. Reiier. watch diately. old: 2.t East 1 Avery 40-tractor. DISPOSE AT ONCE, 765 E, BROAD-WAmotor repairing and tapestry rocker, cost $65, FOR SALE Choice fox terrier puppies, 3 BEAUTIFUL installations. ranor ju.. COM PA NT, old. v oon awn am.'. MACHINERY months sell will BURKE for OLD MAHOGANY chest of drawers, mlr-ro- rs IVORY bed, springs and mattress, cheap. SCOTCH collie pup, 7 months old, perfect 624-2- 3 and table; oriental rug, electric Main :S19. 1212. CO, 6015. Main vo. ELECTRIC marking. Tabor Tabor DAVIS Davis. E. 74a. 1240 B. East pr. lamp, candelabra, 2 scrim curtains; 75 Front Street, Cor. Oak. hcue. AT STUD Registered cocker apauieL- FOR SA LE Furniture of Marshall 5701. no dt alers. Phone Auto. 746. Oregonian. Some mahogany. Tabor 4li74. BEAUTIFUL mahogany desk, chaira. fil ing caDinet, l naerwooa typewriter, lor 9 YARDS of wool ingrain carpet. East FOX HOUND pups wanted. 770 E. 7tflh iuuo. Tabor orth. C01, AG no Oregonian. dealers. cheap. 1103; kale W nr gevurtz'furniture lc lr ' Ub., n', rl. ,
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