Content Chairman Message 02 Govt. Recognition 03 Important Notice 04-05 Documents 06 Examination, Certification, Age & Gender 07 Medium, Rules & Regulations 07 Salient Features of DBSSSE, Objectives 08 Course 09 Fees Structure 11 Rules Regarding Study & Examination 12 Chairman'S Message Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education were intended to be a medium for making education easy for students who are unable to attend regular classes. The challenge before us was to make the instructional delivery of curriculum convenient and as effective as regular classes for the students. It had to be a well planned and organised extended learning endeavour which allowed students to pursue other activities without affecting their learning. Reaching out to them through the online medium was an excellent way to deliver educational resources and nullify the location constraint. The National policy on Education suggested strengthening of DBSSSE for extending open learning facilities in a phased manner at Secondary & Senior Secondary levels all over the country and abroad as an independent system with its own curriculum and examination leading to awarding of certificates. This was intended to address the needs of students or working professionals in India and abroad to further the cause of spreading education. Spreading the cause of making education convenient through the internet was a novel initiative suggested by the National policy on Education and we took this opportunity to start DBSSSE. The way our instructional delivery and online facilitation of educational courses have expanded in India and abroad, it is a fulfillment of our aspiration to play a pivotal role in making education convenient for students all over the world. DELHI BOARD OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY EDUCATION was envisaged as a comprehensive instructional delivery institution that offered the liberty to students to get education without the bottleneck of attending daily classes. We have succeeded in creating a distance education program as a planned extended learning endeavor. DELHI BOARD OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY EDUCATION has gained an expertise in delivering instructional resources and thereby providing opportunities to students located away from the organization. We have expanded our distance education program in India and have now branched out abroad too. With comprehensive online solutions for the students, our motto is to help everyone in need of quality education in all corners of the world. The remarkable contribution of DELHI BOARD OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY EDUCATION in the field of education has been that quality in education is available for many streams of study. We work out a viable option for students or working professionals in India and abroad to upgrade their skills. The National policy on Education suggested strengthening of DELHI BOARD OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY EDUCATION for extending open learning facilities in a phased manner at secondary & Senior Secondary levels all over the country and abroad as an independent system with its own curriculum and examination leading to awarding of certificates. What makes DELHI BOARD OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY EDUCATION a convenient and viable approach towards education is that students get the facility of online admission and their enrollment number is given right away. Moreover, the online study material is provided in different languages as per the subjects opted by the students or their preference. We also provide online verification of the results of the passed out students. The Board has been established to promote educational, social and economic upliftment and general welfare of the people of India, particularly the socially and economically backward sections of the Indian society by organizing various types of educational programs. The Board is built on a foundation to promote greater access to quality higher education, cutting-edge research and contribution to the society. It provides generic skills together with flexibility, adaptability and passion for life-long learning, while simultaneously equipping young people with the best basis for careers in any area, including industry, and for the unforeseen needs of the future. The Board's guiding tenet is to nurture and mould talent. It is also envisaged that the Board shall make significant contribution to the cultural, intellectual and social aspects of the broader community. Professors and scholars working in the Board shall leverage their expertise to improve local industry, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and regional institutions. It is believed that the Board should build prospective as well as provide meaningful employment skills. In practice, undergraduate education has been isolated from post-graduate and research institutions; further, the rigidity of the Indian higher education system rarely allows students to learn across departments even within the same institutions. Here, I feel proud to inform that the trajectory of DBSSSE Board include liberal arts and natural sciences programs being offered alongside several professional programs the students having the flexibility to customize their education from various offerings at the Board. The arts and science programs finally are the core of all the students. This Board shall cater to the development and upliftment of the economic conditions and social welfare of the local indigenous tribes of different states and also the local population as a whole. Chairman, Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education 2 DELHI BOARD OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY EDUCATION (An Autonomous body registered & recognized by Govt of Delhi, NCT & Govt. of India and HRD No: 7312/2009COA) GOVT. RECOGNISED (RUNNING UNDER INDIAN EDUCATION ACT) Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education is a self autonomous body, which is established for development of education under the guidelines of national education policy 1986 Govt. of India, and program of action 1992 Govt. of India. It has been constituted to regulate non formal Primary, Middle, Matriculation (10th), Senior Secondary (12th) education and other vocational courses (Under Self Employment Education Scheme) in India, With the help of educational experts to educate uneducated boys, girls, men and women to upliftment the literacy in India. Board may impart education with international techniques and with stress on morally, m e n t a l l y , p h y s i c a l l y a n d s o c i a l l y p e r s o n a l i t y . Ours is an autonomous body and all educational boards/universities are autonomous bodies. Each educational organisation has discretionary powers. According these powers every board/university/State Govt./Central Govt. of India having the liberty and right to take own decision either to allow or refuse any admission/service. But we do our best to make success the non formal education program. All the education program run by the board is boards own autonomous education program. Legality, Validity, Utility of the education program is strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 15(5), 16(4), 16(4A), 16(4B), 19(1) G, 29, 30, 30(1), 46, 335. Recognition of Degree/Diploma by Govt. of India NOTIFICATION NO. P 26/4/52 C.C. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Home Affairs New Delhi Dated : 20th September, 1952 Subject: Recognition of the Examination According to Ministry of the Home Affairs Government of India. Notification No. 26/4/52 C.C. Dated 20/09/52 issued in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission, that in case of Degree/Diploma awarded by Board & University in India which are in corporate by one Act of Central or part & State Legislature in India. No formal orders. Recognized automatically for the purpose of employment. Sd/Harish Chandra Under Secretary Government of India 3 The aims and objectives of the Board are to provide basic education for primary, high school, intermediate which includes 10th & 12th Class courses. The mission of the Board is to achieve all round development and growth for the masses through education. 1. Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education is an autonomous independent and NonGovernmental Board for the conduct of Secondary and Senior Secondary School Examination, providing an alternative to choose from either Government aided Boards or a Non-Government independent Autonomous Body. The Board aims to provide education to all children, especially to those in rural and remote areas, at least up to the Senior Secondary level. It is further submitted that the Board is a private initiative for the establishment of a Non-Government Board for conducting 10th and 12th Common Examination for students studying in schools affiliated and likely to be affiliated by Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education. 2. The Board trustees/members has the constitutional right under Article 19 (1) (g) to pursue any profession or any occupation and running teaching institutes have been included as part of occupation as held by Hon'ble Supreme Court in T.M.A. Pai Foundation Vs. State of Karnataka (SC) 2003 (2) SCT 385. The relevant portion of the above said judgment is reproduced as under:“ Private education is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing segments of postsecondary education at the turn of the twenty first century. A combination of unprecedented demand for access to higher education and the inability or unwillingness of government to provide the necessary support has brought private higher education to the forefront. Private institutions with a long history in many countries, are expanding in scope and number, and are becoming increasingly important in parts of the world that relied almost entirely on the public sector. 3. Not only has demand overwhelmed the ability of the governments to provide education, there has also been a significant change in the way that higher education is perceived. The idea of an academic degree as a “private good” that benefits the individual rather than a “public good” for society is now widely (sic). The logic of today's economics and an ideology of privatization have contributed to the resurgence of private higher education, and the establishing of private institutions where none or very few existed before. 4. The right to establish and administer broadly comprises of the following rights:- a. to admit students; b. to set up a reasonable fee structure; c. to constitute a governing body; d. to appoint staff (teaching and non-teaching); and e. to take action if there is dereliction of duty on the part of any employees. 5. A University Education Commission was appointed on 4th November, 1948, having Dr. S. Radhakrishnan as its Chairman and nine other renowned educationists as its Members. The terms of reference, inter alia, included matters relating to means and objects of university education and research in India and maintenance of higher standards of teaching and examination in universities and colleges under their control. In the report submitted by this commission, in paras 29 and 31, it referred to autonomy in education which reads as follows:“University Autonomy- Freedom of individual development is the basis of democracy. Exclusive control of education by the State has been an important factor in facilitating the maintenance of totalitarian tyrannies. In such States institutions of higher learning controlled and managed by governmental agencies act like mercenaries, promote the political purposes of the State, make them acceptable to an increasing number of their populations and supply them with the weapons they need. We must resist, in the interests of our own democracy, the trend towards the governmental domination of the educational process. Higher education is, undoubtedly, an obligation of the State but State aid is not to be confused 4 with State control over academic policies and practices. Intellectual progress demands the maintenance of the spirit of free inquiry. The pursuit and practice of truth regardless of consequences has been the ambition of universities. Their prayer is that of the dying Goethe: “More light” or that of Ajax in the mist “Light, though I perish in the light”. The respect in which the universities of Great Britain are held is due to the freedom from governmental interference which they enjoy constitutionally and actually. Our universities should be released from the control of politics. Liberal Education- All education is expected to be liberal. It should free us from the shackles of ignorance, prejudice and unfounded belief. If we are incapable of achieving the good life, it is due to faults in our inward being, to the darkness in us. The process of education is the slow conquering of this darkness. To lead us from darkness to light, to free us from every kind of domination except that of reason, is the aim of education” 6. There cannot be a better exposition than what has been observed by these renowned educationists with regard to autonomy in education. The aforesaid passage clearly shows that the governmental domination of the educational process must be resisted. Another pithy observation of the Commission was that state aid was not to be confused with state control over academic policies and practices. The observations referred to hereinabove clearly contemplate educational institutions soaring to great heights in pursuit of intellectual excellence and being free from unnecessary government controls.” 7. The only reasonable restriction on the exercise of this right can be imposed under Article 19 (1) (g) and is imposed in clause 19 (6). The only restriction is that State can make the law imposing reasonable restriction in the interest of general public or any restriction regarding profession and technical qualification necessary for practicing any profession or occupation, trade or business. Since so far no such professional or technical qualification have been notified, therefore, the trustees/members of the Board through their Society have a fundamental right to carry on the profession / occupation of running the Institutes which imparts education. 8. We want to also clarify that some states an objection has been pointed out to the name of the Board in private sector but later all such objections have been resolved after the Board pointed out that the world “Board” / “Council” is not reserved by any statute that it cannot be used by any other trust. Many Boards/Councils had applied to the Registration Authority and they have approved of the name of “Board” /Council. If there would have been any objection to its name or this name is not permitted by law then the Registrar would not had registered it. 9. It is also pertinent to mention here that one of the prominent and well known Boards providing Secondary and Senior Secondary Examinations for the students all over the country is the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE), which is a registered society. So is the CBSE which stands for Central Board of Secondary Education. 10. Under HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION ACT, 1993 autonomous bodies have been given special protection & consideration (For further details refer: AIR 1993 SC-2178). 11. In the case of State of MP vs Nivedita Jain AIR 1981, SC held that complete relaxation of qualifying marks for SCs/STs in Pre-Medical Examinations for admission to medical college colleges is valid. 12. The 93rd Constitution Amendment Act, termed by Minister of Human Resource Development, Arjun Sing as only a piece of “enabling legislation”, may have opened Pandora;s box by amending Article 15 of the constitution to provide for reservation for OBCs in all “educational Institution” including private, whether aided or un aided, excepting minority educational institutions. 13. The Indian Parliament has passed the 104th Constitution Amendment Bill, providing reservations the socially and educationally backward classes, besides the Scheduled Classes and Scheduled Tribes, In tall private aided and unaided educational institutions. 5 6 EXAMINATION The final examination in theory and practical are held at the end of the session in January February and in supplementary exams in July- August. A candidate has declared successful on scoring minimum of 34% marks in each paper. CERTIFICATION Every successful declared student will be awarded D.M.C. / Certificate by the Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education in each education program. AGE & SEX There will be no restriction of age, caste, sex, region, country under open and distance education system of the board. MEDIUM The medium of each education program will be according to their Regional Language/ State Language/ Country Language. But Question Paper will be published only in English / Hindi; student can give answer in English/ Hindi or his/ her state language. But it should be mentioned earlier in the examination form. RULES & REGULATIONS Check and satisfy necessary information about education program / board before admission no responsibility of the institute / board after that. Fees once paid should not be refunded or changed under any rule. Every student abides to and obtains to present rule and regulations and directions of the institute/ board and also those which are to be enforced time to time. Any change of the rules & regulation directions by the exam body shall be acceptable to the student. The Board / organisation run non-formal self employment education program only and not give any guarantee for further educational use or any job. If any document found bogus the admission and result should be canceled automatically without any notice. If student fails to deposit the fees in the due time the admission should be canceled without any notice and any primary deposit fees should not be refunded. If any student / members / teachers / employees of any institute / center have any dispute with the board / institution it will be resolved through the committee appointed by 7 the Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education, DELHI under Indian Arbitration Act 1940. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties, Direct Court will not be permissible. Salient Features of DBSSSE High trade/ industry interface. Complete online solution. The students can check their registration, admit and results. The passed out students can easily verify their results by just providing their Registration No. / Roll No. / Date of Birth. Online Admission on the spot and examination form. Objectives In the view of rapid pace of industrialization & computerization around the world and the world becoming a small global village where each citizen can get any kind of information on any one click of a mouse. In such a situation DBSSSE has laid down clear cut objectives to make anybody highly competent and efficient to work in today's global village. Hence our objectives are: To provide education in each and every corner of the world. To seek and cultivate new knowledge and follow the latest changes and developments in the field of education. To ensure high standard of syllabus contents. To improve girls' education to overcome gender inequality. 8 COURSES OFFERED Secondary (10th. class) Subject for Secondary (10th class) ***************************************************** ******** Each Subjects has 100 Marks Any one from under listed Hindi Punjabi Telugu Urdu BENGALI Assamese Nepali Marathi Sanskrit Gujrati Kannada Malayalam Oriya Compulsory Subjects:1. ENGLISH 2. MATHEMATICS 3. LIFE SCIENCE 4. PHYSICAL SCIENCE 5. GEOGRAPHY 6. HISTORY Senior Secondary (12th. class) Subject for Senior Secondary (12th class) ***************************************************** ******** Total Five Subjects. Each Subject has 100 Marks Language: ENGLISH and Any one from under listed *Hindi *Punjabi *Telugu *Urdu *Bengali *Assamese *Nepali *Marathi *Gujrati *Kannada *Malayalam *Oriya. 1. For Compulsory Elective (Arts Group): Any three from under listed * POLITICAL SCIENCE 9 * HISTORY * SOCIOLOGY * GEOGRAPHY * ECONOMICS * PSYCHOLOGY * EDUCATION * SANSKRIT * PHILOSOPHY * CIVICS * PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION * HOME SCIENCE * COMPUTER SCIENCE * ENVIORNMENT * PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2. For Compulsory Elective (Commerce Group): Any three from under listed * ACCOUNTANCY * ECONOMICS * BUSINESS ORGANIZATION * ECONOMICS GEOGRAPHY * COMPUTER SCIENCE 3. For Compulsory Elective (Science): Any three from under listed * MATHEMATICS / BIOLOGY * PHYSICS * CHEMISTRY * COMPUTER SCIENCE Note: Subjects of science group have practical works as well. 10 Fees Structure Sl. No. Course 1. Secondary Senior Secondary 2. Prospectus/ Application Admission Fees Form-Fill-up Fees Exam Fees Total Fee 300/- 1900 300x7=2100/- 700 Rs. 5000/- 300/- 2200 500x5=2500/- 500 Rs. 5500/- 10% Extra for Study Material (On Admission Fees) FOR ABROAD STUDENT ONLY Secondary -Total Fee $195 Senior Secondary -Total Fee $215 Secondary Level (Equivalent to 10th) The candidate would be required to submit one of the following documents as a proof of age: School leaving certificate of Govt. / recognized school duly countersigned by the district education officer or equivalent rank of the area concerned. Date of birth certificate from municipal committee/ registrar of birth & death along with an affidavit by the parents/ guardians in confirmation of the name and date of birth of the candidate. In case, municipal committee record of date of birth is not available and the candidate has never studied in any Govt. / recognized school, then the parents/ guardians may give an affidavit confirming the date of birth and name and parenthood of the candidate, attested by the oath commissioner/ notary public. Senior Secondary Level (Equivalent to 12th) A candidate must have passed secondary from this board or from any board recognized by the DELHI BOARD OF SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY EDUCATION. There must be a gap of at least two years between the year of passing secondary examination and that of appearing in the senior secondary examination. However, this gap of two years shall be counted from the year/ session of earning compartment in secondary examination in case such candidates pass the subject(S) of compartment in the subsequent two chances 11 RULES REGARDING STUDY & EXAMINATION Check and satisfy necessary information about education program / board before admission no responsibility of the institute / board after that. Fees once paid should not be refunded or changed under any rule. If the student wishes to appear in examination in the next session, he/she will have to fill up the examination form once again along with fees. Any change of the rules & regulation directions by the exam body shall be acceptable to the student. Examinations are conducted in the month of July- August every year, whereas the special session examinations are held in January February. All the examinations conducted by the Board are based Under “Open & Distance Education System”. The passed out students will be awarded with the certificates & mark sheets. In the event of change of address, subject and program, the student have to pay Rs.200/-, 200/and 300/- respectively extra for the purpose. After 60 days of the admission, no change in subject and program will be entertained. Students should clearly indicate name of the center and their subjects in the application forms. Normally any change in case of center & subjects are not permissible. Examinee should be particular in selecting the examination center and subjects and mention it in the examination form clearly. The list of examination centre's are sent along with the examination form. BOARD may disallow a student to appear before a centre which is not reflected or written by the candidate in the examination form. If any student/ guardian / member/ teacher/ employee of a centre or institution have any dispute/disputes with the BOARD, it will be resolved only through the arbitrator appointed by the DBSSSE. The dispute/ disputes of the aforesaid arbitrator are final and binding on all concerned. For any dispute/disputes, the jurisdiction will be at Delhi only. In all respect English version is authenticated. Every student abides to and obtains to present rule and regulations and directions of the institute/ board and also those which are to be enforced time to time. The Board / organisation run non-formal self employment education program only and not give any guarantee for further educational use or any job. If any document found bogus the admission and result should be canceled automatically without any notice. If student fails to deposit the fees in the due time the admission should be canceled without any notice and any primary deposit fees should not be refunded. If any student / members / teachers / employees of any institute / center have any dispute with the board / institution it will be resolved through the committee appointed by the Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education, DELHI under Indian Arbitration Act 1940. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties, Direct Court will not be permissible. The students can get their Hall Ticket from the website and take the printout of the same. Without Hall Ticket no student is allowed to be permitted in the examination hall. Note: In case there is no photo in the hall ticket the student must carry his/her 2 original photos. The students can check their results online by providing their Roll No. and Date of Birth. 12
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