Subject: Rochdale Music Service Discretionary Fees and Charges Report to: Cabinet Status: For Publication Date: Monday, 23 March 2015 Author: Liz Jacobs Tel: 01706 925176 Cabinet Member: Councillor Donna Martin Report of: Director of Children's Services Author Email: [email protected] Comments from Statutory Officers: Monitoring Officer: Yes Section 151 Officer: Yes Key Decision: No 1 Purpose of the report 1.1 To present the proposed discretionary fee and charge levels for Rochdale Music Service for approval by Elected Members. If approved, the fees will apply to transactions carried out within the 2015/16 financial year. 1 Recommendations 2.1 The proposed changes to discretionary fee and charge levels are approved by Members, subject to consultation with Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Township Committees. The table of proposed charges is Appendix 1 of this document 3 Background 3.1 Rochdale Music Service was restructured between May and September 2014 with the creation of new posts and changes to existing posts to provide an appropriate management structure to support the Service to develop the range of services it offers and to continue to be financially viable 3.2 Alternatives considered The option of not increasing Centre lesson fees has been considered but discounted. If the service operates at a loss it will become unsustainable. Any plans made to increase the provision or develop new provision will therefore only increase the financial loss incurred The proposed increase in Centre lesson fees are a break even cost. They do not contribute to the running costs of the Centre or the administration; these are currently covered by the wider work of the Service. The option to increase the fees by the amount necessary to contribute towards running costs has been discounted, as the increase would discourage participation and this would be counterproductive. The option of increasing the Music Service Membership fee was considered, but discounted as we wish to encourage as much participation as possible. Within Music Services as a whole, it is usual for the ensembles to not break even financially based on membership fees alone. Plans are in place to increase the income to support the ensembles as outlined below The proposed Centre lesson fees have been benchmarked against the corresponding fees charged by the other GM Authorities. The proposed increase brings them in line with the other GM Authorities. Currently, six of the other nine authorities charge £30 per hour, two charge more than this and one less. Rochdale offers increased value for money as unlike most Authorities, we do not charge an instrument hire fee. The instrumental costs are included in the overall lesson fee 4 Financial Implications 4.1 The schedule of proposed fees is shown at Appendix 1. 4.2 The Music Service is expected to cover its costs from the fees and grants that it attracts, either through work carried out in or for schools or in providing a service to the wider community. Following the restructure of the Service in 2014, the opportunity has been taken to review the fees to ensure they cover costs. The proposed fees will ensure that the income generated alongside the Base Budget from Rochdale Borough Council and the Arts Council grant will meet the costs of providing the service. Grant funding and other opportunities to allow the service deliver tuition to more young people are currently being explored 4.3 There are no plans to increase the Music Service Membership Fees as the different bands and choirs charge performance fees to the organisations which book them to play for their events and an increase in income can be achieved through a combination of this, sponsorship and by increasing the amount of ensembles offered by the Service 4.4 The hourly charges for instrumental lessons to residents will be increased by just under 15%. This is necessary as the current fees do not cover the costs of the hourly rates paid to the Music Tutors. The new charge of £30 per hour reflects a break even cost for the service. Without this change, any increase in provision through the service will result in an increasing loss of income. 4.5 The fees charged to residents taking part in Rochdale Music Festival are included here for the first time, and reflect current charges. These will be reviewed for the financial year 2016-17. 4.6 The 15 minute theory lesson is now offered as a 30 minute lesson as 15 minutes was not educationally effective and the increase in price reflects this. 4.7 Prices for exam accompaniment are included and standardised for the first time. 5 Legal Implications 5.1 6 Personnel Implications 6.1. 7 All charges have been reviewed and comply with any relevant legislation There are no personnel implications arising as a result of this report Corporate Priorities 7.1 The Music Service supports the Authority’s statutory duty to provide a range of leisure and cultural opportunities to children and young people outside of school. 8. Risk Assessment Implications 8.1 there are no specific risk issues for Members to consider arising from this report. 9. Equalities Impacts 9.1 Workforce Equality Impacts Assessment There are no significant equality/community issues arising from this report 9.2 Equality/Community Impact Assessments The impact of the increase in fees at the Music Centre have been considered in relation to their impact on residents accessing the service and it is considered that there is no disproportionate impact on any one group Background Papers Place of Inspection Document None
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