REPUBLIKA NG PILIPEVAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VII, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VII, CENTRAL VISAYAS Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City DEPARTMENT • OF EDUCATION SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS TO • • • • Division of Cebu City Division of Lapu-Lapu City Division of Mandaue City Division of Bohoi FROM JULIET A. JERUTA SUBJECT INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FELLOWSHIP'S 2015 MIND EDUCATION SPECIALIST TRAINING FOR TEACHERS DATE MARCH 28, 2015 Attached is a letter from Hon. Mario A. Deriquito, Undersecretary, Partnership and External Linkages, informing about the participation of some teachers and principals to the 2015 International Mind Education Specialist Training in April and May 2015 in Seoul, South Korea. For details, refer to the attached letters from Undersecretary Deriquito and Mr. Arnold Constantino, Event Director, International Youth Fellowship Philippines, and the list of participants. For the information and guidance of all concerned. JULIET A. JERUT& Director ill Officer-in-Charge JAJ/jbm Regional Director's Office: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telefax 414-7399; 414-7325; Asst. Regional Director's Office Telefax: (032) 255-4542; Field Effectiveness Division: (032) 414-7324; Curriculum Learning Materials Division (032) 414-7323; Quality Assurance and Accountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Programs and Projects Division: (032) 254-7062; Training and Development Division: (032) 255-5239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366 414-4367; Budget and Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Website: " L5CL 2015: SKaxapatan ng. £a&at, ffananagutati ng. £aAat" Department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas REPUBLIC OF KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DepED Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig Cfly Tanggapan ng Pangalawang Kalihim Office of the Undersecretary Partnerships and External Linkages RDZ015-6171 23-Mar-15 International Cooperation Office Direct Line Fax : (-*632) 637-6463 : (4632)637-6462 16 March 2015 MEMORANDUM TO OR. ELLEN B. DONATO, RD, CAR DR. LUZ S. ALMEDA, RD, NCR MR. RIZALINO JOSE ROSALES, QIC RD, Region (II DR. D10SDADO M. SAN ANTONIO, OICRD, Region IV-A DR. ARNULFO M. BALANE, RD, Region V DR. CARMELITA T. DULANGON, RD, Region VII DR. LUISA B. YU, RD, Region VIII SJ..E. O e.l,VE^ MAR I 0 205 | FROM : UNDERSECRETARY MARIO A. f^RIQUlTQ Partnership/and External Linkages i\T OF EDUCATION SUBJECT: si eurcer INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FELLOWSHIP'S 2015 MIND EDUCATION SPECIALIST TRAINING FOR TEACHERS This pertains to the participation of some teachers and principals in the 2015 international Mind Education Specialist Training being organized by International Youth Fellowship (IYF), which will be held in April and May 2015 in Seoul, South Korea. As stipulated in DepEd Order 14, s.2010, the Office of the Secretary (QSGC) shall clear all invitation seminars/activities/events/schotarships that will be held abroad except those that are sourced by officials/ employees in their personal capacity. In this regard, the request for travel authority of the participating teachers and principals for the above-stated activity does not need to pass through the Central Office, and thus, be instead filed at the regional office concerned for approval. We are thereby transmitting to your respective offices the documents previously submitted by other participants, for appropriate action. Once again, we reiterate that no DepEd local funds shall be utilized for the purpose of this travel, and that participation to the said training shall not adversely affect the delivery of service of the schools involved. 2na Roor Rizal Bldg I, DepED Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines, 1600; Telephone Number 633-7207 Attached for your reference are the letter from IYF and the list of participants they provided. Should you need further details on the matter, !YF can be reached at telephone number +664-4764 and email address ivfphtlipplnes@hotma» Thank you. CC: Ail SDS CONCERNED International Youth Fellowship Philippines M^j/U/Um t*M. •»»- r*M«K PuMfc. F**nHhM»> <N«l»i CHy February 26,2015 Bro. Armin Luistro Undersecretary Dep Ed Central Office Dear Bro. Luistro: Warmest Greetings from IYFI 1YF (International Youth Fellowship) was founded in 2001, and with the mindset of Challenge, Change and Cohesion, has been leading the way in Youth education. IYF Mind Lectures provide the clear analysis of the heart, desire, self-control, isolation, exchange, wisdom and the world of the heart and proposes solutions to youth who live in a materialistically abundant 21s* century, however cannot control their hearts and grieve due to unseen pain and depression, and to those who are confused and experience conflicts in a rapidly changing world with intense competition. IYF therefore establishes proper leadership in the youth. IYF hopes to select 250 Mind Education Experts for the Philippines Mind Education program during the first half of 2015. Last April 2014 about 130 teachers and principals participated the 2014 Mind education Specialist Training in Korea, 60 principals and supervisors on the second half of the year 2014 and through training in Korea we wish to improve their qualifications, and moreover look to establish proper leadership and education amongst the youth of the Philippines. Furthermore, the invited Philippine instructors will experience Korean culture and education environment, and thus hope to complete an in depth expert program. Event Details:"JNT£R*IAT10NAl MIND EDUCATION SPECIALIST TRAINING" Venue: Seoul, South M<ff«i Dat*: April 20-26,2015 (1st BATCH) April 21- May Z, 38*5 (2nd BATCH) In this regard, may we request your good office to reconsider the application of the travel permit of our educators. One of the documents they will submit is the Invitation from IYF Korea, However, the said document will be transmitted by IYF Korea on February 27(Fri), 2015. We are knocking at your good office to grace the supervisors, principals and teachers, the travel authority to travel as requirement per se to attend the said event in Korea. Please consider our request to cover the dates from April 20 to May 2, 2015 so we can reshuffle which batch they will attend. Attached herewith the list of the participants (1st batch & 2nd batch). We are looking forward for your positive response.Thank You and God Bless! Respectfully yours. Mr. Arnold U. Constantino Event Director Noted By: Mr. Nam KyunglSyun President, IYF Philippines For more details about the event, please contact IYF staff at 09178158074,09999945870, 09335726987 and IYF Center-Fairview at (632) 664-4764, telefax: (632) 939-7155 or visit our website fit www.ivf.phor email us at iyfDhiliaDines@hotmail,ph Iff International Kbutfi Fefiowship 1 I I 1 in t-t 8 in ffi I I a $ fl ui < "1- 8 $ i i ! i i I ffl * 1 *8l *ft* I I | s 1 Ii i ! ( ii 1 MIND EDUCATION SPECIAUST TRAINING (WEST) KOREA APRIL 27-MAY 2,2015 13 ZNOBAICrl PAR I «.»"«« •osmoM INTACT NO. iCMOOi. NAAF Princloalll ;ta. Cm: £S eawH»g.t»!>53>iean _ 9992080031 Head Teacher II iatuuandcMIHiiES >477034468 JotrfJnaa.Eocun OlongapoOtyNHS TMdwrl 9328883019 K>eelynG.Moaote5 RflnapsllV Sari<3Mi!lefmoES ggngdliiMlCYap _ 92855i30»?^" Principal IV, Coordlnitlng Principal 9399364393^ SanMarcellno£S iMavdenS.Rondefo School Division Superintendent 0«pEd Iba. Zannbahs (047)81143(1 ZeniaG.Mo*toiiCTi Education Program Supervisor Dep£d Iba, zamfeslcs SaftyM. Acbacoso ^ 928SS94304 Public School* District Supervisor OepEd )b», Zambales J9396M1006 ftichanJA. poctoiefo Principal IV, Coordinating Principal OepE(! Iba, zambates 9H95227806 Tfijtan>»yV.Ftil8uc<a5 lt»,Zamba)es 9 Education Program Supervisor iJepEd Iba, Zarobales 3989746978 BodilM.C*lto n 3O lba,Zamb?tes Education Program Supervisor DepEd Iba, Zjmbstes 3985580136 Charlie T.Cameon lba.a>mbaej *LEducation Program Supervisor DepEd Iba, Zambales 91755S3973 VJCtOfM. MJ50)» ^ 12 K»,Zambales Education Program Supervisor i}e@&!lba,Z»mbal«t 90888S2S7Q MynCEay 13 , iba.Zambate BepEd Iba, Zambales Education Program Supervisor 9989764605 9<nKielin« P, D««ion(lon 14 Ibg,2ambale5 Public Schools District Supervisor DepEd Iba, Zawbales 9205442377 Samson S.Cav* ^^__ 1S^ Iba. zambales Public Schools District Supervisor DepEd lbf», ZawKales 9284472Z64 Connie A. Pefialoza 16 Education Program Supervisor 9939746949 DepEd Iba, Z<unbal«$ GrtfRorio L. Yap 17 Iba.Zambalcs Education Program Supervisor DepEdlb».Zambalcs 92882(8248 ArturoM, Edna 1H iba. zambales DepEd Iba, Zambales Public Schools Pistrict supervisor 99898620B8 lace! jn» A. Pj«<uia 19 Iba, Zambales Education Program Supervisor Oep£dma,Zambales Mertin*P. Cror 9389764601 TO !faa, Zambales Public Schools District Supervisor 9286363185 _, {tes>Edtta,Zambales Emily 0, Mayor n Iba, ZamMes Public Schools District Supervisor OepEd Iba, Z»mbales 929Z607744 Milrn* M. Mendomts n Ite, Zambales Lucapon South ES Principal III 9293044799 Edna E. Merooa ?* Iba, Zambales Principal Pamstawan integ Sdioof 9985332135 MariiyS.TartHan ft Iba, Z*mbate HeadTeacnerill San6vlllermoKS 9189274629 GfXeG.Abad ?s llta, Zamb»tes Principal IV 9399394416 _, Sublc Central School Ramel^ICGiitduls 76 Iba, Zambalcs iducation Program Supervisor DepEd Iba, Zambaies BARM,ANGCUTAC. lba,2>mbale& ?7 Dci3Edlb»,Zamb»l« Education Program Supervisor EOARMMl. JR., MMAMOCI E, 28 «ja,Zarnbale5 KATRHM ANDftEA C. EAV 947B973S26 OepEdlbs,Z»mbal8« Nurse, Teacher as lte,Zambiiles p*pEdlfc»,Zambx!« Master Teacher MARIA CfiEDNA C MAGSAYSAY 9196401467 30 Jba.Z*nbales 9393032S35 DepED DivisiDfl Of Murtez Admin Officer V Fhrissey Cruz S. EMrmud*, II 31 Mufioz,N.E. Principal 1 03088840174, & MunozNHS 32 MuBoz. N.E. Isabelta C.Dae** Lowiminda M. Selcn 9194906321 AguadoES Principal lit Trew Martjrei. Cavite 33 Biigon^PookfS 34 Trece MarHras, Gnrtte GregorlaS.A^* 917SJ1725 Principal II 9496011528 35 Tr«ee Martires, Cavitc Salvador A, EsphwH Hugo Perez £S Principal! 36 Trecc Manircs, Cavfte Amy D. Percy 91772157S3 Kanggahan ES Principal 37 rreceW»rtlras,CW«e LapidarloES sasilissR. Digma S2287S6755 Principal 38 TTecc Maftirci, Cavite JccBiyn L Cayoflg 9262332856 _, LapldarioES Teacher 1 Amelto M. Oewna 39 Tfecc MMtlFE», ci«Ke 927439390$ SoutbvflteES Principal 1 rrece Marares, dvite 40 9183636617 Evelyn A- Penus Sia. Crfstina ES Principally 4J Trcce Manircs. Cavitc _, HufenCAure Tre«e Martines Oty K 9054334876 Principal 42 QjmaffnesSuif Eiaee.lmMflal J 92310S1697 BuluanpES Master Teacher)) IlilletaJ.Engtatere 43X CebuOty BlnaliwES 9994086499 Principal) 44x <VhuCHy 917J265B77 SheiliG.OcJaCrus Don Vicente Rama Memwii Teacher III AHene ft, Ynderto 4Sx CgbuOty 92ZS10S460 Ton Vicente Rama Memor1; Teacher ill 46X Ojftuaty Elsie M.Coto 92M3S69S2 ton Viccnw Rama M«mori; Principal II 47, Matat»« ;icnal.Men4oza 9194408513,28 M, Rsmon Carny* lnte«rat< Principal 48 Manila Mer!yH.Nery 93Z884S468 ^pifanlo deto Santos ES Principal (V 49 Manila Romeo L f emandez 9081639613 '. GuevsnK ES >ri»clpallV,PESPAPr«f. M> Manila rtotets O. Oelos Santos 9Z15892127 (.AlmarioES 'rincipal 5> QC Mores A, CWong 9293482738 lagongStlanganHS Master Teacher H QC enalyn 1. Datuin HewEriES 9079Q98906 Teacher III S3 QC Nmtadette P. Sacyaten 9499599497 Hew Era ES Teacher! fieriOffOSlQM ttKK/YEAft N/A N/A N/A «/* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Grade 5 Pear! N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Il-Stargaser N/A QIC-School Head N/A II- peace N/A Grade IH-Ynclerto N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iJurthyear Kinder ^ _ fetyrtltc oft* D«t)ED of flftettcation WMMMM VM MVVM«fK FE818Z010 No. To: 14 a. 201O Undcraecretartes Assistant Secretaries Buremi/C«nter»/S«vlce/Regkwial Directors Scfaooto Dtvimon/Clty Superintendents All Ottoers Concerned QinDRtOCB8 OK OFFICIAL TRAVKLA ABROAD To establish parameters in authorizing foreign travels, the following guidelines are adopted: I. Foreign travels or travel abroad shall be authorized for attendance to the following: 1. High level/ministerial meetings, conferences and die like where regional or global issues among country participants are discussed or concerns on international commitments with foreign bilateral partners of the Department are taken up. which are also reguiarty conducted; 2. Direct applications of onptoyees for training and education opportunities abroad which is soureed by own means such as those disseminated by the organizers; < 3, Invitation . to conJerenoea/ineetiiQgs^^ study vi»it&/scholarshipe by sponsoring international organizations and foreign scnoqls directed to officiate/employees; 4. Other related travels abroad approved on official time or official bustaess which include but not Knitted to invitation as resource or guest speaker, to officiate intemattonal sport competitions, or visit/inspect faculties or • equipment of foreign suppliers pursuant to provisions of RA No. 9184. GSMKRAE'FOUGm AMD PRINCIPLES 1. Foreign travels soafl be regulated ir* a manner that will promote the best interest of the Department and its officials and employees' professional growth and work productivity. Considerations shall be made according to the following; Ill8; e 3, AS mtnttiteilal meeting _, , e^^-tam specifically designates an Undersecretary or an Assistant Secretary w represent him. 4 AC other international (nettings and conferences may be attended by a duly designated Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary «r by a Bureau/Service Director. 5. Attendance by the representative or duly designated delegate of the Secretary in ministerial meetings and other international commitments will only be authorized to have one (1J or two (2) staff personnel to backstop him/her, whose fanctional designation and assignment are the same or related to the agenda of the international meeting. 6. An Undersecretary and Assistant Secretary or a Director and Assistant Director in the same service/office/unit shall not attend an international meeting or conference at the same time unless otherwise authorized. 7. The awarding of scholarships, fellowship and training grants shall at afi times conform to the policy of transparency, accountability, equitable distribution and eligibility and shall be guided by the existing procedures/process set by the Scholarship Committee Issued in separate Orders, Memoranda and Circulars. 8. Scholarships/trainings and related activities sourced and pursued by officials/employees in their personal capacity should be brought to the attention of the Immediate supervisor or head of office before application. 9. To ensure coordinated Department response to such activities/ opportunities, no action shall be taken unless the Seeretaiy or designated Undersecretary has approved the foreign travel with corresponding endorsement of his/her bead of office. 10. The Office of the Secretary-Proper shall monitor compliance of foreign travels undertaken by officials and/or personnel. IV. ADsunlAiKATlviE <HHDEUMK8 1. AH requests for Authority to Travel Abroad shall be submitted to proper line of authorities before forwarding to the Office of the Secretary, The ** request shall include the accomplishment of the Form shown in Annex A. 2. No foreign travel shall be allowed to any official or employee who has a pending administrative case. The certification of non-pending administrative case shall be issued by the respective Legal Offices. 3. -No official or employee shall be sent to foreign training, conference, or attend international commitments when they are due to retire wttntn one U) year after the said foreign travel. 4. All attendance to meetings abroad shall be subject to availability of funds.
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