DEPTFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION CAUCUS MEETING AGENDA March 19, 2015 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUNSHINE LAW: NOTICE OF THIS MEETING HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE SOUTH JERSEY TIMES, THE COURIER POST, THE DISTRICT WEBSITE, AND THE MUNICIPAL CLERK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DEPTFORD TO BE POSTED IN A PUBLIC PLACE. A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE D. TENTATIVE 2015-2016 BUDGET Recommendation of the Business Administrator to approve the following: 1. BE IT RESOLVED to approve the tentative 2015-2016 school district budget for submission to the County Office as follows: General Fund Special Revenue Fund Debt Service Fund Total Base Budget Budget 66,090,856 2,741,499 1,443,800 70,276,155 Local Tax Levy 38,464,482 0 1,443,800 39,908,282 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-10.3(b), the Deptford Township Board of Education is requesting the use of $531,825 in unused spending authority to be included in the base budget for capital items and curricular needs; and that FURTHERMORE, these projects and purchases will be completed within the 2015-2016 budget year; and that The Public Hearing on the budget for the 2015-2016 school year be held on, April 28, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Deptford Township High School – Cafeteria. E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. 2. 3. 4. March 19, 2015 Caucus Meeting of February 19, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 1) Executive Meeting of February 19, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 2) Regular Meeting of February 24, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 3) Executive Meeting of February 24, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 4) Page 1 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Special Meeting of February 25, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 5) Executive Meeting of February 25, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 6) Special Meeting of February 26, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 7) Executive Meeting of February 26, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 8) Special Meeting of March 2, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 9) Executive Meeting of March 2, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 10) Special Meeting of March 14, 2015 (Approval of Minutes Attachment 11) F. COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Paul Spaventa, Interim Superintendent G. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Policy – Joe Wilson, Chairperson (PCM Attachment) 2. Personnel – Jeanine Donohue, Chairperson (PCM Attachment) 3. Curriculum – Stacy Gray, Chairperson (CCM Attachment) 4. Finance – Marianne Covely, Chairperson 5. Buildings & Grounds – Brian McDonald, Chairperson (B&G Attachment) H. POLICY Joe Wilson, Chairperson Stacy Gray Marianne Covely Matt Vilary, Alternate Recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following items: 1. First reading of Policy 0141 – Board Member Number and Term (Revised) as attached (Policy Attachment 1). 2. First reading of Policy 0164 – Conduct of Board Meeting (revised) as attached (Policy Attachment 2) 3. First reading of Policy 0143 – Board Member Election and Appointment (revised) as attached (Policy Attachment 3) . 4. First reading of Policy 5240 – Tardiness (New) as attached (Policy Attachment 4). 5. First reading of Policy 2622 – Student Assessment (Revised) as attached (Policy Attachment 5). 6. First reading of Policy & Regulation 4146 – Nonrenewal of Nontenured Support Staff Member as attached (Policy Attachment 6). 7. First reading of Policy 5460 – High School Graduation (M) (revised) effective July 1, 2015 as attached (Policy Attachment 7). 8. First reading of Policy 6511 – Direct Deposit (New) as attached (Policy Attachment 8). 9. First reading of Policy & Regulation 5200- Attendance (M) (revised) as attached (Policy Attachment 9). March 19, 2015 Page 2 I. PERSONNEL Jeanine Donahue, Chairperson Matt Vilary Sue Kryszczak Marianne Covely, Alternate Recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following items: 1. RETIREMENTS, RESIGNATIONS AND TERMINATIONS - NONE 2. LEAVES OF ABSENCE LEAVES OF ABSENCE LEAVE REQUESTED 1/5/15 - 4/23/15 previously approved 1/5/15 2/27/15 FEDERAL MEDICAL LEAVE NJ FLA USE OF SICK DAYS 1/5/15 - 4/23/15 N/A 1/5/15 - 4/23/15 70086335, Curriculum, Medical 3/26/15 - 4/23/15 3/26/15 - 4/23/15 N/A 3/26/15 - 4/23/15 70542055, Transportation, Medical, REVISION 2/5/15 - 3/27/15 previously approved 28/5/15 3/5/15 2/5/15 - 3/27/15 N/A 2/5/15 - 3/27/15 70172028, HS, Medical 2/9/15 - 2/19/15 2/9/15 - 2/19/15 N/A 2/9/15 - 2/19/15 70270707 Maintenance, Medical 2/18/15 - 4/30/15 2/18/15 - 4/30/15 N/A 2/18/15 - 4/30/15 70300793, Transportation, Medical 2/18/15 - 3/10/15 2/18/15 - 3/10/15 N/A 2/18/15 - 3/10/15 70412432, Good Intent, Medical 3/18/15 - 4/2/15 3/18/15 - 4/2/15 N/A 3/18/15 - 4/2/15 70783170, MMS, Medical 2/2/15 - 5/4/15 Not Eligible N/A Unpaid 2/2/15 - 5/4/15 70215454, Transportation, Medical, REVISION March 19, 2015 Page 3 82653023, Shady Lane, Medical, REVISION 2/3/15 - 3/13/15 previously approved 2/3/15 2/27/15 2/3/15 - 3/13/15 N/A 2/3/13 - 3/3/15 unpaid 3/4/15 - 3/13/15 70617907, Maintenance, Medical 1/30/15 - 3/31/15 1/30/15 - 2/13/15 N/A 1/30/15 - 3/31/15 70131768, Aide, Medical 2/26/15 - 5/22/15 Not Eligible N/A 2/26/15 - 5/22/15 11/23/15 - 12/18/15 9/1/15 - 10/14/15 Unpaid 10/15/15 12/18/15 pending 2015-16 calendar approval 70261524, Central, Maternity 9/1/15 - 12/18/15 9/1/15 - 11/20/15 70482070, MMS, Maternity 9/1/15 - 2/28/16 9/1/15 - 11/20/15 11/23/15 - 2/19/16 9/1/15 - 10/14/15 Unpaid 10/15/15 - 2/26/16 pending 2015-16 calendar approval 70590450, MMS, Medical REVISION 2/2/15 - 4/10/15 previously approved 2/2/15 3/13/15 2/2/15 - 4/10/15 N/A 2/2/15 - 4/10/15 3. TRANSFERS - NONE 4. EMPLOYMENT a. Approve substitutes, effective March 25, 2015, as per our contract with Source4Teachers for the 2014-2015 school year as attached (Personnel Attachment 4a). b. Joshua Hanlon, Coordinator of Technology, for the district, effective April 20, 2015, for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year, at an annual compensation of $80,000 (prorated) (replacement for Gloria McCoy who is retiring) (11-000-252-104-00-0). c. Vanessa LaTorre, paraprofessional, Oak Valley School, effective March 16, 2015, for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year at a rate of $180 per day as per the applicable Unit agreement pending Criminal History Record Clearance and all pertinent paperwork ( replacement for Chante Coleman who resigned ) (11-000-190-106-00-0). d. Mary Senick, substitute custodian, effective March 25, 2015 for the 2014-2015 school year at a rate of $12.50 per hour, as previously approved by the Board. e. Meagan Trainor, substitute school nurse, effective March 25, 2015 for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year, at a rate of $125.00 per day as previously approved by the Board. March 19, 2015 Page 4 f. Daniel Castaldi, custodian, effective March 25, 2015 for the 2014-2015 school year, at a salary of $40,240 pro-rated in accordance with the applicable Unit Agreement (replaces Steven Senick who was terminated) (11-000-262-110-00-0). g. Linda Patten, custodian, effective March 31, 2015 for the 2014-2015 school year, at a salary of $40,240 pro-rated in accordance with the applicable Unit Agreement (replaces Larry Ledrich who is retiring, effective March 31, 2015) (11-000-262-110-00-0). 5. PROMOTIONS – NONE 6. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT as listed below: EMPLOYEE DATE CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP LOCATION Susan Niznik 03/06/15 Providing Educational & Clinical Support to Students Living in At-Risk Environments Catherine Kolodzey Candace Robinson Dawn Marsan Susan Niznik Candace Robinson Kimberly Helfand 03/20/15 04/17/15 04/23/15 04/23/15 04/23/15 04/28/15 The Use of Restrictive Procedures GC TLC Coalition for Youth Self-Injury Workshop Self-Injury Workshop Self-Injury Workshop Student Access to Sexual Health Services Garfield Park Academy Willingboro Mt. Laurel Rowan to GCC Rowan at GCC Rowan at GCC Rowan at GCC Rutgers, Busch Campus Piscataway Rutgers, Busch Campus Piscataway LRC South Mullica Hill King of Prussia Rowan College of Science & Mathematics Rowan College of Science & Mathematics Alexandria, VA Frances Harwell 04/28/15 Student Access to Sexual Health Services Mervat Gerges 05/01/15 Schools & Transition Person Centered Approach Using Technology for 21st Century Learning Learn to Develop Android Apps Louis Randazzo Carolann Newman 05/15/15 05/20/15 05/21/15 Gregory Schofield 05/20/15 05/21/15 Learn to Develop Android Apps Kelly Brazelton 07/14/15 07/15/15 07/16/15 07/17/15 ASBO International Eagle Institute REGISTRATION COST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $229.00 $250.00 $250.00 $2,000.00 7. OTHER a. Kristi Will, replacement Technology Mentor for Christopher Scott (who was previously approved by the Board), from March 1, 2015 until his return, at the previously approved stipend amount (prorated). b. Gina Hahn, 2015 High School Senior Trip Chaperone, as a replacement for Colleen Helwig, who was previously board approved but unable to attend due to personal reasons. March 19, 2015 Page 5 c. Thien Kaspar, High School Assistant Cheerleading Coach, previously approved by the Board, to receive an additional stipend amount of $487.92, for acting as the High School Head Cheerleading Coach for 6 weeks of the 2014-2015 season due to the absence of a board approved head coach. d. New Job Description for Coordinator of Technology (A 20) as attached (Personnel Attachment 7d). e. The following staff to participate in a Paraprofessional training for students attending the Autism classrooms at Pine Acres on April 24, 2015. Paraprofessionals will be reimbursed at their contracted daily rate of $180.00 per diem: Alison Baker Betty Kinsella Scott Thompson Maureen Weitz Betty Kinsella Arlene McMahon Phil Vasta Debbie Pascale Alicia Napoli Vonetta Walker f. Revised 2014-2015 School Calendar to reflect June 22, 2015 as a Professional Development Day for teachers attached (Personnel Attachment 7f). g. Approve summer hours as follows: 12-month employees will be required to work from 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with ½ hour lunch Monday – Thursday. Any vacation/sick/personal time used will be deducted as 1.25 per day. Summer hours start the week of July 6, 2015 and end the week of August 17, 2015. Facilities will stagger the first and second shift employees to open and close the buildings accordingly. The air conditioning units will be adjusted to an acceptable temperature after hours in an effort to conserve energy. h. 2015-2016 School Calendar at attached (Personnel Attachment 7h). i. Merritt Bowman, High School Volunteer Spring Track Coach, for the 2015 school year. March 19, 2015 Page 6 j. Registration roundup for new Pre-k and kindergarten students at Central Early Childhood Center on April 13 – April 17, 2015 from 4:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; April 18, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and April 20, 2015 – April 23, 2015 from 4:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. as per the requested personnel and rates below: STAFFING # Staff 2 3 2 1 1 Position Nurses Teachers Secretaries Registrar Paraprofessional Rate $35.00 per hour $30.00 per hour $20.00 per hour $20.00 per hour $20.00 per hour # of hours 36.75 36.75 36.75 36.75 Total Compensation $2,572.50 $3,307.50 $1,470.00 $735.00 $735.00 $8,820.00 HOURS Mon. – Fri. Saturday Mon. – Thurs. Total 5 days x 3.25 1 day x 7.50 4 days x 3.25 16.25 hours 7.50 hours 13 hours 36.75 hours FINANCE Nurses Secretaries Teachers Registrar Paraprofessional Total Staff Supplies Total J. CURRICULUM $2,572.50 $1,470.00 $3,307.50 $735.00 $735.00 $8,820.00 $600.00 $9,420.00 Stacy Gray, Chairperson Matt Vilary Sue Kryszczak Marianne Covely, Alternate Recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following items: 1. NONE March 19, 2015 Page 7 K. STUDENTS Recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following items: 1. Review and approval of bullying incidents for the month of March 2015. 2. The following GCIT students to participate in the High School Spring Track program for the 2015 season: Zach Donohue Erin Duffy Walter Victor Cabrina Tirado 3. Attached list of High School Marching Band students to receive jackets for their “Tournament of Bands-Group II Open Championship” pursuant to BOE Policy 5450, CoCurricular Awards as per attached quote dated January 9, 2015 (Student Attachment 3). 4. Creation of a “Girl Up Club” at the High School. A “Girl Up Club” is a group of American students who have joined together with the common commitment to change the lives of adolescent girls in developing countries and to empower the people around them to take action. Andrea Baptist, High School Teacher, will be the Volunteer Adviser for this club. 5. The following student office workers effective June 29, 2015 through August 27, 2015for 16 hours per week at a rate of $8.38 per hour: High School: Samantha Ferrara & Julia Quinones Middle School: Kara Barone & Rose Hollywood 6. Home Instruction placements as follows: Student ID Type Placement 300002661 500000098 200002354 400002149 800000097 General General General General General Education Inc. Brookfield Schools Brookfield Schools Brookfield Schools Brookfield Schools # of hrs per week 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A Cost Start date $40.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 2/19/2015 2/18/2015 2/19/2015 2/26/2015 3/9/2015 End Date TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 7. Tuition Out Homeless students as follows: Student ID Type KS General School District of Origin Deptford Township School/District Start Date End Date Total Washington Township 9/1/2014 6/30/2015 $16,180.00 Contract will be signed by the BA and returned for KS. KS domiciled on 11/19/14 and the amount for tuition is $4,404.59. (11-000-100-561-00-0) March 19, 2015 Page 8 8. Out of District placements as follows: School BankbridgeShady Lane Complex BankbridgeShady Lane Complex Bankbridge South-HS Program Student ID Tuition Rate Full-Day Preschool Disabled 110000068 $34,350 Effective Date 2/2/15 3/5/15 Full-Day Preschool Disabled 110000061 $34,350 Multiple Disabilities 700002209 $34,560 3/9/15 (11-000-100-565-00-0) 9. Field trips as listed below: 02/20/15 03/01/15 REVISED DATE 03/07/15 03/19/15 REVISED DATE 03/25/15 03/26/15 ACTIVITY Rotary Filomena’s Restaurant Philadelphia Museum of Art Rothman Ice Rink SUBJECT/GRADE DHS – Police Explorers SCHOOL/TEACHER DHS – Officer Strouse COST $0.00 DHS – Culture Club DHS – Sommers $15.00 admission $5.00 transportation NJROTC Rifle Riverside, NJ New Sharon School DHS – NJROTC Rifle Team DHS – Ballister $0.00 DHS – NAHS DHS – Lebb $0.00 Pine Acre School Concert Philadelphia Zoo OV – 2nd Grade OV – Plunkett $0.00 NS – All Students NS – Ekey 03/27/15 USS New Jersey Old Country Buffet DHS – NJROTC DHS – Colamarco 03/28/15 NJROTC Drill Rancocas High School Rowan College @ Gloucester County St. John of God Shady Lane Elementary DHS – NJROTC Drill Team DHS – 12th Grade Students planning on attending RCGC DHS - Rotary Interact Club LT, OV, SL LEEP – Bridge Building Comp DHS – Colamarco $10.00 student admission (paid for by school) $10.00 student admission $10.00 lunch $5.00 transportation $0.00 DHS - Pallies $0.00 DHS – Woodrow LT, OV, SL – Tucci $0.00 $0.00 Six Flags Business & Marketing Days 6th Grade Class Picnic Riverwinds Citizen’s Bank Park Philadelphia DHS – FBLA DHS – Scheeper OV – 6th Grade OV – Schilling $31.02 student admission $5.00 transportation $0.00 OV – 6th Grade OV – 6th Grade Teachers DHS – NJROTC DHS – Colamarco 03/31/15 04/15/15 04/16/15 REVISED DATE 04/24/15 05/28/15 06/05/15 06/06/15 NJROTC Activities Hershey Park March 19, 2015 $5.00 student admission $8.00 adult admission $5.00 transportation $40.00 student admission $5.00 transportation Page 9 10. Approve Vrajlal Kalola as a volunteer chaperone for his son, Darshan Kalola, who will be competing in the FBLA National Competition. L. FINANCE Marianne Covely, Chairperson Brian McDonald Linda Rosser Matt Vilary Recommendation of the Business Administrator to approve the following items: 1. Transfers in the 2014-2015 budget for the month of February, 2015 as attached (Finance Attachment 1). 2. Report of the Secretary and the Cash Report as attached (Finance Attachments 2). The Deptford Township Board of Education certifies that: a. b. c. d. Board Secretary’s Report is in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of February, 2015. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. The Cash Report is in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of February, 2015. The Cash Report and Secretary’s Report are in agreement for the month of February, 2015. Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources. Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-6.10(c)4, we certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-6.10(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3. 2014-2015 Preschool Education Aid (PEA) Transfer in the amount of $833,316 approved by the Executive County Business Official as attached (Finance Attachment 3). 4. Agreement with AVID Center in the amount of $4,094 ($509 for weekly subscriptions and $3,585 for membership fees) for the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program at the high school for the 2015-2016 school year. 5. Agreement with Effective School Solutions, LLC for the 2015-2016 school year in the amount of $260,000 for therapeutic mental health services for students enrolled at Deptford High School. March 19, 2015 Page 10 6. Renewal of the software support agreement with Computer Solutions, Inc. effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 at a cost of $1,172 per month. 7. Payment in the amount of $228.68 to Mrs. Pizzelli for the cost of the required additional $1,000,000 rider to her vehicle insurance policy to transport her student to/from the Bankbridge Development Center effective. Parental contract previously approved 7/29/14. Rider was renewed March, 2015. (11-000-270-890-15-0) 8. Acceptance of a one-time monetary or BJ’s Gift Card donation of $500 and a Free One Year Business Membership from BJ’s Wholesale Club to Central Early Childhood Center for the 2015-2016 school year through the Adopt*A*School program. 9. Acceptance of the Science Ambassador Grant Application provided by Exxon Mobile Corporation in the amount of $500. 10. Application for and acceptance of $1,000 from the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey to participate in a program to help keep new drivers safe on the road. 11. APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEY WHEREAS there exists a need for an Attorney and, WHEREAS the Public School Contracts Law (NJSA 18A:18 et seq.) requires that a resolution authorizing the award of contracts for "Professional Services" without competitive bids be adopted by the Board of Education at a public meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Deptford Township Board of Education as follows: a. The Board Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with effective April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015; contracts on file in the Office of the School Business Administrator. b. These contracts are awarded without competitive bidding as a "Professional Service" under N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5a(1) of the Public School Contracts Law, because services are of a qualitative nature and will not reasonably permit the drawing of specifications or the receipt of competitive bids and because the proposal is most advantageous price and other factors considered. Such services require expertise in the administrative procedures of New Jersey Public Education including knowledge of the statutes, codes, and rulings applicable thereto. c. The Board Secretary will place a copy of this Resolution in the official Board of Education Minutes. 12. March 19, 2015 Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for transportation software for the 2015-2016 school year in the amount of $15,472. Page 11 13. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DEPTFORD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION TO ENTER INTO A JOINT PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH THE HUNTERDON COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES COMMISSION WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-11 authorizes contracting units to establish a joint purchasing agreement for the provision and performance of goods and services; and WHEREAS, the Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission, hereinafter referred to as the “Lead Agency " has offered voluntary participation in a joint purchasing agreement (sometimes referred to as cooperative purchasing agreement) for the purchase of goods and services; WHEREAS, on March 24, 2015, the governing body of the Deptford Township Board of Education, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey duly considered participation in a joint purchasing agreement for the provision and performance of goods and services; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-11, the Interim Superintendent is hereby authorized to enter into a Joint Purchasing Agreement with the Lead Agency. The Lead Agency shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of the Public School Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq.) and all other provisions of the revised statutes of the State of New Jersey. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. 14. To enter into an agreement with Camden County College for the Transition to College Program in the amount of $4,500 per semester per student through June 30, 2018 (11000-100-561-00-0). 15. Approval of a 2015 NRA Foundation General Grant for the Deptford Township High School NJROTC Program in the amount of $1,500.00. The purpose of the grant is to provide funding to be used for equipment, supplies and competition/marksmanship items for the DHS Air Rifle Squad. March 19, 2015 Page 12 M. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Brian McDonald, Chairperson Linda Rosser Joe Wilson Jeanine Donohue, Alternate NONE N. ITEMS OF INFORMATION 1. Job Postings (IOI Attachment 1). 2. Principal’s Report, Fire Drills and Security Drills for the month of February 2015 as attached (IOI Attachment 2). 3. DHS & MMS SAC Reports for the month of February 2015 as attached (IOI Attachment 3). O. UNFINISHED BUSINESS P. NEW BUSINESS 1. Veteran’s request to move the Oak Valley playground Q. Bills List (Bills List Attachment) Payment of: General Bills Cafeteria Bills Total Bills R. Amount $2,980,757.80 $227,045.67 $3,207,803.47 PUBLIC COMMENTS March 19, 2015 Page 13 S. EXECUTIVE SESSION BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DEPTFORD RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN EXECUTIVE SESSION WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 10:4-12 allows for a Public Body to go into closed session during a Public Meeting; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Township of Deptford has deemed it necessary to go into closed session to discuss certain matters which are exempted from the Public; and WHEREAS, the regular meeting of this Board of Education will reconvene at the conclusion of closed session, at approximately 11:00 p.m. this evening. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Deptford will go into closed session for the following reason(s) as outlined in N.J.S.A. 10:4-12: X Any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of the performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee employed or appointed by the public body, unless all individual employees or appointees whose rights could be adversely affected request in writing that such matter or matters be discussed at a public meeting (Subject to the balancing of the public’s interest and the employee’s privacy rights under South Jersey Publishing, 124 N.J. 478, the employee(s) and nature of discussion is: personnel & Superintendent candidacy discussions. X Any investigations of violations or possible violations of the law Construction Violation; X Any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party. Any matters falling within the attorney-client privilege, to the extent that confidentiality is required in order for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer. (If pending or anticipated litigation, the matter is: Sodexo - Township of Deptford (Under certain circumstances, if public disclosure of the matter would have a potentially negative impact on the District’s position in the litigation or negotiation, this information may be withheld until such time that the matter is concluded or the circumstances no longer present a potential impact); BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby declares that its discussion of the aforementioned subject(s) may be made public at a time when the Board Attorney advises the Board of Education that the disclosure of the discussion will not detrimentally affect any right, interest or duty of the School District or any other entity with respect to said discussion. March 19, 2015 Page 14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Education, for the aforementioned reasons, hereby declares that the public is excluded from the portion of the meeting during which the above discussion shall take place and hereby directs the Board Secretary to take the appropriate action to effectuate the terms of this resolution. I, Michael Griggel, Board Secretary do hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Education of the Township of Deptford at their meeting held on March 19, 2015 in Deptford, New Jersey. Michael Griggel, Board Secretary T. ADJOURNMENT March 19, 2015 Page 15
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