FOUNDED 1724 The pewter communion set has been in use for over 220 years. It was manufactured in London & Philadelphia by Richard King, William Eddon and William Wills, to serve the Lord's Supper to the congregation of Derry Presbyterian Church. 248 East Derry Road, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033 717-533-9667 | [email protected] | Derry Presbyterian Church warmly welcomes you to worship and grow with us in faith Service for the Lord's Day Fifth Sunday in Lent Renovation Dedication March 22, 2015 *** 8:00 & 10:30 am (Please silence cell phones as you prepare for worship.) The 10:30 am worship service is streamed live on Please ask an usher for seating recommendations if being seen on camera is concerning to you. PRELUDE (8:00) "Clair de Lune" Debussy (10:30) "Scherzetto" Jubilation Ringers, Helen Anthony, director GREETING AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Fedon (Pass prayer requests to ushers during the first hymn.) CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 84 (selected verses) L - How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts! My very being longs, even yearns, for the Lord's courtyards. P - My heart and my body sing for joy to the living God! L - Those who live in your house are truly happy; they praise you constantly.…Better is a single day in your courtyards than a thousand days anywhere else! P - I would prefer to stand outside the entrance of my God's house than live comfortably in the tents of the wicked! Those who trust in you are truly happy! PRAYER OF THE DAY *HYMN "Here in This Place" ("Gather Us In") page 5 DEDICATION OF BAPTISMAL FONT CALL TO CONFESSION L - This is the proof of God's great love: that while we were sinners Jesus Christ died for us. P - Trusting in God's grace, let us confess our sin. CONFESSION OF SIN (Unison) God our Redeemer, we confess that we are people of ashes and dust. We renovate buildings and fail to renovate our lives. You write your law in our hearts, yet we pretend we do not know you. You send your only begotten Son to be our Savior, and we ignore his guidance and direction. You lift up Christ for all to see, yet we turn away from your glory. Forgive us, God of grace, and continue to wash away our sins. PERSONAL CONFESSION (In silence) 2 RESPONSE 599 (Sing through twice) 10:30 am Little Hands of Hope All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A-711733. Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom. Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom. L - Friends, remember that you belong to Jesus Christ, and remember, too, your baptism and believe the good news. P - In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. RESPONSE 93 "Ah, Holy Jesus" Therefore, dear Jesus, since I cannot pay You, I do adore You, and will ever praise You. Think on Your pity and Your love unswerving, Not my deserving. DEDICATION OF PULPIT PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION GOSPEL John 12:20-33 (NT p. 106) L - The Word of the Lord. P - Thanks be to God. CONVERSATION WITH CHILDREN (10:30) (Following the Conversation with Children, all 4 and 5 year olds are invited to KIWI - Kids In Worship Instruction - by meeting the KIWI Leader in the East Transept of the Sanctuary.) DEDICATION OF SANCTUARY CROSS *HYMN 461 "God is Here!" (verses 1 & 2) All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A-711733. PROPHETS Jeremiah 31:31-34 (OT p. 731) SERMON "Renovations of the Heart" Dr. Marie L. Buffaloe *HYMN 461 "God is Here" (verses 3 & 4) Abbot's Leigh *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (Unison) (beginning of the Brief Statement of Faith, 1991) In life and in death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in one Triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. Amen. CONCERNS OF THE CHURCH Friendship Registry DEDICATION OF COMMUNION TABLE 3 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD'S PRAYER (debts...debtors) OFFERING Offertory: (8:00) p. 16 front of hymnal "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross" Chapel Choir, Helen Anthony, director Martin (10:30) "Kyrie" Leavitt Folk Choir, Helen Anthony, director, Steve Weicksel, accompanist *RESPONSE 98 "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded" What language shall I borrow To thank Thee, dearest friend, For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? O make me Thine forever; And should I fainting be, Lord, let me never, never Outlive my love to Thee. 10:30 am Little Hands of Hope DEDICATION OF SANCTUARY, NARTHEX, NURSERY, LOUNGE, FELLOWSHIP HALL, JOHN ELDER CLASSROOM, CHOIR ROOM, RUTH CODINGTON LENDING LIBRARY, COURTYARD, and MISSION HOUSE ALL: Almighty God, we dedicate this place to your worship, mission, and ministry that in prayer and praise and service all may know your will and experience your peace and power in our lives. Let this place be a welcoming place of hospitality for those who are lonely and hungry. May your light shine and guide our paths, so that we may open our doors so all may have access to your peace. Amen. *HYMN 220 "All People That On Earth Do Dwell" Old Hundredth *BENEDICTION *THE PEACE L - Since Christ has opened his heart to us, let us open our hearts to one another, and God will be glorified. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. (Please greet one another, saying:) P - Peace be with you. Collection of Change 4 Children Offering - Leave in baskets as you leave the Sanctuary. *POSTLUDE Psalm 18 "I Will Praise Thee, O Lord, my Strength" Marcello Derry Presbyterian Church, ccli #2603863 *All who are able may stand. 4 All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A-711733. 5 Naming Level Gifts CHANCEL FONT Michael and Kathryn McGrath CHANCEL COMMUNION TABLE John and Shirley Aichele CHANCEL PULPIT Russell Boeshore Joel and Kim Reed CHANCEL CROSS Evelyn (Susie) Bos Alexander and Claudette Roca COURTYARD Abram and Patricia Hostetter David Hostetter and Suni Johnson Samuel and Melissa Hostetter Kenneth and Rebecca Hostetter Sinapius MISSION HOUSE William and Marion Alexander G. Michael III and Karen Leader J. Bruce and Sally McKinney RENOVATION CAMPAIGN Jay and Carol Carr Renovation Contributors Thomas and Catherine Abendroth George and Mary Achorn Charles and Sara Achuff John and Shirley Aichele William and Marion Alexander Richard and Janet Aradine Joel Ario and Diana Myrvang Charles and Betty Astfalk Margaret Bachman James and Gretchen Ballard Evelyn Barlet Robert and Vicki Bender Joshua and Sandra Bennett Spencer and Christina Bevins Robert and Loretta Blaydon Russell Boeshore Evelyn (Susie) Bos Joseph Bowman John and Debbie Bridgewater W. Wilson Bradburn and Marie Buffaloe Mary Bungo Tracy and Nicola Burke Cynthia Camp and Greg Silva J. Duncan and Kristen Campbell Jennifer (Jill) Campbell James and Karen Carns Jay and Carol Carr Matthew and Beulah Chabal Gary and Loretta Chubb Ruth Claybaugh 6 Wendy Cooper Gary and Susan Copenhaver Jennifer Davis Robert and Joan Davis Thomas Davis Steven Dear and Gail Matters William and Cynthia DeMuth John and Leigh-Anne Dornberger Harry and Betty Eckels Irma Ellison Kristina Englund-Krieger Larry and Arlene Espenshade George and Mary Evans Dorothy Faris Peter and Doris Feil Blondie Ferguson Peter and Anne Flowers Robert Ganse and Sara Woodbury Robert and Kathleen McKinney Gavazzi Ronald and Ann Geist Helen George James and Susan George David and Suzie Gloeckler Robert and Linda Good Scott and Nora Gould Howard and Laura Hamann David and Elizabeth Han Richard and Elise Hann Greg and Lois Harris William and Betty Helmer Jack and Sharon Henderson Deborah Hershey Ronald and Barbara Holmes Dean and Karyn Hooper Dennis and Marion Hosler Abram and Patricia Hostetter David Hostetter and Suni Johnson Samuel and Melissa Hostetter Richard and Bonnie Houtz Nellie Huber Marguerite Hunchberger John and Amber Imboden Graham and Elizabeth Jeffries Paul and Barbara Kaminski Susan Kastelic David and Mavis Kelley Young OK Kim Thomas and Nancy Kitzmiller Douglas and Lori Klucker Charles and Marilyn Koch Robert and Ann Kratz Valentins and Anne Krecko James and Ann Kroh Jennifer Leader G. Michael III and Karen Leader Clifford and Barbara Lebo Yong and Soo Lee Adam and Marion Lemarr Urs and Paula Leuenberger John Logan and Elisabeth Boyd Margaret Lohman Elma Longnaker Susan Longnaker Janice Mark Barbara Martin Richard Maxwell John McGahan Michael and Kathryn McGrath James and Bonnie McKenzie J. Bruce and Sally McKinney Robert and Judy McMillen Mary Jane Mease Roger and Judy Mecum Suzanne Miller Brian and Caroline Montgomery Nancy Morgan Daniel and Eleanor Morrison Timothy and Lisa Mosher H. Arnold and Anne Muller 7 W. Bosseau and Janette Murray Harold and Nancy Nightwine Janet Nixon H. Sheldon Parker Jr. Wayne and Kathleen Parsons Kenneth and Cynthia Pearl James and Janine Pease Ray and Gena Perry Christopher Petersen and Nancy Neuin Gregory Poland Albert and Lynn Porter George Porter Anthony and Karen Potter James Provins Joseph and Sandra Pushnik Diana Reed James Reed Joel and Kim Reed Michael Reed Harold and Gladys Reichard Neal and Linda Rhoads Dorothy Rish Edward Rish Alf Rix Gregg and Jane Robertson Alexander and Claudette Roca Stacey Ruch Arthur and Eleanor Schneider Edwards Schwentker Luke and Lilian Shade Barbara Shumate Leslie and Martha Simon Kenneth and Rebecca Hostetter Sinapius George and Joan Smith Trudy Spangler Sally Stultz David Szczesny and Connie Henry Gregory and Lee Ann Taylor Charles and Joan Theal William and Ruth Uffelman Ronald and Amee Vance Thomas and Patti Walsh James and Cynthia Warnock Faye Whitehead David and Pamela Whitenack Patricia Wiley Simon and Patsy Yingst Stephen and Kathy Yingst Mary Jane Zerbe Renovation Committee Bill Alexander Helen Anthony Dick Aradine J.O. Ballard Gary Chubb Connie Henry Don Holtzman Debbie Hough Dick Houtz Ann Geist Scott Gould Harold Nightwine Mark Smith Jim Warnock Charles Alexander, Architect Eric Lewis, Architect Miller Construction Blain Bargo John Grubic Ernie Clawser, Clawser Construction Capital Campaign Committee Marion Alexander Mike Leader Bruce McKinney Harold Nightwine Dick Houtz Sue George Church Officers ELDERS ELDERS DEACONS Chuck Achuff Marion Alexander Pam Becker Jot Bennett Spencer Bevins Tracy Burke Jim Carns Beulah Chabal Ron Geist Greg Harris Dennis Hosler Jack Keene Tracey Kinney Lori Klucker Roger Mecum Greg Poland Stacey Ruch Allison Spooner M.E. Steelman Craig Smith Joan Theal Bill Uffelman Ron Vance Michael Zeigler Sara Achuff Vicki Bender Loretta Blaydon Courtney Garcia Lynn George Ron Holmes Heidi Keene Judy McMillen Elly Morrison Jill Peckelun Lily Shade Sally Stultz Denise Talley Martha Walker Kathy Yingst, Clerk of Session Harold Nightwine, Treasurer 8
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