wa THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, IHUEPENDSST FAPEB, V rrBLWHKD BY HENRY M. WHITNEY, AT SIX DOLLARS PER AS NUM. Foreign liWtrlWn, S.OO ta SIO.OO. Office In the now Post Office Building A Another Year. II Br.l.l J. BALL. not bar year h. gone to smb. no Mr ; ar, boor, said end to davit. infaat time Ant lieped th. boon And Hn ; I obllrtne ' teaAWr 4Jd.nl dnlttacraov. Lit. kMtt laid .t rear, th. verdure Ilea. Bene, h th. in thr .ileal ritm Sow. Thriraanag Hit. am h, drier from eatr m, Whit. time glide, by a. ewtflly th. wind. lirhind. Aad oaly Mir. hi. maw. tad or. il pvaavd .onag-uaa- Tli any. af I th. Taaa anmn cum, and with bar tying (old, Tk.aiap4.aurj In arev .a. Old Tar. (or thoa an goae at aaet, aa time ha. km th. on hi. hau-- wing. Into tne aileat age. of th. aaat; of a year told. y Aav aawa, tinnga aa.i y b. i Thy tuaanl Arrar. t or the braaaa. Through the bar. breach of th. laaflaai Baas. aa. Koa Vaar with aunt frwarniug Ian, Tat. with a lb aaiai ir.aiiiii af joy; Tar a.atirr b.iin of aiatarar raara r aaathfc' faacm and fair dnam dwti oi Tr hoaiaaly Boar look. down, with aagat rraa, I ram 0aaaua. (am of raraaaav Tb. (M to ta. t ilaaaii aaih :na aatat. Ta.: bad. to worbfly banor aad l Tata; M..f iunt .h.nlno ta.-- t drear. Aad all oar fadtw. faar. tottar down WaBr eaawag aarda aatr alBC immortal aoo( tif aar grast adrhaaa aad atsnaadoo aToofa. ran. Tb, draaa. af Boarra. Tho aii Uk a o'ar Tb. rork of V. (kaaer aim tb. BL fa).. n,r o. (rand H.-- aan WW. w. itaoc wr birr trot. Batba-a- Tn..: rollBoan tty c Tub all lay aarrmal lifbt aiy.aai : artjar. thr I fall, dtamarrd AUba Thy r.U. that aii.iwi vrwry ; Thr Sev Tear's SIkUbks. And bis Newer croAwM bis t'a. not dou bit aad r' Arc all alike!" (Aid. aim can de1 1 Aiid Sioior. QuUpen, tlve pAinsukiog clerk cfaa.T-.alate At oifbt. ft eU Lawrar Lautai. ac be 4as la iaa. da; of Uta rear. dipEine aatat At the tapf of a lepai d.vnmeo: bit liberal patron Aod mmjiarf bad placed is bit baads in the early rat- -. tb. ereniar - Tbank Heaven : be add-hi pen. aod eotwalunw a bupe kvTiaar ilver bail t tree abicb be palled from A Ibread-bar- e lob, "I aaal! coos ire: Uiroorb tbit job. aod vbe- - btr for roar, potauet aod tbe charming r af Mia. 4j. And vilfa lbi4 contoitlorr be recaej bit work with redoubled ii at dro r Mr Vuytpee was a little man : not so very little a to pass lor a phenomenon bat certainly too AawaL to be noticed by a recruiting gfMAsiier ser-gea-ct Hit ooee was quite sharp and gave his kit bead a iittle air very bird-lik- e He trad. too. giocerly aad lightly very like a laat-m- w or A voatut ; aad to rnaaalrle tbe aDAogy, Ins Bead iewg almost Always snrmoccled by a aspect, pet be kmc a sort of creeled. Wee-jayia- a taal araa rather comical. Qaillpen had a very little anil aad three very little children. Bob. Otnafr aac tbe baby ; tbe last tbe ultimate speed- Ben f the attaaiaaarauio. It was ell for them taal tiiey ware so ittall. for Qaiilpen obtained his by driving the qsill for Mr. Latitat at toar aaiadied dollars a year, to which Mrs. QatlipBB adaM. trom time to time, certain little bam demed from making sbtrts and overaiii At tar rate of aboat tea ceau th million stitches. tbe- - Mr. Latiut was able to pay more was ilered tbe minale brain for he had so tumble ac of bit own menu, aod was always so I cheerful thai he regarded his salary ssd was wont play folly to sign little asses Crcrsa Qaillpen tad Girard on one side. or rare convivial occasions would atvle htaaael; Baron Rothschild. But taws Isat uue eras very rarely indulged in because it one arc! his paruetilar crony, a chackle-head- ed caerii at the posto&ae, into a cachioaalory fit atari was ' rather is the apoplectic line." Ta lelm la oar maUooa." Simon dog away at a certais low oaken ooor. opening into lanaetm't'o of this abode of law and righteous hehiad wtuch oaken door. At that very Mr. Laces Latitat, either deeply en- in the solution of some vast legal problem. on ao on islanding note. with delight a list of mortgages to do-La- , ; ; Wal, Q latfww imabed bis doenroent. wiped pet oe a thick velvet batter-fiy- . laid it in tbe rack above tbe ink. paibed back bis chair from tae latbie. aUii tbe cambric sleeve from the rttrt; arm, aad twtoolhed dowa bis wrist beads, tmvttar nrat pet on bis India rubber overshoes. The tact a be was very acxioos to get borne, sod me ooaid aol go witbooi first seeing Mr. Latitat. TV idea of knocking at Mr. LaUUI's door on basis i of Ids care, never once occurred to him. He woold co taat for a client, bat not for hi serf. oo a series of low coughs, and So be aawawsr aa cotice wav takes of them, be dropped c the poker lets tbe caalhod ; tbe noise thus crash id oc his guilty ear like tb coder, or rttkar witl tbe roar of a universal earthquake re- - a, out Mr. we it Latlitat froe bis interior. - What tbe dtnet are yoa aaasring aneh a racket farT he exclaimed in tones that thrilled to the heart af bat eaaukije ; then, witboat Beilieg !- .- t: i elirbtly glaicei a- - tte table, aad asked. " bare you got through tbe jobT to br.f. ' - Tata I tar, yes's," replied the quivering - Well ti ec. yea eas go. I'm going myself. Toe b oat tbe lighu aod lock tbe room. morning. Abc m ad aai he bare early KetbaBg fike beginning tbe N'ew Tear well. Good cigBV- Mr Latibst. mr . tAVej - ened r- Qwillpen. wiU deepe-- as he saw the great am aboct to ItV- . air. ooald yoa Vet me have a V Bight T Wi t hat do voe want of money T" retorted the itrwyer. -- Ob! I "mmm yoa bare a boat of sm-a- ud hiik." - Xo sir; ae air. taat. tot it." Simon hastened U say. I bAie"t got sarr bill staredinc- - I paw as I fax CbAh takes the totr ' - None af vosr ccane, rakar saaaw to DEALERS In Favaioaabta "Clothlajt. Rata. Cap.. Boota, Shorn, aad r.rr rarf.ty of O.ntl.m.n'1 rarnUbtna Good.. I61-l-Snow't Bnildlna. MrrrhaatSlrt. irnolnla. no, a. thr I m. Stationer, News Dealer and ttM.1 V.k.nlahitrapliv aar ' children had made tbe nsual offering of very hard sugar plums; but in each of and highly-coloretbe two large stockings, stowed away At the bot- torn, was a roll of back notes, fire hundred dol- lars in each. " Somebody wants to ruin as '" cried Simon. bursting into tears. " This is stolen money, and they want to lay it on to as." All I know about it," said Mrs. Quillpen, " il that last night, just before yoo came home, a sailor man came here with all these things, and Aaid tbey were for as, and made me promise to pat them in the stockings, as he directed, and say nothing about bis visit to you." "A sailor:'' cried Simon " I bare HI I I'll be back think I know who it is. Good-bto break fast ditectJy." Simon ran to the office, and found, as be an- ticipAted. Mr. Latitat there before him. " A happy New Year to yon, sir," said he. " Have you seen your brother V "1 bave not." replied Mr. Latitat. Simon then told him all that happened on the preceding night ; the apparition of tbe sailor the temptation the money found in the stock-whic- h iogs. in proof of which be showed the thousand dollars, and slating hit (ears lhat they had been stolen, offered to deposit the sum in his employ- er's bands. stroek. " 111 slip that letter in the pott-offic- e "Keep 'em, shipmate. Ibey were meant for and then go home," said Simon sorrowfully, rising as he Jon :" excUimed Mr. Latitat, soddenly and queer-spok- e ' And grasping his inseparable umbrella. Assuming the very voice and look of the nauti- - HaIIo. shipmate '. wbere-awa- y ?" cried A cat brother of tbe preceding ereuiog. While Simon stared bis eyes out of his head, hoarse voice, aod Mr. Quillpen became aware of tbe presence of an "ancient manner," enveloped Mr. Latitat informed him that he bad no brother that he had disguised hitnelf for the purpose io a very rough dreadnangbt. and finished off of palling bis clerk's long-trie- d fidelity to a tina! with A large amount of whiskers And tarpaulin. " I was going home, sir." replied Simon, with test, and, lhat sustained triumphantly, had e arded him in the manner we hare seen. He deferential air of a very little to a very bie told how. disgusted in early life by the treachery man. and ingratitude of fr.ends And relation? who had "Ay going to clap on hatches And I toll me one thing w hereaway may one find combined to rain him. he had become a misao cove, a regular land- - disinterested fidelity, Mr. latitat a aUvtv-goiB- g rigid sS,la.;bf..b?r.als3e.f1 shark, d'ye see?" denial and cheerfulness, had won back his better - This il Mr. Latitat t office, sir" said Simon. nature, and be wound off. as he shook Quillpen wsxmiy oy toe nanu, oy Announcing nut oe uao "Ay and he is within hail I" raised hit salary to twelve hundred dollars per "Xo, sir ; be has gone home.'' Aonom. " Tliase The srood news slmost killed Simon. "Slipped his cable, bey ? Jost trv lack ! Well, one mieht snooze comfarUblv on ibis here Tour honor," said he. endeavoring to frame an reply--oo- -that t lease Uble-mt- ghln lhe! Ton can dear oat, and 1 11 your eicellencT yoo ve gone and ain done it yon ve Uke care of tbe shop till morniibT." ! I done ,ne .nd was Biron Rothschild be- it - That would be perfectly inadmissable." said fore, and now no I can't tell what I am it Simoa; "the idea of a stranger sleeping here!" i0'1 in DO biographical dictionary, and 1 don't ! in ,be ' NVe,i,h "A strattger P cried the sailor. - Why. ship- never mind, said Latitat, laaghing. mate, yon don 1 happen to know who I am ? Look - po home and tell Mrs. Qaillpen the office won't aud that 1 shall depend at me I Doo't yoa find somewhat of a family like- - be open till mog ! 00 dinoer with yoo all nets 10 Lucius in my old weather-beate- n B. TOWmKLTO O'H ' i moni'T on ' A Office I'm his brother his own blood brother ! Ton mast a heard him speak of me. Been crating Around the world in cbsse of Fortune, but could never overhaul bar. Been sick, hipwrecked. sod now come back as poor as I went. But Lucius has got enough for both of ns. How glad he'll be to see me hey. old Wfav. man Alive. Ink And Cut: j j Late Jaxiox, Otux IMPORTER a cent from him." Then I'll tell yoa what I'd do," said tbe Mil I.ItM lit GROCERIES Family body io tbe face," answered tbe "ancient mariI raaak yoa a fair offer, shipmate, ner" grimlv. jackass as it like a hog-sho- re rejected and yon to ye." yoo sre- - Good-nigMuch to hii relief, tbe sailor took himself off. and Simon, after locking and double locking bis door, went tO tne pOSIOmCe and deoosited the letter with which he had been intrusted. As he lived a great way up on the Xeck. he did not reach home until After All tbe clocks of the city bad stroek twelve, ao that he was Able to surprise his little wife, who was sitting up for him, with a - Happy New Yearr Be cast a rueful eye at the line of stockings in the si Ui hurts; along the mantle-piecorroafully Anoouoeed to bis wife bis And then mare to attain mooey of Mr. Latitat - Here be nothing for the stockings. Meg." said he, " ualess what tbe poor children pot ia " I am very sorry," aaid his wife, who bore tbe Public 11.11. fat. A t. CAVrra. r. c. joxss. ja ) V DEALEES 0". HIDES C. BISHOP THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA. Xtw Yerk, abs tana Auurs is t It I BETBOFOLlTA-- l C. WALLER, Proprietor r173 hack riii.it a co., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Ocean Street. Hooolnln. H. I. tt ED. HOFPSCELAEOER CO., dxrlo ALFRED ALIEN A 460 ly flARTH EEL. HI 1. 1. IX. WOK KAWAIHAE, LAW. ly II. I HAWAII, WTtlconUaae tbeGeaeralBerchaadiaeaad Shippla baainea, K, a ran .a.re thwyore prepared to furauh the jnetly cel. I rated Kawaihae rotator,, aad nrk other Re cruit, at art reouiroa oy wnmaaaip,, at tar all. I all aorjea aad oa tbe moat rataitwtblt tn aa, Firewood always on hand. a co., v 71 nrPORTERfi ABD DEALERS IB HARDWARE Cutlery, Dry Good.. Paint, aod Oil,, aad Qrneral Mer- a, No. ta, alas Utiaal, Hoaoiala. Itsa-i- y rto. a l. I AtAWI AT, a. 6. cLEenoR.t iAtruaiAAt Gcnornl Airs arnm a to.. Comer Queen aod Kaahamana StrawU, Nuoann St . and corner Fort and Hotel Sir. ly 44B C. 8. BARTOW, Auctioneer. fl,l,winiBi om'Oaaaa Street, on. door front Tt.baaataa at ,y : Isl. IMis. IN ly MUTUAL CO., INSURANCE New Yorls.. NOTICE. THE OLDEST, LARGEST 1000 CLEAN KEROSENE TIERCES I'or T nllin. or Oil. Alto, very Snperior Eastern Pine MOLASSES BARRELS all ready for oar. Abu, OAK BARRELS AND TIERCES for eacKiuf Beef. Other CASKS of all deasriptlon. for aale At tbe Old bland Corner of Klnjc and Hi th. I Streets. ly 414 I. JAMES J. S. ATHBBT05. H. CASTLE. LEWIS. AND BEST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY No. 80 Dlarrboaa, Colica. Ooacb.. Aathata. Rhanmatarat, New ralgla, Whoopiac Coast. Craaip lli.tr. ... Ac EXTRACTS PROM MKDICAL OPINIONa The Rlrbt Una. Earl aaaa.ll coaini.nlcated to tha Colahr. of Phy.iciana. aod J. T. Dav.nnort. that he bad rec.led la-- f. rm.l mii in tb. effect taat tha oatr remedy of any aerrkra la Cholera w,i rill.iuiUDl iiacf li. 31, las.. Dr. Lowe, Medical Miaaionary In India, reporte (Dee . lfta) that in nearly ever raa nf Cholera la which Dr J COI.I.I nil iH NK'.i CULORODTNE wag atlminittered, tha patient reeo eered. Rvtract from .Vtdical Tiwui, Jan 11 tWli ' CWocodyne (a Of preecri la-- l by ar rea of orthodoi medical prartiHonera courao it wnqld uol thoa ba einnalarly pnpnlar did it n t 'anpply a want and ill a ptatea. ' Kitrart from tha General Bard of Raaltb. i. aa to ' So atronay are e ronflaced of the t a efficacy in Cholera. imroenae valae of thla remedy, that wa raaaot tao fbeclhly arine the neranwaitr tkf tvdopUac it la all raaaa." Nne jtennine without the worda " Dr. J. CAUTION. ill.- - BROWNI" oa the Ooteranent SUntp. Overwhelna-Inp- c medical teatlmony aecooipaalea each bottle. Sole Mannfactarer, T. DAVRHPORT, 33, Oreat RDeaell St.. Blonntahnry, London. fVld In Botllea at la. tUd., Si. 0d.t and 4a. M ' In New V r it. w. 11. ScaiarriUM tt Co. and J. C. 4fi ftm WruA. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL In the I'nltcd States. General in Merchandise, King Street, Honolala, Hawaiian Ialanda. SOS ' AGENTS FOR 4 i urn ,i;s. , to fnil t ittaut ) Dowartt A Co., Paints, Oil, sTsils, Salt and Building Materials, of every kind. I A I V, Notary Pablic and Commissiontr Offlce at Tor tb. State of Calltaraia. Co.. Kaahnwiano Street, Hoaolnla. th. of Dssdi Bank of Blab op 44v-l- HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. EXGISES, Bngar Mill., 39. STEAMCooler,, SaawIamiBollera, Iron, Braaa and Lead CaaUnga Machinery of Every Description, - aar- Maae to Order. TEA Parti cular Attention pAid to Ship's Blaekimithing 403-l49- - JOB WORK .xocuted on the ahorteat notice. O. Saeaxxxjf. G. SEGEL.KE3T a X (KM ESTABLISHED S rcr.pt' BA Particnlar attention given to Orderafrom tha otaar Ialanda will be carefailj Attended to. Thankfal to the Cititeo, of Ilonolala aad the Iaiaada gtntasfls let their liberal patronage ia th. peat, w. bop. lay ttrkt atreaftna ta) battens ta aaarit tha laaa fcr th, fatal-- . 607 ly onr BAarfcaa. or bat. ran tier, warn Samoa, LUXURIES AND ALL THE DELICACIES SB 1 A he eettleil IJttie i!lpot a Dejeuner a la Kuurchette or an Oyator "upper. mat 11 ineiirap. other hloooaheil can tie M ter, or DOIItlcai kltea .a Papuottea. Omelatt. aux Oonfectu ra. Be. evebvthiwu t ooiirn 4Va, outs, TO H'KS Oil arcWDATS. Plooao Olvo mo Osall. St, Vow OBHLHAPTaCt. Chwf Aw cwatt BOBS; XT ltOLLKS Anchor, Aad aSc Cotton aad IIaap Sail Twiae. Stockholm Tar. American Tar, Stotkhalm Pileh. Wilaiagtos Fttab. Whale and Sparm Oil A P.int. aad Paint Oil. n - af ' Stores and Ship Groceries will be ssU lbs Icwes faBSaMe All of Mf wkaib At 4AS priest. FRUITS. I'lllV CASFB I'lIdalnrea, R. msBcaa, caaaa Plaaaa, Caawa iaaea rtranea. Aa.orlrtl f'rwlla. a arat t CO AKTHuno. Ik,, to aTRIOIIT Por ,al by BOI.LaSt A CO AMCHOBA IROV-STOC- K E50LISH lb,. 4S0A S For Sale or For Leaae ! PtIA'tl l f OTTAfiEB, mm LY l.calwd, with rardaaa, ..tk".at tad rrwrr tonr.ni.nca. Kaattrt of 4TS ly Brno TA fl K?lWAt.r M ABsllVKKtl. Star Copper Faint, INmrMinis Kale hr tM lm HALF S1AM.41W I BntABW B o41, Oolden Gate Floor, raw m. r. MtauaAT. VBF.cr.ivF.o aa Katra Family, And am in.ixjtai Polar and Sperm Oil. qi'AVriTICt I at TO 444 ay wl, B BAB I. AH AID. Columbia River Spring Salmon, 1874 MM- untin nikiii a. r i it M. A. amail U.t. pa, tad bv W AerT A aad ( Warranted a Splendid Arhem. Far ati. by a CO. B04XBA fSMTj Fresh California Lime, PES ll'UUT, FOB BALE mTt n r r a "V Fine Assortment of Crackers, wi kbat. balb mr nn v Saloon Pilot Bread, in a. iihiit, ay pkb F.rKirr.n Od CAHE1 - For i ant rag a nr. Fruiti and VegaUsUe. ASSOKTHEBT Of THF frost tbs fashsrs. Far Sals If BOI.I.K A CO. 4M BATE, rwtlff; PBOPBIETOB M. WII.I. BO NPABK palo. to make thla HOTBZi ELEGANT First Class in Every Particular -- Rieke tak.o in any part of tbe Ialanda oo Wooden Building, aad at.rcbaadiM stored thereto. Dwelling IKaeea aad Faro, tare, Timber. Coal., Sbipa in harbor with or witboat cargoi-o- r k CO... under repair. 1488 lyj ED. HOIISCHLAgQEa Boston Board of rodrrwriters. AGENT for the HawaiianU. Ialanda, M BrlKW ert 1 Canned t f o's Celebrated Factory, IT" t HI CO. () SPTJNYARN, WORHLIBB, HOrSILIBl, For aal. by Scarpa, c, BOLLEH B CO BOLLKS A CO American Mess Beef, in Bond. WIH EAFT aar ante by Boms a co. CAUFOBBIA OAT BIAT-P- wr Ma by ! TEAT BET BP C4JAB CTEEa, FraabAAdJaetraeeivadby tbe arrival of tba I aa raj " Foe taat by fBTBTB 1 tie War! TAR FOR SALE BY BOLLES A CO. Fresh Eastern Bacon, PEB a co. PITCH IX BBLfl ABO HE. BBU. Piuh ia kbit. Ftr sal by Oregon Hams ate. COAL TAR. at tb.aBe.af 3CHAEFER A 00. BOLtia PITCH. STOCKHOLM B HAllBIISeH-DREnE- lf 50 CASES COAL SEIXT5fr. . Late, Turkey, rutin Ageat of Vienna Board of Underwriter,. Jaaaa, aanaanrt laaaraara Oompaalea within tb. JnriuBctlo. d of tha abor. Aoarda of Gadarwritara, will bar. totxcorU-Aa476-I- y to by th. abor. agral to waak. tana valid. 1 Oat Ray. Boiled Beef. Caae. Koaat Motion, Caoea Bouad Afattoa. Casta Koaat Veal, CauHt 474-l- of Cnderwrltra, Bremen Board ACEXT ofofDraaden Board of Underwriter,, Tt HHP IB ABT tad 1 SIZES. PTJT CP IB CART00S3, the ftaaias artiaia. B0LLR3 A CO. ASSORTED for taU hy BOCK TI RTI.II SOUP, CABE8 Koaat Beef, Philadelphia Board of Cnderwriters. A GENTS for tlte Hawaiian Ialanda, C. BREWER A CO. F. A. 8CHAEFEB, S, 4 G-qokX- s FROM Cuttine w. aa SPERM CANDLES, CO. 1509. F. A. On.ral And a VV MERCANTILE term., for partirriarr hain Cable,, asserted IttSS. t Cotton Duck and Hemp Canvaa, Ami, CAPITAL ROOMS CIN BE HID BY THE WEEK OR RIGHT. Accumulated and Invested Fund, 3,038,111 with or without board. HAVE BEEN Ijarg. Roonia to let mr Public THE CXDERSIGSED AGENTS for lb. Sandwich Iilanda. and art Hall and 401 Hentlaaga ar Boeletlra. ly aalhorirod to Inure agaitut Fir. upon farorable t.rau. 474-l- y fSapipe-- - A. AC. is 12 P. St. At taatr nialliaria or la th. l oach A?a,000,000 moat farorable arm Canned Keats. COMPANY. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. TTJT, ZIHC AND COPPER SMITHS. AND hawing been OH SHEET IE WORKERS, A grot, of tb. abor. Company, an prepared THE D5DES8IG5ED Bunanu B tract, bttwssn Hsrchant and Queen toinaurenaka againat Fir., on Stone and Brick Build-lag- ., and on Iferchandlaa atored ther.io, uo tb, Hareconsuntlyon hand, Stores, Pipe. Galranized apply Iroo Pipe. Plata aad Hoae;Bibue.&top-cocIndia Rubber Hoa. t.at in leugthe of aod 40 feet, with coapil aod pip. complete . Batb-TubI aadaltoa eery largeatock of Tinwareof ereryde- - aaw where aa HotaL, Prepared Lime Juice, OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. Kiatlaa. lunch Room! ss PRIVATE PARTIES CAE BE SUPPLIED WWTA BB A BTBB INSURANCE CO., Ca PVBUC tin Hot aad Celt. I.narh", Early aad LAta A to all port, of the world, and ric. reraa. 476-H. UACKFELD r. First-Cla- rwady to AGEBT8 OF THE THE t'KDERSIGSBD, Company, bar. been a.thorized to inaure nak, on Cargo, Freight and Treaanrc, from llocolala NORTH BRITISH AND Comer Port and Queen street! JOH.. II. VI. II INSURANCE HOMEOPATH 1ST, 63 FORT STREET, 483 HONOLULU, H. I. jly A CO., WILDER rSFORX to ! iA SAM'L G. WILDER, Afenl for the Hawaiian Ialanda. 3m a 7 Prune ARB CAUTIONED AOAINST t A. th. unfounded .tatemrnln fre.iuentlr Bad., "lhat tbs torapotition of Crlonopv.a if RAown to Chrro- UU and th. Mwlieal pror.Atioa." Tha faot it, was di,enr.r.d and inr.nlad by Dr. J. COL-LI- 8 IIROWNB (m Aray Madieal Hur), and so aam.d by him, anil it has baffled all attempt, at anal yii, by tho ftrst Ckaatlitt of tb. day. Tb. m.tbod and reorat of Ih. pr.par.tion bar. n.v.r b..n It Is obrioas, therefor., thai aaythln' told under tht naort. tavt - J. COLI.IS BRUW.NR S . CHI.ORODYNB. is a rpariost n . CAUTION. P. Wood it. tad Dr. Collit Brownt was uoduubtadlT tht lAVtAlor thai of ChlorodBt. AND ACTION. aaHBDIAL l inn inraiuai'i. r.metiy pr.mcea qnl.t, ratrniat ,ip.a, retl.rei Asia, ralatth, ytton, rattorm Ih. deransed and alinulalea halthy action of lb. Mer.llnn. nf th. b.fy, without cieatinf any of th,we anplea...! reaall. tbe ., of oplaa. 014 aadyodwa aaty take It at all hour, and time, wh.a rmial.il.. Thunwtnda nf paraon. tea. tify to lu aarrrlloa. rnod .Seel, and wondarfnl car.,, watt, medical men .a to! iu rtrABt moat eiteaelrory, arias It la cr.,t i).iantn I.. In th f.dtowina dl.raiie. Cholera, Pya-fcar- y Shipping and Commission Merchants, Dealers aP THM K12IO. In connecUoa with tbe abor. J . T. COOKS AMD i.i jaajawrrfl rwaEaaiisjwKB, Btrrun to Ha Opened M-- J, CASTLE & COOKE, rjt TjalorctanTT cilaBQ, tit ill BROW rraa ' - COOKE ACENTS, FOR Till; II LIFE Tin: AMD 1 $ia,aao,ooo & J. fOLLIS TT1W 3D XLOI O IS THELO ORIGINAL 0NL7 OEHUIII. among the memhrr.i annually- .n DR. 4THy Mark,-!- 441-l- y in i.i.i x.n tfi'.afriAtierf nt ,t of Boston, siniiillnc . iriv.-f- , CofTFwt, MMi' Fa. CoTiiaiTTo?i and FLoatL "it-Tfry amwUng for Part iaa. ntnwT'i'a Tta&BT. Rica, TaiTrnsi, and othar Touit Pownaaa. A liberal alWanre to Shipper. Trade UaU at 8, 9 J nd. III M M KI. Perfumer KUllKNK H.R H the Prlnreaia of Walee 58. Strand. W, Recent Street, and 34. C"rnhill. 17. ?artw, and Tt, Klng'a Rnd iIm Itnlleaja, IM-tBrlghtna, ft, by all Pertamerj; Temlnre. Policies Issued on tho most favorable TermJ Melbourne, Brioa. I"rjto (4s4-iy- GENERAL Si. AT ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELLOR 499 Oaat Over Hoffmann', Draf Store. and Soar. fThe grtatett Risk tahtn cn a Life.20.000 Beef. Mutton and Veal of the Beit .Qaalitr. lAlao, Salt Pork. Salt Beef, Superior Pork Saasayea, alwaja on hand aod at th Lweii Market Price. '' 440 MvaU delivered t.- all parti of the City. Lumber, Queer. Street, Hoaoiala. H. I. Thirty. One 404 LUNCHBOOMJ i"t' Asst. Y rnoio: perfiheit, pa. Iroits ,r" CO. Loro'i Steam Bakery, No nana 9 tract, Honolulu, F. W. DrXNE, Piuriii: r. liR. o. x. l T. WATERHOlsE, IMPORTXB AMD DEALER IN BFJtCHANDISE, Syrlnf), Si LONDON- : Al ly MERCHANTS, AND COMMISSION 478 lyl Honolulu. Oahn. H. I. KH1 TMaUft : The New Borland Mutual Life Insurance Co., Boston. Thr K"h.!e Plantation, Tbe Orecao Packet Line, Dr. Jayn. A Son', Celebrated The Haiku PlAnlation. W. H. Bailey', Plantation, Medicine.. Wheeler A Wilaon'a Sewing; Wataiua Plantation, Uamakua Plantation, Bacblnea, ii. ntTOBTEBS : : K1AMCHU IS C I " H by All the World. dc N an, Draa or FriarM.', Rorit Ttatn.L. InL.ao-IstA.JortlT CLra, raAnaiTAMa. and other P.rfame. of .14.1,11. frajreaae.. rtiwan-'LATina.a Wats., dlaillled frotn Mllcham Flow. ATA, and lwrrorrn rtoaiSA WatI. 'or It, aa.f.1 and Riaaii's Tmiar Visit At, aanlt.rr prooertlea. . or Liar Jrica (lircrai.E. lb. liiaari. tbe kalr. erpertally in warm cllmataa. PT AoCAhitTut Aw wltllenin Ike teeth refrrablng the id. nth. atvl .'iinftinw tha brath. RivaiL'a flirrtatira, HowflT, Wtwr-o- a, and other TorttT ENGLAND M Tht Union Insurance Company of San Francisco. 1. 1 . Ilonolaln. 1.; Pari., Auckland, SINK CORPORATION. traotact a General Banking Dry Good., Painu, Oil and General atcrchaadiaa, Corner Fort aod h ins Sta. Klnc Street, Bolton, RmnFi. COMPANY, Mutual Life Insurance Co CASTLE Hawaiian Hotel ritAA. NOTICES. Potatoes and Cheeae, per Miuray. BBBCBaTWEB ABB FOB BALE BT THUS VB- It CALIFORNIA POTATO EM. BXBBAT, FOB SALE BT BOLLES A CO. Greenbacks Wanted, T.VOK WHICH THE HIGHEST PBICB WILL WHiraar, Mr be paid at tae Bookatore of h. it ! Jfti mHE af ia BALE, roa Hats ud Manila Cordate, all rises. Patent aad Plaia Bath Bloeks. all v SOJ-l- otaB. a C. Brewer No. 34 Queen Street. a OOOKE. AQCNT6 ly for the Hawaiian Hands. Surplus Pal. ? Mnrliic. SAN FRANCISCO, : A. L. BANCROFT A CO., tea Frinr s INCORPORATED, HIS, CO., : S ly To Manurarlur 40-- c AOKST FOR THE BRITISH HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ii ii .i an t daaw i I THF. Marine laiuranc. Company, (Llmltedl, hu r.-to rednee the rate, ol tn.nranr. e.ired taatrnctlon. 1. .n.,i .n,i Port. In th. Pacific, and Ir now nr. aw.n pared to Iwne rollcle. t th. Inert A" atM, with a peck, redaction on Frelsbt p" jtteatner. 1 llr.li. 11. tlx 1 tas. 513-jloeaf BVil. he Jfr. far. fa. tiau'led. y 44 JK Co.-Agen- ts. jSBaf Famrahl. M ta alway. made for .torar. aad ihlpaiwit of ml. mw, Wool. Dfctae aad aWfiwd. Aatia. !lrw Tar aad othor Werraandta. to ! oth.r briar. Port,. AaT Caafc Adraarw aaaaa. O SAAB Ik m CO. 4M.1t tjr Insurance Notice. BAsriXEns, HOSOLVLl', 5 - Merchants, 218 California Street, San Francisco. FIRST 2 n i :i si i CO., all luch Bonki and 9ta as can bs dune here m well tvi eltewhere, aod tbcretT ilirccllT benefit our caatomer and oorselTM, SBCOM).- - To Buy mmd Sell Bookt nn-- 9Ullon try mm to nikke it to the interest of dealsrt aad conium-r- a to come to - in prvferent?e to wiidins Kaat. We mnQiifiirtnre and ia port eTcrr deacrlptloti of St tionery, carrring lai(tt ttocki of Paper, EnvlrpM and Blaak Biokof oar own manufactore, Inks, Mata,tte. Over 1,500 varielieaof Blank (orm kept in Stock. . PACIET LIRE BOSTON AND HONOLULU Trom s o'rJack The Basis of Our Business. - si : Shipping and Commission RtwaiL's Fort are.t, Honolulu 4H Ir & - THIa d. e.niCEtOK IMPORTERS AND And all kind, of Building Material., " ui O I wta a nicKKoiv DEALERS IN LUMBER, LaBWKbM Sal csaa. a. aoaaAi iitcaa ad. WILLIAMS, BLANCHARD OeXOTLE j l'l Ll and t Ol l l.li: LIVIftl. A. Il at. IS il - OF SAX F M A " j, lmmS ! Alao ' - "' riJRXisui' 4s3-l- y HI s - r. BOOKS A STATIONERY MS S 00 - I II i ;s Importer of and Dealer ia Dry Qoods and Clothing, Hats and Caps, lMPOKTUfl IN HAEDWAEE, mi Be UNION INSURANCE Xo. 22 Xuuanu Street, near K::t( and under Odd Fellow,' HaU. ly Honolala, Hawaiian I.Land,. AND Uawaiiaa Ialaod.. S. MA4.IM. Importers and Commision Merchants E. O. BALL A A Ship Chandlen and General Commission Merchants Alwi Av.nt.rnr thePvaloaS.lt Work. Iloaolnla. iSi'i Eat!! r" ai.ar BtxaT a. wimtas. . ms. 1XSURANCK a Co.,)CO., A. W. PEIRCK to C. L. RlCBAaM (Soccearora i? . llinoiBY ll Thr Proprietor of th. abor. Work, it prepared Io .apply bU cOAtomera, aad th. pablic ia gearral, with the beet quality Yellow Sioap. Salt Soap alway. on nanrl. 813 lt TV HietMl Vice Ptiifrr Snap Gnu. I. F. A. SCHAEFKB A CO., IWOETEES MJ-l- af- - Particular attention paid to Cunaurnmenta of I aland Produce. ,91 iy 4T6 m thai - ca iiPii MH3ij on l SOAP WORKsj, W. J. RAWLINS. ly CO., & HPU il i- BB notify lUa trietHla and all tnoavt Uiat are in TALLOW tVjyrAl-NLlls- . d t hat he Llas now on hand and for aale j. d. larrn. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lT Honolulu. Hawaiian Itlandi. t:i e I th. s 1! m VI OX. dir. Al'HI CK, Importers. Wholesale sad Retail Dealers in General Merchandise, Store en Nauam Street, AndChioaOood. in tacFire-proo- f ander ills" rgs:S C. Brewer A Co. -- Agent, tjt rarwlTad Atara. Fee. "gah" It. on .hlpm..... mi- - ABA A co. THAT KX HAH Commission Merchant, 403 Front Street, earner of Clay, man FRAwrrsM-o- . I - Mrrebaadla. BEGS LEA VE Forwarding and HAWAIIAN, - DISPATCH LIRE FOR SAM FRARCISCO! CO.. Ar.nts. A FOTIKTGN NOTICES. A. P. EVERETT, a year, payable la advance. S-- t ih CD a CO.. Commi44ion Mercbaata. Plantation aad Insurance Agents, 7y Honolotn. liawaii.n Iilanda. all f HILO, HAWAII. BREWER tl.at, Fort IRWU G. III parohaaerf bv C BREWER SlfJ-lr- for th. Kaokoa will ba . of charta. Tub rendered io Hawaiian. If d .ireit. room of th. lication office. In the lower rlf All conimnQtcalioQa BnllJinit. ftiouid or assraaasa to H. M WII1TNET. Pnbll.h.r. DEALERS Ilonolaln a Adr.rlla.in.ntr and Commnnie.tlon, aa Ford Slor.. 49 . Next ( round ruler, and a commanding attitude. " Don't yoa come anigh aac, or there'll be a case of justifiable homicide here. How dare you counsel me to commit a robbery on your own brother f I wonder yoa Ain't Ashamed to look me in the face." " A chap as has cruised as many years as I have ia tbe low latitudes ain't Afraid to look Any- Gr.ry 4U-1- y WahlntoB Jlcat J Bill, Promptly Collected. C. FROTISI0N AND PLANTATION. MAKEE PLANTATION. H'W Oop of sirtimr Molnaaea f ow coming in. and for sale in qcan- Labor i.rJ . tlti.a to - rmrf r. "Smr Edition, 4,800 Copies A LAI'K. 1511 1. 1 SH-S- "THE KUOKOA," WEEKLY NEWSP1PIR, PRINTED . . Arv4 HTTOaacocK. ATTOKKET-AT-LA- Ki) 507; " I'd overhaul some of hie letters. Steam will open a wafer, and a bot knife-blad- e and wax. I'd overhaul bis money-lette- rs thai pay myself. Ha ! ha ! do yoa take ? N letter you've got in your fin, my boy, looks very of ebioplasters. moch like a dokiment chock-fal- l What do yoa say to making prize of 'em ': Wouldn't it be a jolly go I" "Staivd oUI" Aaid Simon, Assuming a heavy aa. (.111 Comer of Hotcdwand Fort Strreta. M BRIT OF AT.CH, - alway. to be found at the Bar. TIM (IHMCT'.T aad 42 ly r, a raira. a. w. laixb. ( dflAI CO. CROP NOW COMING IN. FOR SAH qnantiti.s to snit parebattrt, by " C. BREWER A CO.. Afantf. NEW Agents and Wholesale Dealers in General Merchandise. Queen St., next to th.OnV. of J. 1, rKjw..tt. Rk fly SubseripliOB RT LETT SALOON, H. HACK FBI. D WAILUKU iy "i" m c aaawaB salt in qnantltlad te suit by i a t. Importers and Committion MERCHANT COMMISSION Lloyd", and th. Lirerriool tTad.rwrft.ra, British and Forrian Maria, tn.uranc. Company, and 4S9.1r North.rn AarnranrrCwnriany. t4SS-l- sail- or, confidently. AND asp to Km rot BA Interior Ofliee. Honolulu KjaNrRatan c v. I Cd. A y 4S ly to Uke Acknowledgments for t 4S9-3- TIIEO. H. U ATI U.S. j ADAMS. HI. Pi. UR1ABAI TI A CO.. IKPOETEES ASS WHOLESALE DEALERS In Fa.hinnabl. Clotbiiur. Hats, Cap.. Boot.. Shoe, and e,ei J variety of Oentlem.n". snperior Fnrni.hine Gowda. Store la kfakee". Block Queen Street, Honolulu, U. I. e. txeeuttd. mlly Hong Kongi 44-ly- Kairj Que.n, Actire. CHAM. Ae-en- AND BILLS COLLECTED, Drafting, Bookkeeping, Copying. oik i..r Bnsint aao fraeraf Cbaainion ear t AM) Queen Street. Benulals. D. I. f.lt isei-l- NotaryT tilLICIa, Public former OflVe. over Henry M. Whltney'e Bookatorr. , Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, OA. I ACCOUNTS Iliiu. Hawaii. P. Marj Ell.o, Pau.hi. Merchant Street. Honolulu, J. W. AuUa Notfiry Public, E. in and for AND RICHARD F. BICKER II. UITCIH OCK, O. GENERAL coacacxasxoiT aobnt. torjrr raw arvooantaa . acnrity. ral prof-rtgrot, in Lfn4oa, and In all part of Anatralia. M W'hitLcj Book Stor, Mertbaot Street, oTr U. THE ORIENTAL Tape!" Simon bad his doubts about lhat matter, but told tbe sailor to come in the morning and see. - That I will," aaid the tar. " aod start him op with a rousing Happy New Year Bui 1 say. shipmate. I don't wan't to sleep in the watch-boose- . Have yoa never a shilling Abont yoor trousers ?" Simon answered thAt be hsdn't got a cent " Why ? Don't lhat brother of mine give yon good wages I" Enormous !" said Simon. " Wbal becomes of it all IT " I spend it all I'm very extravagant," said Simon, shaking his bead. "And iben. I'm sorry to say. your brother is not always punctual in his for instance, I couldn't get payments. NOTICES. 1H SIM-S- V Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. nVMPHKLI. .V TI RTO. ProDrietor. V t r ip ..f Sugr of op.rir qaalitr, aoa eoatinf .ITatl. tiiaWwMlnajMMniM . aanwa rW la. with th. p.;. aBaa gl... I. tit. .1 m aeale, 4 III. ... Th. rate, of rrmlttanrM for adr.rl lwt.tU or aalau lliant awry a. naw. in powta(. ilaaip. ar rota ACHT7CK. a.JAisaa. v. aiiaEit. . Willi. Letter of Attoracy, 1um, Mortpc. and aim, avdriM tn all braacb cf Lav, and Icndi ' "ell. UMr AFONG 516-lr- MERCHANDISE, Fort St.. ahor.O.1.1 IS T SHIPPING. KAUPAKTJEA PLANTATION "0.. dk GOODS AND DRY on i.ok Conveyancer, l Solicitor, Proctor Attorr.j-at-La- Prpra 'PPP"5 , il... St.r.i! aad C.nrla. nromnll. r.a.m.M. t.nn,. DEALERS r. KIILKRR IN iHkM. . H.lfofCnl IN aad for tale SUGAR NOWto COMIN salt por.has.r9 hj or.r eoa-i- r.lll. .,.,...' ron lt...Jr!ti cranna. B. 4 roi PLANTATIONS. hi. rnitaai practic, b. Dra. Stor., corear of Port and H -' y St,. At.. e- Quarter Third ofColeain .. WHOLE NO. 520. "DENTIST, caa laand at Harlae; rarnmrd Slr.hr 4 Co-- 'i i r. 1 Chifly was seated nearly on his hea l and baby was crowing in its crAdle. Happy New Years " Ob. dear papA and and kisses were exchanged. mamma P cried Bobby, " what a beautiful horse I fonnd in my stocking !" " And what a beautiful wax doll wi'h eyes that move in mine," said Cliffy and such a splendid rattle and coral in baby's. Go, do go down and see what there is in yours." " Tbis is some of your work, little woman." whispered Simon to his wife. But the little Much mystified woman denied it emphatically. The he hurried down to the breakfast-room- . w" A I ' WHOLESALE AND Lin- l"T 8 Sal 44A tost t m if n Ml It MUM MM 4Avl eSSUASsI tSVSlieSS SB mi io m u ol i ssi at m m m u ooiu i 4 mi M mm 4 rs oa MLIn..- -ii Kta J1 Ui"--J Incbta 48 .!. -- r " rata.. wera ara MMI lkior ekarsvd qMTrl- 1874. DR. jTIOTT SMITH, BROTHERS, II a MA", IMPORTERS 14 IC l109 4MM e.. lSUaea-lla- I . cr-- rtt- w- oarda. 1M . dlarwaat rraa, .jT.rtM.nrnt. when paid BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. f with yoor own hands as yoo go home." "And you can't let me bare a trifle T" gasped Simon. " Not a cent P snarled the lawyer, and he slammed the door behind him, and went heavily down the stairs. " I wonder how it feels to punch a man's bead." said Simon, as be stood rooted to the spot where Mr. Latitat lelt him. " lt' illegal it's Acuona- ble : there Are fines and penalties provided bv tbe statute ; but it seems as if there were cases thai might justify tbe operation morally. But then, again what good woold il do to punch his head ? Punching his bead wouldn't get me the money and if I was to try it on. finding that the licks didn't briog out tbe cash. I might be tempted to help myself to the eaah. Aud that would be high- way robbery ; and when the punchee ventured to suggest that, the puncher might be tempted to sileDce him. 0 Ldrd that's tbe way tbee mur- ders in tbe first degree happen ; and 1 think that I was Almost oa tbe point of taking tbe first step. I really think I look a little like Babe, the pi- rate." Added the poor man. glancing at his mild bat disturbed features in the glta ; or like "Cap-tain Kid.., or leastways like Country McOlasky a regalar bruiser 1" Sitting down belore tbe grate, and stirring it feebly with the poker, he tried to devise some feasible plan for supplying the vacuum in bis treasury. He might borrow, bat then all his frieodi were very poor And particularly hard op at tbis particular ataoor, of the year. Tbe boll's eye watch might have bet n " spooled." if be had foresees this contingency; bet every avuncular relative was now at tbis honr of the night snug Purchasing on credit in bed, to a dead ceruiotv. was not to be thought of. aod the only toyshop kept open late enongh for bis purpose was kept by a man to whom he wag totally unknown. Time galloped on, meanwhile, and the half-ho- . nhed in beautr iwnbtn; B ttf roar, ud th. new. mown bar ! HONOLULU, post-offic- e wwn. TV 52. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, Reserve it lor yonr loose com- announcement mnch better than he Anticipated ; If not to par bills, whtt for hut we'll have A happy New Year for all that." " rieaae. tir. Simon's roasted potatoes were completely e. that is Mr. Q. And myself. charred, he had been detained so late ; bat there WAOt to pot Aometbing io the children ' stockings, tir." was a little meal in the center of each, and charThen pot the children's legs in 'em!" said coal is not at all unhealthy. He went to bed. 1 make the lawyer with a grin. no payment and in spite of his cares, slept the sleep of the to be osed for ny sneb ridicnloas porposes. just. Good night. Yet, stay take this letter there s A confused babbling awoke him at daylight. Master Hobby was standing on his stomach. Mist money in it a large Amount pot it in the Iw m , ...p m lb. rm lore, aont ttd ply all latitat. - panions. of grief It null of Jot n4 'Tt. F o. wber. other .ear. hare gnee before. - X,NO. : . Typ. PROGRESS. JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN A WEEKLY VOL. Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. L rl!"i! i. CAUrORl t I BpAaUBi B 00 California I.iAte, PortUnd Cemeal, t aliforaia Brick. Por aal. by BOLUS A CO. Bl ItTHORITV. 4 SPECIAL NOTICE. m hriairnrt in Canadian Reciprocity. HooIlai. ing who may answer a general description, mbrht greatly embarrass tbe due ex rest low of the trust. Courts of Eanltv will dispense with, all the credit h( I ora and others Intereated la tfea) trust being mads surreuawlmg lake, high direct parties. And It will be same lent. If tbe bill m v,m i iiiuvn ia tiro tight to enforce Ike doe execution or the trust, nifu, e'l title- - uuinneu iwa taat It should tie broatfat on behalf or all Istsreat- the boiling lava seems to How out through subed. BurrTII on assignments, chap. Si, la to the same terranean channels, exposing immense caverns effect (lowing en overy side, under the precipices, The casss whence these text writers dednee this with the most intense heat and brilliancy, doctrine, are TOakrman va, Grovrr, 4 Paige eh. R which no one can long gaxe at. The size of 93; Bryant aed Russell, 38 Pick., SOS; Houghton Lair Kilauea must be five or six hundred fset vs. Darts, SS Me. 3S. Where the creditor la not seeking to enforra tbe in length by three hundred or more in width. The older lako of Halemaumau was also trust, bat ia acting in hostility to the assignment, It on the ground of fraud or other seeking; very active, bul the smoke and gases around it illegalitytoIt avoid la not necessary that all creditora ehonld at though were so thick as to forbid approach, be made parties, for in thla olass of ram lb astimes, when the wind is favorable, it can bo signee himself aafBcicntly rspresents lbs other visited. The wall or precipice which creditors. Waketaan r O rover, above cited, and RIR va. Marrav, 3 Jobae ch. S6S. these active lakes is not less than fifCounsel for Plaintiff contmils that Slllnway vs. wide. hundred eight hundred long feet by teen Columbia In. Co., S liray, ISO; Moodr vs. thy, IS The entire space enclosed by this wall may Gray, 5T; Barry Abbot rt al, 100 Vast., 336, properly be tatter) " the old south lake," and are authorities that a creditor may Institute uth a I am toltl that at times of unusual volcanic acsalt for Mmeelf alone and that It la not necessary to tivity, it is all in action, and even fills up ami be brought tor himself and all other creditors. Rot these case are merely the judicial construe overflows its rim. These overflows must occur very suddenly, antl singularly enough they tlon of Mass. Statutes of 1831, c. 306, aad ISM. e. The Supreme Jmllrl.il "t, where these words have always taken place when no one was visCourt shall hare Jurisdiction In equity, upon a bill iting the scene. The sight of these ladling bv to reach and apply In payment nf a aaj - a .. .a. , ' ,m I. I.I ,., l,i a cauldrons, their constant changes, their rising a a.j and falling, the spouting and dashing of the partos: to brings " creditors hill" by himself alone. In thr Stair of Masaachtisrtt before the enactlava like surf on a shore, antl the intense bril-lan- cy statute of 1831, It waa held that wbra of the blood-re- d molten mass form a ment of tbla a creditor " seeks to carry Into effect an aaeigniutnt sight worth going a long distance to witness. la trust for the benefit of creditor, and to obraia No one can forget the grant) picture ho sees his proportion of tbe trust fund, he la bouad to Or aoraa of lb here. parties. make all the creditor Another noticeable change which has taken creditora may sue In bebalf of themselves, sod the place Is Uie gradual formation of the hill in other creditor who may coma Id and obtain satisequally with the plaintiffs the middle, or rather on the summit, of which faction ol their demands In the suit" are now located the two active lakea. It must In thla esse Wilde, J. says, "Tbla form of probe at least two hundred feet above the bottom, of ceeding, While It prevents delay, and tho mulllpll the sunken basin. A native informed me that city of antta which arc never encouraged, fsrniahca where Lake Kilauea now is was a targe cone tbe Court at once with tbe mean of admlnlatertng equal Justice to all partlca Intereated. Bryant rs. in constant action, similar to those so frequentRussell, 33 Pick., 533. ly met in the crater. This cone suddenly fell Tbe caae of Houghton vs. Davis, above elted, in, and in its place waa formed a lake, at first gives aa a reason why all creditor should be made quite small, which has gradually increased in parties; that In such rases, each creditor la to bs size, by its hanks caving in, till now it is five paid pro rata and the rights nf all creditors will be or six hundred feet in extent. No one visiting affected by decree which may lessen er enlarge the this wonderful crater can doubt that fires aro number of creditora and tbe amount ol debta oa a dividend may tie made. The proportion of burning constantly beneath its entire extent. which one creditor cannot be determined and extracted If we may judge from the record of forty or from the common land without deciding upon the fifty years, there is no more danger now than proportion that would be payable to each of the there has been in years past, in visiting every other. The Court Is not In a position to make a decree part of it. About the time of the great earthquake and eruption in 180S, there were no less awarding to the plaintiff a certain per ccntage oa his claim without ascertaining what are tbe claims than thirteen lava lakes in various parts of of other creditors whose positions must be identicthiB crater, which fact clearly shows its conal with the plaintiff1, If he la entitled to have this nection with the central chimneys of Mauna treat enforced ; tbey are therefore necessary parties. I deem an allegation Hke tbo one set forth in tbe Loa, from which that eruption burst out. The return from the lakes to the hotel is demurrer necessary in a bill of tbla kind, bat, at thla defect ia not fatal, will permit aucb an amendmuch more exhausting than the walk down, ment to be made, on payment of coat. especially the ascent, where the traveler has A motion to amend may be made or tbe bill disabout one thousand feot of precipitous climb missed. A. 8. Hartwell for Plaintiff. ing to surmount. Some one in the record K. H. Stanley for Defendants. book tolls very forcibly the experience of most A. Faascta Jmn, visitors, when he says that the distance from Justice of the Soprrme Court, the hotel to the lakes is two and a half miles, Honolulu, Dec. 24, 1S74. but from the lakes to the hotel seven and a I Manv half miles besides him have found his X H W ADVERTISEMENTS. record too true. THE I, Y K1 aj Jwaeph Maanre af tax Ma. The weather wsb charming during our stay clety of Friends DV ' ounduct aarvlce Thursday here, the atmosphere clear as a mirror, and the last day of the" year atwill 7:SO P. M. Also on tsunday the as bracing and invigorating as that of more P. M. All have a cordial Invitation. rd of January, at The mercury in the thernorthern latitudes. EDWARD X. II IIB mometer fell to 17 s, and it took no stretch of Attorney and Solicitor, which to fancy the heavy dew imagination ITIff ORIXKD TO I.KMS l ROS RQ.SOO IH In ASrO.OOO, on Mortastre .if Freehold at lowest rau-- s covered the grass to be frost. The grand old of Interval. BSaf Aaenta In Iondon, and lit all pant of were us perfectly cloudless back of mountains All trail. i iilli- - on Port Street, (oppoafU Mr. Ira Rlehardmit's day nnd night, with their summits covered Stores Honolulu. of snow. banks heavy with cauldron, which was incessantly spouting, ami ,he h"nd' Theetoof S f""? '? The Cauadians have pleaded londlv and Here, as elsewhere throughout the civilized long for a reciprocity treaty with the Tutted rclieiotiB a as SnM, this Ynrtivorsarv is kept and festive dav, to which the ynimg look for- State,. We suppoa, that moat American. ward for weeks with eager anticipations, a have been willing that such a treaty should be almost the only Hay in the calendar worfti contracted, but in such a manner that it should remembering ; while the older portion of the not be like the bargain of the white man and community strive in a thousand wavs to make the Indian, in which the white man was to U H a. H IMeenhntti the nrem Rflrrnl. ay th. Ittb at jMwywuw best time to subscribe. VTe hope to receive miacaiiM;. M pleasant as possible to every member of have the turkey, and the Indian the turkey aaaTrbTlvkw tllli'wai a rawed nS the household. Christmas Kve was one of the btiTiard. They did not desire that, in extendmany new names to our list. W. L. Mnawoxva. . nights ing to Canada the Itenefit of a reciprocity m of the man MmWur f Iniertor ti.,t t bright full moon treaty, all the advantages of it should enure The with. blessed we arc have bM Ihh dV npoimed Tk MVlatof for th. daurkt of Knlo and rise om the eastern hills, carrying our to her benefit. Finally, a treaty has been ana-. at Kau. B. Wee. M. Kate, and IUdM W. 1. Jle.rw.iNrs. thoughts hack to the shepherds wntrJiing their agreed npoar to the extent of drnwring up the Km- Mi MK MIiiS iliraf iBWWor term, or the basis of them. What they are flocks, when ttiey were startled with the bril'KM JOrKXAL, AN Mast. TL liant star that apjieared and proclaimed the we do not kmow exactly, but snpptwe they awwaaard be the Board Rnrwfw DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROfiRESS. to both rwrth. But they seem not to birth of Israel's Hedeemer. Not a cloud was Ttrwaf ftiUlMltlalJ SurTH. Saxrrtary. l found from boriton to ronith, while the satisfy some of the people who have boon so to Mam rs. B.Tk. Pl'RLlSREP AVT KrITKI TfY thermometer dropped to about sixty, as if to long and ardently crying out for the treaty. kt V. . Kalararmcr bar th!- - de km apr.. Mat remind every one of the chilly nights in colder Now they oppose its acceptance. Y M . W HITNEV -' star,: lb. drWrtrt f rona. xwarul af HEXR H 1. H..I.C.T aaak la aaaar af Mr. J. Ui. But the great objection cornea from the Britlatitudes. Mn. w of Interior. Chambers of ComThe usual midnight service waa omitted at ish at home. Fifty-tw- o H KDti'KSDAl'. DECEMBER 30. Va: br !wnt as the OSr of tfc Intrrior IVpartmrnl Roman CatholicjChitrch, on aceoitnt of the merce joined and seat their representatives or the araar aM f taw "rSB IlvY of the nr,- n His RovALlliARNitss thk Phinck Rkokvt aaaa war H aUT tir of lb bast uaTity t.. reiairs g. 'iug on in the interior of the building, delegates to Lrd Dcrbyato object to the treaty. Non-dai!.a rimn far oar Yvar from iht an: dy of Janu will receive the citizens of Honolulu, but the early morning services were held and They fear that if the Canadians are allowed to JSC. rr. January- - 11, in the Legislature Hall, at T negotiate a treaty wilh the Vttitod States that aw aatasred arfii b abeaii In lam. pat also at half past ten in the foreinion. His Lordbe JaEl al tbe Imu aaeh quant: SauL aaak Shaw Aliiolani Honsc, between the hours of 12 ami a th. J ali afcall Jiracu and be shall tlaaaad at Maigret performed high mass in it may and will interfere with their own trade. Bishop ship to tbe nf ik Ibrwenf. 2 r. K. The birthday .f His Uoyal Highness And that would never do, " yon know." The A aba of Oam Tweajaajrr TaiiXsa will ha raqalrrd of the presence of a large ctirrgregmtion. t omes this year on Sunday the 10th, but Mw-da- y k. a ton. u u aaarued fur Ibe fuia.lAt St. Andrew's Cathedral on Christmas general argument or objection made by these will be observed as such. We doubt not TV tf i ai uiaia I wars aat Mad Uarf an arenM tin-- lowKve, evening prayers were said at half past representative men was that they did not wish w Bfokaoxt-that all will esteem it a pleasure to pay their to see England placed on nn inequality with Mlubrbr of Interior. seven. On Christmas Day the Holy Commurespects to the Prince Regent on the oceasioii. nion was cerebrated at half-pasix in the the Cnited States, and they claimed that such The Utt of January will lie observed as a helnc National Holiday's. morning in the Hawaiian language, and at half would be the ease under the clauses of the ar by mmn it wa la arret) wars a.ib.,ned below. All national holiday. past seven with choral service in the Knglish, treaty should it be agreed to. To this Lord nilliAT. ! tbs a n.:. at seniirai leiiig preached bv tbe Bishop. At Derby replied denying that such would lt NnW.Vavtrar. . Tx our report of the King's stay in CaliforU MOKIION-fAwere said in effect of the treaty. While the representaeleven o'clock mormrrg-prayeMinaiter of aulrrior. OOn. Not. JC. irrt. nia, we omitted to note his visit to the navy Chambers of Commerce o tives of those Knglish, when a Christmas sermon was preachMare Island. He was eonveyed thither AS VACATION of yard at ed bv the Rev. K. Duune, M. A. At noonday spako as they seem only capable of doindr, t Knrlttb law Schools In llun'alu. a 01 ri in the steamer Bcnicia, Captain Hopkins, and and sotll ll- - amita.n to al Jauaary nrxx. a celebration of the Hnly Communion again from a merely commercial, r on TbarH-iata. fV. TWatl af thr Nra arrived off Mare Island at 1 P. tat., of Decema sensius replied His Lordship tish standpoint. rook place. Evensong was said at four o'clock Txa, 117a. By order of Ihv Board of Education. ber 2. His Majesty landed under a royal W. JaB. HjfTTH. ble gentleman, an Englishman, but still a followed Hawaiian, ; and at in by baptisms Xot. aa. 1IC4. hrnrtAry. aalute with the yards of all the war ships half past seven in English, a sennon being statesman. Naaar I .pon thr prtltlon manned. As the King landed on Mare Island, preached by the Rev. W. Caldcr. XaOrr ax He gave the Committee to understand that ASKtrtT. of Norm Ecdiala. aruirai forth the marines were drawn up in order at the frl: l praawT lauiHnal harm- at nuKoaatlcn GcaltaKl Church, a special effort Canada had some interest in the treaty, as well Street Fort the At All the officers of the navy an", that tkr aamr of t. Aatiul. by whkrh br The relations of as have British trailers. baa ham Alaram Ui that Kingdom, tat Dot bat own prtiptT was made to entertain the children of the aaoat and pray tar thai Rr Mataaty In Frhry Coum U yard and of tlie vessels in the harbor were must he taken States Cnited with the Canada School, o'clock J on nrnper Eve, Christmas name At Inheritance, aak! of hat tn vaaM rbanei that present in full dress to receive their distinthe )Ti rbirmi of tttapter XXX ol ttt ir. arcardanc-wltlthe church was filled, the scholars occupying into account, and England is Ixiund to place no I II l af ItTS; Hbtltajaaty Ute Kioc. lu Privy Uotinrll guished visitor. The shore was thronged with a aha rrtlt Aar of Mar. A P. 1ST4. did oarre. that unnecessary restrictisns in the way of interthe front seats. The pastor made a short adnf T. Aaarnt be rbanrad td TTIrOerlr-Admiral J. K tigers' residence course lietween tao people of Canada and her W. 1.. Mokhom i. a prajaU aar. audience, which after to the seven young dress Mluatier of was beautifully decorated with evergreens and Ibicnur uOtor, Nov. 3, 1R4. ladies appeared in front of the pulpit, each neighbors. The fact seems quite plain to us flags. The Admiral met his guest on his arriJCortrr Parlie dratrou of rmploylra; apprmtlcrs to wearing a brilliant sash representing one of that these Brit Mi merchants, manufacturers, val and presented the officers ; after which be awarr. Jf.caaairaT TVadV. may do ao by apptyLoc to Ui colors of the rainliow. After recit- traders ami shopmen in London, Manchester seven the Board of Kdaoatiot.. wbi. has uodrr lot control at thr In escorted him to his residence, where a collarl ami ad and Rrformatnrr Krtaoo! at Kronrala. Kapalama. ing verses of scripture, in which allusion was and elsewhere, care more for their own trade bora af aa-rlirtbir for tion was jtartaken of. After this the party ref" from - yean upwarda. the proa)ority of Canada. ttw it. Tirttiror. to the color displayed by each, the whole than they do made turned to the Benicia, highly delighted with PmtdeDl of the Board of Kducallon. in singing a song commencing, "This is And there is jdst where the shoe pinches. joined M their visit. i. ilOabot. Itffjcr, (ictotKt . 1U4, They desire the Canadian trade, all of it, and the way the rainlniw comet down." do not contemplate, with any degree of grace, adjourned then to The audience the vestry Ok our fourth page we give an abstract of Kt Wb. Jaaarrr. iTilef k of the Departmcnl ob-of Mr. the proposition of allowing the Yankees to enAffair, t f.ir all t" rrant so much of President Grant's message as had room, the siiperintondent of the school, fur Nat."tuU which lie atoaeuiu, taoltahtr joy any portion of it. This is natural, of Hall, while stating that the whole audience ananb tortbt linmnl In thr boon.- aillocn received in San Francisco up to the sail.. :. .. - .. ni in.c. a;: jotninr Ui. y,.mc below, would lie welcome there might not le course, antl (terhaps we should not complain. tar Hanrum am becalaitaTucd a ith Uie nam. of llir letMcr. ing of the mail steamer on the 6th inst. The Nevertheless, it would seoui that the CanadiBut for r will br alad!y rvo4r4. and aba) cataJtartird with the room all. apology was wholly unMessage was delivered to Congress on the af donor. Old Hawaiian tmplonietitit. Drean br who have to pay their own way, should ans, , and for necessary, and the crowd vast entered "yet t teuatat. Haw alinn Mlarrali and prtternoon of the 7th. It will be seen that he ur . ar, parti. ttlarly soon as the folding doors lie allowed to have a voice in making treaties room." there was As AS K KIBHoe. ges very strongly the resumption f specie II Pitaidwit of Lba Board of l..:u.Uon. were thrown back, a magnificent scene burst on which their own prosperity, they believe, payments, and it is probable that Congress OeVr of the rtnrran of Pnhlte Instroction. the view of the audience. Two large depends. Alia. to will sustain his recommendations, and take studded brilliant with lights, trees, Christmas some action. There has l.een a large falling 3. Editorial Correapondrnci'-l- o, room, occupied the center of the their branches r onri-- In Equity. Sup from for off in the revenue duties, the receipts loaded down literally with beautiful presents. Hoise, Volcano Kilatea, o millions less ilian Dec 23 J. T. Waturkouee Vi D. 1: and E. G. 1874 having been December, 1871. ) Between and beyond the trees was seen the Hitcbiock, and A. 5. Clegborn, asignecs ol the es- in 1872. The Seoretarv of the Treasury fa It was ton o'clock when we mounted our tate of Siemaon & Conwaj. Before Mr. Juaticc vors the restoration of the duty on coffee and motto "Glory to God in the highest." Around d horses, and left Hilo, Jcbd. Aitamen' on demurrer to tbe bill, on the floral pyramids the army of scholars fresh and Si 8.000,000 revenue these t in the tea, which produced some gTOBod af LiiaafficiUHTr ol parlies bound to the volcano. The details of the ride with their sparkling crowded, eagerly eyes salt. Tbe Court,, alter hearing tbe argutueute ol at the time it was abolished. It is doubtful wonder ami delight, when suddenly a loud rap are an old story, and we skip over them, with whether any reductions will la? made at the t oanart, iatnd its decision. the remark that every traveler bound to Kilauea whs heard at the window, " and such a clat9tlb Tbe Court delifeted it deeUlon sustaiuing present session in the duties levied on any im should 1k well provided against the cold rain lieen as sash the if an broken. had IV ter," on to amend granting but demurrer, lean tbe ports. The next Congress will probably at which is invariably met on the road. If he of coals of bearing, or the bill to be diamiseed. patron juvenile rushed in, instant saint his the to make sweeping changes. tempt (See deaHalM.) A S. Uartwell for complaiuBtil ; K. fur robe and cap all covered with white, ami, es apes it he is fortunate, nB fair weather is II. StasleT lur defeudatrU. flourishing a whip in his hand, startled every the exception. Ourcompany fortunately la Probattr. With this number closes the tenth volume one in the room, some of the children sboaring ,4,1 travelerw, itielrhliug Her Royal Dec 23d GuardLuaUip ot Joe Us Ksiukau, a mi- of the Hawaiian Gaikttk, and with it the An rngemons arrangement has been made Mrs. Dominls, Governor Kipi and Highness old the original was saint, alarm. little no It nor Bclorr Mr. Jutlce HaJtaia. Petition for tbe year 1874. The year now ending use of to supply fresh water, which has proved a been has A Mttle old drlTrr. bo lirrly and quick, " Miss Aldrich, Judge Lyman and others very wife, appoint mrM of a new guardian to tbe place of Hon. successful. A cistern is constructed near old Nick. I krjrw in a moment it mul Tbe Court cxamiued and ap most eventful one for our little Kingdom. a total of alsuit sixteen, all accustomed to A. F. Jodd. rrtbraed. waa dressed all in fur front head to his font, Bteam tho ledges back of the hotel, with a roof fir proved the aceounte of Ure late guardian and ordered Scarcely had it commenced when the death of island campaigning, and to this rough volcano At. hi clothes were all tarnMtedwtth athas and soot; it, on which tho steam condenses, and oier letters of guardianablp to be Issued to J. D. Robin-so- King Lunalilo was announced, and the nation flniig; bin on A boodle of t.iy br had bark. roatl in particular. flows into the cistern. By this means and the upon bis filing a band in the sum of $500. was called to mourn its favorite and chosen And be looked like a pooler juat opening hie pack, Late in the evening the party arrived at the Dec 3d Estate of Maluaikoo, deceased Petition head. This how they twinkled occasional showers, a perpetual and abundant how Ills dimples his merry errs was followed by the stirring hotel, to find a hearty welcome from the manalife cheeks were like rosea, bis noae like a cherry ; supply of the purest water is obtained. of n. DimoBd, tbat J. Porter Green be appointed events connected with the election of King Hat droll Ihtft month wan drawn up like a how. gers, Messrs. Stackpolc antl Oilman, who had The hotel is most admirably kept, and no administrator of tbia estate. The Court ordered letThen came the Legislative session And the baanl oa his chin was as white as the saow. been expecting us, and had prepared a cheerful visitor can complain where he finds every comters ot administration to be issued to J. Porter He had a bread fnce and a little;nuod belly fort provided for him as he does here, and on Green upon bis fillnrj a bond In the sum of (WO. with its baneful demoralizing influence on the fire in the and what very That ehook when ho laughed, like a bowl full of Jelly. reasonable terms. With a good roatl conlnreotorj to be filed in SO daya, and notice to credrepresentatives and the people. Last, though He wan chnliby aad pfcaaaj a right jolly old elf; was more relishing, an excellent snpper. A necting with Hilo, which could lie traveled in itors to be advertised for lour auceetsive weeks in not least, was the noble plan of the King to go And I luiglicd when I saw him in spite of myself. fatiguing ride of ten hours, with the thermomfour or five hours, hundreds would visit Kitbe Hawaiian Gazette and Kuokoa newspapers. A aiuk his eya, aud a tait of hia bead. himself in erson to Washington to see what eter at 503, is sufficient to insure a sound sleep, lauea where tens do now. Such a road onght Soon gare me to know 1 bad nothing to dread." 3tb Estate of Maria Ogdcn, deceased Before could be done to restore prosperity to the iswhich travelers are sure to find here, where to be among the early improvements made by N. Castle lor setMr. Justice Ji dd. Petition of His shrill, Fyfc-lik- c voice soon made friends the government, using in its construction the tlement of final accounts nd discharge as executor. lands. The year closes, with His Majesty of every child in the room, when lie scattered everything is so comfortable and homc-HkIn labor of prisoners convicted on Hawaii. Tbe Court approved the accounts and ordered a probably enjoying the hospitality of the Pole's furnace, to sec which was the great this way it could lie built within four years at his gifts right and left, accompanying them supplemental account to be tiled, showing the final Head of the American Nation in Washingobject of our visit, was active during the night, a very moderate cost ; and the increased revedistribution ol the property with receipts tor tbe ton. Most devoutly do we pray that He may with some witty remark that kept the boys and deand from the hotel it was easy to see that there nue which the government steamer would girls all in good humor. Tho trees were elesame, after which an order will be made discharging be rive from increased travel to the volcano would successful in the objects of his mission, and tbe executor. gantly decorated, and probably were the most were two principal lakes in fusion, with lesser not be less than live thousand dollars a year. Soon after breakfast the Estate of Merer P. Whitney, deceased Before that He may not only succeed in securing a showy Christmas trees ever gotten up here in fires around them. H. II. W. Mr. Justice Hajuus. Petition of H. M. IVbitncy commercial treaty advantageous to his people Honolulu. The makai one, on which were the guide announced himself ready, and the V. acHe Kaudaeu, executors, for settlement of and his kingdom, but that himself may be and Equity. Suprrmi Co art and more elegant gifts of the girls, was party formed into line for the descent into the counts and discharge. Tbe Court examines and ap- benefited by what he sees and hears, and may richer But what crater. a change has taken place more much the attractive of the two. Over af. T. Wattrhoune tw. D. H. Hilcheoek, E. O. UUehmck proves tbe accounts, and the executors will be dis- return with nobler and more exalted purposes three hundred presents were distributed among since 1864, when my last previous visit was ami A. S. Cleghnrn, Autlgnrt of iSarmarn e Convoy. charged on filing receipts of Mrs. Popuc, 6. W. to establish justice and right, and to frown on Before Mr. Jnetlce Jcdd, at Chambers. Whitney and Emily E. McCall for (1,092.89 each, as the children, some receiving quite a number. made. Sot only have there been several flowB corruption and evil, whenever and wherever devisee under the will. JCDOME.VT ON DEMrjRBEB. is almost needless to say that every one of lava, which have considerably raised the It they may appear to debase his people. We Second Judicial Diatxtrt Maat. Tbe bill allegea tbat tbe plaintiff U a private credwent home delighted, while all who witnessed level of the crater bottom as it existed then. trust that those who have been patrons and Cases beard at tbe December term of tbe Circuit itor of Siemscn, one of tbe firm of Slcmaen it Conthe scene were richly repaid. This is an easy but the subsidence of the central portion of it, way; tbat tbey made a general assignment to tbe Court of tbe Second Judicial Circuit, Island of Maui. readers of our journal the past year will conalters its topography very much. and pleasant way to render a hundred anil fifty in 1868, Peasant on the Bench Mr. J attics Harris and Hon. tinue so during the coming one ; and all such defendants for the benefit of tbe creditors of the little hearts merry and cheerful, and to fill them During the volcanic commotion, which took firm, as well aa of their private creditors, and praya A. FoRSAent, Circuit Judge. His Ex. K. H. Stax-let- . will accept our hearty greeting of a ' Hxprv with love and gratitude for the blessings they place early in April, 1868, at the time of the for an account, etc., in abort It la the otual bill of a Attorney General for tbe Crown. New Yeah." The Kmc fa. Kahalewai Committed by District enjoy, those wlio took part in getting up the great earthquake, this central part suddenly creditor claiming the benefit of an aasignment and Malicious burning. Justice, Wailoku. Acquitted, caved in, leaving an oblong valley two miles proceeding agalnat the assignees to compel an acfestive scene doubtless have their reward. Progress. aad laalakaaa count and payment of tbe distributive share of tbe the principal witness having died. Kahaku for deDuring the day and evening there were in length by one in width, surrounded by a proceeds. fendant. King Kalakaua has the capacity of a statestwo about hundred ledge feet bahigh. This many festive gatherings of family circles, and The bill is demurred to on the ground that It apThe King vs. Kabiamoe Burglary and House- man to see chances existing for benefiting his from what wo saw it is clear that there are sin has been gradually filling up, and has also pears by tbe deed of assignment, that certain parbreaking. Nolle prosequi entered, prisoner confined country, and he has the heart of a patriot to few places where Christmas brought more un- been probably raised up by internal volcanic ties, naming tbcm, are creditors of Slemsen A Conat Molokai 1eper Establishment. Ealaukane for apply all his energies toward making those alloyed pleasure to old and young than in pressure, till now the surrounding ledge is not way, who arc, therefore, Intereated In tbe truat and defendant. His country, lying out Honolulu. over one hundred and twenty feet above it. are necessary parties; and it la claimed tbat, either Tbe King vs. Manuel de la Crui (F) Larceny 2d chances certainties. the in great ocean, midst of has great there the The most singular incident in connection with these creditors ahould he made parties to tbe bill, or defies. Acquitted. Kaalaukane for defendant. it should be brought in bebalf of the plaintiff and Fiji BUB a KrltiKb Colony. Tbe King vt. Kaaaa 8elling and furnishing in- capacities for producing what we need, partiit is, that simultaneously with the shock the ail tbe other creditors who may choose to come la toxicating drink to natives. Kolle prosequi entered. cularly sugar. But she has no profitable marand went out did not reappear and take the benefit of tbe decree. The telegraph announces that Sir Arthur fires in Kilauea Kaalaukane for defendant. ket at home, and our tariff is a virtual prohiHamilton Gordon has been appointed Governor till after the eruption in Kan ceased. Plaintiff 'a counsel urges in reply tbat thla is not Tbe King va. Kaeo (k) Assault and battery. On bition to its introduction here at a profit. The visitor, on reaching the bottom of tho a proper ground ot demurrer because it does not He was fnrmely governor of Trinidad tbe ground of exoesi of punishment. On motion of Hence his anxiety for a reciprocity treaty that of Fiji. crater, follows the guide a distance of four or appear in the face of tbe bill tbat these parties are and more recently of Mauritius. It is also anAttorney General, fine reduced to (S and costs. will enable his people to dispose of their chief nounced that Fiji will be an independent colony, five hundred feet, then descends over rough creditors. It is true tbat the bill doea not make Tbe King vs. Eaaihooleole (w) Selling and furprofert of tbe deed of assignment and it la therefore at a saving rate. But this is only one nishing intoxicating drink to natives. Dismissed oa product and not a dependency of any of the Australian and broken lava rocks into the sunken portion, no part of tbe record, and tbe Court baa no knowlpeople. They of the needs of his isolated. are conviction of husband. Kaalaukane for defendant. Colonies, as some supposed it might be. Until through which the walking is tolerably smooth edge tbua far as to who are creditors. It la, While the people of other nations may hold the arrival of Sir Arthur Gordon at Levuka, a and easy, over large Blabs of flat pnhot. The King va. Kahalehau (k) Selling and furnishapparent on tbe face ot the bill tbat there are ing intoxicating drink to natives. Foand guilty and immediate communication and converse as if provisional government, organized by Governor hoe lava, covered with a thin crust, which, other creditors. In article fourth tbe bill aeta forth fined $161.50 and costs $SS.50, or 2 years imprisonrace to face by telegraph, the people and the tbe deed of assignment waa made to tbe deBobinson of New South Wales, is established, when trodden on, sounds like frozen snow. tbat ment. fendants ." of all the property of Slemsen dr. ConGovernment of his Kingdom can only receive This flow in lava places intensely hot, and is of which Consul Layard is at present Acting way and each of them la trust for tbe benefit of tbe Tbe King vt. Kanakaokai Distilling spirits, and convey their ideas, news and purposes in the night the smouldering fires can be seen Governor, and Mr. Thurston, Colonial Foaad not guilty, S dissenting. Nabaku and creditors of them and of each of them." In article transporprocess slow old and through the of through which the cracks cross wide it in filth, it is alleged tbat plaintiff requested defendants Kaalaukane for defendant. His kingand battery, tation by means of sails or steam. The King va. J. B. Hint The financial affairs of the colony are repre every direction. It took us forty minutes of " to pay bis claim or a juat dividend thereon, pari pom, with claims ot other separate creditors, eke." on tbe ground of exoess of punishment. Plea guilty. dom needs the telegraph as well as reciprocity sented as flourishing, and the estimated re- rapid walking to cross it, from which we estiTbe second prayer of tbe bill sake for discovery "of and steam lines, and he not only is fully conmated the to Fined $25 and costs. E. Preston for defendant. be two distance about miles. At from and taxes, native customs mostly ceipts, all claims against said Siemsen fc Conway," aud the The King vt. Acbon (Pake) Selling and furnishscious of the fact, but is ready to aid the enthe floor south from the side the of ascent the are set down for the first year at 23,875. third prayer aska tbat "an account be taken of all ing opium without license. Foand guilty and fined terprise which proposes to connect Hawaii The estimated expenditure for the same period basin is more gradual, owing to frequent over- said claims, and tbat tbe defendants be decreed to $100 and $34 colts. Kaalaukane for defendant. with America and Japan and China, and we flows of lava from the lakes. Some of these pay tbe plaintiff a Just and fair dividend on said is 17,902, leaving nearly 7,000. The King vi. Eaatakaa (k) Selling and famishmay say all the rest of the world east and are quite recent, cruBt and very hot. The claim." Tbla language sbowa tbat tbe assignment the $110 and Found the small annual to pension receives natives. Thakambau drink intoxicating ing telegraphic west, by means of a guide to had turn back for and seek was not for the benefit of tbe plaintiff aa the sole several times defendant. Kaalaukane and 10 Kahaku law a I of 900, but no other Chiefs are gazetted as nil. creditor, in which case be alone could ane, but tbat cable. Waited upon yesterday by a gentlea new track over lava of not so recent a formThe King vs. Kapua (k) and Kahalekala (w) under pensions. It was a general assignment for tbe benefit of all tbe Adultary. Continued to the June tarn. Kaalaukane man .interested in the company formed in this ation. capital already Fiji invested in The is creditors of Siemsen fc Conway. city for the purpose of constructing it, the reckoned, says a Melbourne contemporary, at for defendant!. On reaching the molten lakes, a great change Having disposed of thla objection tbe main quesThe King vs. Kaacbu (w) Selling and furnishing King unreservedly declared himself in its about 650.000. of which New South Wales was found to have taken place hi this vicinity tion remaina. Ia tbe bill demurrable la tbat it Is latoxieating drink to n a tires. Nolle prosequi enter- favor, saying that the Parliament of his peohas contributed 290,000; Victoria 160.000; Then there was but one small not brought in in behalf of plaintiff and of all other New Zealand 150,000 ; Germany 30,000 ; since 1864. ed. Prisoner discharged, she could not commit tbe ple had passed laws granting all the privileges, creditors ? America and England 20,000. One firm in lake Halemaumau which was three or four Story in bis Equity Pleadings, 157, says : "Where concessions and rights of way needed for the Sydney has invested between 60,000 On and hundred feet in diameter, and it was but slightTbe King vs. Kekanla Laroeay 4th degree. the assignment Is made by a debtor for tbe benefit the success of enterprise, and added be that a 70,000, firm between and Victorian 25,000 ly, if any, above the level of the crater botmotion of Attorney General, priaoner acquitted. of bla creditors, if any creditor seeks to enforce tbe 50,000 worth of Fijian debenwas prepared to aid it personally to the extent and 30,000. Civil Calendar. tom. Now, there are two active lakes, that of truat, he cannot sue alone ; but he moat make all held New tures Zealand. in are Of above the Tarton For writ of of his ability and influence. D. D. Bald witt va. Campbell This shows that capital some 30,000 are invested in small Halemaumau being the one at the left hand and other creditors, provided lor in tbe assignment, Appeal from Police Justice, Labaina. His Majesty is alive to "the progressive movePoaaaaaion. sailing crafts and boats, 90,000 in house profarthest south ; while the second, which is of parties, ettber by name, or by bringing tbe suit on Ditmiaaad. 6. B. Dak for plaintiff ; . Prestos and ments of the age, commercially as well as perty in Levuka, 70,000 in stocks in stores, more recent formation, lies at the right and is behalf of himself and all the other creditors wbo defendants. McCally for la may choose to come in and take tbe benefit of tbe otherwise. We hope soon to see his kingdom and Jthe balance, viz., 500,000, is invested in called by the We decree." In See 216, id., " Where there ia a genenatives, " Lake Kilauea." Paababi va. Kamaka Trover. Appeal from Local welcomed into intimate communion with the plantations. Altogether the prospects of Fiji approached to the very DiamUead. Judge. edge of the high preciCireait look very flattering, and no doubt the change ral trust for creditora, or others, whose demands are T. B. Hobron va. Akaebaaa (Paka) Deserting rest of the cmlired world through the final will insure a stable government and commer- pice which surrounds the latter, and looked not distinctly specified ia tbe creation of tbe trust, AUa. telegraph, links the of Piiuiiaaad. cial and agricultual prosperity. down a hundred feet or more into the boiling as. their number as well aa the difficulty of ascertain (Mam 1: JT ' The Eleventh Volume of the Hawaiiah GAtrrrs will commence with the issue of ,s75- f paid for in advance, or January' during the month of January, a receipt in full for the year will be given for $5. Now is the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Li- F-- - M'l-l'L- r - te Wall - y, at IS.) !. i - . st rs fifty-tw- one-sid- I (aaar Haa-aa- tat-Iandii- ig. Sab-lia- th I , 1 ra fr n-r- atilh-trtE- t.- 1 Ofty-tw- well-sho- pay-mc- eom-pritu- aj T Ik- e, . e. la bow-eve- r, wm m n,a-- T ir a jt ax r. AaaUtW. Eejsara Mr. Jaataa faMaa at Chans ban. Sraaaaaa. .. Baa SSI af star Sat art C AltM Star! aa Sana ravttrtlpt ; anil wh.r-a- a. nana Hon. an itrnvr waa tarr aaanw laaWiar Herat aa) afaa Sn ho- - casta S aar thaw ateaatfls sSjawM ant a r ssWS snat ,via.n he I aTfaaajast a nanarnat ; and wawreaa a 3lat Say af I t tnr safhraronn of to (imrt. mat rSaa aaaaa af aaat i sn I ra Seartna lawl ' Wis aSaii raaa a n,w.pater rntSraaW In tha Hrv V BJ . mm mm, awraaa harirar at arte ane kfcarethn aa 25a aS SSa TsZaCC crrr-ber- at- antS t- Now aarnaai t n.t rtttit a ay na, al hr ratS . ,tn hrraaajeajajjaH,. wf T! nvW MWa wmLfWmXWm Sia-- tsaaae aa aavl aan- - HawaSat. Oaai tts " M Ua S -- s as lis BJ BS i aes e. All m sMvaar aSWP wt the iMtrt flnnaa IT, ,K- - .MT af Wee-- s,, aw : aureritwr ntrsusixv . aajaajajaj n'rtnrk r. ataair.arr aaa pmaaaa af iankn rssw of ; i. ter Paw WW ft s sar. rRsa.aejaataaa First SaaneSaSa J af thm ' vtaSS, -. Hare.1 rnr: H1SHB I" la, ItMaaSass t..rri Il .t rim l rsrst mtwev. aaaaaa SMHwavas a a rvtrnaa aa,ei ranSaa. ,nt. n.naTWatrr. af, Jaak JadaV faaJar af im im siliai af iMas it Ml heart B " ' "' '' Tn Stall oi the pmaiitr f Tkaaaaa aawa mm m , lalaml oMTewaS, anrt tn ant Ma itaStaj to aw. Saaaaas. l BtBl. f ' aajgjaaa pennon ..r aotrai.nttiwJa aaa anilSl tatataaaa i aa anerewe . a rnaar a, axa aaaasaat af irte ain IS nvmr t .latitti.rr i liatikrMpt Jtnw thaeansra, IS w aeoe I .,1 that as a'Hatra mt i PA V Ik M .17 aa Jaauarr A D. i7a, at aa rt in ll..n.Jtim. rw taa oma arav ska a aw aa aha, rnph"v if .llapn I. aad thai anrkta karaaf k ffawa a aata 1. "f so saS4 Saassaw sal.1 petiiinii ha rrs-er- t nines tn alien.) at aatrt hrf-- i litieaa mm t ..mm. taat lira J.vo, at Baaaaaa, fsepwrr Iters af - mr. i WIUJAM TATUtH. I- I .kaae.t I la lnnrau- - I nan. tatpa. ,pT-"- I rrrsrr I tat-- of an a Sk I t a WSSk rake Mrd Jaaa-t-al - aa i. M wrs aat,n n aaat Srka ,w r la N"rth a'nnala. Hawaii pravirar that W mm lament of Waaaaa Taru.r he letter t rstamentarr ha lama ka kern aa al ak i the .111 It taornVrert osal WATt aniV Ik. JanoarT. nrr. aa Waraaaaa A. at. kt vat. rasart ' tnnoia. Hawaii, am taw akaw anal ataaa aa Sat kwar ..rui lit. s sj.pn.auon aaa H lii isna Skat aaat w aaii I thereux on a wewn Jwaaa. Taans KeSata. Oaa asst. .tank let J aaiaat na ma aaa at Marshal's Sale. ar a surf tarr 1 in n..v it !. t inn as i 1 twajen oat ot ua aawfaaaa f wan Last 1 ..f Uie II laSmi aaainat I r..r Tw. Han4rw aad Wmmr IS Ska --atas. 'temLin. . lara. Bl favor nf J. W OAV. IkaSl . I ka and snail eiarata far sake tn rawat kkaWaB. aa .NF.Mli V. the Hh HA V US IlKI lara tn Manna Valler. OaJaa. as R na as, akw right, utle a aaaMkaaaasta llitrt t The Kalo growing ia Seven SUIo V ILL THAT PIECE M PtttZL situated la Manoa Vallar. itaaa. aa watch uVt a..w imwittc . nmuataaa T ZMa At lna.aaa.rf m Rural rakral M. aa, and we .November lalb, ItTS, a t inter-a- s. menu Interest, eaata araatka, and as SSS aa) eaasaakt be prevluaaly Wall I, W. PASUaB. Waaas !t. B. The aaat land la watered, aad c is- - I. Honolulu, Dae. 1, St I' It aja or T UKH. HlWII-IAKURTRICHARD jTAIUT i maku W. JUT Mrtrroo.-- KM K N KISUDOM. calvi.T s. Aasaatpstt. Whereas, tha aomnbauat ht tk aaava aatiaa TUHN. at. forth that Maria W. Marts, aa af frodanta ttartia, bow rtsidaa at Waal ia th District of Cuiambia. I ait ad ttatat.fi and order was mad that airvai af made by publieatina f sotnta-- a Statat ; lucii pabtawlwa it kartwr r.Staaip. Ia tha dapraaa Court ) Kalakaas, hy tka lraaa nftho Vaffls.. af taw mil Notice AM. '.. naa .:;'.. LOST. o BIi. asit The R ET.ITi:n PER J. A. FAI.HITfBI'RI., sail warranted a splendid artlcl. For sale hy CAKTLE at ( XKtK K. 5U Im lO STORE TVo. A ! GREAT VARIETY OF GOODS iah.imi "EtHPEnALLT B for st;i.i:-r- t Christmas New Year's Presents j & in I) Large Variety of Includlnc Dolls, Toys, Pure Linen Lawns ill FIXE I' JUST RECEIVED BY I LARGE A VARIETY ! nK NEW GOODS OF FOR KAI.F. AT Queen Street Store, Wholesale and Retail. SIS tt JOITN THOS. WlTTrRUOrrVE. 18741875 ! CHRISTMAS rpnOHE IV BE A & run Daawrty Clav. aavt nailk-fal ah ia a Sna I hereby artif tbat tka ah eofj ol th urifiaal saw wok. uwrnat Suprtta Court af tk Hawaii lalataav. at tk taat Kathard li. Staalay va. Calvka a. anatk.ua aaa) Maria W. Mattooa." aad wbask itlaiaal aaataawaw kt aow oa file ia tk " of tka Clark of law aaat w Coart. Ia Wltaaaa vTbataaf. I batra bat aaat tat at k---d. at Hoaotala afaiwsaid. tbla Sttk day f J.TO. her. A. D. int. HARVARD. Daawiv Clark f Ik Hi im f MARSHAL'S SALE J.tmet I. Dotesea. Mr.roMR It VS. STEAMER MCGREGOR JOHX THUS. WATKRHOI II a tb. NEW YEAR'S OF WILL FIND At tbe Book Store of tba t'tinriffnaM. wbere ksre barn rchrd ; Elegant Gift BooksPoetical and JX SaJM Wff9a.M aa at aka mt.anautlfor bat wac tpoae for aal.. .U lb rkakt. aaat aad Uha aaaatasata a aa aaaaaaaaa. art forth an aa tuna, and aaaaaawaj ac aat In that c Iowa, vk: ILL TM7 CERTIM TMCT M arrrjATaUs Moavx. la tb lAaark-- t of Kaaa. Istaad af Bawaa. aaa --t uaa i II I III S aad hooiabal aa Mhwa, rt at p.W- - f I rnaaT '. Sawa OU1 aal raanlaa clan,1 atoaa lb. katwt as IS eaat IM ' eaaaaa; ailkk aaat wa--at . aataiiteaaawa: aaat 4. s SSI awn aaat : n chak. aaata n IS, aaat a. eaaaaa. aa li. eiMt IMS SI 15. tkalns aartki Tf. aaa fcaa eaaaaa north SI ., . aaat I aavuiaa aa al 01 e aortb sr aat a. a aaataaas anka. - t. e. Photoarraph Vfoaleal Albania, A Ibnaa for Oabbtat trial b Toy Bawkta. M U-- 1 WrlUna; Dealt a, Morweew Pwrtfalswa, tlaaaew Bar Jm Gold Rubber Gold .. sr arm s a a a .. 1st ass .. lss . iaa .. Sr .. .. as .. tsaas .. .. .. ss SBa .. T U nt .. .. IB 7.74 .. lss tk LSS . .. as .. .. 4 Jf .. .. 4tl .. . aaa IM a im art JS la .. .. la r aarwn- - mi Oianktlaw aa aaa af iaa at aama Pens, Wat f as i iiwat isl r aaaaae aaat aaaaa anyatiiia, !V sna aaa. la Jandan'rlbad Honoioka, tanw ahsr pearl Penholders, and Pens, Pocket Khfrc, . V .. .. LADIES' WORK BOXES, Fairchlld's Celebrated B"a r "eeraar: II SET as. .. ro il Pro, rttataarapk Albania In Variety. s r ZZZJrrZJI. 'HZ . 400 Volumes of Juveniles, Falrchttd-- t. . Solid A Substantial Ones ic n I W.pu'ipo saprewi. 1'as.rt ml lam mm waaaaa . ky varaa at a anils In fcvor nf th- - above aaaa of tastta. 1 shall aa aWaSk SS Utelj rnc 9 vs. CrjmplairmmU. at Presents tor the Holidays! ault si O trie marter a voluntary bankraaa. Hswaiiaa Kianlnm. J l.laad. Km-Wirtiaai C. Park. Eaqair. Marahai af la Ciaat-waa. ws at. a.y.j . at. ... . Toa ar barvby oatmanaad I eaatksnw CALVC ! MARIA W. MATTOfi". PERSON'S ARK 11F.RF.RT XOTffTKD 5. KAROOS aad shall 91a by mutual conjwnt thm Arm ot II I JUiIr-- t Jt sots, in eat tbav .trw,.. I Indays twenty nn. altar sai siaa karaaf. to aa a hni town .fi. that tbt tT.--i- t of Mr. II. F. Kblrni In Mid Unit rttund Crnm uhf .IVr before th Suprtma Cunt at tka January ri Octobrr Ntb, 17.. and that tbe husint-- of sal dmi un of. to ba hotdaa at tba Coart Rnaai at tk Caart der the name nam.? and style will hrreafW h rairtnl nn II n..uia. at tka talaaai of Osaka, aa MMBAT. Ska A .11 ItKT JAKUKIL by Uie im.lenUi.netl. 4th DAT OF JANUARY aaat. at law a'aaaak A. XL. Sf-3r tS, 174. Honolulu, I to show eaasa whj tk daiat of KlftlARls B. 1TA.V-LKaf Hoaalals. plaialht. twawl.1 not Va awarisl kirn partaaot to tka laaar af ka aaawsaal paSiaaaa. 5TE EJfKRAI.n AVD DlinoVD And joa ar fui'.bar anwaaaajdaal la tke saad A suitable- reward will be. paid. If returned to Calvia 8. Mallows aad letaia hiaa antil ba sSaJtbava CUB. KCKAin-- S J19 Jewelry Mlore, fort Mt tntcrtd isto saenritv adta rasVtwat w th result af aaisl tait, aad bi pay Ik aasiaat af aah juilirarent as tball ba raadarail tka raaa. Aaat bar Notice. you tbaa I her this writ, with fail pttarm af yaw paav i ni:asi(ivrn Rr.iPErTri:i,i.Y the pubUc that Mr. M. K. flaarain Is no loafcediaga there n. er his agent : and that he haa no agent In town or In the Witau. tb. Hoa. riUka H. Altwa. CW Jasrta BUM country. t) CKR. atCKArtT. SaalJ af oar tsapraat Coawt. at H.aoraha, Ik . ITtb da of N'avaikv. A. L. IST4. COLUMBIA RIVER SPRING SALMON! JXO. . BARXAars. (Signad,) Wai-lak- Ex-Ki- ng U, II1I.I atrrmsMM nfrmrmr. Ova BB1?I?w Ilia. 17 Hawaiian Back ninn arr JT at. Diaries for 1875! son Saar WABJU.TTaC. for Book rxxa at eta. mmmm Kitts Salmon Bellies! And other HoTelties in Great Variety. For Sal, by H. K. winTNF.Y BraLLSai For Sale, adjo aiac Dr. McOrtw s. " ,m Apply b H. A Or, J. C ULAEK- - ttTtiruivv SIZE3 a rvv CHAIN CABLIM. I M DOL iliU l TO to aaii. IW aaa k? no l-- ta toaatUat S'tLLH A 60. 1 Fha:es c. the noon for the Month of rairiatc it cm. atnti tarra. HOXOLCLt MEAN lth. W. C "Hi, Kionw n.... :u IttxK lijtli. S.n Mam. ...cm ' e 3T. ".. Ktsas Knil. a th, an rUaaa.... Sl.t. Hn Klaaa ...Cel.S" B in 1.711 IiiIni..., .tli.Sra Sen Per. .IH " San Arts Ran BaU ... .HT.S "- Saa Sets 5 21.2 .';; THE W1875. St. rat 1 M.l IB m ."OTEM OF Ve EEk. The naft term of Oaho College ope tit 1 UKUHibr . 1874 TIM. First Uoarter Full Mom. i Doc sn. 6S Jan.-rj4- mij be looked for in all of tbe tW week, by tbe aebooner Varan, or C.8.8. Ports-montfrom San Fraacieco. A maji W At 81. Andrew's Cathedral, on Tbnradav ereniDg, being tbe hut night of tbe rear, at a quarter pool eleven o'clock, aery ice will be held. vm Mr. Bartow holds another toy sale poaltlrelj tbe but and beat of the kuod. St. Nicholas leave town promptly at sunrise on Saturday morning. ,BO!rOLnc. DffT.tlBSR to. 1ST4. tST The Honolulu Royal Arch Chapter will hold Then ti'. been bat little taurines done the week, as a meeting tbia (Wednesday) evening, at their room Will daring the holiday. We not the arrival of the bark nu Kinc Street, for the installation of officers SoHaiti- - Marlaajt, Most from Portland, with a foil rarr.i of journing companions are ii, riled. Oraroti avie-- a rnclodiac barrel TO hair barrets aad el' aaaataalaVi'., HAoaarb floor, 100 barrabj apples, and -- u;. Fi Tbe bark Sparrow Hawk win mil at 10 A.M. pltee of oat, liran, potatoes, breail, 4c, roosts-tie- d to Meaare. tula day for San Francisco, where ahe will arrive I 4 Ou. rbee Teeaei will retarn with deanetee to about January 15, some days ahead of the next Tbe Nam firm bae cleared the lark Sparrtmhawk, Oalhonn, mail steamer. Which "alls at 10 dock f t Ran rmndaeo. She car" HT The recent accident to Mr. Maratil'tV aprbse bae of the liaavteM carpm wliirli baa left dar port lor months, in ludiOK Htl.ooo pound near, 94,444 gallons of paratus for diaaolvlnc views being more extcneive than at first anticipated. Lis exhibitions arc necesilea, 4c whale oil, I'J.OOt Tin dena ture closes the lift of export" for 1874, and will sarily further postponed, nntil a new lens can be .well the l tal for acr la abont tweuty-fl- v ailllion of procured. the Unrest prodact which the Islands bare at yet fjoand Diakies Everybody should proridchlmseir with tamed aat la aae year Tbe laooyaui for tbe coning year a pocket diary, and in it should note down every inlook Be nrorable at tba peat bae boon. cident worth remembering. Nothing tendssnmnch Eon-tart naaaarrrlal Inn.. to Gx facts In one's memory as writing them down Tli' THrertors or the Pacific Hall Company bare ratified a o tract with tbe Panama Railroad, ander which tbe They are then seldom forgotten. f.iraier have the privilege of making tbe tariff on froar tit and Subscribers to the Hawaii Gaxs r snd paaaeuirera between New Turk and Saa Francisco, aad all also tbe native newspaper Kroatot, are reminded earning of tbe railroad company over 12 per cent per arum in that new the volume of each commences with the to tbe euek .l.lera are to be ruually divided beta em tbe opening year, sod prepaid subscriptions arc the order and Pacific Hal companbM. The foil "WiUf. from tbe Sscramrat Fate will Intoraat of tbe day Two Dollars for the KcoKOi and Five Dollars for the fisxrrn i, if prepaid. Tlie Rtockton fndrnvnoVnr ask why California Wool rales eo much bras Ja New York, .eatua ease Philadelphia than VYool from other Mates? In the first Alace, California x outs ana add aawasbaS we have frw or no facilities on this coast for WNSbina sheep, as is tbe case in New York, Ohio, sac. Aaaii we Oalifornians sheer oar slssep twlee a year. nameii only ooce; couaeqaently, oar staji) other Tbe Pan eUp of this coast rl r man r.saien. ciir U4sJ-mont- h. xrostli; the lprih( clip t, . onajlua Tb. to webrht on Caliloniia W.ls when is n2'z Mb r. per cent. Then California Wools hare saia--e or i a' t1er snd Hon. atocl. are rerr objectionalile Borne of tbi dirtiest parcels of Southern Wools lost 75 (tv SO Now. then, with all tbeae dreadvan-taceper cent in washing. Woo; cruwers base Bo cause of 'oaiplaiiit it is with-cndoubt, more for their interest to sell 111 err clips "as is" dirt snd all than it mild be bail they the faculties for wasb-in- ( their 11 icka. It is not snficquently tbe case that larre counties are enveloped flick of shoep In tbe bootliern for hours in cloud sterais and cloud of dust, that load the Pjaaa witl sand and earth, tliu a.i.Iinv' a poond or more in weight to the fleece. Tin, then, is the tree explaaation of tba case, .aonw Jg oar Mortbem ctiaa, as well as Oregon, are exeaspl fnun t' awe ills, a hit h accounts for tbe dlflaretii-- fa valaaa. Ic this conaectlua. It should lie stated that Texas Wool rale less than CaUforinen. and Colorado still foes, ow i in only aasng toat ing t. ulie nl condition hi tin tl'-can I. said with reference to tbe market is. that seattering Vnt tbe bulk of sold being rboiee quotations. are at parcel of the Fall clin, asaosjataas toZ4,00U or 30.000 hale, masses bare aasiln.g buyers It aeeaar to be iarpossihle la start trovers No matter what couressieas are saade, take bold freely. law on tat: us earn, therefore, be considered nominal, and not to the large stock of Wool bare for applicable iarticnlarl sale. Tbe sales ha- - the week, in lote. aggregate 22T. ion um at us a irss m mi i .ll T h. le.ll rIO, The market charing very dull wool, a cents California eleven of If, from these quotation poond lie deducted for dnty aad freight, tbe value of Sand-wicIsland wools of similar padea, la Sen Francisco, to very low at tbe pieaeut date. Wool Late Foreign News! Br the Mfcaawrr Mikado. , Mayor Havsaaayer, ol New York City, died in his from apoplexy, leaving a hia sueeee-- or in office, the President of the board of Alderman. A movement is made in tbe Italian Parliament to pension Garibaldi. Sigmund Schwab, President of the Liquor Dealers' Association, convicted of selling liquor witboat license, was sentenced to ''( days in city prison and a fine of $200. Tbe Court warned the liquor dealers that if their organised remittance to the law was continued, tbe full penalty would be meted out. Republican Congressmen are far from agreed as to the causes of Republican defeats. The President, in a recent conversation in which tbe several causes which have Keen assigned for the defeat wore discussed, ia reported to have said : " I do not think it is worth while to insist upon a verdict as to the for the recent reverses. Would it aot be better policy to harmonise differences and to agree upon the best method of regaining the lost ground ?" Enropeaa. dispatch from Rome, announces that tbe Chaaa-be- r of Deputies has unanimously passed a resolution in favor of granting an annuity to Garibaldi. Spain has appointed a board of commissioners arilh Senor Caetellar as its President, to represent that country at tbe Centennial Exposition. Gortscbakoff and Bismarck hare settled on a eom-mo- n policy for Russia and Germany, tbe former power is now ready to recognise the Spanish Republic. Lord Chancellor Cairns has removed tbe name of Dr. Keneally from the list of Queen's counsel. A dispatch to the Lord on Dmlf .Van, from Berlin, says it is reported that Gnat Britain has formally and finally refused to take part in tbe International Law Conference that Russia proposed to reopen at St. Petersburg. A Ma. Snrroa : Tbe East Maui Female Seminary has met with a loss by the resignation of Rev. C. from his connection with it, that it will be difficult to repair. In view of the event the Trustees of tbe Institution passed the following Resolutions : irhereas the Rev. C. B. Andrews, after having for three and a half years labored without a salary in bnilding up tbe East Maui Female Seminary is obliged by tbe exigencies of his personal affairs to resign his connection with it : and whereas he insists that his resignation is irrevocable ; Resolved that, deeply regretting our inability to retain hhn by a proper salary, we accept his resignation. And Resolved that, in doing so, we express our high estimation of the selfdeoying devotion and the efficiency with which for such a length of time be has gratuitously labored for the Institution, and of the rare excellence of his wife's managetkent of its domestic and indastrial departments ; and earnestly desire that in tbe guidance of Providence they may enjoy success in whatever field of usefulness they hereafter enter." The friends of the Institution feel highly gratified that one so well fitted by experience and natural qualifications to teach in tbe Institution and to preside over the Industrial and Domestic Department, as the Principal of tbe Waialua Seminary, has signified a willingness to fill tbe vaeancy made by Rer. C. b. Andrews' resignation. At this critical juncture this Seminary especially needs the favor and assistance of the public ; and in view of its peculiar adaptation by location in a highly salubrious region, and by its poiession of a large and well constructed buiMIng, and Tn view of the vast importance of the cause of female edaoation ia tbeae islands, it jl to be hoped that many friends will now rally around it. Madi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. the Mt t:n moors, jceiKpn of ricr- By C. REGULAR SALE! NEW YEIUTS Notice. rcKpectftallr r- D1TICETKOrfHCit that from ud after th 1st of October. 1874, will hl hikI Mr. t pol- ko-rcotint Itfchari ". t the mrae ; ronKqip-.Uall monc.r doe him will have to be prid to Sf r. Blcfcerton, who to anthortto! to receipt MNM for RAine. At VI ASTER, WALTERS Will have Quick Dispatch for the above Port For Freight or Passage, apply to dt CO., Aftnta. FOR 8AN FRANCISCO. C A. S. Ff. Co.'s Fine Steamship IV E YP H RI'OMEAncn, S! Fan.T Prints. Amoskeag Drnimf. Brow Tlio TtiBO-uror- MINSTREL apply to a . BEEWBB CO.. Bill. Inpartad u NRT BIS, ETC., law, ETC. Set with SUae at Tarnsssa. Baby Finr Flae td. wf Pie. Ct Set mmat Bex, eta. . A Variety of docks. 1 Elegant Parlor Clock. A fern AMBER SETS, LoUief RIDING WHIPS, ACCORDEOXS. Wrapping Paper. r. ltd BUrrt Bracelets. Male. Soap, Ax Handles. Ojatm, Sardina. Muetard. Salt. Waah Bla. Pain-iite- Gold Seta i Ca mm Mrrill Pickles, B Fine Cold Rings I Cantil Afwte. tto froaa Silver Batter Ksivs. Silver Kniv aad Forks. Catol PI Katve ia at raren eaaee. Silver Pnrliaiieaalti. Bejel ha pott a Aa. . am. Ctoasa Kama. T .1 tin TaaJt Powtfer, Fins Tai Dusmar's Kemsana Ofl, Tobiroo ud Cicva. Manila Hope, Cloth Pins, Charcoal Iron Card Matches, Peanut OB, St. Louia Ham. Lard. Via agar A afatad Consisting patttj at SUCH As Fmtaia For Sydney, N. 8. W. TROUPE! " ! Fine Cold and Silver Wt re Strip. Whit F'snnel Suit. Rtshop's Lawn, Rainbow Qilta. Blaukau. Merino Shirts. Faaar Whit Shirts, Oiford Shirts, Towcla, Indies' Hon, Silk Bow,, Alph Braid, Hals aud Capt, Silk II Jkfj. it. at. and PtoMtoffe, or any ftirtber in 530 - to First will Cotton and Drills, CoMM, Elu Flauntl. Mottraito NVtt inc. BlMh Oath. Rr Auotar ok'- TEAR'S NEW VALUABLE .N'AMKLY. WILL SAIL for SAN FRANCISCO Ob or ntMat Jnnnary i h. E0YAL HAWAIIAN THEATRE. w9 For Prlg-h- Sales Room of O. S. at 7 t'dork P. Jt. pfrimkf. Commenrtng ALSO T. WOODS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At Mmm. Assortment of An II rr. H. HACKFELfi at A. FRESH GOODS, A MATTIE MACLEAY, The hirMt ! Wednesday, December 30, DEC 30. WEDNESDAY, SUE! THIS EVENING THIS DAI, For PortlaTid, Oregon. THE HAWAfTAX BARK 8. BARTOW. By E. P. ADAMS. - mond Cohere, Indhuaa, wtn, D.V.," bold reUgtoaa service on Sunday the 20th and 27th instant and January M. AD are Invited to attend. 41 Dec 15, MM. It S!0 AUCTION 8AUB. AUCTION SALES. WILL DIVE A.T lKTERTAI?rtEXT ON Brown Sugar, Crushed Sugar, Flour, Set. President MacMaboa's message to the Assembly B. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. X. A. Co's Splendid 8. The this afternoon congratulates the country on its prosperity, increased agricultural products and commerce; ALB- OADMISSION : the bright prospect for the coming year, and a credit tHutls sol Gold of Ttriaty A Drees Circle, S1.00 : Parquette, 7Scta: Pit sorts.; A Covered Wagon of better standing among foreign nations. Tbe PresPole and 4 00. Re re red Seats secured at the Hawaiian lintel. ident insists strongly on the necessity of definite legopen , Doors at? Trouble to commence at 8 o'clock, sharp. Shafts. DiMCCTOkT and Calendar Wr issue this morn-- I islation with regard to For particulars see proirrammea. Qannin constitutional powers, and Labia's Krtrasrts, Ing onr annnal " Gazette Directory and Calendar," FOR O.TB OR TWO HORSES Ia continues as follows : " Incessantly agitated by a r.IOO RK. F. CAPTAIN for rigged containing a list of the officers of the Government, propaganda of most pernicious doctrines, the country for diplomalie and consular corps, with tbe various soWILL SAIL for SYDNEY, N. S. W. An aaka yon to guarantee by measures of wise foresight or Necktie and Cravats. Silk Hdkf cieties existing here, and other nselul inlortnation. . . KW QlovwA Smm Shawl, st the regular action of the public powers during the With Three Spring Ctuhiaaa and Stay behind. On or nbont .Innuni y 1 1 tli. Copies can be obtained at our counter or from the ASSIGNEE OF THE OF ORDER THE faT- - UeaswS ready tor taapat It saa Tmia period of stability which ca. you UM II It promised A. Yon Kstato of Mr. The Carriage it very thoroughly nada. France. Wilcox, I shall ai at in good Day MOT For Freight and carrier. I'riee 25c. Fmucs. to sy.tr. y. NVw order, Wrdaraday at 12 M. Auction will examinetbese grave questions and aa underand coat $350. Will "a told low. Apply to Zcalaoil sod Melbourne, appiy to . BRF.HT.R A Co.. Airenta. c m. bjlbtow. mm f" Mrs. Dr. Thompson, of Portland, Oregon, B. P. ADAMS. standing, I hope will be arrived at. I shall not deOn 29th, 1875, delivered a lecture on Temperance last evening at cline any share of responsibility, nor will the interAT 10 A. IC the lie the!. She referred mainlv to tbe labors of vention of my Government be wanting. I wish to Ra Notice. At WAIT A, iianai.k I. KAUAI, at tne upset price of a Jts-r- v. lue cornea engaged la Lhe lale teuiperaooa erusaAle, e. state bow I understand my duties toward the AssemF. CO A I" RT H I P HSBITOFORK EKi II TITE FAST SAII.IKO BARK in which she was an active worker There was bly and country. I did not accept power to serve any (OfawaiNaarMatiiMwaaaalMr PMA8X waa dissolved by anutital couaeut on the ath ef nMe a (nil audreace, which r.ppcarcd much inter-t- o HATna party I" only pursue tbe work of social defense and s ! TIE Julr, Is; I csted in the lectnrcr't narrative, TaeaaaalniSBa will be coottaaesl at tike old place by aae national restoration. It is my ardent desire to have aperieaeelD Mfeaad, unde1 BROWS, UKliliUaV WASTKR. A. J. '"""Ktlnc of the fbllowin? pieces of real estate and Jobbing in ail its the support and the good will of those whose personHonolulu, Dave 13, ISU. il'J Jt property : I4ff A lively earthquake ahock occurred st twen- .r taj Bnllrwaa share ef tba Land conveyed to P. Hannon tar Rev. and Mrs. Johnson WILL HIVE QUICK DISPATCH FOR THE ABOVE PORT al preference bows before present necessities and the i h.iitf.inm nn lyminHleB OelO!-BI- X Nov. 27, 1WC. containing .10 acrea 1101 or lem. o'clock ou the morning of Haring psrrt of her Cargo engaged. ! sacred cause of the country. I claim their support in tn alt rtarsnteerl Land conveyed U. May 23, by Johnnou, Thorns E. ty Tuesday, Dec. 29. No damage done. The weather I For Freight aud Paaaacr, applr to .. .I Kulpanan containing 1 acre and ' pcrchen. avwTZI 5111 CASTLE A COOKE, Agent. was heavy and thick, with Irequcut lightningduriag the name of France, whose welfare and greatness I laiutd described In Patent 2v27, first lot containing 4 and hth. rgiHE i ni:itHi.i;n have Silver alone ; in'view. 0 Nothing will me jutin discourage second lot KMQ0 acre. the previouenightr The last previous shocks occur. . A Price) ssbore the Market Mate. the accomplishment of the task. It in my cuiy not l"a Ir,,ni " PWI w(J. Tlmraa. conveyed Aor. 20. red at 10 P. M . February 1, 1871, and 4 P. M., WKi conuUnlnp 1 road and perch. Land from A. 8. Vnnana to (J. Thorn, conveyed .Ang. Van ufac tare ranee. H NtssOi kt maauaii n . la sassrt. F. A. WITAIFrt A ("O. SI ft'- Aprfll,lC8. The latter is the dale of tka last great to ut-- ert the post in which you have placed me to FOR KOLOA AND WAIMEA 1862, containing fi acres, I rood and 31 perches. a .11 ad aav tmaU OUmm Mat I eeupy it up to the last day with unbroken firmness 2.I jui. eruption at Kan, on Hawaii. RX OF IKIXIM I I . dfrribed ' In IVit- nt zw, contalnln and arrea. meal at Ivory. Lamm aw aarttrsuarty nriie.1 ' TIIK SOUOONEK Thf of Icau of Watpa. amonnt of lease and scrupulous respect for law." examine the noHBtnt SIW1 Ju stAL!IIK. per milium $175. The land N miluthir for cam- wid rice, 310-t. C. KtstBT Americas Postage. Tbe new postal law, which I Mil ltMI.i:i) HAN ARRIVED. -Paris, Deeember 4. The newspaper organs of the has pood water-powe)aaMHJaaaa and ban abundant (iccesfitbie wood. trora Molokai. Chrye: SO goes Into effect January 1, 1875, requires the prepaySftH for Hale and DecS 8cbr MO Morris, ON HAND Republican party think that the message of President sheep, 0 lambs, 6 bdls cane, e bags potatoes , and 9 ment qf pottage on newspapers by the publishers-ImfUmn IIOI.I.KM. M AVITR. CHOICE MEEF, M l'TTO. t MacMahon is directed against the Legitimists, while Kollcrs of which are 33x20, Will liavt rnrular dispatch for tbe above parsed Porta, also redncea the rate. All newspapers as well as AJ A WIVXAIJa OAI.MU.H 3t -- Hit M' r Tenedos, Commander Moulen, from i.i. autl FISH. other mtmfBKFSt the journals published in the interests of the Conseron and after the Silt of November next, until further notice, I lanre Water wheel and gear, 2 Iron ClariQers, 1 Train .in my ia 2i -- 8chr Nettie Merrill, Crane, from Lahaina. Caryo. tkKI letters must be prepaid or they will not be forwardAll at HxaanwaBT-- a Faicaa. 2 kegs sugar. 14 hides; and 10 pasaeoirerB. of 5 Kcttlea. 1 wnall Watcr-whfVaUay. uatiu. the sstne bein the lan.l that I tawaatrroai Machlnen vatives believe it pointed to tbe Radicals. The pubI'ri'Ijht and Passage taken at the lowest Hates. ed. This law applies to papers sent from these isl- ana gear, ji iron Lruicr, ClBryo: It J Mcmm BoUerami tv-Stall on the Ewa Aa of tho Fiah Market. sun of itoir Kilauea, MarcbauL, froat Kaaal. uutni BOLUSS t CO., Affe-H- a. ji .iii. Ill Kiasri't. lic generally is favorably impressed by tbe message. 7 Carta. Oxen, VolteMules, V'urt hoga, (doc chickens. in of I -- ad cattle, i horses, 1 mule, mid to aoc Chain. it raa . rtd .mrJe Dee. last. ai well as to those sent lo Ibem. J. M0a"NAT7LI. im , ill c Ploughs, 2 fUrrowa, Blacksmitbhop and Tools, Chest 1, and lot of sundries. M. . A rmnn t.t Lively Day In the Relvrutag. j 01 loom, noes and Fence-wir- e, Otrffo : I dos Lot of Ked Hricks, and Befar Pueokahl, Clark, from Hana. Deputies from Alsace and Lorraine have sent writ New variety of mail Toola. 1.01s eaaaaaaae, Ectiox or Omcras. At the regular meeting turkeys. 1 horse, 440 keg sugar, 4. baas potatoes, 4 bales tobacco; and lb passeu- of ExcelBior Lodge No. 1., L O. O. F., held last ten notices to tho President of the Chamber that in Hill Buildings, Manager's House, and ( E TC HIE I MF.RSfiIKl evening, the iollowiog officers were elected for the view of the condition of their country, they cannot 27 SchricUve, Pnaahiwa, from Bile Cargo: S3 kega Gold and Silver Perforated Card Board sugar, 34 bfdea. Laborers' Houses. ensuing term: Geo. Emtnes, N. G., serve on the on Committee Alsace Bud and Lorraine I 14 Curan: Una! Akin an. tluat Tallaw. ffcbt Ilattie, Kimo, from Itawlllwlli. In case no bid is nu-d- e to tbe above mentioned upset get aud Loan Bills. Both communications srere rebogs, 1 4oa turkeys, 1 horse. --00 kegs sugar, btds Joe. Gnroey, V. G. ; Jno. 8. Smithies, H. and P. C. 8R1WIE A COk price, then 1 snail at tne same time offer tne aliove pro SecTctiry, (re elected); Robt. LeWcrs, Treasdrer, beef, 1 btil lolkiw'. 11 hides ; and '1 passengers. to ferred separate and real estate the lota. perty Committee. Cttr-wEctii Odd fellow. Nlka. froai Koloa 4 Wahnea. 8. W. WILCOX (re elected); TV. C. Parke, A. S. Cleghoru, J. P. & IMPORTER : 4 bis as, i hogs, 3i2 bagr rice. 3 bbla beef, 14 In the course of debate n estimates for appropria620 St Auctioneer. White Card Board. MANUFACTURER hides. 7dpmt skins: and 10 passengers. Cooke, Trustees, tions for the Federal Council, Herr Joerg, one of tbe Cargo: 41 Bchr Warwick. Kalawaia. from Molokai. mi TO by rriiiE Bale For aheep, 6 bags potatoes, 2 bdls cane ; and T passenpvtwaa. Wa X ay Wools at Too Mcch Haste. Wc admire the enterprise of Bavarian Deputies and member of the Clerical party, H. M. WHITNKY. gers. tkis Spring partitolari arkat made a bitter attack on Bismarek'a foreign policy. Cargo. 20 our neighbors In getting ont their calendar with a 8ctM Luka, Kasha, from Kalepolepo. i MA-- v o. mm ii a ssi rnrrkt corda aroed. Ha remarked that in consequence of Russia holding hrpo : 4 rush ; but wc suggest that tbey take more lime to 6dre riiaina Bates, from Kona 4 Kau. 6 bxa fish, 24 revise it, and tnnke it free from errors. Three such aloof, tbe Chancellor had made a fiasco of his attempt I .., 41 awa roots. K bags coffee, TO INFORM MY Cl'BTOM EMM AMD AT 111 aH. IIKlmil K IBFO generally, that 1 nave Will Iaane aa Early na ftoaalble ll eaiM. lO OXS Oraages. lo nags iioiaoies v oa la qutta ami Hots. A I in tba list of Privy Councillors Sheas ditto In tha atf4ejiliiit in in Spain He wUhad ,o know whether 1 I'a eiiieaen, i ao Imiciip IsuMi, j i runs 1 at, 1 lrlt toliaoco ; and In nseiigers. terms of tbe Circuit Court Flltner's Observatory tbe committee of the Federal Council, which, accordMY BUSINESS TO FORT STREET IHOVEO Maliko from an Schr Kinau, Ahlifhala, XART rr.Rr. CT riLB cmAJMIAMM n eighth of a mile from where It stands ing to the Constitution, asked for the consideration the figures M. In 1'i.r 21 in- or Deccmoer, AI) 1574, mulr and Issued by CMaat Loatav Mil lb Kot. Waha, from boolao Cksyo: 85 kegs HAWAIIAN ALMANAC the Hon. C. 0. Harrl-i-, JuHtW of the Sujlrprac Court of lhe . r. 371 bag rice. of the year 1.73 upside down in the Altnauac, and of questions of foreign policy, performed any func( KlnK-lothe Hawaiian Islands, ftltttafr as a Court of Kami .sns, nauaino, inim nieiau. eawyv aw others more or less glaring-a- n ought not lo occur 131 WILLIAMS' FIRE PItOOF BI ILDCCQ, in Maint ( harnpag n, qtjartav Probate, J shall expuae for Sale at Jublic Auction, upon tions. AND is a V empty Mil liouor stvps of the Government RnlldlnR and Court House, at th' aDnual calendar. 2. -- get' Pauahi. Hopn, from HHo. fJbiyo I 417 kegs Bismarck replied that all important diplomatic des111 o'clock noon on ttfitniffny, Jnminri WIIEBE A. I. iKllecane; ami n lASeeUgel. sugar. 4o hull'-- . 1. 1. FBI MOriaMKl'X patches were communicated to the Committee, which JH7l, all the Land belonetug to Um Estate of E. Kani-hlna- , Ha hk Mattic Macleay, Wetter. 30 day Irom raw 119 s On Monday last a motion was lit BtVKRurrcr. deceased. In Waiklkl, Oahu, being the Three I Intensive Keep Shall a and Stack HAND-BOOmet whenever summoned by tbe President. I ami OF INFORMAby Will of NakmJ, deceaaed, to the said K. VAMMItM: of Nothing Mr. argued before i vt. i Justice to Judd, atMELix, ata. vacate the order SAILED. TION on matte rs retail dc to the llawaitan lalaods, Kanibma, and described In Royal Patent No. 6M as folwas concealed from the Government. He emphatilows : Dec S3 Star Kilauea. Merchant . for Circuit of Kauai. to the Marshal to take possession of the property of original and iwtected, of InOrcst to Merchant. Planftn, cally repelled the insinuation boh' h .oii.ii, Powaaa, forKahulai. that the Federal repreHHK- 12C8 NakaiAina ma Waiaka, i Waikiki, Tonristi. and th. n ; con tal nine with tbe Calendar the Fine Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Thomas Spencer In bankruptcy, on the ground that Sri, Prince, Beck, far ILuua 4 Kaa. sentatives did not adequately protect the rights of t he 2S Ftnir Kilaoea. Marrhant, for Windward Porta. tlm of in Sun's rising and setting for earh day, aad the Dr. McGrew and Mrs. Spencer's trustees bad taken Oaliu. Kona, various States, There had never been aay idea of Mir Mile Morris. LainiA, for Molokai. oar rAi.iroa.aiA Silx-or-war- o, Moon's Phases, Table of Money Value, fteglster of the possesaton as mortgagees to foreclose under the act A PAN A 11 LOT MA WAT AKA. K hoomaka ran ka 2ii Nettie Merrill. Crane, for Laliaina. intervention in the affairs of Spain. When apprised Pohaku X ma ka papuhaku, a c holo hema 540 kom. 131 Court, Official and other Officers, Sociatles, etc., Custom Bchr Warwick, Kalawaia, fur Molokai. of 1874. Tbe connsul for Messrs. Grinbaum Co., paukn ma ko H. Katiakal a me W. Kamana ; alalia hema K Will, LIC BE FAAI Tlonse Tables, Meteorological Tables, Hist of Island Kerns, of the murder of Schmidt, he said to himself, such a 3&c Mil Pauahi, Hopn, for HHo. the petitioning creditors, opposed tbe motion on the hltloaas pauku eplllanameKuhcda ; alalia akau 3 Mo Active, Poaahlwa. fi Kobala. thing would not have happened to the British, Ameri- SO hiklna244 pauku me Kuilel" no Jieolaioa ma ; alu-l- a Census of the Islaodf and tbe rrindpal Townnhlpa, Hla- ground that the Court bad do jurisdiction, under Sohi Battle. Kimo, for NawiliwtH. latars rutM, issaa FANCY JEWELRY, akao Sir JC kom. 143 pauku e pnt antme H. Kfthakaf a tory Of the Ha&u Industry and Tables In connection there Sahr Poeokabi. 1'lurk, for liana. can or Frencn eitiiens. He remembered tbe humiliathe bankrupt act, over the queatiou presented under tlx hfki ka hoomaka ana 16-1eha, with, Decadence of our Furniture Woods, together with Mo Lake. Kaeha. for Molokai. beg to state that T hare emrsged a .mpetent I also APANA 2 PAHA1.E MA WAIAKA. Ehoomakamake tions imposed on tbe Germans, and considered that tW the truat deed and mort gages, and also that no cer-tark. Calliifil, for Fan Francisco. ahBrit bk Sparro other matters of Interest. LAKCT. Wt. ..r. litaak. r i a 'UM, awa aas umm. klhl hema o kela Pabale, a e holoakau kom. 331 ptiuku t- the time had arrived to avenge such wrongs. The ma of such eii .ry had been recorded as required Is expected to meet Tbe large sale which tills hand-booko H. Kahakal a me Aupunl ; alalia akau 37 15' hlklna 200 pauku ma IA Aupunl; alalia hema 54 htkltia 215 pauonly way of helping Spain was to recognise those elewith at the low price of 50 Cents), not only here but byHbe Statute. Tbe Court cenicd tbe" motion on r. EXPOItTN. Clocks Repaired AaMOKTF.n UK DIALS, la eat CHAM.iawa.i-ku ma ka A pans Alna Kula o H. Kahakal ; alalia hema '10 VOUIK ments in the country which were disposed to restore kom. 277 pauku ma ka papnhaku aoao ma Kahawal a hlkl abroad, makes It a desirable advertising medium, for the ground that the bankrupt act gave no galls For has 1 ' aacieoo. jier bparroahawk, Iiec 30 ON THE MOST I which a HmltecJ spare will he devoted. 0 ka hoomaka ana 8 P K. ana. K. U. Stanley and L. McCully public order. Russia was leas affected by Spanish eks. whsle oil, tl.lrw;. the sugar. 10,000 e rlre, K.407 jr.- - pulu. lion ia Uie matter. in.vo. sa APANA 31 LOI MA KIKI. hoomaka ma ke klhl Karly applications for space and orders for copies so l nfAs unsa. 6,890 lis ivory, 141 ft BUS whalebone, 1,344 galls Liberal Terms concerns. Germany.has respected Russia as a power heiim. a e holo A. S. Hartwell, contra. motion, lor tbe and and Satisfaction Guaranteed 55 " kim. 100 pauku a pill ana me ko akau licited. eotne onrbs .ananas. 1.1 HTUS JLaatk l'd- if OA, RAt alalia akau hlklna 4T Vsnlalyi tne Konohfkl ; 2s with wbichJGertnany had lived in intimate friendship T reOrders from abroad must Include postage and can be aa I will add that mem to contlnnp hualneaa on the waa Hi- alalia hem. 65- hlklna 100 pauku e pUi ana me Naw-ak; " Ka Labl-- i Hawaii." This is the name of a for a century. liberal prttsclple as 1 have dtoSM before, kaulahao a hlkl I ka hoomaka If (continued Bismarck) your darta alalia hema 42 kom. mitted In stamps. Address, ac weekly religious paper, the first number of which apwine, nw.aTMi.aax. (Inoa) A Bishop ana. Tbanklns; the public for AiTors shown me so far, solicit are darted against as, that friendship they will mils. ana 30100 ekn. THOS. G. TI! KI n. a rontlnaance of the same. Pan loa 1 elta. From Portland, per Mattie Marlesy. Dec 2S 143Ssks flour, pears this week, under date of January 1, 1875. It Tbeir aim can equally bear charge of fiasco. ReferStationer and News Dealer, W 3m CHR. ECYABX. 00 hbls lime. 841 bbla, TO hlf Mil t 40 c salmon, 210 sk nr. cciiCBiATCB is issued under tbe auspices of the Hawaiian Board, 517 9m Honolulu, H. I. ALSO The Parcel of Land situated on School Street, oats, 420 oka bran, 173 aka potatoes, 40 sk wheat, 4S0 cs ring to tbe assertion of Herr Joerg that Kullman was and edited by Rer. H. H. Parker, whose paper, the be.ons.tiff to the Estate of E. Kanlhloa, being 100 bxa apples, 25 cs a Mil coruod beel A , 4 ea banaa, a mad man, Bismarck replied that be was not a mad ADCI BA 1'Ki'iu) Kanutta. cadis, 10T' kits. Lou Wiiii, is discontinued to give place to tbe new Five Large Kalo Patches I SIS CIUA UJ.Xtl a man. "You don't mean to have anythingin common FUND FIRK.MVX'S A religious paper Is a necessity for the publication. tn Royal Patent No. 2094, at follows : Described Warranted to keep Voyage the Longest tn . iii-xI u ni i I ii I with Kullman : that I comprehend : bot he clino-m r Hawaiian people, who have so little to read. But E hoomaka ana ke ana ma ke klhl flhtlna u Pill ana ka IJT1. In 2, 1, and 3 gallon Demljah ns, tightly to your coat-tailI asked Kullman why be aina o Kanlhina a me ka pa puna ma ka pohaku hoallona la For Kausi. per Kilauea, Dec 23 Paal lseanerg, jr. Miss V most of all is such a paper needed for the young, uoxifcBarTrtjCAivTT. penel hema 4 kom. MS kauL I ka alnao plko wished to kill me. leenberg, P He answered, "On account of tne X a holo Kellilt. wife and child, li McBryde and 2 sous, the rising generation, who are growing up in Ignoakau 42- - kom. 1.71 kauL. hema Z ' 30' kom. 1.41 kaul. ka J C Olade, wife, child and nurse, aud about 44 deck. church laws, and because you injured my party." I alna o C. Kamtlna nkau 41 30 Ink. 1.80 kaul. akau 49 kom. OF SAN FRANCISCO, We have always reFrom Kauai, par Kilauea. Dec 28 J C Olade. DrJW rance of religious teachings. 0.R8 kauL I ka alnao Keaka. Akau li hlkinn i.- -l kauL Ika K AL LHI, OAHU, HAWAIIAN I3LAJIDS. asked bim which party, and he replied, "the centre aim Smith. Miaa K Ldueaioku. Miss Keel, aud 64 deck. gretted the suspension of the A Uuui. or Dayspring, ..anihlna hem. 47 ' hlk. u.82 kauL hema 4 kom. o.3d of Ultramontane." kaul. hema Si 3CK hlk. . IT kaul. hema 40- - idk 3.7tf kauL For Wind sard Ports, per Kilauea. Dec 2 T Beret, Mrs established by Dr. Gnllck, and which was Great tumult in the Chambers. M qta m raa, I designed 111 i hoomaka'l N Maker and child, Mrs Wilson. t D Baldwin, wife and I kau-lnhahlkl o CWAsfj kabl Ela ka 0 rchildren. I eks 4 You may thrust Kullman away ; he nevertheless beCaah. Capital, Wold, a.lOO.OOO, U nea. J Castle, Mr Wet more. Misaes Katie and Fanny to teach tbe young people in Sabbath schools and by Co. 0. Sale For A wor.rx Wetmore, Miaa Kan Ian, T LHisson and wi. Bishop Willi. elsewhere. longs at. Here buhid. you. Uouae to tbe into burst iu cheers So long as it was well conducted it Terms Cash. Title perfect. By writing small lines on carefnlly selected risks, Rev Blunder aad wife, Mr Mrlutoab, Mr Tremble. Mr Swan, 491 1; Ker Kraud. its, which were loud and long, with continued applause, 0 NoCh . Mi Kodaoet. K Ratbhune, Hoa H A Widemaaa ami doubt leas accomplished some g,od. We should like atrKwan s, ,t. a pta, J. PORTER OREEN, well distributed, offers others, and about 100 deck. pas. a 20-Jeffrer'a, 1 5 4 Executor of tbe last WH of E. Kanlhina. its to see s paper of its class revived. The Lahui Ua- - and subdued cries of "Pfeui, Pfcui" were heard from SECOND TO XO.TE. am al l PERMOm ARE ITERERT WAR. vaii will doubtless scire Ic part to fill the gap, and Ultramontane benches. BIRTH. (UI CAtee-an- m v tsH i r t Administrator's Notice to Creditors. 9Lw)EI airalnstTRESP.tflKINtl on tne Uitila of WAI ). wc wiah it success. The President declared these exclamations unpar virafetwa Mr: Losses Promptly Adjusted. --Cl'AI. MANCWAINLT. K tlllKI.M'l aad KAl'PO, liamentary. do do est BEEN APPOINTED IDMIMS. At llanalei, Kauai, December 14, to tbe artfe of CapL J. situate at Kaapo, Rant Maul. In the p ssn aw .o of lass tn man live eUU of JOHN BOOTH, late of ds da "Tbi Hanging of the Crank." The reading It. Hatfleld. a son. "I have no right to censure such exclamations HAVI.VO Those so (loins; will be liable ui proaecutiun. BISHOP A CO., Caaaavaaad CMSaaaa Wkatj. deceased, Intestate ; I bereby notify all credltora of of this bcanlllul domestic sketch of Longfellow, and all rattle and horses rreapaeelmt sal lamia will 'Pfeui' is an expression of disgust and contempt. file deceased, to present tbeir claims, duly authenticated Islands. the Agenta for Haarallan 1y tlfi forth tth. AIKEN A Hl'Rl.l with tbe proper Touchers, at ::. office, within six which we published two weeks since most baTc A Mwbtcrranean Fire Beneath Plttabnrg. am not stranger to these feelings, but hope I am too and Kaapo. Bast M .ill He pa. SS. S07 Ml mm. month;, rrum this date, or they wiil he forevt-- barred. Tin mjr i g , Nor. IS. A subterranean fin is raging suggested the idea of adding another happy inciH. polite to so express them here." DOLE. 1.13 4t Honolulu, lth I)pcember, 187.. skipper who & SADDLE LEATHER, SOLE in the portion of this city known as Herron's Hill, dent to the lite of tbe weather-beateNORTHWESTERN Windhorst, Ultramontane, said that his speech DE UAAilK Vila A ooaaar. from the balcony on Kisseocen. after Kullman'a at which threatens serious consequences to about St. commands tbe favorite Labaina packet " Nettie Sheep Skins Ooat Tanned to morning as Saturday Bismarck, tempt assassinate On tbe Merrill." gave schooner tho signal fortbe Thirty-third ! acres of improved property. In digging out for OH HARD and far Sal, MB ITTKRR. asafc taVa, Company, CONSTANTLY attack on the centre. It was wrong to incite ono Mutual Life street against the bank some three or four came to her wharf, a carriage drove' down, and a party against another. They were drifting, without m3 HostetHr'a Bttters. parcel was banded to the Captain, who was requesthat, toward war. C. Prop'r TASnfKKY, months age. tbe workmen discovered a strata of tbe WAIMEA MITLEV, WAL K EE, WDKajMSISl. bead. No sooner mast Mil. his gift at to hoist the ted Ws-lBismarck replied to the accusation that he pointed A. g. CtlonORS CO.. Aesnls. coal which is so plenty in this city. In order to warm said than done, and there was displayed a beautiful to the continued inettementef the Ultramontane press, coSbe for their lunches they discovered this to be just ensign of blue ground, on which was worked the and events which led to tbe attempt of Kullman on i 11, tbe place, and accordingly lit fires at the mouth. his life, and added : Were I to believe half of what outlines of a crane, surrounded by eight stars repreGradually tbe slight blase developed itself till now it senting the Eight Hawaiian Islands the whole be1 the Ultramontane papers say against me, who knows V what I should do T" 113 is a perfeei volcano, whose ominous roaring eon easily CRAaV UjSJU. mostIn tbesiWorld.r.ssiT I. IVSIIMME ing the handiwork of a lady, who took this mode of Good for Chicken Peed, Ac $c Herr Lasker declared Windherst'a remarks about be heard by persons traveling over the surface. No Santa-clausinIS-Kher friend tbe Captain. On aeeing RT inciting war the unworthy of a representire of the efforts have been made to extinguish this blase, aad Usattlsaaac people. tbe banging crane, the standing Crane was speechKakaako Salt, per Bag or Ton. SIS CHARTERED IN now it is spreading feaflatly fast, endangering life less, and quite unable to comprehend the situation. The President called Lasker to order. and property. Herron's Hill is the highest point in The gift is a very neat one, and will be hoisted on Tbe debate continued till a late hour amid scenes FIEEWOOD, of Best Qftality Has thr- advantage of Western Rates of laterest Never Alleghany County, and on its summit is located one of special occasions, when the Captain's private ensign of great excitement. lost a dollar of Its Securities and never alls to par Ua up If required. Cat our which has been but lately erected. The evening papers issued extra editions after dark needs to be displayed. We trust that the gallant losses promptly. WHALE BOATS AND BOAT STOCK I Lately sailor ma; long lire to enjoy life, one of tbe pleasant giving reports of tbe proceedings down to adjourn-i- n Vatarwasreoentlypntinit.butitlaalndout. eat- For particulars apply at tbe Office of however, it was found that this water did not pass est Incidents in which will always be " tbe banging as. i. nonstrrr, out altogether from leaks, but that a portion has eva- of the crane, on the jjUi ol December, 187- -. Comer Queen and Port 8treeta- W. O. IBWIN A CO., porated io steam, caused by the immense ire raging Notice. writing ArtOTSaR Mcrdkb. A correspondent, or Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. SIS ly below. There is danger of this work caving ia, aad, from Kona, Hawaii, says : "On Saturday night, I DERSH; VFO THE THE HAWAIIAH Call and See the New Photographs WHFBFAS. appointed a should it go, the flames will reoelre additioawldrangbt of administrator tbe shocked was community with the our 19th lust., the or OKOBUE HUB) DAVIS of Waimea, Island of or aad will thus be the harder to subdue, and hare a announcement of another murder committed here. Hawaii. lately deceased, hereby itlvea notice to all persona bavin claims ajalnst the aald estate to present tbe tame tendency of spreading the fire still further. The ulone of A number of natives collected at the bouse properly authenticated within all months from date, or timate result of this sobteraunean fire oaa baldly he Kahananui, near tbe atone Church at Xaawaawa, in they will ke forever barred ; and all persons indebted to HOME MUTUAL the same are requested to make Immediate payment to AT atAWVRa. MARTRLAHT. told at present. Millions of improved property lie on Central Koua. Tbe neighbors say tbcjr beard lood the andersumed. at bis office In tbe Court House In WaiCompany of California mea, Island of Hawaii, and also all persons having any H. L CHASE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. the hill aad in close proximity to these burning mines voices as of singing and quarreling tin nout midAND property or any thing of valne belonging to the estate of and, should any settling of earth occur at any point, night, when wailing commenced, aad tbe report the said Oeo. Hneo Davia. In their care or keeping, are Kates mr Paaaage win mm I N'DEKSIOSED LS HOW PREPARED By steamer froa Ban Pranclsc, SMVOO To or from Kaaaaasaaat. the result woald be most disastrous. Efforts will be spread around that one of tbe party had drawn a hereby reqftested to render account, or deliver up the ran AUTHORIZED ARE I take VDEBSIOHED he undersigned same to To or froaa Laaaaaa. Maal at bis office above mentioned. tbe a.aa 1 Raan made to conquer the flames by sapping and mining, knife and subbed his own brother in tbe breast, D. F. SAJCTORD. To or froaa Haalaaa. Raat tjm of killing him instantly. The murderer was at once Administrator of Hie Estate of Geo. Hneo Davis. Size Mm To or from Wat saa, -- m but it will take months, and perhaps years, to exWaimea, Island of Hawaii. Dec 10th. ISTt. On Cargo, Freight and Treasure Glv it To or froaa Mahoksaa. Rawaa -- JMO was present. FROM tinguish this mass of burning coal, much of which is taken in charge by a constable, who Bawaa iiaatj. exAn evidently drinking." been weald From Honolulu to all parts of the Tbe crowd had burning hui dredl of feet below the surface. Cartes de Visltcs asp to 11 by 14 ! and upon T final Has a ska llaaaa amination before the local magistrate resulted in -- V as To or frota BSD. Raaal At the folio wins; prices : i;D JAKES ia name Kshale Fnmx whose murderer, the committing Mam WmmW from os To RaaaB ! to-dMS by a BOLLE3 by Special CO. Permlatloa A BanLin, Deeember S. In the Reichstag g III rfHaaraa.Oaaaa Cartes de VWte, per doaen, any style Bias STitj ...li Brand's Bomb Lancet, "94 lepo, for trial before tbe Supreme Court He is a VI toria stae, per doaen. aay style S 00 To or froaa aay ran aa Xamt MR letter from Bismarck was read, in which he annountarma. On the tnost favorable Cabinet state, per doaen, any style man, SS years of age, and declares be was ! I 00 Perry Daria' Painkiller, ces, in tbe name or jje Emperor and in accordance young 8 by 10, first copy 00 RAW Data p iaaaaji te aatliao aaSj t Chough bis brother. the killed be time the o. w. at Co.. a drank ntwiff I au.su a a copy... 1 00 with tbe federal CoWacil, that tbe sum for tbe mainAgents for the Hawaiian ieaBrtt SB ly Punloa Salt Workj who were examined before the district lanrer sizes at proportionate prices. I" AW REM E COTTON DECK Hoa. a TO HaRat aaalw aa aa. tdjtw. tenance of tbe German Legation at tbe Vatican is witnesses 3 00 Panorama View of Honolulu, only was MEDIUM. no on liquor JU there the testified that magistrate llS-Sa- a 1 Also, Alburns, Ferrotype, or Tin 00 for each.... Budget. AIjO of the struck oul n'.VHaT'"' Tf were Also. bouse on can mm the sober. Card slse, all ia Steel, be sent tn letter.... tm premises and that Island Scenery, Views of the Cttr. Ac. ate. asssaaassam stftid drink-ing- , i had been party tbe says that Sugar-Cure- d Quality Ash Oars, prices. Oregon Hams. Late news from Cuba represents that the Spanish Another account Peas, TrsifAt aendtrtsT Negatives Parties desirous of to the Coast their 10 to S feet. (probably potato beer) which stuff is constantly For rale by cause is ia unancial etraitf aad is otherwise SAArcxLo. wiuw. xmm. SIEBAY, FOB SALE BT to be retoacbed, can have the aaaae aoae at a reasonable FOX SALE BY M BOLUS A CO. BOLUS ft CO. B0LLK3 A CO. oars with Wtm A Oa. aatsaw ai Pan made and drank in Kona. 51 A oaaaa cost. Sm J. W. CEOWEU. i aT The To carers Minstrels gave a performance at the Theater on Christmas Eve to a much smaller house than they deserved, for according to the best judges their entertainment was the beat since the Billy Emerson was here. Go and on Saturdsv niirht Saturday EvenlRg, Jan. 2d! At Private Sale, with "MIKADO," STEAMSHIP Sugar Plantation Sale! ExpressWagon, Omnibus DT Friday, January IMP! For Portland, Oregon. U MlT.ni iab TALLOW, TALLOW Brr tauow at Pacliot. KAMAILE! for (he Girls! Something Fart T Jane A. Falkinburg, ivrm, C. K1BBY .UTLsaTwlU aatwi At the Fish Market ni. Tin: CHR. ECKART, Notice. HIDES, SKINS, TALLOW. O'TPI 1 Gold and Silver Paper, Perforated Sale of REAL ESTATE but TO WOOL GROWERS. l in.inut ;ksu.m.u rol a THOS. C. THRUM AT AUCTION. nimTAvr to order datkd the THE j after Jaanary wo. ANNUAL F05 1875, Rl eta, Boizy .rii i. SI Lare A ji s"" B Solid Best Elated Ware, Clocks! IHI R ftc. .y,. r.s sn Jl Watches and iriw lYl' INSURANCE riRE COMPANY, Prepared ponil, Insurance d Damaged Bread, AaaBTB, o o o,o o o the Suite' a 'X'l laTftS and Cement, TABLE STBAMfil till California Hay, Potatoes, Onions, any Style and c. BK So lit bisk 58 Mi for - Sfi Best Fresh Split PER V SHIP CHANDLERY cfc Bread Flour Lime 20,000 Chinese Fire Bricks per Per Syren, & CO. GROCERIES, Insurance From Boston Direct A. W. PEIRC O Administrator's Ri:n:n (. Wow Curb Stones, j THE Photographs tHtirttu inm and Offer for Sale THE llii. His Majesty and . Notice Against Trespass. B rax a- pa,.,. (Mirosnu by George Morris a FOR SALE i rr inn AND MARINE, lI)i:iMITi not r at T PURE LIME JUICE .. XI.lt iisa. ""LSy' 7 LUMBER, LUMBER, The German Clipper Bark DeulschlaMl Sailed from Glasgow on 12th August WITH & DESCRIPTIONS j Hji lt nmnn nm rnirmrn unrn FjUWlHi ! ! COMPRISING- - W Wrst Seanilin?. Timber Offered for Sale to Arrive, F. T. LENEHAN & CO. the Wharf! The Yard and on ! rNS BEST SMITHS' COAL, Tons Best Glasgow Splint Sieam Coal, BARRELS WHITE'S PLANK. BOARDS, BEST PORTLAND GE1ENT! Aaaorted Bar Iron, Assorted fiheet Iron. Battens, Flooring, Laths, Pickets, Ac. Tins best White Lead, superior quality. Tins best Zinc Paint, superior quality. Tins lies Black Paint, saperinr quality Tias best Green Paint, superior qualit. Tins best Bad Lead, sup'r ipnBty ASSORTED GROCERIES REDWOOD SCANTLING, TIMBER, ! First Brands. Assorted Biscuits, First Brands. Plank, Boards, Lea A Prrrin'e aasse. Battens. Flooring, Uaae Jnlre orrtial. Moulding, Pickets, Finest Scotch Stoves, Complete. Laths, Posts, The Following Machinery, Wain sco tting, &c. &c, &c. One Sugar Mill, Complete ALSO White Cellar and Redwood Shingles THREE WESTON'S STEAM CLARIFIERS, 400 and 500 Gall$. Doors, R. P. lmo., 2mo., & Sash SASH AND BLINDS, NAILS AND GLASS, Wall Paper and Border Is CENTRIFUGAL MACHINES. FIVE White Pine Boards, Large Variety. PAINTS, OILS. TURPENTINE, VARNISH, DRY GOODS LIQUORS. Paiitl and Whitewash Bruihrv Locks, Hinges, Heidseick's Champagne, Assorted Brands Champagne. Hennessy's 1, 2 and a Star Brandy, Assorted Brands Brandy, Beat Claret, eases Best Scotch Whiskey, Case Best Holland Gia, Baskets Best Holland Gin, stone jugs, Cases Best Old Tom Gin, Cases Cases Cases Cases Case Butts' Screws, Sash Weights ft Line. aIPUULOASALLETCETC DEMIJOHNS DELIVERED GOODS IN TOWN OF CH1RGE, FREE In thta as per KtBg-do- (wtruL s -- McEwan's WILDER & CO., in m. MS! HEW THEO. H. DAVIES, OFFERS FOR SALE ! The British Bark "Rifle," from Liverpool, Arrived - PINK PRINTS, Print. Chinti, Stripe, and Fancy Heavy Blue Denims, Gray Cotton Shirtiara, Grey Cotton Twills, Linen Drill, Sheetings, White Cottons, Cotton Towels, Mosquito Ret, Woolen Fancy Shirts, new Styles! Saddles, Very Superior Heavy Woolen Ponchos, Bine Flannels, White Flannels, Black and Blue Fine Cloth,, Alpacas, Coburgs, Woolen Shawls, Hawaiian and American Flags, Striped Austrian LaakeLF. Silk Umbrellas, Alpaca Sacs, FINE PEKIN A Til : CLOTH FOR UPHOLSTERY, FINE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS, SSxSO, 6 lbs., Asserted Colon ; 72x84, 7i lbs., Assorted Colors : and 72x84, 4 pt. Heavy Dark Bine Blankets. Pieces Only. F.lerat Velvet Cariveta, 6 only, large siir, Velvet Rug Carpets, Slxll7-in A small assortment of Goeaell'a Celebrated Hair Brushes, English Leather Belting, 34a up to 8 inches. White Laces, Aasorted Printing Inks, Vegetable Oil (for machinery), White Lead, Zinc and Boiled Oil, Castor Oil, ROOFING FELT, EARTHENWARE, GLASSWARE, HOOP-IROJ in. a -- in. One Eaeat .Boat wood and Walnut Superior Cottage Very Pianos. Beers. V in cs k Liquors Bass's and Blood. Wolfe A Co'a Celebrated Ales, quarts and pints, Blood, Wolfe A Go's Favorite Stout, a small lot in pt Tennent's Scotch Ale, pts a qts, extra quality, Iod Coope A Co'e new quality light Pale Ale, qtept Cases Gensine "Old Tom," A few cases Very Sup'r Pale Imperial Brandy, 10 Cases Royal Highland Whiskey, Caaas D. Knypers Hollands, Qr Casks Brandy, 115T Asst'd Best Brandies, 1 star up to 4 star. Cases Punville's Irish Whiskey, A few Cases Very Superior Port Wine, Caaas "A. 4 Co." Superior Claret, a very choice article, Cases Champagne and Moselle. Ia.de SUNDRIES! 40 a 4! inch Light and Heavy Burlaps, Wool Packs, J). Corear Sons' Standard Navy Canvas, assert 'd numbers, D. Corsar A Sons' Standard Merchant Canvas, Bos. I, 2 and S. Bast Doable Screened Welsh Steam Coal, Fire Bricks, India Rubber Hose, Liverpool Salt, Twine, Floor Fence Wire, Ceolert, MeOnie Clarinen, Ac. ., (MS Sm) Slates, ii.. A I .OX Bread.Am tut. ITAT rsr CASES runt ana wraiasr m ean. CASKS Assorted CraeMa, I Porter, in Stone Jugs, W1SK LEGISLATION Pints and Quarts. Blood. Wolfe Co's Porter in glass, pts and qts. A " F. T. lENEHAH at CO. NEW GOODS ! JBOLLBB A CO. Bt PJtO- AFONG In FOR SPICK RFSmpTION. judgment, tbe first step toward accomplishing this object is to secure a good currency wherever civilization reigns one which, if it becomes superabundant with one people, will find a market with some other ; a currency which has as its basis tbe labor necessary to produce it my & ACHTJCK, amcs! FROM HONGKONG! SUGAR MAT BAGS OTHER CHINESE GOODS NUSSEY AsanUati. The total amount of national bank circulation outstanding is $331,000,000. Wendell Phillips has been invited to visit England as the goest of the organized societies of this country it their seventh general congress to be held in London next year. PILLING, 4s. The NOISELESS TUDOR, The Radical Club of Boston is reported defunct. The causes assigned are tbe too great proportion of ministers and preachers, giving too much of a "theological twist' to the discussions, The talk and their purely speculative character. was brilliant, but the frosting was belter than the cake. JAPANESE TRKATT. It is hoped that the negotiations between the Government of Japan and the treaty powers, looking to the further opening of that Empire, and to the) removal of varioas restrictions upon trade and travel, may soon produce the result desired, which cannot fail to inure to the benefit of all parlies. Having on previous occasions submitted to the consideration of Congress the policy of releasing the Japanese Government from the payment of the indemnity under tbe Convention of October 22 J, 1864, and as no action had been taken there in, it became my duty to regard the obligationo-- l of the Convention as in force, and as the other powers interested have received their portion of the indemnity in fall, the Minister of the United States in Japan has, on behalf of this Govern- ment, received the remainder of the award doe tbe United Mates under the Convention of Si- monoseki. BOW TBE JAPANESE INDEMNITY SBOCLD BE APPLIED I submit the propriety of applying the increase of a part, if not the whole of this fund, to the education in the Japanese language of a number of young men, to Ik under obligations to serve the Government for a specified time as interpreters at the legations and consulates in Japan. A limited number of Japanese youths might at the same time be educated in our vernacular, and mutual benefit would result to both governments. Tbe importance of having offt own citizens competent and familiar with the language of Japan to act as interpreters and in other capacities conrtsvted with the legation and consulates in that country cannot readily bo overestimated. We omit the paragraph referring to a court to try alien claims territorial Boundaries Alabama claims rights of Americans in Turkey Mexican and South American claims and American citizenship and nationality as unimportant to most of oar readers. TBE WAR IN CTBA. deplorable strife in Cuba The continues without any marked change in the relative advantaThe insurrection ges of the contesting forces. continues, but Spain has gained no superiority. Six years of strife give the insurrection a significance which cannot be ignored. Its duration and tbe tenacity of its adherents, together with the absence ot manifest power in its suppression on the part of .Spain, cannot be controverted, and may make some positive steps on the part of Other powers a matter of TREATIES RATIFIED. has determined to The Postmaster-Genera- l dismiss from his Department el! employee where more than one member of a family holds a place. This will result in the dismissal of a large number of clerks. The lathers of San Francisco have farmed a combination to doable the price of lathfsVj the Palace Hotel, which has resulted in the proprietors employing a large number of boys, who. under a competent foreman, are doing this work. The Sba Mocsb. The sea mouse is one of the prettiest creatures that live under the water, it sparkles like a diamond and is radisnt.wiih all the colors of the rainbow, although it lives in the bottom of the ocean. It shoold not have been It called a moose, for it is larger than a big rat is covered with scales that move up and down as it breathes, and glitters like gold shining through a flocky down, from which fine silky bristles that constantly change from one brilliant tint into another, so that, as Cuvfer, the great naturalist, says, the plumage of the humming bird is no more beantifnl. 8ea mice are sometimes thrown up on the beach by storms. A Mortified Bride. A Brooklyn bride's hair the ceremony in church the other evening. There was an instant's pause, bat nobody was brave enough to stoop down and pick up the mass of blonde stuff and hair pins. The bride left the church leaning heavily on her husband's arm. Her face was very red. and a sprout of hair (possibly eleven hairs in all) stuck out at the back of her head, tied . And now her pa is with a bit of mean enough to refuse to pay the poor hair dresser's bill. fell down and fell off during The sisters of the Tichborne claimant have Over 1.100 students of tbe University of Edinburgh have d ecided to elect the Earl of Derby to the Lord Rertorthip. Sahib, has been delivered to Gawopore for further examination as to his Identity. Lecher, chief editor of the Vienna Press, has been examined about the publication in that paHe refuseJ to per of Von Arnim'a dispatches. state from whom the dispatches were obtained- Hawaiian Dictionary, M O E I, la E f. THOMAS LACK, Mil , . JOHiO, TAILORS, thk mrg BOLLE8 A CO., Ship Chandler) and n Xerekaats. Importers and Dealers In Oeoeral Merchandise. Queen Street, Honolnln, Hawaiian Islands. ts for the Kaonakakai, atoaaaina, and Kakaako BaltWi TRAP. I a. at. - . gw"" SO P"WT SSSSaat Oils ill ssae f H P B lit m X s'sisao. to ssae rinses miOu I CO. HACKFELD H. m tiw goods .IX. Hawaiian Bark C Wy liV FROM BREW! ! Pink Pad Prints, twrnry PMwSa, Chiats Priale. Waise aad Turkey Red Cettaa. d Assortment saaan Brown CeOssa Drflt. AIT. 1 Heavy Bias Bowlta I. Hiekary Join hands In a circle. One player, being All dance blindfolded, goes in the middle. around ontil tbe blindman holds oat bis hand Blae Twiiled Sagos which the one immediately opposite takos bold Tbe blind player tbao of and enters tbo circle. asks io succession tbe following qoastiuos : " Do you love me? Can you love me? Will yoo love me ?" and be should endeavor to render Intone and attitude as ludicrous aa possible, in order to provoke a smile from the young lady or gentleman (as tbe rase may be) whom be is addressing, for which those players forming athe circle must carefully watcb, the rule beiag, that In the answers given, which should always be giv-io a feigned voice, tbe adverbs Yes and No are inadmissible, and no inula is allowed on tbe Otherwise, by way of penally coontenance. they must kiss each other, and II the Wind player can then tell tbe name of the individual before It sboott alto be obhim. tbey change places. served that those players who poos through tbo ordeal of the three questions without breaking tbe rales, return to their places, and all dance around as before. IV '" Wt.ag. Riaak'ts. ftrsws iotas, Viena Lawee. l.u. ee. w ili. Ti aala. Baa. Cossaa Clhs sao-'- 'Ss, Cottaw Baadkif Lnaaa Silk Haadhsnwhiarsa. Ri.,th eve J ruaea 'ssawsPSaV v Bleek SHk Alpeeaa. Lieea Soweiret. - M Blaek aad ealersd Frees Mkreasss. Leas Seawls, Lisa assd Castas Patent Thisad oa Pine Clothe and Bteek Frsnes ClOlO oast ne Twilled CaaskrVs. ksary Cassss fsv B. H. Lyons' Compound FOR TBI f BerVsss. Ssii Ts WORST OR RECENT DISEASES, CHRONIC Fin. vrz: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Soros, Uleers, Enrptioas, Skin Diseases. Female Irregolaritie. andtiea-era- l Debility. Asthma, Diseases of tha Throat, Liver aad Kidneys. Kafhsh Lsbkj'i Rirraeta, lea By giving Health aad Tons to tha Oastrie Pine Sri f.. Urnls. FAMILY MARKET! 4 A flair. Iras Si steal res a Toilet Mirrors. Fa 4c, Qua Powder, Marks Fssrnlahed to Order. JgXTnsAA Tnewdara assd Ttstaredara Ventf. Fridays Fish. Sundays lamb, Wrapping Paper Teas Wen, Pales OS. Css P.,rtlaaJ lesssal. Ptads Has Brick.. Pkys Clay. ordered.) Unless otherwise .at, BssaeOs. Ssecapaaa. Span. Has? Tetlow Metal Choicest Meats from the Finest Herds Fish, Poultry, Vegetables, eg, Ciaksiso Poises rs Pea aad Peeks Kaiess. Case HesdM , arss. CkareoaJ Bog froes. Ttaasd Oaleaaiaed Iron iSSS. R H. LYONS FLUID COMPOUND. EE Cersejoe. Nesklasws, Cresses, As., I sake Jaieer See Directions for Using DILLINGHAM sk, Maeasear Oil. PURIFYING THE BLOOD ! The Proprietor having erected a neat and romtnoS!oa HabbsMk's Lisasad 06V VEGET1BLE, FRUIT MD POULTRY IIRKE.', Adjoining tbe FsmUy Meal Market. wUI be prepared to prnmpUr and satWactorUy All orders far overruling to tarnish tbe tabln with all tbe ssabaSawskUe an Delicacies tbe country affords. Star Shipping; supplied ost assert .Votlee. Baakesk's Veila Xsm Palat, ' Blaak aad Ureas Paints. Rsd s -- fall Meats, Ac, delivered to all porta of tbe efts' wltbuat exK. H. BQV1. Mi 3m; tra charge A HARDWARE Lashesa Iksk E. O. HALL & SON, K EEP Castor Oil, Rase sb Salts. Tar aad Ptteh. Cerdags. Cork. Ksspty nisiliaw. TlmjaJ. All Empty Syrnp Tineas. THKIR URtfAl. FI'LI. ATO constant supply of Seasonable Goods in their Line ! ALSO Fine Plated Table Wars, Assorted Clares. Kbias oyias. Boutsllesm'i Csgaas, I ted Asa Staple Dry Quods, Paints, Oil, Turpentine 1 Varnish, Cooking Stoves A Hollow Wars, Downer's A Crysteline Kerosene Oil, Ox Bows, Yokes A Wheelbarrows, Cast Steel, Nail Rods Boras Shoe Iron, California Sola A Skirting Leather, French Cslf A Lining Skins, Fancy A German Ala. assarts aad JssTrey's Ale. As. sou; Jefrsy's Stoat, do. lager Base. ds. Bavarian Bear. 4s. 'sOia. da. ds. A As. , at-- a-i Land Pips, Pumps, Carriage Axles Olae, Borax, Pomlee A Springs, & Havana and German Cigars! Rotted Steae, Shoemaker's Tools, Lasts, Pegs & Thread, a Few Regalalsr Dairy Salt, Card Matches Door Mats. AU Sorts of Brushes, Blacking A Shoe Polish, A COCOAINB, HYPERION, PYROLIONSOCS ACID fee., Ae. Road Oa. Soaps, Carbolio Tin Plates, Solder C NEW PHOTOGRAPHS BUWDA'l AU sit in a row. One to be blindfolded on the opposite side of tbe room, who crosses over, when they all hold out their bands, aod taking the first one with which he come in contact in his own. he proceeds to ask tbe individual foor questions, each of which should alosoot oeeasaw-tat- e tbe using of tbe adverbs Tea and No in the Now, tbe players most bear io answers given. mind that on no account must tbe adverb Tea or No bo used, or any word beginning with Y or N; and it will require no small amount of care of ingenuity to avoid tbo trap tbos bud for toem Should, however, tbe first player avoid bvtag caught, tbe hlitidman most return to bis corner, and tbey all change places, when he again takes Whoever is first entrapped a hand as before. becomes blindman. Tha Danish Ministry have requested tbe Rigs-raa- d not to interfere with the Government respecting tbe expulsion of Danish subjects from Schleswig while the matter is nnder discussion with Germany. Since my last annual message tbe exchange Advices from Gold Coast state that a great has been made of tbe ratification of treaties of gathering of native chiefs was held at Cape Coast extradition with Ilelgium. Ecuador, Peru and San Castle on tbe 28lh of October to clearly express all of which have been duly proclaimSalvador their views on the slavery and 'other questions. ed, as has also a declaration with Russia with Purchase or the Mount of Olives. " While in reference to trade marks. Jsmsaloni," writes a lady traveller, 'we paid oar Tno .nvv. The report of the Secretary of War herewith respects to the Princess de la Tour d'Auvergne, attached, and forming a part of the message, who resides there, and who has purchased the gives all the information concerning the operaMount of Olives for the Catholics, for 8100,000, tions, wants and necessities of the army, and to the French Government. For seven contains many suggestions which I commend to ceding it your special attention. There is no class of centuries it was lost to the Catholics, ever since Government employes who are harder workers the Crusaders were driven out of Jerusalem. than the army officers, and none who perform She is now erecting a convent on the very spot tbhir tasks more cheerfully and efficiently, and were Christ prayed. The prayer is inscribed in under circumstances of greater privations and different languages around the incishardships. Legislation is desirable to render thirty-tw- o ure of the court yard. Tbe Countess is very more efficient this branch of the public service. ogreable, rather post fifty. She lives in an old Tni: saw. Oriental cottage, and her sole companions are her The efficiency of the navy has been largely increased during the past year under the inipul-- e of tortoise shell cat Mormadoke and her brown dog the foreign complications which have threatened Honey. She speaks English very well. She us at the commencement of tbo last session of Most of our efficient wooden ships will remain until her work is done, which has Congress. were put in a condition for immediate service, already been in progress seven years. and the repairs of the iron-clad- s were pushed with Maxims :ip Rotbscbild. The will of the late tbe utmost vigor. The result is that most of artiBaron R' ischild consisted of twenty-fiv- e theso are effective and need only to be manned and set in coaimission to go at once into service. cles, of which paragraph twenty, remarkable for Some of the new sloops authorized by Congress its beautiful lessons of filial obedience and brother are already in commission, and most of tbe re ly love, is as follows : " I exhort all my beloved mainder are already launched and wait only the children always to live in harmony ; never to completion of their machinery to enable tbem to take their places as part of the effective force. loosen tbe family bonds ; to avoid evil differences, Two ships have been completed dissension and litigations ; to use forbearance toduring the post year, sod four of oar large double ward each other sad not to allow temper to get iron-clad- s turreted are now undergoing repairs. the better of tbem, and to be friendly in their When these are finished everything that is needMy children possess a good examful for our Navy as now authorized will be in a disposition. condition for service, and with the advance in the ple in their excellent grandparent. Friendliness science of torpedo warfare, the American Navy, was also tbe sure condition to tbe happiness and comparatively small as it is, will be found at any success of tbe whole Rothschild family. May my time powenui enougn lor tbe purposes ol a peacechildren now and never lose sight of this family ful nation. Much has been also accomplished during the tradition, and may tbey follow the exhortation of year in the aid of science and to increase the sum my late father, their grandfather, contained in paof general knowledge and further the interests of ragraph fifteen of his last will, always to remain commerce and civilization. Extensive and much needed soundings have been made for hydrogra-phi- c true and faithful, and without changing, to the purposes and to fix the proper routes of paternal faith of Israel." ocean telegraphs. Further surveys of the great Isthmus Canal have been undertaken and completed. Two vessels of the Navy, now employed in conjunction with those of England. ABOI T 20.OO0 HAWAIIAX OXTAISINVEng-uaFrance, Germany and Prussia, in observations signineaaon, aua WOKos, with connected with the Transit of Venus, is useful . ALSO and interesting to the scientific world. Tbe estimates for this branch of the public service do not An English Hawaiian Vocabulary, difler materially from those of last year, for the general support ol the service being somewhat EVEHTS! HISTORICAL less, and those for improvement at the various CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF BT I.OKKI.V AXOIEWa stations rather larger than the corresponding (W OO estimate made a year ago. The regular maintef Bound In Sheen - O OO J goo,,,, tn nir Morocco... nance and the steady increase in tbe efficiency of H. M. WHITNEY. For Sale by this most important arm in proportion to the growth of oar marine intercourse and interest, is This Valuable Work can be obtained of recommended to tbe attention of Congress. Messrs. TRUBJTER A CO., l'Ate rooster Row, London. Messrs. BARNES A CO., John Street. New York. The use of the Navy during peace might be furMessrs. BANCROFT A CO.. San Francisco. ther utilized by a direct authorization of the emAlso, tor Hale, ployment of naval vessels in surveys of the supSO BO Hawaiian and Esasrllab Ptaraaes Booh posed wrvigable waters of other nationalities on Hawaiian . 1 OC UrammarSSI ly this continent, especially the tributaries of the two great rivers of South America, tbe Orinoco and the Amazon. Nothing prevents, under ex! isting laws, such exploration, except that the expenditures most be made in such expeditions beyond those usually provided for by the appropriA FEW PHOTOGRAPH VIEWS ations. The field designated is unquestionably TAKEN BT one of interest and one capable of a large devel opment of commercial interests, advantageous to TVT . TT . the people reached and those who may establish Lately from Tahiti, relations with them. OBTAINED AT THE STORE CAM BE tbe undersigned. Among; them are tbass : Iff. T. View of the City and Harbor of Honolulu, taken CABINET MAKES AND TTPHOLSTESTEH from Punchbowl unquestionably the finest picture of Honolulu extant. King Street, Honolulu, opposite Lewis' Cooper Shop. Wn.1 View of Port snd Hsrbor of Papeete. 90S buy and aall seond-baofiy Furnitora. View in Koolau, Oahu. Mountain Scenery in Koolau, Oabu. E. WILLIASH, Point Venus, Tahiti. MANUFACTURER, IMPORTER AND DEALER Australian Steamer at Wharf in Honolulu. In Pomltnreof every description. FnrnUnr,- Ware- - Rooms on Diamond Head, Honolulu. Fort Street, opposite Cbaae'sPatftogtaph QaHery. WorkMeKesgue's Sugar Plantation, Koolau. shop at the old stand on Betel Street, near Fort. 603 Orders from the other Islands proinptlj attended to. '1 Tamarind and Cocoanut Tress. Map of Tahiti and Moorea. These are all very finely taken, and can be had Successor to John Sefll. Por flats by mounted or aamouDted. Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith B. M. WHITNEY . MERCHANT THI The native in custody supposed to be Nena IOVKI.I Wheeler Make a tare bag of thia white pape- w- sfrs-popwill do ; Sll it with eogar ploms, and tie a string around too top to koop it hot. Oaopeod aod from tbe ceiling, or from a largo door-frasoEach little-- player is provide a long, light stick. blindfolded in tarn, and tbe stick pot into her She is then fed within reach of the bag hand. and told to strike M. If she succeeds in her aim and tears a hole in it, the sugar plains are scat tered on the floor, and the little ones scramble for them ; bat it is by no means easy to strike suspended object blindfolded ; generally Bony atEach player is tempts are made unsuccessfully. allowed three tnals. If the giver of taw bag pleases, small gifts may be pot into it. tiay books, dolls, etc.. with the gogar plums. pe- The great painting of SL Anthony, by Murillo, has been stolen from the cathedral at Seville, Spain. CS?c!aaswai ewewaswy aavsawl ' Ht'RC'Sf. wees Tint "TfaisTMAS OAta titioned the Queen for his release. n Ietar. for Wlsstor LATE F0BEIGTC MICELLAUT, - the community where settled, and to the great If this evil demoralization of those localities. practice can be legislated against, it will be my pleasure, as well as my doty, to enforce any regulation to insure so desirable an end. which will give us value. Gold and silver are Eeceived by now the recognized mediums of exchange the world over, and to this we should return with the least practicable delay. Id view of the pledges of the American Congress when our present lev PER BABE gal tender system was adopted, and tbe debt T contracted, there should be no delay certainly no unnecessary delay, in fixing by legislation a ARRIVED method by which we will return to specie. The steps toward the return to a specie basis are the great requisites to this devoutly White fc Colored Rstlaii Matting, end. There are others which I may touch Rattan Chairs, matting, upon hereafter. A nation, dealing in a currency Peanut Oil, Manila Rope, below that of specie in valoe, labors under two Nests Camphor Trunks, great disadvantages. Basket Tea, Fine Tea, First Having no use for the world's acknowlNankin' China Hams, Cloth, edged medium of exchange, gold and silver. Japanese Umbrellas, Assorted Silk, These are driven oat of the country because there Ivory Ware, Silver Ware, is no demand for their use. Sandal Wood Ware, Lacquered Ware, Second Tbe mediums of exchange in use beCanvas Shoes, China Ware, ing of a fluctuating value ; for, after all, it is only Straw Slippers, .Clothes Baskets, Wrapping Paper, Flower Pots, worth just what it will purchase of gold and silDried Dates, Dried Ligee, ver, metals baviflg an intrinsic value just in proGold A Silver Jewelry, portion to the honest labor it takes to produce Tortoise Shell & Crvstal Jewelry, them. A large margin mast be allowed for proGentlemen fc Ladies Paty HatSj fit by the manufacturers and producers. It is Stone 8 China Brick & Side-wal- k mouths from the date of production to date of e sin-olax: double realization. Interest upon capital must be changed, and tbe risk of fluctuation in the value offsetting that which is to be received in payment added. Hence, high pricks act as protection to the foreign producer, who receives nothA Great Vari.-- l v ot ing in exchange for tbe product of his skill and labor except a currency good at a stable value the world over. It seems to me that nothinir is clearer than that the greater part of the burthen of the existing prostratidn of a sound financial FOR SALE BT system, falls upon the workingman, who must, AFOXe A AfHlTK. after all, produce the wealth, and the BalarietJ, N'uuanu street, near King. M :y man who superintends and conducts business. The burthen falls on them in two ways ; by the & depreciation of employment and by the decreased purchasing power ot their salary. It is the PARK WORKS, LEEDS. duty of Congress, not mine, to devise the means of correcting the evils which are acknowledged THE LITTLE STRANGER, 3.3s. to exist; but I will venture to suggest two or three things which seem to me as absolutely necessary to a return to specie payment tbe first THE IMPROVED LITTLE STRANGER great requisite as a return to prosperity. The legal tender clause to the law authorizing the BAJiD LOCK STITCH (JBBVTTLE,) issuing of currency by the National Government L should be repealed, to take effect as to all contracts entered into after a day fixed iq the repealing act. This should not apply, however, to THE "NTJSSET PILLING" payments of salaries by the Government, or for other expenses now provided by law to be paid NEW FAMILY SILENT SEWING MACHINE, in currency. In the interval pending between (SHUTTLE) K? 10s. repeal and final resumption, provision should be made by whici the Secretary of the Treasury can obtain gold as it becomes necessary from time to time, from tbe date when specie resumpFOB TA.ILOBIXG AND MAXCFACTUEISG tion commences. To this might and should be (SHCTTLE)-s- S8 10. added, a revenue sufficiently in excess of expenses as to insure an accumulation of gold in the & Wilson's Machines, Treasury to sustain redemption. I recommend this subject to your careful consideration, believing that a favorable solution is attainable, and Jfr- - Merchants and Shippers supplied. "B . that if reached by this Congress the present and Losrpos Ornci : future generations will ever gratefully remember C. K. WILSON, 28 FALCON SQUARE, it as their delivery from a thraldom of evil and Sewing Machine repaired: Dealer in Sporting Goods LONDON, E. C, ENGLAND. . disgrace. Agent for the Celebrated FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, : i- SO. Fort Street, Honolnln. H. I. AT FEACB WITH TBS WORLD. J- - Messrs. NTSSEY A PILLING sndertake the During the past year nothing has occurred to I McCOLrSAX St Purchase for Foreign Buyers, of all classes of British disturb the general friendly and cordial relation Mads Enema, Machinist, Hardwam, Woolli of the United States with other nations. 490 Ksahumsso St., opposite Mr. O. Rhodes' Stars, ly a Sort Goods. Edward. CONSISTING OF JARGE PATTERN McEwan's ! indastsies. each as has not been witnessed with as for many years. Speculation as to the cause for this prostration night be indulged in without profit, because as many theories would be advanced as there would be independent writers : therefore I will call your attention only to the fact, and to some questions as to which it would During seem there should be no disagreement. this prostration two essential elements of prosperity have been most abundant labor and capital. Both have been largely unemployed. Where security has been undoubted, capital has been obtainable at very moderate rates. Where labor has been wanted it has been found in abundance at cheap rates compared with what the accessories and comforts of life could be purchased with the wages demanded. Two great elements of prosperity, therefore, have not been denied us. A third might be added : Our soil and climate are unequalled within the limits of any contiguous territory, under one nationality, for its varieties of products, to feed and clothe a people in the amount of surplus to spare to feed less Therefore, with these facts in favored people. Tiew, it seems to me that wise statesmanship at this session of Congress would dictate ignoring tbe past and distributing, in proper channels, these great elements of prosperity to any people. Tbe debt abroad is tbe only element that can, with always a sound currency, enter into our affairs to cause any continued depression in tha industries or prosperity. A great conflict for existence made necessary for temporary purposes the raising of a large sum of money from whatever source attainable. It was made necessaty, in the wisdom of Congress and I do not doubt their wisdom in the premises regarding the necessity of the times to devise a system of national currency, which it proved to be impossible to keep on a par with the recognized currency of the civilised world. This begot a spirit of speculation involving an extravagance and luxorioosness not required for tbe happiness or prosperity of a people, and involving both directly and indirectly foreign indebtedness. The currency being of a fluctuating value, proved to be unsafe to hold for legitimate transactions requiring money and became a subject of speculation Those two causes, however, have inin itself. volved us in a foreign indebtedness contracted in good faith by the borrower and lender, which should be paid in coin, and according to tbe bond agreed upon when tbe debt was contracted gold or its equivalent. The good faitb of tbe Government cannot be violated toward creditors without national disgrace. Our commerce shoold be encouraged, American ship building and carrying capacity increased, foreign markets made to seek for the product of tbe soil and manufactures, to the end that we may be able to pay tbese debts where a market can be created for the sale of ptber products, either of the soil, tbe mine, or the manufactory a new means is discovered of utilizing our idle capital and labor to tbe advantage of the whole people. Just OF- Just India Pale Ale. Pints an. Quarts. Blood, Wolfs A Co'r India Pale Ale, pts and qts. Bass A Co's India Pale Ale. pints and quarts, McEwan's Draught Ale in hhds, Corner Fort and Queen Streets sn an ALCOHOL, Casea Best Old Port, Casks Hennessv's Pale Brandy, Casks Pale Sherry, Casks Irish Whiskey, Casks Jamaica Rum. Quarter Qaarter Qaartar Quarter AlHD WAI aay Port ! Cases Ginghams. Cases Pink Paas. Cases Prints Assarted. Linen Stripe Tasso Cloth, Cotton Taaao Cloth. Cases of Tweeds. Assorted. Cases of Cashmeres, Assorted, Cases of Assorted Lewes. Cases of Assorted Shawls, Cases of Assorted Denims, Cases of Assorted Drills," Cases of Assorted Cottons. 9HOCLD HTBTTro. tided. WHICH IS BUILDING MATERIALS mMfORATtOS Important Icg;llaif i Mull CHTNItSI In connection with this subject I call the attention of Congress to a generally conceded fact, that PRESIDENT GRANT'S MESSAGE. the proportion of Chinese immigrants who come to our shores do not come ostensibly to make oa their homes with os, and,their labor productive cei of general prosperity ; bat tbey come under a contract with head men, who own them almost WAfmrxom. December 7th. To the Senate In a worse form does this apply to absolutely. and the House of Representatives : Since the Chinese women. Hardly a perceptible per cent-ag- e convening of Congress one year ago, the nation of them perform honorable labor ; they are has undergone a prostration in its business and brought for shameful purposes, to the disgrace of TIEM ANN, Muter, LUMBER! ill SORTS, SIZES t IMMORAL HAWAIIAN GiVZETTE a small nrreici ot f tswsaas haatt cmu WATCH k Carpenters' Tools, HaidlK 4r. ,., tie., ts., Church, Plantation, Table aad Oong'tJells. AND i, Ts Trads at tavissd as v v 1 THOUSAND ARTICLES FOR USE 1 COIVEliEKCE -- V- Too numerous to mention. All Ost S Me at the Loweel Possible srteess ftLL Ol ICXO. H. HACKFELD ft t ista Cd. HEW GOODS! lflTir f.OOD. tTxxst Received, EX rvnWSRR'S U SHIP 8YREN, FROM BOSTON. BRST KF.RnHP.WF DEFOE'S mi. BtZsJT KEBOSEKB OIL, Fats Ziaw BOSTON CARD MATCHES T ! Azsa, Ax Pattern Hate bets. .Shingling HatabsU. Cos n tee Real as, zlsns Haass. Horse Nails, Galvanised Brat Nads, assarted ; Oaiveaiasd Bast IsassamtOxOI Solid Socket Sards, Boas. I I. a-li- rasa ; Aa I Best Finished and Varnished Ox Bows, A Fine Stock of Shelf 1 Hardware ALSO, A GOOD STOCK 1 1-- 2, 3-- 4, and 3 iaea. oa always Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Ac., Manila and New Zealand Cordage, Galvanised Tabs sad Baskets. Wasatksrrowe assd Ceewi Ail or which will be a Id at kai! OB Bkollosaiosooj Bamwe. ttve. As., ass,. As Fi lass). DILLINGHAM & Co., ss sasd SO t aUssw Oas L-- J
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