Texture Caching using CCTextureCache Overview Why

Texture Caching using CCTextureCache
The CCTextureCache class is an essential part of CocosSharp game development. Most CocosSharp
games use the CCTextureCache object, even if not explicitly, as many CocosSharp methods internally
use a shared texture cache.
This guide covers the CCTextureCache and why it is important for game development. Specifically it
Why texture caching matters
Texture lifespan
Using SharedTextureCache
Lazy loading vs. pre-loading with AddImage
Disposing textures
Why Texture Caching Matters
Texture caching is an important consideration in game development as texture loading is a time-consuming
operation and textures require a significant amount of RAM at runtime.
As with any file operation, loading textures from disk can be a costly operation. Texture loading can take
extra time if the file being loaded requires processing, such as being decompressed (as is the case for png
and jpg images). Texture caching can reduce the number of times that the application must load files from
As mentioned above, textures also occupy a large amount of runtime memory. For example a background
image sized to the resolution of an iPhone 6 (1344x750) would occupy 4 megabytes of RAM – even if the
PNG file is only few kilobytes in size. Texture caching provides a way to share texture references within an
app and also an easy way to unload all content when transitioning between different game states.
Texture Lifespan
CocosSharp textures may be kept in memory for the entire length of an app’s execution, or they may be
short lived. To minimize memory usage an app should dispose of textures when no longer needed. Of
course, this means that textures may be disposed and re-loaded at a later time, which can increase load
times or hurt performance during loads.
Texture loading often requires a tradeoff between memory usage and load times/runtime performance.
Games which use a small amount of texture memory can keep all textures in memory as needed, but
larger games may need to unload textures to free up space.
The following diagram shows a simple game which loads textures as needed and keeps them in memory
for the entire length of execution:
The first two bars represent textures which are needed immediately upon the game’s execution. The
following three bars represent textures for each level, loaded as needed.
If the game was large enough it would eventually load enough textures to fill all RAM provided by the
device and OS. To solve this, a game may unload texture data when it is no longer needed. For example,
the following diagram shows a game which unloads Level1Texture when it is no longer needed, then loads
Level2Texture for the next level. The end result is that only three textures are held in memory at any given
The diagram shown above indicates that texture memory usage can be reduced by unloading, but this may
require additional loading times if a player decides to replay a level. It’s also worth noting that the
UITexture and MainCharacter textures are loaded and never unloaded. This implies that these textures are
needed in all levels, so they are always kept in memory.
Using SharedTextureCache
CocosSharp automatically caches textures when loading them through the CCSprite constructor. For
example the following code only creates one texture instance:
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
CCSprite starSprite = new CCSprite ("star.png");
starSprite.PositionX = i * 32;
this.AddChild (starSprite);
CocosSharp automatically caches the star.png texture to avoid the expensive alternative of creating
numerous identical CCTexture2D instances. This is accomplished by AddImage being called on a shared
CCTextureCache instance, specifically CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.Shared. To
understand how the SharedTextureCache is used we can look at the following code which is functionally
identical to calling the CCSprite constructor with a string parameter:
CCSprite starSprite = new CCSprite ();
starSprite.Texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage ("star.png");
AddImage checks if the argument file (in this case star.png) has already been loaded. If so, then the
cached instance is returned. If not then it is loaded from the file system, and a reference to the texture is
stored internally for subsequent AddImage calls. In other words the star.png image is only loaded once,
and subsequent calls require no additional disk access or additional texture memory.
Lazy Loading vs. Pre-Loading with AddImage
AddImage allows code to be written the same whether the requested texture is already loaded or not. This
means that content will not be loaded until it is needed; however, this can also cause performance
problems at runtime due to unpredictable content loading.
For example consider a game where the player’s weapon can be upgraded. When upgraded, the weapon
and projectiles will visibly change, resulting in new textures being used. If the content is lazy-loaded then
the textures associated with upgraded weapons will not be loaded initially, but rather at a later time when
the player acquires the upgrades.
This mid-gameplay loading can cause the game to pop, which is a short but noticeable freeze in execution.
To prevent this, the code can predict which textures may be needed up front and pre-load them. For
example, the following may be used to pre-load textures:
void PreLoadImages()
var cache = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache;
cache.AddImage ("powerup1.png");
cache.AddImage ("powerup2.png");
cache.AddImage ("powerup3.png");
cache.AddImage ("enemy1.png");
cache.AddImage ("enemy2.png");
cache.AddImage ("enemy3.png");
// pre-load any additional content here to // prevent pops at runtime
This pre-loading can result in wasted memory and can increase startup time. For example, the player may
never actually obtain a power-up represented by the powerup3.png texture, so it will be unnecessarily
loaded. Of course this may be a necessary cost to pay to avoid a potential pop in gameplay, so it’s usually
best to preload content if it will fit in RAM.
Disposing Textures
If a game does not require more texture memory than is available on the minimum spec device then
textures do not need to be disposed. On the other hand, larger games may need to free up texture memory
to make room for new content. For example a game may use a large amount of memory storing textures
for an environment. If the environment is only used in a specific level then it should be unloaded when the
level ends.
Disposing a Single Texture
Removing a single texture first requires calling the Dispose method, then manual removal from the
The following shows how to completely remove a background sprite along with its texture:
void DisposeBackground()
// Assuming this is called from a CCLayer:
this.RemoveChild (backgroundSprite);
CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.RemoveTexture (backgroundsprite.Texture);
backgroundSprite.Texture.Dispose ();
Directly disposing textures can be effective when dealing with a small number of textures but this can
become error-prone when dealing with larger texture sets.
Textures can be grouped into custom (non-shared) CCTextureCache instances to simplify texture
For example, consider an example where content is preloaded using a level-specific CCTextureCache
instance. The CCTextureCache instance may be defined in the class defining the level (which may be a
CCLayer or CCScene):
CCTextureCache levelTextures;
The levelTextures instance can then be used to preload the level-specific textures:
void PreloadLevelTextures(CCApplication application)
levelTextures = new CCTextureCache (application);
levelTextures.AddImage ("Background.png");
levelTextures.AddImage ("Foreground.png");
levelTextures.AddImage ("Enemy1.png");
levelTextures.AddImage ("Enemy2.png");
levelTextures.AddImage ("Enemy3.png");
levelTextures.AddImage ("Powerups.png");
levelTextures.AddImage ("Particles.png");
Finally when the level ends, the textures can be all disposed at once through the CCTextureCache:
void EndLevel()
levelTextures.Dispose ();
// Perform any other end-level cleanup
The Dispose method will dispose all internal textures, clearing out the memory used by these textures.
Combining CCTextureCache.Shared with a level or game mode-specific CCTextureCache instance
results in some textures persisting through the entire game, and some being unloaded as levels end,
similar to the diagram presented at the beginning of this guide:
This guide shows how to use the CCTextureCache class to balance memory usage and runtime
performance. CCTexturCache.SharedTextureCache can be explicitly or implicitly used to load and
cache textures for the life of the application, while CCTextureCache instances can be used to unload
textures to reduce memory usage.