Looking for a new job? Join our staff team

D'Eynsford Estate
May 2015
Contact the TMO:
Tel: 07740 047 477 (James Traynor, Chair)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.deynsford.org
Looking for a new job?
Join our staff team
We are recruiting six people to
work for D’Eynsford TMO when
we take over estate services from
the Council this summer.
We are looking for people with a
real passion for excellent customer
service - experienced
communicators who’ll keep our
tenants and leaseholders informed
and involved.
Women’s Event
Friday 8 May
in the Sheltered Unit
Room (50-75 Don
Phelan Close)
All D’Eynsford
women are warmly
We are looking for:
invited to join us
for this FREE
 three caretakers (including
If you are passionate about creating event including:
one senior post)
a sustainable, life enhancing future
 a multi-skilled maintenance
 henna
for our residents and want to be
and repairs coordinator
 threading
part of a great team, then we want
 a housing officer
to hear from you.
 candle
 a housing finance officer.
See the latest on our launch plans
We are a Living Wage employer,
 facials
offering competitive salaries and
 handmade soap
an ethical, contribution-based
 homemade food and drinks
pensions scheme.
 children's activities
Full details on how to apply,
The TMO is led by the residents,
 making delicious Turkish snacks
including job descriptions and
for the residents. Working with
person specifications can be
our staff team, we aim to deliver
Join us as we celebrate being
found on the Jobs Go Public
an excellent and responsive
website (search for
housing management service to
If you would like
everyone living on our estate.
to bring some
Our vision is for D’Eynsford Estate
food or
For an informal discussion
to be an even better place to live,
snacks to
about any of the roles, contact
with excellent services and lovely
share, please do!
our TMO Manager Darren
surroundings, where everyone is
Kidson, email:
This event is aimed at women but
neighbourly, has the opportunity
[email protected]
children are welcome to attend too.
for self-development, takes pride
And if you look after someone else,
in their community and can live
Please note: Some computer
we can pay for a carer so that you
well at home
skills are required for all posts
can take part in the session. Please
and applications must be
let us know if you have any other
submitted online or by email.
access needs eg translation.
For more information contact Kate,
Tuesday 12 May 2015
tel: 07989 377 407.
How to apply
D’Eynsford Tenant Management Organisation, 29 Belham Walk, London SE5 7DX Registered in England and Wales as a Community Interest Company. No: 839584
Secret Garden is
Society’s charity
of the year
Camberwell U18s
are pan-London
runners up in
football challenge
The Secret Garden has been
chosen as the Camberwell
Society’s charity for 2015, along
with the Stanswood Community
Garden Project.
Find out more about the
Camberwell Society:
Date for your diary
The Secret Garden will be taking
part in the
annual Open
Gardens Day
on Sunday 7
June, 2pm6pm.
Cleaner, Greener,
Safer funding
Our estate will be given support
worth up to £10,000 from
Southwark Council’s Cleaner,
Greener, Safer fund to develop
two neglected areas:
 the fenced off corner by the
steps to Datchelor Place
 the sheltered unit communal
A community consultation will be
carried out to decide what to do
with the spaces.
Beatrice, TMO Board member and
a sheltered unit resident, said: “It’ll
be great to have a nice place to sit
and chat outside in the summer”.
Our new estate office in Good
Neighbours House should now be
ready by the end of June. This
means the TMO is set to take over
most estate services (eg cleaning,
repairs, looking after the grounds,
and rent collection) in July.
Before the changeover, we will
write a joint letter with the Council
to all tenants and leaseholders,
explaining what will happen. We
will also provide all households
with a repairs handbook with
everything you will need to know.
The Camberwell Society promotes
the local area’s heritage and each
year chooses a local charity to
support. It raises funds through
events like its Christmas Party,
Open Gardens Day and Historic
We are delighted to have been
selected as one of the Society’s
charities. We’d like to say a big
thank you!
TMO launch set
for July
The Camberwell under 18s
premier league Kicks session
team (which includes players from
our estate) took part in a panLondon football challenge this
Easter, organised by the Active
Communities Network. In an
exciting afternoon of football they
finished runners up – congrats!
Join in
Kicks sessions continue in the
football pitch with Millwall
Community Trust on Saturdays,
12pm-2pm, for both girls and boys
of all ages – and it’s free.
A week before we take over
services, we will hold a launch
event for you to meet the new staff
team and ask any questions. Look
out for more details soon.
Meanwhile, since our last
newsletter, we have:
 become a Living Wage
employer (which means we
have committed to pay our
staff at least £9.15 an hour)
 started to recruit the rest of
our staff team to join our
Manager, Darren Kidson
 put together a staff handbook
 chosen staff uniforms
 sorted out insurance
Board meetings
D’Eynsford TMO is led by a
group of elected volunteer
residents, with paid staff
doing the day to day work.
We hold monthly board
meetings that are open to
everyone (apart from
occasional confidential items).
This year, we are meeting on
the second Tuesday of the
month, 7pm-9pm, in the
sheltered unit (50-75 Don
Phelan Close).
You are very welcome to
come along.
 developed a logo
 chosen our repairs
contractors (but our own staff
will be doing most repairs)
 developed a list of
requirements for the grounds
maintenance work.
* Please note *
Until we take over services in July,
residents still need to contact the
Council for all issues as usual.
Plus, Modupe Somoye has
returned as the estate’s temporary
Resident Officer, tel: 020 7525
3790 or 07903 281390, email:
[email protected]