Thai Inter:national Postgraduate Programnie (TIPP) 2015 Clontelrts lntroduction Th*iland ln(ernational Coopcraticrn Agcncy (TICA) Applic:rtion and Sclection lrrocedurcs I J Allouances and Erllctrscs Overvicrv ofthe TII'P 2015 Courscs 5 Themc: Sufficicncy ['conomy Master of Rural Development Managenrcnt 6 Master of Science Prograrn in Sustainablc Agricultule 8 It4aster ofSciencc l'rogmnr in Agricultule Masler of Science in Bioscience for Sustainable AgricultLre t3 Master of Art in Social Science (Developrneni Studies) l6 Thcme: Glolral Warming and ERvironmcn( Mas(er ol'Science in Renewable Encrgy 1'l Master ofScience Program in Environmental Managentcnt and Technologr 21 Mastel DeEee in F,nvironmcntal Science 28 Master ofScicnce in Environrnental Biology 3l Mastel ol'Scicnce in l-ogislics and Supply Chain Managenent .'4 Themc: Food Sccuri6' Master of Science Program in Agriculturol l3iotechnology 36 \4astcr ofScience Progrant in Agficultural anLl Rcsourco Economics 38 Mastet of Science in 'l'echnology Managemcnt of Agricultural Produces 4t Thcmc: Public I{calth Master of Public I-lealth (Clobal Heallh) 43 Master o1'science Program in Epidenriology (lnternation0l Program) 45 Master ofScience Prograr in Public Healtlr Sciences 48 Master ol'Scicnces in Biomcdical Science 50 Mastel of Science in Innovative Hoalthcare Management Program 5t Others 14astcr ofArts in Diplomacy and lnternalional Studies Masler of Science io Ser.rice Innovation Proqranr 54 56 Application Form 59 l\'ledical Report Form 62 Useful lnformation 64 About Thailand b5 istri bution Li Mission / Address l. ) Ministn' of Foreisn Affait's , Hieh Commission of the llcnublic of thc !-iii High Corumise ion of the Rcnublic of Ghlua High Commission of fhe Kingdour of Lcsolho Ombassy of the Islamic Renublic of Afshanistan Fax : 03-4256 6400 03-42s7 6626 03-4257 8698 03-4253 2164 a3-4253 2\76 03-2164 7244 1 I{igh Commission of the Rcpublic of Maldives Papua New Gtinea High Commicsion 03-425't 6203 8. Iltnbassy of thc Rcpublic of Sudan 03-42s6 8107 6. TI1AI INTTIITNATIONAI, POSTGRAI}UATE PITOGRAMI\{B Introduction Thc Thai lnlcmational Poslgmduilte Progmmme (TIPP) was established in I999. wilh lhe aim of cxpanding Thailand's conrni(uren( to fbstering coopemtion parlnerships among devcloping countries. 'l-hc ;:rrng'amnrc set u;r by the Royal Thai Govenrrncnt's Thailand Inlcrnational Cooperation Agency {TICA), Ministr'.v of Foreign Affairs. is designed to prolide fully-funded fellowships to allow outstanding $tudents to study in 'l'hailand. An irnporlant aspect ollhe prograrnurc is its lbcus on cnhancing educational standards in rle Asian regir:n while helping lo irlrplovc cross-cultural understanding and relationships bctween 'fhailand and its development partncrs. l'he first l'lPP coulses bcgan irr the 2000 acadsnric ycar. Coumes includcd in the prograrnme have been chosen to reflcot the needs of Thailand's de,relopnreni pattnerr, Tlroughou( the psst ten years of imple nrcntatioil, the progMrnnle lns attmcted gfeat interest fionr Thailand's counterpa countries. All courses included in the programnc and explored the needs of iLs developurenl pafln€$ as rrell as potential disciplines frorn academic institules. The resul( has been the aspiralior 1o span wide range areas under thc thenlc of Sulliciency Econony, Global Warming, l'ood Security. and Public llcalth. Twenty cou$es Bt {buftecn diflererrt academic inslilutions are ireing offcrcd in 2015. All will equip graduates witlr a Diplonra's degrce or Master's degrce. It is cxpected that thc TIPP programmc 2015 will endeavor 1o provide appropriate intemational courses lbr human courscs rtsource development. Thailand Intcrnltional CooperBtion Agency (11'ICA) Elllcicnt coordirxrtion is thc key Lo the lorrg-lcrnr success of individual dcvelopmcnt projecls and the developrnent process as r rvholc. For ntorc than half a centurl,, the Rol,al Thai Covernmenl's Thailand Intcrralion{rl Cooperation Agency (TICA), }r4inistry of lioreign Affain has beeu working closely wift 'l'lrailand's devclopment partners to fulfill this crucial coordination role to ensurs lhat lechnical iNsistance entering the kingdom reaches its larget. Since 1963, 'llCA has rlso bem responsible for Thailand's role in the mutral assistance programmes organized among dcveloping countries, as lvell as the technical assistance that Thailand provides to other developing countries. l'his latter role is canied out thlough thc l-hai lntemational Cooperation Programme, a programmc that grerv out of desile to share the counlry's wealth of developmcnt experiences with others underloking the developnrent .iourney. The Tlsi lnternltional postg?dualc l'rogramme (TIPP) lbms nn imporlant part ol'this undcrtaking. TICA will be thc major point ol eontact for TIPP scholarship recipients both during lhe applicalion proccss and aRer their arrjvals in Thailand. ln l'aot, TICA is responsible forall aspccls ol'the programnrc, li'om screcnirg and tho applicants rvlro rneet 'l'lCA's nririnrum requirernenls rvill be submiflod 1o thc fclcvrnt insljtutes 1'or lheir linal considerafion, to conducting orienlstion once sludcnts lravc rnived in 'l'hailand, tcr adfiinistering allowances and ploviding support during thc course. APPLICATION AND SELECTION PROCEDURES Scholarships offered under the Thai Intemational Postgraduate Programme for the 2015 academic year are available to prospective govemment officials from the Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritres, Fiji, Ghang Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Ietho, Malaysia" Maldives, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigerig Pakistan, Papua New Guineg Philippines, Republic of Seychelles, Rwandg Senegal, Solomon lsland, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lankq Timor-Leste, Togo and Vanuatu. To be considered for the Royal Thai Govemment Postgraduate Degree Programme, applicants must: o be nominated by their respective governments; . to be under forty (45) years ofage; o be academically qualified to anend the study programme (see individual course outlines for details); o have a good command ofwritten and spoken English, o be in good health, both physically and mentally; each participant should have a health certificate provided by an authorized physician. This form is also attached together with the application form.. Prcgnancy is regarded as a disqualifing condition for participation in the course. NOTEr TICA Morc May l$ 20f5. 2. Late or incomplete applications/documents will not be considered. 1. Complete applicadons should rcach Applicants wishing to apply for the Thai Intemational Postgraduat€ Programme must be nominated by their respective govemments. They should complete the TICA application form (available from Royal Thai Embassies and Royal Thai Consulates) and submit it to the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate in tbelr home country. The forms will then be forwarded to TICA for screening. The selection results will be releascd to the respective governments in June-July 2015. Applicants should contact their government's focal agencios for the list of awardees. Applications should: . be made on TICA's Scholanhip Applioation Form; r be typed; r be endorsed by the applicant's working agency and govemment; o be forwarded to TICA through the Royal Thai Embassy in the applicant's country; . include medical examination forms that have bcen completed by a certified medical practilioner; o . o include copies of degree certificate and transcripts (mark sheets) of dre applicant's studies in English; include mpies of English language certificate (e.9. TOEFL, IELTS); be submitted along with the sdditional requirements of each murse. See individual requirements. coune detalls for further lnformatlon and additional application Plcase be advlscd that if the awardees want to focus tleir research on the specific issue of their countries, they are encouraged to bring with them data fiom their home countries, since preparation of a thesis rcsearch begins early in the course. Thesis proposal wi ll be developed throughout the first semester (for a one-year degree prcgramme) or the first year (for a tvroyear degree programme). ALLOWANCES &EXPENSES The following costs will be bome by tlre Royal Thai Govemment and administercd by Thailand Intemational Cooperation Agency: A round-fip air tickett o A settlement sllowance and a monthly living allowance in Thai Baht Accommodation for the duration offte awardee's stay in Thailand Tuition and supplementary fees rpaid dir€ctly to the taining institute) . . . r . Life and health insuranc€* * *An economy class air ticket from an appropriate intemational airport to Bangkok will be issued to cach awardec by a represenlative of Thai Airways Intemational, or through the National Airline Oflice in the awardee's country. A retum air tiok€t will be issued and provided to each awardee before their course ends. Should the awardees buy the air ticksts by thcmselves, without TICA'S Insfucdon ofThe Scholanhip Award,. they are not eligible to reimburse its expcnses from the Royal Thai Government, r* . Health scrvices rclating to denal Eeatnen! glssses and any kind of sickness that happened before awardee anive Thailand are not covercd by the health insurance provided by the Royal Thai Govemment. Overview of the TIPP 2015 Courses Course Theme Sulliciency Economy Global lYarming Food $ecurity I. Master of Rural Development Management of Science Prograrn in Sustainable Apriculture 3. Master of Science Prcgram in Agriculture 4. Master of Science in Bioscience for Sustainable Agriculture 5. Master of Art in Social Soience (Devolopment Studies) 6. Master of Sciencc in Renewa.ble Enerry 7. Master of Scjenoe Program in .Enyiironmental Management and Technolocy 8. Master Deerce in Environmental Soienoe 9. Master of Science in Environmental Biolog 10. Master of Scienoe in lrsistics and Supolv Chain Manaqcment I l . Master of Science Program in Agrioulhrral Biotechnology 12. Maser of Soienc€ Program in Agricultural and Resource 2. Master Economics 13. Master of Science in Technology Management of Agricultural Academic Institution Khon Kaen University Duration Months I5 Kasetsart University 2 years Khon Kaen University 2 Silpakorn University 2 years Chiang Mai University 2 yeafs Naresuan Universitv 2 yeajs 2 years Mahidol Univercity yeus Suranaree University of Technology Kins Monskut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Narczuan Universitv Kasetsart University 2 years 2 years 2 vears 2 yearc 2 yets Mac Fah Luang University 2 years Chiang Mai University Produces Public Eealth 14. Master 15. Master 16. Master 17. Master I Othcrs 8. Masler 19. Master 20. Master of Public Health (Global Health) of Scienoe Pmgram in Epidemiology of Soience Program in Public Health Sciences of Sciences in Biomedical Science of Science in Innovative Healthoare Management of Arts in Diolomacy and Intemational Studies ofScienoe in Service Innovation ProFam Thammasat University Prince of Songkla Univcrsi8 Chulalongkom Universigr Ubon Rarchathani University Thammasat University Rangsit University Thammasal Universi8 I vear 2 years 2 yeats 2 yeats 2 years 2 vears 2 vears Eligible Cou1try: Af$ranistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Britr€a, FUi, Ghan4 Indonesia, kan, Jordan, Lc.sotho, Malaysia, Maldiveq Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic ofseychelles, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri lanka" Timor-Leste, Togo and Vanuatu, - Master of Rural Development Monagement (M.R.D.M.) ACADEMTC INSTITUTION! Khon Kaen University, Craduale School DURATIoN: One (l ) academic year (l 5 months; August 2015 - October 2Ol6) OBJECTIVES: The Master's program in Rural Development Managetnent intends to produce post-gmduates who are qualified as follows: 1. 2' 3' to understand principtes and theories of rural devclopment as a multidisciplinary science, and able to apply the principles and theories of rural development management by inculcating lcrowledge and expericnce from former careers. Being sble Skilled in managemenq development plan establishmen! development project settlemenq as well as skilled in conducting and anallzing researrh on the physicsl circumstances, society, economy, culture, technolosr and environment ofan individual looality. Have good attitudes towards rural development management and have a sense of initiative about self-development, as well as wcll-defined social skills in dre arcas of human interaction and leadership. COURSE SYNOPSIS & METHODOLOGY: The course comprises 36 credits hours, including 21 credits of required murses (Rural Developmmt Theories; Politics and Economics of Rural Development; Evidence-based Rural Development Practices; Research and Statistics; Project Management; Seminar; and Ficld study), and elective course credits. Students will also be requirtd to complete a comprehensive exarnination and 8n indcpendent study. A conprehensive examinollon is a written and/or oral examination, aims to assess the student's comprehensivo knowledgo and underslanding in thcories of rural development and the ability to effectively apply such knowledge in rural development at differrnt situations, COUNSE CONTEM/STUDY TOPIC: This program is one year full-time program, divided into three somesterc, 12-15 weeks per each semestcr. The progam plan study can be 8s follows: FiNt Seme3ten No. l. , J. Courae Theories and Approaches in Rural Development Economics and Politics ofRural Dcvelopment Applied Slatistics for Rural Development Research Mcthodolory for Rural Development Field Studv Exoerienoe in Rural Develoomenl Second Semesters December - l\darch No. l. 2. J. fitle Number of Cred16 J J J 3 2 crcdits Coutre Tlale Evidence-based Practiccs in Rural Development Management of Rural Development Project Management of Rural Resourco Syslems Seminar in Rural Development Managsment Independenl Study Numbcr of Credlts ) 3 I 2 *J Tbird Semcster: 10 credits Coursc No. Numlt€r of Credits Tillc I 2 Locill lnslitutional Developnlenl Conllict llcsolulion in Comrnunily and 6nvironlnctlt 3 3 Indcoendent Study 4 Tolrl 36 Remark: Aug st August-October 3 Conprcllensive Exanlinalion : Dala collection and rescarch conducting : Prcsentalion or Putrlication of n:search article : QtlALlrlCA'l'lONSt Applicants nusl satisly tlte following crite a: Possess a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent in any related field 2. Proficiency in linglish 3. At least thlee (3) years ofprofessiortal cxpetiencc irr rtlt'al development ,1. Prefelabl), not over 45 yeam ofagc l. DOCUMONTS REQUIRED: r " . . r Threc (3) copics of the TICA applicBlion Jwo (2) references ltrm. a{fixed wilh photographs Tnnscripls ofstudies in English (rna* sheels), i{'available Englislt language certificare (e.g.'IOEIL, IELTS). ifavailable A brief proposal 'lbr an iridepenclent srudy, including a lopic, statement of the problems, objectives and expectations Numbcr of Partieipant: 3 0ligiblc Countries: Afghanistan. Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Conrotos, Hrilrea, Fiji, Chana, lndoncsia, lran, .lordan, Lesotho, Malaysia, Maldives, Marritania. Nepal, Nigcria. Pakistan, Papua New Cuinea, Philippincs, Republic of Seychelles, Rwanda, Senegal, Solornon Island. South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Togo and Vanuatu. ct ' srNc DA'|'E roR NoM|NATTONT June 31. each ycar Contrct; GIeduale School 'l'cl 043-202420 exl 3?. 30 Far 043-202421 Email : Master of Science Program in Sustainable Agriculture Academlc Instltution: Faculty of Agrioulture, Kasetsart University, Bangkolq Thailand (Since the students have been accepted, pre-course (if any), and all opercd semester) TWo year pmgram inolude I summer session. Two semestcr/ yoar: I st semester: mid-August - 3E week of December 2nd semester: mid-January - 3fr weck of May Durrtion: Summer session: l$ week ofJune - 3rc week ofJuly Objectives: to build up the research capacity and research skill by integrative approach thst can b€ applied to enhance $e sustainability ofagriculture and cnvironment at the international level. Course Synopcys & Methodologr: The program provide 2 plans ofstudy Plgg{L(research oriented plan) this plan is designed lor those who have research experience in ogriculture or related scienceslor at least I year dter teir bachelor degree graduation). !!an $!(rcsearch oriented plsn) this plan ts desigtcd for the newly B.S. graduate without research exnerience Course Content / Study Topic: Coulte d$crlption! 0l0l95l I Integrsted Pest Management 3(3-0-6) Conceptual framework, process and philosophy ofpest managem€nt. Principlcs ofemlogy and socio-economic backgrounds. Guidelines and implementation ofpest managcment, 01019512 Agricultural 01019521 0 |0 I 953 I Pest Ecolory 3(3-0-6) Role of agricultural pest ecology in pest msnagement strategies and orop ecosystem models. Pestioides and the 3(3-0-6) Properties ofpesticides. Movem€nt and fate ofpesticides in the environmenl and thcir effocts on non-target live orgsnisms. The safe and effective use ofpesticides, Environment Sustainable Crop Production 3(3-0-6) Crop produotion development in the context of sustainable agriculture, Technology ofsustainable orop production. Basic and socio-economic ofresources in agricultur€. Farming system resources and development consept. On-farm testing and tcohnology uznsfer, Holistic devclopment of integrated orop produclion systcm, Susoinable cropi.production in organic farming systems. Field trip required. 0101954t SustainableAnimalProduction 3(3-0-6) Theory and conc€pt of animal farming system for sustainable produotion, Sustainable livestock farm management. Forage livestock systom for sustainable animal production. Maximized use of rcsourccs from livestock produotion. Animal diversity for sustainable produotion. Environmental impacts from livestock farming. Mansgcment and utilization of waste from livestock farms. Consumer safety and animal welfare. Sustainable animal production. Animal production in organio farming systems. Field trip required, 01019551 Soil Fertility and Organic Matter 3(3-0-6) Soil factors affecting planl gowth aDd quality with emphasis on the bioavailability ofminerals. Managcment ofsoil organic matters, Principlcs ofplant residue and animal decomposition. Relationship ofhuman activities to the sustainability of soil ecosystem. 3(3-0-6) 01019553 Natural Resources for Suslainable in ofecosystems Natural resources: plant, animal, soil, and water in various types rcsource both tropical and temperate regions ofthe world, lmportance ofnatural diversity, utilization approach and appropriate management ofnatural resources in agricultursl production system lead to sustainability. Field tip r€quired. 3(3-0-6) 01019561 Sustainable Conceptual framework ofsustainable agriculture and its implications. The management and conservation ofnatural resource. The development ofappropriate technology. Agricultural policy and r€source management for the benefit ofpresent and future agricultural productions and sustainable rcsources. 3(3-0-6) 0l0t 9562 Technology Transfer for Sustainable production, agioulture sustainable Attitude towards chemical-based agricultural concept, advantages and disadvantsges ofboth systems. Psychology in attitude change,and technology transfer approach lead to sustainability ofagricultural production system. 3(3-0-6) 01019563 Sustainable Agriculture in Socio-economic Economic impact ofcommercial agricultural system on individual, family, national and intemational levels. Developmental approach led to self-susrainability at all levels in a society. Advanages and disadvantages of sustainable agricultural system tom economic and social aspects. 3(3-0-6) 01019591 Research Methods in Sustainable Agriculore Agriculture Agriculture Dimensions Agiculture Research principles and methods in sustainable agriculture problem analysis research:topic identification, data collecting for research planning identification for of samples and techniques. Research analysis, rcsult exphnation and discussion, rcport writing, presenation and preparation forjournal publication. 01019596 01019597 Agriculture l-3 Sclected Topics in Susainable SelecM topics in sustainable agriculture at dre master's degree level. Topics are subject to change each semester. Seminar I ' Presenanion and discussion on cunent interesting topios in sustainable agriculture at the master's degree level. 01019598 Problems Spccial . Study and research in sustainable agriculture at the master's degee level and l-3 compile into a mittrn r€port, 01019599 Thesis . Research at the master's degree level and compile into a thesis. Qualilications: | . Bachelor of Science in agriculture or relaled fields 2. Reference ofEnglish language proficiency Documents Required: l. Thrce (3) copies ofthe TICA application form, affixed with photographs 2. Transcript: I original copy 3. B.S. certificate: I copy 4, Letters ofrecommendation: from 3 r€feree 5. Letter ofcertification of research experience in agriculture or related fields(optional) 6. Currioulum Vitae 1-36 7, litle/ background and justification/ rcsearch question or hypothesis/ research objectives/ literature rcvieW rcsearch methodology/ expected outcome/ expected benefil for firturc carcer Research Proposal includes rcsearch Number of Perticlpant: 3 Eliglble Countries: Afghanishn, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrca, Fiji, Ghana, Indonesi4 tran, Jordan, Lesotho, Malaysi4 Maldives, Mauritanig Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Ouineg Philippines, Republic of Seychelles, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tfunor-Leste, Togo and Vanustu. Closlng Drte for Nomlnetions: November 30, 2013 Late or incomplete applications/documents will not be considercd. Contact: Faculty of Agricultur€, Kaselsart University Tel:+(66)0-2562-0985, +(66) 0.2942-8655 // Internal line: I190, I l9l Far +(66) 0-2562-0985 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http:/Avww. 10 Master of Science Program in Agriculture Academic Insfitute: Faculty ofAgriculture, Khon Kaen University, Klron Kaen 40002, Thailanc Duration: 4 semester (2 year) Objecdves: The objective of intemational Master of Science Program in Agriculture is to produce graduates with the following oharacteristics l) Able to understand principles and theories related to agricultural fields and able to apply them for work and career improvement. 2) Able to conduct rcsearch contributing to development of knowledge, innovation, and good practices in agriculture. 3) Able to analyze and solve the problems related to agriculture. 4) Able to communioste and transfer the agricultural knowledge, innovation, or technologies to target groups. with leadership qualities. 6) Have virtues, ethics, code ofethics, and standard ofprofessional conducts. 5) Able to work as a team : & Method: Thc intemational Agriculture program provides multidisciplinary rcsearch agronomy, animal science, agriculturt, runl developmenl agricultural economics, Course Synopsis majoring in entomolo$/, fisheries, horticulture, plant patlrology, land resource and developmen! soil science, and system agriculture. Students can, therefore, choose a major serving their expertise or inter€st. Student enrolling in the program will register three (3) core subjecls including Statistical Methods in Agriculture, Seminar in Agriculture l, and Seminar in Agriculturc ll. Additional subjecs may be asigned according to thesis topic under supervision ofan aoademic advisor. Coune Conten t/Study Topic: semester Sratistical Methods in Agriculturt Core subject Seminar in Agriculture I Seminar in Agriculture II I J Additional subject Up on academic supervisor suggestion t-3 Thesis Up on academio supervisor suggestion. Total credit of38 credits (research only type) or l8 credits (coursework wpe) must be achieved. l4 ** Posslble research topics -Sufflclency Economy -Farming management -Agri-burlncss monagement -Asricultural cconomics Quatlfication: B.Sc. in Economics or Agricultwal Economics Documenl:Pmspective student can obtain the information, application form, and reference forms from hth://'pdf' Application forms can be submitted to the Craduate school or the Faculty of Agrioulture all-year round. Number of Participant 3 Eligible Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verdo, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghang Indonesia,Iran, Jordan, Lesotho, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigerio, Pakistan, Papua Ncw Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Seychellcs, Rwanda, Sencgal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri lanka, Timor-lrste, Togo and Vanuatu. Closing Date for Nomination: Applicotion fonns can be submitted to the Graduate school or the admission oan be provided for prospective students awarded scholarship/rescarch grants. For special admission, the application form oan be submitted Faculty of Agticulture alllear round, Sperhl directly to potential academic advisors or fte program director. Contact: ' Dr. Somsamom Gawborisut hogram Director "lntemationsl Program in Agriculture" Faculfy of Agricu lture Khon Kaen University Khon Kaen 40002 Thailand Tel +66-85-855-9893 fax +66-85-362-l 09 Email: [email protected] Master of Science in Bioscience for Sustainable Agriculture (International Program) Acrdemic Institution: Faculty ofAnimal Sciences and Agricultural Technology, Silpakom University Duration: The study duration ofthe Master ofScience program in Bioscience for Sustainable Agriculture is 2 years or 4 semesten. Eligible Countrles: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji' Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lesotho, Malaysi4 Maldives, Maurilania, Nepal, Nigeria" Pakistan, Papua New Guineg Philippines' Republic of Seychelles, Rwand4 Senegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri tanka' Timor-Leste, Togo and Vanuatu. Objectlves: The objective ofthe curriculum ofthe master degree program in Bioscience for Sustainable Agriculturc is to develop the graduate with the following qualifications 1. The ability to comprehend both philosophy ofsustainability and concept ofsustainable agricultur€. 2. The ability to analpe and identiry both problems and strength ofthe mainsueam agricultural development and propose measures to solve them' 3. The ability to fansfei appropriato research outcome to other stakeholders working in sustainable agriculture. 4. The ability to recognize differences and work with others while mainuining leadenhip. 5. The ability to be rosponsible to oneselfand to the society with integrity and hofessional morals, Course Synopsls & Methodology: The Master of Science Program in Bioscience in Sustainable Agiculture Qntemational Pmgram) requires the candidate to take courses no less thsn 24 credits plus the reseatch which is equivalent to 12. credits. The degree shall be awarded when tbe students firlfill one publicalion in the intemational refereed joumals. Content/ T Ihe first year First Semester 3(3-0{) 7t 550t Cell Soience and Moleoular Biology 715502 Sustainable Agriculture / I f,5UJ Research Methodology and Statistical Techniqueq 3(3-0-6) 715504 Seminar I l qd Mq!91tng Total 3(2-0-6) (r -0-2) l0 credits 13 Second Semester (l -0-2) 715505 Seminar 2 l 7l5xxx Elective Course 3(x-x-x) 7l5xxx Elective Course 3(x-x-x) Total 7 crdits Thc second year First Ssmester 7r 5506 Seminar 3 l(r-0-2) 7l5xxx Elective Course 3(x-x-x) 715599 Thesis 6 Total credit l0 credits Second Semester 715xxx Elective Course 3(x-x-x) 7r5599 Thesis 6 credit 9 credits Total Qualifications: The applicants must held a bachclor's degree or equivalent in Agriculture, Science or a relatec field, or another degree by the consent ofthe Curriculum AdminisFation Committee, Faculty ofAnimal Sciences and Agricultural Teohnology, Silpakom Univenity Documert Required: L Certified oopy oftransoript ofrecord 2. Certified copy ofdegrec certified ofTOEFL,IELTS, TOEIC or equivalent test result 4. Two letten of recommendations fiom the faculty members ofthe home institutes 5. Letter of permission from the Dcan/Director/Rectorfy'ice Chancellor/President ofthe home institutes in case the candidate has been working as the staffmember in the organizations 3. Copy Number of Participanfi 3 Eliglble Countries: Afghani$an, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lesotho, Malaysia" Maldives, Mauritania, Nopal, Nigerie Pakistan, Papua New Guine4 Philippines, Ropublic of Seychelles, Rwanda, Scnegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri l,ankg Timor-L€ste, Togo and Vanuatu. Closing Dste for Nominations: June 28. 2015 IJte or incomplete applicationVdocumcnts will not bs considcred. 14 Contact: Faculty of Animal Sciences and Agricultural Technolory, Silpakom University, Phetchaburi 76120 Thailand Dr. Narin Preyavichyapu gdee Faculty of Animal Sciences and Agricultural Technology, Silpakorn University, Phetchaburi IT campus, Cha-Am, Phetchaburi, Thailand 76120 TeL: 66432-594-037 Fax: 66-032-594{38 Mobile (66) 846488835 Email: narin.p@su,; [email protected] 15 Master of Aft in Social Science (Development Studies) Acadcmic Institution: Duration: 2 academic year progtam Prcpalation coursei July 20 | 5 Acadenric year l: August 2015 * July 2016 (12 monlhs) Academic year 2: August 2016 - jul1,20l7 (12 nronths) l) 2) 3) Faculty ofSocial sciences, Clriang Mai University Objectives: Tlte MA in Social Science (Developmenl Studies) stlives to develop a nrethodology that js not slrictly bound by sratic or essenlialist rnodes ofthinking. Thc body of knowledge taught; drerelbre. is derived lron dynatnic models which arc suited to social and €nvironrrental contexts. lt uses multiple rlethods to encourage learning ji'ont local experi€nce, and pfomot€s local p0rticipation in the rnanagenrent and dcvelopmenl ofnatural rcsources. The sustainability ofnalural life support systenrs and equitability of resource use are also explored. Wc encourage oul students to search for altcrnative policies and to strive for the prolnotion of sustainable devclopment based on ecological sustainability and secufity oflocal livelihoods througli the participation of local people, Ilesearch topics focus on. arnong otheI things, resource nanagement, local kuorvledge, sustainalrle development. health, closs-trorder migration and gender. Course Synopsis & Methodologies: Core courses 169701 Social Scienccs Theories Prerequisite: None 'l'his coume studies how various schools of sooial scicnces conslruot their theories. Emphasis is onthe process ofconceptualization at various levcls ol"abstraction as well as the philosophical loundation and irrner logic ofeach school. Included are debalcs on the similarilies and differcnces bcnvsen dilfcrcnt theories in the social soionces and between sr:cial soiences and natural sciences. Conceptualization in Social Rescarch Prequisite:169701 Thc course examines thc existing philosopbical and theoretical foundations and methodological issues that arc relevanl to social research, including the slrengahs and weaknesses ofvarious theoretical and mothodological perspectives. Emplrasesiwill be placed on formulation oflescarch by linking theories and phenomcna, conceptualizing research questions, operationalizing tlre conceptual framawork, and scloction.ofrelcvant desiglr$, msthods, and tools. field exposLtre and lhe experience ofstudents are 169702 used as realistic exercises in conceptualizalion antl research design. t7766t Development Theories Prerequisite: None l'his course will study and compare the developmcnt ol, and debates on, the theorios and concapts relating to developmeRt sllrdies. The focus rvill be on the llndamental prenises and approaches lbr the analysis oftbe ecological and sooial systems with an at(empt to integrate both natural scienca and social soience dimensions. The discussion will bc madc througl concrete aolion progranrs on dcvelopment studies !!ifh both state a d local participation, such as coffmunity lbreslry. watershod management, agroecosystem, agrolorestry, and indigenous health systems. t71661 Seminarl Spccial Issues on Devclopmcnt Studies Consenl to instructor Prcrequisite: Seu:inar on local and regional issues related to sustaiDable developnrenl. Particulady, the jssrres ofresource rnanagement, heal(h related problens, trans-border trade and migration, and problems rciated to Bthnic and gender relations. 16 16979e 1'hesis Approval proposal or registering at the same tinte \yitlr lhe reqLrest ofapproyal Proposal. Elcctive courses l. Courscs in Gcography i547t l Onvironnentalisnr and Invironmerrtal Policics Senrinar on u,ays (hat socicties conceptualize environnlent. Construction of environnrental discoulses. and lheil uses in rnobilization for changes in public policics rciated to cnvironmcnt in order to achieve ecological suslaiDability and socialjustice. Analysis ofenvironrnenlal ideologies and practices in different spaces and scalcs including local, nalional, regional and g'lobal. Analysis of relationships bclrveen ideologies, power and gove ance. and application in cnvironmental managcment in socicties rvith enrphasis on cases in Southeast Asia. 154713 Policy Analysis and Rcsourcc Mrnngomcnt Prcrequisite: None 'l lrc geneml concepls olcnvhonment and envirnnrnental problcnrs. with pa!'licular emphasis on Thailand. Analysis of environnrentol problems and their eflects on lran. Ways to apply environnlenlal theorics to reduce or to solve such problens mcnlioned. Polilical Ecology ut6tt lrer equisite: Consent to instruclor An:uralysis ofthc problems ofnatural rcsource and cnvironncntal dcgradalion in thc context ofthc political econorric configuration. This study conrbines political econorny witl: ecology. especially in tenns ofconrpeting control over uses. consenalion, and o$atership ofnatural resources and the eJr\,;ronment. Confiicting rcles of the stale, nlarket cconorny, and eivil instirutions in natural resource managcrlenl rvill be reexamined through currcnl problcms in developing countries. Propeny rights in nalural rcsoutces in various levels of sociol sctting are atso the focpl point ol'investigation. The con{csted poillt. ofyiew and discourse on society-envirorunent hlterelationships rvill be brought into discussion and for rcbnttal, 1l l6s6 Gcography ofllcalth Prerequisitc: Nonc Spatial dil'ferences in health by focusing on tlre differcnccs between dcveloped and developing countrics,analysis ofbealth problerns and illness in tenrs ofspace, geographical factors relating to health problcms anelthe use ofgcographical concepts and techniques to analyse and cxplain health problems. 2. Courscs h Ethnicity nnd Dclelopntcnt 117661 Multi-culturalism in Modcrn Societics Plerequisite: None Study ofthe co-existence ofdiffcrent cultures in modcrn socicty as a resuh ofglobalization and lransnalionalism and tlte subsequent ethnic tension and conflicts: thcorics of multi-cu lturalisrn ancl their crititlues: various fornrs ol'nationalism, religion and naiionalism. the problens ofnational idenriry, citizenship and political paniciparion; hybridity and cultural movement. I17661 Concept.s and Theorics ofElhnicity and Dcvelopntent Prercquisitcl None Sludy offoundation and developmenl ol'concepts and theories ofethnicity, bthnis classificalion, ethnic idcntity,, rclationships between nation-slate, nationalism, globalization. ethniciry and multiculturalism; inoluding the rrse ofvarinls sociul sciertcc tlrt:orics arrd concepls to explain cltanggs ogcul.rcd u,ithin erhnic communities. I t76(t1 Ethnic Studics in Southe.rst Asia Prclequisilc: None Sludy ()thnographic rvorks about various ethnic grorps in Soulheast Asia spanning liont the periods of' pre-modsrn nation-state to prescnt; explore a widc range ofhistorical records including lcgcnds, inscriptions,.journo ls. nrissionary and/or governnrent ollicial rcporls ns well as ethnographic and anlhropological \vritings from colonial times to lhe prcscnt. 17 1176il Ethnic Hesltb, Devclopment and Ecologr Prcrequisite: None Study ofconcepts in medical sociologicaVanthropological perspectives, culturc and health, rituals and belief system, ecological changg and &nalysis of development policy and impacts of development projects on health among various ethnic groups, migrant workers, displaoed penons' etc', including the way these ethnic people deal with problems related to health; intemational conventions and environment laws rclated to health and illness, rl76t7 Locel Wlsdom ofEthnic Groups and Development Prerequisite: None Study oflocal knowledge ofetlrnic groups ss cultural system and every day practic€s; rclationships bctween local knowledge, ecological systems and development; concepts in political ecology; revival local knowledge under state policy and development models by ethnic and local leaders as well as experiences fiom differcnt countries. Indlgenous People Righb, Mechanlsms and Processes for Euman Right of 117618 Protectlon Prerequisite: None Study ofprinciples and concepts ofindigenous people rights, impact ofdevelopment and state policy on indigenous peoplc rights, a variety ofindigenous people rights, citizenship law and civil rights in Thailand, including claiming for rights ofindigenous people; understanding intemational conventions and agrcements on indigenous people and mechanisms of intemational organizEtions in protecting indigenous people rights. It?6t9 Ethnic Economy, Tourism snd Concumer Culture Prcrequisite: None Study ofthe development ofeconomic systems among ethnic groups spanning fiom self-sufficient economy to market-oriented economy in the present, including the development and impacts oftourism and consumerism in ethnio communities, 3. Courses ln Sociology and Anthropologr ll66l1 Resource Governance and Civil Societv Prcrequisite: None D€bates on concepts and theories ofrights and power over access to resources, politioal and economic processes of confol and managemcnt of rcsources, multiplicity of various levels of rights, dynamios of community-based resource managemcnt, globalization and commoditization ofresources, politics of contestation for fesources and the formation ofcivil society, discources and practioss of ttsource govemEnce, including decentralization ofresource management and civil society participation, as well as knowledge spaces ofcommon propcrty management undcr the regionalization ofdevelopment, 116615 Econonlc Sociology and Anthropology Prerequisite: None Diversity and complexity ofchanging economic processos in all lcvels of socio+ultural relations; local, regional and global, lhe debates on values and meaning ofthe gift exchange and the commodity, the problems ofthertansitional economy and tho conflicts ofaccess to r€sources under the capitalist markea economy, multiplicity ofthe r€sruc$ring ofrural economy undor neo- liberalism, the discounes and politios ofproduction, meaninla ofwork and labor in agro-food industry, including the globalization of cullural economy, cultural industry and tourism. 4. Courscs In Developmcnt Studies Regionalization in Development Proc€ss 1776t1 Prerequisite: None Regionaliution in Development Procsss in the Mekong Sub-region. An analysis ofthe hislory of notions relating to the Mekong as a region, changes resulted from development processes, markct intervention, globalization, and the change ofstates from post-colonial to post-socialist ems. A study of the emerging notions of economic regionalism and the Mckong Sub-region and tle impacts on agrarian transformation, social differentiation, sonflict in resource managernent, cnvironmental politics, cbange in gender roles, and the devclopment ofsocial movement in the region. 18 t776tl Local Rights and Knowl€dge in Devclopment None Prerequisite: To examine the crucial concepts I oflocal rights and knowledge fiom diver$ and contradicting perspectives such as property rights and regimes, customary rights orid national laws, local.. knowledge and intellectusl ptoperty, and ethnic domains and other related poncepts. The murse will place a special emphasis on the currcnt debates on natural resource manag$ment and practices, and various forms ofresource competilion, conflicts, and social 1776ll movement. I Transborder Studles Prerequisite: None hisrory geo-politics, Border and transbordcr studies through inter-disoiplinary approach analysis of historical studies. development political sciences, anthropology, feminism, 8nd to colonial, post. from countries changes ofnotions relating to borders in Southeast Asian to flows ofpeople, in periods. of changes such Ramification cold war and contemporary ethnic, and gender forces culurral, goods, development information, and cultur€. Changing capial, globalization transnationalism. and identities within the context of Operationallzatlon in Development Rese.rch 117671 Prerequisite: None' lraming and exchange fiom experience in acfual rcsearch opemtion i [r airrr.nt ,o""r.t i research monograpn. monognph. uid researcn ues$ aqo number ofselected ol seledeo tlresis Case shtdi€s shrdics us,ng using a numb€r approaches and methods. case Emphases on the operationalizstioh.offield rcsearch, research proposal writing field dah collecting uriting, rcsearch data processing and analysis. Presentation of rcsearch findings including t{esis i synopsis, and bibliographical format in acsdemis u,riting. Selerted Topics on Development Studles 177666 PrercquisiE: Directed study of a selected topic on sustainable development. Theoreticalland concept formulation for researoh and problem identification relating to 5. Courses ln Woments None I Studies Interdisciplinary Critical 168?00 to inst1ctor Consent Prerequisite: thesis. Women Studies I I ] l Intoduction to criticat interdisciplinary women's studies witlr an emphasif on feminist intersectionality theory - which.uses gender, class, ethnioity, and other relevant factors 8s uilits ofanalysis and the bases design. 168710 Human Rigbts and Women's Rlghts Prerequisite: Consent to institctor for research I I i Relationship between human rights and women's rights at the conceptual 4nd practical lwels; case studies.of feniinists' integration of human righs at the intemational level; |he Univenal Declaration on Human Rights Convention on thc Elimination of All Discrimination againft Women and other rclevant intemational conventions and Women and i Prere4uisite: Consent to Feminist economics and feminist analysis ofwomen's roles, status, and w+ll-boing in potiarohal societies under feudal, socialist, capitalist, and hansnstional capitalist eco4omies. 18722 158741 declarations. EcononY instruotor , I Women l Ser Crlmes and Violencc Agoinst Prerequisite: Consent to in$ructor A study of feminist approaches to sex crimes and violence sgainst womenland feminisl analysis of these issues within Thailand's cultural, political, and economic contexG' Wonen and Eerlth Prerequisite: Consent to insbuctor Gender-relatcd bbalth issues within the contocts ofThailand's culture, politics, and economy and thcir implications for Thai women's roles and status in the family and socicty ai larye. t68743 19 6. Courscs in Health Social Sciences 165661 Henltl lllness a]ld Socicty Prerequisiste: None Social dimensions and social production ofhealth and illness. social concepl olhealth aud illness. social otganization and heallh, heallh inequity and social pallcrn ofhcal(h and illness" health and jllness as social constluction. socjal network. social capital and health. globalizalion and health. t65665 Population Change ard l{calth Plcrcquisisle: None The rclationship befwecn population and health, population kcy contponents, populalion composilion; child, adult and the elderly, urban and rural populalion changhg pmcess and healrh, population policl, ld health. 165615 Socio-cultural Pcrspectives ol Food alld llealth Prerequisiste: None Food and health in global and local conlexls siturtion and trcnd. food as socio-cullural constnrction, nrodem food system, the politics of fcrod and health, lbod, gender and larnily, food and idenrily. curenl lood issuc and social movement. 165616 llcallh and Mcdicinc in Changhrg Sociely Prerequisiste: Nollc Changing society and changing health concept, lilestyles and health. risk and health consunrption, l-lcalth sclvicc utilization and access, chronic diseases and disability, chronic diseases and djsabilily. agcing and the life course and changing soeiety and challenge to medicine. Qualifications: l) All applicants who have bacheior degree or equivalenl in any discipline. as accredited hy the Ministry of lJnivelsity Affaim, are e ligible to appiy lbr the MA in Sociai Science (Devclopncnt a Srudies). 2) Applicanls musr also have passed TOE!'L with a scor€ o'l'al least 500 (paper-based), 173 (cr:nrputerbased) or 6l (iniernet-based), or have passed IEI-'|'S with a score of 5.5, or have passed TECS wilh a seore of at least 65. Document Requircd: l) A completed copy ofthe application I'onn fol tltc MA in Social Science (Developtnent Studies) 2) A recent passpolt style photograph 3) An oflicial subject transcript *,ritlen in English 4) Copy ofdegrec ccrtificate(s) (wi1h nngiish tran$lation) 5) Three letlers of recommendation 6) A 1'OEFI. caftitlcate shorving a score of al leasr 500 (paper-based), or I73 (computer'-based), or 6l an IELTS ccrtificale shorvirg a score ol'at least 5.5, or a TEGS certificale shorving a score ofat least 65. Cerlification must be curent for the applicalion pcriod (intsrneFbascd), 7) The applicant's proposed research 8) 'l'he application fec (Bt. 900). Nnmbcr of Participart: oullire 3 Eligible Countries: Af'ghanistaD, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Colnoros, llrilrea" Fiji, Cha a, lndonesi[, lrar, Jordan. Lesotho, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauriaania, Ncpal, Nigeria, lrakistan, Papua Ncw Cuinea, I'hilippincs, ltcpublic of Seychelles. Rwanda, Senegal, Solornon lsland, SoLrth Srdan, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Timor-Lcste. Togo and Vanualu. 20 Closing Date for Nominationsl DD/Day/Year: 30 April 2015 Late or incomplete applicationV documents will not be considered. Contact: Faculty ofrsocial Soienoes, Chiang Mai Univcrsity, Chiang Mai 50200, Tel: (66 53) 94 3555Fa\:(66 53)222 763 Email: Egg5,:bglAgggi]49n 21 Mastcr of Seicnce Program in Renewable Energy Acadcmic Institution: Naresuan [Jniversity. Sc]tool ofl{enervablc Encrgy 'l'cchnology Duration: Two (2) years (acadernic year 201 5 - 2016). Mastcr Course rvill starl on August 2015. Objectivcs: L To be larowledgeable, skillful, and cxpelienced in advanced-level renewable eneryy fields aud capablc to integrote by ernphasizing on prngressivc 2. Tn bc capable ofreseerchit)g in renewable energy lields systemically 3. To trc full ofmerit. ethics- and continuously inquisitive Coursc Synopsis & Methodolory: l'he course rvill bc laught in English. The studcnts nust take courcework and writc a lhesis ernphasizing high quality research. Courcc Co[tent/ Sturly Topicr Thc first vcar First S€rncstcr 852501 Research Methodology in Science and Technology Q.lott852504 credit) 852505 Ins(runcntal Techniques in Renewnble Energy Research {352506 RenennbleEncrgy 1'helmodynamics and lrhrid Mechanics 3(3-o-6) 3(2-3-s) 3(2-r-5) '11, 1-5 \ - 'l Total 9 credits Sccond Semcslcr 1152507 Sirnulation. Design and Optimization ofEnergy System 3(2-3-5) 852xxx 852502 852591 3(x-x-x) Elective Course Serninar I Q"lon-credit) 'fhesis I, Type A2 The second r(0-3-r) Totnl 3 cred h 9 credits verr First Semcster 852xrr 852xxx 852503 852592 3(x-x-x) 3 (x-x-x) Electivc Course Elective Coume Scrninar 2 (Non-credit) Thesis l 2, Type A2 Totol (0-3-r ) 3 credit 9 credifs Sccond Scnrestcr 852xrx Electir,eCoursc 852593 Thcsis l,'l'ype ,42 3(x-x-x) il trcdils (r cred 'I'otal 9 22 Quelllications: Qualifi cation for Admission This progam is opened to applicants who have a degrce in Engineering or pcience. Note: The applicants should have required English scote atlachd with the afplication form. Requirement for Graduation l. Complete all course requirements ofthe program. 2. Satisry the English proficiency 3. Havi at leasl one' article puUtis'treO in joumal Renewable Energr requirement. Technologt. 4. Complete a th€sis oforiginal rcsearch work and successfully defend Documents I . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. i or confcrence proceeiting accepted by School of i it. I Reqtrired3 I | Three (3) copies of the .TICA Application Form aflixed with colorcd pllotographs. Two (2) l€tten of r€commendation or refercnces and two (2) copies ofpach. Educational certificates and two (2) copies ofeach. Academic transcripts (mark sheets) ofstudies in English and two (2) c{pies ofeach. English language certificate e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Instiote of Foreign lAffairs Test (INFA Test) and its two (Z) Threa(3) copies ofPersonal ldentity Card or Official StaffCard. Document to certif, change ofname or sumame and/or marital status (ifany). Other supporting coplls. I document. l Number ofParticipantr 3 ] Eligible Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verdg.Comoros, Eritreq Fiji, Ghanq Ind{nesia, lran, Jordan, ksotho, Malaysiq Maldives, Mauritani4 Nepal. Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guipea, Philippines, Republic of Seychelles, Rwand4 Senegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri l,4nka, 'limor-Leste, Togo and vanuatu. I Closing Date For Nomlnations: June 16, 2015 Ilte or incomplete applications/documcnts Contact: School of Renewablc Energr Technology Tel (66) 055-963180 Email: [email protected] will not be considered, Master of Sciencc Programne in [uvironmenlat Managenenl and'l'echnologl, (lnternational Progranr) Academit Insfitutkln: Facuity o1'linvirolment D[rttion: t\o acadenlic years (| sr ancl RcsoLrlce Sludies. Mahidol Unive6ity. 'I'hailand scnresler: August. - December., 2'd senresler: January - lr4ay) Programme Objec(ivcs l'or Plan A (2): 'l o produce graduates rvho have acquired thc knowlcdge, skills, and clhical behaviors as follou,s: Be able to apply theor€tical knowledge anr: important plinciples on environrncntal an/ resources llranagernent and technology apprnpriatcly. and ro dcvclop research relatcd [o envifcnnlental nranagenrent and tcchnology Be able to anallze and critiquc regional anri inlenational environmental problerns and give the directions lbr the solutions, including irrdicrte needs for envirunmental study in sociclv and l. 2. 3. 4. communily areas Be ablc to coruntunicate and presenl the knowledgc on environmen(al and resources nranagemer)t and technology usiug appropriately and cfilciently vadous nredia ald processes. llave tcamwork skills und can handle lhe confiict in thc appropriate r,l'uy. have inlerpersonal rclatiouship, perfornr as a lcam leadel and support€f in difl€rent siluations. and have scl f-responsibility and social responsibility. l{ave acadcmic antl prolLssion noral and erhical behaviors, and be able environmental managenlent ard leclrnology problems with faimess. 10 deal with Progranrme 0bjectir,cs for Plan B: 1o produce graduates who have acquircd the knowledgc. skills, aud elhical behaviors as ibllorvs: | . Be able to apply tlreoreticai knowledge and important principles on environmenlal and resourccs managenrent and lcchnology appropriately, and to develop research related to environrnental managoment and lcchnologJ 2. Be ablc to anallze and clitique regional arrd international environmenlal problems and give the dircctions for thc solutions, including indicate necds for environmental sludy in socicty ard comntunity artas 3. 4. Be able to co:nrnunicate and present the knowledge on envhonmenlal and resources managcnrenl and lechnology using appropriately and el"ficiently various media and processes. Havc tcamrvork skills and can handle thc cr)n1'lict in lhe appropfiate \\ay, have interllelsonal relationship, perforn as a team leader and supporler in different situalions, and havc sclfresponsibility and social responsibility, I"lavc academic anil profbssion moral and cthical behaviors, and beable to deal with environ'nental nanagemenl and leclrno.log.y problems rvith fairness. Course S;'nopsis & Mcthodology: Craduates the Master of Scicncc progranrmc in Environurcnhl Managcment and Tcchnology will tlcrnonslrale nroral and ethical behavior \\,ith acldemic knowledge and abililics. including rnultidisciplinary resealch. Thcy will be able to collnborate at tho rcgional lsvcl on envilonnenlal and n:rtural resourccs managelrerl and relaletl lechllologies in analysis, diagnosis, antl choose a rigltl method for cnvironmcnt and natural resources tlrirnagcnrent $ith appropliate technology lhat is relatecl 1o ccononic tlcvelopnlcnl trrnds bssed on susloilabiliL),and sclf-suificicncy.'l'heir cfforls in this regard r.vill be benel'icial to tho coul}lry, Asia-Pacific region, and other regions in thc world. ?4 Course ContcDt/ Stud), Topic' 601 lndustrial Ecology and Errvironncnl ENI\' t' 602 System Approach ard Cybernetics liNMl 6(13 Hunrankind and Global Bnlironme t Techniques and l'ools ir ENM'I'601 Illvironncrtal Mnrngement and'l'cchnolosr Totxl 12 {rcdi{s nNMT 601 lndustrial Ecology and Environrrerrt nNI\tT 602 Systqm Approach and Cybcrnetics I,NIUT 603 llu[rankind rnd Olobal Environmcnt trNMT 6{l.l Tcchniqucs and'lbols hr [r!ironn)ental Maoogarxcnl o]d Techrolog/ 'l'olal 12 ct edits ENM'l' 605 Rcscarch Melhodolos/ and Advanccd Statistics EN]UT 606 I'racliccs of Envirotutental Mnnagcrrent and'ltchnology [,lectivc {ou$ts 6 credits DNMT 606 Placticcs of Brvironmer)lal N4anagement and'fechtlology Ucclive cou!'ses 6 credits .Dlacrire courrcs 6 fledits [NM'f 697 "l lrentatic Papcr 3 ffedits rNMT 697 Thcm8tic l'aDer 3 credits red Courses lndostrial Ecolo!.y and Environment ENMT 602 Svstenl ADoroach and Cybcrnelics I'lunrankind and Global Environment LNMT 603 t;i\N4T 604 Techniqucs and lbols irr llnvironmcrtal Manaqement and Technoloay ENMT60I rNM'l' 605 ENMI'606 Methodolol]y ar]d Advanced Shtistics Practiccs of Bnvi|onnlcnlal M0nagenrcnt and Technology Research 3(3-0.6) 3(3-0-6) 3(3-0-6) l(3-0-6) l(3-o-6) 3(0-6.3) lllcctiye Courses INMT ENMT 6I2 BiodiversitY Manalremcnl lnteemted Coastal Manaeemcnl Conservation Bioloay Managcncnt ENMT6r3 Ecosystem Reltofolion [NM'I6r4 Climate Chans,e and its Impact Natural Disasler Managemenl 610 DNMT 6] I ENMT 615 fiNM I 6]6 3(3-0-6) 3(3-0-6) 3(3-0-6) 3(3-0.5) 3{3-0-6) 3(3-0-6) Solid nnd Hazardous Wasle M8nagcnrcnt 3(3-0-6) DNMT 6]7 Srstainable Indusllial Landusc 3(3-0-6) INMT 6]8 Ncnvorkins and Conlmxnication for Environmcnlal Changes 3(3-0-6) tililTtil Tlllrillflfliltililillilrilt lilillilllilltiltllfll]ill IIX ENMI'620 Space Tcchnologics and Applied Geo-lnfonnatics in Resource and 3(3-0-6) il [nvironrDgltt HNMl 621 ENMT 622 ENt\4't 623 EN lv11' 624 ENMT 625 IINMT 626 Wctlantls Manaccmcnl l'och|loloav Statistics for Environmenral Pollution M{rnitorins lnternational Rivcrs h Mainland Southcast ASIn: [,tokorta and Salwecn l)roblcnr Soils and \4anascmcnl Environnrental Man{[cD]cnt Syslems Environmcnlal and llcsourqe EconoDtics 3(3-0-6) l(3-0-rt 3(3-0-6) 3(l-0-6) 3(3-0-6) 3(3-0-(t 25 ENMT 627 [Nt\,lT 6?8 ENM'I 629 lndusrial Hygiene and Salbq, Enviroumeltal Educalion and Education lor Snstainnblc Developmenl 3(3-0-6) 3(3-0-6) Quanlitalive Analysis fol Envix,nnrcntal N,lanagernent l(3-0-6) Thc$is taNMl' 698 Thcmatic * 'l}ese rntry 0tses whcrc thefe oc sll:lgestions lbl the inrprovcned o1'lhc cLrrdculunr Qualifi€atiOns: I'lan A (2) l. 2. 3. hold a llachcbr's dcgrec in any tlcld ofsludy havc a grade poirltavemgc ofat lea$ 2.50 have a TOEFL score ofat lcast 480, TOl.l.'1, corlp|ter"based score 01' 15?. TOEFL lntctrerbased score of54. or IEI-.'1T score of4.5 or pass the English Pmliciency Exanrinalion armngcd by thc Facully ofGmduate Studies. Il:rn B l. 2. 3. 4. hold a l-]achelor's degree in any field ofstudy have a grade point averrge ofrl le[st 2.50 havc Bt leas13 l,cru s ervironmental experienced relaLed have a TOEFL score of at least 480, TOI:[:L conrputcr-based scolc ol' 157. '|'OEFIlntcmct-bascd score of 54, or lIlL'l'S score of 4.5 or pass the Englislr Pmficiency Ex:rmination arrangcd by thc Faculty ol'Cradrate Studies. 'l hosc who do not bavc any oflhc lesl scores sfre;ified above will have lo lake thc English l'roficicncy Dxanrination ofths F0culty ofC'raduate StLrdics on thc spccificd examination day. Excrnprions from the above conditions fiay be grantcd by the Programrnc Commiltee under cxceplionrl ctrcu snnccs Document Rcquired: Four (4) recent photographs (lx I inch hr riz"e) 2) A oopy ofan applicant's dcgee ceflilicalc or a lcller ol'gmduation ce|tiliO lion 2 copies (1br rn 0pplicBnt with a degres completion) 3) A leuer certifying lhal an applicant is clrrently in ihe last senrcster prior to graduation 2 copics (for an applicant seoking for a dcgree) 4) A detailed transclipt ofa degree (for un alplicant wilh a delxse co'nplelion) 2 copies 5) A gradc reporl with course names and grades rcceived liom the first to the current 2 copies semoster ptior to gradualion l) 6) A c.opy olidentificnlion card 2 copios 7) A copy ofhouse registration oonificatior) I copies 8) A oopy ola work cxperiencc certilying letter (lbr plan ll) 2 copics 9) A copy ofproof rll'pa},rrcrt I0)a 500 rvord conccpl papcr in :1r arco of i lcr"st or chos0n topic irr llnvironmctrrai Managclnont and'l?chnology Nutt|bet ot PnrticipnDtr 3 26 Ellgible Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritaniq Nepal, Nigeriq Pakistan, Papua New Seychelles, Rwandq Senegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Vanuatu. Iran, Jordan, lrsotho, Philippines, Republic of Timor-Leste, Togo and Closing D.te for Nomlnrdons3 End ofJune ofeach year late or incomplete applications/documents will not be considercd. Contrct: Asst.Prof Dr. Jongdee Toim Programme Chair Tel: 66-2,141 -5000 ext. 1232; e-mail: [email protected] Ms. Pratanporn Srianun Intemational Prograrnme Omc€r Tel: 66.2441-5000 ext. I I | 3; e-mail: pratanpom.sri Pmtal Address: Faculty ofEnvironment and Resourc€ Studies, Mahidol University Salaya, Nakhonpathom 73 I 70, Thailand Website : http :// 27 Mastcr Degree: Environmental Science Academic Institution: Chiang Mai University Ilurationi 2 years Objectives: To ploduce gmduates who have: l. Knowledge and skills in environntenlal rnonitorhg, assossmenl ancl prcblem solving by using appropriato sciences and technology {br specific area and circumstance. ?. Knowledge and skills for syslemal.ic and effecliv€ planning and conduct reseaches in a tield ol' environnrental science wilh morals and cthics. 3. Responsibility. teamwork slralegy approach, and skills in conrmunication and infonnation lcchnology. Course 51,n6psi5 & Methodologyr The nerv cuniculum ofthe Environrnental Science (ES) Prograrn rvas developed to be lelevant rvith lhe 1l'r' Nati<rnal [conomic and Social Developmenl Plan oi'l'hailand, which one of its main strategies is "sustainable nranagemenl o{ natural resourees and environment. This strategy mainly focuses on conseNation, restoration and stability of natuml r€sourccs and environment, pollution conltrcl and rsduction, and developnrent ofan effective syslem for managenent ofnatural resources and environnrent under the transparent and equality principles". 1'he quality of sludy courses as rvell as rcsearch proj€cts concerning environfiental scierlce issues are expected to be uniqne and acceplable ir) internalional 1evel. One ofthe identities ol'the Eli plogram is the use ofbioindicators for monitoring of cnvironmental quality. Current environmental issucs such as global rvarrning and clinlate change. natural disast€rs i.e. earth quake and land slide. are also considered, Studies o1'tmpical ecosystems as wcll as ASEAN onvironmental issues are in lbcusr for the upcomirtg AIC in 2015. Course Content/Study Topic: Degree Reqnh"emenls A. Total Coursework l. lield ofconcenlration 1 36 cretlils of a nrininum of a minimunr of 24 cledits 24 credits a Graduate Courses l,l n nimum of u courscs minimum .l .1 Reqirired courses 2l 3703 Envimnmental Science {ioncepls 2 I 3704 Envimnmcntal l\4onitorirrg 2 | 3705 lntegrated Technology for Environmenlal Monitoring 1 8 credits l2 credits 3 credits 2 credils 2 credits 3 credits Icredit l. Environmenlal hrpact Assessnenl 2l379l,Scniinar in Environnrental Science I lcredit 2 13792 Seminar irl Envircnmenlal Science 2 a minimunr of 6 crcdits 1.1.2 Eloctive courses Student can choose lionr tho l"ollou'ing courses and any other graduate level courses wilh the approval ofthe advisors 2027 7 0 1i'opical Plant Ecology 3 credits 702773 l.imnology 3 cledits 202786 Basic and APplied Tropical Ecology 3 credits 202833 Statistics tbr Ilioscience Research 3 credils 3 clcdits 202873 Wildlife Conservatioh 203?50 Environmental Analytical { )hernislry 2 credits 203851 Environmental Toxicology and Residue Analysis 3 credits 205808 Contnminant flydrogeoiog), 4 credits 213701 Environmental Studies I 3 credits 213702 Environncntal Studics 2 3 q edits 21371 2a [i\\' lcredit 213712 Standards and Regulalitrns in Envitontnenlal ? credits 2 371 3 Envilonnrcnlal Modeling 2 credits 213714 Environrncnlal Rislt Asscssmenl ? credils Assessnrent 213715 Health lmpact 'l'opies 2 credils in Environtnental Scielce 213779 Selected 6 cr€dits a tnaxinun of | .2 Other courses None 1.2.1 Requir cd coulscs 6 credils a nraximum of I .2.2 Elective oourse graduate lcvel courses with and any other cou$es lrorn lbllowing Studenl can choose the the upprcval of the advisors 3 credits 253?31 Environnrental l'lealth and Sanitrtion 1 253732 253734 253735 253741 253747 253?51 366722 Il, Advanced Air Pollulion Contlol 3 credils Resource Recycling'fechnology Advanccd Solid Waste Managemcnt Water Quality Managcmcnt l-lazardous Waste Management 3 crrdits 3 credits 3 credits lndustrial Pollulion control 3 credits Spatial lnfornation Systems {br Resource 3 credits 3 credits Thesis 2I 3799 M.S. 'l-hesis l2 credits Coursc Description of tbe required courses 213103 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECONCEPTS Principles of ecology and environncnlal scicnce, abiotic and lriotic contponent of ecosyslcm, biogeochemical cycles, human and the environmcnt, environrnental pollution, environmental nlanagomenl. 213704 ENV]RONMENTAI- MONTIORING Infoduction 1o enl'ironrnental nronitoring. gco-environmenlal monitoring, urban ecosyslem In0nitoring,1grlestrial ecosysler]r nronitoring, aqualic ecosysLem monilorinS. FOR ENVIIIONMENTAL MONITORING Environmenlal sampling: some clinlalic factors, lnaps, compasses atld GPS use, geoenvircnmonlal nloniloring, urban ecosystem nlonitoring, terrestrial ecosystem monitoring, aquatic ecosyslem rnonitoring. social science method l'or environmental science s1udy, field trip 2I 3705 N'|IGRATSD I'ECI.INOLOGY ?137 I I ENVIRONMI]NTAL IMPACT ASSI]SSMENT lntmduction to Bnvironmontal llnpact Assessmsnl (DiA), essenlial EIA conrponents, EIA projcct and procedurc" Qualifications: The applicants must be holdcrs l. 2. ola bachclor dcgree or equivalent of science, technokrgy. cnginccring and health scisncc or ollrcl rclevant fields. fhc applicants nrust have English proliciency in listening, speaking, rvriting hr good level and r']1rsl have an linglish proficiency lest resuh (not excceded 2 ycars) as follows: - IOEFL nol less than 475 (paper'-based) or 153 (conputer-based) or 53 (inlcrnet-based) - IELTS nor less than 5.5 - TECS or e-l"EGS not less than 65 29 Doclmcrt Requircd; L 2. 3. the applicants previous acadentic recotd letters of reconrmendation proficiency in English n"umbe r of Pa rl it'ipa rr ( r3 Eligible Countrie$: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Contoros. Eritrea, Iiji, Chana, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lesotho. Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan. Papua New Cuinca. Philippines. Republic of Selthelles, Rwanda. Senegal, Solomon lslgnd, South Sudan, Sudan. Sri Lanka. Tinror-Lesle. Togo and Vanualu. Closing Datc for N0minrtions: Application submission to the 6raduated School. CMU no1 later than June Contact: Asst. Itrof. Dr. Sornpom Chantara Envir onrnental Science Ptogt'atn Faculty ofScience, Chiang Mai [Jnivemity Chiang Mai" 50200, Thail:utd Tel:66 53 943470 D-mail : sonpom.chantara@gmai l.cont 30 Master of Scienee ilt Iinvironmental Biology 'l-echnology Acadcmic lnstitntion: Suranaree LiniYcrsity of Duraiion: 2 ycars Ohjectivcs: To producc highly qunlified interualiorlal personnel at lhc Masler's (M.Sc.) levcl who will bc able Lo can] out research and management ol'the bioiogical enyironffeut in accordance with theif uational lunlural resourcc and environrne[lal nlans. Course Sl,nopsis & Mcthodologyl plograms nlfered Master' <lf Philosophy degrtc in Environmerrtal Biology. Students arc rcqrircd ln kkc compuisory courses and other suggested courscs to prcpare tirem well rvilh strong knorvledge necded for theil rescalch. Alicr all the courses have been fulfilled. tbe studenls then carry out resealclr of lheir hrterest. Fbr {his cxcitilg pa{ 01'thc study. the sludents rvill bc guidcd by our acadenic stalr nremben lvho in 0reir ficld of rcscarch. Cunent research conducted by our slaff coyers the arels of ecology. biodiversity and conservation, environmenhl physiolog/, ccogen€tics, cell and molccular biology and envir onmental loxicology. All SU'l grduate stLrdy prograrns l'ollow the lrirnestor systcrn, in which caclr trimcslcr consists of l3 $€cks. 'I-he first fdmester stans in August, the sccond in November. and tlre third in April. 1 he Coursc Contcnt/$ludy'l'opic: Clolc Courscs: Biology Assessnent l4 credits 104 600 Advanced 104 601 Envhnnmental ImDacl 104 602 l{essrch Methods and Statistics in Envhnnrnental I0.1 603 Cell lliology 104 604 llnviron:rental Planning and Managcmenl 4 Biology 4 4 3 Ma jor Coursc; 3 l2 credits Ecologl, 104 610 Advanced [cology 104 6l I Freshrvater Ecology 104 612 Tereslrial Ecology 104 613 Coastal 7*onc and Mangrove [cology J04 7l I l{uman lScology 1 04 7 l 2 Environmcntal M icrobiology I04 7l3 Wcrland ficology I04 8l I Population and Connrunity Ecology 104 812 Urban Ecology 104 813 Qunntitative Ecology 104 814 1'ropical Plant Ecologr 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Biodivcrsity and Conservation l0{ 620 Biodivcnity and Conscrvarion 4 A I I I I lffiUlUii[|i$ilhil 104 104 104 104 622 Biodivclsily ofPlonrs 72 I Advanced Systematics 7?2 Spccics tnd Speciarion 723 Co-cvolution I04 724 Piant ceography 104 725 Zoogeogrdphy 4 4 3 4 4 4 Ilnvironmental Physiology 1 04 630 Environnrental Ph1,siolog1, 3l Environmenlal I'lant Physiolcgy { 104 732 Envir.onnrental Aniural Physiology 104 83 | Plant Rosponses to Envilonmeltul Srress 4 4 104 731 104 832 'frcpical Plant Ecophysiology lacoselletics I 0?l | 641 [cogenclics 04 642 Population Genetics 104 643 Environnlcntal Molecrlar GcneLics 104 740 Radiation Cenetics Ccll and Molecular Bio)ogy 104 650 Ccll Biology I04 651 lJlV Inl'ection and AIDS 104 ?51 Environrncntal Ccll Biology I04 850 i\,loleculal Biology 104 851 Moleculal Environurental l3iology 104 852 I'>rinciples in Molccular Biclogl Techniques 4 5 llnvironmental'faxicology I 04 660 Environnrental'lbxicology 104 661 lnduslrial Toxicology 104 662 Food Toxicology 'loxicology 4 4 104 761 Pesticidc 104 762 4 lrnmunotoxicology 104 861 Cel:eriu 'l'oxicoli:gy 104 8(, Chenical 4 3 Risk Asscssment lllegtive Corrses: i04 681 Environmental Audit aod llconomigs 104 682 Environmental Policies and Laus 104 781 Envirorrncntal Educstion and Crmpaigns 104 782 Envirunntenlal Renrote Sonsing ind GIS 104 783 Envin:nrnenlal 14onitoring altd liisl( Assessment 104 881 Biological Mcthods hr Wasle Rccovery and Recycling 104 882 Environnrcmtai Uiocnginccrin! 104 ?95 Special Problenrs in Environnten*rl Biology 104 796 Special 'fopios in Llnvironntentai Biology I 104 797 Special 'l'opics in Envin:nncntai Biology ll 4 credils 3 j 4 3 4 4 4 4 I 3 clcdits Seminar: Seninar itl Envirunnenlal Biology I 104 792 Seninar in Environmental Biology ll 104 793 Seminar in Environmental Biology lll 104 791 1 I 1 'l'hesis: l6 crcdits 104 798 M,Sc. l{} l'hesis (Plan A2) Total 48 crcdits Qualificafionsr ol a bitohclor (lcgltc or cquivnlent 01' soiencs. lcohnology t d crlvimnrllcntal scicnce and cnvironnrenlal biology artd havc Gl'}A of 0l lcfft 'l'lrc applicirnls ]rlusl bc holders c:rgirreering. or rclalcd 2.50. 1{) Doeument Rcquirodr . . . Thrce (3) copiss ofthe TICA application lbrm, aflixcd with photographs I.ctter of recomrrondatjons (2 papcrs). Pholocopy ol' l'ranscript, 32 . . . Concept paper (l -2 pages) to show the applicant intercst on specifif environmental issue future thesis Certificarc ofEnglish test; TOEFL, Photo development. IELT ofpassport for I I I Number of Perticipant: Eligible 3 Countriest , Afghanistan, Bangladeslr, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea" Fiji, Ghana, Ind esia lran, Jordan, Lesotho, Malaysia, Maldives, Maiirit8ni4 Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Gui eq Philippines, Republic of nka, Timor-Leste, Togo and Seychelles, Rwandq Senegal, Solomon Island, Soutlt Sudan, Sudan, Sri Vanuatu. Closing Date for Nominationsl No closing date. Open all year. Contact: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nooduan Muangsan, Head of the School of Biologl, lnstitute of Science, Suranaree University of Technolog;r I I I Suranarce Subdistrict, Muang District. Nakhon-Ratchasima, 30000 Tel / Fax: (66) 224633 Email : [email protected] l\{astor of Sciencc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Acadcmic Institution: l(ing Mtlrrgl(ut's lnstitul{r o1"l'cchn0logy Ladkrabang Duvation: 2 Years Objectivcs: The cou*e aims to produce graduates with a sound grasp ol'current and ernerging thcories and philosophies associated with logistic,s managenlent. rvith an enrphasis on relationships with olher corporate hrnctions, and with olher activitics o.l lhe supply chahr management. Sludents will have an opponunity to significantly develop their kno*ledge hr concepls and best pmctices ol'logistics and suppll, chain rechnology that can bc applied to the bcnefit of thsh' orvn organization, thcir country. or thcir l'uture careers. Coursc Synopsis and Mcthodolog-v: The cou'se consists of(face-to-face) lecturc, seminar', and lesearch. Studenis are lo choose one ol the lbllowing study options: 1. Plan A:6core modules(18 credits).2 electives nodules (6 credits), seminar(l oedit). and theses (12 credits). Studenls in lilan A are rcquircd to publish tltcir researsh in a lecognized inlernational conference ot'iountal. 2. Plan B;6corerrodules(18 credits).4 eleciivcs modules ( 12 credits), senrirrar (l credit). supplemenled [:y an evidence ol'advanced wotlt in the lbrrn ofindcpendeDt study (6 credits). llhs lscture classcs are held on Saturdays and Sundays in regular senreslers (Aug - Dec and Jan - MaY). Course ContentiS!udy'fopic: Thc courxe cncontpasses fundarnental and key concepls and lopics in logistics and supply chain managernenl, with foeuses ott real-world praclice, efficiency, ald cnvironmental issues. Thc core modules include: Logislics gnd Supply Chain Managcn'lenl Quantintivc Methods for t ogistics and Supply Chain Managentenl Analysis . . . . . r lDventory Managemcnt Irlotmation Technology in Logistics and Supply Chain Managenrent l'ransportalionManagement llnvironmen{al Lau's and Policy lbr llustainable and Crccn Logistics Manageinent The eleclive modulcs includc: , . r r r . . Projcct Manatlemr:nt InnovativeTcchnologyManagemcnt \Varehouse and Distribution ivlanagcnlont Production and Operalions Managenrent Quality Assurance lnlernational l-and 'l'ransport Managcmcnt Maritims and Air'l'ransporl Mantge|nctl Qualification: . . . Bachclor degrcc irr Sciencc. Engirreering, llusingss Administration, ol'r€laled fields Wolk cxpericncc is not rcquircd btd is prclbmble. Good linglish l,anguagc proficiency. satislying onc ofthc lbllowing nrininrum tesl scores: jELTS score ofat least 6.0 TOEIL iBTscore ofat leasl 80 Clj-'l'EP sc'ore 01'{t leasl 80 o o o o TU-GET score of at least 600 Only a score report which is valid (i.e. not expircd) lvill be Doc.ument Requircd: . A completed and signed application form. Downloadable from: A recent passport photo. Please finnly attach the photo to the A photocopy ofthe applicant's passport A photocopy ofthe applicant's name-change certificate (if any) An official ranscript ofundergraduate academic records A photocopy ofthe certificate/diploma ofthe undergraduate degree A photocopy ofthe score rcport ofan applicable English language Number of Participantr 3 Eligible Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeriq Pakistan, Papua New Seychelles, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Vanuatu. Closing Dat€ for Nominatlons: May 3l Contact: Dr.Natthapong Jungteenpanich T el. 02-329 -8260, 02-329 -826 t, 081 -7 5 | E-mail address: [email protected], 499 4 lran, Jordan, ksotho, Philippines, Republic of Timor-Lcstg Togo and Master of Science Prognm in Agricultural Biotechnology Acndornic Institution: Faculty of Agriculturc, Nalesuan Universily Duration: 'two 12) yeals (acadenric ycar 2014 0lrj ec - 2015) tives: l. To ol'lbr nrastcr degree courses in Agricultural Biolcchnology. 2. To increase human developnrent in Agficullutal lJiotechnolog;. Course Synopsis & Methodology: This course is dcsigned to providc rdvanrcd training in thc usc ofrcccllt lechnological dcvclopnrents iu agricultural bioteclrnology. 'l'he rnajor lopics covcrcd includc crop brceding, trioinlbnuatics, gerlclic engineering, plant cell and tissue culturc, nlolecular ntapping, high-thr0ughpu( ge c(ic analysis, bio-sensom, industrial ibnnental ion. bio l'uel, and biolerned iation. 'l'ire course will t tain students \yi1h theorerical knowledge. comnrunicaLion, and managentenl skills rvhiclt in tunl allow thcm to becone e{licieut tesoarchers conceming over edhios ofagriculturrl biolechnology. Cornie Contcrt And Study Topic: The Master ofscience Progmtn in Agriculnrlal Iliotechnology has both credit and non'credit courses tvhich focus on Iu,O approaches, re firsl is plant biorechnology. and the second is industrial bioleohnology. Student have to underlake basic, applicd arld udaptive tesearch to gencralc approprialc tcchnologies to support sustainable agt-icullurc or Io address current and lirture challenges o1'l'anring co:nnunity and to provide technology options relcvant to tlle agro-climalic situalions. Qualifications: Applidnlts to the program must bc holdillg a bacbelor's dcgree in agricultrrral sciencc, biology. biochenrisrry, rnicrobiology, gelletios or related lields frorn an accredited college or rniversity. Special 'l'he program admissions commiltee ntakes consideration is given to applicants with tvork expericncc. all adnrission recommendations on casc'by-0ase basis. . . . . . r ]lcq it'ed: (3) copies ofthe ]'lCA Applicstion Fonn, each aflixed with pholographs. Three point average 0f2.75 or higher Gradc Doc[Mcnts Originalundergraduote anscripts 'lwo (?) letlers of recontnendation Personol slatemenl inchlde CV 'IOEIL (l'or student non-Eng)ish spcaking instilufions) Compuler bassd: 213 o ,r o Paper based: 550 illT:80 and IELT: 6.5 Numbcr ol lt:rrticipanlr 3 Dligiblo Courlrics: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Capo Verde" Comotos, lirilrca, |'1ii, Glrarla, lndonesia, lran, Jordan. Lcsollro. Malaysia, Maltlives, Mau lania, NePal, Nigc|in, I'akistnn, Papua New Guinca, Philippinos, ilepublic ol 'fogo rnd Seychclles, Rrvanda, Sencgal, Solonton lsland, Soulh Sudan" Sudan, Sri l..anka, 'fintor-Lcstc, \/anratu, ! I I Closing Dirt€ for Nomlnadont May 2015 lJle or incompleie applications / documents will not be Contrcc Asgociate Professor Dr. Dusngpom Premjet' Dcfartnent of Agricultural Sciencg Fsd.ulty of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Univosity Te\(66) 55962736 Eqail: [email protected] Nar,esuan I : 37 Master of Sciencc Program in Agricultural and Resource Economics Acadcmic lustitutior: Depannenl of Agdculluml and l{esource Economics, Faculty ol"Economics. Kasehan tJnivctsity, Uangkok, Thailard D||l?tion: 'Irvo 1,e3v 1,r"1.'O',r*l'wo senr€sters/year with all option ofsunrmer session lst senl€ster: mid-Aususl - 3'o wcek ofDccenrber 2nd semester: rnid-Jar-ruary - 3'd week o1'May Sunmer session: Itr wcek ofJune - 3'd week of J uly Objrctives: l. 2. 3. 4. To master graduatcs wilh knowledge in cconornic theory and research skills in the field of agricultuml ald icsouroe economics !h 1 crLn bc applied to enhance food security, sufficiency economy, global warming adaptation, atrd sustainability ofagriculture and cnvironrnent at the intemational level To generate high-qr.raliry r esearch and pror ide policy intplications lbr Thailand itnd studcnts' countrics oforigin 'lb promote academic cooperation betw€en lhe Depanmcnl ot'Agricultulal and Resoutce Economics, Kasetsart Universify and instit tions overseas with related intelEsts To enhancc social ar|d ccononric rclalionshiD bctfveen'l"hailand and studcnts' counfries oforigitl Coursc Synopsis & Mcthodology: Master ofscicnce progran in Agricultural and Resource Econonics al Kaselsan University is the tnost rccognizcd program ofits Thailand, and becanre increasingly renormed internationally. The progr.anr is dcsigned to broaden lhe s$dents' knowledge in this discipline and to engendcl rcgional and intei'national exchange ot'ideas in agricullural doYelopmont and policy issues. The Deparlmenl of Agriqrltural and Resource Economics also Provides Ph.D. inrcrnational program in the sanc major. Iloth gmduato prugt.ams ltave suC0essfillly crcatc(l djstinguished tescarchers in several corlntries including Bhuran, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Indonesia. Myanrnar, Laos PDR' Thailand, and Vielnam' 'l'he curriculum of Masler ofSciencc prognm in ,lgficuilural and Resource Economics includes core cours€s in e0onolnio thcories, econometlics and eleclivs coulses in specific subjeots intsnded 10 prepare sludents for a professional careor in agricullural snd resourcs econolrics. Course ConienUStudy Topic: A rcgulff lwo-year program roquires a nririmunr of 17 otdjts tha( oomprises l9 credils ol'core courses, 6 credits ofelectives, tnd l2 oredits ofthesis, Core coumes crnphasi?-o oI econon)ic theory, panicrlarly microeconomics, macrooconomics, agrioultural and rcsource policy, econometrics. research Inethods, and sominar. Electives cover a broad range oflopics including, but nol ljmiled 1o Agricultuml productiori economics, farm nranagement Agricultunl/food rnarketing and oonsu er bchovior Environnental eeonomics, raturalrcso!rcc nranagelrlertr lelrewable energy economics, l'ishery ccorotnrcs Ilual devslopnent, agricultuml doveiopmcnl Agricultural policy, en!ironmcnlal policy. inrernationsl agricullurallradc and policy liural fi na:rcc, nrictofi nanoc 38 'l'hc rcsearch alcas irrcludc. b$t not limilcd to Climate change adaptation and nritigalion Agriculnurl policy and aglicultural devclopnrcnt, nnal dcvelopment Food secrrity (nutrition, safetr,- scarcity) Agricullural risk managenlcnl Agriculluml technological change Agricultu"l labor tnigration Patnrcnl ol'ccosyslcnr sclvic( l.ood rnat*eting . . . . . . . . . ASEAN aglicultural trade Qualifications: l. llolding 23. 4. agricultulal policy or rclated fields rvill be highly considqed. GI)A no lcss lhan 2.?5 (from tolal of4.00) ol equivalen Ile fluenl in rvriting. reading. and verbal English. Agc below 30 at the tiue ofenrclhnenl in the program a Bachelor ofSciencc in agricultural economics. resoulce ccononrics, econornics. agribusiness or Bachelor's degree in rela(ed fields. Applicants with work experience in the field ofagricultule, {ishcr}'. {qurculture, rur0l developulenl economic dcvelopment and Documcnt Requircd: l. 2. Three copics oflhe TICA appiication fomr, atfixed with pholographs Kasctsad Universiry Gradunte School application lurrn al'lixcd wilh photograph (dorvnloadable frorr ru 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. u,\l , oses/ crv. l'nnscripl oflho undergraduato slndy (in Apllicnli0n_[or All.doc) Bnglish) : l'hree letters ofrccommcndation lrom lhree releiee A copy of pusspod Evidcnce ofEnglistr proficiency, in the form ofTOEITL (score of500 or ovcr) or proofof othcr equivalenl English profi ciency Research proposal in lhe area ofagricrltural and rcsotrce economjcs includes research litle/ backglound and j ustilicationlresearch olrjectivcsllil0t al.ore rcl ieMrqscarch nethodology/cxpected outpurs/cxpecled bencJits of rcscarch expcriencc in lhe field ofagriculture, fishery, aquacullurc, rufal developnrcnl. cconturic dcvclopnent and agricullural policy or related fields (oplionat) 8. Ce ificnlion or leflcr ol proof Numbcr of Participant: 3 Illigible Corttrics: ,,\fghanistan" llangladesh, Cape Vctdc. C'onrorus. Ilritrca, fiji. Ghana. lndonesi& lrun, jor.dan, Lesotho. Malaysia. Maklives. Marrilania, Ncpal. Nigeria. Pakislan, Papua Nerv Guinca, Philippines, Republic of Soyclrellcs, Rwandu, Senegal. Solomon lsland. South Sudan. SLrdun. Sri Lanka, 'l'imor-l.cstc, 'l'ogo and V:lnualu. Closing Datc f{rr Nonrinntions: i0 April prior lo thc beginning of each acadcnric 1,ear iregirrning 30 April 20l5 l,atc or jncompiete applications/doouDretrts $,ill nor bc considcred. 3g Contrct: Asst. Prof, Onchos Napasintulrong Depsnment of Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty of Economios, Kasetsart University Bangkok | 0900 Thailand Phone: +662-579-8547 ext. 142 Fay.i +662-942-8047 E-mail: 999[9p41@1g49,$, orachos@gmail,conr Website: !gp;/ggiss9.!s,ssfl!4gp!p International Studics Center Kaselsafi University P.O. Box 1097, Chstuchak Bangkok 10903 Thailand,th/newsite/index.oho/home 40 Master of Scieuce in Teclrnology Managemert of Agricultural Produces Acadcmic lnstituaion Mae fah l-uang Universily 333 Mool. 'Ihasud, Muang. Clriang Rai 5?l00Thailand Tel. + 66 (0) 5391 6000 Fax. +66 (0) 5391 6029, +66 (0) 5391 6034 www, Duration 2 academic years ()bjcciiles The Progranr equips gruduatcs wilh the lorowledge in technology management ofagricultural produces with the skills to develop food sccurity. add valuc o1'agricultural ploducts ard effectively rnanage agricultural tfade. l.he gmduates leam how lo Inanage agricultural produccs after harvest to reduce avoidable losses du: ing storage and transpoftalion. Afler coinpleling the progrant, graduates will he able to Integrate postharvest handling and ntanagement principles lo ma[age postharvest agricultural produces and to malage efleclive ngricultural tr.ade, wirh a proficiencv in tlre appropriate use of contertlporury technologies for the ,lost benefit; ?. Conduct rtsearch on technology developtncnt and nranagement ofagricultural produces ald have a potential ;n bccoming an acadcnric leadcr; 3. Work ellectively with others. and tvith tnanagement skills, tnorar and awareness of plcfessional l. ethics. Course Siynopsis & Mcthodology There are 2 plans, namcly: . Plar . Thesis 36 cred i1s Plan A2 'folal credits: 36 cr.edits l.Major Required Courscs l2 Al 'folal credits: 2.Major Elective 3.Thesis 36 credits Courses crediLs 12 credits 12 credits Course Content/Study Topics Aglicultural Research Methodology, Postharvesr Biology and rechnologyr Logistics and Supply chain for Agricultural Produccs. Seminar in Technology Management of Agricullural, euality coniroi Design in AgroJndustry, Postharvest Pathology, postharvest Managenrent of Fruirs and Vegetables, Postharuest Management ol'cereals and Legunres, Postharvsst Managemenr of or.namentai crops. Poslharrest Managemcnt of rea, cofiee and cocoa, postharyost operations. Engineering, selected Topics in Technology Managenrcnt ofAgliculrural produces, Application ofpackaging Teclinology for Agricultural Produces, Border Trade Management, lnternarional Logistics and Supply dhain Managemenl Reverse Logistics and Rcturn Managcment, Management of Agricultural pioduce for Tradc and Exporl. Qualifications All applicants must have: I . A Bachelor's degree in related areas with G pA of 2.50 or above. 2.lfGPA belo$,2.50, applicanls must show strength in their core courses or have at least l -year ofwork experience in a relevant field. 3. Cood conlmand in English: TOEFL (paper-based 550, cornputer-bascd 173, irrlernet'bascd 61) 5.5 MFU-TEP 60 CI,].TEPS 60 CMU-TECS 60 - IELTS . - TU.CET 450 *English proficiency score repon must be laken no longer than 21,ears 4.Good physical and mcntal hcalth. Documcnts Required 1. The Statement ofpurpose, documerllng the applic nl's reBsons 1'or pursui ga Master's degree in this field o1'study and his/hel lnckground and experience in dealing with issues of Technology Management oFAgricultural ['roduce. A ccrtified copy ofa Bdchelor's degr€e certificate. 3. A certified copy ofundergraduale lranscripts. confimling lhat all Bachelor's degree reouifelnents have b€on m€t. 4. English proficiency scorc repon. 5.Two letters of recon]nlendalion. 6, Doctor''s medical repod (cetlil'ication). 2 7. A copy ofpasspoft. 8. A singlc f -inch rccent pholograph, 9. A cornpleted applicaiion fonn. All supponing documents must bc in English or accompanied by a cerrified lranslalion. Number of Participant: 3 Eligible Countries: Afglranistan, Bangladesh, CaPe Verde, Comoros, Erittea, l'iji, Ghana, lndonesi4 Iran, Jordan, Lesotlto, papua New Guinea, Philippines' Republic of Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritani4 Nepal, Nigeria, I'akistan, Sctuth Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, I'ogo and lsland, Scyclrelles, Rwanda, Sencgal, Solomon Vanuatu. Closing Date for Applications Ycar Round Contact Assist. Prol'. Dr. Sutthiwal Solha School 01'Agro-lndustry, Mae Fah Luang Univor!ity 'l'ltailand 333 Moo I , Thasud, Muang, Chiang Rai 57100 1'cl. +66 (0) 5391 6754; Fax. +66 (0) 5391 6737 E-mail: [email protected] 42 Master of Public Health (Global llealth) Academic lnstitute: School of Global Studies, 'l hamnrasat University I)uration: I2 nonths (Septcrnber-August) Obi cctives: Thc MPH (Globsl Health) p|ovidcs graduates with: broad and holistic public health perspectives and critical thinking. knorvledge, skills, and analyical capabilities: neccssary for individuals to assume el'fective leadership in global health pmctice and gove|nance; and to prctec! and pr:mote the health of diverse populations at nalional. bilateral and nrultilateral levels. More specilically gracluates rvill develop lhc ability to: dcfine global health issucs frorn a socio-political perspectivel conlribute to inlerl€gional capacity building by fosteling south,to-south collaboration; and trar)scsnd nanorv disciplines through parhrerslrips that dmw on dilferhrg perspectives, diffbring knowledge and cxperience. and differing priorities. Courses Synopsis: 'lb effectivcl.v address critical problems in population heallh. the 20th century public health paradignr lst century global health rnodel of'partnership created on prhrciples o1' equality, transparency, mutual intercst and respecr. The'l.hammasat School ofClobal Studies is leading thc way 10 devclop international collaborations in education and rcsearch rc{lscting this rew model. Our' priurities include developing a gr:rduate program thal defires global health fi'onr a socio-political perspectivc with an crnphasis on intcrregional onpacitl,building applying a South-to-South lbcus (Africa. Asia-Pacific, Latin Arnerica. and Middle East). While enormous prcgress has taken placc in aspccts of biomcdicai science, tho tools ofpublic health and Inanagemcnt. and social and political cngagement. it is only when these elemells have come logcther thal w0 havc sccn rcal and lasting strides in inrproving thc health ofrhe rvorld's pooresr citizens. 13y usiug our collective experienccs, resources. and cxperlise we car help change the fundamentals ol'global health. Not alone in nanorv disciplines, but through partrrerships thar draw on diflcring perspectives, diflbring knowledge iurd experience. and diffcring priorities. Understandilg horv to mobilize such parurcrships, how to make rhem most effective. and wherc to lum for experience enlpowers us at the global stage. Thc program aims to produoc tho intcllectual foundation supponing a ? lst centurv model ofglobal heallh. The progra.nt il,ill be conducted in a trin1ester s),stem delivered in thrce equal tenns of not more than I 5 q,eeks/rerm, totalliog 45 c.edits ofstudy. l'he trimester syslcm conlains 3 equal blocks within I academic year, rvithout a sunmer break. mLrst be transfoLmed into a ? 'I'he progranr ofi'ers two tracks of sludy: Plan-A: thesis which nray involve study beyond the standad of l2 rnonths of l'ull-time study as required on-campus or field-bascd to complete thesis research. Plan-B: nasler project rvill be conducled over I 2 months of fuli-tirnc on-campus study. 1'he program applies a highly interaclive, sludent-cenlrcd and probleni-based lcarning approach. Course Contcnl: Pre-program v,orkshop Inlegrale.l Sciuce & Ptoctice Coursct'^ Cll600: Case Studies- | Cfl60l: Case Studies-2 Ol'1602; Special lbpics in Global l"lcalrh Cora Courszs Cil'1610: Sociai l)eterrninanls of Health Gl-16ll: l)hysical Environmunls and llealth Cl.l6l2: Appiied Upidcmiology GIt6l3: Applied Biostalislics Gl'16l4: Policy Do,clopmcnt and Analysis Dlscipline Councs GH62l: Human Security: A Global Perspective GH622: Human Righs and Global Health GH623: Mobility and Global Health GH624: Dis€ase Control 8nd Global Health GH625: The Political Economy of Global Health Elecllve Courses CH640: Strategic Thinking and Planning GH64l: Partnerships Management CH642: Planning and Management GH643: Applied Methods of Research & Evaluation GH644: Public Health Emergency Management GH645: Border Health GH646: Violence and Global Health GH647: Global Mental Health GH648: Public Nutrition and Global Heallh GH649: Globalization & Health Systems Practicum Thesis (Plan A) GH800: Thesis Independent study (Plan B) GH700: lndependent study- I GH70l: lndependent study-2 QUALIFICATIONS: Holding at least a bachelor degree or equivalent. Have a minimum grade point average of2.75 Have a proven minimum oftwo years professional experience. Minimum TOEFL scnre of550 or 213 computer-based or 79 lntern€t-based or IELTS not lcss than 6.0 For all non-nativo speakers, proven English language proficiency is a precondition for program enrolmcnt, DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Completed application forms Copy degree ccrtifi cates Copy degree transcripts Copy ofTOEFL or IELTS test score sheet Copy ofvalid PassPort Letter ofreference Medical certificate Number of Paiticipant 3 Eligible Countriess . Afghanistan, Bangladesh, cape Verde, comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, lndonesiq lran, Jordan, lpsotho, Ma-laysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeri4 Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Seychelles, Rwanita, Senegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lankq Timor.l.esti, Togo and Vanuatu. Closing Date FOR NbMINATIONS: July 3l Late or incomplete applicationydocuments will not be considered. Contact Prof. Maro Van der Putten' PhD Director Int'l GraduEte Studies School of Global Studies, Thammasat University Office: 02-564-3089-91 Ext. 77062 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sgs.tu, 44 Maste r of Science Programme in Epidemiologr (Internritional Programne) Acedemic Institution: Epidemiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, hince oflSongkla University (a designated WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Epfdemiologr) - demonstrate substantial knowledge in epidemiological methods. - perform an epidemiological study related to his or her locality. - demonstrate an ability to keep up with modern knowledge in . demonstrate skills in data management related to research and health Course Synopsis and Methodologz: This is a sandwich-type intemational programme. In the first year students attend classes at hince of Songkla University in whioh all students will gain knowledge skills in epidemiolory, statistics, research methodology, database management, critical appraisal research shrdies, qualitalive research and field work. In the.second year students will on their tlresis which should focus on the importance ofhealth problems in the student's own using good research methodology. In the first halfofthe second year the students will collect at their home institution. The later half is for data analysis and preparation ofthe thesis manuscripts for publioation in intemational joumals. Course ContenUStudy Toplc: l. Core courses Reseuch methodologt Intoduotion to research methodology, ntionale for research, formulation research objectives and and analysis, hypothesis, rcsearch strategy, sampling and population, measurcment, data report prgparstion. Epldemlological Methods I Scientifi c reasoning health indicators, determining health priorities, source ofbias, introduction to study design, cmss-sectional studn randomized contolled tial, bias, confounding and interaction, preparation ofrisk, causation, study, cohort study, field study and constructiotl of questionnaire. Eptdeniological Methotls II Appmisal oforiginal articles, clinical agreemcn! diagnostic tests and randomized conuolled trial, good clinical practice (GCP) and special epidemiologioal Blostotistlcs and statlstlcal contpuing I Summarizing and pr€senting data, probability theory, binomial/poisson distfibution, normal distsibution, sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing ofmeansland proportions, regression and correlation, non-parametric tests, analysis ofcategorical data[ Blostotlslks snd srotisttcal computing Data exploration and strategy ofdata analysis, analysis of2 x 2 tables, anatdsis ofconfounding and II I 45 Compaer appllcalon for reseorch Basic anatomy and physiology ofcomputers, operating systems, file management, hard disk management, computer virus, security, word processing, database, spread sheet, graphic prcsentation, computer network, Intemet, electronis mail, academic database, data quality control, rclational database and development of information systems for health s€rvices. Joumal appralsal Understanding and criticism ofan original article in an intemationaljoumsl presented in the class. Field work Identification of priority for I rapid ( I week) field rcsearch project, prcparation of the proposal, planning ofthe study, data collection and anslysis, pr€sentation to dccision makers and relevant parties. 2. Elective cource Quolitrtive lechniques ln heallh research Concepts ofqualitative techniques, conc€ptu8l framework, interview techniques, focus group discussion, observation techniques, fi eld work, 3. The thesis The thesis demonsfates the capability ofthe student in conducting a well planned research study of intemationEl standard. A Master thesis is the beginning ofprofessionalization for an epidemiological research career. The proposal will be prepared and refined in parallel with the progress ofthe coursework through group discussion before submission for approval by the Committee for Graduate Study ofthe University by the end ofthe fint year. Data collection rivill be undertaken for a period ofsix months in the student's regular place ofwork. Final analysis and preparation ofthe thesis will occupy the final six months in Prince of Songkla University to ensur€ quality of work and success. Qualifications: L The candidate should have completed a baohelor degree in a health profcssion such as medicinq public hcalth, nursing or other telated field. At least one'year ofworking experience in health sewices is prefened. 2. The candidate must have a working position in a health institution, which will provide administrative support for the data collection phase during the second year of study. 3. The cgndidate should have good command ofEnglish essential for carrying out study under the University requirernents (TOEFL2500, IELTSa5.0, CU-TEP:60, PSU-TEP260)' In case of neoessity, the candidates may need to tako a speoial English courso provided by Prinoe ofSongkla University 2-6 months before the academic year sarts in August. Documents Required: - Application form - A medical examination r€port which includes results ofchest x'ray, complete blood count, urinalysis and HIV rcst. - An officiat transoript from all institutions ofhigher loaming attended. - Cuniculum vitae, inoluding a list ofpublications ifavailable. - An official report ofthe rcsult ofthe English language profioiency examination (see Qualifioations above). Number of Participant! 3 Eligible Countrles: Af[hanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lesotho, Milaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeris, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Scychelles, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon lsland, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Togo and Vanuatu, Master of Scicnce Programmc in Bpidemiology (Irternational Programme) Acadcnic Institrtion: Epidenriology Unit, llaculty oflr4edicinc, Plince ofSongkla Llniversity lirl Research and'liaining on Epidenricrlogy) (a tlcsignarctl WI-lO Collaborating Centre l)uration: ? years 0bjcctivcs: 'l he geneml objectives ol this progranlme ale to assist the participants to - undersland in depth the logic and nrethods ofepideniology. - apply epidemiological melhods in questiouing. studying and drawing conclusions on lrealdr plobleurs in developing countries. - obtain practical sliills in integlating approprialc info|mation technologies {br epidenriology and heallh carc systems. Upon conpletior ofthe pn:grumme, pa icipanls should be able ro: - denronstmte subslantial knorvledge in epiderniologicai mcthods. - perlbnn an cpidcrniological study rcl&ted lo his or her locality. - delnonsfi"te an ability to keep up wilh modern knorvledge in epidemiology. - dernonstrate skills in data managemclt lelalcd to lescarch and health inlbrnratiou. Coursc Synopsis and Methodology: -fhis is a sandrvich-type intemational progrunmc. [n thc first ycar studenls $,ill attend classes at Prince ofSongkla Univcrsity in rvhich all students rvill gair knorvlcdge and skills in epidcnriology. stalistics, rcsearch methodology, databasc naragement. critical appraisal ofresearch studies, qunlilative researolt and field rvork. ln thc secon(l ycar students will concentllle on the;r thesis which shoLrld locus on thc importance o{hcalth problems in the studenl's o*.n country using good rcsearch rurethodology. In the first |lalf ofthc seconcl year the st.udcnls will eollect data at their honrc institutiot. 'l'hc later halfis for dara analysis and preparatiorr ol'the thesis and manuscripts for publication irr international joumals. Coursc Contenrstudy Topic: l. Core courses Re s e m c h ntet h o d o I o i{J, lnttoduction to research methodology. rationale lor research, lbrnrulation ofresearch objectives and hypothesis, rcsearch stralegy, sampling and popul lion, measurcntent, dala colleotion and anatysis, report prcparalion. Epideniological Methorls I Scientilic reasoning. heallh indicalors. determirring health prioritics, measurenrenl ofrisk, causalion, source ofbias, introduction 1o study design, cross-seclional shrd),, case-control study. cohort study. randomized controlled lrial, bias, conlbrnding and interaction. preparation of field study and constructi0n of questionnaire. Epitlenioktgical Methods II Appraisal ololiginal anicles, clinical agtcenent. diagnostic tcsts and scrccning, randomizcd controlled rial. good clinical practlce (GCP) and special epiderniological rnethods. Bioslulisli<'t',tn.l stalislic(l conrpulittl: l Sumnrarizing and prssenting data. probability theory, binomial/Poissrxr distribution, nonnal dislrihution, sampling distributions. estinlitrion. hl.pothesis rcsting ofneans and proportions, rcgression and corclation, non-paranelric tests. 0nal),sis of categor.ical data. Biostotisrics frnd t;tr.rislicnt conrpulittg II Dott cxploration ind $lralegy ofdato analysis, urralysis of2 x 2 tables, analysis of co0fountling and hrteraction, logistic regression, Poisson regression, sun,ival analysis, sarnple size, nreta-analysis. Computer application lor reseatch Basic anatomy and physiology ofcomputers, operating systems, file management, hard disk management, computer virus, s€curitn word processin& database, sprcad sheet, graphic presentation, computer networlq Intemet, elechonic mail, academic database, data quality control' relational database and development of information systems for heallh services. Jownal appralsal Undentanding and criticism ofan original arlicle in an international joumal presented in the class. Fleld work ldentification ofpriority for a rapid (l week) field research Project, preparation ofthe proposal, planning ofthe study, data collection and analysis, prcsent8tion to decision makers and relevant parties, 2, Elective course Quolitative lechnlques in health research Concepts ofqualitative techniques, conccptual fiameworh interview techniques, focus group discussion, obscrvation techniques, field work. 3. The tbesis The thesis demonstrates the cspsbility ofthe student in conducting a well plenned rese&ch study of intemstional standard. A Master thcsis is the beginning ofprofessionalization for an epidemiological rcsearch career' The proposal will be prepared and rcfined in parallel with the progress ofthe coursework through group discussion before su-bmission for approval by the Committee for Graduate Study ofthe University by the end ofthe first ycsr. Data collection will be undertaken for a period of six months in the student's regular place ofwork. Final analysis and preparation ofthe thesis will occupy the final six months in hince ofSongkla University to ensut€ quality ofwo* and sucosss. Qualiflcations: i The ctrndidate should have completed a bachelor degreo in a health profession such as medicine, public health, nursing or other related field, At least one-year ofworking experience in healllt services is prefened. 2. The candidate must hEve a wotking position in a health institution, which will provide administrative support for the data colleotion phase during the second year ofstudy. 3. The canttidate iioutd have good commend ofEnglish essential for carrying out study under fte University requirements (TOEF[2500, IELTSI5.0, CU'TEP:60' PSU-TEP260). In case of necessityt the candidates may need to tako a speoial Englislt course provided by hince of Songkla Univeniry 2-6 months before the aoademio year stais in August. Documents Requlred: - Application form - A'medical examination rcport which includes rcsults ofchest x-ray, complete blood oount, urinalysis and HIV test. - An ofrlial transcript fiom all institutions ofhigher learning atrcnded' - Cuniculum vitae, including a list ofpublications ifavailable. - An ofthe result ofthe English language pmficiency examination (see Qualifications above). Number of Particlpant3 3 Eliglble Countrles: Affrranistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghan4 tndonesia, Iran, Jordan, ksotho' tr4aiaysia t,iatdivls, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua Ncw Guine4 Philippines, Republic of Seycliellcs, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon lsland, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri l-anka, Timor-Leste' Togo and V8nuatu, Closing Date for Nolninltlonsl May,2015r *Note: Late or incomplete applications/documents may be considered only under special circumstances but must not arrive later than June 30,2015. Contact: Epidemiology Unit, Fsculty of Medicine, Prince ofSongkla University, Hat Yai, Songklo, 901 Thaifand Tel: +66-74451165 Fax: +66-74429754 Assoc. Prof. Tippawan Liabsuebaku I E-mail: [email protected]; lippgygd@!!&geJh l0 47 Master of Scie ncc Progranr irt ]tublic Health Seicrce Academic lnstitutc: College of Public I'lealth Sciences, Chulalongko:n Ulivetsitl, Duratio$: 'lwo (2) acadcnic yeals (Augusl 2015 - lt,lay 20 l6) Renrark: The nraxinrutn period ol'study lbr a ma:,ter''s degrce shall not exceed 4 acadentic years. Objcctivcsl (l)'l"o develop and produce post-graduate $tudents who can conducl ltigh quality acadcnric researclres in tlre field ofpublic health scicnocs. (2) To develop and praducc the body ofknowled;c via acadernic rcscarches in thc fielel o1'public heallh sciences. Ceiurscs Synopeis & Methcd{}logyr 'fhe Masler ofScience Prognm in Public llealth Scicnces is a rescorch-based program plus thesis rvhieh consists ofa minimunr o{'36 crcdits in tolal lhl'oughout the eniire duration ofthe course. The pmgratn is divided inlo two fomrats. (l) "Plan Al": this consists ofa total of'36 credits ofThesis 12) "Plan A2": this cousists ofa total of l2 cledits ol"l"hesis and a minilnunr of24 credits of courseu'ork. Course Contcnt/ Study ]'opic: The pnrgranr emphasizes on lwo ficlds of inl.erest ( l) llrditional Thai and Alternative Med jcincs o1'nedicilal planl lllllerial using botanical. tecltniques; mcdicinal plant cxlraction and idenlification; ohcmical and rnolecular biological activitics tcsting oflrerbal dnrg; qualirative and quantitativc analltical lechniqucs h planl sciencc, (2) Biornoleculat Technology in Public l-lealth Sclenccs Research area: Basic knorvledge in cullrrlar and particle slructures and function of the cells, their gene funcfion ofcells,tbeir genelic materials, gene and gene funclion including basic molecular biology techni,lucs. Sludcnr in "PIan A I " has to regis0cr "scnlinar in t'ublic Health Sciences I and ll" and shall hc asscssed as S or U grades. Stttdcnl may bc nceded to register for a co|lrse at lhe graduate or undergladuale level in ordcl to gain a ntors solid basis ill his/hel studiss and the said subiects shall be assessed as S or U grades. Student in "Plan A2" has to registcr selccted courses ltx his/her skills in scientific researoh methodology, Iaboratory methods and serninar in the field of inlorest. Studenl in the fisld of "'l ruditional nnd n llernative Meclicines" has to rcgister "Application of Mcdicinal Plant Ilesearch I and Il". Studort in "Plan A2" in lhe field of "Biontoleculal Technology in Public l{ealih Scicnces" has to register "Ap1:lied }r4olccular Bink:gy Techniques in Public l'lealth Sci':nccs". Exarnole ol'selectcd couscs: Senrinal in Public llcalth Soiencas I I ( | -0-3) Seminar irr I'}ublic Flcalih Sciences ll | (l-0-3) Analytical Tcchnology in [tublio l"leahh Sciences ltescarch 3 (2-3'7) Ilesenrch F-undamenlal in Public l leallh Sciences I (3-3-7) Speciol Problcms in Public l-leahh Sciences 1 2 (l'l-4) Special P:oblems in Public llealth Scionccs ll 2 (l -3-4) Research Melhodologl,in I'ublic I lcalth Sciences | 2 (?-0-6) Research artra: Standardization 48 Application of Medicinal Plant Research | 3 (Z-3-'l) Application of Medicinal Plant Research ll3 (2-3-7) DNA-Based Technology in Medicinal Plant Research 3 (2-3-7) Biomolecular Technolory in Malaria 3 (3-0-9) Applied Molecular Biology Techniques in Public Health Sciences 3 (2-3-7) Current Research Topics in Biomolecular Technology 3 (2-3-?) Quallfications: Applic.nts must satisfy the followit|g criteris: (l ) Applicant must have at least a Bachelor's degree in a related field with the GPA (grade point average) higher than 2.5, or 70 % performance (out of 100%o), or at least being during the last term ofhis/her study. (2) Applicant whose English is not first languagd Bachelor's d€gre€ was not taught in English/ who is from a country other than New Zealand, USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada has to pass an English language proficicncy test according to criteria announced by the Academic Policy Board, (3) The TOEFL, IELTS and CU-TEP (Chulalongkom University Test ofEnglish Proficiency) are the only three English proficiorcy tests accepted by Chulalongkom University. The enbance scorc and exit scorc arc as follows, TOEFL 400, 450; IELTS 3.0, 4.0; CU-TEP 30, 45. Documents Requlred: (l ) Thrce copies ofthe Applicant form, each aflixed with photographs. (2) Thr€e certified copies ofyour prcvious degree certificate(s), (3) Three cetified copies ofyour ranscript ofrecord (mark sheets) in English for subjects studied during your previous degree(s). (4) Two tetters ofrecommendation or references and two copies of each. (5) A photocopy ofapplicant's citizenship card or passport for foreign applicants. (6) Thrce copies ofscores ofTOFEL, IELTS, CU-TEP test iftaken within past two ye8rs. Number of Participrtrt: 3 Eligible Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, lndonesia, lran, Jordan, lesorho, Malaysi4 Maldivcs, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippineq Republis of Seyohelles, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon lsland, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lankq Timor-lrste, Togo and Vanuatu. Closlng Drte for Nomlnrtioncr All year round (open lst Trlmestori August , 2nd Trimeten January) lrle or incomplete applicant/dooument will not be considerate. Contrct! Mr.Poohmerat Kokilaksnishtha (Academic Administrator) Addrcss: College ofPublic Hslth Sciences Chulalongkorn Univcrsity, loth Flobr lnstitutes Building 3 ,Soi Chula 62,Pathumwan,Bangkolql0330 Email : acadcmic_cphs@chula, Telphone: 6622! 88193 Mobile: 66892552395 49 Master of Scie nce in Biomedical Science Acsdemic Institution: College of Medical and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Universitv. Thailand Durstion: 2 years ofstudy Objectives: l. Production of Multi-discliplinary expens in biom€dic8l science program 2, Integration knowledge ofthe multi{iscliplinary focus on research based study Course Synopsis and Methodologr The biomedical sciences program for integration study ofbiomedical sciences knowlcdge especially doing the researth based on individual researoh projects rsther than coursework and allows you to speoialize in a particular area ofstudy Course ContenUstudy Topic: Molecular Oncology, Tumor Immunology, Molecular Immunology, Microbiolory, Infectious . Disease, Epidemiology, Molecular Epidemiologt, Clinical Epidemiology and Biomedical Sciences Association Qurlilicetion of the Applicants: Candidatcs are rcquired to have at least an undergraduate degrce (GPA of 2.5 or above) for biomedical soienoes, nursing, veterinary medioine, physical therapy, public health 8nd biologioal sciences Document requir€d: L Acadpmic and/or professional certificstes and tr8lscripts 2. English language Proficienoy Number of Participant: 3 Eligiblc Countrips: Afghsnistan, Bangladesh,:Cape Verde, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, hdonesia, lran, Jordan, Lesotho, Malaysig Maldives, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakiston, Papua New Guineq Philippincs' Ropublic of Seyohelles, Rwanda" Sencgal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lank4 Timor'Leste' Togo and Vanuatu. Closlng Date for Application: May 2015 Contact: Associarc Prof, Surasak Wanram, Ph,D, @mail: surasak,[email protected]'th) Head for Biomedical Scienc.cs Program, College of Medicine 8nd Publio Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand 34190 50 Master of Science in Innovotive Healthcare Management Program Acrdemic Instltutionr College of Innovation Thammasat Unlversity 2 Prachan Road, Bangkok 10200 THAII-AND Tel:. 66-2623-5055-8 Fax: 66-2623-5060 Duration: 2 years Objectives: l. To develop a thorough understanding ofthe body ofknowledge regarding health, healthcare servicc system, profound managerial concepts, as well as cultural sensitivity, and be able to apply such expertise in administering healthcarc services effi ciently. 2. To be capable ofassessing and analping internal and extemal environmen! that impact healthcare service provision so as to develop strategies and determine policies related to marketing and the healthcare industry appropriately. 3. To develop analyical skills, and be able to make ethical decisions related to healthcare management based on tlreorctical and ethical principles in providing healthcare services rcgarding the diferences in health policies, laws, and cultures among nations. 4. To develop the ahilities required to provide healthcare services and the development ofthe quality of these services continuously through outcome management based on empirical practice. 5. To be knowledgeable, and have the ability to develop a body ofknowledge related to healthcare management through the rcsearch or study process, and to be able to apply research or study findings to healthcare management. Course Synopsis & Methodologr: In the present worl{ virtually all health organizrtions have become increasingly aware ofthe importance ofhealthcar€ management and service system development, Based on world class healthcare service policies characterized by quality and high standards, service provision has changed from a tditional approach to a proactive approach, relying more on result-based management which principally takes into consideration quality, cost, and access to oare. The Master of Scierice Program in Innovative Healthcare Management (MIHM) at Thamnasat University is a program in which students can develop their capacity in managing healthoare pmfessionally in light ofthe changing perspcctives in the provision ofhealthcare service at the gtobal lsvel. The students tlat graduate fiom this progam will be botter prepared in terms oftheir understanding ofthd corpus ofknowledge in healthcare and inanagerial expertise. The Program works on the basis that leaming occurs in many dilferent ways. The program uses a blended approach that incorporates a wide range ofteaching techniques: E lecturcs E semi'lars 0 ! cose sodies local and international field trips O group I work self-paced and individual study Course Content/Study Topic: S€mester I (June - Sept) Semester 2 (Nov - Feb) Summer (Mar - May) Scmester | (June - Sept) Semester 2 (Nov - Feb) YEAR I YEAR 2 HC 641 Practicum in Healthcare Management (3) SV 6l I Finance Management for thE Scrvice Industries (3) HC 642 Information Systems for Healthcare Management (2) SV 632 Managing People in a Global Environment (3) HC 640 Policies & Business Strategies and Ethics in Healthcarc (2) Plan B: lndependent Study Elective Courses (9) SV 610 Data & Decisions for Service.Design and Delivery (3) SV 631 Marketing & Branding in Service Management 51 (3) INNOVATIVE HEALTHCARE MANACEMENT CURRICULUM (SEMESTER SYSTEM) Plan A: Thesis Thesis (6) Elective Coune (3) Plan A: Thesis nresis (6) Plan B: Independent Study lS (6) HC 643 Holistic Heslthcare and Senice (2) Or Core Courses tr SV 610 Data and Decisions for Service Design & Delivery (3 Credi$ 0 SV 6l I Finance Management for the Service lndustries (3 Credits) D SV 631 Marketing and Branding in Service Management (3 Credits) O SV 632 Managing People in a Global Service Environment (3 Credits) O HC 640 Policies & Business Strategies in Healthcare (2 Credits) O HC 641 Practicum in Healthcare Management (3 Cr€dits) C HC 642 Information Systems for Healthcare Management (2 Credits) E HC 643 Holistic Healthcare and Service (2 Credits) Elective Courses tr SV 685 Contemporary Issues in Service Innovation (3 Credits) E SV 686 Seminar on Special Topics (3 Credits) D HC 656 Seminar on Healthcare (2 Credits) D HC 657 Outcomes Mansgement and continuous Quality Lnprovement in Healthcarc (3 credits) HC 658 totroductory Biostatistics and Data Analysis for Healthcare Management (3 Credits) E HC 659 Leadership in Healthcare Management (3 Credits) ! Quelilicadons: To be eligible for admission to the Master of science in Innovative Healficarr Managemeng an applioant must: o Hold a Bachelor's Degree or its equivalent in any field' O Pass an English l,anguage Pmficiency Test frorn one ofthe following: - TOEFL: 500 - IELTS:5.0 - TU-GET (fiammasat Tost) : 500 E At least 2 years of working expcrience in hedthcare industy o Very good witten and spoken English profioiency. Succossful candidates for admission must pass a selection procoss including a written examination, an English test, and an interview. Document Requlred: L 3 photographs (l inoh-size) 2. English test result (IOEFL' IELTS, or 3. 2 Recommendations 4. Health certificate TU{ET) Number of Participant 2 Eligible Countrlesr Affhanistan, Bangladesh, cape Verde, comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, Indonesiq lran, Jordan, Lesotho' Vu] lGtCiuis, Maurionia" Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua,New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of and Seychelles, Rwandq senegal, solomon Island, south sudan, Sudan, sri r$ka, Timor-l,este, Togo Vanuatu. Closlng Date for Nominations: May 2015 l,ate or incomplete applicationydocuments will not be considered. 52 Terms and Condltions for Scholanships l. Applicants who are awarded the scholarships will be requircd to pursue the Plan A study (thesis) option. 2. Scholanhips cover for the study period of2 years. Applicants who are awarded the scholarships must complete their studies within 2 years. 3. Applicants who are awarded the scholanhips will be rcquired to function as stud€nt assistants for 40 hours per month to assist the College in meeting its overall mandate. Specific duties and responsibilities will be assigned by Program Directors or the College's Administrators. Contect: Pawinee Sunalai Head for Academic Services College of Innovation Thammasat Univenity 2 Prachan Road, Bangkok 10200 TIIAILAND Tel: 66-2623-5055-8 Fax: 66-2623-5060 Email: [email protected],th http://mihm,citu,tu,ac,th CJ Master of Arts in Diplomacy and International Studies Academic Institue: Rangsit Univcrsity, lnstitute of Diplomacy and Intemational Studies. Duration: Two (2) years (starting in August). ObJectivesl Institute ofDiplomacy and Intemational Studies (IDIS) aspires to the follov/ing: To produce professionals for positions of leadership and influenced in foreign affain and intemational business. To promote intemational cooperation, in particular among Asian countries. . To foster networking among its alumni, professionals and scholars in international affairs. To pu6ue deep understanding ofintemational issues and concems through sdvanc€d leaming and scholarly research, To promote foreign language leaming. To provide both academic and practical skills (e.g. negotiation techniques, diplomatic practidbs, rhetoric, media skills) for established diplomats and officials at the early to mid-csieer level in particular those from the new members of ASEAN. To provide aoadcmic and practical skills to business executives (e.9. negotiation techniques, intemational practices and norms in communicating with businoss, rhetoric, media skills) to help bring Thai businesses into intemational markets. r . . . . e . . . . : . Coune Synopsis & Methodologr: The programme will provido professional education in intemational studies covering the entire spectnrm ofintemational relations from intemational security, intemational law, intemational politics, diplomatic history, international economics and business to culture with a focus on the Asian region. Wherever possible, there will bc case studies drawn from the experiences ofAsia. Since political, economic, cultural and legal issues at the intemational level are bocoming increasingly intertwined, a multi-disciplinary approaoh will be employed in the teaohing and leaming ofthese subjects. The programme will also emphasize the importance ofconnecting theory with practic€. Hence, therc will be intcnsive raining on practical skills (e.g. negotiation techniques, diplomatio practiccs, media skills, rhetoric and languages), Course Content t.@ & Study Topic: Intemational Seourity Studies International Politics Public lntemational Law International Organizations and Multilateral Diplomacy Intcrnational Eoonomics, Trade and Development lnternational Business, Finance and Investment Human Rights and Transnational Social lssues The Mechanics of Diplomacy and International Negotiation. 2.E!@@ Foreign Policy Analysis Regional Cooperation and Integration: Theory and Practice Contemporary Political Economy of Southeast Asia Seminar on NGOs: Theory and Practice Intemational Political Economy Seminar on Trade and lnvestment in Cambodia" Laos. Mvanmar and Vietnam General Taxation Thai Studies. Thesis (Plsn A) / Indeoendent Studies (Plan B) Independent Studies. Thesis. Degree Requirements Students are rcquired to pass either the examinstions of8 core courses as well as successfully writing and defending a master's tbesis @lan A). Students may ofierwise elect to pass the examinations of 8 core courses, 3 elective courses and one independent study course @lan B). Qualificetions: Applicants must possess at least the following qualifications: Hold a bachelor's degree. 2. Be under 40 years of age 3. Proficient command of the English language (a TOEFL score of at least 550 or its l. 4. equivalent). In case applicants do not possess thc requisitc test score, they may take Rangsit University's English Placement Test. Those who do not pass the English Placement Test will be rcquired to take a remedial English language course. Document Required: o Three (3) copies ofthe TICA Application Form affixed with photographs. Two (2) letters of recommendation and two (2) copies ofeach. o Three (3) copies of ofticial transcripts (mark she€ts) in English. Three (3) copies of degree certificates in English. English language certification e.g. TOEFL, tsLTS, and its two (2) copies, o One(l)44page essay on any topic of applicant's chbice which will best inform the Selection Committee about applicant. And its two (2) copies. r . . Number of Partlclpant: 2 Eligible Countries: Afghanisun, Bangladesh, Cape Verdc, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Ghana, Indonesiq lran, Jordan, ksotho, Malaysiq Maldives, Mauritania, Nepal; Nigerig Pakisan, Papua New Guine4 Philippines, Republic of Seychelles, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon Island, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lanka Timor-Leste, Togo and Vanuatu. Closing Drte for Nominations: May 2015. Late or incomplete applications/documents will not be considered. Contsct: lnstitute ofDiplomacy and Intemational Studies, Rangsit University Tel (66-2't 9972222 ext. 4087, 4090 Fax (66-2) 9972222 ext. 409 | Email: j [email protected] 55 Master of Science in Senice Innovaiion Program Academic Institutlon: College of Innovation Thammasat UnlveNl0 2 Prachan Road, Bangkok | 0200 THAILAND Tel: 66-2623-5055-8 Fax: 66-2623-5060 Durstion: 2 yesrs Objectives: E To provide students with a sound basis for conoeptually undersAnding the major issuas' driving forces and concerns ofthe publio, privste 8nd non profit service industries. To provide a sotid undenunding of global iszues, scrvice economics and systems thinking. E To lmvide an intemational perspegtivc on service delivery and servico design concepts' E To develop cdtical thinking and analysis skills. E To provide strotegic orientation sfessing leadership, knowledge management, change management' ! organizational change and susainability. Course Synopsis & Methodologr: Globally the slrvice industries are growing rapidly both in terms ofthe nsture ofthe experiences they are delivering as well as their reach into all areas ofnational and global economies. Even those industries wh-o might be seen largely as concemed with manufacturing now have significant service operation. This tre-nd known as sirvitisation or service intensification has raised the profile ofservice design and delivery to an ever increasing level of importance in all sectors of commerce and sooiety. In oider to responi to rapidly emerging ideas and ooncepts in service innovation the program is designed to provide graiuarcs with a position ofadvantage in dealing with the oPportunities andchalienges biing pr.i"nt"d by th.."teation ofthe ASEAN Economio Community 2015. Thelr4€l lrograi is struJtureA atound set ofcr"ative thinking and problem solving skills and knowledge for a " ranle ofdifferent organizations and sectors with a strong emphasis on sustainable, inolusive and responsible development. It aims to produoe graduates who are comfortable with creative problem-solving as well as praotical and tangible o;t-of-the-box thinking. Sustainability and responsibility are crosscutting theme throughout the program designed to ensure that graduates are well aware ofthe important mle that the servicc industries must play in suslainable development' The programs liaming model clearly reoognizes that innovation and creativity can only be encouraged and supported by a leirning onvironment that str€sses independent thinkinS, problem-based leaming pmblem, case studies, local and intemational field trips, the involvement ofa range of academics and practitioners in the learning process and is an encouragement to develop solutions andapproaches that The are clearly out of the box. Ail students aro required lo complete a thesis or an independent study' snrall size ofrhe program allows for a personalized approach that allows all students to r€8ch their full potential. Course ContenyStudy Topic: Semester I (June - Sept) Simester 2 (Nov - Feb) Summer (Mar - May) Semester | (June - Sept) Semester 2 lNov - fe6; VEAR I YEAR 2 SV 770 Service Operations, Exoellence and lnnovalion (3 6edits) SV bl t Finance Manager.nent for the Service lndustries (3 credits) SV 632 Managing People in Globil Environmenl (3 orediis) SV 600 Introduction to Service lnnovation and Creativity (3 credits) SV 631 Marketing & Branding in Service Management (3 credits) SV 610 Data & Decisions for Service Design and Delivery (3 credits) Plan A Thesis (6) MSI CURRICULUM (SEMESTER SYSTEM) Plan B Independent study (3) Elective course (6 credits) Plan A Thesis (6) Plan B Independent Study (3) ilective Couise (3 credits) Or Or Elective Course (3 ctedits) Core Courses Core a Courses Core Courses D SV 600 lntroduclion to Service lnrovation & Creativity (3 Credits) C SV 610 Data ard Decisions for Service Desig & Delivery (3 Credits) n SV 6l I Finance Management for the Service Industsies (3 Credits) n SV 631 Marketing and Branding in Service Management (3 Credits) D SV 632 Managing People in a Global Service Environment (3 Credits) D SV 770 Service Operation, Excellence and Innovation (3 Credits) Elective Courses SV 685 CoDtemporary Issues in Service lrurovation (3 Credits) SV 686 Seminar on Special Topics (3 Credits) D SV 735 Managing Technology for Service Providers (3 Credits) D SV 736 Rjsk Management in the Service Industries (3 Credits) D SV 755 Event Design and Management (3 Credits) I I . Qualificationsl To be eligible for admission to the Master ofScience in Service Innovation, an applicant must: E Hold a Bachelor's Degee or its equivalent in any field. 6 p.s ap Fnglish Language Proficiency Test fiom one ofthe following: - TOEFL:500 - IELTS :5.0 - TU-GET (Thammasat Test) : 500 D At least 2 years of working expedence in service industry I Very good witten and spoken English proficiency. Successful candidates for admission must pass a selection process including a wriBen examination, an English test, and an interview. Document Requiredt I . 3 photographs (l inch-size) 2. English test result (TOEFL, IELTS, or TU-GET) 3. 2 Recommendations (form attached) 4. Health certificate Number of Participantl 2 :. Ellgible Countries: Afghanistan' Bangladesh,:cape Verde, comoros, Eritrc4 Fiji, Ghanq Indonesia, lran, Jordan, L,esorho, Malaysi4 Maldives, Mddritani4 Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guine4 pbilippines, Republic of Seychelles, Rwandq Senegal, Solomon lsland, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lankq Timor-Lesrc, fogo and Vanuatu. Closlng Date for Nominations: . 30 April 2015 Late or incomplete applicationJdocuments will not be considered. Terms and Conditions for Scholrrships l. Applioants who ' are awarded the scholarships will be required to pursue the Plan A study (thesis) option. 2. Scholanhips cover for the study period complete their studics within 2 years. of2 years. Applioants who are awarded the scholarships must 3. Applicants who art awarded the scholarships will be re4uirtd to firnction as student assistants for 40 hours'pcr month to assist the College in meeting its overalt mandate. Specific duties and responsibilities wilt be assigned by Program Directors or the College's Administrators. Contact: Pawinee Sunalai Manager for Academic Services College of lnnovation Thammasat University 2 Prachan Road, Bangkok 10200 TIIAILAND Tel: 66-2623-5055-8 Fax: 66-2623'5060 Email: pawinee@citu,lu,ac.lh, Website: hnp://msi,citu,tu,ac,th 58 Thailand lntemalional Cooperation Agency Govemment Complex, Building B (South Zone), 8 th Floor, Chaengwattana Road, Bangkok | 02 | 0, Thailand Tel. 66 2203 5000 ext. 43305 Fax 66 2143 8451, 21 43 9325 Email: [email protected] Website: www.tica.thaigov.neUmain SCHOLARSIIP APPLICATION FORM FOR OFRCIAL Referenoe No Recelved: Checked: I,JSE ONLY 61 Attrchment Page I of2 pagos oz Page 2 of2 pages 63 USEFTJL INFORMATION PASSPORTS All awardees must posscss a valid passport' VISAREQUIREMENTS nriot to a"iatt o" fio* their home counfi€s, awatdees must apply for a non-immigrantwisa "F 'fromlhe Royal Those who live in counfies where there countries. Thai cmbassy or consular r€presentative in their rcspective al Bangftok Int€mational AirPort. on, Anival" is no Royal ttrai E Uar.y or consulate may apply for a "Visa officcr and inform TICA immigration passport by the in their itudents need to check thi period ofstay stampei date, S!9ge-nts who visa's expiration prior to the one month l"art oilftr n..A to **ge for a visa extension "t fincd 500 baht for will be visas, their ove6lay therefore snd notice, iuurit it eit passpois to TtcA on shon each day overslaYed. AIRPORT MEETING SERVICES at lhe AoT upon tt r -ind st suvsrnsbhumi lnternstlonsl Airport, the awardees c8n look for TICA slgn Award Linouslne custoncr reletion counterc and proceed to it. Then show th€ Instruction offhe Scholarship accommodation' you to the r€sened at the countcr so that arrang€ments for airport transfer will be made for TAXI. TAKE NOT DO LEAVEOFABSENCE cirgumstances' In not pennitte.d to rc{um home during their period ofstudy except in excePrional permission fion TICA oblsin must they rf,"r it f'necessaqr for awardees to.rcnin hote tumporarily, ifr" vis8 before for re+ntsy to apply need They also leave. the institute at which they. are studying before fhey retum of their cost the cover must awardees The Jrouttur" and re responsibli for ttre ieei Uy themseives. absence' their during suspended will be temporarily girL* iware that their monthly allowance ,n""fa e*"rduo .ru ;d i"*, * -O FAMILYMEMBERS not permitted to bring any of their family membcrs with them' ,l*"rraau. "t" BANKACCOUNTS Savings Bank Al the ffl, -rp"fr"ry f"r TIPP follbwship recipients to oP-en- an sccountq'ith the Oovemment into their bsnk allowance monthly l-.e;;i"i;i*rh month, TICA t"itt ai*t"t the'fellowship reripients' aocormL CUSTOMS REGULATIONS Prohlblted ltems: nii"rfir", ir*ruana, Flrearus: irportution of fn**s opiuln, cocaine, morphine, heroin) obsc€ne literature, piotur€s or articles. from the Royal Thai and snmunition con be done oirly after a permit has been obUined Police or local Registration Office' Personrl Ellecb: i.r*ronafiu may be brought to amount of clolhing for personal use, toiletries, and professional insfuments Thailand fiee ofdutY' Tobacco & Alcoholle Beveragc; must Cig.riiir,'"lga", or smoking-tollacco each or in total must nol exoeed 250 gnms i1 welght' Cigarett€s duty' of nJ"*.rJ zo-o ;"euantiry. dne litr€ esch of wine or spirits may be broughl in free Hous€bold Efi€ct3: are also free of A reasonable amount of household effects, sccompanied by the owner on change of domicile, duty. Plgnts & ADlmals: of fruits, vegetables and plants are pro-hibited' Please contact the Agrioultural Regulatory Division ilang Khcn, Bangkok. Tel : (662) 940 6573 ext' I 09 tfrfi;p€oG 64 ASOUTTHAILANI) II)CATION Asi4 making it a natural gateway to Indochina, Myanmar and Southem China. Its shape and geography divide into four natural regions : the mountains and forests of the North; lhe vast rice fields ofthe Centraj Plains; the semi-arid farm lands of lhe Northeast plateau; and the topical islands and long coastline of the peninsula South. The country comprises 76 provinces that are firther divided into districts, subdisrias and villages, Bangkok is rhe capital city and c€nse of political, commercial, indusrial and cultural sctivities. lt is also the sert of Thailand's revered Royal Family, with His Majesly the King re.cognized as Head of Stare, Head of the Armed Forces, Upholder ofthe Buddhist religion and Upholder ofall rcligions. Thailand is a constitutional monarshy with His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, or King Rama IX, the ninth king of the Chaki Dynasty, the prcsent king. The King has reigned for more than half a century, making hlm the longest reigning Thai monarch. Ttailand embraces a rich diversity ofcultures and trsditions. With its proud hisory, tropical climate and rcnowned hospitality, the Kingdom is a nwer-ending source of fascination and pleasure for intemational visitors. GOVERNMENT Thailand is govemed by a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parlisment. King Bhumibol Adutayadej (Rama IX) is the head ofthe state. PEOPLE The vast majority (roughly 80olo) of Thailand's nearly 65 million citizens are ahnicalty Thai. The remainder consists prinarily of peoples of Chinese, lndian, Malay, Mon, Khmer, Bunnese, and Lto decrnt. Of the ? million citizens wlro live in the capital city, Bangkolq there is a great€r diversity of ethniciti€s, including a large number of opatriate rcsidents fiom ac.oss the globe. Other geographic distinctioos ofthe population include a Muslim majority in the south near the Malaysian border, and hill tribe ethnic groups, such as the Hmong and Karen, who live in the norlhem mountains.. RELIGION Thailand is one of the most shongly Buddhist countries in the world. The national religion is Theravada Buddhism, a branch of Hinayana Buddhism, practicad by more than 90 % of all Thais. The remainder of lhe population adheres to lslam, Christianity, Hinduism and other faiths all of which are allorved full freedom ofexpression. Buddhism continues to cast strong influence on daily life. Senior monks are higlily revered. Thus,.in towns and villages, the ternple (wat) is the heart ofsocial and religious life. Meditatioq one ofthe most popular sspects ofBuddhism, is praatic€d r€gularly by numerous Thai as i neans ofpromoting peac€ and h4piness. Visitors, too, can leam tbe firndamentals of this practice at selreral c€ntres in lnner Bangkok and elsewhere in the country, LANGUAGE Mgre than 92o/o of lhe population speaks Thai or one of it's regional dialecrs. While the Thai language is the official language of Thailand, as a result of its cosmopolitan capital city and established tourism infiasrucrurc, English is spoken and understood throughout much ofThailand. CLIMATE Thailand can best be desoibed as tropical and humid for the majority ofthe country during most ofthe ycar. The area of rhailand north of Bangkok has a climate determined by three seasons whilst the southem peninsular region ofThailand has only two. In northem Thailand the seasons are clearly defined. Between November and May the weather is mostly dry, however lhis is broken up into lhe periods November to February and March to May. The later ofthesstwo periods has thq higher relative temperatures as although the northe€st monsoon does not directly effect the northem area ofThailand, it does cause cooling breezes from November 10 February. The other northem s€ason is fiom May to November and is dominated by the southwest monsoon, during which time rainfall in the north is at its heaviesl The southem region ofThailand really has only two seasons the wet and the dry. These seasons do not run at the same time on both the east and west side oflhe peninsular. On the west coast thc southwest monsoon brings rain and often healy storms from April though to October, whilst on the east coast the most rain falls betw€€n September and December. the southem pans of Thailand gel by far the most rain with around 2,400 millimeters every year, compared with the cen'tral and northem regions ofThailand, both ofwhich get around 1,400 millimeters. derall TIME Time in Thailand is sevcn hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+?) CURRANCY The basic unit of cun€ncy is the Thai baht, Denominations are: 25 and 50 satang coins (100 satang to I .baht)' 8nd lo baht coins and l0 (brown),20 (green), 50 (blue), 100 (rcd), 500 (purple) and 1000 (g€y) battt l,5 notes. CLOTHING Most Thai people dress in a casual westem fashion, but collared shirts and slaok should be wom in class and during formal occasions. Loos€ fitting; comfortable, cotton clothing is best during the hot humid monlhs' ELBCTRICTTY Electrical outlets in Thailand are charged to 220v sl 50 oycles pcr second, which is compatible with appliances fiom the U.K. but not those fiom the US and many other nstions. While most comput€r cabl€s have sdaptors for voltage, visilors from the U.S. and $ose not on the 220150 v. will have to bring EdapJers lorun most other appliances. Outlets in Thailand generally feature flat, two pronged plugs, thougb some featurc holes for round piug eirds. Few outlets festur€ three holes Grounded outlets) so it is oflen necessary to have a lhtree to two prong adspter for using notebook computen in Thailand. BUSINESSHOURS Most busincases operate five days a *eek, Govemment ollices arc open Monday to Friday fiom 1.30 am to am to t pm lunch break. Private businesses usually open from 8 8m to 5 pm, Most shops 4.30 piir, with a are open.12 hor:rs a day, seven days a weeb while departmenl stores open fiom l0 8m 1o l0 pm. li BANISNCt Thai bank hours are generally Monday.ttuough Friday, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, though certain banks havc shorter Saturday hours and currency exchange.boolhs are open considerably longer hours in Bangkok and other tourisl dcstinations. Automatic Teller Machines (ATMS) arc widesPread. TELEPHONES Tlre Thai phone system is botb modem and widespread, with comprehensive coverage for cell phones and reliable pay phones found throughout.tlie kingdom. Purchasing a second-h8nd Thai phone is inexpamive and convenienl and calling fiom Thailand on a public phone is easy with a phone cad svailsble at mosl convenicnce storss. Emergcncy numbers ane offen tlyee or four digit numbers, including Tourist Police, which is t 155, POSTALSERVICES The Thailand posal service is efficient and reliable with branches in most major towns throughoul the Kingdom. Thailand post oftices ate oprn M-F 8am4:30pm and Sa-Su 9am'lpm. However, The Central GPo in Banglob located on New Road, is open until 6pm M-F and Sa-Su 9am-lpm. All Thai post offices are closed on pubiio holidays, though most majorfiotcls can arrange to mail letten and parcels on your behalf. In addition to domestic and intemational mail services, botb land and air, sandad and registered, the Thailand postal service also provide telegrun service. TRANSPORTATION Public transport fscilities vary fiom city to city. Bangkok has a wide range offacilities including an oxtensive bus system, the sky train, the subway train, ferries, taxis and tuk-tuks. Somc cities outside Bangkok also have public buses 8nd others are served by piivate serviccs. Tuk-tuks are also available in most towns and cities. 66
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