VOLUME 28, No. 7 & 8 B elow I have listed brief summaries of the Gospel lessons for July and August. Mark 6:1–13 — “In his hometown…a prophet is without honor.” (July 5) Mark 6:14–29 — The death of John the Baptist (July 12) Mark 6:30–44 — He had compassion on them…they were like sheep without a shepherd. (July 19) Mark 6:45–56 — Jesus walks on water; Jesus heals the sick. (July 26) John 6:22–35 — “It is My Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.” (Aug. 2) John 6:35–51 — “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.” (Aug. 9) John 6:51–69 — “If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever.” (Aug. 16) Mark 7:1–13 — Jesus rebukes the scribes and Pharisees. (Aug. 23) Mark 7:14–23 — “It is what comes out of a man that makes him ‘unclean.’ ” (Aug. 30) Notice that the readings from John for the Sundays of August 2, 9 and 16. Notice also that these particular readings remind us JULY/AUGUST 2015 Christians of the importance of receiving the Lord’s Supper. Generally we refer to the months of July and August as the “dog days of summer.” It’s a time of the year where the weather — at least here in our beautiful desert — goes from “It’s a dry heat” to “Yuck, this humidity is killing me.” It’s a time where we tend to get out of here, so to speak. Or, if we aren’t able to get away for a vacation, we may find ourselves hibernating, namely, adopting a survival mode mentality. Back to those August readings. As we need to care for our bodies during these dog days, likewise it makes sense to care for our spiritual lives. Hence, the John references. While Jesus attended to the physical needs of the masses, He also pointed to a greater need, namely, the need to receive spiritual nourishment. The drought in California has meant that many folks have not been able to supply sufficient water for their lawns and plants. The obvious result has been that lawns and plants have died. John 6:22 ff.: Jesus had provided physical food for the multitudes (probably more than 10,000). They wanted to make Jesus their king so He could continue providing their earthly wants. Jesus tells them that they are looking to Him for the wrong thing. Their true need was in the form of His Word of forgiveness, life and salvation. So, during these “dog days of summer,” don’t forget to take care of not just your physical needs but, include also that which will have eternal benefits. If you are camping take along your Bible and devotional material. (We have Portals of Prayer available.) If you are taking a road trip plan ahead. Locate a church where you will be able to worship. Jesus said…, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to Me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst.” In Jesus’ name, Pastor Miller JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 2 Christ’s Messenger Christ’s Messenger BOOK REVIEWS is published monthly by JULY REVIEW Christ Lutheran Church 64565 Pierson Blvd. All Mail: P.O. Box 669 Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-329-9292 ALL correspondence for church & Messenger: [email protected] !!! Do you love animals? Do you have an affinity for just cats or dogs, fish or fowl? Do you have any animals? Over the years I have had a ton of animals. Me, I love cats. In my adulthood I have had a total of 22 cats. Sylvester was my talented one, he could play the piano and sing and he loved to flush the toilet and watch the water go down. I loved them all so much and I wish they had longer lives. I trusted their judgment implicitly, in fact, it was my Pooh Bear who told me Michael was a good guy because he always hid whenever I had company. Five minutes into Michael’s arrival and Pooh was in his lap. That was high praise. Can you tell that this book is going to be about animals? Yep, my favorite too. CATS woohoo! THE CAT THAT GOD SENT, written by Jim Kraus. The story is set in rural Pennsylvania. Jake Wilkerson is a middle aged Pastor who is starting at a new church and it is his first assignment as the only Pastor, but Jake has a secret, one he has never told anyone at his new church. (continued, see CATS page 13) Messenger on the Web! AUGUST REVIEW WEBSITE ADDRESS: UGH...here we are in the dog days of summer. If you’re lucky, you’re lounging around a large (or small) pool, if not, your A/C is running full blast. If neither of those, you have my deepest sympathies. This is the price we pay for living in the Desert which is usually very nice weather. (I still wish I lived somewhere else from August to Halloween.) dhschristlutheran.org Deadline for copy: All articles are to be in the church office by the 15th of the month. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space. The September Messenger will be assembled on Friday, August 28 at 9:00 a.m. PLEASE COME TO HELP! Editor: Karen Miller [email protected] Pastor: Paul E. Miller [email protected] It is only fair that this month my book be about dogs since we’ve already done cats. THE DOG THAT TALKED TO GOD by Jim Kraus fills that requirement for me. Mary Fassler is a recently widowed book editor/author who decides to purchase a miniature schnauzer and names him, Rufus. She follows all the instructions of the breeder and is pleased that Rufus seems to catch on quite quickly the “do’s and don’ts” of being a “good” dog. On one of their nightly walks, Rufus starts to talk to Mary and not just about trivia. (continued, see DOGS page 13) JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 3 JULY 3 4 13 14 15 16 17 19 22 23 26 29 AUGUST B. Olive Miguel Ramirez Vernelle Rauch *Emma Schroeder *Lucas Schroeder Pastor Miller Mary Bass *London von Bluecher *Cassia Denman *Alana Rose Peralez Tearra Sara Carney Chester Panique Jan Robbins Frances Dion (1914) *Youth under 18! 6 9 20 Christ’s Messenger Ken & Marcy Griffin Jeff & Libby Schroeder Ray & Linda Kneeland 1980 Pastor Miller’s 35th Ordination Anniv. 1 *Hannah Hendry Jim Stencel Elisabeth Schulze Keith Wenzel Jim Lindgren Svend Lerche Thomas W. Hendry Julie Wrankle Bob Ellison Lorraine George Scott Matas Rob McSpadden *Tyler Robinson Sonnie Jean Faga Daniel Chase Alea McConnell Bettie Heitz Brooke Cook Barbara Huls *Karlie Brown Donna Johnson 2 5 6 8 12 13 14 15 19 24 26 29 30 4 14 23 28 30 31 Dave & Jean Kalmbach Steve & Tisha Showers John & Erin Franzen Terry & Theresa Danne Mike & Lorraine George Dick & Sharon Willis RONALD FRANCIS VOLK October 10, 1933 † June 14, 2015 Ron & Bonnie have been members at CLC for many years. They had been married for almost 57 years. Unfortunately, Ron was ill this past few years. May God hold Bonnie and her family in His loving arms. JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 4 Christ’s Messenger (See Puzzle, page 12) JULY/AUGUST 2015 ! W WO Page 5 WOMEN IN MISSION † Christ’s Messenger LWML rmgsoua Wihsayn M’nn’iauot su rs Have a great Summer! We will not have any meetings during the months of July and August. We will meet again September 17. Saturday, October 3, we, Christ Lutheran, will host the Palm Zone 19 Fall Rally. Continue to pray for our selected Mission Grants and save your MITES faithfully. You can bring them on the first Sunday of the month and place them in our large Mite Box on the table in the narthex. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS July 5 Doug & Doreen Lodge Ardell Loebmann Lloyd Ludtke August 2 Rob McSpadden Art & Karen Melcher Martin & Rose Melican August 30 LeeRoy & Diane Moschkau Dorothy Nelson JoAnn Nelson July 12 Ede Lundquist Jim & Lois Lundquist Ken & Char Malseed August 9 John & Elaine Myer Roger Meyer Bev Mikkalson We cycle through our roster and pray for 3 families each week in our Sunday Service. July 19 Lucas Matas Owen Matas Scott & Victoria & family August 16 Vi Miller The Miro Familly M/M Gaylord Moeller PRAYER CHAIN July 26 Steve Maybury Jim McClure Leo & Phyllis McSherry August 23 Don & Beulah Moore Patsy Morris Charles & Gail Morseburg CALL: Sarah Rasmussen: 1-760-251-3505 or EMAIL: [email protected] or Church Office: 1-760-329-9292 JULY/AUGUST 2015 Bits & Pieces from an ’ol blonde Ah! Summer is almost upon us. Well, that’s how I began last month. Boy, did I get fooled. We had a week of gorgeous 80+ weather and then…boom! It turned cold and windy and yucky. But now we have 100+ again. Yay! I’ve been feeling pretty darn good! It is sure nice to have paraments. As far as we know, CLC has never had them. We just ordered the blue paraments for Advent and should have them before summer is over. (Please see page 15 to see the green paraments.) God is so good! Chet Panique and Pastor Miller attended the PSW District Convention, held in Irvine, CA, 6/23 to 6/26. Sonnie Faga was planning to attend the Wednesday evening opening service. They will be remembering those who have gone home to the Lord since the last convention. Sonnie’s husband, Rev. Robert O. Faga passed away on August 12, 2013. We have some folks traveling about this summer. Page 6 Bonnie Knutson drove to Dawson, MN to sell her house. The sooner she sells it the sooner she can come back home. Bettie Heitz will be spending the summer in Colorado with her daughter and family. Sarah Rasmussen is also driving to Washington for a wedding and will be gone a couple off weeks. Of course, George Glau spends the summer in Silver City, NM and returns in the fall. Chet & Brenda Panique have been going back and forth to Arizona to get a house ready for either sale/rent. Stan & Mary Bass left in their RV for Idaho to visit friends. I believe that Cyrus & Jan Robbins will be going to New York to visit family and Harold & Sylvia Broeckle will be traveling in the western part of the states to do the same. Ken & Marcy Griffin will be putting on a few miles visiting parts of the states also. They will end up at their place in Oregon and be back in the fall. Dick & Sharon spend the summer in Big Bear, CA. Phew! The one or two of us left will hold down the fort. Received a short note from Frank & Yo Tierney: (Congratulations for your moving. It has been a long haul, but you did it!! Omaha, NE) We received an email from Forrest & Connie Skaggs (Garden City, ID) Connie is Christ’s Messenger being treated for multiple myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow) not melanoma as reported in the June newsletter. We were saddened when Ron Volk passed away June 14th. (see page 3) Keep Bonnie and their family in your prayers. She will be taking Ron’s ashes to Ohio for burial and will be spending an interminate time there. We miss our dear brothers and sisters who are unable to come to church: Bob Ellison, Hulda Kreiss, Jim & Lois Lundquist (short note said “We aren’t getting out much. Love you), Claudel Palmer and Dottie West. Continue to keep ALL of the brothers and sisters in Christ, mentioned above, in your prayers. Snowbirds! We already look forward to your return. We’ll see you in the fall/winter next season. Love you all a bunch. Drop us a line, send an email or come to DHS! It’s been great to hear from you while you are away. The emails are always welcome. It’s always great to know you’re thinking of CLC in good ’ol DHS. Take care of each other and give and get at least one hug a day. the secatari ❣ ☺ JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 7 Christ’s Messenger BIBLE QUIZ A follower of Jesus traveled the world, spreading the Good News of Christ. While in Athens, Greece, he saw an altar with an insciption that read “To an unknown god.” Who was the follower? A. Dan B. Jonathan C. Ham D. Solomon (See Acts 17:23–26, NRSV.) (see quiz, page 13) “America” Samuel Francis Smith, a Baptist pastor, wrote the hymn “America” in 1831. Smith was studying a tune he had never heard, although he knew the British used it for the hymn “God Save the King.” The British had borrowed the tune from the Germans, who gave it patriotic lyrics. Smith described what happened as he contemplated the tune: “I instantly felt the impulse to write a patriotic hymn of my own, adapted to the tune. Picking up a scrap of waster paper which lay ear me, I wrote at once, probably within half an hour, the hymn ‘America,’ as it is now known everywhere.” Smith’s friend and classmate Oliver Wendell Holmes once told him, “Your name and fame will live when I and my works are forgotten.” JULY 5 SCRIPTURE LESSONS SIXTH SUNDAY PENTECOST Ezekiel 2:1–5 2 Corinthians 12:1–10 Mark 6:1–13 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Isaiah 29:11–19 Ephesians 5:22–33 Mark 7:1–13 AFTER JULY 12 JULY 26 AUGUST 9 SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Amos 7:7–15 Ephesians 1:3–4 Mark 6:14–29 NINTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Genesis 9:8–17 Ephesians 3:14–21 Mark 6:45–56 ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 1 Kings 19:1–8 Ephesians 4:17–5:2 John 6:35–51 JULY 19 AUGUST 2 AUGUST 16 EIGHTH SUNDAY PENTECOST Jeremiah 23:1–6 Ephesians 2:11–22 Mark 6:30–44 AFTER AUGUST 23 TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Exodus 16:2–15 Ephesians 4:1–16 John 6:22–35 TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Provervs 9:1–10 Ephesians 5:6–21 John 6:51–69 AUGUST 30 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Deuteronomy 4:1–2, 6–9 Ephesians 6:10–20 Mark 7:14–23 Pastor’s sermons are based on these scriptures. JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 8 This outline is a devotional reading plan that covers the entire Sacred Scriptures each year. The average reading is three chapters daily. A seasonal canticle is assigned for each month and is scheduled to replace the psalm on the first and last days of the month. All of the psalms are read twice a year. The lectionary is in accordance with Martin Luther’s suggestions: “But let the entire Psalter, divided in parts, remain in use and the entire Scriptures, divided into lections, let this be preserved in the ears of the church.” Also: “After that another book should be selected, and so on, until the entire Bible has been read through, and where one does not understand it, pass that by and glorify God. JULY Bible Readings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Deut. 32:1–4 1 Samuel 28–31 Psalm 28 2 Samuel 1–3 Psalm 29 2 Samuel 4–6 Psalm 30 2 Samuel 7–9 Psalm 31 2 Samuel 10–12 Psalm 32 2 Samuel 13–15 Psalm 33 2 Samuel 16–18 Psalm 34 2 Samuel 19–21 Psalm 35 2 Samuel 22–24 Psalm 36 1 Kings 1–2 Psalm 37 1 Kings 3–6 Psalm 38 1 Kings 7–8 Psalm 39 1 Kings 9–11 Psalm 40 1 Kings 12–14 Psalm 41 1 Kings 15–17 Psalm 42 1 Kings 18–20 17 Psalm 43 1 Kings 21–22 18 Psalm 44 2 Kings 1–3 19 Psalm 45 2 Kings 4–6 20 Psalm 46 2 Kings 7–9 21 Psalm 47 2 Kings 10–12 22 Psalm 48 2 Kings 13–15 23 Psalm 49 2 Kings 16–18 24 Psalm 50 2 Kings 19–22 25 Psalm 51 2 Kings 23–25 26 Psalm 52 1 Chronicles 1–5 27 Psalm 53 1 Chronicles 6–10 28 Psalm 54 1 Chronicles 11–15 29 Psalm 55 1 Chronicles 16–20 30 Psalm 56 1 Chronicles 21–25 31 Deut. 32:1–4 1 Chronicles 26–29 † Christ’s Messenger AUGUST Bible Readings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Habakkuk 3:2–19 2 Chronicles 1–3 Psalm 57 2 Chronicles 4–6 Psalm 58 2 Chronicles 7–9 Psalm 59 2 Chron. 10–12 Psalm 60 2 Chron. 13–15 Psalm 61 2 Chroni. 16–18 Psalm 62 2 Chron. 19–21 Psalm 63 2 Chron. 22–24 Psalm 64 2 Chron. 25–27 Psalm 65 2 Chron. 28–30 Psalm 66 2 Chron. 31–33 Psalm 67 2 Chron.34–36 Psalm 68 Ezra 1–5 Psalm 69 Ezra 6–10 Psalm 70 Nehemiah 1–3 Psalm 71 Nehemiah 4–6 17 Psalm 72 Nehemiah 7–9 18 Psalm 73 Nehemiah 10–13 19 Psalm 74 Esther 1–3 20 Psalm 75 Esther 4–6 21 Psalm 76 Esther 7–10 22 Psalm 77 Job 1–3 23 Psalm 78 Job 4–6 24 Psalm 79 Job 7–9 25 Psalm 80 Job 10–12 26 Psalm 81 Job 13–15 27 Psalm 82 Job 16–18 28 Psalm 83 Job 19–21 29 Psalm 84 Job 22–24 30 Psalm 85 Job 25–27 31 Habakkuk 3:2–19 Job 28–30 † JULY/AUGUST 2015 SUNDAY Page 9 MONDAY TUES June 2015 1 WED Christ’s Messenger 2 THURSDAY 3 p.m. Desert Cove Senior Living 5 Bring your MITES Worship 10 a.m. 6 Pastor & Karen’s Day of Rest 12 13 Pastor & Worship 10 a.m. Karen’s Day of Rest 7 8 9 3 p.m. Desert Cove Senior Living 14 15 16 FRIDAY 3 9 a.m. Secatari’s Helpers 10 11 9 a.m. Secatari’s Helpers 17 No LWML 9 a.m. Until Secatari’s September 17! 3 p.m. Desert Cove Senior Living 22 23 24 26 29 30 31 27 Worship 10 a.m . 28 18 Helpers 20 21 Pastor & Worship 10 a.m. Karen will not be in the office until 8/11! 19 4 SAT 25 August JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 10 Christ’s Messenger 1 September July 4 5 6 7 8 11 We’re Back! 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pastor Worship 10 a.m. & Karen’s Day of Rest 18 19 23 25 26 2 Bring your MITES 3 Worship 10 a.m. 9 10 Worship 10 a.m. 24 Day of Rest Worship 10 a.m 31 Day of Rest Worship 10 a.m 30 3 p.m. Desert Cove Senior Living 9 a.m. Secatari’s Helpers 20 21 27 28 29 Assemble Messenger 9 a.m. Secatari’s Helpers No LWML Until 9 a.m. September 17! Secatari’s Helpers 3 p.m. Desert Cove Senior Living 22 JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 11 Christ’s Messenger THOSE WHO SERVE IN JULY If you cannot serve, please call: ! Chet Panique @ 1-760-318-3152 or email: [email protected] JULY 5 JULY 12 JULY 19 JULY 26 Tyler Robinson Owen Matas Jean Van Beveran Cathy Campbell Tyrell Robinson ALTAR GUILD Owen Matas Jean Van Beveran Cathy Campbell ELDER Scott Matas Svend Lerche Scott Matas Scott Matas Svend Lerche Nathan & Karen Johnson Jean Van Beveran Cathy Campbell Karen Johnson Jeanette Nunn Dave Nunn Kim Robinson Sonnie Faga LaVon Lindgren Laura Roberts Jim Lindgren Cathy Campbell Julie Wrankle Stan & Mary Bass ALTAR ASSISTANT FLOWERS GREETERS USHERS SUNDAY SCHOOL No SS until 9/13. THOSE WHO SERVE IN AUGUST August 2 Altar Assistant Owen Matas Altar Guild Sarah Rasmussen Brenda Panique Elder Scott Matas August 9 August 16 Tyrell Robinson Tyler Robinson August 23 August 30 Owen Matas Tyler Robinson Svend Lerche Svend Lerche Sarah Rasmussen Brenda Panique Scott Matas Svend Lerche Scott Matas Flowers Gr eeters Ushers Sunday School Nathan & Karen Nathan Johnson Sonnie Faga Julie Wrankle Chet & Brenda Johnson Jeanette Nunn LaVon Lindgren JeanVanBeveran Panique Cyrus & Jan Robbins Kim Robinson David Nunn Laura Roberts Jim Lindgren No SS until 9/13. Stan & Mary Bass Cathy Campbell JeanVanBeveran JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 12 Christ’s Messenger (CATS, page 2) THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS Do you know that now you can recommend where some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars and by participating in Voting Events? Go to www.Thrivent.com and use your My Thrivent user ID and password to log on and get started. If you are not signed up yet, click on “register now” to participate. You can also click on program details to get more information. If you don’t know what Thrivent is, please ask Mary Bass. Our Christ Lutheran congregation is one of the preferred organizations you can choose. (Organization ID: 502736205CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH) If you are unable to do this by computer, you may call 1-800-847-4836 and state “Thrivent Choice.” In 2014 our congregation received $1,131.00. Through Please see Mary Bass if you have any questions or need help. Thank you to all of you who are choosing our congregation as a recipient for these Choice Dollars. NOTE: We recently received $847.00 from 9 different policies (six of them were snowbirds). Thank you to all who have designated their Choice Dollars to Christ Lutheran…what a blessing! He also has a cat who showed up at the church parsonage the day Jake arrived. This cat seems to have quite a personality, he can speak to you as if you could understand and he really can direct you to what he is thinking. He loves to drive around in the cab of Jake’s truck and he loves to go to church. He sits up on the platform and listens intently to the sermon and the congregation loves him and they like Jake too. Jake is terrified of anyone finding out his secret but so far, it is okay. The cat is on a mission from God, sent by God and he is trying very hard to get Jake to open up and trust and talk. Will he succeed before it is too late? Time will tell. I’ll be donating this book to the church so look for it there. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. God Bless, Dottie West (DOGS, page 2) He gives her advice and claims to talk to God, that actually ALL dogs talk to God usually about once a week. Mary doesn’t really care about him talking to God as she is quite miffed at Him for the time being. Every night on their walks they have long discussions about whatever has been going on in Mary’s life, but Rufus never speaks during the day or at home. When his advice starts to suggest major life changes for Mary, she wonders if he is steering her in the right direction or is she just afraid to take the leap into the unknown and maybe discover what is on the other side or does she stay mired in grief and memories of a life that is no more? I’ve donated this book to the church library so I hope you’ll take advantage of that and pick it or any other book there and take it home to read. Enjoy! Stay cool and hydrated and safe. God’s Blessings, Dottie West (page 4) PUZZLE ANSWER: “Whoever is thirsty, let hime come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” Reveleation 22:17, NIV (page 8) QUIZ ANSWER C. Paul JULY/AUGUST 2015 Page 13 Christ’s Messenger New Beginnings…for CLC! “There is a… season for every activity under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1 …Our Season is NOW! Christ Lutheran Church Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 26 Desert Hot Springs, CA 64565 Pierson Blvd. P.O. BOX 669 Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-329-9292 This Newsletter taken to the DHS Post Office on 6/26/15 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED w Ne g s! n i nn i g Be July & August IN THIS I S S U E Pastor’s Page Book Reviews God’s Family Fun & Games Women’s Page Bits & Pieces This’n That Bible in 1 year! July Calendar August Calendar Those Who Serve Choice Dollars New Beginnings! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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