Join us on Thursday, May 14th Digital Media in the Classroom: Celebrating Success A day of digital media information and hands-on learning with a keynote by the Rochester Public Library Learning Lab, imagineYOU @ Teen Central and a featured workshop on Digital Literacy with Project LookSharp. C O S T S LOCATION Model Schools: $150/Group of 3 or $75/per Other Districts: $225/Group of 3 or $100/per Genesee Community College Conable Technology Bldg. S C H E D U L E O F E V E N T S 8:15 - 8:45 Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:45 - 9:45 Keynote with imagineYou@TeenCentral 9:45 - 10:00 Break 10:00 - 12:00 Digital Literacy with Project Look Sharp 12:00 - 12:45 Lunch 12:45 - 2:00 Breakout Sessions - session descriptions on back • Each tool is a $40 value! Digital Audio: Maximize Your Existing Equipment Attendees receive a Blue Icicle USB microphone converter. • Graphic Tablets: Drawing Digitally Attendees receive an Adesso pen tablet for digital drawing and art. • All-in-One Video: Stop Motion Made Easy Attendees receive a Glide Gear adjustable tablet mount for stability and control when creating videos using a tablet or phone device. S E S S I O N 8:45 - 9:45 D E S C R I P T I O N S Keynote with imagineYou@TeenCentral The ImagineYOU creative space is a youth leader driven initiative that offers access to photography, animation, web-page design, and music recording with professional grade equipment. Besides access to the equipment, teens are assisted by near-peer mentors who have connections to the artistic community in Rochester New York. Teens are encouraged to pursue higher education and to develop their talents for creative & professional outcomes. 10:00 - 12:00 Digital Literacy with Project Look Sharp Project Look Sharp is a media literacy initiative of Ithaca College that develops and provides lesson plans, media materials, training, and support for the effective integration of media literacy with critical thinking into classroom curricula at all education levels, including integration with the new common core standards. Project Look Sharp Founder and Executive Director, Cindy Schiebe, will join us to introduce the theory and practice of media/digital literacy integration throughout the curriculum, emphasizing the development of critical thinking and analysis skills. 12:45 - 2:00 Breakout Sessions - pick one • Digital Audio: Maximize Your Existing Equipment When it comes to audio recording, the quality of the microphone being used makes a huge difference. Trying to work with massive mixer boards and the confusion of inputs and outputs makes using the existing microphones in your district a challenge. In this session, learn how you can use the Blue Icicle to easily connect any standard microphone directly to a computer via USB. Go hands on with the tool to learn how it works, and then take it back to school to create your next student audio project. • Graphic Tablets: Drawing Digitally Come explore the many options for capturing student drawing digitally. This session will look at different stylus options for drawing on an iPad or Android tablet as well as standalone graphics tablets to connect to computers. Go hands on with an Adesso pen tablet to learn how it can be used to draw directly into graphics software like Photoshop or GIMP (open source and free) and then take it back to your school to get students drawing digitally. • All-in-One Video: Stop Motion Made Easy Stop motion video is a fun and exciting way to explore movie making, but capturing all of the still frames and then stitching them together can be a hassle. With a high quality tripod mount, you can easily capture, edit, and produce a stop motion video directly on an iPad or Android tablet. Use the Glide Gear adjustable tablet mount (fits iPad and iPad Mini sized tablets) in this session and then take it back to your school and get students creating. Digital Media in the Classroom: Celebrating Success THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015 Please send completed registration form below to: Mary Ellen Petersen, Genesee Valley Educational Partnership, 80 Munson Street, LeRoy NY 14482 or fax to (585) 344-7924 or 658-7924. C O S T S Model Schools: $150 for a group of three or $75 per person. Other Districts: $225 for a group of three or $100 per person. R E G I S T R AT I O N NAME: DISTRICT: EMAIL: SESSION CHOICE: DIGITAL AUDIO GRAPHICS TABLET VIDEO INDICATE METHOD OF PAYMENT: PAYMENT ENCLOSED - CHECKS PAYABLE TO “GENESEE VALLEY EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIP” (does not generate aid) GVEP CoSer 527 - MODEL SCHOOLS MEMBER DISTRICT (generates BOCES aid) Superintendent’s Signature (required for use of CoSer 527 funds) Registration Deadline May 1st Date
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