Amen Shem Nora/Yehalelu Shemo a meilley of Sephardic folksongs arranged by Mattheza L a zar for unison chorus, T solo, piano and Arab drum HZ,007V oocal score w HaZarnir Music Publications 35 Garland Road Newton, M402759 'l.hisa|'rangemenrisbasedontwolivelymclodiesfromtheancientspanish-Jewishtradition'as inr"ipr"t"iuy the great Hazzan, Alberto Mizrahi The soloist should feel free lo improvise ornamenlal coloratura. A full score (JIZ-U)7), with pans for piano and clay drum is available from the Publisher' Pronuncialion Cuide for Singing in H€brew Follow thc general rules for Italian diction, with the following exceptions: ch e ei g h i k o s sh z ' in the German Bcclt always open, as in red similar to the French Passl always hard, as in gold asin head always closcd, as in greet as in *id similar rc the Frcnch Dea, always unvoiced, as in Jaid as in sioll as in zoo schwa, as in the first syllable of lhe word cwcy as Translalion of the llebrew Text Amen, amen, amen tb the awesome Name, Amen, amen, amen! O powcrful, awcsome magnificent Lord, grant redemption to Your people. He will bless you today, and let all the people say: Amen. Amen, amen, amen to the awesome Name, Amen, amen, amen! Then I will sing with a song ofpraise, with the conductor's Psalm. Then we shall say, "We must praise Ilhe Lordl" and let all the people say: Amen. Amen, amen, amen to the awesome Name, Amen, amen, amen! -halian song for Simchot Torah Praise His name with dance, Sing to Him with drums and with harps. Praiso Him with the blast for the shofar, Praisc Him with lyre and harp. Praise Him with drums and with dance! Praisc Him with strings and reedsl Praise Hior with clashing cymbals! Praise llinr with clanging cymbals! Psalm 150 -afrer Amen Shem Nora/Yehalelu Shemo li ztocal scorc turgy / Psalrns Sephardic folkonSs arr: Matthew lazar men,- men, a a - men, a- men shem - men them a-dir yom/- viy- va rech- @ 1990 e - te- chem ha - yom,- Hazamir Publications 35 Garland Road Newlon, MA 02159 ve - l-me- shem a - men. a- men shen be la-me-na- tse - P.2 ach, - shir- v€ - she- vach, be - a - le- nn le-Bha- - mcn, a . ha- le- chol- be - tof- she - mo- 6he - mo. ve-chi be-ma Yo - chol,- le-lu- hu be - ne-vel ve - chi P.l - ha- ld- lu be - tof- vo-chi le - lu - hub€ - te - kasho- Ie - lu - lu men shem - yo- za- ma-.u far, hube -tc - shd- ka sho' fat H.-- Ha - ha lu - hu be - - le - lu lsil-tse- le sha - be-mi - _-=:== -4t I nim Iav l€ - lu - ma, le - lu - hu be- lsil-ts- le- ttu - ha - lc ' lu'hu,- ha - le- lu-hube- hu be - lsil - tse-le- lru - a- tof Hap.4 le- ha - le- lu - hu, le - lu - hu be - tsil-t*- l€ lha - l€ le lo - hu be - isil-tse- le- rru - - lu - hu bc - - lu - hu bo - tsil-tse- le- tru - lsil-tsc- le sha - a, le - lu - hu bc - tsil-tsc- le- ttu - -_-___--:-ha P.5 - le- lu-hube- tof Ha- ha-le-lu-hu,- l€ - lu - hu be - tsil- be-mi - nim le - lu - hu be - tsil-rse- le lu - hub€- tsil-tse- le- lru - le- ttu - Iu - .----_:- hu be . tsil-ts€- a. a - P.6 men, a- men shem la_ rru rse - le sh, -
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