Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Courses (Arranged Alphabetically) ¡A sus órdenes! Foreign Languages Serving the Global Community: A pervasive lack of knowledge about foreign cultures and foreign languages threatens the security of the United State as well as its ability to compete in the global marketplace, and produce an informed citizenry (National Research Council). This course introduces participants into the world of foreign languages, particularly Spanish, and the urgency of foreign language education and cultural competency in the U.S and the global world. Building Effective Relationships Across Group Identities: Group Identity can be a powerful force in accomplishing individual and team-related tasks. Alternatively, it can also be a negative force for division, conflict and lack of productivity. This course explores key concepts around individual and group identity formation and suggests effective ways to build effective relationships and teams across formed group identities Bullying and Diversity: Workplace bullying have seen both a rise in the number of reported cases as well as national attention in recent years. Studies have indicated that under-represented minorities (race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc.) are the primary victims of bully. This course examines the relationship between Bully and Diversity and suggests strategies to address identity-based workplace bully. Creating Inclusive Campus Spaces: Most people on college campuses have genuinely good intentions in supporting students with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. However, sometimes what we don’t know impacts our work the most! This course explores research related to building inclusive campus environments. Rooted in intersectionality theory, the course discusses building and maintaining inclusive campus environments both inside and outside of classrooms, specifically focusing on self-awareness and small, every day strategies that can make a big difference in the lives of students. Through an interactive discussion and activities, participants will gain tools and skills for considering ways their work in higher education and social justice spaces might be more inclusive. Disability/Supporting Varied Abilities: This course increases the awareness of disability on campus and beyond. It will foster discussions around defining disability, current demographics, disability history in Georgia and the United States, policies that pertain to the full participation of students and colleagues with disabilities on campus, and campus and state disability resources. Skills will be built in communicating with and supporting people with disabilities. Tools will be shared that will increase participants ability to fully support and include students and colleagues with disabilities at UGA. Diversity 102: Micro-aggressions: One of the greatest emerging challenges facing higher educational institutions around the United States is the prevalent use of racial, sexual orientation, socio-economic and gender-based actions, utterances and innuendoes that demean particular groups. Unfortunately, most individuals who carry out these actions are not even aware of its offensive and demeaning nature. This course identifies the dynamics of identity and micro-aggressions in everyday interaction and suggests ways that they can be addressed both at the personal and institutional levels. 210 Holmes/Hunter Academic Building | Athens, GA 30602 | 706.583.8195(o) | [email protected] Diversity: All You Ever Wanted to Ask But Didn't Know Who to Ask: This course presents an informative, interactive, FUN, and impactful session around common but important trends, misconceptions and skills in a diverse workplace. Diversity@UGA- Beyond the Numbers: This course offers a detail look at UGA’s diversity by going beyond the historical and demographic interpretations often associated with UGA s Diversity. It also highlights the numerous diversity initiatives that make up UGA s diversity web. Finally, illustrates crucial roles that faculty and staff can play in enhancing the culture of inclusion at UGA. This is a core course for the Diversity Certificate Program. Diversity and Social Justice: This course explores the relationship between diversity and social justice. Have they become immersed in each other? If so, how and why? How do they differ and where do they overlap? It also provides interactive dialogue, discussion, and activities to explore how diversity and social justice have evolved in our society, their link, and distinction. It concludes with recommendations for social justice advocacy and strategies of cultural competence for an increasingly diverse work environment. Diversity, Sports & Culture: Sports have been widely used as a tool to promote cross-cultural, diversity and social inclusion. This course fosters a discussion around the impact that sports have had on expanding the knowledge, practice and acceptance of differences in our society today. Diversity Through Dance: This course immerses participants in creative approaches to teaching and learning in diverse communities through first-hand experience. Participants will explore literature on cultural psychology, dance education, and prejudice reduction and learn a repertoire of Latin dance moves to engage in joyful and rhythmic cultural awareness. No dance skills are required. The goal will be to interrogate preconceived notions of dance as "talent," to step out of our cultural comfort zone, and to work toward performance as a medium for cultural and linguistic connection, cultural empowerment, and cross-cultural understanding. Effective Communications in Diverse Groups: This course focuses on providing skills and tools for effective communication in a diverse workplace such as UGA. The course explores the process of communication, areas of misunderstanding in intercultural and intergroup communication and key variables for effective communication in diverse groups. Engaging Diverse Students I (Academic lens): The University of Georgia has an incredibly diverse student population. Engaging these students in the classroom, in co-curricular events and in extra-curricular activities is critical to the mission of teaching at the university. This course allows encourages participants to learn how to recognize, appreciate and engage the diverse and differing backgrounds, perspectives and viewpoints of our students. Participants will learn how perspective, culture and world view impact the student experience and what they can do to promote inclusion by effectively engaging diverse students. Engaging Diverse Students II (Student Affairs lens): This course expands the notion of diversity in ways that serve to build faculty and staff effectiveness in engaging students from varying identities, backgrounds, and experiences. Participants will explore their role in sustaining a welcoming and inclusive environment; discover resources for students, faculty, and staff within the Division of Student Affairs; and develop practical strategies to affirm the unique and developing identity of all students. 210 Holmes/Hunter Academic Building | Athens, GA 30602 | 706.583.8195(o) | [email protected] Got Your Six- Supporting UGA’s Student Veterans: There are over 22,000,000 veterans in the United States, of which, less than 200 attend the University of Georgia. This course provides participants an awareness of the demographics and emerging measures of merit associated with the UGA veteran population. With the appropriate facts and context established, we will then explore a range of challenges faced by our student veterans and offer some emerging opportunities being pursued to better support them. Intergenerational Diversity in the Workplace: This course explores the challenges, benefits and opportunities that exist as a result of generational differences in the workplace. Participants will examine tools and strategies that foster effective working relationships and minimize conflict between generational groups. NCBI: Diversity/Prejudice Reduction Workshop This course teaches skills for bringing diverse elements of a community or organization together to successfully achieve common goals. It also shows how participants have been taught to think and act as members of their racial, gender, and other identity groups and provides skills for bridging differences. Non Discrimination Anti-Harassment Policy: This is an interactive, introductory course that explains the practical applications of the Policy, the mandatory reporting obligations of University employees, and discusses case studies. Topics covered include: when, where and to whom the policy applies; definitions and examples of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment; what to do if a student discloses sexual assault; EOO procedures for responding to and/or investigating discrimination and harassment reports; certain prohibited consensual relationships; and non-retaliation. True Colors, Engaging Your Personality Style: Using the True Colors model , this course explores the key personality types and how differences in these personality types, if not understood, can become barriers to interpersonal communication. The course also enables participants to learn how to integrate this understanding of personality styles with cultural knowledge to ensure a more harmonious professional and personal environment. True Colors 2.0: This course dives deeper into the True Colors model and will focus on giving participants skills and tools in communicating across the color spectrum, responding when colors fade(yours and others) and increasing their least bright color. This workshop is opened ONLY to faculty and staff who have participated in a True Colors workshop. The 'D' in Diversity- Understanding the Role of Difference in the 21st Century: This course explores the ways in which diversity has become an issue that has risen to the top of the agenda in so many contexts. How are issues posed by racial, cultural, religious, and other forms of difference understood in today’s multicultural society? How does the issue of diversity in the United States play out in social and political rhetoric? How does this discussion impact how we engage in today’s global society? The course will utilize real world case studies in order to think about the issue of diversity in modern terms against a national backdrop. Veterans and the Diverse Workplace: The course provides an opportunity for UGA Faculty and Staff to explore trends, challenges, and benefits of engaging veterans in the diverse workplace. It also expands participant's knowledge of veteran-related issues and campus resources for UGA faculty and staff who are veterans. 210 Holmes/Hunter Academic Building | Athens, GA 30602 | 706.583.8195(o) | [email protected]
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