R.S.E Policy for Divine Mercy S.N.S • School Details • Introductory

R.S.E Policy for Divine Mercy S.N.S
 School Details
Divine Mercy SNS
Balgaddy, Lucan , Co. Dublin
Phone number:
01 4670689
Catholic, 36 teachers suburban
Enrolment Numbers: 556
 Introductory Statement & Rationale
This policy statement is an approved approach to the teaching of RSE in Divine
Mercy SNS, Balgaddy. It was initially developed by Archbishop Ryan S.N.S R.S.E
Policy Committee which included two teachers, two representatives of the board of
Management, and two parent representatives. It was developed to inform teachers
and parents as to what material is covered in the RSE programme with SPHE. It has
recently been updated
 School Philosophy
Divine Mercy SNS is a Catholic school and therefore all policies developed are
implemented in ways which are in keeping with the ethos of the school. The ethos of
the school is stated that we would like to create an environment where children
would acquire the necessary knowledge and skill to become independent
confident learners where they will develop their self esteem to enable them to
express and achieve their full potential. We will endeavour to broaden each
child’s experience to help them become well balanced and tolerant individuals
with respect for themselves and others.
Definition of RSE
Divine Mercy S.N.S Balgaddy, Lucan.
RSE is an integral part of Social, Personal and Health Education and must be taught in
this context. It provides structured opportunities for pupils to acquire knowledge and
understanding of human sexuality and relationships through processes which will
enable them to form values and establish behaviours within a moral, spiritual and
social framework. (P.5 NCCA interim curriculum and guidelines for RSE)
 Relationship of RSE to SPHE
Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) provides opportunities for pupils to
learn basic personal and social skills which foster integrity, self confidence and self
esteem while nurturing sensitivity to the feeling and rights of others. (P.5 NCCA)
Interim curriculum and guidelines for RSE
Current provision Included in the school curriculum in Divine
Mercy SNS is
Religious Education ( Alive – O )
Visits from relevant Health Board personnel including Dental, Visual
& Aural professionals.
Life Skills/Accord Facilitators
Aims of our RSE Programme
 To help young people develop healthy friendships and relationships
 To promote a healthy attitude to sexuality and to relationships
 To enhance the personal development, self esteem and well – being of the
 To foster an understanding of, and a healthy attitude to, human sexuality and
relationships in moral, spiritual and social framework
 To enable the child to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, human
love, sexual intercourse and reproduction
 To develop and promote in the child a sense of wonder and awe at the process
of birth and new life
Divine Mercy S.N.S Balgaddy, Lucan.
 To enable the child to be comfortable with the sexuality of oneself and others
while growing and developing.
 Guidelines for the Management and Organisation of RSE in
our School
 Curriculum Matters:
Curriculum content – The curriculum by NCCA will be followed as published,
and will be taught from 3rd to 6th class. An outside speaker will address the
“sexually sensitive issues” i.e. puberty, stages of baby in the womb
reproductive system, conception birth and sexual intercourse, at 5th and 6th
class. All resources used will be keeping with the ethos of the school and the
policy and follow the SPHE curriculum.
When an outsider speaker is used, the class teacher is responsible for making
them aware of school policy and that teacher will sit in during the lesson when
Organisational Matters:
6th class parents may be invited to attend a meeting at which the RSE
programme will be outlined in detail by school and outside school facilitators.
Due to the multi-cultural nature of our school, we acknowledge and respect
the rights of parents to withdraw their children from aspects of the RSE
If children are withdrawn, they will be accommodated in another teacher’s
With regard to matters of a confidential nature, the school cannot take any
responsibility for what is discussed in the yard ,classroom or online. However
the school may choose to investigate any issue it may deem to be necessary
Any teacher has the right to opt-out from teaching the sexually sensitive issues
in RSE. It is the responsibility of Board of Management to ensure that the
curriculum will be taught to the children by another teacher or an outside
Divine Mercy S.N.S Balgaddy, Lucan.
Parents are invited/welcome to view the curriculum and may speak to the
Review: This policy will be further reviewed in 2017
The current review was undertaken by John Ring (Principal), Sally Brennan
(S.P.H.E co-ordinator), Fiona Burke (Board of Management), Joe Walsh
(Board of Management), Miriam Carmody (parent), Elaine Lacy (parent)
Signed: Fr Eamonn Bourke, Chairperson Board of Management
Divine Mercy S.N.S Balgaddy, Lucan.