[ d j o r d j e j a n k o v i c[ e-mail:[email protected] tel. 757.319.3487 http://www.linkedin.com/in/jankovicdjordje pr oduct manageme n t • pro d u ct d e v e lo p me n t • ma rk e t re s e a rc h • d a t a a n a l y s i s cr oss- fun ctional le a d e rsh ip • t a c t ic a l p la n n in g • p & l ma n a g e me n t • le a n U X a gile - scr um/ka n b a n • d e sig n th in k in g • p u b lic s p e a k in g • p ro d u c t ro a d ma p d e s i g n expe r i ence Product Manager - Web and Mobile, Scanbuy (January 2014 - Present) Scanbuy is a mobile engagement company that helps Fortune 500 brands connect with their customers using mobile triggers. In addition, Scanbuy is the owner of ScanLife, a multi-platform mobile app that helps people save money and time with 25+ million lifetime downloads. • • • • Led a team of five (four engineers, one designer), redefined strategy and shifted vision for iOS and Android apps to turn around a year-long 7% monthly average decline in active user base to 3% growth. Introduced the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) process to provide a better focus and more measurable progress for the product team, achieving the initial quarter score of 0.55/1.0. Redesigned ScanLife android app from the ground up, bringing it closer to the product vision, improving feature focus, user experience and overall usability. Launched a user persona study to better understand how customers use ScanLife apps. Product Manager, TicketNetwork (October 2011 - December 2013) TicketNetwork hosts the leading online marketplace for event tickets to concert, sport, and theater events around the country. • • • Headed a 3-month-long, multi-product team effort to implement e-ticket solutions spanning across 4 different products, increasing e-ticket sales by $17.6 million (30%). Increased the net promoter score by 11.1 points (34%) and reported customer satisfaction by 20% in 12 months of iteration across 10 releases, contributing to 18% year-over-year sales increase. Won the Corporate Knowledge Award for encouraging an environment of shared knowledge and collaboration and instructed a product management class that was rated 4.9/5.0 by participants. Business Development Manager, TicketNetwork (November 2009-November 2011) • • • Suggested improvements to the customer performance dashboard based on the customer feedback, paving the path for the advancement to the product management role. Initiated a marketing project to expose the product to a new customer segment, resulting in a 20% increase in software sales and generation of new sales leads. Set an all-time company record for the number of signed up accounts in a single month. edu cati on Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT. B.S., Business Administration, 05/2009. Concentration: International Business GPA 3.66 overall, 3.89 concentration, Cum Laude. Student-athlete on a full scholarship. add i ti onal i n f o • • • • Dale Carnegie Course: Skills for Success (November 2013) CodeAcademy: Javascript, HTML & CSS (September 2013) Coursera: Human - Computer Interaction (June 2013) Haas School of Business, UCal - Berkeley: Product Management Certificate (May 2012)
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