Monies THAT oo TO nOOTB ISG TT! F JUT IN WASIllSliTOS Wll.t, VISIT ATLANTA OH 1111 XIII ASP TITF. BtAiXB KKTITHX? t.ttn SAlSF.n 1-Ol.mC-S IS O'.VISSETT ANOTHER BAII.H"il> SCHKMK I1KMEHAI. Tr.LKflltAI'11 NOTES. Xr.w YI.I-.K, .luly *>. The following nummary shows the progress of murmfacliiring industries of the ronn'rr. inclu line incorporated compares, buildin:;*, etc., »s reported: New enterprises for th* week ending Saturday : Uuildmes, cos'-ing over $.1.(»» each 205, $fi.75G, 7C'<; hriiizc\ *2iO-JO,Or^: churches *40.1fiJ.;,4(i; electric light co-i-'-ies _..J new ptanU, $7.5<X>.0<X); g»s compin.ei, $7!tO,4<V; manufacturing ooniiiir.ici -17, $a,«(H),(HK); mills, factories, i ;c.. 111,$G1.TttUHOniiiiins companies ]i'.. ? : t,:'.7."..<««); ruilrovln «H'l rxt-nsion* S. $11,77,5JOt>; waterworks. ]' *'.f,:^r).'»"). WAMII iT.ix. .Inly ;'". bus takei pthc ;:.-iienl .U with agri i.. nt that there is hour's d, lie O'i everything excrpli.i, he 1'rcnch sH' tin re is t<i sion. < I cr I a half hours' s<-ni •."y bill. Mr. 1 Underpin. ii f \ 111... Ho.isc, inir,.-'. the f-crelnrv of every p.rr-.n pr.'S ciimn.Hsi.i: ,.,- ,,f i si i II be shown t.. An additional tax after March 3, It'1 Ur.reti-s, prepare'! in lobncciM-igar-i i cles stamps I'.ad heen undo to pay all taxes which had a<v-ruc:l therefor, but on which sumps had not been affiixc.; at or before midnight of the second day of March, 18i>5. In the Sfnati the sundry civil appropriation bill was taken lip and a'n-ndnicnts proposed by the cnm'iitieo were adopted. Scnr.ior lircwn offered an amendment f> the hi-l herd, fore introduce.!, appropriating $2.V».t»,W for the constr.iciicn of reservoirs in the wild water, end -.viih a bigli or i from the shop. Not a word pa*.«"«l '. tween cither customer r.r Hcrt:, und no nio,.ev wrw |>.i>rl for liie pit's. "Well, tfiit beats me," exclaimed a .. The prizes are: $1,(XX» for the first; |750 for the second; *3()0 for the third, and a registered Jersey bull, worth *10»), (;iven by the Macon Telegraph, for The various summer resorts in Xorththe fourth. vtlUM-. For the county making the best and . ast Cieorgia are comfortably filled with "It i« ntbcr fingular," wid the cli rk, anil pleasant parties from Athvisitors, of prize a stock live its of display largest smiling. butsucii tbmg£ hap;.sn <»-i9 ens sre quartered at many of them. every day. Tfiat <r.iaton:er is well Imovn To the county making the best and largin the locial wotld. She hut got 'lie At Tallulah there are some three hunr/.iinino hnliit. which wiJ ki'J h.i in the est display of minerals, $100. dred guests. The GrandView hotel which Display of Georgia woods, *!«>. r:id. Thci-p is ti» mu^h of this qu...iue 1 he individual displays in the Agricul- has just been finished, stands on a high br Jnrss >;cici; on, biit «ec ha* o tu kt.-p up >« iih the limes. Tluit lady crhiUi'.C'i tural Depnrto . first; eminence and is delightfully cool. It is lifrfflf in uncial and charii.-.blo \>MU, $50 for ihe second, »n for ihv owned and run by Mr. W. D. Young and nnd tlion ln'Kan to take a five pnin pill Ihird. has abnut ninety guests. Among them «>f quinine to braro up on. She did it by Never were such hand! Mrs. A. G. Powers, Mrs. J. A. Mnllane (trai:is Iht- advice «if a friend. From flve Special ered at an agriculural f:ii Mrs. II. L-Cranferd, Athens, Mrs. Thos. < very eveninjf she aiivancud to liftt n, dividual prizes are offered on »ll a will want twe Si»a such as cvrn. cotton, pens. *c.. and all Mynel! and daughter, Miss Carrie, of l.oui<v.lle, Ky., Mrs. I.uella. Steele, Mrs. likes to fet'l clioerful and look c"'l «h the departments sune n,i usual. utf wiUi her husliand. nnx), Our people should prepare f»r this .Inu. bilvey and daughter of AtlanU.Mrs. :ne a sUve i« i,uinin great Fair at once, and send some artfcl'. Kennedy and Miss May Kennedy, Miss KiiinuUuit, but her husband Your are almost sure to win a prize of KmuiaWise, Mrs. I'.ruwn and Miss Lull f tim habit. She payi> us some kind if you prepare a number of llrowu, Macon; Mrs. Leslie Brooks-, Jliss ••fl.:,0 i-t-.-k, ni; \ we keep the pw articles. Ksttlle Brooks, Mobile. Ai».. Mrs. W. h.-re f'.i . U is fir worse than drinkThe Fair is held under tie manage- Tt!° is, Cliarlesuia; Mrs..!. I!. Siiups ing iih-. |!ii|, nut] ne fre<|Ucntiy ment of the Ueorgia State Agricultural h: Mrs. lU)uer, Ciithbcrt; Miss .. \Vaterford,. S. C.; Mrs. Jno. I'-Y.T, y, ' :ty, brandy, and let quinine Mountain, Oa llolhday, Atlanta; Mrs. A. P. lloust J8Hi. a.'d re alone." New York Teh-giam. ton, CUrksville; Miss after the war in Macon; Ga., :«''.!)." Th< Miss 1'. cnsta; ttnd Miss GerKate li Agricultural Society has acinninlistx if Urlvcr Ant*. an 1 has held j trade Idak-r, All od' to the ' Slate, great Driver ants not Mily build boat*, bit ir.anv i Mr. Vouni; has just finished : handsful fairs i front only tb.*e l<i.«s are Macon ivhich cit} has pi me bridge across the railroad i il of i« Thfv nre beet place in the State for holding iotel and it is to be named fo: the l -dri i.f th. r fen'citv young ladv whom the guests shall vot mi! attack ihe most attractive at the house. At th The Society i ompo.-ed i Large |iviln<i,s and lessei throughout Chil' house, under management of Scokill.-d em in a "isiu',"!e State, which elect li.lf tales lo the lield llros, mere a about one bundl ards And olficr quests. Among th m llr. A.A.Lipscu ch v.-»r. ii.ials in » r t.;rn Africa fiee from tiiein and August. At the August meeting ihe Mr. A. K. UbiWs, Miss II. Kuthertfi-mr. To imiU'ct themselves from otiic.-rs are elected. The oilhvrs consist, Lipscoiub, A. M. Mrs. :!ii'.-il Iliiv .TII-I arches undi-r v.-iiich i<f a President, a Virc-1'rn.ident nt large, Mics-s l.Hiiiar and Kate' ::mlierford, ni. -runs ariiii>f. nf thmi puss in unfcty. lilanche L:->sc-.niib, C. A. Calataan, Frank iurtiuii-A the arch is made of ^rass and al district, a Si-cretarv, a Treasurer, and and Kuthei lord 1 l.ipscomb. Athens; Mr. rth and trumnied together 1-3- nome >*from A. A. Lipscomb, jr. J. McL. Lipscomb, 'tion, and again it i» fonn^l by the an Kxecutive Committee of three who have in charge the YYastiiii^U'ii, 1>. t :- Mr and Mrs Toiu !ie:. <rf the Uir^tr aiim. which hold e»ch district, management. Ulenn and family, Mri. Cook nnd daughVictThe its and Fair nipptrong tlwir -m-<.|v.-s Lv -tln-r hy ter, Miss Sand*.-:.;. Mr: and Mrs. W. C. r» wiiiU- the workers |KI.SS under them. I'risiilent--, Secretary and Treasiir.-r are llarkc Mi At ivrtain times of the year freslii ts ex ollicio member"-, of ih* Kxicutivc Mr Ma Mr. J Monro Committee. the by ow ihe country inhabitnl U. Tobias, Augusta; Dr. Albert t). •f. State Georgia the observe will you So rn, ami it i* then that theao ants go Kufaula, Ala. *. The rain conies suddenly, and Fair is no local or sectional association, T.llulah is one of tile u st delightful ails of their houses are broken in for the advancement of any city or secwith the ap e (1'jinJ. but. of coming to tion, but to work up the State at large, to be made and it will eclipse any reand it is as much our Fair as it is the idrcds 'Jackson ,vept off to desiriictiun. out of the Kt a black bull that -ides Bafcly ivmt-r nnd drifts away. At the ruins of danger the little creaish t<JKi-lher nnd form a folid Ijotiv n Uie center. Often the Kill i* larger than >nnnon l<u,c b:i!l, and in this way the; n.«t alxnit tliev !.<l^e against nor timi. and addressed the Sen ite on tho iiniil Ihe branches of which they subject and sound. St Nicholas. i oMINI. HOUR. I'.ibb. We have as much interest in ihi's Fair as any citv.cns of Georgia, and we ask our citizens lo put their shoulders to the wheel ai.d h»lp along the -rand enterprise which has done s.) mucl for our State. Attmd the exhibits, and our section etit. ap the '1 he next convention ot the Society will be held in the city of, Aug. lllli and 15th, nnd will be the largest ever held in the Stite. rnnj Slot Ml The Soc:ety is rapi.Hy growing, and bt-en a g» xl niany va nickel in the Klot now almost every couuly in Georgia is t began. I am told tint represented. Send to Clark Crier. Secretary. Macon, Ihodnip ii I" tiy in tho sic: !!uirhli.e IB pro*; tal >l s. if not n-yn mon .- >, for a Premium List. LI.JCIMS. July :»>. The return of William to Berlin on \\Wnesdny will be made the occasion of a jjrand ovation to the '«in.^. Now that m.ciirjh Is on his way bark limn", it is rtp< ate jly trial d« it > i-lij asked whit has heen accomplishes by (.f what a incite! hi* visit lo the czar that islik-ly to ben- people who .vou efit or glorify Gennany. Ct-rtnimy his two. nnd oft«'i hobr ,obing with the czar ha- :.^t '..a'! |«jc!a;s of c..j« Ihe effect to bring Germany into jnser .r;c.J 'uiiitti relations with her alli<"s, A';.tru and r.~!.,>V.l ol tl» Iv Herman statesman, are of ...... '. l..itii!i! that the bonds ol" the Iriplo alliance has been considerably sUckened thereby. The splendid oiplomatic achievement of Pope Leo, in. preventing the kaiser's visit to Home, cannot fiil to irritate its all} greatly anil force upon her ruler the conviction that the kaiser may ultimately be broughlto rc(Tird the alliance as an agreement made for the purpose of benefiting Germany alone. f ihe owner oniv a fifth 'unciiincoo-js. hut mnny I not :h:ow u nickjl rV> TOO 8MAUT FOK HIMSELF. Wh»t It O»l a Ill-lulu V..IHI, t.,< ul,. n llaln Lo.ikln~(ll,l <irnllem:ii,. sort in Georgia. Capt. llarrv mid Maj. A. u. I'.acon own Hickory Xut ,d tn . y propo from Hie Clill' hutisc to the top of th mountain. On the mountain bold spring, which is a br uliiul wtli be U U tu supply the 1-atel with water, as ell as large bathing pools on the mountain. They will also erect an observatory.have billiard rooms ana other forms of amusemeut. Tho railwar . track will be lighted by electric lights, | which will also I) used in the hot. 1. Tlie top of tlie mountain commands | one of the lincst views on the continent. I From it you can see as far as the eve can reach. The top of Mount Pisgah, near Ashevillc, can be seen distinctly, 'ihe numerous rivers in that section ol' the state look like threads of silver bank of vcrduie. Alto gether the rcer.e is grand, and thousands of visitom will use ihe cable cars every season lo take views which travelers who have been abroad compare lo the lincst -V well known railroad gentleman told is one of the L. ™*l of following tale\Vcdr:cs,lay. lie said a It is IIIOPJ than probable that a handYou dr->p v-^ir ce:'.t. idlea' -":J mil plainly-dressed old gentlemen walked some hotel xvill cup the summit of thx lo his cfllce the other day, and nskpd mountain In. fore a great while, though -iiJ th the oflice boy temporarily in charge for nothing .k-Unite has yet been formulated utroiiwi RhooU loto the current yourself, and if ou can fin tiiiU ieitttct. - With grand, scenery "lie's out," said the boy.withoat look- f.,,^ . ppuse. stand a dollar's wonh of it, I 000, the-right of way into the took $113,000 worth of stock. HiUsboro, a little village of three hundred people, give the right of way ana subscribed *:!,'*-O t> tho ro«d. MoDticello of twelve hundred people made a private subscriution of £i.G<X) with which they', bought the right of way and presented it to the rouil. Her citizens likewise took $32,OUO of slock at par. Madison gnvc the riiht of way besides takin;; $53,OOO worth pf stock. Athens so far has done nothing for the road. It is true that the city of Athens released the - liichmond and Danville from an oblipralioii;of $!I7,OW> on condition of that road's making a southern connection with Macon. The li. and 1). found thitt Col. Macben proposed to agreed to tai.-< build that connection completion of Jf!»7,t«JO of bonds on boniis ol th..' the road to Athens. C. and M. are sold readily at about par, benefit fpiuso the C. and M. dm' The this contract with the 11. md I). ity of Athein is out *U7,WXI, but it has not gone, to the C. and M, but to the It. and i). railroad. The C. and M. is not responsible for nor should it suflcr on account of my unfortunate obligations (he city has made with other parties. The U. and 1>. authorities have given CoL Machen fflicu! notification that they are ready to take ^L'7,OUJ of his bonds, but he is in no hurry to sell, as he. finds no difficulty in placing them. ' Itisaslitil fully like the Princrsw of Wales. the fall term of Clarke Superior Court "Jenny" is one of the baptismal names The scene in the court yesterday was of tlw new emprt-ss of Germany. Tliat both repulsive and pitiable. There was baa a pleasant, homelike sound. old Carter hobbling on one leg; the othdeath of ex-Empress Carlotta, of r bavin; been shot off by hi* own ion. father for who is now prosecuting m. She is rapidly sinking and has incest with his daughter. There was liecome entirely helpless. the wife and a sixteen year old daughter Some forty-three descendants of Re- who sympathized with their husband "th< liecea No itch of 1092," and father. There was the older daughpicnicked i her l.onor at Danvers Cen- ter, twenty-six years of age, who is the the victim, whether voluntary or otherr, Mass., the other day. Miss Agnes Brow n BlKckwell, a daugh- wise, of her father's lust, refusing ter of Rev. A-itolnette L. Brown Black- to speak to him and anxious for the stern well. was awarded the highest prize in law to reek full vengeance for the awful the "life class" at Cooper Union at its crime. Khn was attended by a miserable specimen of a child, the offspring of her late annual examination. A fchool of housekeeping has been lir.abh: to give bond Carter was lodged started in l!ru<«eld by the. countess of Flanders. 'Forty girls thero receive a in jail to await trial. His crime is expiby some on the grounds of ignoated ecuromy, dommiic practical training in marketing, cooking, mending and Uiun- rance, br.t no man living in this land of enlightenment can claim that he ruined his own :hi!d through ignorance. The An Enjjliihman thus de^crilx's Queen possible explanation of his crime, if MargluTll.1 of Italy in the Pall Mall Ga- only be true, sr.d there Keem to be no reasiclte: -Her face is so t].omnnec.usly in- it grounds for any other supposition onable tei-esting and vivat'ious that it might bethat his moral depravity is such that long to any hi-^li born lady mitrammt'wi is semblance of virtue. by cares of Her smile, her bow. her ready 'Words arc tho (icrfection of If he be found guilty nothing but the ex-a royal art. or. perhaps, rather the uu- treme limit of the law can expiate such crime. Our social fabric, the very exislearncu [«'rfectioii of a royal nature." tence of society,depends upon the purity The Journal dn Havre has found the of the fiunily tie and wher such gross at-tti <!e luuVance of Sarah Uernhardt. violatior is discovered it should be staid Her Havre. at i:»4a in rilu: w:is bom with th' iron hand of a terribly avengmother was the duughtrrof a Berlin ocu- ing , law. i to hi list. and her father was a government iie right of way to the C. and XI. M:my of.i. i:il. win, nf«'i-ward coimnitteil sui.f her best ciiiz«:.s have eX|ircss«d thuiu- ridr. Snrah'x original .. imp was Rosalie. elvcs as heartily in favor of uur doing Tins disposes of tiie storv that bhe was Dtitcii. Princew Irene of He!=«e, who has just rois .v I.IFETI.TII:. married Prince^ Henry of Prussia, has reIt is strain:.- why people who rocogri-.e ceived a thorough house training. St;.. ran sew, mate lircrul. and do i:-. dt'Iusion th»t-thuy can- limit; -she would have to do were she not be cured. Nine tentln f-incurable fuied to Jiecome tho wife of a JKW i an. cured. It. eases i All the Princi ss.w of Hess., were trained who hadhL.od puison fr< birth talks in this way by their mother, the late grand duchess, daughter of Queen Vico<l -Iattic IT I Ilirth. tor io. ROOKVILI.K, Ixu., Jan TV 25, 18S7. Tlio Frerch minister of war has deI shnll ever praise the day that you gen1 to award the cross of 11» Legion of tlemen were born, and shall bless the Ho or lo Mmc. Dn h^ coming day lhat your medicine was known to inc. July fete. s the fuilhful nttend1 had blood p-!M>n from birth, and so ant of th Fifty linlh regiment of inmuch so that :.ll the doctors of my town> duri g the J:ir (.f INTO, liehaving said 1 would lu crippled for life. They ,lor .'.tiring tlu tattles said 1 would lo<» :ny lower limbs, 'i cndinK I" tl.eotHccrs could not si Mill in my class to recite my lessons, and tlevei; bottles of your Balm vy fir cured me sound ?nd well. You can use n*y n&me as you see fit. In my case, nt fjuKlni^rbBthere - re knot- on my shit.bones ti ------ wi egardIsrge as a 1 of ing the pn>:<' erected bv tl cnt MIUVI.K M. TASNKK. throughout th orlhwest. Thesurvey»r of Brown, com,ity. Dakota, gives ibis a local paper: I KALTIMOKK. Fnbruary ii, 1887. I had notice a lumenialIJ(!in want of care of the suffered will) (deeding pil.-:s for two years government ci.mersi-uu'.- the farmers and take pleirur? in stating that 1 luvo nndlandcwnerx. f the country. Where been entiii-lv cured bv the use of one stakes existed i\w\ are rotte-l off, often bottle of iioinnic Ulood liaTro, (II. 1). H.) pulled out and li: «1 votkl; tho I che make Ibis statement fur th< mounds nre cr.-is« bv cattl" "" He Had 'Km Snir. A str:;nge and startling phenomenon is reported from Kinetucky, a small hamlet in the upper part of this county. A resident of lhat | lace was in the city Saturday, and describes it as follows. There is a hunc opening in the ground which discloses to the people who visit the spot thousands on thousands of snakes.of ery spec among which could be .sins, chicke akes, black snakes, coach whips, etc. The peculiar .'cnoting the nr of the ratilso to fcc heird for somt Th distance from th Fe ;>it. people iinv the spot nt, and are in a great sute of propose I war on his swarming den of rtptilcs at »n ea-'ij d«y. Conspic us among thi! horrid I null: white ike. teen or eighteen feet in length and over a foot in diameter. He also siat^ that a child fell into this fissure sonvj time ago and was buried alive beneath :he seething mass. Snakes, he had 'em sure. Augusta News. Thelt Baslneaa Boomia*'. obablv n< i one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at John Crawford & Co's Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King^s New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply . ;inj .u._ th rnormous very_ --iluable article benefit of th-r publ urt? and tlie pits cro ttUcd up : id oMitcrat'-d, and i from the fact that it al* CIIAS. Rr.ixnAi'i>T, soon, if not nli-endy. I disappoints. Coughs, colds, astbNo. 2('^i: Fountain St., li»ltimore, Md. ill remain (if their exact lucni i. Now I i ma, bronchitis croup, and all thioat and red i.ot enlarged!! Ihe very pi nport- lung diseases quickly cured. Yon can | Trlrd five Boetorn. ; of presfrving these |»inLs I test it before buying by getting a trial HAV.KIXSVII.I.E, GA., Feb. 20, 18S7. H. liradfield, of Smith & Bradficld Druggists, 102 Whitshail Rtrcot, SKK WHAT A mYSICIAN SAVS. WAULKV, GA., January uU,l,S88. It tffords me pleasure to say that Invigorine is the finest product of the age [ore-establish the prostrate fabric. U tones up the nervous system better, makes the steadiest nerves, strongcsi muscles and richest blood of any remedy [ have ever had recourse to, and does more good in Uright's disease of tho kidneys than all other remedies advertised so extensively for the cure of that trouble. It is that combination of vegetable tonics, nervines and alteratives with iron, that acU upon the sccro'ion admirably, while it Increases appetite, improves digestion, quiets irritated nerves and purifies the bbjod, and hence it is justly held in high esteem by the ladies f jr tiding them sweetly over the menopause. that change in life that simulates so many diseases. Wishing you great success. I remain yours truly, two Kjpresentatives from this counry. For Senator, Howard -1;!0, Hudson C85, JlcCarty COS; for Ucprescntativcs Merc* IM'N Arnold :!24, Williams 180,,Cash 4fift, Huod,742 md f witty lO72,thereby noml nating Messrs McCarty, Hood and Twittv These ara ail ^ood men who will well and wisely represent our county and District in tho next general assembly, arc! Jackson county is to 1 e congratulated upon her excellent choice. CKAWFUU.. r, A ....Tuly .",0. Prof. A. 8. !!hod,'»met with a serious accidont Saturday. He had a nep:r,> cleaning out his well and hi. went down :.n the we'd himself to look iftor tiu« work, and when they had driwn a hnjkrt to the top the chain broke, the bucket foil buck about forty feet and struck Mr, Ithodes on the head, cutting a gush thr-e inches long. He was drawn up and Dr. Moore dressed th.; wound. Mr. lihod?-. is doin» well now and will be out in a few days. Mr. D. [T. Arnold has height' a brick W.R. CLOUP, M.D. machine and sri!! put it in position at 1TONE VOKK GOOD THAN AXY UKMEKY. once. The ischine will make twentyThis is lo certify that In vigorine has e :hous.ind bricks a diy. done more good than all ether remedi.-s aturday va.s a ncl,l day for tho c:mused. Trouble, general debility. ates at the barbecues, and they pat MBS. B. A. lioiiEKTsos. good work. Enficld, X. C. Auguit Coltnn Mill Booml .TEn-Kiir-ox, July 31. On Tuesday August cotton went booming up yes,-i.l. August 7. the young ladies of Jofterday, and things were lively on tlie :rrOii will give an ftiitcrtainn-.ent at tho Cotton Exchange. Tlie corner in AuInstitute c!,,,p (.] for tho benefit gust is considered more pronouncpil. Vlarlin f ISuni Thompson, one of the most The highest point touched was lO.O'.r, deserving girls in our town. Tho entera gain of 17 points from the closing »'ntn?n; is under the management of price paid on Friday which which wa.- .f Mrs. Lockclt 10.82. On the first call yestwday An M.-s. Ous dark returned from Athenn gust opened at 10.8f>. and on tlie * v Monday, and left her sister, Miss Carround of this call it went up to 10.91, ie Huntor, in Athens, The closing pi ce was. lO.'.ir bid, lO.'.l.S Mr. Frank Howard, of Onlethorpc, is asked. For tv, i days past tl isiting the family of Judge" Howard, at market has gone up at least IU points he. Howard House. per day. The figures for July are about Court will open in full force on Monthe same, but tiie other months are not lay August U. inatorially affected. It was said at the .TKKFKUSOX, August 1. Prof. B. T Kxchaiige yesterday that 10,000 bales lunter, lain principal of the M-jrtin Inaltogether were to be reimported from stitute and one of the foremost educators Liverpool to fill the contracts. This is n the Stile, has accepted tho presidency said to be the first time cotton has j( tho MidJle rienripa college at Jon"Si,Ga. 1'rof. Hunter and family will been brought back in nineteen years. e with the respect and good will of New York Times, July i.*0. he adult population and tho love oi the hildren. A Pol-LickcrTreadier. Mr. Henry Wayn*. wilh the firm of A gray-headed, weather-beaten old :iulds, Nickersoii * 00, was with us to»y. The reputation of tho Onu hero darkey named Jim Short, was arraigned ir the lust twenty years makes tho sellbefore Ihe criminal court of Dccatur ig of hardware'a comparatively easy county, charged with stealing a juicy ham from the front of H.Mian's store. After the state closed the old "vxt" wa= put up to make his statement. **Jedge, I wus jes passin1 by an' seed dc ham. De debil s»y, Jim. d'ar's a nice ham, take um.' De Lawd say. VI im you's a preacher, don't you take um.' 1 mind de Lawd an' pass on. When I gits down the street de debil say, 'Jim, dat's cr mighty fine; ain't no one watchin'; better go hack an' git um. Bless de Law.!! I lorgits what he say; I goes back n-ind i debil's work Hir.ii SIIOAI.S, August 1. Baseball is ie all absorbing topic hero on the t.eets. "Our boys" lire fine players. >ver having failed to tnkc tha laurels r every nine they have challenged. rhaps Athens had batter be in prac:e, as we hear of a challenge being givt in that direction. Miss Mattie Stovr-U, of Madison, is vising Mrs. T. W. r«wiill. Misses Wrisrht nre spending tho wcok ' ith Sirs. Pii.TIc Price. up from the pap es to surpass all n sorts inG pel it for your single copjier. Kv ""Do you know w litre he is'."' I In the top of a hi^h point just above and th-n I meet one or another of the Wr'fl- __, ro]U>ciors ..mployo.! by the owners of the Clill' hou*c,sils a beautiful little resilecause any ono cajr catch a cold. U in'."' be he will "When those in:i?hinui, with canvas raoks full of dence. owned by Mrs. White, formerly herifore follows -that every one should " 'Itoutnine o'clock." bard cash gatherol Irotn them. The of New York. She and her daughter p Taylc.i's Oherokec Remedy ol "It's nearly thai lime now. isn't it?" make it their home, and the visitors at money (imps through the slot into the Sweet Gum and Mullein, -which will Pot-licker, boss." "There's the clock," said the boy, the Falls are fond of going up ana enjoysack. I believe, and the collector, when ire coughs, colds and croup. What kind of preacher is that?" he makes his rounds, exchanges an empty pointing to the clock on the wall. ing their hospitality and th« beautiful hogs. to feed nts I would sug'Boss, he's de fellow dat stands on dc Oh, yes; tha'.k you," said the old scenery. Mi»s Liuret lioykin. a most sack at each machine for the full gest a [minted stone or iron rod, or where floor and sorts. De big fellows gits up in Ten minutes before nine. attract to young lady of Atlanta, is Wlll There Ixi n Primary? which beearri. (off with him. Alfred gcntli practicable plant a tree. To foreeta'.: WIIKItK IIAVKTIIKV <iONE! de pulpit like yo'self, but we little felMay 1 wait here for h To Succeed Col. Frohel. Tnimblo in JJc( York News. spending' some lime with Miss White. answered and asked of is more or ijuestion two This dispute anv subsequent lows we stands on de floor, an' dey calls "I s'posc so, though this isn't a public Mr White's house is seen a small at least lifty til es a day by dillei nt per- the adjacent owners shoirid unite in tho MA.O:,-, Ai'gust 1. It is said that N. iu pot-licker preachers." Italic* of an Ancient Itar*. hotel" cupied by two young la- sons in Alhcn! nd, it A KENTUCKY MOW. planting of tlie comer. I would caution G. Harris, attorney for the Covington His honor sent him up six months to Ln Unprer.iNl»n*«d Sc«,..:^ 01 Meg-ro LAtior The boy thought this was smart, and Recent explorations in Spain by two They fro doo'l road n uistcrs against carelessness in de- and Macon railroad company, ha* been .'sort" in tho chaingang. Albany X ews The answt is always, In the Country IH.tricU. MAMSON, Ind., July .TO. Joseph Cain, Belgian scientists have resulted in some he chuckled loudly over it He did not alone; but seem absolutely without fear. know?" stroying or burving too deeplv these offered the vice presidency of the road lay or scat a gentlemen old the offer a of Relics discoveries. interesting very A large dug and a brace of pistols guard The fanners complain of scarcity of arr.ilroad engi.ieer, John Martin and :I:-WATCHMAS has persis- landmarks. Chicago Times. The and he has declined the offer. It is A Lamp when. Lndwlar Dl«<t prehistoric race have been found in great down the paper he held. thcmselv to live They entrance the labor. They say sufficient ilantation every for primaries ated tenlly Voss, T. John Capt that also rumored John Gcshomc, all ol Louisville, came abundafaco. ranging from tho stone age A fresh object of interest now awaits "I would like to write a note while 1 i and are ad red for their heroism i i down lo that of the bailelcctioi superintendent of the dummy line, has tourists at the Stamberg Lake, for on :an not be obtained for lov.i cr money. A Tr«t >f Goml Urecil here on the steamer Sunshine last eve- lo that of bronze and metals. These wait," said the caller; will you l-leare j int lliuiner ofllfl., Some ten mil In this section the new railroads, to iff. of managership general the ollered been BOVI <he of ne < is Traveling i,v h Sinking Mountain, envoi- ., , ,L._ ning. While on the street Cain attacked people, buried tl«ir dead not only in get me a piece of pape and tho Falls villing tostan:! by the The the road, to succed the late Col. B. W. the spot where the ill-fated King Lud- ffhich every able bodied negro is iloekbreeding: and whoever graves and cells, but also in great ope." ia> ha sunk seventy democratic' party. Then let as. have pri- gooil WIR, of Bavaria was drowned a memo ng, may be put down As a partial cause ch th Young Rowland, of this city, tore off his stones, lide or to the ntains. trobcl. to gO tO th. jars of burnt clay, accompanied by The boy did so, and as he handed f the trouble. Still this cannot be the riiC: pillar has been set up on which a i fact this ar Harrison badge and tried to take his .pieces of potterr and other articles of use them to the old gentlemen he coolly feet. Tho guests drvu out frequently, maries. If they wane the nejroes to I to well Ihe unique faro of an old lady name the candidates then no primaries is the places of summer resort, too. people amljcnjny stailike lamp burnscoutinously, night min cause, for the same condition of University. The The sheriff and vrrlue. This form of jar burial is said ring, watch and money. who lives ut the mountain. She has the thing. day. Tho number of visitors to flairs obtains all over the state, to a ind more in danger of making disadvantare l>een have examples and widespread very else?' "Anything Msj. Lamar Cobb is receiving a great raised a lurge fami'y in the pnrc mounand posse went aboard the boat to arxtcnt. greater or Ie ageous, or even ohji-c'.ionable, acquain- many found frmu Japan to Peru, These relics "1 would like tain air, which Knows no impurity, and "Yes." was Ihe reply, applications for catalogues of the the Bavarian highlands associated In the south-east is this especially tho rest Cain when all three resisted anil it nre fiipjioM-d to belong to that ancient tanceship than they an- nt their own University N. vt M.mtl.'. \S> to know the name of such a smart boy is surrounded by nn less than seven and feels confident that the with the last and more romantic years use, as many largo crops there h»ve had homes, from tha wrv fact that here all attendnnco bloody riot ensued. The Louisvillians racv \\hicli lived in Europe previous to as you." be to said is life King's late the of number The large. be will ed daughters. The irrcpressibli 3 be abandoned through scarcity of nellev. Irl Hicks, the St. Louis wcathrr the world meets on a mole familiar f.n.tthe Aryan immigration, ihe various The boy felt flattered by the wor". are now in jail. has a foot-head l.rophet, who has won a certain rcputa- iuc; nnd as every person u a stranger to will not bo as large as last year owing to growing most rapidly. Jfot only do ro labor. The postmaster at Hades, branches of which are known as Ilwrmns, "smart," and replied, with a Krn'ilicd press, ever advancing, the the faithful Bavarian flock in thousands limself a large farmer, toll the writer icy in his line, prophe ever.- other, (icoplo of doubtful character the increased age of admission and lion. Pelargiana. Ligurians, etc., accordins to smile, "I answer to the name of I'.illy evtn on ihe mountain ledges at Tallulah, matricuh of regulations rigid more to gaze at the fairy-like palaces, the ill- the other day that he had been compellnnd tnt Messrs: Scotield edify tha guests nd hot'' days for the middle of or reputation in their native places, often the country in which they lived. Sevy week with the Talullah Spray. It - " The storm periods, he s. slice, ed in |u.ssmK themselves.,ft for what The next step in advance is to reduce the starred monarch erected, but tourists oi ed to let the grass cat up three quarters eral skeletons were found adorned with Tbe "boss" came in, and seeing the i creditable little sheet and gives th will be about the f NKW Oiu.KA!?s,.iuly 30. The steam- silver and gold orcamenta. Or" of the they are not, in the cruwU of a watering number of trustees from 41 to 13. One all> nations, cspecialy English, and " his cro.>, and several other gentlemen stranger, cried out three and district congressional each from ike similar complaints. ;sin of the Falls. Iso Ihe sixth, and from then to the tifship Professor Morse, Captain ila/dee, most remarkable relics is n, female skull Americans are also finding their way "Why, Mr. Smith, how do you do? "[f the negro is not dying out in the nth or iwe.Ui' tlu Mr. Hicks says if All this is so thoroughly recognized at to the grand scores which now si from Central American ports, reports encircled by a band of silver, to which i* agricultural districts," said one proniiid excl-j escape these siornis We'lnay expect Newport and oilier lar>; altached a thin plate of the satne metal. King poor of memory the by haunted Hut Billy Thompson heard no more. Improvement! on the Campul. that tho late decree of the GanUmalan it planter, "where in thunder is he ? an^er. genteel summer resorts that : rcquenl and severe earthquake shock TIIK ItKIl HAIRED GlltlBrooklyn Eagle, Mr. hat. his for around looking was He He surely is not to be found." government abolishing the zona libra at otherwise, will find RTI at difficult Mr. Dave Kunney n busy repairing the Ludwig as by a phantom. Smith was the president of the'road, and This sentiment is gaining ground. Inxtantnnennft Intei-rat Indicator. milking any ac>iiuu'!tancei) among the old college building. The interior will Livingston and Santa Tomas, has • isucklen's Arnica Suive, Hilly heard him liter lo his s... rowPass through any portion of the Slat "summer people. * as they arc called. If be torn out and thoroughly remodelled, A machine by which the interest on Anyone needing a hoy of Hauler Hilly s SheMalma Uoud Wife A Street Scene In ated much consternation, »nd a large delThe bent Salve in the »ord f< TO OUR READERS. you please, and empty nepro cabins con friend to introduce him, and The old xater closets in the rear of tho any sum from tl'O.OOO to (1, from ton Bruifc*. Sores.Ulcers, Salt Kueu n,Kc- he have > no Atlienn. MmarU or.Aarue Sorely Cared I egation of principal merchants and for- year* to one day, at any rate per cent., peculiar "smartness" mighi secure him, need lette ' nt you on all sides. To those farmer* bring numanda demolished been have campus er Sores, Tetter. Ohai>|H-d Hanil f ,Chi! , In this broad assertion, we speak not the gay ty which he ber v ill be placed iu the college build je, to join 10 are largely dependent upon negro eign consuls started for the capital, July may be determined in thirty seconds, by as he is still out of employment. The red-haired girl is of ten and sovere- ilains Corns, and all Skin Kru pilon*. j n°l ior, the outlook is not very vcassurI v guyed, but she guts there all the same, md positively cures Piles, ornopay re- . es around him. D> is nly a spect \- ing wilh thorough drainage to empty falsely, but state positively, that these 2(Hh, to endeavor to have the decree dimply Inrninc a knob, lias been ] a ten tod. hotel at the down the Un yard branch. The sanita and all miasmatic poisons, can be raditor, and probably I. around the wound is sheet interest An red-haired a about |»Tf something (five is to 'i'hi-re guaranteed is It liiirtd. amended. d of Aiijriist, thoroughly disgusted ry condition of the campus will be im caly driven from the system, and a perrollers inside the machine, which are ro- A IIIFFICVI.TX AT TIIK NOICTIIKAKT- girl lhat compels attention, whether you atiMuctio r money rtlui:'Itil. I of Thousands guaranteed. euro mncnt vbich Icirriers linn l.ut invitililithe with . lit par Uur. tated by the knoln at the tide to stop at KUJI. see a while horsu or not. You have to proved in every respect 1MLITU-S IS IIWIXNETT. chronic cases, whose testimonials bear CI.AUKK'S IKCIIKASE. Mr. David E. sale by John Crawford X- Co have excluded him from the cliaruied the given amount desired, and piven rate look at red hair. You can't avoid it; evidence, have been cured by our infalcircle. Demorest's Monthly. ms, the Tax lleceiver, has kindly LA\U:KM I:\II.I.K. Ga, July .">0.--Tlio per cent., as .printed on the interest sheet, ::»,.. aii.l Keuil l>ni L-»;ist. TlieU..C. «N. and a red haired prl is like a lire you lible remedy, which contains neither qui furnished us with tho following figures II. Si. Prate lnB fro primary elecli'in gave Ccorg. II. .lonn" .hiaiKinion then appearing in the open CaptBeussc says the G..C.& K. is sol- nine, arsenic, or anything injurious. n regard to the increase in w.-«lth and in the left hand margin of the maAtlgtlrt l!Hr..». i I a:.-. t,,II iv.l-iimred girls make good Hed A The executive fifty-three mujoiity. clune. ThcMi the. smalt tablets on Two v,-:irs ago. when the dark Xapo- id. Tuesday he sent a number of tents Kull treatment free by old physician ol population of <0krkc county: 23K! polls, I Tin: man who told me marcommittee adjourned to tho "rst Tues- the face and across the center are thrown ThoTit at several en'.ri-s fur the two and cooking stoves to the camps near highest standing, also trial remedy sent an incrcas i of MO over 1887. Tuesday at noon a difficulty occurr- ried a red-haired girl, and I know he day In August to consolidate. Owing to ip wilh the point of the pencil, for the ed between Seaborn Dunstan and II. X. goes home early and is very attentive OUM walking match on tho 'ilrd of Au- 11 the Siberian const, the Ivsmiimaiui Chester. The train crossed the Catawba on receipt of address, to ASAUKL MK1> No. acres of land returned, - - 73,8(58. ust. All those who wish to enter ;encroiisly divided their stores with the iige Tuesday and track laying has be- ICAL BUREAU, 201 Broadway, N. Y - $Ga),42O. e of said land, - ! tho interest is to be coiuputed. Praler at the Northeastern depot. the committee lacking a majority, ti.e and devoted," writes a friend: their numes to Mr. Hugh lalf dozen survivors of that ill fared ves- gun this side the river. Graders will beest i| maySldlr. Value of city property, £2,131,765, an being done, the requ d Dunstan had been arrested for running | A white horse attached to a perambn- hould atJi»'e will be contested by.Iones' This election the post oflice The walk will sel. In return for their kindnesa nm[owe, n this side of Chester and the road will of thi ' irease of $137,."7ii over 1887. The toplain view. By the down lie to notion a took r»agon lating i Jake Maishil Deputy by tiger blind a friends. A great deal of interest is man- chine all ot the mental and three-fourths e pushed through. increase on all taxable property over ss expropriated if l.UOO to I«expended Arnold, of Jac -'on county, and on Mon- on liroad street last night. The driver omc oil' at the fair grounds, and will A* AbMEt-Mlnded lUllroiul Conductor. of the physical labor is dispensed with. day he was carried lo Gainesville to seized his head and some one caught his irobably draw a large crowd. 1887 is *2'J5,4".5. ifested in the result presents for them, «i«lli as firearms, The greenest man I ever saw on a It b quicker: than books or chart*, jt is stand a commitment trial before Com- tail but he would not budge. Then they A Ph rulclma from Iowa This is a good showing for Clarke cotton cloths. Hour, fish hu>>ks and other safer than books or charts, because you missioner G»ston. At Lola the party took off his harness, bui he wouldn't For FlntPlace. articles of practical value. The presents Dr. H. Hunk, Nevada, Iowa, states: railroad was a conductor of a surbnrban coutity and more especially for Athens. A neurosis HISSISSIITI. cannot we any figures bat tbone yon met II. N. Prater, who was returning gel up. A crowd gamered, and the manve bet n purchased and will U' ship|.ed A great amount of political engineer acticiog medicine fifteen lanenger train that I rode on from St. i practicin wish to pec. It keeps its own time. the. Esquimaux at the lirft fucorabla TS, and of all ibe medicine* I hare Jouis a few days ago. I guess he was from Gaioesvii!..-, where he (bad given luat-knows-hov-to-get-a-horse-up-quick ng will be done by friends of candidates KosciciKO, Miss., July 30. A shoot- Scientific American. t Method. o secure for their man the first place on opportunity. Philadelphia Tiuics. ever seen fur the bowels, Dr. Digger's a cousin of some big official and li:u h Checley, against case the in evidence horse The others. the with there was ly ing affray, in which the parties involved able a: well: i the most The Uuckle'ocrry Cordial is by far th* best. ived in the woods all his life. Some ipanied Deputy Collector looked at him sadly. "" Then a boy shout- the ticket, and the best man will probaStopped Ilia Paper. having if Then dispelling Headache, of place. method coveted the effective secure >ly ocline, color the of side esrh on ranged lo'w I had expended more money that ed that a red-headed girl as coming. BILL PLKDOEU OKV. Old Stevo Rridgeman, who has several Gantt when the latter captured Cbeeley Kedoced to«>20. curred here Friday night Mason Jones imes been alluded to in these column!; (till. Mr. Arnold asked Prater if he The horse rose instinctively and without endorsed by the majority of the people, ' had calculated upon and when I took Colds, and Fever, or cleansing the sys'.titters doses of tho pleisfew a Electric taking by is assured. is tem election the help, selling colored, was wounded, and Ike Jennings, is the meanest man in Arizona,-has stop- knew anything about Dunstan's A telegram was received in Athens my seat I found in my pocket but ; aut California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup The Colored Anil-Orator Flop*. las been put to the front, its merits passWhereupon I last evening stating that the railroad had iO-cent "shin puwter,"which I lia. colored, received a fatal wound, from led his paper because we di 1 not have whisky. He said "yes." 'f Figs. It acts gcntly,Jyet effectively, ed upon, has been endorsed, and unani, column editorial on the Fourth of Jn- he was served with a subponna, and rethe Pledger, Bill afternoon Yesterday decided to father reduce the fare to th* jreservedas a memento. When the con itrengtl ening the organs upon which it ttou-ly givun the first place, among remwhich he died next morning. y. He says we are no patriot and that turned to Gainesville and gave evidence edies peculiarly adapted to the relief rell known colored politician, went to barbecue at Suwannee to-day from $3.TO luctor came to take up tickets I hand acts, so that regular habits may be formSomething About U(btnln(. a roan who don't whoop 'er up for InJc against Dunstan. In the trial a case and cure o." all diseases of kidneys, liver lolice headquarters for the1 purpose of to £>.20. It is expected that quite a ed him this. I had pulled my hat ovo a 1. Manufactured only by tho Califorwas made against Dunstan, and ho was MRS. SHITII'S CONDITION'. negroes the of icndence Day is a cnssed rebel. forsome bond a arranging ,y, S: San Francisco, Here are some proverbs about light- and stomach. Electric Bitters, being irho were arrested during yesterday large party will go from this city to par- my eye* iu a negligent way, but judg nia Fie Syrup Company, We have scratched his name off the bound over under a bond of $160. ticipate in the feslivites. They may re- of my surprise to hear the three fainil Wad & Sledge, For sale by Wade A-ri.ASfA.July 3O. Hrs.Bnrton Smith ist, and if he doesn't quit lying about A party returned from Gainesville ning which may-not be untimely today: guaranteed, is a stfe investment Price jiorning's trouble on Pecatur street ly upon having a glorious time. Wr. and |1 per bottle at John CrawLightning brings heat .ti clicks and those repeated twice whole ile and retail druggist/, Athens, has more fever to-day than for Mfcral ns we'll scratch hi* carcas* off face yesterday. Dunston was much eniaged a preached and excited was Pledger Georgia. If there be lightning wilhout thunder ford & Go's, drug store. with Prater, and was -T-rbeard to make Then he walked away. I looked at liin When It Wows BastaM. ittle to the crowd of negroes who had days, and the temperature went up to if the earth. threats against him on the train. Up to afler a clear day there will be a contin. 'ollowed him to *.h>) siation house. He in astonishment and asked him to stay 103; but in other respects her condition (%"As to the Fourth of July, we were and since the trial he had said nothing to uance of fair weather. The K. 8 Celebration. The Athens Banner-Watchman endorPeople who Travel >orn on that day. As to patriotism we've said: yoi arc world the in "What hand. liis K.irk ll;litnlng for the Supreme ia much better than it was last week, got more in our Keels than. Old Steve Prater, and was in apparently jood The Sunday School celebratn i out at Change of climate or water very often "(just want to live to take the stump ses Hon. I'ratt Adams ..._-.. The next ilay clt_. in a leaded editorial. This i* the punching holes in that 50-cent jiiee< affect tho hovels s«-.-ionsly. If on tho and she is free from tho delirium which could hold in his whole body. Th'e man humor. Immediately on the arrival of Lightning in the north indicates rain Salem, in Oconee county, was a great rgainst barrooms and in favor of prohi- bench h "Why," change." njy me Give [or? success. Twelve schools were represen bition. The negroes were better off dur- highest compliment that the Banner first symptoms of nny disturbance yon rho intimates that we don't take off our the noon train,howover, Dunstan, accom- i twenty-four hours. was so distressing then. When the replied inocently, "I thought that was would tike Dr. liiggtrs Huckleberry have paid the jurist Kat every time we hear the name of panied by Mr. Kugcne Borders, his Lightning under the North Star will ted, and each of the scholars made reci ing prohibition, if there were a few blind could tations Dr. Hester presided and Miss tigers in town then, than they are Athens paper leads an editorial it means cue of those now style lithograph tick Cordial much suffering might be saved Washington is a liar and a horse thief. brother-in-law, abused Prater for having bring rain m three days. business. Augusta Chronicle , ets good for fifty miles and you wan tec Our editorial on the Fourth was a solid testified against him. Summer lightning in the north is a 1'atlie Price, the accomplished danghtei of Mr. Weldorn Price of our city, mad< to ride it out." StLouis l'ost-l>isWords soon came to bbws, when sign of heat Pledger's remarks astonished his hearBOME, July 30. The Poj^ telagraphed chunk of patriotism weighting twentyA New EiilrrprUa. The Paper Mill*. drew a long six shooter and S, as he had nude many wet speeches , patch. In Georgia, lightning in the south, low a beautiful talk. Fully a .thousand visootBrratuUtions to the Kmperor of Ger- five pound*, but was crowded out to Prater Hr. P. V. Kolb will open a candy fac itors were present, and a delightful bas- during the last prohibition campaign, and j Mr. W. D. Grifieth took stock at the make room for the advtrtisemnnt headed struck Dunstan a heavy blow over the on the honion, indicates dry weather. tory in Athens, and manufacture all kinds raaky on the birth of * son, born to him ,How to Care a Bad Breath. We know eye, cutting a severe gash. About this Capt. enjoyed greatly was dinner ket Scotland. In Snowfall ' leader anti-prohibition recognized a was the appeal this finds lightning and of flashes Tuesday the Hills When Paper candies and ship these to nil nointa and the Empress, and receivd m reply our gait, and we think »e know the lime the bus passed, and Prater called to very pile it argues the air to be full of W. A. McOow.ll and Mr. W. K. Francis among the negroes. Evening Journal. For the hat ten days the wither ha of divicompany will be able to declare of the country. Mr. Kviw IIBI been in dend. He is making food paper and been bitterly cold in some parts u the business for a number of years, and thanking him for this new proof of his great need of most of our towns-people. Capt. W. D. O'Farrell. Several gentle- waterish mists; and if red and fiery, in represented Athens. At to Old Steve Bridgeman, we ale ex- men jumped out of the bus, and going dining to winds and tempests. afternoo yesterday and Inverness-shire, figures. paying at readily selling The Old CenUml. comes well recommended. fritodahip. pecting two or three of his six or (even up they found the three men clinched. then was a fresh fall of snow on th If there be sheet lightnine with a clear i>r*i>t>i>«» The old favorite, the Central hotel of wive* to drop in on us any d«y and furn- Capt. O'Farrell caught the pistol, and sky in the evening, expect heavy rains A discovery was made at the Pratt Grampian range. Snow completely cover Makes the lives pf many people misera- Augusta, is now under the inanigeuient RC IMItS'NT WAKT IT. Sre art Weed and Belladorna, combinish u* some powerful good reading mat- took it away. Prater got in the bus and Lightning In summer indicates goo< ble, and often leads to self-destruction. of Geo. T. Goodwin, for many years mines where Sy the escape of 400 con- ed th* Glenfeshie hills, and in th ed with the other ingredients used in InniANArous, loi^Jn\j »). E^-Gov- ter. Don't be uneasy, Stephen we'll came up town. Dunstan and Borders healthy weather. We know of no remedy for dyspepsia steward of the Planters hotel. The hotel victs was frustrated. It was ascertained Cornea last night it lay to a depth the porous plaster, make (Carter's S. \V. Lightning in spring indicates a gooi more successful than Hood's Sursaparill*. is kept in first class style. The tablets by the miner* that only a few hundred six inches, At 7 o'clock last night th wtior Porter's letter declining the nom pet to you in a few days." Arizona walked on towards bis home on Prince wu a renewed fall. The thermometer I & B- Backache Plasters the best in tha avenue. fruit year. It acts gently, yet surely and efficiently kept up to the standard. Hates $:!. per feet of earth intervened between them registered 47 on the grass at 4 o'clocK market. Price 25 cents. ina jon for Governor has caused a de- Kicker. ; Later in the day Dunstan swore out Lightning lala in the fall or early in tones the stomach and other organs, reGOOUWIN & Co. Woprietor.8 and daylight, and they determined to registered A Liberal Ottr. day. tided sensation in political circles, as hi* warrants against Prater for assault with winter indicates warm weather. yesterday morning. The effect on the discovwere but out, themselves tunnel * creates feeling, faint the moves One gentleman in Athens offered a intent to kill, and for carrying concealed It. Have Must be will Scotland in moors principal nomination was looked upon as definiteered when only about three feet 6f being good appetite, cares headache and refresh 11,000 yesterday morning toward the weapoaa. disastrous. Pall Hall Gaietto, July 11. The pa&t summer has taught the busiis the burdened mind. Give Hood's Sarsa free again. right of way for the C. & It. Others ness men of Athens that the banking parilla a fair trial. It you good. will do as much, all will do in proportion He Will Ran. In this issue appears the announceAonoeu Mourn. Tbe Blnegnww Counter. facilities of tlm city are not equal to tho yield will forma wont its in Dyspepsia to their mean* rather than have the «tigtreasurcounty for Orr C. J. Dr. of ment Capt Ned I.ester, of the Julius Cohei Hits. Wr*su>w'B SOOTHIVO SI-HOT John H. Jones, Tnttle, Ky., writes: I demand. Athens ia growing, and tho to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, *aa of repudiation affixed to our city's should alwavs be used for children teeth' reel company. So. C, will run any of the I '»"nerc " m»ny fo s of nervous di er. Dr. Orr ia an old citixcn of Athens, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pill* have been selling medicine foi seventeen way to help U grow is to have money fair name. the same race bility m men that yield to the use o and be needs no comments from us. compan ing. It soothes tlie child, softens the Athens colored companies present distress years, I pronounce Dr. Digger's Huck- that can be had on good collateral. By relieve only not They are who Those Pills. Iron Carter's in peoplo the served has He gums, allays all pain,, cures /rind colic that they ran in Washington. There is Track laying on the C. & M. has been and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. some dissaiifaction about the tie, and troubled with nervnni weakness nigh many capacities, and has a gilt edge bond but strengthen the stomach and digestiv leberry Cordial the best I ever sold, U all means let us have another bank. Our give* joy to every mother. busmeoa requires it apparatus. duHMDtinnnd pending th* contemplated sweats, etc, shouli1 try them. if successful. they tie willing to run it over. ml. a bottk ehiag* of th* root*.
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