Approved by Integrated Joint Board at the meeting held on 2 April 2015 Minutes of East Ayrshire Shadow Integration Board 3pm, Thursday 26 March 2015 Robert Burns Suite, Burns Monument Centre, Kilmarnock Present: Mr Ian Welsh, Non-Executive, NHS A&A (Chair) Councillor Tom Cook, EA Council Councillor Maureen McKay, EA Council Mr Alistair McKie, Non-Executive, NHS A&A Mr Eddie Fraser, Director of Health and Social Care Partnership Mr Iain Smith, Public Partnership Forum Mr Gordon McKay, Staffside Representative, NHS A&A Ms Kathy Morrice, EA Council In Attendance: Ms Margaret Phelps, Corporate Officer, EA HSCP Dr Erik Sutherland, Senior Manager of Planning and Performance, EA HSCP Ms Annemargaret Black, Head of Community Health and Care Services, EA HSCP Mr Jim Lyon, Acting Head of Service for Children, Families and Criminal Justice Services, EA HSCP Mrs Pamela Milliken, Head of Primary Care and Out of Hours Community Response Services, EA HSCP Mr Alex McPhee, Senior Manager of Finance, EA HSCP Dr Sonya Scott, Consultant in Public Health, NHS A&A Mr Craig McArthur, Head of Finance, EAC Ms Amanda McInnes, Senior Business Support Manager, EA HSCP Miss Rebecca Hannah, Committee Secretary (Minutes) 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS 1.1 In Cllr Reid’s absence, Mr Welsh took the position as chair. Action 1.2 Mr Welsh welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2.1 Apologies for the meeting were received from Douglas Reid, Iain Linton, Alison Graham, Eddie Docherty, Fiona Lees, Alex McPhee, Derek Lindsay, Jennifer Elliot, Catherine Bingham, Susan Taylor, Shiona Johnston and Eunice Johnstone. 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 24 FEBRUARY 2015 3.1 The Board approved the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 February 2015. Mr McKie proposed and Cllr Cook seconded the minutes. 1 Approved by Integrated Joint Board at the meeting held on 2 April 2015 4. MATTERS ARISING 4.1 Item 7.3, Primary Care Prescribing – Analysis of Current Overspend – members noted the matters arising paper which was included in the meeting papers. Mr McPhee provided a response to Cllr McKay’s request for further information regarding the overspend in the primary care prescribing budget. Mr Welsh informed members this will return to the Integrated Joint Board (IJB) at a later date for full discussion. 4.2 Item 10.3, Management Structure – Mr McKay clarified that as noted in the minutes the NHS A&A Employee Director attended a meeting between the Head of Service Groups however, there was no consultation or discussion with Trade Unions regarding changes to management structure within NHS A&A. 5. STRATEGIC PLAN 5.1 Mr Fraser brought the Strategic Plan and background papers to members for endorsement to enable the IJB to adopt the Strategic Plan at the meeting on 2 April 2015. 5.2 Mr Fraser discussed the Strategic Plan document with members noting minor changes in supporting documents. 5.3 Cllr Cook queried if the Board were being ambitious enough to increase the percentage of children in primary 1 with no obvious dental decay experience from 63.9% to 64% by 2018. Ms Milliken was asked to contact the Dental Management Team and provide an update. Cllr McKay felt it PM would be beneficial for the Board to have information on the National targets for information. 5.4 Cllr McKay sought clarity on the impact of changes in targets of Alcohol and Drugs Prevention to the spending budgets of the IJB. Mr Fraser advised that budgets have been developed to reflect the expected outcomes of the prevention work which has been successful in improving drug and alcohol use in East Ayrshire. 5.5 Mr Fraser clarified that if the IJB adopt the Strategic Plan on 2 April 2015 the Board is required to publish the document. The IJB can be asked to review the document if both parent bodies together find infringement of any strategies which may affect the parent body. 5.6 Mr Welsh congratulated and thanked Mr Fraser and the teams who participated in the development of the Strategic Plan. 5.7 The Board agreed the recommendations to; (i) Endorse the Strategic Plan and supporting documents attached at Appendix 1; (ii) Submit the Strategic Plan to the Integration Joint Board meeting on 2 April 2015; (iii) Agree the process for the confirmation of the Strategic Planning Group membership, and; (iv) Otherwise note the content of the report. 2 Approved by Integrated Joint Board at the meeting held on 2 April 2015 6. FINANCE 6.1 Due Diligence – Mr McPhee discussed the details of the due diligence processes that have been applied to the creation of the consolidated East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership budget for the 2015/16 financial year. Mr McKay sought clarity regarding responsibility for overspends. At the EA SIB Development Day members were advised that each individual partner would be responsible for overspends, Mr McKay questioned if this indicated that one parent body could radically change a service without the agreement of the IJB. Mr Fraser confirmed that the IJB will be responsible for the management of services in the partnership. Mr Fraser also noted that the Scottish Government (SG) have been explicit when previously allocating funding to parent bodies that is to be used for the integration of Health and Social Care and expects this to continue. Cllr McKay continued this query seeking clarity that any allocation from the SG would be ringfenced for the HSCP. Mr Fraser advised that any funding will be allocated through the statutory partners; usually this would be processed using a Chief executives letter. There has been a Director’s letter which should enable funding allocations to be made through parent bodies to the partnership in future. The Board agreed the recommendations to; i) Note the due diligence processes that have been applied to the creation of the consolidated East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership budget for the 2015/16 financial year. ii) Note that this report will be tabled at the first meeting of the Integration Joint Board on 2 April 2015 for endorsement and iii) Otherwise note the content of the report. 6.2 Financial Regulations – Mr McPhee advised members of Financial Regulations that have been prepared for the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership. Mr Fraser noted the importance of the Financial Regulations and the responsibility of managing the IJB budget. It is noted within the document there is scope to transfer money between services, this has been carried out in the past for example when working on complex care home packages and to support hospital discharge. Mr Fraser advised that the limit of these transactions will be up to £100,000, if the amount exceeds £100,000 it would be brought before Board members for endorsement and would include Directors of Finance from both parent bodies. A form of revised wording for paragraph 31 of the Financial Regulations was circulated and agreed. Members agreed the recommendations to; i) Approve the Financial Regulations as detailed in Appendix 1 and note that this report will be tabled at the first meeting of the Integration Joint Board on 2 April 2015 for endorsement and ii) Otherwise note the content of the report. 3 Approved by Integrated Joint Board at the meeting held on 2 April 2015 7. INTEGRATED CARE FUND 7.1 Dr Sutherland sought approval from members for the continuation of certain Reshaping Care for Older People (RCOP) initiatives under the Integrated Care Fund (ICF) in 2016/16 and to seek approval for proposed investment of the ICF in a number of new areas in 2015/16. 7.2 Dr Sutherland advised members that a Ministerial announcement confirmed the ICF will be available for a further two years. Members welcomed the funding however, felt that if this had been known sooner organisations bidding for funding could have created projects which could have been more sustainable. 7.3 Mr Welsh thanked Dr Sutherland, Ms Phelps and Mrs Johnston and their teams for their work. 7.4 The Board agreed the recommendations to; i) Agree the continued investment in successful Reshaping Care for Older People Change Fund initiatives under the Integrated Care Fund; ii) Agree the investment of the Integrated Care Fund detailed in the report; iii) Receive six-monthly progress reports on the Integrated Care Fund, and; iv) Otherwise note and comment on the report. 8. DRAFT AGENDA INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD MEETING 2 APRIL 2015 – Members noted the agenda for the first formal meeting of the IJB on 2 April 2015. 8.1 APPOINT CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR OF IJB – Members noted the report. Mr Welsh will be chair and a nominee from East Ayrshire Council will be vice chair of the IJB until the local government elections in 2017. 8.2 The Board agreed the recommendations to; (i) (ii) Note the arrangements for appointing the chair and vice chair of the Integration Joint Board - note Ian Welsh as the first Chair of the Integration Joint Board and note Councillor Douglas Reid will be nominated by the Council as the first Vice Chair of the Integration Joint Board ; and Otherwise note the content of the report. 9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 There was no other business. 10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 3PM, THURSDAY 2 APRIL 2015, CVO, BELFORD MILL, 16 BREWERY ROAD, KILMARNOCK KA1 3HZ Chair ………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………… 4
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