Domek Logistics, LLC 265 Exchange Drive, Suite 206 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Ph: 815.526.3500 Fx: 847.829.3744 CREDIT APPLICATION (page 1 of 3) COMPANY INFORMATION: Company Name (EXACT LEGAL NAME): Address: City/State/Zip: Federal Tax ID Number: Phone: Fax: Accounts Payable Contact Name: Accounts Payable Email Address: Accounts Payable Phone: Company Website: CHECK ONE: q Corporation CHECK ONE: q Partnership q Sole Proprietor q LLC Other/Explain: _____________________________________________ CHECK ONE: Estimated Annual Sales: Parent Company Info (If different from above): Name: Address: City/State/Zip: OWNER/SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION: (This section must be completed) Name: Title: % Ownership: Name: Title: q Publicly Held If Privately-Held, will you supply financial statements on a confidential basis if needed to establish credit? Year Established/Incorporated or Years in Business: Number of Employees: q Privately Held % Ownership: q Yes q No Domek Logistics, LLC 265 Exchange Drive, Suite 206 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Ph: 815.526.3500 Fx: 847.829.3744 CREDIT APPLICATION (page 2 of 3) REFERENCES: BANK (Please include operating bank and credit line bank, if different. Attach separate sheet if needed): Bank Name: Address: Loan Officer / Bank Contact: Phone: Fax: Email address: Account Number(s): Credit Line: TRADE (Please include vendors with significant credit level activity.): 1) Company Name: Payment Terms: Contact: Address: Phone: Fax: 2) Company Name: Payment Terms: Contact: Address: Phone: Fax: 3) Company Name: Payment Terms: Contact: Address: Phone: Fax: Domek Logistics, LLC 265 Exchange Drive, Suite 206 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Ph: 815.526.3500 Fx: 847.829.3744 CREDIT APPLICATION (page 3 of 3) I understand that the above information is given for the purpose of obtaining credit and hereby authorize the bank and trade references above to release the requested information. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is complete and accurate as of the date of this application. COMPANY NAME: SIGNER’S NAME: DATE: TITLE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:
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