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Sustainable Solutions in Structural Engineering and Construction
Edited by Chantawarangul, K., Suanpaga, W., Yazdani, S., Vimonsatit, V., and Singh, A.
Copyright © 2014 ISEC Press
ISBN: 978-0-9960437-0-0
Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Dept of Industrial Engineering, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Soekarno-Hatta Airport is the main gateway for international flights, particularly to
Greater Jakarta. Currently, it serves more than 44 million passengers per year, which
causes accessibility problems due to the high volume of vehicles. A toll road still
remains the main access to the airport, and in peak hours there is congestion and timetravel uncertainty. Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Rail Link (SHIARL) is an
alternative mass-transportation project to provide accessibility and mobility for people
and goods to the airport. So far, the project is still unable to attract private investors
due to a lack of technical and financial feasibility. This research aims to develop a
conceptual design of SHIARL by using the value-engineering approach for a
comprehensive study to realize this project. This research used quantitative and
qualitative methods through questionnaire surveys distributed to various stakeholders
related to the project, and focus group discussion (FGD). The results identified
additional functions for innovation through the integration of Mass Rapid Transit
(MRT), flood control, telecommunications, and development in the downtown area of
the station. These functions were then analyzed by using life-cycle cost analysis to
show the value for money of the project.
Keywords: Airport train, Innovation, Infrastructure, Project feasibility, Transportation,
Value for money.
Infrastructure plays a significant role in accelerating a nation’s economic growth. The
capability of a country to provide infrastructure becomes a prerequisite to stimulate and
sustain targeted economic growth. Railway infrastructure has been claimed to
contribute to national economic development as much as 41.20% of transportationsector investment (Dikun 2010). The private sector is expected to contribute about
51.20% of the total financial of the railway project.
Greater Jakarta faces various hurdles to transportation development, including
devastating annual floods during the rainy season, resulting in periodically-limited
accessibility to the airport, which depends largely on the intercity and Sediyatmo
highways. This dependency also leads to congestion and travel time uncertainty during
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Chantawarangul, K., Suanpaga, W., Yazdani, S., Vimonsatit, V., and Singh, A. (Eds.)
peak morning and evening commuting hours. In 2011, the length of roads in Jakarta
was about 6,866 km, which then increased to 6,955 km in 2012 (Ministry of Public
Works 2013). With 1,000 new private vehicles sold every day in Jakarta (Directorate
Traffic of Jakarta Metropolitan Police 2013), road infrastructure is soon overburdened.
Thus rail-based mass transportation is required as an alternative solution to alleviate
traffic jams and reduce carbon emissions from vehicles.
A recent railway project in Indonesia, particularly for urban development, is Mass
Rapid Transit (MRT). Jakarta planned for 110.8 km, dividing the city into north and
south corridors (MRT Jakarta, 2014), including the Soekarno–Hatta International
Railway Link (SHIARL). The SHIARL project’s feasibility was first investigated in
2002 by PT.RAILINK, and offered to investors in Infrastructure Summits in 2005 and
2006. However, due to failure in the financial feasibility, the project could not attract
private investors. The status of SHIARL project has been downgraded from ready-tooffer to priority project.
Key success factors in mega-infrastructure projects depend on the feasibility of the
offered project as determined by a significant “Value for Money” factor (Jin and Zhang
2010). Value for Money (VfM) is defined as an optimum utilization of public funds for
infrastructure project by combining innovation in engineering, financial, and private
investor involvement (Grimsey and Lewis 2007). VfM in this research was obtained
through a Value Engineering (VE) approach, started by seeking additional functions
that could be integrated into the project. VE is a proven method to generate an
optimum outcome in terms of quality (Woodhead and Berawi 2007), efficiency (Berawi
and Woodhead 2008) and innovation (Berawi and Susantono 2013). The result is
expected to produce an innovative conceptual design to address problems in Greater
Jakarta and also provide significant value for money for investors.
This research employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Quantitative approaches are characterized by the use of control variables and objectivity
that in this case were conducted through a questionnaire survey and Life Cycle Cost
(LCC) analysis. The questionnaires were distributed through online (softcopy) and
offline (mail/hardcopy), with the objective of identifying the stakeholders’ perception
on the ideas generated by the value-engineering process. The offline questionnaire
respondents were from government institutions and companies related to infrastructure
development, including PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI), PT Railink, Ministry of Public
Works, PT IIGF, Bappenas, and others. The online questionnaires were sent to the
respondents via e-mail to 6 (six) mailing groups of practitioners from construction
industries and value engineers in Indonesia.
The qualitative approach (Creswell 1998) was conducted by using a participatory
action research (participative action), critiquing implicit assumptions, and allowing for
the learning process (Carr and Kemmis 1986) combined with “grounded theory”
(Strauss and Corbin 1998) through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). FGD was
conducted as a validation and verification method in order to gain more inputs from
various stakeholders of SHIARL project on the findings. FGD involved various
stakeholders related to the project, e.g., Directorate of Renewable Energy of the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, PT Rail Link, Society of the Indonesian
Sustainable Solutions in Structural Engineering and Construction
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Value Engineers (HAVE-I) and others. Furthermore, the evaluation of LCC was
conducted using the discounted payback method, considering the comparison between
current and future value of money represented by NPV and IRR values.
The questionnaire survey process took a month with 32 returned questionnaires. The
largest percentage of respondents (43%) works for private companies, and the secondlargest for government agencies.
Table 1. Additional functions from questionnaire survey.
Additional Functions for SHIARL Project
Electricity Generation (solar, kinetic energy)
Area Development (residential, business center)
City Check–In
Cargo Services
Respondent Replies
More than 50% of the respondents were post-graduate degree holders, and 26% of them
held managerial and general-director positions.
Figure 1. FAST diagram of SHIARL.
These functions were then developed into a conceptual design for a multi–function
tunnel, called the Public Railways and Storm-water Infrastructure (PRASTI) Tunnel.
The PRASTI Tunnel is designed to deal with congestion and flood problems in Greater
Jakarta and improve accessibility to the airport. The tunnel itself would be divided into
three levels: the first level serves as flood control, the second serves as airport
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Chantawarangul, K., Suanpaga, W., Yazdani, S., Vimonsatit, V., and Singh, A. (Eds.)
accessibility through SHIARL, and the third is expected to increase public transport
through MRT lane. The concept of cross-section visualization of PRASTI Tunnel is
shown in Figure 2.
Storm Water
Figure 2. Cross-section of PRASTI tunnel.
Figure 3. Route concept of the project.
The SHIARL route will span 38.5 kilometers and connect Halim Airport in eastern
Jakarta with Soekarno–Hatta Airport by using the median of the intercity toll road. The
route would be divided into three sections: The first would be Halim Airport to Dukuh
Atas, with elevated lanes for 12 kilometers. The second would be Dukuh Atas to toll
road Sedyatmo, near Pluit, built as the PRASTI Tunnel stretching 9 kilometers, with an
estimated depth of around 25–40 meters underground. The third would be toll road
Sedyatmo, near Pluit, to Soekarno–Hatta Airport, with elevated lanes for 17.5
kilometers. The route selection also considers flood-area mapping in Jakarta, and links
the West Flood Canal to Pluit Reservoir. Details of the route can be seen in Figure 3.
Cost estimate for the construction project comprises two calculations: 1) initial costs
plus operational and maintenance costs of the elevated SHIARL; 2) initial costs plus
operational and maintenance costs of the PRASTI Tunnel. The calculation for the
PRASTI Tunnel has been divided into four functions: transportation, flood control,
telecommunications, and commercial area. Comparisons for unit prices for the tunnel
projects were gathered from benchmarking various tunnels in the world, e.g., the
SMART Tunnel in Malaysia and the Channel Tunnel in UK. Meanwhile, revenue from
the project consists of four functions: Passenger MRT, Airport Passenger Train,
Potential Commercial Area Underground, and Fiber Optics.
The result of calculation of the initial cost for the elevated train is 9.33 trillion
rupiah, with operational and maintenance costs around 204.51 billion rupiah per year.
Meanwhile, the transportation function in PRASTI Tunnel is comprised of 1) initial
costs valued at 894.89 billion rupiah, and O&M costs of about 12.89 billion rupiah per
year. On the other hand, the initial cost of flood control will be 15.71 trillion rupiah,
with annual O&M costs of 78.55 billion rupiah.
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Sustainable Solutions in Structural Engineering and Construction
Since fiber-optic construction is anticipated to be around 152.96 million rupiah/km,
the 9 km fiber-optic construction in the PRASTI Tunnel will cost about 1.38 billion
rupiah. Fiber-optic O&M costs require 11.4 million rupiah/km/cable/year, thus O&M
costs for the PRASTI Tunnel fiber optics will be 102.60 million rupiah per year.
Furthermore, there will be 5,600 m2 of commercial area development located
underground, divided into 6 MRT underground stations and the Dukuh Atas station.
Considering that construction costs in Jakarta are around 24 million rupiah/m2, the
construction cost for commercial area is anticipated to be about 3.6 trillion rupiah. If
operational costs are assumed to be about 2% of the initial cost, then the O&M cost will
be around 73.47 billion rupiah. A summary of the analysis can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Summary of LCC analysis.
Function Components
SHIARL, Elevated
a. Transportation Function
Airport Train
b. Flood Control Function
c. Telecommunication function
d. Commercial Area Function
Construction Cost
9,331.93 Billion
O&M Cost for 27 years
204.51 Billion
423.95 Billion
470.93 Billion
15,710.84 Billion
1.38 Billion
3,673.71 Billion
29,612.74 Billion
5.98 Billion
6.92 Billion
78.55 Billion
0.10 Billion
73.47 Billion
369.53 Billion
The SHIARL-PRASTI feasibility analysis consists of three scenarios based on the
assumption of its potential passenger use. Based on the LCC analysis, additional
functions in SHIARL + PRASTI Tunnel contribute to the increased value of IRR. The
project is thus confirmed to be technically and financially viable. Furthermore, these
additional functions not only improve the feasibility of the project in terms of economic
value, but also provide benefit to the community by reducing floods in Jakarta area.
The comparison of NPV and IRR value between no–additional function of SHIARL
and SHIARL–PRASTI Tunnel is shown in Table 3.
Value engineering (VE) has been widely applied to produce optimum result for projects
development by proposing innovative ideas. Innovation for the SHIARL project is
gained through additional functions comprised of the following items: 1) Passenger
MRT, 2) Airport Passenger Train, 3) Potential Commercial Area Underground, and 4)
Fiber Optics. Life-Cycle Cost analysis is divided into two components: SHIARL
elevated and PRASTI Tunnel. Construction cost for the SHIARL elevated is around
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Chantawarangul, K., Suanpaga, W., Yazdani, S., Vimonsatit, V., and Singh, A. (Eds.)
9,331.93 billion rupiah, and the O&M cost is around 204.51 billion rupiah. The
PRASTI Tunnel construction cost is about 20,280.81 billion rupiah, and the O&M cost
around 165.02 billion rupiah. The analysis in this paper also produces a positive NPV,
with 7.53% of IRR for 20% demand, 9.75% of IRR for 30% demand, and 11.61% of
IRR for 40% demand.
The research is fully supported by research grants from University of Indonesia and Ministry of
Education, Republic of Indonesia.
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