1 F 2 1a 1b 4a 5a 6a 1300 3975 A C U 5 35 /S 71 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 46 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 60 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 46 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 46 3x 20 3x 20 C U C U C U C U C STAIR 4 (-1 to 0) Precast Staircase 20 X 170mm Risers 19 X 275mm Treads 19 X 250mm Goings TYPE A TYPE A B TYPE B 5 35 /S 71 3x 20 3x 20 TYPE A C U 1350 C U C U C U C U C U 5 35 /S 71 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 86 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 71 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 89 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 60 3x 20 3x 20 5000 TYPE A TYPE A TYPE A 200 150 C C U C U C U C U C U C U 5 35 /S 86 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 73 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 71 3x 20 3x 20 5 35 /S 73 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 97 5x 30 5x 30 5 35 /S 46 3x 20 3x 20 A 5000 A TYPE C TYPE C TYPE C D C U C U C U C U C U 5 35 /S 89 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 89 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 73 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 89 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 89 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 46 3x 20 3x 20 200 C U 150 400 7500 200 TYPE D TYPE D E C U C U C U C U 55 S3 7/ 10 4x 25 4x 25 55 S3 7/ 10 4x 25 4x 25 5 35 /S 89 4x 25 4x 25 55 S3 7/ 10 4x 25 4x 5 35 /S 73 4x 25 4x B25's 200mm CENTRES BOTTOM BOTH WAYS 25 25 C U 2750x2750x600 DP B16s 200mm CENTRES BOTTOM BOTH WAYS TYPE D 300 TYPE A 1250x1250x450 DP B25's 175mm CENTRES BOTTOM BOTH WAYS REINFORCEMENT TYPE B 3000x3000x600 DP B25's 200mm CENTRES BOTTOM BOTH WAYS SIZE TYPE C 3250x3250x600 DP TYPE PAD FOUNDATION TABLE Foundation Plan ~ 1:50 2250 TYPE D 7500 STAIR 1 (-1 to 0) Bespoke Staircase 14 X 170mm Risers 13 X 275mm Treads 13 X 250mm Goings B 600mm THICK REINFORCED RAFT FOUNDATION WITH RECESS FOR LIFT PIT WITH CHAMFERED SIDE WALLS TO ACCOMMODATE DEPTH OF PIT B TYPE C TYPE C TYPE C 300 3 E 4 5 6 D 7 8 C 220 900 922 628 717 7400 4775 4775 6450 1550 3000 865 300 300 F C U C U C U C U C U 25 25 55 55 2300 S3 7/ 10 4x 25 4x S3 7/ 55 5 35 /S 10 4x 73 4x 25 4x 25 S3 7/ 5 35 /S 10 4x 71 3x 25 4x 4x 25 25 20 3x 20 G 300 1750 H 3 38 2800 K C SPLAYED CONCRETE COUNTERFORT U 71 3x 20 3x 250 20 /S 5 35 52 5 35 /S 20 71 3x 20 3x C U 60 3x 5 35 /S /S 5 35 35 /S 5 35 /S 46 5 /S 35 5 /S 5 35 /S 46 3x 20 46 3x 3x 20 20 3x 46 3x 20 20 C U 3x 3x 20 20 52 3x 3x C U 20 20 3x C U 20 CANTILEVER BEAM FROM ADJACENT RETAINING WALL 300x900mm DEEP C U 3x 20 3x 20 SPLAYED CONCRETE COUNTERFORT C U 20 3x 20 SPLAYED CONCRETE COUNTERFORT C U SPLAYED CONCRETE COUNTERFORT SPLAYED CONCRETE COUNTERFORT C SPLAYED CONCRETE COUNTERFORT U CANTILEVER BEAM FROM ADJACENT RETAINING WALL 300x900mm DEEP 35 5 F E D General Notes: G1 This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all relevant Architect's and Engineer's drawings and specifications. All materials and workmanship are to comply with the Contract Specifications, National/EU Codes of Practice as well as Local Authority requirements where applicable. G2 Please do not scale this drawing. All dimensions are in millimetres unless noted otherwise. All details and dimensions, particularly those relating to existing structure, are to be checked or verified onsite by the Contractor/Subcontractor prior to commencement of construction/fabrication. Any discrepancies are to be reported to the Engineer and/or Architect. G3 For final setting out information such as gridline to wall alignment please refer to the Architects drawings. G4 Routing of all mechanical and electrical services should be as defined by the M&E Engineer and Architect. All horizontal and vertical penetrations/openings in new and existing structure must be agreed with the Structural Engineer before construction. G5 The contractor must not undermine or compromise the integrity of any existing substructure or superstructure. The Contractor is responsible for all temporary works design (unless noted otherwise) but should consult the Structural Engineer with any sequence or overall building stability queries. Foundation Notes: F1 The Contractor must not undermine any existing substructure. If the proposed founding depth is lower than existing adjacent substructure the Structural Engineer should be consulted to determine underpinning requirements. F2 Depth of bearing strata and safe ground bearing capacity is as defined in the ground investigation information. The bearing strata is to be verified on site to the satisfaction of the Structural Engineer or Building Control. Substructure must not be founded in made ground and must have minimum penetration of 300mm into the bearing strata identified in the ground investigation. All foundation excavations are to be clean, flat and dry before concrete is poured. F3 All unreinforced foundations to be in concrete grade GEN1 unless noted otherwise. All reinforced foundations to be designated concrete mix RC35 unless noted otherwise. F4 All foundations are to be founded at a minimum ASSUMED depth of 750mm below existing ground level. Founding depth to be verified by ground investigation. F5 All foundations have been initiallly designed using an ASSUMED bearing capacity of 100kN/m². Bearing capacity to be verified by ground investigation. F6 All trench foundations are to be 600mm wide unless noted otherwise. Foundation width to be verified by ground investigation. F7 All foundations are have been initially designed ASSUMING a high volume change potential soil. Volume change potential to be verified by the ground investigation. Concrete Notes: C1 All concrete construction is to be carried out in accordance with Curtins specification for reinforced concrete. C2 All reinforced concrete is to be designated concrete mix RC35 with a minimum compressive strength of 35N/mm at 28 days C3 Site blinding concrete is to be designated concrete mix GEN1 with a minimum compressive strength of 10N/mm at 28 days. C4 For full details of the reinforcement as denoted on this drawing refer to the corresponding bar bending schedule. C5 All high yield reinforcement including all mesh to be grade B500B to BS4449 and BS4483 respectively. Other reinforcement to be mild steel grade 250 to BS4449. C6 Concrete cover to reinforcement to be: 25mm in slabs (top), 40mm in slabs (bottom), 40mm in footings to links, 50mm in pad foundations. C7 Minimum lap length for mesh reinforcement to be 450mm. Minimum lap lengths for loose bar reinforcement to be: T12 - 500mm T16 - 700mm T20 - 800mm T25 - 1000mm T32 - 1200mm C8 Reinforcement layer/alignment abbreviations. T1 top upper layer. T2 top lower layer. B1 bottom lower layer. B2 bottom upper layer. EF each face NF near face FF far face. Concrete Slab Notes: SL1 Ground bearing floor slab is acceptable provided all topsoil and Superficial Deposits are removed and the exposed bearing strata is to be compacted prior to placing of granular fill. Granular fill to be laid in maximum 150mm thick layers to specification/thickness indicated on the foundation drawing. SL2 The floor construction must provide minimum 450mm cover against frost heave. Due to the risk of frost action it is advisable that ground works within the chalk are not undertaken in the winter months. Where construction must be undertaken in the winter reference should be made to CIRIA C574 Engineering in Chalk section 7.1.2 Precautions Against Frost Action. SL3 Granular fill layers should be blinded with 50mm of sand where a DPM is required. DPM specification including taping/lapping to Architect or specialist details. SL4 Ground bearing slab to be 175mm thick concrete grade RC28/35 with A193 top mesh and A393 bottom mesh. Steelwork Notes: Description: Date: By: Chkd: S1 This drawing indicates the design intent for steelwork elements. The steelwork fabricator will produce fabrication drawings and connection designs for all elements drawn and submit to the Structural Engineer for review prior to fabrication. Similarly the drawings should be submitted to the Architect to confirm dimensional/setting out accuracy. S2 Connections shall be designed for the moments, shear and torsion forces indicated on the drawings. All bolted connections shall have a minimum of 2no 16mm diameter Grade 8.8 bolts (to BS3692) unless noted otherwise. All welds shall be minimum 6mm fillet welds unless noted otherwise. Bolts shall be zinc electroplated for internal use and spun hot dipped galvanized for external use. S3 Structural steelwork (including open sections and hollow sections) shall be Grade S355 in accordance with BS5950 unless noted otherwise. S4 All structural steelwork shall be treated and painted in accordance with the Curtins specification for protection of structural steelwork. As a minimum requirement all structural steelwork shall be treated and painted with a two pack high solids high build epoxy zinc phosphate primer to 150 microns DFT. During construction any damage to workshop applied paint treatment is to be locally re-applied after completion of the frame. S5 All fire protection and finishes to be as specified by the Architect. S6 All steelwork below ground floor level to be encased in 100mm thick RC30 concrete. S7 Where steelwork is supported on padstones they shall be formed from RC30 concrete and unreinforced unless noted otherwise. All steel beams shall be fixed into the padstones with minimum 2no 16mm resin or mechanical anchor bolts. S8 All cold rolled elements are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendationds are to be supplied complete with all necessary cleats, sleaves, anti-sag and fixing components. Rev: ri s Curtins Consulting Ltd, Varley House, 29-31 Duke Street, Douglas, IM1 2AZ t: 01624 624585 e: [email protected] www.curtins.com Size: A0 First Issue: Drawn: Rev: Checked: Structures • Civils • Environmental • Infrastructure • Transport Planning • Sustainability • Expert Advisory Services Birmingham • Bristol • Cardiff • Douglas • Edinburgh • Kendal • Leeds • Liverpool • London • Manchester • Nottingham Status: Project: Drg Title: Scale: Drg No: c This drawing is the copyright of Curtins Consulting Ltd
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