Application for ZWCAD Activation ID Company Information

Application for ZWCAD Activation ID
In case of losing license as hard disk replaced, we suggest you to get the original hard disk back and then return the
license before replacing with new hard disk.
In case of losing license as other hardware replaced (such as RAM, Graphic card etc), you can get the license back by
Repair function: Select the corrupt activation ID in License Manager Press other button in License Manager.
In case of losing license accidentally or due to hard disk broken, it is required to fill in the following table to apply for the
license you had. We will consider your application seriously, and ZWCAD Software Co., Ltd has all rights reserved.
Application Date (Dátum):
Company Information
Company Name
Názov spoločnosti
Company Address
Adresa spoločnosti
Postal Code
E-mail Address
Information of ZWCAD
ZWCAD version number (input vernum on ZWCAD command line) :
Číslo verzie ZWCADu (napíšte príkaz vernum na príkazový riadok ZWCADu)
Standard Version (Verzia Standard) □
Stand alone (Samostatná) □
Professional Version (Verzia Professional) □
Network (Sieťová) □
Activation ID
Aktivačné ID Vašej licencie
Quantity of license copies
Počet licencií
In order to improve our encryption way, please tell us the possible reason caused the hard disk broken
Z dôvodu pre vylepšenie spôsobu ochrany, uveďtev EN jazyku možné dôvody ktoré spôsobili nefunkčnosť ZWCADu
Note: The license quantity you apply from ZWCAD Software Co., Ltd doesn’t increase your existing license number,
and it is equals to the lost license quantity. It is only allowed to use it in the previous way.
I guarantee all the information submitted is genuine. After I receive the same quantity of license nodes from ZWCAD
Software Co., Ltd, I promise that I’ll use it only in the same way as before.
Signature of Applicant (podpis/pečiatka):
Date of Signature (datum podpisu):