CENTRE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES SKILL BUILDING COURSES Time: 10:00 am to 5:pm Venue: A2, Academic building, New Campus, TISS COURSE I- Creative Arts for Development Work ( 30 HOURS – 2 CREDITS) (FROM 6th - 10th APRIL, 2015) In today's world, creative alternative forms for healing and well-being, are increasing being used effectively. Breaking boundaries, and freedom of expression in a non-judgemental and safe space, using the arts has proved to be extremely beneficial for self growth. This course aims to provide beginning skills in using creative arts for development work across settings. The students have the opportunity to experience creativity and self expression through workshops on Music, Da nce, Visual Arts, Clay a nd Sa nd, a nd T heatre of the Oppressed . They understand the therapeutic value of these art forms in healing and building self esteem, and begin to explore the possibilities of using these in their work with people in any setting/field of work. The student is not expected to be artistic, experienced or be a performer......each one of us is inherently creative and has the capacity for self expression through multiple forms. COURSE II- Personal and Interpersonal Development of the Practitioner ( 30 HOURS- 2 CREDITS) (FROM 13TH TO 18TH APRIL, 2015) Engaging with people and development work requires the practitioner to have insights into oneself and as a worker. Working with people also mandates the use of self as a tool for change . Hence, this course helps the student to consciously reflect on oneself to enhance practice skills. The course helps the student to gain an enhanced understanding of self ; sensitises to the value framework and the skills required in the interactions between the self and the other. The self is viewed as a composite whole of the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and consciousness. The sessions include, Self - esteem and Loving Oneself, Vulnerability, Use of Power, Feelings, Unconditional Love and Forgiveness; Communication – Assertive communication, Being with Nature, Non -Violent Communication; Stress and time management . The methodology is process oriented, with emphasis on self- reflection and awareness; and one's own experiences through the journey of life. COURSE III- Participatory Training Methodology ( 30 HOURS- 2 CREDITS) (FROM 27TH APRIL TO 1ST MAY, 2015) Participatory training Methodology is an educational strategy in which learners are active participants in the traning or educational process, and their needs and questions, their reflection and analysis, and their strategies for change carry the process forward. Its methodology is learnercentred,experience-based and open-ended. Participatory training Methodology when practiced, helps in confidence-building among learners ; it recognizes and builds upon their experience, knowledge and skill; and brings them together. Thus, participatory training and learning encourages people to critically examine their own experiences, to derive insights through analysis. The Participatory training Methodology course that is offered is aimed at developing an understanding of participatory learning and facilitation skills and practice of these skills. Key areas/components that will be covered: • Theory of adult learning • Designing a training • Understanding and skill development on various traning methods Design of the course: • The training program will be conducted in a participatory manner, where participants utilize the concepts and principles of Participatory Learning. • Emphasis will be placed on skill building and using methods of adult learning such as small group discussion, case study, role-plays, simulations. • Participatory learning games and energizers will be used to create a conducive environment for learning.
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