á```«``ª``«∏``bE’G øeC’G á```°SÉ``«``°S Regional Security Policy Purpose DP World, a leader in international port terminal operations, management, development logistics and related services is committed to provide a secure workplace at all times to ensure that our business activities carried out within the DP World - UAE Region inclusive of Port Jebel Ali, Mina Rashid, Mina Al Hamria and Fujairah Terminal are conducted in a manner that complies with Internal Law and National regulations. This policy has been established to ensure the security of our employees, customers and asset that are essential to the successful and continued growth of our business within DP World - UAE Region. Objectives 6. Continual improvemnet of company's security performance through the adoption of RSMS. Regular internal, external and surveillance audits to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the system. 7. Promoting Security awareness through internal & external trainings and communication programs to educate employees at all levels of the company to contribute effectively to the protection of DP World – UAE Region business interests. 8. Improving DP World – UAE Region security incident management abilities at all levels through the development of appropriate strategies to enhance resilience and business continuity capabilities. The objectives of this policy is to achieve the following within DP World - UAE Region: Intent 1. Ensure that the ports within DP World – UAE Region inclusive of Port Jebel Ali, Mina Rashid, Mina Al Hamariya and Fujairah terminal, comply to the regional security management system ISO 28000:2007 requirements. Senior Management will visibily uphold the principles of this policy and integrate them throughout the company at regional level, while the executive management team will regularly review the regional security management performance and policy as necessary. 2. Identification and evaluation of all security risks and establishment of control to manage and reduce any or all quantified risk to an acceptable security level utilizing proactive security threat identification, risk assessment, risk management and clear communications to achive this, at all Ports within the DP World - UAE Region. 3. Continious commitment to provide a secure workplace to ensure DP World – UAE Region employees, customers and asset are protected under RSMS. 4. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to be set to measure the performance and effectiveness of security measures against specific security threats, objective and goals. 5. Compliance with relevant International, National Security Legislations and Standards specifically of the International Code for Security of Ships and Port Facilities (ISPS) and ISO 28000:2007 The management and supervisory staff at each business unit will be responsible in implementing and maintaining the security management systems necessary to comply with this policy and will be held accountable for compliance and performance. Operational, commercial, engineering, human resource and other functional areas will support the operation of the Regional Security Management System. Each employee has a duty to report any unusual observations, practices or person that could pose a security risk to DP World and the community where we operate. The company will review this policy whenever applicable, or in the event of major expansion, or serious security incident that merits an immediate review, or as necessary requiring remedial action to be take to maintain its compliance with policy obejctive. Mohammed Al Muallem Senior Vice-President and Managing Director 01.05.2015 ISO hõjC’G h (ISPS) ÅfGƒŸG ≥aGôeh øØ°ùdG øeCÉH 28000:2007 ∫ÓN øe ácöûdG ‘ »æeC’G AGOCÓd ôªà°ùŸG ôjƒ£àdG 6 »∏NGódG ±GöTE’Gh áÑbGôŸG ."RSMS" Ωɶf »æÑJ á«dÉ©a ôjƒ£Jh º««≤J πLCG øe º¶àæŸG »LQÉÿGh .ΩɶædG á«ÑjQóàdG äGQhódG ∫ÓN øe »æeC’G »YƒdG öûf 7 ¢Vô¨H ä’É°üJ’G èeGôHh á«LQÉÿGh á«∏NGódG º¡JÉjƒà°ùe ∞∏à ⋲∏Y ÚØXƒŸG ∞jô©J ájɪM ‘ á«dÉ©ØH áªgÉ°ùŸG πLCG øe ácöûdÉH º«∏bEG – á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe ácöT ídÉ°üe .IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉeE’G º«∏bEG – á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe ácöT äGQób ôjƒ£J .8 ™«ªL ⋲∏Y á«æeC’G çOGƒ◊G IQGOEG ‘ äGQÉeE’G áÑ°SÉæŸG äÉ«é«JGΰS’G ™°Vh ∫ÓN øe äÉjƒà°ùŸG .∫ɪYC’G ‘ ájQGôªà°S’Gh Oƒª°üdG äGQób õjõ©àd ó°ü≤dG í°VGh πμ°ûH ∂°ùªàdG ⋲∏Y É«∏©dG IQGOE’G πª©à°S AÉLQCG ™«ªL ‘ Égó«MƒJh á°SÉ«°ùdG √òg ÇOÉÑà IQGOE’G ≥jôa ¿CG ÚM ‘ ,»ª«∏bE’G iƒà°ùŸG ⋲∏Y ácöûdG øeC’G IQGOEG AGOC’ ᪶àæŸG á©LGôŸÉH Ωƒ≤«°S ájò«ØæàdG .∂dòd áLÉ◊G âYO ɪ∏c á°SÉ«°ùdGh »ª«∏bE’G πªY IóMh πc ‘ ÚaöûŸGh IQGOE’G ƒØXƒe ¿ƒμj ±ƒ°S øeC’G IQGOEG ᪶fCG ≥«Ñ£Jh ò«ØæJ øY ÚdƒÄ°ùe ∑Éæg ¿ƒμj ±ƒ°Sh á°SÉ«°ùdG √ò¡H ΩGõàdÓd ájQhö†dG äGóMƒdG Ωƒ≤à°S .AGOC’Gh ΩGõàd’G øY ádAÉ°ùe ájöûÑdG OQGƒŸG ,á«°Sóæ¡dG ,ájQÉéàdG ,á«∏«¨°ûàdG IQGOEG Ωɶf 𫨰ûJ ºYóH iôNC’G á«Ø«XƒdG ä’ÉéŸGh .»ª«∏bE’G øeC’G ,äGógÉ°ûe …CG øY ÆÓHE’G ∞Xƒe πc ⋲∏Y ÖLƒàj Gkô£N πμ°ûJ ¿CG øμÁ ¢UÉî°TCG hCG ájOÉY ÒZ äÉ°SQɇ …òdG ™ªàéŸGh á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe ácöT ⋲∏Y Ék«æeCG .¬«a πª©f hCG ,áLÉ◊G óæY á°SÉ«°ùdG √òg á©LGôà ácöûdG Ωƒ≤à°S Ò£N »æeCG çOÉM hCG ,ÒÑc ™°SƒJ OƒLh ádÉM ‘ áLÉM ∑Éæg ¿ƒμj ÉeóæY hCG ,ájQƒa á©LGôe ≥ëà°ùj ⋲∏Y ®ÉØë∏d ÉgPÉîJG Ú©àj á«LÓY äGAGôLEG Ö∏£àJ .á°SÉ«°ùdG ±GógCÉH ΩGõàd’G ájɨdG 𫨰ûJ ‘ IóFGôdG ácöûdG ,á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe Ωõà∏J äÉ«∏ª©dG ôjƒ£Jh ,IQGOE’G ,á«ŸÉ©dG ÅfGƒŸG äÉ£ πªY áÄ«H ÒaƒJ ‘ á∏°üdG äGP äÉeóÿGh á«à°ùLƒ∏dG ÉædɪYCG ᣰûfCG ò«ØæJ ¿Éª°†d äÉbhC’G ™«ªL ‘ áæeBG IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉeE’G º«∏bEG – á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe ‘ ájôª◊G AÉæ«e ,ó°TGQ AÉæ«e ,»∏Y πÑL AÉæ«e É¡«a Éà »∏NGódG ¿ƒfÉ≤dG ™e ≥aGƒàj πμ°ûH IÒéØdG á£h .᫪«∏bE’G ᪶fC’Gh Éæ«ØXƒe øeCG ¿Éª°†d á°SÉ«°ùdG √òg ™°Vh ” ó≤d íLÉædG ƒªæ∏d ájQhöV Èà©J »àdGh ÉæJÉμ∏à‡h ÉæFÓªYh º«∏bEG – á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe ‘ ÉædɪYC’ π°UGƒàŸGh .IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉeE’G ±GógC’G – á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe ∫ÓN øe á«°SÉ«°ùdG √òg ±ó¡J :»∏j Ée ≥«≤– ¤EG IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉeE’G º«∏bEG »HO ÅfGƒe ácöT øª°V ÅfGƒŸG ΩGõàdG ó«cCÉJ .1 É¡«a Éà IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉeE’G º«∏bEG – á«ŸÉ©dG ájôª◊G AÉæ«e ,ó°TGQ AÉæ«e ,»∏Y πÑL AÉæ«e øeC’G IQGOEG Ωɶf äÉÑ∏£àà ,IÒéØdG á£h 28000:2007 ISO»ª«∏bE’G ¢ù«°SCÉàdGh á«æeC’G ôWÉîŸG ™«ªL º««≤Jh ójó– 2 ¤EG ôWÉîŸG πc hCG …CG π«∏≤Jh IQGOEÉH ºμëà∏d ∞jô©àdG ΩGóîà°SG ÈY ∫ƒÑ≤ŸG ¿ÉeC’G iƒà°ùe IQGOEG ,ôWÉîŸG º««≤J ,»bÉÑà°S’CG »æeC’G ójó¡àdÉH ‘ ,∂dP ≥«≤ëàd áë°VGƒdG ä’É°üJ’Gh ,ôWÉîŸG ‘ á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe ácöT øª°V ÅfGƒŸG ™«ªL .IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉe’G º«∏bEG ¿Éª°V ™e áæeBG πªY áÄ«H ÒaƒJ ‘ ôªà°ùŸG ΩGõàd’G 3 º«∏bEG – á«ŸÉ©dG »HO ÅfGƒe ácöT »ØXƒŸ ájɪ◊G äÉμ∏ટGh AÓª©dG ,IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉeE’G .RSMS Ωɶf ÖLƒÃ AGOC’G ¢SÉ«≤d (KPI) AGOCÓd á«°SÉ°SC’G ÒjÉ©ŸG ™°Vh 4 á«æeC’G äGójó¡àdG ó°V á«æeC’G äGAGôLE’G á«dÉ©ah .äÉjɨdGh ±GógC’G ,IOóëŸG »eƒ≤dG øeC’G äÉ©jöûJ ,á«dhódG ÒjÉ©ŸÉH ΩGõàd’G 5 ≥∏©àŸG ‹hódG ¿ƒfÉ≤dG ‘ IOóëŸGh á∏°üdG äGP º∏©ŸG óª ΩÉ©dG ôjóŸGh ∫hC’G ¢ù«FôdG ÖFÉf 2015/5/1
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