DRESSAGE AT DEVONWOOD I & II RECOGNIZED BY USEF/USDF #314965/#330627 (USEF LEVEL 4 COMPETITIONS) & ODS #1705/#1706 DRESSAGE AT DEVONWOOD I: FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015 DRESSAGE AT DEVONWOOD II: SAT/SUN, JULY 18-19, 2015 DEVONWOOD EQUESTRIAN CENTRE, SHERWOOD, OR 25033 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SHERWOOD, OREGON 97140 OFFICIAL PRIZE LIST PUBLICATION LAST UPDATED: 01-JUN-2015 R.01 SHOW OFFICIALS Ground Jury: Sue Curry (S), Lilo Fore (S), Sandy Hotz (S), David Schmutz (S), and TBA (as necessary) Technical Delegate: Rebecca Lewis (USEF "R" Technical Delegate) • [email protected] Assistant Technical Delegate: TBA, if necessary per USEF DR125.4 Competition Management/Organizing Committee: DevonWood Equestrian Centre, LLC Show Manager: Evin Rattner • 888.329.3932 x301 • [email protected] Show Secretary: Monica Fitzgerald • 888.329.3932 x302 • fax 561.798.8756 • [email protected] Assistant Show Manager: Kim Stordahl • 888.329.3932 x303 • [email protected] SHOW STAFF Volunteer Coordinators: Stacie Burgess • 530.513.7050 Safety Coordinator: TBA EMT: Mike McGuire Show Veterinarian (On-Site): Dr. Cierra Dedeker, Peak Performance Equine PLLC • 503.403.9617 Show Farrier (On-Site): Mark Voorhis • 503.871.9404 Show Photographer: Mary Cornelius, Mary Cornelius Photography • [email protected] • http://photo.dressageatdevonwood.com/ Show Videographer: Tory Kelly, Equine Video Productions • http://video.dressageatdevonwood.com/ Catering: DevonWood Café HOW & WHERE TO SEND COMPLETED ENTRIES… NOTE: THIS EVENT IS LICENSED AS TWO SEPARATE COMPETITIONS. PLEASE SUBMIT TWO SEPARATE ENTRIES FOR EACH HORSE/RIDER COMBINATION YOU INTEND TO ENTER! M AIL COM P LET ED ENT RIES DRESSAGE AT DEVONWOOD C/O MONICA FITZGERALD 7 ARAGON LANE MAGGIE VALLEY, NC 28751 M AIL COM P LET ED ENT RIES Opening Date: June 3, 2015 -- entries postmarked earlier will be given a postmark date of June 8, 2015. Closing Date: July 2, 2015 -- entries postmarked later accepted if space allows and/or ride times available. Competition Website: www.dressageatdevonwood.com • (Current) Official Prize List & Entry Form located on website Ride Times/Instant Results Website: www.devonwoodscores.com PAGE OFFICIAL COMPETITION CLASS LIST FRI SHOW #1 SAT SHOW #2 SUN SHOW #2 LEVEL/TEST CLASS FEE CLASS NOTES -- -- 300 USEF Dressage Seat Medal Class $30 Dressage Seat Equitation, held in accordance with DR132 101 201 301 USEF Training Level, Test 1 $45 102 202 302 USEF Training Level, Test 2 $45 103 203 303 USEF Training Level Test 3* $45 111 211 311 USEF First Level Test 1 $45 112 212 312 UEF First Level Test 2 $45 113 213 313 USEF First Level Test 3* $45 121 221 321 USEF Second Level Test 1 $45 122 222 322 USEF Second Level Test 2 $45 123 223 323 USEF Second Level Test 3* $45 131 231 331 USEF Third Level Test 1 $45 132 232 332 USEF Third Level Test 2 $45 133 233 333 USEF Third Level Test 3* $45 141 241 341 USEF Fourth Level Test 1 $45 142 242 342 USEF Fourth Level Test 2 $45 143 243 343 USEF Fourth Level Test 3* $45 *Specify if USDF Qualifying 151 251 351 FEI Prix St-Georges* $65 *Specify if USDF Qualifying 153 253 353 FEI Intermédiare 1* $65 *Specify if USDF Qualifying 155 255 355 FEI Intermédiare 2 $65 *Specify if USDF Qualifying 158 258 358 FEI Intermediare A or B* $65 157 257 357 FEI Grand Prix* $65 -- 259 359 FEI Grand Prix Special $65 167 267 367 FEI Para-Equestrian TOC $65 170 270 -- USDF Musical Freestyle* $65/$95 175 275 -- FEI Musical Freestyle* $70/$95 280 -- FEI Para-Equestrian Freestyle -- *Specify if USDF Qualifying *Specify if USDF Qualifying *Specify if USDF Qual., USDF Dover AA Medal Class (#223) *Specify if USDF Qualifying *Specify if USDF Qualifying Specify Grade (Ia, Ib, II, III, IV) and Test *Specify Level and if USDF Qualifying, $1,000 Prize Money Sat only *Specify Level and if USDF Qualifying, $1,000 Prize Money Sat only $65 Specify Grade (Ia, Ib, II, III, IV) “EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT FEDERATION RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH.” ENTRY FEES Class Fees See Table Above GAIG/USDF Regional Championship Qualifying Add $10/Test Post-Entries Add $10/Test USEF Drug & Administration Fees $16/Horse (Required) Office Fee $25/Entry Bridle Number Deposit None Non-Volunteer Fee None USEF and/or USDF Non-Member Fees** See Non-Member Form Entry Change Fee (per change after Closing Day) $10/Change PAGE Returned Check/Credit or Debit Charge Back Fee*** $50/Failed Attempt Incomplete Entry Fee**** (Show Management’s Discretion) $25 (Paid at Check-In) **USEF and/or USDF Non-Member, discipline, and/or affidavit fees will also apply unless copies of required documents are submitted with entry form for each horse/rider combination. ***$50 minimum credit/debit charge-back fee (for insufficient credit balance, declined/refused charge, or failed pre-authorization attempt). Cardholder will be charged $50 or the card issuing institution’s charge-back fee, whichever is greater. ****Competition Management reserves the right to review incomplete entries and associated fees on a case-by-case basis. STABLING + FACILITY FEES Horse Stall (Lower Stabling - Package “A”) $120 Horse Stall (Lower Stabling E/F Barns - Package “B”) $180 Horse Stall (Upper Stabling - Package “C”) $225 Tack Stall (Excludes E/F Barns) $120 Day Stall (2-Day Maximum, No Choice of Barn) $60/day Haul-Ins (All horses on grounds must have stalls) Not Permitted Non-Competing Horse Not Permitted Premium RV/Trailer Parking – Upper Stabling $200/Weekend Premium RV/Trailer Parking – Lower Stabling $120/Weekend Dry Camping (Outside Main Gates, No Hook-Ups) FREE DevonWood is a non-smoking facility and dogs are not permitted within the main gates. DevonWood has zero-tolerance for exhibitors/spectators who violate the non-smoking policy. Violators will be required to vacate the facility immediately and will be fined in addition to full liability for damages to DevonWood property that ensue as a result of the offense. If you choose to bring your dog to the competition, it must remain in your horse trailer or vehicle and parked outside the main gates. Please consider the welfare of your animal(s), especially in the height of summer when temperatures can commonly exceed 100°F. Please plan accordingly. Refunds June 3 – June 22 All Fees Less $50 Cancellation Fee June 23 – July 2 All Non-Class Fees, Less $50 Cancellation Fee* July 14 No Refunds / All Refunds at Show Management’s Discretion *50% of Class Fees refunded if a signed official letter from DVM and/or MD presented, AND if we are able to fill your ride time AND stall from the waitlist. Rider substitutions are not permitted. Management reserves the right to qualify if these conditions have been satisfied thus making the entry eligible for partial refund of class fees. Doctor or Vet note on official letterhead must be received NO LATER THAN 12:00PM Wednesday prior to the show. Letter must include a signed statement from DVM or MD declaring horse/rider unfit for competition citing legitimate conditions/illnesses which would prevent competitor from travelling to and/or participating in competition during the period beginning Thursday, July 17 and ending Sunday, July 20, 2015. If you have not received an anticipated refund by August 20, 2015, contact the Show Manager. Absolutely no refunds will be issued after September 1, 2015. Refunds from credit/debit card charges credited back to original card. Card must be presented for return credit. Ø Ø All entrants who elect to use a credit or debit card as their account payment method are subject to pre-authorization within 60 days of competition date. All entrants who list a credit or debit card must present a card upon arrival for full authorization/capture or be subject to a minimum $20.00 fee for non-qualified transaction status (web authorization/capture). ABOUT THE FACILITY ARENAS & FOOTING Competition Arenas: § Indoor: Equi-Base (Sand and Geotek Fabric over rubber matting) PAGE § Terrace: Risohorse ® Ebb & Flow Surface by Dammann (Hydro-Active Sand Arena) § Sylvan: Equi-Base (Sand and Geotek Fabric over rubber matting) § Lower Sand: Risohorse ® Ebb & Flow Surface by Dammann (Hydro-Active Sand Arena) § § § § § § Six outdoor arenas, three competition and three warm-up; two indoor arenas, one competition and one warm-up. All FEI Tests will be ridden in a Hydro-Active Sand Arena with matching warm-up. Other arenas, warm-up and lungeing areas are Equi-Base™. Indoor Arena and Indoor warm-up are Equi-Base™ Arenas (Sand and Geotek Fabric over rubber matting). All tests will be ridden in a 20m x 60m arena. Outdoor lungeing areas and grazing areas will be posted. Footpaths are packed and leveled 1/4" Minus Crushed Gravel All arenas (indoors and outdoors) and bridle paths close at dusk. No free-lungeing or turn-out in lungeing areas. Lungeing in approved areas only – no lungeing in riding arenas at any time. Children & Pets For safety’s sake, unattended children are strictly prohibited on the grounds. NO DOGS or other non-equine pets permitted on the grounds (with the exception of registered service animals). Food Food and coffee/espresso vendors will be on-site during the competition and will be open from one hour prior to start through the end of competition, daily. There are a variety of restaurants within a five-minute drive of the facility. Please see Competition website for recommendations, discounts, and phone numbers/driving directions. Parking • • • • Complimentary exhibitor/spectator parking is located just outside the main gates. Daily reserved parking near main barn available for a fee, please pay at entrance gate. (First come, first served, as available) All parking inside the main gate is permit only. Short-term permits for loading/unloading will be available at the gate and Show Office. Premium RV/Trailer Parking For RV’s and horse trailers only, parking around upper and lower stabling with courtesy electrical hook-ups. Weekend permit required. Limited space, please purchase permit on your entry form. *Terms & Conditions of Premium RV/Trailer Parking: Tow vehicles and cars must park outside main gates. Premium RV/Trailer parking is for camping vehicles and horse trailers only. No auto traffic/parking will be permitted in conjunction with Premium RV/Trailer Parking permits. All RV's and trailers must fit within the marked hangar in respect to physical width and length. Electrical service is available at the end of each stall row as a courtesy on a first come, first served basis as available. RV's and horse trailers with Premium RV/Trailer permits are welcome to hook-up/run an extension cord from 7PM to 7AM daily. Extension cords must be unplugged and stowed during competition hours. Please, out of courtesy to your neighbors, no generators. One plug-in per outlet, splitters and piggy-backing/daisy-chaining is strictly forbidden. Water hookups are not available for use. Smoking DevonWood is a 100% smoke-free facility. Please, NO SMOKING of any kind on show grounds. Stabling For horses' and exhibitors’ safety, (1) each horse brought onto the grounds must have an assigned stall, and (2) aisles must be kept clear — no tents, canopies or the like in aisles regardless of aisle ownership or permission from competitors. All stalls are box stalls with full locking doors. Stall fee includes first bedding (shavings); no bedding in tack stalls. Additional shavings available for purchase through Show Office. Straw and other bedding materials prohibited. Stalls may not be resold or sublet by exhibitors. Stabling fees listed are for THURSDAY NOON through Sunday evening. Early arrivals/late departures must be approved through DevonWood Equestrian Centre, LLC directly. Early arrivals are accepted on a case-by-case basis. Please send your inquiries to [email protected]. $65/night per horse. § § § § § Upper Barn: there are 26 12'x12' stalls near the Indoor warm-up arena barn, all with rubber mats……………$225 Lower Barns: at east end of facility, just inside main entrance. All are lighted; Barns C/D–G/H have permanent roofs over the stalls with eaves and gutters. Barn E/F has 20 10'x12' stalls with rubber mats over asphalt ..........................................................................$180 All Other Barns have 10'x10' stalls with dirt floors ........................................................................................ $120 PAGE § § Tack Stalls* (lower barns only) ........................................................................................................................$120 Day Stalls (2-day minimum, no choice of barn, no overnight) ......................................................................... $60/day Indicate your stabling preference on your entry form; however, be aware that stall assignments will be based on the horse’s size, gender, group requests and length of stay. *No microwaves, refrigerators, hot plates, crockpots or other electric appliances may be used in tack stalls or stabling areas. Fans are permitted as long as cord is safely stowed off ground and away from horses. For horse and competitor safety, no extension cords crossing aisles. CLASS AWARDS Awards to 1ST, rosettes through 6TH. Class 223 will be the USDF/Dover Adult Amateur Medal class HIGH POINT & BREED AWARDS High Point and Breed awards will be presented on Sunday, as determined by scores earned during Friday and Saturday competition. Parade of Champions Awards Ceremony time and location will be posted in Show Office by Wednesday NOON. Award recipients must be present at Award Ceremony or will forfeit their awards. High Point and Breed award winner names will be posted online and in Show Office by 9 AM Sunday. Any outstanding balances on rider/handler/owner/horse account must be settled before prizes will be released. All entries are eligible for High Point awards. Breed Award eligibility details will be available online at the Competition Website. USDF & FEI FREESTYLE CLASS AWARDS Competition Management reserves the right to modify prize money terms as necessary. Prize money checks will be issued at the show. Attendance in the Freestyle Award Ceremony is mandatory to receive cash prize. Freestyle Award Ceremony will take place immediately following the last freestyle in both classes. Recipients are requested mounted and in show attire; awards will not be shipped. Award recipients not present will forfeit their award. Prize money offered in Classes 270 & 275 will be awarded using the following distribution: 1st Place Champion: 75%, 2nd Place Reserve Champion: 25%. If there are fewer than three entries in either class, prize money for that class will not be offered. Prize money will not be given to entries in these classes that are scratches, no shows, or eliminated. In the event of a tie in classes where prize money is offered, ties will be broken per USEF Rules. Prize money will be payable to registered owner of horse. CLASSES Classes with no entries by closing date will be canceled. Classes with fewer than three entries may be combined. Competition Management reserves the right to combine and/or modify classes at their discretion. All FEI classes and Musical Freestyle classes will be judged by two-judge or threejudge panels. DIRECTIONS 1. I-5 south from Portland/north from Salem to Sherwood/Tualatin exit, #289. 2. West on Tualatin/Sherwood Hwy five miles to Hwy 99W. 3. South three miles to 25033 SW Pacific Hwy, on your right just past Brookman/Chapman Rd. 4. Main gate will be staffed during business hours; gate code will be posted during evening hours. ENTRIES Download official entry form at www.dressageatdevonwood.com. Each horse requires a separate entry form. Great American Insurance Group / USDF Qualifying will not be added unless fee is enclosed. If proof of membership is not provided and GAIG /USDF Qualifying is requested, costs of appropriate memberships will be added to the entry. SCHEDULING & RIDE TIMES Tentative ride times will be e-mailed to all who provide clear e-mail addresses and will then be posted at www.devonwoodscores.com; US Post will be used for those who do not provide a legible e-mail address. Self-addressed, stamped envelopes are not required, however responsibility for obtaining ride times remains with the competitors. Final ride times will be available online and posted at the Show Office. Competition Management retains the right to split or combine classes, substitute judges or add/change arenas as they see fit. Freestyle Sound Checks Each competitor entered in the USDF and/or the FEI Musical Freestyle Classes is REQUIRED to participate in the Official Sound Check. The Official Sound Check will take place on Thursday, July 16th at 5 pm in the Sand Arena. Once the schedule is finalized, the approximate time of the Official Sound Check will be posted in the Show Office. Competitors may test their music with or without horses on lead-line (not mounted). § Please bring an original and a back-up copy of your music clearly marked with your name and your horse’s name to the Show Office no later than Friday, July 17th at 9AM. § FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR FREESTYLE SOUND CHECK WILL RESULT IN YOUR ENTRY TO CLASSES 170/175/270/275/280/299/302/306 BEING DROPPED. ENTRY FEES FOR DROPPED RIDERS WHO FAILED TO APPEAR AT THE SOUND CHECK WILL BE FORFEITED. ENTERED RIDER IS REQUIRED TO APPEAR (NOT JUST A REPRESENTATIVE). § It is the competitor’s responsibility to confirm the integrity of all music samples being provided for playback during scheduled freestyle rides. PAGE By entering a freestyle class at this show, competitors are expected and required to obtain prior permission and approval from all recording artists used in their assembled audio track. Competitors assume all liability for copyright infringement and other violations related to audio licensing. Competitors will be required to present documentation from said artists in the event of a legal inquiry or be subject to the penalties associated with US copyright law. By entering a freestyle class, competitor affirms that they have negotiated appropriate licensing for their selected material and that their assembled audio track is compliant with public performance rights laws within the United States. SPECIAL EVENTS Join us on Thursday evening 6:30 – 8:30 as DevonWood welcomes competitors at the Wine and Cheese Party in our Vendor Village. It’s the perfect time to visit with your friends and capture the opportunity to pre-shop the Vendor Village! Secure your seat in the shade in the VIP Tent. $1000 per table (8 seats) or $125 per seat. Price includes snacks, non-alcoholic beverages and Saturday night dinner, as well as front row viewing of our premier competition arena (FEI Classes, Musical Freestyles, etc.). Call 503.974.1667 to book tables or seats. SPONSORSHIP, ADVERTISING & VENDOR OPPORTUNITIES Dressage at DevonWood offers a superb venue for marketing to a discriminating clientele! To discuss opportunities for your business to be a part of this prestigious event, please contact Kim Stordahl at 858.518.4128 or [email protected]. Vendor application is available at http://vendors.dressageatdevonwood.com. VOLUNTEERS It takes a couple hundred volunteers to put on a show of this magnitude. Your help would be very much appreciated! All volunteers will receive a thank-you gift and an invitation to the Thursday evening Welcome Party. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator for more information. To volunteer, please sign up at www.eZvolunteer.com or e-mail [email protected]. WHERE TO STAY Best Western Northwind Inn & Suites (King City).... 503.431.2100 Century Hotel (Tualatin)…………………………… 503.692.3600 Newberg Travelodge Suites (Newberg)………………503.537.5000 The Grand Hotel at Bridgeport Village (Tualatin)…...503.968.5757 OTHER Competitors are allowed in and around the competition arena only during their scheduled ride times and during posted schooling hours. PAGE
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