Output Voltage Sensor based Maximum Power Point Tracking for PV system using SEPIC Muralidhar Killi Susovon Samanta Department of Electrical Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India 769008 Email: [email protected] Department of Electrical Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India 769008 Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0661–2462420 Abstract—Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm with a single output voltage sensor for a photovoltaic (PV) system is presented in this paper. The MPPT algorithm is developed o ) of Vo − D characteristics. In by considering the slope ( dV dD this method only a voltage divider circuit is used to sense the converter output voltage (Vo ). The steady state behavior, tracking performance for a change in insolation and for a load variation with the output voltage sensor based MPPT algorithm are addressed through experimental results to determine the tracking efficiency. The duty cycle (D) is generated directly without any proportional-integral control loop to simplify the control circuit. Single ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC) is used for experimental validation of the algorithm with microcontroller. Index Terms—Photovoltaic (PV), voltage sensor, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), and single ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC). I. I NTRODUCTION The increased energy demand and shortage of fossil reserves motivated researchers to focus on renewable energy sources. Among the existing renewable energy sources photovoltaic power generation is evolving as one of the most remarkable renewable energy source because of its benefits such as ecofriendly nature, less maintenance and no noise. The I − V characteristics of a PV module will vary with solar insolation and atmospheric temperature [1], [2]. Efficiency of the PV system primarily depends on the operating point on the characteristic curve of the PV module. Maximum power point (MPP) exists for a PV module where the output power from the module is maximum. So far a large number of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques have been developed [3]–[18] to increase the efficiency of the PV system. MPPT algorithms can be classified mainly into two categories one is input parameter based and another is output parameter based. MPPT algorithms such as fractional open circuit voltage [3], fractional short circuit current [4], Hillclimbing [5], perturb and observe (P&O) [6]–[8], incremental conductance (IncCond) [9], [10], incremental resistance (INR) [11], ripple correlation control (RCC) [12], techniques have been developed to extract the maximum power from the PV arrays by using the input parameter/s either VP V (PV module voltage) or IP V (PV module current) or both. Among the various MPPT techniques, fractional open circuit voltage and short circuit current techniques provide a simple and effective way to extract maximum power, but they require periodical measurement of open circuit voltage or short circuit current for reference, causing more power loss. From the literature it is observed that P&O and IncCond methods are extensively applied methods because of their increased efficiency and ease of implementation [13]. However with the P&O-like algorithms the operating point moves away from MPP while there is a rapid increase in insolation [6]–[9]. The RCC MPPT algorithm requires the time derivative of the power converter voltage and current ripples to determine the position of the operating point on the characteristic curve of the PV module. So for high frequency converter it is very difficult to obtain the accurate time derivative of the array voltage and current. Other existing techniques show improved performance using fuzzy logic, neural network, optimization algorithm, sliding mode control, but they are not commonly used due to their complexity and need of expensive digital processor. Overview of all the MPPT techniques published recently are thoroughly discussed in [13]–[15]. The MPPT algorithm can also be implemented by using output parameters such as either Vo (converter output voltage) or Io (converter output current) depending on the type of load [16]–[18]. In [16] it is discussed that for a battery load, the available maximum power can be extracted from the PV module by maximising only the battery current and in [17] the MPPT method is developed by sensing the output current for a battery load. The possibility of using output parameter i.e., either voltage or current to track the MPP is depends on the type of load and the corresponding analysis is presented in [18]. However in [17], [18] the tracking performance for a change of insolation and steady state behaviour of the MPPT algorithm are not demonstrated. This paper presents a clear illustration behind the usage of output parameters rather than input parameters for tracking the MPP by using Vo − D and Io − D characteristics. Most of the practical PV systems contains battery, where the output voltage and current are to be measured for the purpose of charge control and battery protection. By using only the output parameters, both objectives of MPPT and charge control of battery can be achieved which results in reduction of cost of the PV system. Moreover this MPPT algorithm is efficient, simple and robust to load variations. The tracking perfor- mance and steady state behaviour of the MPPT algorithm are clearly demonstrated through experimental results. In this paper SEPIC converter is considered because SEPIC works as step-up/step-down converter [19], [20], thereby it will increase the range of operation of PV voltage. This topology has merits of non-inverting output polarity, easy to drive switch and low input current ripple. This paper is organized as follows: Output voltage sensor based MPPT algorithm and it’s steady state 3-level operation are presented in Section II. Experimental results are given in Section III and Finally conclusions are presented in Section IV. For clear understanding of the working principle of the output voltage sensor based MPPT algorithm, the waveforms of output voltage (Vo ), current (Io ) and power (Po ) are captured by increasing the duty cycle from 0.1 to 0.9 and are shown in Fig. 3. From Fig. 3 it can be visualised that the maximum output power from the converter connected with PV source can be achieved at a particular duty cycle where dVo dD = 0. Thus MPPT algorithm can be implemented using a o single output voltage sensor by evaluating dV dD without any input parameters for a resistive load. For battery load the output current has to sensed to implement the MPPT algorithm [18]. II. O UTPUT VOLTAGE SENSOR BASED MPPT MPPT controller is aiming to extract the available maximum power from the PV module or array irrespective of the insolation (G) and temperature (T ) variations. If the load is directly connected to the PV module it is not possible to operate at peak power point due to impedance mismatch. Converter facilitates to transfer maximum power from the PV module to the load by changing the duty cycle generated by the MPPT controller and a general block diagram of the PV system with MPPT controller is shown in Fig. 1. (a) Figure 1. Block digram of PV system with MPPT control. The output voltage sensor based MPPT algorithm is developed based on Vo − D characteristics. Where Vo is converter output voltage and D is duty cycle of the converter. The PV module voltage (VP V ) and converter output voltage (Vo ) waveforms are captured by increasing the duty cycle from 0.1 to 0.9 and are shown in Fig. 2. From the Vo −D characteristics o shown in Fig. 2, it can be observed that the slope ( dV dD ) varies depending on the position of the operating point and is given by (1) = 0, at MPP dVo > 0, on left of MPP (1) dD < 0, on right of MPP (b) Figure 2. Variation of VP V and Vo with respect to duty cycle (a) for an insolation of G = 270W/m2 and (b) for an insolation of G = 480W/m2 . Moreover maximum value of Vo and VMP P (PV module voltage at MPP) are occurring at same duty cycle and it can be seen form Fig. 2. Thus the maximum power from the PV o module can be tracked by evaluating dV dD by sensing only the output voltage [17], [18]. The duty cycle has to be incremented or decremented by ∆D (perturbation step size) depending on o the sign of dV dD as given by (2) D (k + 1 ) = D (k ) ± ∆D (2) (a) the generated PWM control signal is given to the SEPIC converter. The circuit model of the designed PV system and the experimental setup are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 respectively. (b) Figure 3. Variation of Vo , Io and Po with respect to duty cycle (a) for an insolation of G = 270W/m2 and (b) for an insolation of G = 480W/m2 . Figure 4. Circuit Model of Developed PV system. The pseudo code for the proposed algorithm is given below. Initialize Vo (k − 1) at D(k − 1) Loop: Sample and average Vo (k) o Calculate dV dD dVo If( dD > 0) D(k + 1) = D(k) + ∆D OR o If( dV dD < 0) D(k + 1) = D(k) - ∆D ELSE No Change D(k + 1) = D(k) GOTO Loop Figure 5. Experimental setup of Developed PV system. A. Steady state behaviour of the MPPT algorithm Three level operation of the output voltage sensor based MPPT algorithm in steady state is depicted in Fig. 2(a). Assume that the operating point has been moved from point 1 to point 2 and decision has to be taken at point 2 by considering the values of dVo and dD. As dVo = (Vo2 −Vo1 ) > 0 and dD = (D2 − D1 ) > 0, the algorithm increases the duty cycle and hence the operating point moves to the 3 At point 3 as dVo = (Vo3 − Vo2 ) < 0 and point . dD = (D3 − D2 ) > 0 the algorithm decreases the duty cycle 2 At and thereby the operating point moves back to point . 2 as dVo = (Vo2 − Vo3 ) > 0 and dD = (D2 − D3 ) < 0 point the algorithm decreases the duty cycle and hence the operating 1 At point 1 as dVo = (Vo1 −Vo2 ) < 0 point moves to point . and dD = (D1 − D2 ) < 0 the algorithm increases the duty cycle and thereby the operating point moves back to point 2 In this pattern the algorithm makes the operating point to . oscillate in three points surrounding the MPP. (a) III. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION To validate the functionality and tracking performance of the output voltage sensor based MPPT algorithm, a prototype of SEPIC converter is developed with the designed parameters presented in Table. 1. ARDUINO ATMEGA 2560 microcontroller is used to implement the MPPT algorithm and (b) Figure 6. I − V characteristics of the PV module (a) for (G, T ) = (270W/m2 , 430 C) and (b) for (G, T ) = (480W/m2 , 480 C) Table I PARAMETERS OF DESIGNED SEPIC CONVERTER Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Parameter L1 L2 Cin C1 C2 fs RL Value 180µH 180µH 440µF 47µF 220µF 50kHz 15Ω Converter output voltage measurement is required for implementation of the MPPT algorithm and the microcontroller board cannot tolerate more than 5 V. The converter output voltage (Vo ) is measured using the voltage divider circuit with resistances R1 and R2 of values 10 kΩ and 1 kΩ respectively. The PV module ELDORA 40-P is used for the experimental setup as shown in Fig. 5 and the experiment is performed using artificial insolation with the help of halogen and incandescent lamps. The output voltage sensor based MPPT technique with fixed step size of ∆D = 1% and perturbation time of Ta = 20ms is tested for a step change in insolation level from 270 W/m2 to 480 W/m2 . The measured I − V characteristics of the considered PV module at (G, T ) = (270 W/m2 ,43o C) and at (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48oC) are shown in Fig. 6. From the experimental I − V characteristics it can be observed that the voltage corresponding to MPP for the above mentioned insolation and temperature conditions are 15.5 V and 16.5 V respectively. The startup tracking waveforms for (G, T ) = (270 W/m2 ,43o C) and for (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48o C) are shown in Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 7(b) respectively. From Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 7(b) it can be observed that the MPPT method is effectively tracking the maximum power from the PV module. Fig. 7(c) shows the tracking waveforms for a change in insolation and temperature from (G, T ) = (270 W/m2 ,43o C) to (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48o C) and the tracking waveforms for a change in insolation and temperature from (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48o C) to (G, T ) = (270 W/m2 ,43oC) are shown in Fig. 7(d). From Fig. 7(c) and Fig. 7(d) it is worth to mention that the MPPT method with output voltage sensor is able to track the MPP accurately even for a change in insolation. To validate the tracking performance of the MPPT algorithm with respect to load variation, experiment is conducted by changing the load for (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48o C) and the corresponding tracking waveforms are shown in Fig. 7(e). From Fig. 7(e) it is worth to mention that the output voltage sensor based MPPT algorithm is robust to load variations. Thus an efficient MPPT algorithm can be implemented with reduced cost using only a single voltage sensor at the output. For clear observation of steady state behaviour of the MPPT algorithm, experiment is performed by considering Ta = 1s and ∆D = 1% for (G, T ) = (270 W/m2 ,43o C) and the corresponding tracking waveforms are shown in Fig. 8. From Fig. 8 it can be visualised that the operating point moves in three points surrounding the MPP in steady state and the output voltage (Vo ) variation is less compared to VP V because the converter operates in step down mode. The comparison of output voltage sensor based MPPT method with the two widely used methods P&O and IncCond is presented in Table. 2. Table II C OMPARISON OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE SENSOR BASED MPP WITH P&O AND I NC C OND METHODS Sl.No. parameter P&O IncCond 1 Sensors 2 Steady state operation Implementation cost Accurate Voltage & Current 3-Level [6] Medium Voltage & Current 3-Level [10] Medium Yes Yes 3 4 (a) (b) (c) output voltage sensor based Voltage 3-Level Low Yes it is observed that with a single sensor at the output of the converter an efficient, simple and low cost MPPT algorithm can be implemented. R EFERENCES (d) (e) Figure 7. Tracking waveforms with output voltage sensor based MPPT (a) startup for (G, T ) = (270 W/m2 ,43o C) (b) startup for (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48o C) (c) for a change in Solar insolation from (G, T ) = (270 W/m2 ,43o C) to (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48o C) (d) for a change in Solar insolation from (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48o C) to (G, T ) = (270 W/m2 ,43o C) and (e) tracking waveforms with load variation for (G, T ) = (480 W/m2 ,48o C). Figure 8. steady state 3-level operation for (G, T ) = (270W/m2 , 430 C). IV. C ONCLUSION In this paper output voltage sensor based MPPT algorithm by considering direct duty ratio control method with SEPIC converter is presented. The experimental results prove that the proposed system is effectively tracking the maximum power from the PV module. Moreover the robustness of the MPPT technique to load variations and simple algorithm are the merits of this tracking algorithm. From the results obtained [1] A. Bratcu, I. Munteanu, S. Bacha, D. Picault, and B. Raison, “Cascaded dc−dc converter photovoltaic systems: Power optimization issues,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 403 – 411, Feb. 2011. [2] M. G. Villalva, J. R. Gazoli, and E. R. Filho, “Comprehensive approach to modeling and simulation of photovoltaic arrays,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1198 – 1208, May 2009. [3] J. J. Schoeman and J. D. 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