224 Abstract: Entrepreneurship come today to take great interest by many of the major industrialized nations and even the newly industrialized countries in the path of growth in order to create and increase the competitiveness of its institutions locally and internationally, and then achieve growth in their economies . This article deals with the study of the role of training programs in the creation to embrace the thought of entrepreneurship, the Foundation for the Advancement of Small, Medium and skip the challenge of unemployment and competition at the same time. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Training Individuals, Training Programs 2 2 4 MÂAREF (Revue académique) partie : Sciences Economiques 9 EME Année -N°:17 ( Décembre 2014 ) 2014 17 272 1 1948 the research centre in Entrepreneurial history (225) Alain FAYOLLE, le métier de créateur d'entreprise, les éditions 1 d’organisation, France, 2003, p 16 MÂAREF (Revue académique) partie : Sciences Economiques 273 ROBERT HISRIH DRUKER J FILION (226) 01 Entrepreneur2 Source: Thierry VERSRAETE, Entrepreneuriat, édition de l’harmattan, France1999 p . ROBERT D HISRICH et MIC HEL P. PETERS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP : 2 lancer, élaborer et gérer une Entreprise, édition de nouveaux horizons, France, 1989, p 07. 274 Say Say Schumpeter (228) (227) 3 MARK CASSON, L'entrepreneur, édition d'economica, France, 1991, p 21.3 Nadim Ahmad and Richard G. Seymour, DEFINING ENTREPRENEURIAL 4 ACTIVITY, from the site at 13:51. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/2/62/39651330.pdf, on 16/12/201 p 08 MÂAREF (Revue académique) partie : Sciences Economiques 275 5 (229) 15 2 2 9 1310 2006 276 25 6 PIB 1 MÂAREF (Revue académique) partie : Sciences Economiques 277 (230) (231) (232) 2 (233) 0919852 3 0 9920042 3 1 2 3 2 372010 2 3 3 264200708 278 RECYCLAGE 3 (234) 13 23 5821996 2 3 4 584 MÂAREF (Revue académique) partie : Sciences Economiques 279 33 43 (235) 19982 3 5 159 280 4 SIYB02 02 SIYB ILO ILO MÂAREF (Revue académique) partie : Sciences Economiques 281 SIYB (236) Know about business KAB Generate your business idea GYBI Start your business SYB Improve your business IYB Expand your business EYB SYB03 ﻗرار اﻟوﻗت SOURCE: Klaus HOFTENDORM, promotion of entrepre SIYB HANSE HOFMEIJER, Management training for small and medium sized 12 , www.lanic.utexas.edu/pyme/eng/publications/idbenterprise in the cite 14:00 , at201303 18on 282 1 2006 19852 20043 4 2010 5 200708 19966 19987 8 2003 Alain FAYOLLE, le métier de créateur d'entreprise, les 9 éditions d'organisation, France , 2003. ROBERT D HISRICH et MIC HEL P. PETERS, 10 ENTREPRENEURSHIP : lancer, élaborer et gérer une entreprise, édition de nouveaux horizons, France, 1989. Thierry VERSRAETE, entrepreneuriat, édition de 11 .1999l'harmattan , France MARK CASSON, L'entrepreneur, édition Economica, France12 1991. NADIM Ahmad and Richard G. Seymour, DEFINING 13 MÂAREF (Revue académique) partie : Sciences Economiques 283 ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY, from the http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/2/62/39651330.pdf, on site 13:51.16/12/2013 at KLAUS HOFTENDORM, promotion of entrepreneurship for 14 income generation experiences from ILO programmes, in the :00 . 14 2013 , at 03 18 www.diwec.org , oncite HANSE HOFMEIJER, Management training for small and 15 medium sized enterprise, 03 18lewww.lanic.utexas.edu/pyme/eng/publications/idb 14:00 à2013,
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