SYSTEMIC RISK BAROMETER RESULTS OVERVIEW – 2015 Q1 SUMMARY DTCC’s most recent Systemic Risk Barometer survey was completed in 2015 Q1 by DTCC clients and a broad range of global stakeholders from the financial services industry. Cyber Risk remained the number one concern, with a record 46% citing it as the single biggest risk to the broader economy and 80% of respondents citing it as a top five risk. Almost half of all respondents included Geopolitical Risk and the Impact of New Regulations in their top five concerns. Overall, 29% of respondents said that the probability of a high-impact event in the global financial system has increased during the past six months – versus 13% who felt it has decreased. Other key findings of this survey include: ■■ The emergence of U.S. Federal Reserve Monetary Policy and Greece Exiting the Eurozone as potential systemic risks cited by 28% and 23% of respondents as a top five concern, respectively. ■■ Other widely cited macro-economic concerns include the risk of a global slowdown in economic activity, both in the U.S. and abroad, as well as worries over Disinflation/Deflation. ■■ 73% of all respondents indicated they have increased the amount of resources dedicated to identifying, monitoring and mitigating systemic risks over the past year – continuing a strong trend identified in previous surveys. ■■ 65% of respondents characterized their firm’s ability to identify, assess and manage emerging risks as “Developing” and 30% as “Mature.” SURVEY RESULTS CHANGE IN PROBABILITY OF A HIGH-IMPACT EVENT PROBABLITY OF A HIGH IMPACT EVENT While 58% of respondents felt the likelihood of a high-impact financial event remained unchanged over the past six months, 29% felt it had become more likely, far outweighing the remaining 13% who held the opposite view. 2015 Q1 29% 13% 37% 12% 2014 Q3 51% 58% Increased Unchanged Decreased NUMBER ONE RISK IDENTIFIED Almost half of all respondents cited cyber risk as theirIDENTIFIED top concern, up from 33% in September 2014 and NUMBER 1 RISK significantly ahead of geopolitical risk and the impact of new regulations. 2015 Q1 46% 33% 12% 19% 2014 Q3 18% 9% 30% 33% Cyber Risk Geopolitical Risk Impact of New Regulations Other TOP 5 RISKS IDENTIFIED When asked to identify the top 5 systemic risks to the broader economy, most respondents cited cyber risk, geopolitical risk and the impact of new regulations, in addition to a wide variety of more specific macroRISKS TO BROADER ECONOMY economic concerns. The results below reflect changes compared to September 2014. RISK TO BROADER ECONOMY 80% 84% Cyber Risk 52% Geopolitical Risk 62% 48% Impact of New Regulations 64% 28% 32% Disruption/Failure of Key Market Participant 28% 31% U.S. Economic Slowdown U.S. Federal Reserve Monetary Policy 28% 25% Sudden Dislocation in Financial Markets 43% 24% 26% 23% Lack of Liquidity/Decreasing Liquidity Greece Exiting the Eurozone Significant Business Continuity Event 22% 22% Economic Slowdown Outside E.U./U.S. 22% 21% European Economic Slowdown 27% 17% 14% CCPs as Single Point of Concentration 16% 19% Major Compliance/Governance Event Disinflation/Deflation 12% European Central Bank Monetary Policy 10% 10% 13% High Frequency Trading 10% Interconnectedness Risk 15% 7% 8% Housing Market 6% Search for Yield 14% 6% 8% Shortage of High-Quality Collateral Dark Pools Pro-cyclical Collateral Demands Shadow Banking 4% 4% 2% 6% 1% 2% 2015 Q1 2014 Q3 SYSTEMIC RISK RESOURCES 73% of all respondents indicated they have increased the amount of resources dedicated to identifying, monitoring and mitigating systemic risks over the past year (slightly down from 76% in September 2014). Systemic Risk Resources 2015 Q1 27% 23% 1% 1% 2014 Q3 76% Increased Unchanged 73% Decreased SYSTEMIC RISK CAPABILITIES Almost two-thirds of respondents characterized their firm’s capability to address systemic risks as “Developing.” Systemicsimilar Risk Capabilities This assessment is relatively to the results of the September 2014 survey. Firms' Capability to Identify, Assess and Manage Current and Emerging Systemic Risks Developing 2015 Q1 5% 65% 2014 Q3 4% 67% Mature 30% 29% 11127_PS_05_2015 Nascent
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