UNIVERSITY OF'DELHI ffiffi |/ os3 No. Aca. o""Tl:^ill;lli /Derence t4 f( % NOTIFICATION The following schedule of admission of Children/Widows of the Officers and Men of the Armed Forcesincluding Para-MilitaryPersonnel,Killed/Disabledin action or those who died fwere disabled on duty, Gallantry Awardees for admission to UndergraduateCourses , for the academicsession 20L5-2016is notified for information of all concerned: Date Activity Issue& Receiptof RegistrationFormsby the AcademicBranch-l RoomNo.2LB,New Administrative Block, North Campus,Delhi- 110007 Friday,5s fune, 20!5 to Monday,15tt'June,20Ls (Excluding Sundays) From 10.00 1.00 p.m. Notificationof Admission list at the Notice Tuesday,3Ott'f une,20tS (10:00a.m.) Board of the New AdministrativeBlock,and Delhi University'sWebsite. Issue of ProvisionalAdmission Slips to the Tuesday,30tt'fune, 201,5 candidateby the AcademicBranch- I Wednesday,1't f uly, 201,5 Thursday,Znd]uly, 20Ls From 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 1s f uly, 2075 Payment of fees by the Candidate to the Wednesday, Collegeconcerned. Zndluly,20ts Thursday, Friday,3'df uly,20Ls From 1:00p.m. for morning College From4:00 p.m,to 7:00p.m. for eveningCollege For purpose of registration,the candidatesare required to submit their applicationson a prescribed form obtainable from Academic Branch-l, Room No.278, New Administrative Block" UniversiV of Delhi, Delhi-770007, alongwith the following original certificates (to be returned after verification) as well as self-attested photocopies thereof: DOCUMENTSTO BE ENCTOSED i. ii, iii. iv. . . .r . . Statementof Marks (ClassXII) Provistonal Certiftcate (ClassXII) Date of Birth Certificate (ClassX) Certificateof EducationalConcession from any of thefollowing authorities on the proper letter head (format of the certificateis given below) Secretary,Kendriya SainikBoard,Delhi, Secretary,Riijya ZtIa SainikBoard. 0fftcer-in-Charge,Record)ffice. Ist ClqssStipendiary Magistrate, MinistU of HomeAffairs (For PolicePersonnelin receipt of GallantryAwards) Contd.P/ 2 University of Delhi, Main Campus, Delhi-ll0 007 (Indla) Tel. : 27f57725 | 27ffi2880; Fax : 27666350;Website : UNIVERSITY OF DELHI \-' ffiffi -2FORMAT (ON THE PROPERLETTERHEAD} CERTIFICATE CONCESSION OFTHEEDUCATIONAL OFFICE ThisistocertifilthatMr./Miss-isson/daughterof-(No'-)residentof The above named Officer/f CO/OR i. ii. iii. iv. v. during Killed in action on during Disabled in action onwith death attributable to military services. Died in peace time on duty on Disabled in peace time on duty with disability attributable to military service. Gallantry Award: Officer/JCO/OR is eligible for educational concession for ofMaster/Miss_son/daughter admission in University of Delhi against the Armed Forcesquota under Priority No..-' No.:Date:(Signature) Rubber stamp with Name & Designation NOTE:1. Incompleteapplications shallbe rejectedwithout any notice to the candidates. Z. 50/oof the seatsin each course shallbe offered to the Children/Widowsof Officersand Men of the Armed Forcesincluding Para-Military Personnel,in thefollowing order of priorities: i. ii. iir. iv. v. Widows/Wardsof Defencepersonnelkilled in action; disabledin actton; Wardsof servingpersonneland ex-servicemen Widows/Wardsof Defencepersonnelwho died in peacetime with death attributable to military service; Wards of Defencepersonneldisabledin peacetime with disability attributable to the military service;and Wards of Ex-servicemenand servingpersonnelincluding personnelof policeforces who are in receipt of GallantryAwards; GallantryAwards include: Param Vir Chakra,AshokChakra,Sarvottqm YudhSevqMedal, Maha Vir Chakra,Kirti Chakra,UttamYudh SevaMedal,Vir Chakra,ShauryaChakra,Yudh President'sPolice SevaMedal ,Sena, Nau Sena,-VayusenaMedal,Mention-in-Despatches, Medalfor Gallantry,PoliceMedalfor Gallantry. 3. A concessionof 50/omarks in the minimum eligibility requirementsprescribed by the Universityfor admissionof general category candidatesto various courseswill be extendedto the candidates.For details,the candidatesshould refer to the Bullt (lniversityfor the AcademicYear2015-2016. REGISTRAR , Copy to: All the Ptincipals of the Colleges The Dean Students'Welfare,University of Delhi,Delhi-110007. foint Registra University of Delhi, Main Campus, Delhi-ll0 007 ndia) TeL : 27f67725 121ffi2880;Fax : 2766635qWebsite: 6\r\" @/
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