Northern California Frosh-Soph Championships 2015

Northern California Frosh/Soph Championships
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Dublin High School, Dublin, CA
*A Track & Field Extravaganza for the Frosh/Soph*
Hello Coaches,
On Saturday, April 25, 2015, the Dublin High School track
and field team will be having its 5th Annual Northern
California Frosh/Soph Championships at Dublin High
School in Dublin, CA. The meet will feature the
Frosh/Soph division. All runners of all skill levels are
Why you should bring your team – This meet was created
to highlight the Frosh/Soph division, giving them a
championship level meet all for themselves. With the track
and field season winding down, it is often difficult to find
meets that gives all of your frosh/soph team a chance to
compete. This meet gives them that opportunity. There is
plenty of free parking available on campus as well as easy
walking distance from street parking. There will be plenty
of warm-up area – underneath the home bleachers, on the
softball field and on the baseball fields area.
When: Saturday April 25, 2015
Dublin High School
8151 Village Parkway
Dublin, CA
Open Schedule of Events
Running Events (Girls then Boys)
Field Events
9:00 AM*
400m relay
9:00 AM
Followed by
Boys Discus
Girls Discus
Girls Shot Put
Boys Shot Put
Boys Long Jump
Boys Triple Jump
Girls Long Jump
Girls Triple Jump
Boys Pole Vault
Girls Pole Vault
Girls High Jump
Boys High Jump
1600m relay
*This will be a rolling schedule.
5:00 PM
5:08 PM
5:15 PM
5:25 PM
5:35 PM
5:45 PM
5:50 PM
5:55 PM
6:00 PM
6:05 PM
6:10 PM
6:20 PM
6:30 PM
6:40 PM
6:50 PM
6:55 PM
7:00 PM
7:20 PM
7:35 PM
7:50 PM
Seeded & Invitational Schedule of Events
Running Events
Field Events
Girls Seeded 400m Relay
Boys Invitational Discus
Girls Inv. 400m Relay
4:00 PM
Girls Invitational Shot Put
Boys Seeded 400m Relay
Girls Invitational Pole Vault
Boys Inv. 400m Relay
Boys Invitational Long Jump
4:30 PM Girls Invitational Long Jump
Girls Invitational 1600m
Boys Invitational 1600m
Boys Invitational High Jump
Girls Seeded 100mHH
Girls Invitational Discus
5:30 PM
Girls Invitational 100mHH
Boys Invitational Shot Put
Boys Seeded 110mHH
Boys Inv. Triple Jump
Boys Invitational 110mHH
Girls Inv. Triple Jump
6:00 PM
Girls Seeded 400m
Girls Invitational High Jump
Girls Invitational 400m
Boys Invitational Pole Vault
Boys Seeded 400m
Boys Invitational 400m
Girls Seeded 100m
High Jump & Pole Vault: We will be
Girls Invitational 100m
Boys Seeded 100m
doing “5 alive.”
Boys Invitational 100m
Girls Invitational 800m
Boys Invitational 800m
Awards: The top 3 in each event will
Girls Seeded 300mLH
receive a medal, with places 4-6
Girls Invitational 300mLH
receiving ribbons. The winning team in
Boys Seeded 300mIH
Boys Invitational 300mIH
each gender will receive a plaque.
Girls Seeded 200m
Girls Invitational 200m
Boys Seeded 200m
Warm-up Area: Warm-ups may be
Boys Invitational 200m
done underneath the home bleachers, on
Girls Invitational 3200m
the softball field and on the baseball
Boys Invitational 3200m
Girls Seeded 1600m Relay
fields area.
Girls Inv. 1600m Relay
Boys Seeded 1600m Relay
Boys Inv. 1600m Relay
The entry list will be available on Monday, April 20, 2015.
There is plenty of free parking on campus as well as on the street. The
track is easily accessible from the street parking.
All-weather 8 lane track
Entry Fee:
$10 per individual per event
$35 per relay team
$300 maximum per gender
$550 maximum combined genders
Make checks payable to “Dublin High School.” Entry fees are due
Friday, April 24, 2015.
Entry of individual athletes and relay teams in each event will be done on Email [email protected] for a
password. Entries will be closed Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 11:59 PM.
Please be honest about your entry times as we would like to have all of the
heats be competitive.
Race Seeding: The heats will be seeded by entry times, starting with the slower heats
working to the faster heats. In the laned running events, the top 16
entrants will be placed in the “Seeded” and “Invitational” sections with the
“Invitational” section being the fastest, with the exclusion of the 800m,
which will run only an “Invitational” section of 16. The 1600m and
3200m will have the top 24 entrants in the “Invitational” section.
Field Event Flights:
The flights will be seeded by entry marks, starting with the lowest
working to the farthest. The top 12 entrants in each field event will
be placed in one flight for the “Invitational” section. They will
receive 3 marked attempts, then we will reseed, then they get
another 3 attempts (all attempts count for the best mark. The
“Open” section will receive 4 marked attempts.
There will be a snack bar as well as t-shirts available for $15.
General - $7
Senior Citizens & Minors - $4
Results for all races will be posted following each race on the “results
boards” around the corner from the snack bar as well as at and
Meet Director: Chris Williams
Contact number: (510)917-5473
Email: [email protected]
Come celebrate the Frosh/Soph!