Dundee Social Enterprise Network April 2015 Newsletter Welcome to the April Newsletter Rank Foundation Funding. 21 projects and groups in Dundee have been successful in securing funding. The Rank investment in Dundee is by far the largest place-based funding commitment in the U.K. and will work with charities and social enterprises that will contribute to a strategy of working in partnership to focus on leadership, enterprise and care. Dundee SEN as well the TSI partners and our members have been successful is gaining funding. Our grant will support three more years of the new start support scheme that has been funded by John Sharp Benevolent Trust. DSEN’s members meeting in March took place in Dundee Carers’ new office in the Seagate and was extremely well attended. The focus was on Health and Social Care integration opportunities and including presentations on SDS short break/respite provision in Dundee by Lucinda Godfrey of Dundee Carers, and an update from Dundee City Council on their new ‘Mylife’ care and support website, and information about support and care initiatives in England from Helen Allen of Community Catalysts. John Sharp Futures Fund: The closing date for the next round is 15th May 2015. This is the fourth round of funding awards and already 13 social enterprises have been successful and are receiving training, marketing, and peer support, as well as funding assistance for their new enterprises. Further information below. New Members: DSEN is delighted to welcome ‘Boomerang’ and ‘Makerspace’ to the Network. See the information about both organisations below: Staff News: Jessie Bruce ‘retired’ from Dundee SEN at the end of March. She has been instrumental in providing support for the new start organisations and the successful delivery of the John Sharp Futures Fund. She is now ‘working’ on her paintings in preparation for an exhibition and sale. We wish her well in this. Forthcoming Network Meetings DSEN Network Members Meeting Focusing on: DSEN’s AGM, Internships in the SE sector, food production and healthy eating. Location: TBC, Date: 28th May Time: 10.30 am – 12.00 noon; followed by a networking lunch. Helen Smith, Abertay University’s Associate Director Teaching Innovation will deliver a presentation on her activities related to ‘Internships’ and focus on the benefits that they can deliver to SE organisations. Updates on third sector food production and healthy eating initiatives will be featured. To Book Contact: Angus Greenshields at Email: [email protected] or telephone: 07938 123917 Price: Free DSEN/Senscot - Legal Surgery: DSEN in partnership with Senscot Legal www.se-legal.net is hosting another Legal Surgery in DSEN’s office on the 17th June 2015. Senscot Legal’s Helen Turner will be available to provide invaluable free support and advice for enterprises looking to set up a legal entity or to check the existing one for compliance. The support and advice will be available on a wide range of topics including; Governance, Legal Structures, Contract Law, and Property/Leases. For further information and to book a place contact Angus Greenshields at Email: [email protected] or telephone: 07938 123917 Reg Office The Factory Skatepark,15 Balunie Drive, Dundee, DD4 8PS. Scottish Charity SC043943 Company Registration no. SC401913 Dundee Pop-ups and Market Stalls – Get your product to market We are looking to assist the Third Sector organisations/social enterprises, large and small, that want to take a product to market. This might be a food product or crafts. You might be growing plants, creating displays/wreaths or vegetables and want to explore the option of selling your surplus or have a group that creates products, crafts/arts or similar, that can be sold. If this sounds like you then read on… An event is planned for late June and aims to inspire and inform potential suppliers about the possibilities for selling your products direct to the consumer and opening a market stall or pop up shop. This will be followed by training and workshops to help you get your business and products ready for sale. Dundee City Council are planning the city’s Christmas Street Festival on the evening of 20 th November 2015. The event will take place over the evening of the 20th and it is hoped certain elements can be expanded to continue over the daytime of Saturday 21st November. Activities will be concentrated this year in the areas of the City Square, the surrounding streets and include the new Civic Green Space at the back of the Caird Hall. A key element of this event will be the launch of a new “home Grown” Christmas market. If you are interested in this and would like to be kept informed of developments and events, then please email Ian Baird on [email protected] to register your interest. A Dundee Food Network has been formed consisting of NHS, Dundee City Council, DHLI and third sector groups. The focus to the group is to bring together those that are working with food, either providing healthy eating groups, cooking classes, weaning groups etc. There is to be training for the group leaders who are delivering cooking classes, so that a range of groups and people can benefit from the shared knowledge and improved working practices. The Dundee Food Network is looking to hear from those working in the Third Sector who may be interested in joining the group, hearing about its work or perhaps engaging in the training. As a first step please contact Susan Smith [email protected] or Sheila Rose [email protected] to register an interest. There is also a Community Food and Growing Forum and if you are interested in that group (more involved in growing things, selling through cafes and markets and developing those skills), please contact Susan Smith. DSEN’s Information and Learning events for Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs The 2015 programme of free events is shown below. Each event will take place from 10am – 3pm. Coffees/teas will be available on arrival and lunch will be also provided. There will be the opportunity to network, take part in an interactive session led by DSEN staff as well as learn from an external specialist. Availability may be limited, priority will be given to DSEN ASE members. Venues will be in or close to city centre wherever possible and details will be forwarded when booking received. Please email [email protected] to book or for further information. Customer Needs – Profit and Social Impact Pricing and Finance Leadership, Management and Governance Communication, Negotiation and “Pitching” Wednesday 6th May 2015 Thursday 23rd July 2015 Monday 14th September 2015 Tuesday 17th November 2015 DSEN Encourages New and Aspiring Members Enquiries from individuals and groups that would like to become members of the network are always welcome, and they should contact Susan Smith to find out more. If you know of a business or project that might be interested in joining the network or would like to be added to the directory, please contact us. We’re also keen to support projects and organisations that are considering becoming a social enterprise through our ‘Aspiring Social Enterprise’ membership category. Drop In Surgery: We are operating a new Drop In surgery that will take place every second Tuesday at the Voluntary Gateway Dundee (1pm – 4pm) based within No 10 Constitution Road. A member of the DSEN Staff will be there to offer support and advice to both new enquiries and members. If you would like more details, please contact Susan. The next dates are 14th and 28th April 2015. Reg Office The Factory Skatepark,15 Balunie Drive, Dundee, DD4 8PS. Scottish Charity SC043943 Company Registration no. SC491013 The following new members have joined the Network since the last Newsletter was published: Boomerang provides learning and leisure activities to the residents of Maryfield and surrounding districts with an aim of providing a cohesive and fulfilled community. At Boomerang we run our groups in an informal, friendly way and with the emphasis firmly on fun to encourage participation and interaction both with peers and members of staff. Boomerang has been developed by a community based organisation with strong roots in the Maryfield area of Dundee. We provide a variety of services to the population of Maryfield with over 300 residents using the facility on a weekly basis. The key aim of the organisation is to develop a safe, welcoming place in the community where people from vulnerable groups are supported to develop activities, identify issues and take action to reverse decline in the area. Activities include Parent and Toddlers, Youth Groups, Exercise and Wellbeing, Lunch Clubs, Learning and Elderly Befriending. Boomerang contributes to a vibrant Maryfield by providing people with access to life changing skills and instilling a sense of belonging in local residents. Boomerang is an accredited training centre and has 16 years’ experience in working with the most disadvantaged assisting them to develop selfesteem and employability skills. Boomerang also provides local residents opportunities to volunteer within their own community For further information please contact: [email protected] Website: Boomerang110.co.uk Dundee MakerSpace is a community workshop and is about being part of the global drive to encourage everyone to be creative. We are an open organisation that aims to bring the global drive to Dundee, creating an open and creative space for anyone to learn and to collaborate on exciting projects. Dundee MakerSpace brings together people with diverse creative, scientific and artistic backgrounds and interests regardless of experience. We aim to nurture, grow and promote creative ideas and projects and help to guide them into products and businesses, enhancing local skills and creating job opportunities. We are based in the vision building and regularly run many different events from design jams to robot wars. We are funded and run by our members, who pay a monthly subscription to get access to all our facilities 24 hours a day. For further information please contact: Grant Richmond [email protected] Website: dundeemakerspace.co.uk Reg Office The Factory Skatepark,15 Balunie Drive, Dundee, DD4 8PS. Scottish Charity SC043943 Company Registration no. SC491013 Members’ News Dundee Carers Centre: To raise awareness of Self-directed Support (SDS), Dundee Carers Centre staff were in the City Square on Sunday 29 March, 11am – 5pm, handing out leaflets and informing people of what SDS is and how it can help people have an informed choice about the way that their social care and support is provided to them. Also on the day BOLD Marketing, part of Community Enterprise Scotland, produced a short film which involving members of the public reciting lines of a poem written about SDS. Dundee Carers went the extra mile with staff members dressed as a chicken and a rabbit handing out cream eggs to the sounds of The Wave 102 Roadshow with Charlie Duthie. This all comes on the lead up to the Self-directed Support Providers Fair being organised by Dundee Carers on Sat 2 May 2015, 10am – 4pm at the Caird Hall, Dundee. A marketing campaign has been launched with leaflets being circulated around key areas in Dundee and Angus along with a Street Advertising Campaign showing the “Faces of Self-directed Support”. Facebook page: Dundee SEN now has a face book page. Please like the page to get news from other members and to keep up to date with national developments. If you have an event or article that you want shared then please email [email protected]. Good To Go - Free Travel Bus for Community Groups in Dundee: This pilot bus service, which includes a driver (and escort if required) is for groups of older people in Dundee. It is available weekdays from 12pm-3pm and in the evening and weekends. To book or check on availability phone the bus booking number: 07731878458 or email: [email protected]. Funding and Other Useful Information John Sharp Futures Fund: If you are looking to start a social enterprise or have a good idea that might be developed, then please complete an enquiry form at http://dundeesen.org/?page_id=802 or phone or email Ian Baird [email protected] Grants of up to £5,000 can be applied for and support is available with the application process. The closing date for the current round is 15th May 2015. Aspiring Social Enterprises wishing to start the preparation process in advance should consider developing a Business Plan, carrying out Market Research and setting up their Legal Structure. If you’re interested in finding out if you are eligible and would like assistance in the application process please get in touch. Integrated Care Small Grants Fund (Formerly the Capacity Building Small Grants Fund): The Small Grants Fund aims to build the capacity of communities to deliver services which ensure people are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer. Funding is available to support the delivery of projects across all adult services. In particular we are looking for new and innovative projects that test new ways of working for your organisation, your community and/or Dundee. Funding is not, therefore, available to continue funding existing projects or staff posts. In particular we are looking for projects that adopt a co-productive way of working, i.e. involving stakeholders in the design, delivery and evaluation of projects. There are two types of funding: Level 1 – grants of up to £500 Level 2 – grants of between £500 and £7500 They are referred collectively to as Small Grants Funding. All funding should be spent within a year of the grant being awarded. Funding is not recurring. Level 1 applications can be submitted at any time. Level 1 and Level 2 applications can be completed with support from a capacity building worker. Contact Christina Cooper, Project Co-ordinator [email protected] or tel 01382 305701 Reg Office The Factory Skatepark,15 Balunie Drive, Dundee, DD4 8PS. Scottish Charity SC043943 Company Registration no. SC491013 for support with your application. A member of the Capacity Building team will be allocated to your application. Completed applications should be returned to [email protected] or Madeline Rees, Dundee Voluntary Action, NumberTen, 10 Constitution Road, Dundee, DD1 1LL. http://www.reshapingcaredundee.org.uk/capacity-building-programme/third-sector-capacitybuilding/capacity-building-small-grants-fund/ Proposed Re-use Hub at Baldovie: Dundee City Council is launching a new Re-use Hub at the Baldovie Recycling Centre that aims to significantly increase the amount of household items being re-used across Dundee each year. The Re-use Hub will take the form of a bespoke Portakabin with room for storing re-usable goods and a designated drop-off point for bulky house-hold goods. The Portakabin will act as a triage centre for assessing the re-usability of goods which can then be taken off site by re-use partners and made available for sale at affordable prices through their existing networks. Baldovie Recycling Centre receives an average of 1400 visitors every week, making it an ideal location to collect re-usable goods. With such high visitor numbers the new scheme aims to increase the amount of household goods re-used from 57 tonnes to over 300 tonnes per year. It is anticipated that this project will bring a wide range of benefits to the local community including training and employment opportunities for those working within the Hub as well as an increase in the availability of affordable house-hold items across various distribution markets. With a consistent supply of re-usable goods being made available it is hoped that a third sector partner can work with Dundee City Council to unlock the hub’s full potential. The Re-use Hub will be open to the public in May this year and will accept bulky furniture, large and small electrical items, white goods, textiles, and sports equipment that would have otherwise been disposed of as waste. Many of these items arrive at Baldovie in good working order but are damaged in the process of being put into skips. Efforts will be made to identify potentially reusable items and encourage members of the public to make use of the reuse hub rather than disposing of such items in the general waste skips. Saving these items from incineration and landfill will reduce carbon emissions, focus attention further up the waste hierarchy and contribute towards the Council’s goal of making Dundee a sustainable city. If you are interested in this and would like to be kept informed of developments and events, then please email Ian Baird on [email protected] to register your interest. Community Asset Transfer Information: The Community Asset Transfer (CAT) strategy was approved last year, but it has taken some time to get all the processes in place to allow communities and groups to take up the opportunity. The application process is now completed and all the paperwork, including the property list, is on the Dundee City Council website. www.dundeecity.gov.uk/communities/assettransfer. The Steering Group have been meeting regularly to put in place processes and procedures for the asset transfer of properties from Dundee City Council to the Third Sector organisations in Dundee. There are now a full set of applications forms, guidance notes and assessment processes in place. These may need to be reviewed in light of the Community Empowerment Bill. It has been recognised that there may be properties on the list that are getting no interest from community groups and so a process is being put in place to remove them. There will be notification on the Council website if this is proposed. Likewise, as new properties are released for asset transfer, there will be notification sent out and they will be added to the list on the Council website. http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/communities/assettransfer As groups are coming forward to make applications under the Community Asset Transfer process it has been recognised that different types and levels of support are needed for each applicant. We are currently working on improving the information that is available to potential applicants about the vast range of support, often free, and how to access it. This should help the groups to get the support that is needed to ensure that the best application possible is put forward. Should you have any questions about the strategy, process or access to support please contact Susan Smith, 07982 688 207 or [email protected] or Carole Jenkins, 01382 436929 or [email protected] Reg Office The Factory Skatepark,15 Balunie Drive, Dundee, DD4 8PS. Scottish Charity SC043943 Company Registration no. SC491013 Asda Community Capital Fund Social Investment Scotland has announced that as a result of the Scottish Government's single use carrier bag levy, the Asda Community Capital fund has been launched. ASDA is using the net proceeds of the single use carrier bag levy to deliver lasting social impact in communities in Scotland. The proceeds will be distributed equally through a social investment fund via Social Investment Scotland aimed at supporting the growth and development of social enterprises in Scotland and a small grant programme via Foundation Scotland who will distribute their share of the funds to support local good causes in the communities around ASDA stores with grants of up to £2,000. More detail can be found at: https://www.foundationscotland.org.uk/ Ready for Business – Social Enterprise Register: Free for everyone to join. Please use the Dundee and Tayside searches for local groups. One of the key areas of the ‘Ready for Business’ website is the Social Enterprise Register. This offers an effective way to search for information on social enterprise organisations throughout Scotland to, amongst other things, purchase from or collaborate with on tenders. They are in the process of checking the information contained within the Register and are asking organisations to check that the details are valid. If you have any changes to make or need any assistance please contact Tariq at mailto:[email protected] Further Dates for your Diary Just Enterprise: Finance Training: Budgeting for Your Organisation & Funding Applications: Perth: Just Enterprise finance training courses have been developed to significantly increase the ability of boards and practitioners to make valued and informed decisions relating to the financial management of Third Sector organisations. This workshop is aimed at staff who are involved in the budgeting process within their organisation. The course is practical in nature and all course materials including linked spreadsheets will be made available to delegates following attendance at the course Learning Outcomes Practical knowledge of how to construct an Income & Expenditure Budget Practical knowledge of how to construct a cash flow budget Learn how to adapt these models to show funders why you need their intervention and the financial effect it will have on your organisation When & Where Thursday 7th May 2015 (9.30am to 4.00pm) Gallery Conference Room, PKAVS, The Gateway, North Methven Street, Perth, Cost Free of charge for members/staff of third sector organisations.Click here to complete the on-line registration form. Places are limited and are offered on a first come, first served basis so please book early to guarantee your place. Just Enterprise is also delivering learning and development programmes taking place in Aberdeen city centre in April and May. As follows: The programmes are open to individuals and organisations from the enterprising third sector. Please feel free to share with your staff team, networks and contacts. Places are limited and the programmes delivered in other locations have been fully booked so we encourage individuals to book at their earliest opportunity. 1. Measuring Social Impact | 30 April |£50 per person This one-day learning programme provides an overview of two main frameworks to measuring social impact allowing you to identify an approach most suitable for your organisation and its work. Reg Office The Factory Skatepark,15 Balunie Drive, Dundee, DD4 8PS. Scottish Charity SC043943 Company Registration no. SC491013 This programme is for individuals and organisations interested in proving and improving the value of their organisations’ work. 2. Pre-start Leadership |7 May | Fully-funded, no cost to participants This one-day programme is an ideal introduction to leadership for individuals who have just started or are interested in starting a social enterprise, and expecting to be in a new leadership position. Bookings can be made through the Just Enterprise website: - www.justenterprise.org Alternatively, and for more information, individuals can contact myself or Donna on: - [email protected] / 0131 243 2675 - [email protected] / 0131 243 2684 Just Enterprise is a Scottish Government funded programme specifically designed to assist the growth of Scotland’s third sector. Visit www.justenterprise.org or telephone 0141 425 2939 for details of the full range of support available. Dundee Third Sector Forum: The next Third Sector Forum will take place on Tuesday 21 st April 2015 from 2 - 4pm in Number Ten. It is open to all those working or engaged in the Third Sector in Dundee. The agenda covers a wide range of topics including: Carseview Centre Third Sector Manifesto - 21st September 2015 Living Wage – feedback from survey Community Empowerment Event - 10th June 2015 Feedback from the CPP – Partnerships/SPGs/Networks & Forums. Third Sector Strategic Funding Partnership Group, Changing For The Future Project 55 Third Sector Contracts and In Kind Support Workshop Third Sector Event (Scoring Tool, Outcomes Training, Funding info) – proposed date tbc Health And Social Care Integration, Report from the Shadow Board and Integrated Care Fund Welfare Reform Forum To book a place please email [email protected] And Finally General Information: If you have an event or course that could be of interest to social enterprises then please contact Angus Greenshields so that we can work together to promote it. We have a vacancies section on the DSEN website where we can advertise member organisations’ vacancies at no cost to your business. Check the members’ only area (contact Angus Greenshields for your log in) on the website. The latest edition of the “Procurement Officer Guide” and the report from the “Community Asset Transfer” conference can be found there. Contact: Susan Smith. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07928 688207 Ian Baird. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07597 378839 Angus Greenshields. Email: [email protected] Mobile 07938 123917 General Enquiries: Email [email protected] Tel 01382 509586 Web: www.dundeesen.org Reg Office The Factory Skatepark,15 Balunie Drive, Dundee, DD4 8PS. Scottish Charity SC043943 Company Registration no. SC491013
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