presentation of the most common emergency room situatïons . Respondent's physical examinations and thought processes were sorely inadequate . Respondent consistently exhibited shotty Lsic) diagnoses and practices, along with poor record keeping . Respondent also demonstrated a serious lack of engagement with hïs patients. The Hearing Committee believes that Respondent c/eates a threat to patient safety and he cannot be allowed to return to practice medicine in this State . Prior to our consideration of this matterz we received a submission from respondent dated October 26, 2009, whereln respondent advised the Board that he had filed an appeal of the New York action with the Administrative Review Board . Respondent asked this Board to review the submissions that he made in support of his appeal of the New York action, and beseeched this Board not to take adverse actâon against his New Jersey license while the New York appeal was pending . We decline to consider respondent's submissions , extent they seek to challenge the findings of fact or conclusions of law that were made by the New York Board, and explicitly adopted by this Board x Makker has not supplied any documentation that A small portion of Dr . Makker's written submissions can more properly be categorized as beîng in the nature of mitigation . We also declined to consider those submissions at this time, as N .J .S .A . 45 :9-19.16a contemplates that the Board 's consideration of relevant mitigation evidence, and/or oral arguments as to discipline, is to be afforded after an Order of Immediate License suspension is entered , and that , upon consideration of any additional evâdence submitted or arguments made , a final determination as to discipline is to be made within 60 days of the would suggest that the Order of the New York Board revoking lïcense is in any way stayed pendïng appealz and thus the findïnga of fact made effect. the Nebq York proceeding are full force and clear that the New York findings were based, part, on credibility determinations made following hearings in Nebq York, and we explicitly reject should conduct Makker's suggestion we independent review of the New York Board's fïndïngs, or otherwise substitute our judgment for that of :he body which directly heard this matter. Conclusions of Law -- We conclude that record before us fully supports conclusion that respondent's continued practice in New Jersey would endanger or pose risk to the public health , safety and welfare . Based thereon , N .J.S .A . 45 :9-19.16a mandates that we presently enter an Order immediately suspending the license of respondent Ram swaroop Makker to practice medicine and surgery in the State of New Jersey . Furlher Proceedinqs to Consider Mïtïqation Evidence N .J .S .A . 45:9-19 .16a provides that a physician who is the subject an order immediate license suspension shall be provided an t'opportunity to submit relevant evidence in mitigation date of mailing of this Order. Accordingly , we will hereafter afford Dr. Makker an opportunity to submi: relevant mitigation evidence to the Board for review and/or to request an opportunity to make oral arguments as to discipline, in accordance with the procedures established below . ' l . I PETNUMQBW WI g t G 91811 Q t7 4. NE STA WTE YOR KK ARD STAFTOR E PROFESSDE IONA PAL RME TME DG G'OF LCOND HEAL UTCT H j,w:g-pg i i--- 1N THE cy- AIAT'I'ER ..aj COMMISSIONER'S . l l o: IW M SWAAOOPMAKKEX 1 l C M .D. l l ( I ORDER Axo NOTICE o F FlsAspxo TO: RAV SW AROOP M KKS.R.M.D. RedactedA ddrevs rhe undetsigoedrW éndy E.Saunderi.Executive Deputy Com m iksioner.for Richard F.DaineskM .D.,Com missionerofHeao .atteran investkllion.upon m e recom m endalion ofa Ceom m ittee on Ptofessi4nalM edicdlC ondud bftbe'Slate Board for ProfessionâlMèdicalCondud ,and um n the Statem entofC haTges attached hereto and m ade'a parthereof,has deterrftined thatthq continued pracrtice ofmedscineitlllneState QfNew Yorkby'fG M SW AROOP MAKKER,M .b.,the Respondent.conslitutes an im m lnentdanger to ttle health ofthe people ofm is stzle . lt1 therefore: ORDCRED,pursuahtto N.Y.Pub.Health Law â23O.(12).thate' O ttive irnm ediatety RAM SW ARO OP MAKKER.M .D ..Respondent.shallnotpractice m edicine in tlne State ofNew Yofk. Thls Ordershallfem ain in effectunl- s m e lfied ofvae ted by tb/ C/m m issionerofHealth purstlantto N.Y.Pub..Healsh L1w ï230(12). PLEASS TM E NOTICE thata heàdng w lllbe beld pursuantto the provisions ofN.Y.Pub.Hëallb Law :230.and N. Y .Statl Admin.Proc.Ad 1 301-307 and 401 . The hearing willbe conducted before a com m itlee on professionalcondud oi'tlne State Bomrd for ProfessionalM edicealConduclon April30,2009,al10700 a.m the officaes oftlne New York Stale HealllnDeparlrnent,90 Church Street,4* Floor, New York,NY 10007.and alsuch otheradjoumed dales,times and places as tbe com m itlee m ay direct. The Respolzdentm ay file an answ erto the Statem entof ; t , J I l EX H IB IT B l4EW YORKSTATE DEPARTM ENYOF HEALTB STATE BOARD FOR PROFEZSIONAL MEDICAL CONDUCT JN THK M ATTER STATEMBNI OF OF RAM SW ARSOP AIA K ZV:RAM .D4 CHARG E: RAM S@ AROOP M AKKEASM .D.,the Responrenl,m s atlthorize: 1è practice medicine in New York Stste on orsbot!tAugug 2:1993,by tNe issulnce oflicense nurflber 193129 b# the N eiW York'Stàte Educltbn Dm art- lit. : FACTUAL ALLEB ATION.S A. Respondenttreafed Pati:otA (PàlléntA t flarriè iscontabed in the attached Appendix)on November3.2006.AtMarylmm aculate Hospital.152-14 :91 * Avenue,Jamaica,New York. Réspobdenl's managem enland têéztm eht deparled from accepted sofjdards ofm edicalpracece iflthe folbwing respecls: Pztlent/ ardveu atthe fm pmencyAcofn via lmbutance wim the chiefcomplaints c1Iethargy.respiratsry distresx and hypoteàsion. Nespondentfailed to take and perform an atjeqttste histo?y and phy< colexam ination. 2- Respondentfalled to dtagnpse an4 treata slate ofaltered m eotêlstatus,Jespiratory fafltlre and slnock. 3. D espile knowing thatP atienlA was on m ethadone.R esgondent failed to considsr 3nd treata disgriotis ofrnethadone ovee ose , 4. Respondentiflappropriately atttibtfted PalientA's critical preseotation to sim pte gastreeateritis. f * . 5. . ' Rèspondentfskled to intubate and apptopriately venflàte the PâtieDt- 6. ' ' RvspondentV ilëdto maintàjn : meùitalze ord j' atient w' hjch accurately reitcl the evaluations he pxèkdedjibcltzdiog properpatienlhistow ,phytiqsls exdm inatibn.diapnoses. f' atîonsles fortestlngxtetm follbw-up and dischàrée hot4s. B. Resgondenïlreated'Patienté inMarch.2002.,alMary lm mpçldate Hospitaly 462-44 89* A'venqq.Jam aica,New York. Respqndent!s m anugem ëntand tteatmentdepartbd from açcepted m andards offpede lpractte tn lhe followlng rlspects: ï. PatlentB àrf' iYed at e Em ergency Room via am bulance. She com plàined qfabdom ln/lpainxw eakness and dtttenor/heà. è ksw ..<xckvu..w oq h vs-. -sp-w,i' l/*$' %t u 2. Res' pbnd4ntfailed t4 rake and perfotm an âöequate httory and physidaleyam fnatiof). ) Resporident fa/led to diagnbse and treat pn ed opic pregnancy. ' -3v--* % ' .# 4 . p. . 4. Resgondentm àde an incorrectwbrkifjg diagnosis ofgaslroenieritis. 5 Respondensinappropriately otdered two abdom lnalxeays ofPatieof . :. b-who waspregnant. Respondenïfalfed to tim ely obtain a gynecology consufe tîon. 7. Rcsponde ntta/ed 'to m ainlain a m' rth4 patienlwhlch j k. acctlralely feflects tbe evaluations be provkled jinclvding proget patienlhîstory,physicalexam inationcdiagnosesvrationales fortesting, : teslfolpow -up and consunations. 2 l ( Responèentteated Patierd c t,n M ay t3,2007,atOurLaty o:Locrdes . Mospitqt Resptm de' nt's manavementand treatm en! depàrted from accepted . '' . x . sldndafdsofmedicplpracttcek)thefcllowingTespectst . PatientC,aocom paoiéd hy hi# pàrWntx,presented to thetEm ergency Rbotncomplmininè cfleftàbdomlnalpainfollowinga spp' l injury. Respondeotfailed to 1kp azid pekrform ah àdeqtaate hYlory and physicalea rininztbn. RespotAd/ntfailed to orderan abdwminalCT scanto rule ou1s/lenic injury. 3. Respondentinapproprltqlypfdered Töraddl.a potenl'én4sgeslc. Responderifirlapptopfjmety di/cbarged the patientw ith a diagooxkx of V bdom inalpein s?p h1tw ith b/: own elbow '. R/sponden' tfaqed to m ainsaln a jiledftalrecord for4he pnttenfwhicl& accuralety re:ec. e 1he evaltlatunm he pttlvded,lncludlng propet patietlt hltory.physica!ekaM inlfioù,diapnoses.rstb rlales fOT testing . lestfollow-up and Ul ' scharge ooles. Respûndenttreated P atigntD pn Spptem bere.2095,11 St.Johffs Hosvltzl. Oveerts,New York. R pspondenfs m ansq reatm êntdepmrted a em entênd t from accepled slandards ofmediM lpraclic: in ll4e following reipècty: Respond:ntfaged to tak: aad pedorm ln adequate hjstory and physi celexam inatkm . Respondentfayed to ordera C T scan of abdom en and pejvis. 3. Responöenl failed to consids: and m ake a dipgnosis of actlte appendicitis. Respondentfailed tô o.btoi n 2 Stzf/icglconsullatiorj. Responöentinappxopriœtely dischargsd the pstiemtw ith 1 diagnosis of gaslroehterkis. Respondentfàjed tp maihtain a m edicaltecotd Jor'the patieotw hfeh. , accktrate!yreflectpthex evaluationsheprovzeéaincludklg' pro/er , patien,Nstory.physe lexa> ilia' tlon,diagrioses.ràfiobples.ftp tastklé, testfollow-up and diàrhmrge noteé. R@spondenltreeted PatientC on Jangal . 23.2:071ztOutLpdy ofLourdes Hcspitâl. Regpofïdehps managem entand trpxtmenldepaded Jrorinatc/ptfd standaràs ofmedlcalpraçtljlc,e' ift1hefllloWlog r:spectr Respondensfailed 1 take atld pedorm aq adeqtllte hktory 1nd physicalexam inatb 2. Relpondentigljoted and falled jo 1cttzpon im portantabnorm al1ab values. 3. R espondentfsiled to cpnsiderand m ake a rlisgnosis of acute liver diselse. 4. Rèsulls oflabotalory teyts and c low grlde lever suggeltèd the 5. presence ifan îrdection. Responden!fsjlêd td address tbese fm -dingsu Rfspon:entm ade en îoporrectdiagnosis of biiajeralflahk pain. Respondentfailed to considerhospitalizgtloo oftl)e pltientfot evaluation and treatm entofacute alcoholic hepstltis and pùssiblp fn/èction. Respondentinappropriately ceferred PatieofE io a urobgielin M e absetjc/ ofany urelogicalpathology.' 8. Respondeolfailed to lnulude in his Uischafge instrtK tgons to PatientE a w arning againstalcoholconsum ption. Respondentlailed to m àintain a m edicgtrecrrd Jotthe palîentwhich accurately rèflects the evàfuatiotlù be p' rovided.including proper patienthistofy-ph>sicalexarninaiiott.diagnöses,r' àtvioro le: ft/rlestiog, teslfollow-up and discharge rloles. Xespondenttrealed Pm ieftF on Dem m ber5,2506:atM G lm m acbfate Hof/ital. Respobdetlt': lntmhàtententand lreafmeotdeparted lrom zedepted' M andards ofm edlcalprsctidé in ll7e löllöwing respecls:. Respondqntfalled to lsks apd perform en edequate Niftöly atld' physical.exaràination. Respondentinappropriatèly N deted a head . C T scan. 3. Respondenlrriad:en inapprb/tivtéworking diâgnosis.ofméningitis wbi' ch dlsgnosis be also faile: to approp:ately ùkaluate and treyt. 4. Retpvndentfafled to m ake a dl gùoslsoï vîtalsyndtom e. 5. Respoadentfaiied to ozdetappropdate fluids to healthe gatlent-s defiydràEon. 6, Respcndentinapptopdately prd.ared tbd trapsferofPatleat F to a tergary pedltrit re/erfalhèàpltll.StibneiderChildren's Holpitml.#or the perform znce ofa lum bar punctufe. Respondenffailed lo m aint4in e m edicalrecotd forthe palient w hich aocurately reflecls the evaluationa he prcvidad,lcctuding proper patient history,phyticalexam inalion,diagnoset. ratb nales for tesling. testfollow-up and dxcharge notes. Respondenttrem ed PgtientG on M atch 2-/-23.2097.atO u?Lady of l.ourdes Hospitul. Respondznt's m anagem elntafld tTeatm ent deperled from accepted slandards of m edicalpraclice in lbe fcllr?wjfng respects: Respondentfailed to take '/nd perform artadequate history and physicalexam ination. Respondeotordered the adm' inistre on öfPheoergan W hich is conttaindhp ted klthlldren underthe age of- 0.. Respondentfailedto appropriatelymoëtorthe patièotfortecslratdfy depresmbn,a knpwp complicltionofPhettetùan'. Respondentinappröptialelydischargqd PatientG w im outcootfm in# 6 . 4. * . llaatshe w a: adeqttately hydrated. 5. Upon ditchqtpè,Ro pondentim propedy gake PàtiebtG '> mothera prescriptioo forPlnerlergén. Respondentprekare# an emergentydeppflrhentrepod whiO contxfned iu ûcur ' zt inforrnétiœ concernyng whem et..ornotPatientG had re- ived IV fltajd w bile in lhe lm spital. Respondentfa7ed to m akrltlin 4 m edicalrècord O rlhe patientwhith . accurately feflects the evaluations he prcvided.incfuding proper patignthistcfy,physioalexarninatlon,db gtnotyes,rationales fortestingx testfolltjw-t. ap and di&cijlrçe notes. Respondenttreated PGtientH on December26.20016 a1O uCLady o/ J-ourdes Hospital. Respondeot's Mmnlpemetd and'freatm enfdepaded frofn accepted Slaodatds öfmedicasp<actice in the fbllowlnq , respetts: Respon4entfailed to take lfjd perform an ad&qtlite histol 'and p' hysic?fexgm ifo tibn. R espondenlfailed lo otder an x-ray ofm e potiervl's right hip. Responderd faiied to corfectly inferpretx-o ys ofthe patient's rightrtip. w hich x-ray: a teclthician had independenfly perform ed. Responder!t read them as negali ve.they actuatly Ehow ed a ffacture. Respendenlfafletj to consultw ith a fldiologi:twho w as avalfable at fb SECOND SPQCIFICATION INCOM PETXNCE ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION Ru poridentis charged with cotnmië tlg pfofàssip% im iàconuuclas dêfine in N.Y.Edlm.L'lw 56S39(5)bypfacte g theprofeM e cfm e iqinp wRh fnconcgetencé on morq than one occal on asalleged in the ta* oftwo otajore of . 2. Paragraph A and il: àutlpa agrpphs,6 andvits subparagraphs,C nnd ils subpdragraphsaD afè Xssubputagsaphl.E df)d 11 subparagfaphsvF and 11 subperagiaplu .G And its sl abpam gtaphs.andlotH and it;subparagfaphs. 11 1 . TH l SPECIFICATION FAIL R ' . ' . gespondentis chatged Nvltllxrm mitting professlot' p lm iscpnductas de:nêd in NZY.Educ.Law : 6530132)byfàigrtg tomàinte a tecord foreach patientwhjèh accurafely refle. cl: the care ànd trèamnentpflhe patlent.aB afte' ged in the facts of: 3. a tagraph A ànd A6sB and B/.C and f>,D and 56.E and E9, F 1r143F7.G and G 7.artd/b/H and H7. . DATE: Apn4. a 7 .2009 New Ybfk,New Ycrk RedactddSlgni ltllre DeputyCoupsel B ureau olProfessibnal M edicalConduct tt : E X H IB I T C STAU M ENT OF CHARGCS n eaccompangng StatementofChargè.salleged tbree(3)speciscationsofprofessional m isconduck incltding allegationsofnegligence,incompetcnce and failureto maintain medicalrecords.n echargesaremorem ecifcallysetforthin theStatementofchargrsdatedAplil 23,2009,acopy ofwhich isàttache,d hereto asApptndix 1and m ade apartofthlgDeterminstion and Order. Rçspondentsle.d aazAns'wàrdatéd,April24.2009 a. t)d denled a11allegationà. SG TM ARY OF PX OCEEDINGV Conam isswicmer'sOrder April24x2009 NcticepfHe-qrlnjDàtd; Aprit2y,2Ud# M sw er April24,2009 Fze-ltlearing Conference April27.2X 9 Hearirg Dates: Apdl3Q,20()9 M ay 5. 200. 9 June2,2009 June 11,2009 Cotnm issioner'slntetim Order: June24,2009 D eliberqtion Date: July 23,2009 W ITNE SSES ForthePetitioner: M azk S.Silbezm ân,M .D. M otherofPatism C FortheRespondent: 11 Rarp Swamoop M akker,M .D. 2 FIN DING S OF FAG ThefollowingFindlngsofVactwerçmadeaûerareview ofthectirerecordavailabletothe Hee ngCorhmitteeinthistltatter. n eseFindihgsrt. ptetehtdocum entary bvidenceand testim ony found petw asiveby theHeaing Comm itte-e. W he/etherewasconflicting :videncethe Heszing Committeùctmssdered:11ofthcevidencepresentedatldi'ejectedwhutwn notrelw o tsbeliçvable. prcrediblein favorofthecited evidenct. ' l'hePetitioner,which hastheburden ofprocl was retjuirod to prove îts cas: by a preponduraoce of the evidence. The H ezring C om m ittee unanimöuslyapeedond11Findings,anda11Finding,swereestablishedbyatleastape ondctance oft' he evidence. 1. Ram Vwatoop V %lrt-et,M .D.,theReépondent,wasauthorizrdtopracticemedicineizjNew York Statèön orabcutAugust2,1993,by thèissuM ceofliccnsenumber 193129 by the Nev YorkStateBduca:én Dl attntent. PATIEN T A 2. PatientA,a40ycar-oldwomM withahistoryofsickltcellanernia,wasbroughtto tàeM aty lrnm acalatc H cspitalEm ergency D epar% entby am bulance on l1/3/06. 80t, h B asic Life Stpport('%LS'')andAdvancedLifçStpport(%W 1. zS'')tmitsresponded tothecallwith a complaintofdiffcultybreathing.(T.25-26)1 n e B' l., s reportnoted thatshehzd been dischzrged scm tt heED thepreviousday with sîcklecellanernia- Shewasfound covered in diarzhea,vvith altered m ental status,semi-ree ènsjve,with low blcod pzessure a' nd j difficulty breathing. H ervitalsignsw ereunMable,with a pulse of 110,blood pressure of 60/40,and a respiratory ratc of40. The A LS unitnoted thatPatientA w a: lethargic but ' NumbersinparenthesesrefertoHrarîngtrangcrfptpayes(T.)). 3 ' verballym m onsive.They CUI'tI)G noted shortnejgofbreath with thallow zrapid breathîng amd abdorninzl breathing. M ultiple IV placement attempts by the M .S unit were unsuccessfu1-(' Pet-Ekx2a.pgz.13-16/. . 3. Th:EmergencyDepxrtment(*fED3 tfia:enote:wetedocumented ét9:44 a-m.n echief compb intwgsltnrespopslvcnesswith dlfficulty breatlûng slnèe :' .40 a.m . 'rhé En tHage vital sir s revealed a pulse öf 119y.blèod pressure of 119/91, respirations of 24, a temperatureof99.2,andanoxygensntllrnt g'bn of99% despitesnapjleinentaloxygen.Past historyofsizklecelidlse%ewasnoted,aswerethepAtient'shomemedications,m ethadone and albuterol. Furthernutsing notes Ydicate lethatgyyfecalsoiling.allover,and thatthe patientwasmoxning,attimesin' rtmtmsetopxin.(Pd.Ex.2a,pgs.20,25-28). 4. Respomdentdbcumèntzd hià évàluation ofthe patientwith anote timed at9:55 a-m . Jle redorded dhiefcom plaln ztsofunrem cnsivenes:'ezith sbortrzesbofbruatlk acdthatthepatient hadbeenfotmdathomewithamethadon:bottle,letiargic ',hypotensiyeytacchypheic,and covered with dîarrhea. (7n t'xnminatioû,R:splmdem notes no G denct oftraum axwith zlcurologicalexlmination demonstp ting unres/onsivenèàsorm llmblizig.Hefurthernotes asuppleneckandnormalheartexamination.Exam inationsofthepupils,thelungsand the abdom ed w err not docum ented. Rem ondent': clinical'im pression w as recorded as gastroenttritfs.f.Pet.Ex.2a,pgs.21-23' ,(T.34). 5. ' I'h: nurses had diffculty placing an 7 7aàd obtaining blood for analysis,butRespondent obtained blood samples W a azterialpuncture at 10:30 a.m . Theblood w assentfor CBC, CM P,CK,troponin,amylaseylipaseand coagulation testing..An JV linewatestablïshed, ' Rc$erstoexhibitsinevidencesubrritzdbyicNt r. vYorkStateDegacmentofHcahh(Prt.E, x.)orbyI7r.Makkcr tResp.5; 4.). t 4 andRespopdentordereda500rkllv,normalsvlinebolus,follow edbyaconEnuousinfusion at250 ml/holm Supplem entaloxygen.a chestx-ray,head CT and E'K. G were ordered. Cardiac and oxygen saturation molzitoring were ordered,as wellâs houtly neurological statusmonitoring.(Pet.Ex.24 Laboratory studies revealed hyperkalemia (5.0,renalinm fficîency,alld ekidence of htmolysis typicalforsickle cellàpemia- The CBC demonstrated anemia(146 of 7.5), leukocytqsis(WBC of1:.9),andthzk ombocytosis.M ezialbloodpetsanalysiswasnotàble forsir lhclmtxacuterespiratpryacidods,witlzpll7.22.pCU2 of7U.$,and apO2 of169.6. n elabcratorycalledtonotifytheED oft1)e. x criticalvalues.lP:tEz.2a,p> .206-9). Over the nextfew hours,PatientA remained tachycatdic. At2:00 p.mwhervitalsipns clzanged,withabloodprebstltedropto8, 4/54andanoxygG sattzratîojzdropto92% otl100% oxygen.At3:07 p.m .' thepatiO tbecainebrédycarditàn' d w > tinte aoystoliccr diéc àrrett. Respondentattempttdendottachealintubationtwicewithoutstccett,@ etwEà.2a,pg,24). Orotracheàlintubation was then successfttlly perform ed by anesthegia at3:12 p-m . The * + patienlwassuccessfullyresuscîtated withiptubàtionrepinephppe,atopineànddopsrnine- Shehad arcttzm cfspontaneouscirculation with ablood presgm' eof45/28 docum ented at 3:25p.m .By 3:35p.m -ytl:ebloodprrszureinp roved to 105/43 on thecontirmtm sdopam ine infasion.(Pet.Bx.2a.pgs.27-29). Postresuscitation,physicians from the criticalcare tearn becam e invclved with the care of thePatient.Theyplaced acentralvenöuscàtheterin the rightfem oralvein and obtained an AB G at3:45p.m -revealing aPH of6.97,pC O2 of99,and pO2 of419 ortventilatorsettings a ofCM V 12 tidalvolume5O0m),and 100% oxygen'.Tlleynotedthatthepatientwmsfolmd w it. h an em pty bottle ofm ethadone in herhom e. TheCCU team 's clinicalim pression was 5 respiratoryfiluresecondarytomethadoneoverdosçwithencephalopath#,'Fhepaéentwas subsm uentlyadmittedtotheclidcalcaretmit.(Pd.Ex.2a). ln theICU,thepatientrernal 'ned intùbated andcpm gtose.Herurinetöxiçologyscm en was positive for opiates and benendiazm ines. SubsequentCT oftlw brain showed tliffuse cerôbzaledeotàctmtistentwithzztöxizencephfopaiy.n rPatient:utteredgtneralîzed seizures and ceptkal ftvep a: high as 19$ degtùès. Pàtierit A evehtuàlly s'ufferkd cardiovascularcollapseandwmspronoundeddeàdoh 11/9/06.A' n amopl wasperform çd, contsrmingthecaugeofdeathtobeanoxiceàcèphalopathyanddnzgoverdose.(Pet.Ex.2+ pg.27;Pet-Ex.2c). T)w prhnary goalofan em ergencyroom physician isto identifyserioustiurata to life. Once azneme/gencyroom (!*2R')physician rulesoutalllife-threateningcondltions,heorshemay uothavethegoalofreach-ingadcfm-' ltiveconclusion.Tl wt'job canbe . lefttoaplimarycare doctororothermedalist.(T.23). 17. ' 'l'' he ctitioalissueà to be adthessed in thi: casewere the alteration in m entalsutussthe hypotension and taclnycardia noted by EM Sy and the rem iratdry disttess. lnidal considcratitmsby theER physician should hav: incltjded methédone ovetdosethatcould cause abnorm alitie: in blood pressure,respiraEons and depresued m entalstats. Other approprizte considerations would have included an zcute ischem ic stoke or hem orrhage, volumodepletion,acutepneumorziaandpossiblesepsis.(T.39,.44,48and95). Respondent'sassesonentwascxtrcm cly lim ited.H e fàiled to exam inc fhepatient'spapils, aplzysîcalfindîngthatcouidhavesupportedoverdosefrom methadonc.(T.47).Hefailed to exam ine thispatient'slungsdespitehcrrem iratory distress,and he failed to cxam ineher abdom en despiteseverediarrhea.Hisclinicalim pression ofgastroentmV s,wlnilepossibly 6 a secondarydiar osis,oompletelyfailed to adtlre:sherciticaland tm stableneurological, respizatory,andczrdiovascularcondîtîcn.(T.24-99). Respondentfailed to address PaEçntA's severely depresged m entalMatus with a high likelihoodofopidtûoverdosm Cf.47). n e blood gms analysis thatw as chrawn by Rto opdent revealed hypovèntilation and reoiratoryacidosis,c'riécalsir sofrespiratory' instabilis'andim/e dinkrespitatthryfailure due to opiateoverdöèe. Theblùod gasresultswere called to the ED,butthey were never recordedinResponikàt'snot4soraddressedbyReo ondent.(Tk42-43). n e patientrequircd eitherà 1 :14f)'V Nlrcarl.orlntabâticn wifh Z' eSPJIJOZ' /support,oz .: bctllin an attempttorcveOe th: reàpH tory dl rezsion duetö the opiateovetdose. She received noneofthesecliticaltreatm eritsand insteadw assimply observe,d overthecoutse ofhuurs as hercondititm sloqzzly det:riorated. No interventîons were inptïtm ed forher cziticallyunstableairwrayandpoorrespiratorystatus.(T.89). PatqentA wasdocum cnted to behypotensivew ith detatw aion at2)00p.m .Thisw orsening ofthe patient's condition should have tziggered Respondentto reevaluate thè patient's clinicalstztus. She * as not retvaluated, and no further treatm cnt or intervention was provided.A t3:07 p.z/1e,PatientA suffercd bardycardia,follow ed by cardiac arres-t. Atthïs point, Respondem undertook tw o failed attem pts to secure the patient's aizw ay w it.h fntubation.Shenurseanesthetfstwassunmncmedahdsuccessfullysecuredtlaeainvayon the firstattempt(T.51-53). 18. Rsspnndentfaïledtorecognizejusthow sickPatfe' ntA was.ThefailurepersistedSthouraser hf nurafterhouz''when addltionalc/ticalinforrnation cam ebtxck indicating thatPatientA wasve. ryi1landinalift-threatenïngcircumstànce.(T.54) 7 19. Sarcanand/orintubationwouldhâvèreversed'therèspiratotyacïdosisthatshewas sùffering had theybeen provided earliefinthetour:eofRem ondent'streaa entPatio tA'stardiac arres'twiththes'ubsm uenlanoxicbraininjuryanddeathcouldhaveeuilybeenprevented. (T.57) 20. PatientA wasnotintubateduntilaftershesufered acardiacarrest.Thisoc-can' ed afterthe cardiacarrestteam tookoversometimebetwéefl3:00pm and4100pm.(T ,.53) 21. n ere wmsenough tim: étRemtmdent's initialevàluatioh,excn in the abso ce ofother findings.toclearlyindicatethatPatientA wasèriticallyllland atriskforverybadoutcotneà unlessRespondenttookagpessivcadiontomanagethesittlàtion.(T.98) J. 2. Respondent'sm edicalrecord fôrPatirntA did notm eetm inim ally acceptable s-taudards. - (T.58) . PatlenfB 23. On 3/4/02,at 9:02 à.m ., Patient é, a 37 ycar-old woman,was brought to tbe M ary Imm aculateHospitalBD byEM S.Shereportedacuteonsetofzbdominalpain with nausea- EMSfoundherproneinthchàllwàyandnotedht' rtohavùpalectmjuntfvx withsweating, wexkness ahd near syncope. Upon sîttihk.the Ehl-f was tmable to palpate her blood prcssure.Herlowem bloodpress'urereecordedbyEM Swas64bypalpaùon.Theynotedthat herlastmenstrualpe/odhadbeçn6weeksearlier,on %0/02.(Pet.Ex.3,pg.15). 24. Jn triage,PatientB'svitalsignshad im proved,w ith a pulse of80 and a blood pressure of 114/94.The triagcnursenoled abdom inalpain w ith naustabutno vom ftingand tenderness ontherïghtside.(Tet.Ex.3,pgs.22-3).At9:30a.m.,Respondentevaluated thepatient, again notingtheabdominalpain and nausez,aswellasthelastmrnstrualpetiod 6 weeks earlier.He noted difft zseabdom inaltendem esson exam ination.Respondcntorderedblood, 8 urinalysis,urinepregnancytesting,aswellU IV nonnalsàline,Reglanahdpepcid.(Pet.Ex. 3,pgs.16-14. 25. At9:30 am,thenursenoted theuHnepregnancytçstto bepositive,and the 1ab w ork was srnl.At1:0Q p.m .,nuuingnoteàthâtthepatîentwasawaiting apelviculoasolmd.At3:!O ' JXm-r asertzm HCG wasrunxwitharesulto/3J55.(Pet.Ex.3, pg.78).Arozmd5:00p-1u., theGYN consultwasnodfed.n einitialhe oglobirkdranrljinthemdmljwas11.0and a repeatdone at5:52 p.m .was8.3. At6:00 p-m.thepatientwentftjrpeld cultrasoundo whichrevealedanemptyutenzsandariglk adnexz cyst(Pet.Ex+3,pg.101). 26. n ewotkimgdiar osiswasruptuted ectopicprçgnancy.Thepaéentwentto theOR whdre anexploratorylaparotomyr> ealedarupturedtctopicprer ancy intherightfallopian mbe withactivebleedinéandhe opetitonemn.(T.137). 27. PatientB underqze tapartialrightsalping4ctomyatdevacuationofthehea m atoma.Shewas transfused tw o lml' tspfblood azld m ade an tm evefltfulrecovery. Shew as discllarged from thehospitalon3/7/02.(Pet Ex.3). 28. Given thisconstellkiioà ofsndingsofthelatepeHod,diffpjeabdom inalpain thatcameon suddenlyandhypotensipnin theseldbyEM S,anectopicpregnancywouldhavebeen atthe topofthediffrentialdiar osis.(T.106z108). 29. n estandard ofcarein thisshuation callsforan immediatepelviccxam ination and urgent gymccologicalconsultation.The patientwith a rupmred tctopic pzegnartcy is atrisk for ongoingbleedingorshock ifdiar osisandàeatmentazedelayed.(T.107-108;116-117). PatientC 30. PatientC,a 15 a year-old boy,cazneto the LourdesH ospitalED on 5/13/07w ith :com plaint of abdom inalpain afterhaazing his elbow stabbed into the leftside ofhis abdom eo w hile I l 9 plagngsoccer.Hisvitalsighswcenornjal;tpecifkally,hisbloodpressurewaà112/84altd hispulsewas72.HeTated17ispain 1/10.Thetziagt nursenoted a softabdom en Avïth left side.dtendemess.(Pd,Ex.4a,pp 5). Respondentevaluatedthepatient,again notin:thatthepatient'selbow struck hisabdom en whilepla/ngsoccer,rcsultinginabdorninalpain.Remondent'shistoryindicatesthattlae paininitiallyresolved,soPatienlC startedplayingàocceragain:tzatersthzpsdnreturned altd hisparentsbroughthïm totla:2D-(Pet.Ex.4+ pgs.1,3t4). Respondent'sphysicalLxarnination wastmr- arkable. Specifkv y,Rem ondentnoted a soû abdom vnwithoutpzardingùrrebtmnd.Reo ondentprescribçd Totadol60mgN .The Patientw ms discbarged fröm the ED apm oxim ately onà hour a. f* prey= tationyw ith the nursenotingthatthcPatientwaj ingoödçondition,withoutpain.eet.Ex.4aypg.5). A thom e.afew hcurslater,tlne abdom inalppân incteased w ith Tadiztion jo the leftshoulder. PûtientC dtvelopcd dizzinessand nearsyncppe. He wastaken to thrW ilson M cm urial RegionalM edicalCenteywherehewasfotmd tohaveabdozninaltendemezswithrebound and guazding.Hehad aW scan done,revealing aruptured spleen with hem operitoneum . Hewasgiven 1'V tluidsandhisvitalsignsremaine,d stable.He wustakento theOR where heunderwenta splenectomy. PatientC recovere, d uneventfully and laterretmmed to full activitiesandsports.(Pet.Ex.4b). GiventhatRespondentevaluatedthepatientaboutthreehpursafterhisinjvzy,itislikelythat there w ould have betn sipnifcant blood in the peritoneal cavity at tl w tim e of his examfnatfon. Duetotheseverityofthesplertfcfnjurythatwasfdentïfedatsurgery,and gixen the am ountofblood thatw as seen on CT scan atW ilson M em orialHospital,itis highjy likely thata proper abdom inal exam ination w ould have dem onstzated peritoneal l0 * fiadings.(T.148-150)PatientC'smotherqzntedthàtRep ondent'sentireexaminewasconductedwhile PatientC Tvzsfullyclothed.(T.772). Respondentshouldhaveordere, d aCT scartoftheabdomenfoTtranmak(T.157). Resptm dent's adm inistraticn of Toradol,a gotentppl 'n killer,w as inconsistent w ith the absenceofflding,shemad:inlïisphysicalexnmlnadon.(T.15O. Respondent'smedicalrecordfotPatientC lacksinternaloonsistencybecause izis Ending: donotjustifywhyheadtniztisteredToradol.(R*.159). ltwasinappropriateforReqxmdentt: dischargvPatlentC with adiàr osisoft'abdom ina) pain stattlsposthitwithhisownelbow.''(T.159)- Batiem D,apteviouslyhcaltlty3gyear-oldmznzpresentedt:theSt.Jbhn'sQtl:ènsHospital F73on9AI0t vvithacomplaintofabdominalpairlforoneday,withotztvomie gordiarrhea. Histriagetemperature was99.2 and hisothervitalsignswere tmrem arkable. n etriage nursenoteddiffttscabdominaltendemessandpallor.(Pet, Reypondc t evaluated thé padent,noting a history of rnid-abdom inalpain for one day, getting worse over tim ek H e 1111t14e1-rmtèed that tltis w as the ûrst tim e the palient had experienccd abdom inz pain,and thatalthough PatientD feltnauseatH ,there h?d beer nû vom iting ordiazrhea. On exazninaïon,Respondentfound m id-abdom inalperi-umbilièal pain withvoluntaryguarding.(Pet.Ex.5a,p 'g.14). Respondent ordered blood w ork fncluding a CBC, chem isrry,xm yla<e, lfpasc,PT and urinalysis.H e ordered chestand abdom inalx-rays.Thepatientw asgi' fvn IV ncrm alsaline and wasm edicated w ith IV Pe. pcid,Reglan and Toradol.Thcx-raysw erencnnal.The1ab 11 work wasnotablefora' W BC of9-4Mdth aleA shift,andwasothe- iseunremvkable.(Pet. Exxsa,pt gs.l5,!,6,2-4). Responclentre% sesse: PatientD anddischargedxirnwithadiar osisofabdominalpain and gastzoenteritis.H ewasgjvenpmscziptionsforReklan andPepcidvwâsadvisedto follow up nithhisprimarycarrphysicianin3to4days.andtorehmtto theED ffneeded.(Pet.Ex. 5a). n efollowilgday,thepatientccntinuedtohave ongoingpain and wenttc éeehisprim ary Physician.'J'hedoctorreferred11111:totheED atM t Sinql 'HopîtalofQueensto ruleout aculeap/endicitit.Onexnminaticn,hewasfoundtohaveabdomfnultend= ess,intluding rightlow erquadranttenderness,andbewassemtforaCT scan.TheCT demonstrated acute appendicitîs and hew astaken to the OR foran appendectom y. H = recovered uneventfully :ndwasdischargédhometlx fol3owingday.(Pd.Ex,5b) PatientD had aprespatdtion thatw asvery strongly suggeMive ofacute appc dicitiz based onRespondent'sinitialhistoryandphysi4altxmn.Hispzin wasmid-abdom inal,steady ànd w crsening overtim e. He had notsuffer:d tllispain in t:e pastand there w asno vom iting ordiarrhea.(T.188). ltw asa departtlre fzom the standr d ofcaretodischazgePatientD withoutdoinga CT scan oftheabdomenandpelvistolookforsi> sofacuteappendicitis.(T.190-191). n e characteristîd of the pain cxhibited by PatientD is notconsistentvith Rep ondent's diar osisofgastroenteritis.(T.200). % stzrgicalconsnltationshouldhavebeenorderedforPatientD,(T.190). , PatientD'sredorddoesnotindicatethatRespcndcntreassessedthepatientbefozedischarge. tTL18, 5). 12 PatientE 5O. PatientE,a35year-oldmanzpresentedtotlltLourdzsHospitalED triagenurseon 01/23/07 conp laining ofbilateral kidney pain of two days duration,light greater than I' eft. He rnentioned feelingburning on and off,asw ellas lethargy. Vitalsigns w ete a tem peram re of99.7 and elevated blood pressureof1> /114,w 1:1norm alpulse,respira:ons,and oxygen saturat/n.Pzinwasreportedasmïld,1/10.P et.Ex.6) 51. RespondentevaluatedPatientE,againnothg arm ortofbilatpralkidneypm'nwitllbum ing, notrelated to arination. Review tfsystem sw M negative fornausew vèm itinp fever,and chills. The patientreported no signifiè-antpastmexlicalhistory,and socialhistory was notablefûralcoholabuse.(PetEX.69pg.1). 52. A phricalexaminztionbyRespondeninotedtheelevatedtriagebloodpressme,butwas otberwdsenormal,includinganormàlabdom inalandflnnkexamination.Laboratorkstudïes . wereordered,includitgaCBU,comprehensivem etabolicpanel,colgulztionstttdies,cardiac troponin,amd urinalysis.Basic CBC res-ultsw erenorm al,including awhitebloodcelltount of6.5,buttherewas anotable bundem ia of 1924; B asic chem istriesw e cnorm al,butliver functions studies were notable foralbum in 5.0,AST 246,A LT 271,alkaline phosphatase of97,and abilirubin of3,1.Am ylu eand lipasew erenorm al.Tht coagulation sm dïesw ere nozm dl. Udnalysis dem onstrated a specific gravity of 1.005,ïvit. h 1+ ketones,b' utwas otberwise nonnal. A 12-1ead EKG tracing w as norm alvand cardîac troponin w as also nonnal. A renalscnogram w asperfonned,and the lddmeysw e' rcnoted to be nonnal. tPet. Ex.6). 53. R epratblood pressure prior to discharge w as 158/84.Patient E wlts discharged w ith a diaguosïsofbilateralflartkpzinandwasadvisedtofollcuvupwithaurologist.(Pet.Ex.6). 13 Remondent'shistènrisverybzief n erewasnodescniption ofwherethepainw ayorw hat iswaslîk:orit:duration.(T.218).ThereisnodocmnentationintherecordthatRespohdent formulated orcons-idered a differentialdiagnosi.softhepatient'scom plaints.R espondent remainedfocusedon theksdneysçven aftc:laboratcryaridim agin:dataindicated thattlnere wa.snôproblem withthekidneys-,l' nfacttlm patienthadacutetiverdisease.(. T.222). AlthoughRespondentordm-edafulllaboratoryworl/upphefailodtotzkenoteofsi> ftdant results. His dlctated reportm entionsanormalC'BC,buthefailstonote signiscantbands of19% .Healsomentiorisanorm alm etabollcpanel,ir oringthesir iscantlyelevatedliver transam inasesandbilirubin thàtwc' r:reported on tbatmetabolicpanel. These laboratory abnonnalitiesgzveintportabtinfohnaticn aboutietruenatlzreo/tlw Patient'saoutoillress beingrtlatedtoalzohplis'm andlikerdizeise,andunrelate-dto thekidneys.(T.219-222). Bandcmia of 19% is ahigh mlmbcrthatsuggeststhepossîbilîty ofa seriousinfection or inflamrnatotycondition.(T.220,:40)' . n e nursenotesthatRep cmdentTeviewed thelab dataand ordered arenalsonop-am . A renalsonov am isreasonableto perform in apatientwith bilateralkidneypàin. However,' based on the abnonnzlliverfunction tests,a cornplete abdom inalultasound should have beenperformed atthe sarfletimeto nzleoutabnormalitieschftlw liverrgallbladder,biliury ductsorotherintra-abdominalorgans.Respondentfailedtoappropriatelyorderthecorrect ultrasoundstudy.(T.222-3). Respondentdischazged PatientE with a diao osisofbilateralflankpain and zefcrred him to aurologist,despitethe factthathisuroloscalwork-up wasnormaland tberewasno i z7dication ofaneed forfurfhertgologicalevaluation.H ow tver,itw asim portantforpatient E to follow-up with aprim ary carephysician to furtbérevaluale theelevatcd liver function 14 testsarldelevztelbloodpressuzereadingys9()17:theED .Respondm:tfailedto appropriately rcferhim forfollow-upofthtseabnormallndingsrelatedto amzteliverdismase.Respondent alsofaîledtogiveapptopziatbinstructionsabbutalcoholcozzumption.(T.223-5). On 12/5/06#atientF,a9year-oldohild,wasbroughttotlleM ârylmmadulateHospitalED fcrevaluakon.n etriagenur' ses' poketoaparent andnotedcbmjlldnt. soffever,backpain and a sote thrvat. The tziage tv eraM e was 99.6,blood presspre 140/69,pulse 159, respîrations22andtAygchzaturàtiim 99%.(Pet.Ex.7a,pg.5). Respondentevaluatedthepatient,notiàgapreviouslyheàlthy child with areportoffevcrtö 104tbçpziornigM vv' ithneck stie essbutnopinonm ovem entandnoheadacbe.Hz noted thatthepatienthadreceiked lbuprbfen withoutrelief Physîcalexarninatfön w :. snotable for haryngealcrytàemaand goodmobllityoftlaeneck wiloutpain. n er= ainderefthe P exnminationwasnonnal.(Pet.Ex.7a,pg.14-15). Extensivo ancillary studiesw ere ordered,revealing a norm alwhiteblood èellcountof 9.5 vvith 84% neutrcphild. Chernistry studiosw ere unzem arkable. A chestx-ray w as clear. A head CT scanwmsdoneandwas.nonmal.Repeatvitalsignsrevealedatemperatureof1* .2 and a pulse of 130. Respondent's clinicalimpression was fever and neck pain wfth tonsill. itïs.(Pet-Ex-7a,pgs-4.14). Respondem ordere)d 175 and l/3 norm alsalîne at65 m lA our,H e also prescribed lgr' am of j'kl ccftriaxone. Respondent m ade fuMher arrangem ent: to tzansfer the patient to the specialtychildrcn'shospîtalbyambulanceforfurtherevaluationtoruleoutmeningitis.( 'Pet- Ex.7). The patfezltw as evaluated atthe Schncider Children's H ospital. The pediatricians there 15 noted thathe waànoti11appeafing. Upon taking am oredetailedhistory,they no4ed that therewasnoheadachu)nophotophobia and noneck stie ess.Physicalexam ination w as notable /oran absence ofm eningismus prrash. Pharyngeàlerythema was noted. ' Fhe patîentwasdiar oscdw'ith aviralsyndromebase, d on Mshistozyandphp icalexam ination. Hewasdiséhm-gedhom:irtgoodconditicnwithoutfurtherwork-up.Tet-Ex.7-b) Respondentdccum etitednèpasthistdtyandhisphysicalexnm inationnoyed thatthepgtie. nt ccm plained ofa stiffneck buthad no paih tm tnovem elt.Therew' a:no hm dache undc.rthe rcdew ofsystemsandnoexxmiààtionoftheeyezfèrphotophobia-(T.242,2667. A 9 yearo1d with acutem ezzingitiswouldbehighly febrile,with atoxîcappearr ce. The patientwouldbehûldinghishead with severepsin :134 exhibiting signsofstiffpessofthe neckandmeningealpainupontestingbythephyxician.(T.245). Patient F had no headache and had norm ai m obiiity of tJ): neck withöm pa dn.Hîs tenp eruturehad com edowm to 99.6 dcgreesand thepatientwâsdescdbed by thenurse as awellappeazingchïld.ltBrasmostlikelytllatthepatienthadacutephmyngitid.(T.245). n epropertesttoconfrm gdiagnosisofmeningitisi:todo aspinaltap.A CAT scanofthe bralnhasnoutilityinJ' nakingadiagnosisofmeninstisandisreservedforacllildsvithan abnonnalnetlrologicalfmdingèrsevcrehcadache,Itshouldnotbeusedwhennotindicated becauseitcan exposechildrentoinappropriatedosesofradiétion.(T,244). Dehydrationisaconcernin apatientwith an elevated hearrateandacutepharyngitis.W hile Resptmdentordered m aintenance fluidshedid notordôrappropriate fluids forrehydzatîon. irleboluswasrcquï. rtdtoreztorevolume.(T.246-7). A.norderforanormalsal a . Rcspondeot's ozder to transferPatientF te a pcdfatric hospita)foran evaluation ofacute m cnfngitiswas inappropriate, The paùentdid notçxhibitsip )s ofserious acutcîllnesà and 16 wasinappropziatelyworkedupwithaCAT scan.(T.247-248). 7O. n cstandardofcateforachildt' hatpresentswithaconcem tbracutemetaihstisisto very quïckly evaluatv the patient w1t. 14 blood culttu'es atad an imniediate ltuhbar ptmctttre. ëntibioticsshtmldbeadministetedvvltiléawaitizigtbesetèstrestllt:.(T.261-262). . 71. Resyondent's tecèrds fôrPatientF were imad4quate to supperta working diagnosis of rtpnin/tià.(T.264-165). PatientG 72. PatientG,an 8-m onth o1d child,was brought tö the ED at 8:30 p.m .on 3/27/07 w fth a lzistozy ofvornitingand diarrheaforapproximately24 hours,' w ithm ucou:in 1hesteoland poot oral intake. She had no prior m edical hiàtory. V ital sqgns w ere norm al, w ith a lymperatureof98.7,rdspirationsof22,pulseof157andoxygensàtttration of100%.(Pet. Bx.8a,pg.5). 73. Ryspondemtevalkated the baby,again noting a history ofvpmiting w1t144 episodq: of vomiting in the ED,diazrhew as wcll a: a report of low-grade fevez. His physical exaznination was norm al. He ordered a chest x-zay, a CBC arld a m etubollc panel. RespondcntalsoorderedPhenergan 12.5m gasarectalsuppository,whichwasdocllm ented asgivenat12:50a.m.(Pet.Ex.8a,pg.1). 74. Flttid orders were ylso writtem by Rem ondent,with 160 mlspecified as a saliue bolus, t foilowed by 5% dextzosewfth ! , 4nonnalsalineat32m l/ hotlr.JtwasnotNvzittenontlaeorder sheethow this crystalloid fluid was to be given,by IV or othenvise. How ever,on his dictated repozl,R espondentspecifiedthattheintza-rectalroutehad been used to delïvctthià fluid.There isno notation in the record by a nurse thatthcse ordersfor fluid w erecarlied out.(Pet.Ex.8a,pg.1). 17 indicatethatPatientG hadboertre-hydratedpriortodischarge.(T.267-271,751). 79. Respondent's medicaltecord does notmeett' ht standard o/ care because it cofltains discre. pr ciesthatazeun6xplaihedàndcoltftlting.(T.281). PatientH 80. PatientH,an 88yem old woman wit. h m oderatedemcsntiaandm ultiplemedicalproblemz, suffered a fallin her narsing hom e. She was tranm orted by xm bulance to th: Lourdes Hospital ED on 12./26/06 forevaluation 0 e1-the fall. She was àoted to have an 02 satuzation of8!% inG age.Respondentnoted hercom plaintoftighthip andzib pain.He pcgfonued a generalphysicaleknm ination and docum ented aflirrègular heartb' eâ. tW ith à m urmur.(7n exeemity exnm ination he fbundgùod ro geofm otiön M d no tendem essofthe pelvisorllipJcint.(Pet.Ex.9:,pg.2,4). 81. Respondent order:d blo4d work, an I77 * G, and radiop aphs. n e radiographs that Respondentspecisèd ontheprdersheetweretheleftfoot,pelvis,chestandlightribs. The radicgraphsthatwtredonewerediffc entthanthtorders.Thechestandrightlibsstudiès wereperfonmed,aswasazigz hthipsezics* th 7vfews.(Pd.Bx.9a,pp 2)k 82. Respondent'srecordstatedthatt''theleftfoot,pelvicbone,zightribseriesandchesf'show e,d 'tno lacturexdislocation,or acute inûltraEonw'' eet.Ex.9a,pg-4).ThePatie. ntwas discharged back to the nursing hom e on 12/26/06 at9:10 p.m . The radiologistdictated his reportofthe righthJp flm s at9:29 pem .thatsam e day,noting an im pacted rightfem oral nçckfracmre,(Pet.Ex.9a). 83. lt rem ainsuncleaz when orhow ghe discrepancy in the reading ofthe righthip film sw a. s 2 discovered,butPatientH remm ed to the hospitalED the follow ing day,approxinlately 21 hours later, for tzeatm ent of the Hght hip g actuz' e. She w as adm itted to the hospital. 19 * underwcntrighthip surgeryyand wasdischarged back to the nursing hom con 1/4/07.(T. 316). 4. n elderlypatiéntwhosuffersafallrtmstbeevaluatednotonly forpossibletrauznaxbutalso fcrpossible medicealproble sthatm zy havecontributed to thefall. Rem tmderttdid not mentionposslblemedicalptoblemsthathlayhakecontributèd10PatièntH7sfall.(T.301302), Respondentnevo-addressed tllepatient'slow oxygen satuzation or the abnermalEKG. Gfven the1ow oxygen saturation andtlw abnormalcardiacexnm inatitmyxespohdentshoold have considered the pâtient'spulm onary stattzs and addressed w hetherornotthere w as à cofnponentofheartfailure.(T.302). n erewasacliscrepancybetweentheordcr!thàtRespbndentlrroteandtheadualfilhnstllàt wereperfonned.Rem ondtntordered apelklcx-rà#ybutno x-nayofthepatîent'sriga hthip. n e x-ray teclm ologisthoiràver perfbrm ed é fttllzight hip series- A pelvic x-ray only pzovideàasinglevïew ofthehip in oneplaneanddoesnotprovide multïpleviçws. ltîsa lesssensitivetesttolèokfcrahip IJ' I ZJ' J'.(T.300,304). n c 3 view s ofthe hip x-ray indicate a change of allp unent. O ne can clearly see thzt1he anglebetweenthefemoralneck andthefemoralheadisabnormal.(Pet.Ex.9b);(1n.305306). RespondentdischargedPatientH bctween 9:00pm artd I0:00pm .Shortly,within mimutes a11m-thepatientwasdischargcd,theradiologistdidan offcialûnalreadingofthefilm a' nd diar osedanimpactedfemoralneckgacture.(' Pet.Ex.9b);(T.3074. 4J:y ED ,w here non-radiologists rcad x-rays,m ust have a system in place to idzntify , discrepanciesbetvvecn theED physfcian aod theradiozogistso thatapproprfatefcllow -upcan 20 - bearranged.(T.315). Despitetheradiologist'sreadingthatocclzrredwithi:minutesofPétientH 'sdischarge,it's highly likelythattheradiologistwaàunawârebfRçspondc t'snègàtivcre ding ofthe film bxausetllepaticntdidnotretàlrntotheED forAlmost21or22hourtlater.(T.316). Respondent'sreferende in his reportthathtreviewed lcftfootand pelWc bone x-rays is inaccurafebecausetltc'r:isnoeviderfcethatthesetestswerepcformed../et.Ex.9a,p.4); (T.318). Rcspondeat'sm edicalrecord.forPatfent11did notMeetgezlerally aczept:d standard: of medicalrecordkeeping.(T.319). CONCLUSIONS O FLAW Respondentischargedwithtlu'ee(3)s'peèifcationsalle/ngprofessionàlmisconduct withintheJ' neaningofBdùcationLaw 96530. Thijstattltesetsforth flamerousformàof conductwhich constituteproftssionalmisconductv%utdo notprovidedefinitionsofthe vazioustypesofmisconduct Dudng the course ofitsdeliberationson thesechurges,the Heazing Comm itlee consulted am cmorandum prepared by the GeneralCotmselfor the Departm entofH ealth. Thisdocum ent,entitled f'Detsrtitions ofProfessionalM iscönduct UndertheN cw York Education L, aw '',sdsforth suggesled desnikonsfor p ossnegligence, ncgligence,p ossincompetence,incompetcnceandthefzaudulentprzcticeofmedicine. ' Fhe following definitions werc utilized by the Hearing Com zpittee duling its delfberations: Negligenceisfailureto exercise thecarethatwould beexerciscd by areasonably prudent licensee underthe circum stances. 21 * Jmcompetenceisalackoftlneskillorkmowledgenecessm'ytoprkcticetlnepr4fession. Usingtheabove-referenceddefnitionasai- eworkforitsdelîberations,t' heHearing comml 'ueeconcluded,byapreponderanceèftheevidence,tlzatal1thre. c(3) specifyations of profcxssional m isctmduct shcittld be ststàined. 'I'hç rationale for the Conunitlee's conclusionsregardingeach spuciscation pfmisgonduptissetforthbelow . +kttheoutsd ofdeliberatlons,theHearingCommitteemadeàzetmm ination asto the credibilityofve ouswitnessespresente;dbytbeparties.M ark V.Vilberman,M .D..testifed fortheDepartm ent-Dr.Silbennan isboa d cerliûed in intem alxpùlntonary,critic-alcareand emergencym edicine.Heiscmx ntlyon thefàcultyatCèlllmbiaunivùrsityM edicalCenter wherehepracticu mnergencymedidineândteachesintErnalandpulm onatym e-diçint. Dr. silberm r is a part-tim e director of em ergency m edicine at the Com m unity Hospîtal in DobbsFtrry.(Pet,Ex.11);(T,20-21),Thellee gConunitteefox andW zSilben' nantobe a' rzim pressiv:and thöm ugh w itno s.A ltbough ltew assom etim esacadem ic and rigid,they found lA -i:testim ony to be very credible. The D m azm zentalso ofïbreed thetestim ony ofthe motlnerofPaticntC.TheHeAringCom mitteefoundherttstimonytobefairlymeasm' ed and credible.n eybelieveherstatementthatRespondentdid nottmdressPatientC duzing his exam ination. Rem ondenttestiâed on his ow n behalf n eH earing Com m ittee found R espondent's testim ony to be consistentwith inconsistenciesthalhe failed orrefùsed to acknowledge. TheHcazinjcomnlitteebelievesthatRespondentlied totheHeadng Comrnitteein several instances. n e Heazing Com m ittee dors notbelfeve thatR espondcntexamined PatientC lhree differenttimes and that the paticnt was undressed. The H çaring Com m ittze aiso believes thatRespondentlied abouthisre'view ofthe x-raysforPaticntH. TheHeazing 22 CornmitteefoundRespondent'scveralltesémony asnotcredible. M TV NT A n cttzxlA llegatitm s A,A.1yA.2,.Y.3sA .4,. <.5 aud A .6 : SU STA IN ED ' l'he Hearirg Cornm ittee concurs wifh t. 144 oyinion ofDr.Sïlberman and Snds that Respondent'gfàilul'etfjpzoperlydiar dls:% dleat/atiensA conàtitutesaserîousdevixtion from thestandardofcare. Noneofthe interventitmsdiàtcouldhaveprexentedPutie tA 's crdiacatrestwereundertak= .n eHeazipgCommitt- tejectsRçspondeht'sexplanation thathedidnotadminlsterNarcanbecauseofitssideuffmts.(T.384-385).'l' huHearing com mittoeconclvdesthattherewasnodownsideto uzingNarcan in tltiàinstance.Patïent A 'sdeathwasfullypreventablehadRespondentacted within thestandard ofcgre. PATIE NT B FactualallegationsB and B.1,B-2 à.4 B.6 andB.# :SUSTM NED ' B.3:W ithdrawn by Departm tnt B.5:NO'r S'OSTM NED n eHearingComnnitjeerejew otslkelpohdct'seNplanationthathedidnotperfontlapelvic exam becausehedidnotwanttocausetznnecessarydiscomforttoPatient:.(T.518).The Heming Comnlittee concars with Dr.Silberm an that attlne tim e of Rep ondent's iuïtial examïnation,itwasurgentto tstablish tbcdiagnosisofectopicprer ancy and to'trx tthe patientbeforefurtherheznon-hageoccurred.(T.116). Respondentmip lacedhisfocuson aGlproblem,when thepaticnthadobviou, qslzmptomsofan ectopicpregnancy.Respondent placed PatïentB atgrave risk duzing the tnany hoursthatshe w ajtm derhiscare. n e H eazing Com m ittee doesnctsustain ChazgeB .5 because Respondentcancelled the 23 abdomînalx-raysafterbereceived positivepter ancy restzlts. PA-IXENT C FactualallegationsC and C.1,C.2,C.3sC.4 and C.5)SUST D TheHearin:Cbznm ittee concurswith Dr.Silbennan thatifResmondenthad perform ed amadequatephydcalexamînation,theseriousnessoftheinjprywouldhavebeenindicated. n îsîs evidentfrorzjthe initialdnding oftendernessby th: triagenursecoupled +41. 17tlte subsm uentfihdingsatW llson HospitalthâtPatientC'sabdolneh wasfullofblood with a spleenfhatwasnotasubcapàularhematomalmtseVerelyfractured-(T.17$. TheHeàrlg Cnmm ittee furtherbelievestiz testimony ofPatientC'4 motherthatRespopdentdid not perform aheadtotoeexwninationdespitehlsnotations.TheHearing ComnGtteeconcludcs thatRespöndentnevcr entertained a diagnosis ofa Faclured spl:en and isrep onsïble for dèlaying appropriatetreatm enttoPatienlC. PATIENT D Factualallegatltm s D and D.1,D .2,D w3yD .4,D .S aud D.6: SU STA TN ED TheHee ng Ccnunhteeconcurswith Dr.Silberm an thatPatientD presented v. /111:a classicccsefotearlyappendicitis.(T.188).Thepatient'sunexplainv pzinrequitedâtCT scan and surgicalconsult. n e Healing Committee finds thatRespondo t's testïm ony regarding thc assessinentof the patientdem onstratesthathisunderstanding ofthe disease proccssisdeficient.(T.550-560). PATIEN T E FactualallegationsE and E.1,E.2,E.3,E.4,E.5,E.7,E.8,E.9: SUSTM NED E.6: NO T SUSTM NED The H cazing Cornnnittee again ccncttrs with the D epartlmenles'expert n e H cadng 24 cornm ittee notest' hatRespondent'sw%ltands on zxzm ination''ofthé patio twas inadequate and heseem edtold PatiehtE makehisowndiàplosi:ofldtlneypnin even when therew as no evidenye thatthe'patienthad troùble voidiàg.(T.617,622 -625). The Rearing Committee alsö doesnotbelievethatRo ondentadvised thepadenton seeking treatltyrit fnralcoholism and obsm esthatitisnotdocumented in therecord. Chatge E-6 isnot sustainedbecauseDr.Silbermanindicatedthathospitaliàatîohwbuldhav:beenajudn ent call.(T.223). PATTE N' . VF FactxalallegationsF lnd *.1,F.2,F.3yF.5,F.6 and F.7: SUSTATNED F.4: NO T SU STM N ED Charge F.4 i:notsùstained. n 6 actuàldiar osis w as tonsilitisw hïch can be bacterial orviralandtheHearin: Committeesndsitfû benotrelevant.The remai/ ng allegations are sustained. 'l'heHearin: Committeç is èoncem ed thatmzen ifRespondem 's working dlagnosisofmeningitishaàbeencorrect,Respondentwastedlifesavingtimcinordetinga CAT scan. Respondent initially saw this paticnt at 7:40 a.m and did not crder the administrationofantibiolicsuntil11:û0a. m i(T.264). PATIENT G Factualallegadoo G.1 :W ithdrawu by Departm ent Factualallegations GsG .2,G.3,G.4,G .5 and G .7:SUSTAINED Factuulallegation G.6 :NOT SUSTM NED l . The H eahng Cornmittee is deeply troubled by Respondent,s answ ers concenùng his adzninistrationofphenergan.R ep ondenttestifed thatthentzrse toldhim thatTiganw asnot available when thehopital'sPyxissystem clearly indicated thatitwas.(Pet-Ex-8b); ' 25 (T,699).RepondentsîtedthathewasawareoftheBlackBoxwainingforPhenerganbut theHeadngComrnitteedoesnotbelievehim .W hen Rem ondentgavethePhenezgan,the dosewas50percentmoreth* tlw appropriatedose.(T.273). Thef-learingComznitteeis also disturbed aboutRespondtnttsexplanaion t1)a1havingthenurseortlleirlfant'sm other keep ant'Eyeonthepatient''waàsufficicttomonitorfôrfespiratorydeptegsion.(T.704, 753-755).n eHeari' ngCzfjratzidO beli> esitwasveryfottunatethattl1:cn' orwés'caught by tlaephnrmacy audthatPe entG did notrée iveany ftntherdosesofPlleùdgan. n eHenn'mgCom mitteedaesnotsustain ChvgeG.6betauxèbnceihefluidsare ordow d, thephysùciazlisnotrl ponsible fort11* adm izziskation. PATIENT H FactualallegntlonsH and H.1a11.2,H .3,11.4,H.# and H.7: SUSTM NED Fuctualallegatlon H.6: NuT SIJSYAINED TheHeaùngCommitteehasseriousconc= saboutRespondent'sc'redibilityin thi:case. Regpondentesrecord documents resultz fl' oï' n leû footand pelvic slms when there is no evidencethatthes:testswereeverperformed. Sete-stifseed théthesaw thepelvicx-raybut theH eazing Com m ittee doesnotbelieke him .n eH earing Corm nitt:e furtlw rbelieves that the hip x-l' ay w asavailable forRespcmdent'sreviyw but17eneverbothered to read it. The Hearing Comm ittee concludes that it w as a serious vïolatïon of the s'tandard of care to disclnaz' ge PatîentH beforea11x-raysw erereviewed. Charge 1-1.6 is notsustained bzcause there isno evidencein therecord to supportit NEG LIGEN CE ON M O RE THA N O NE O C CA SION The H earing Com rztittte sustàîns allchttrgesofnegligcncc againstRespondenland tlaus sustains the FirstSpeciscabon. 26 INCOM PETENCE ON V ORE THAN ONE OCCASION ' TheHeazingComm ittte àus-tainsa1lohargzàèfincompetenceagainstRespondentand thussustnl 'nKthe Second SpecifcationFA ILU R E TO M A TNTA W R EC O R DS n eHearingCom mitteeGndsthatRee ondent'srecordsin a11instr ceswcrelnadequate and they Sustaintherl7ur 'd Specificatiorl. DETEM NATION Aà TO PENALW The Heazing Ccm mittee,parsmanttô the Findinp ofFéctand Contlutionâ of Law set forthabovedetennined byauhanimousvotethatRem ondent'slioensetopractiçem edicine inNew YorkStateshouldberevdked.Thisdeterm inationwasreacbedondueconsideration of the full spectrum of penalties available punnzant to statute, including revècation, sum ension and/orprobation,censure and repdm apdz theim position ofm onutarypenulties and dismissalintheinterestsofjustice. The Hearing Cornm ittee voted, for revocation of R espöndent's licenà: because Respondentfailed to ensure patientsafetyin eightcaàeswhich repres= tav:ry clwqtcut pru entation of the m ost comm on em ergcncy roona situations. Respond= t's physical cxanainations and thoughtprocesses were sorely inadequate. Respcndent consistently cxhibited shotly diagnosesand practices,alcng with poorrecord keoping. Respondentalso dem onstrated aseriouslack ofengagementwith hispatients. M osttroubling to the Com m ittee is thatRespondent lied,expressed no rem orse and blarned others forhiim istikes.Thisisa pezsonality traitwhich czmnotbecorrected by retraining. Even ifallow ed to practice in a supenzised settingx the H eM ng Cornm îttee is 27 concerned + atResponderttcould falsify êecordsorstate thathe perftnrmed exsm lnations when he(lid not. ' rheHearing committee beli .evesthatResptmdentcreates a threat patientsafety and he csnnotbe allowed to retmn to practice medicine i. n tllisStatek Heating Conunitteebeliev4àand concludesthatrevtjiettioà istheappropriatepenalty und iscorrunenstzratevzïthtl)yleqzelandnatm'eofRee ondent'sprof> siopalmisconduct. 28 Makker , M .D . 'R:m Liceswaroo nse //M/05 9872 ADDENDUM Anylicenseewhoisthe subjectofan orderofthe Boardsuspending,revokingorotherwise . conditioning the license,shallprovide the following inform ation atthe tim e thatthe order is signed,ifitis entered by consent,orim m ediately afterservice ofa fully executed order entered aftera hearing. The inform ation required here is necessary forthe Board to ful5ll its reporting obligations: SocialSectlrity Ntlm berl: ' Listthe Name and Address ofany and aIIHea1th Care Facilities with which you are affiliated: Listthe Names and Address ofany and allHealth M aintenance O rganizations with which you are am liated: Provide the names and addresses ofevery person w ith whom you are associated in your professionalpractice:(Youmayattachablanksheetofstationerybearingthisinformation). Pursuantto 45 CFR Subtiile A Section 61.7 and45 CFR Subtitle A Section 60.8,the Board is required to obtain yourSocialSecurity Num berand/orfederal taxpayeridentification num berin orderto discharge its responsibility to reportadverse actions to the NationalPractitionerData Bank and the HlP Data Bank. DIRECTIVES APPLICABLE TO ANY M EDICAL BO ARD LICENSEE W HO IS DISCIPLINED OR W HO SE SURRENDER O F LICENSURE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED APPROVED BY THE BOARD ON MAY 10, 2000 AlIIicensees who are the subjectofa di sciplinary orderofthe Board are required to provide the information required on the addendum to these directives . The i nform ation provided willbe maintained separatelyand willnotbepad ofthe p the Bo ublicdocumentfiledwith ard. Failure to provide the information required m ay resulti action forf n ftldherdisciplinary ailing to cooperate with the Board, Paragraphs 1through 4 below shallapply when asarequi red byN.J.A.C.13:45C-1etseo. Ilcense is suspended orrevok perm anently surrendefed, ed or withorwithoutprejudice.Paragraphsappliesto licenseeswho ar e t he s ub j ec t of an or der whi ch,e ilepermittingcontinuedpractice, containsa probation ormonitoring require m ent. Docum entReturn and Agency Notification The Iicensee shallprom ptly forward to the Board office atPostOffice Box 183 Fropt Street, 2nd floor' , 140 East ,Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0183 the originallicense , ' cur biennialregistration and, ifapplicable,the originalCDS registration rent licensee holds a Drug EnforcementAgen ln addition,ifthe c y ( DEA) r egi s t r a t i on , he or s he shallpromptly advise the DEA ofthe Iicensure action (W i th respectto suspensionsofa finite term , at the conclusion ofthe term . . he licensee may contactthe Board office forthe ret ,t docum ents previously surrenderedt urn ofthe o the Board.ln addition, atthe conclusion ofthe term , the Iicensee should contact the DEA to advise ofthe resum asced ption of practice and to ain the im pactofthatchange upon his/herDEA registration ) . 2. Practice Cessation The licensee shallcease and desistfrom engagingin the practice ofm edicine in thi This prohibition notonly ba sState. rs a licensee from rendering professionalsea ices from providing an opinion as t , butal so o professionalpractice orits application, hinvherselfas being eligible to practi orrepresenting ce. (Although the Iicensee need notaffirmatively advise patients orothers ofthe revocation , suspensi on orsurrender, the Iicensee must truthfullydisclose his/h erlicensurestatus in response to inquiry isalso prohibited f )ThediscipljnedIicensee rom occupying,sharing orusing office space in which anotherlic provideshealihcareservices The disciplined Iicensee m ay contraztFor, eqsee from anotherIicensee fororre acceptpaym ent ntatfairmarketvalue office prem ises and/orequipm ln no case m ay the disciplined licensee ent. authorize,allow orcondone the use ofhis/her providernum berby any h . . - ealthcare practice orany otherIicensee orhealth ca (1nsituationswheretheIicenseehasbeensuspended forlessthan one year reprovider. m ay accept paym entfrom ,t he licensee anotherprofessionalwho is using his/heroffice durin period thatthe Iicensee is suspend g the ed,forthe paymentofsalariesforopice staffem pl atthe tim e ofthe Board action. oyed ) A Iicensee Fhose license has bqen revoked , permanently surrendered m ust rem ove signs sus pended forone (1) yearormore or and take affirm ative advertisem entsby which his/hereligibilit action to stop y t o pr act i ce i s r epr esent ed also take steps to remove hi The Iicensee must s/hernam e frgm professfonallistings, telephone dfrectories , jrofessionalstationery,orbillings.Ifthe Iicensee'snameisutilized i tltle,itshallbe deleted. Prescriptionpads n a group practice beqringthelfcensee'sna' m eshallbedestroyed. A destruction repod form obtained from the Office befiled. Ifno otherIicensee isproviding services at of thDrug control(973-504-6558)must e Iocation, allmedications m ustbe rem oved and retum ed t o the manufacturer, ifpossible,destroyed orsafeguarded . situationswhere aIicense has been suspended forIesstha (In and medica' tions need not be d n one year,prescription pads estroyed but must be secured in a Iocked Safekeeping.) place for . . . 3. Practice Incom e Prohibitions/Divestiture S of Equity lnterest in Professional ervice Corporations and Lim ited Liabllity Com panies A Iicensee shallnotcharge, receive orshare in anyfee forprofessionalservic by him/herselfor others while barred from es rendered engagi ng i n t he pr of essi onal pr act ice. The Iicensee may be compensated forthe reason ablevalue ofservices lawfully rendered a disbursem ents incurred on a patient's behalfprio nd rto the effective date ofthe Board action A Iicenseewhois a shareholderifla professional sew i cecorporationorganizedtoengage in z e professiona,practiee, wsose license is rev o ed' term ofonet:lyearormoressalrbedeemedtobedk surrendered orsuspenyed o ra is meaningoftueprofessionalsew fcecor----.-- - zua ,lifiedfromtsepractiqewitsintse Y'W '' - . Iicensee shalldivest him/herself of al el' -f' i'Wn n o ZI W';' lC-' 1'S'A'14A:17-1i).Adisqualified . n - '= ' ' ' jk )o'lstintheprofessionalsewice corporatfon pursuantto N .J. s.A.:4A:1z-:aJc b.A-h 4W l;o 0 '' ? 2W liability company organized pursuantto N .J' s. . . :1 financialinterest. such divestiture shaIIoccurwithin 90 days foll o og o a ujo ooyyy ojsjo o * 6UO OYPCiD9tbe licensee disquaIfffed to pa rticipate intheapplicabIe form ojowooyss s uROn divestiture, a Iicensee slnaIlforward to the Board a cop to the Secreta@ ofstate, comm ercialReporting Division yofdocum en tatjos yom s otoy , demonst rating o atuja jns rost bYs been term inated. Ifthe licensee is the sole sharehol deri corporation th' n a professo sajsow joo e corporation must be dissolved disqualificat,ion. within 9o days of the Iicensee's 14= C,s Whball' S2membefOfalimi ted li vsstbim/herSelfofafl 4. M:dicalRecords If,as a resultofthe Board's action, a practice is closed ortransferred to anotherI the Iicensee shallensurethatduring the th ocation, ofthe disciplinary order ree (3)monthperiodfollowingthceffectivedate , a m essage wi llbe delivered to patients calling the for prem ises, advising where records may be obtained m eroffice of the Tha message should inform patients . names and telephone numbers ofthe ticensee (orhis/heratt cu' stodyofthe records The same information shallalso be dissem i orney) assumîng notice to be published atle nated by m eans ofa astonce permonth forthree (3)months in a newspaper' of . generalcirculation in the geographicvicinity in which the practice conducted end of the three m onth period the licensee shallfile with the was Board the na Atthe , telephone numberofthe contactperson who willh me and pati ave access to m edicalrecordsofformer ents. Any change in thatindividualorhis/hertelephone numb repoded to the B ershallbe promptly oard.W hen a patientorhis/herrepresentative requestsa medicalrecord or asks th copy ofhis/her at record be forwarded to another health care provide Iicensee shallpromptly prokide the r,the record withoutcharge to the patient . . 5. Probation/M onitoring Conditions W ith respecttoanylicenseewhoisthesubjectofanyOrderimposinj a probationo m onitoring requirem entora stày ofan active suspension r n whole orIn part, which is ,i conditioned upon com plianc e with a probation ormonitoring requirem ent the licensee shallfully cooperat , e wi t h t he Boar d and i t s desi gnat ed r epr esent at i ves EnforcementBureau ncluding the , i ofthe Di Iicen j ' vision ofConsumerAffairs, in ongoing monitoring ofthe see sstatus and practice. Such m onitoring shallbe atthe em ense ofthe di practitioner. . ' ' sciplined (a) Monitoringofpracticeconditionsmayincludev butisnotlim ited to inspection , (confidentialityofpati andInspectionandcopyinjofpatientrecords entidentityshallbeprotectedbytheBoard)toveflfycompliancewith ofthe professionalp rem isesandequipm ent, the Board Orderand accepted standards ofpractice. Monitoringofstatusconditionsforanimpaired practitionermay i is not I( ib m)ited to nclude,but , pr actitioner cooperation in providing releases perm itting unrest accessto recordsand othe ricted rinform ationto the extentpermitted by law from anytreat facility, othertreating practitioner m ent , suppor tgroup orotherindividual/facility involved in the education,treatm ent, m onitoring or oversight of the practitioner rehabilitation . or m ai ntained by a program forimpaired practitioners. Ifbodilysubstance monitoring hasbeen ordered,the practitionershallfullycooperate by respondingt o a dem and forbreath. blood, urine orothersample in a tim ely m ahnerand providing the designated sample. NOTICE OF RePORTING PRAGTJGQ. S OF BOARD REGARDING DISCIPLINARX ACTIONS - Pursuantto N .J.S.A.52:14B-3(3).al lordersoftheNew JerseyStateBoard ofMedicalExaminersare available forpublic inspection. Should any inquiry be m ade concerning the status ofa li inquirerwillbe inform ed ofthe gxistence ofth censee,the evidentiary hearings,prœ eedings on motionseoror d e r a n d a c o j y wi l l b e pr o v i d e d i f r e q uested.AII otherapplicabons which are conducted as p hearinqsandtherecord. includingthe transcriptand dx ument marked in evidence ublic public Inspection . are avai lable tor , upon r eqtlest. - Pursuan tto 45 CFR Subtitle A 60.8,the Board is obligated to repod to the N ationalPractitioners Data Bank any action relating to a physician which isbased on reasons relating to prqfessionalcom p Orprofessionalconduct: etec e ' ' (1) (2) (3) . W hichrevokesorsuspends(orotherwiserestricts)aIicense W hichcensures,reprimandsorélace-sonprobation , UnderwhichaIi censeissurrendered , . . Pursuantto 45 G FR Section 61.7, the Board is obligated to rm ortto the Healthcare lntegrity and Pr on (HlP)Data Bank,any formalorofficialactions, such as revœ ation or suspension ofa I i otecti çen set andtheIengthofanysuchsuàpension),reprimand, censure orprobationoranyotherIossof li cense orthe rightto applyfor,orrenew ,a Iicense ofthe provider.supplier,orpracc oner,whetherby oper ation f inding byofIaw ,voluntary surrender, non-renewability,orotherw ise, orany other negative action or such FederalorState agency thatis publicly available inform ation. Purstlantto N.J.S.A.45:9-19. 13.ifthe Board refuses to issue, suspends,revokesorotherw ise places conditions on a Iicense orperm it, itis obligated to notify each Iicensed health care facility and health m aintenance organization w ith which a licensee is affiliated and everyotherboard lic withwhom he Orshe isdirectly assx iated in private m edicalpractice ensee inthisstâte . I n accor dance wiith an agreem entw ith the Federati on ofState M edicalBoards ofthe United Statesva li st ofaII discipl naryordersare provided to thatorganizationona monthlybasis. W ithin the m onth follow ing entry ofan oqder, a sum m ary ofthe orderwillappearon the public agenda forthe nextm onthlyBoard m eeting and is forwarded to those m embersofthe publi c ln addition, the sam e sum m aryw illappearin the m inutes ofthatBoard m eeting requesting acopy. a ch are also m ade , whi vqilable to those requesting a copy . W Diithin the m onth tollowing entry of an order, a sum m ary of the order willappear in a M onthly sciplinary Action Listing which is m ade available to those m em bers ofthe public requ esting a copy. O n a periodic basis the Board dissem inates to its Iicensees a newslette d r w hi ch includes a brief -' - ' -* escription ofalIofthe orders entered by the Board. From tim e to tim e,the Press Office ofthe Division ofConsum erAffairs m ay is the summaries ofthe contentofpublic orders - sue rdeasesincluding . Nothing herein is intended in any way to Iim itthe Board, the Division orthe Attorney Generalfrom disclosing anypublic docum ent.
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