Faculty Venue German Heart Center Munich at the TU Munich Lazarettstr. 36 80636 Munich www.dhm.mhn.de Organizer Prof. Agnes Görlach Experimental and Molecular Pediatric Cardiology German Heart Center Munich [email protected] Organizing Committee Prof. Andreas Daiber, Mainz, Germany Prof. Fabio di Lisa, Padova, Italy Prof. Yves Frapart, Paris, France Prof. Pietro Ghezzi, Brighton, UK Dr. Vincent Jaquet, Geneva, Switzerland Prof. Ulla Knaus, Dublin, Ireland Dr. Tamara Seredina, Geneva, Switzerland Local Organizer Dr. Andreas Petry [email protected] P: +49 89 1218 2706 Katharina Bertram [email protected] P:+49 89 1218 2707 Abstract dead line: April 10th, 2015 Elias Arner, Stockholm, Sweden Vsevolod Belousov, Moscow, Russia Serge Bottari, Grenoble, France Leon de Windt, Maastricht, Netherlands Jozef Dulak, Krakov, Poland Martyna Elas, Krakov, Poland Jamel El Benna, Paris, France Peter Ferdinandy, Budapest, Hungary Carlo Gaetano, Frankfurt, Germany Joachim Gerhold, Tartu, Estonia Wolfgang Graier, Graz, Austria Helen Griffiths, Birmingham, UK Tomaz Guzik, Glasgow, UK Karl-Heinz Krause, Geneva, Switzerland Santiago Lamas, Madrid, Spain Huige Li, Mainz, Germany Robert Loewe. Munich, Germany Adrian Manea, Bucharest, Romania Andrea Mattevi, Padova, Italy Thomas Misgeld, Munich, Germany Milos Mojovic, Belgrade, Serbia Lisa Mullen, Brighton, UK Sandra Peiro, Barcelona, Spain Silvia Pastorekova, Bratislava, Slovakia Lorenz Poellinger, Stockholm, Sweden Karin Roget, Rouen, France Adelina Rogowska-Wrzesinska, Odense, Denmark Roberto Sitia, Milan, Italy Rainer Schulz, Giessen, Germany Visna Stepanic, Zagreb, Croatia Kostas Tokatlidis, Glasgow, UK Per Wikström, Stockholm, Sweden Jacek Zielonka, Milwaukee, WI, USA Welcome The 1st International Munich ROS Meeting aims to bring together interdisciplinary experts in the field of ROS Biology to discuss the following topics: Sources of ROS in physiology and disease ROS pathways: molecular mechanisms and targets ROS imaging ROS biomarkers and diagnostics ROS as drug targets The 1st International Munich ROS Meeting is based on the EU COST action EU-ROS, joins with the networks Acidox and EPIROS funded by the German Ministry of Science and Research (BMBF) and is supported by the German center for cardiovascular diseases (DZHK). The meeting will be held at the German Heart Center Munich at the TU Munich, a prime clinic and basic research institute for cardiovascular diseases conveniently located in the heart of Munich. We would thus cordially welcome you to participate in this event and discuss your science with internationally renowned experts. Prof. Agnes Görlach Registration and abstract submission Poster abstracts can be submitted until April 10th, 2015 either via e-mail: [email protected] or via www.dzhk.de. Please register until April 15th, 2015 via www.dzhk.de or via e-mail: [email protected]. For more information on the COST action EU-ROS please visit www.eu-ros.eu. Preliminary program/Time Table
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