e PAGE FOUR. CASS CITY CHRONILCE~FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1936. Cass City, Michigan. News of the Mrs. C. W. Clark of Caro visited relatives here T h u r s d a y and Fri-i day. Miss B l a n c h Stafford is spending the week as the guest of friends a t AuGres. W. O. Stafford spent a few days last week with his son, Lloyd Stafford, at Caro. Miss Mildred Karr is the guest of her brother, Leslie Karr, at Traverse City this week. The following persons from Cass ! smelled gun powder in battle, a l ' charged on Sept. 20, 1865, and has City are enrolled in the U n i v e r s i t y though he was born in an a r m y t been a resident of Caro since 1917. of Michigan summer session: Thelbarracks in Quebec. His father, a! His wife died in 1914. ma Hunt, Leone Lee and Beryl . British soldier, was stationed there. I Surviving are .three sons, A r t h u r Koepfgen. I Mr. Stephens came ,to Michigan l o t Caro, H e r b e r t of Ferndale, and Concluded from f i r s t page. with his parents, to St. Clair coun-I E d w a r d of K i n g s t o n . Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Benkelman in Brown City was an aggressive l t y ' while still young and enlisted I : and son, Alvin, Jr., and Bonham G. A. Tindale was a visitor in i Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pease a n d Ayres, all of Arlington, Vs., ar~ one. He was an I r i s h m a n and a] in Co. H, 22nd Michigan I n f a n t r y l ! son, Lynn, of near Lansing visited Niles Sunday and Monday. Don t Break the Mirror guests of Mr. Benkelman's f a t h e r f i g h t e r for those t h i n g s he thought i in ~March of 1865. As war ended .their cousin, Mrs. C. E. Otis, last Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keppen He was particularly the I the next month, he saw no action Breaking a mirror will bring mt~ and brother, John A. Benkelman right. week. were business callers in Detroit enemy of the liquor interest and by t w i t h the Union forces. He was dis- fortune. and D. W. Benkelman. Mrs. W. R. Wiley and children, his fearless attack brought Sanilac I Friday. Mrs. R. A. McNamee was hostess David and Elsie, and Miss Cooper, county into the dry c o ~ m n . 1 to the H a p p y Dozen Monday n i g h t r ~ ~ 4~ ~ ] ~ ] Berkley Patterson of Detroit 1'1 Schooi districts of i~uron c o u n ; v i f spen.t a fev: days the first of the guests of ~vlrs~ W iiey~s mother, of Saginaw spent Sunday at the at her hcme or. Garfic!d avenue. ~: C 1 L i l A seven o'etock potluck supper was wilI receive a p p r ° x i m a t e l y $115'668 t week here. Mrs. David Tyo. homes of their parents here. h r ~ r ~ i c e n e t s enjoyed. Mrs. Dorus Remington from the p r i m a r y school fund dur-! Miss T h e d a Bardwell of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Dan MeIntyre of Norman Kitchen of Pontiac of F l i n t was a guest. ing ,the 1936-37 school year on a spent the week-end with her par- Caro and Mr. and Mrs. Michael spent s e v e r n days last week with basis of per capita payment of ~ / M. B. Auten entertained mements, Mr. and MrK Sire Bardwelh Markel were Sunday guests a t the his sister, Mrs. George Rohrbaeh. $10.20 for the 11,340 children on RATES---Liner of 25 words or MODEL A coupe w i t h rumble seat bers of the Rotary d u b at their Mr. and i~rs. Glenn Folkert and home of Mr. and Mrs. George MarMiss Evelyn Sehmidt, R. N., and luncheon Tuesday by giving graph- the 1935 school census. William less, 25 cents each insertion, and 1936 Standard Tudor with Miss Fern Cooley left Tuesday t o kel of Minden City. Leslie Sova of Port Huron spent: ic descriptions and relating ani- H. Sparling, school commissioner, Over 25 words, one cent a word radio for sale. C. M. Wallace. spend a few days at Traverse City. Mrs. G. L. Hitcheoek of Cass the week-end at the former's h o m e mated incidents of the t r i p he and has been informed by the state de- i for each insertion. 8-7p a r t m e n t of public instruction t h a t Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Van of De- City, Mr. a n d Mrs. Lyle Hitchcock here. Mrs. Auten and their two daughtroit were week-end guests of the and children of Detroit and Miss James Greenleaf left Monday to ters, Charlotte and Carolyn, recent- a p a y m e n t of $7.70 per capita will H O U S E AND TWO lots for sale, F O R SALE--200 White Leghorn pullets. McLellan's Produce. latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Florence F i s h of Caro were Sagi- spend two weeks at the home o f ly completed through several New be made in September. The balon West street in Cass City, ance, which will be approximately naw visitors Monday. 8-7-1. Lee. his son, Alex Greenteaf, at King- E n g l a n d states. lights, water and full bath equip$2.50, will be paid later. Mr. and Mrs. George Howe of ston. ment. Mrs. Geo. Mann. 8-7-1 F O R S A L E ~ T h r e e Durham cows Mr. and Mrs. Alfred West df In a contest as keen a s any ring Toledo, Ohio, visii;ed Cass City rel- Windsor, Ontario, spent several Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Landon endue to freshen in August. McICE CREAM social sponsored by battle or football game, t h i r t y or atives from Wednesday until Sun- days the f i r s t of the week with joyed a few days the f i r s t of the 309 Entered Lellan's Produce. 8-7-1 the young people of the Church more teams .of magnificent draft Mr. and Mrs. Neff Fletcher and day. week at the county park at Caseof Christ will be held at the horses will dig their hoofs into the in Bean Queen WANTED--Neat, reliable white ville. Leola J a n e Smith of Fairgrove with relatives at Bad Axe. church Friday, A u g u s t 14, beginsoil and strain every muscle as maid ( P r o t e s t a n t ) for general Andrew Miller of Detroit was a is spending" two weeks with her Mr. a n d Mrs. A. J. Knapp left ning at 7:30 p. m. Everybody t h e y struggle a g a i n s t weights o f housework. Splendid home in grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris week-end visitor in Cass City. Mrs. F r i d a y to visit Mrs. Knapp's sister, ! welcome. Price, 10 cents. 8-7-1 13 to 21 .tons, in a spectacular f a m i l y of three for right party. Miller and children, Betty Lou and Mrs. A. A. Hiteheock, at W h i t m o r e Schwaderer. horse pulling contest to be one .of F O U N D ~ S e v e r a l keys on tilt-a$4.00 per week. Mrs. Paul Hein. i The names of 300 girls have been Miss Eva Baskin of Detroit is Bobby, who had spent two weeks Lake. the m a n y features of the Saginaw entered in the 1936 Bean Queen sohn; 295 Cherokee Road, Ponwith friends here, returned home whirl ride during home-coming. spending the month of August Mr. and Mrs. William Bell of Beauty contest which is sponsored F a i r : M i c h i g a n F a r m Products tiac, Mich. 8-7-1p Enquire at the Chronicle Office. with Mrs. Mary J. Baskin and Mrs. with him Sunday evening. Saginaw spent Sunday with Mrs. Show, Sept. 13 to 19. For the by the Bad Axe Fair association. Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t Croft and 8-7-1. Flora Pollard. Bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. i L O S T in Cass City Saturday eveThe queen will be chosen Wednes- f a r m e r spectator, it will be a pracMrs. Edward Pinney entertained daughters, Marjorie and Marion, Boulton. n i n g ~ A purse containing a s u m tical exhibition of the capacity of day night, August 19, at the Bad i F O R S A L E M o d e r n home at corMr. and Mrs. Grant P i n n e y and visited in W e s t Branch Sunday. Mrs. Sam Blades, Mr. and Mrs. Axe fair, and she will be crowned d r a f t horses. F o r the city folks it of money. Reward offered for ner of West and Garfield streets. son, Gordon, of Lenox S a t u r d a y Mrs. Croft and Marion remained J. S. McCrea called at the Louis Friday night, August 21, by Gov- is a new and exciting sport, its return. Mrs. William Zint Inquire at house. A. Pollard. to spend some time with relatives night and Sunday. necker. 8-7-1" Bush home near Caro Saturday ernor Fitzgerald. While the survey of M-15 byt 8-7-1p. at West Branch, Traverse City and afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Doerr and Boyne City. The following are ,the names of passes the village of Vassar the~ MAYTAG alumnium MISS 'EM! Saturday is R E B U I L T daughters, Helen and M a r y Lee, Stanley Graham left F r i d a y to girls in this section whose names state has no intention of building DON'T multi-mator w a s h e r for sale. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bailey and spend a few days with his brother, our opening of new fall and winleft Tuesday on a trip through have been entered by friends: it a t this time: This was the mesW a n n e r & Matthews, Cass City. daughters, Miss Catherine and Alex Graham, and other relatives ter hats. Beautiful bb,~k silk Northern Michigan. sage given Tuesday to a large Cass City. 8-7-2. Miss Lucile, and their guests, Mr. in Detroit. velvets and felts, all latest delegation from V a s s a r who did Sylvia and Nelson F a y from and Mrs. G. C. Blades of Glendale, Dorothy Holcomb .................. 500 styles. Vance's Variety 8-7-ip not want .the village to lose the WHEAT WANTED--Elkland Rollnear Elkton were guests of the Calif., s p e n t Monday Mrs. M a r y Ward of Dorchester, Betty P i n n e y .......................... 700 in Detroit er Mills, Cass City. 8-7-2 Floyd McComb family from Sat- where they attended .the Cleveland- Ontario, came last week to spend Helen Doerr 200 tourist traffic the highway brought GARDEN PRODUCE for s a l e - 400 them. M u r r a y D. V a n W a g o n e r urday until Monday night. some time at the home of her son, Lueille Wilson ........................ Potatoes, cabbage, apples and W E ARE prepared to bale h a y for Detroit ball game. Georgene VanWinkle ............ 700 said he would give favorable conRalph Ward. After a few months' visit ~dth popcorn. Will have cucumbers, farmers. John H a l e y & Son, Netlie H u n t e r .......................... 300 sideration to a proposal from the Guests at the homes of George her sister, Mrs. Milton Hoffman. Mrs Carrie Lewis of Deford sweet corn, tomatoes and s t r i n g M a r t h a McCoy ........................ 200 village to match dollars for the Cass City. 8-7-2p West and John West from Satur-~ Mrs. E. B. Corporon left Monday beans later. Phone 138-F-23. 100 day until Wednesday were Mr. and I spent S a t u r d a y n i g h t at the home Mary Lou McCoy .................... widening of the trunkline within for her home in California. Roy Anthes. 8-7-i F O R SALE or trade--Bicycle in 900 Mrs. M. J. Schweitzer, daughter,] of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Enid Barnes ............................ Vesta Knepper ......................... 70.0 its limits. Nothing" less than 20 good condition, Shetland pony Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hunt were Helen, of St. Thomas, Ontario, ~ Mrs. J. S. McCrea. , MODEL T FORD for sale. A fourfeet would be approved he said. and little pigs. Elkland Roller entertained at the home of the Miss Edith Schweitzer an& Miss, Mr. and Mrs. Percy A. Pollard Millieent G r a h a m .................... 800 door sedan in running order. Phyllis Barnes ........................ 500 Mills. 8-7-2 W o r k on the V a s s a r high school latter's sister, Mrs. Warn Jackson, Hazel Brown of Rodney, Ontario. and daughter, Arleen, of Detroit Marguerite Mitchell .............. 300 Price $15. Roy Anthes, 2 south, addition is progressing but there is in Detroit over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Striffler and spent the week-end with Mr. and Lucy M a c L a r t y ...................... 400 i~ east of Cass City. 8-7-1 W A N T E D 1 5 0 old horses for fox small chance of the construction Mrs. W. D. Striffler, Mr. and son, Irvine, were dinner guests of Mrs. Alfred Pollard. Gagetewm feed. Must be alive. Otto Montei,. being completed in August as F O R SALE H O R S E S ~ M a t c h e d Mrs. G. C. Blades and Mrs. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mrs. R. L. Lofft and Mrs. J. A. Jean Clara ................................ Dozer at 200 planned. Fairgrove. Caro "Phone 954-R-5. The new addition will Thiel spent Tuesday with relatives Walled Lake Sunday. From Walled Martin, both of Detroit, came on Lila Wood ................................ teams, odd horses and mules. 300 ll-8-tf house a combination auditorium, at Whip-poor-will Harbor and Elk- Lake, Irvine returned to his work T h u r s d a y to spend a few days with Miss Trudeau .......................... Time given with no extra cost. 500 g y m n a s i u m and class rooins. Inton. Miss Suerynck ........................ 700 B. O. Watkins' Horse and Mule F O R S A L E ~ 1 9 2 8 Pontiac coach, at Marysville, Ohio, after a two their brother, G. W. Landor. creased attendance during the past Market. Phone 135. Marlette, f a i r rubber, full license, in good Mr. and Mrs. John Whale and 'weeks' vacation with his parents Dugald Krug, t r e a s u r e r of the Helen Fournier ...................... 600 Velma Rabideau ...................... 400 five y e a r s makes the addition an Mich. 6-19-8 r u n n i n g condition. Priced for daughter, Miss Edna, of Pontiac here. home-coming celebration, reports a Helen L a F a v e .......................... 500 almost necessary improvement. quick sale. Francis O'Connor, attended the home-coming here and balance of $139.20 on hand after Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consla reMarian L a F a v e ...................... 700 Cass City. 8-7-1p visited Mr. Whale's mother, Mrs. turned to their home in Painsville, bills and expenses have been paid. Marjorie L a F a v e .................... 300 The auditorium will be equipped l F O R S A L E - - G u e r n s e y bull, ten with~ bleachers and will have a months old, eligible to registraIsabelle Whale. Ohio, Monday after a few days' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Smith and Greenleaf. s e a t i n g capacity of 1,000 for plays tion. Would trade for a good M A R T I N R I T T M A N and Son, new Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hoffman, visit with Mrs. Consla's mother, daughter, Janice Ruth, of Detroit Lucille Stirton ~ 400 and other gatherings. When conand used parts for cars and cow. Mrs. Francis McDonald, 1 with friends from Saginaw, left Mrs. H. O. Greenleaf. Mrs. Green- were week=end guests of Mrs. Flora McCloud ........................ 200 verted into a g y m n a s i u m it will tractors, good used tires at reawest, 3 north of Cass City. 8-7-1p Tuesday morning to spend a week leaf returned to Painsville with Smith's parents, Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Rhea Seeger ............................ 700 be capable of holding 600 people, l sonable prices. 40 rods north of Virginia Hartwick ................... 400 or ten days on a .trip through Iowa .them, and is spending two weeks Fritz. Cass City h i g h school. 7-17-tf Two men and a horse were i n ! W H E N YOU have livestock for Dolly W r i g h t 500 and Minnesota. there. Mrs. Minnie Karr, daughter, jured S a t u r d a y n i g h t on M-53 near sale, call Grant Patterson, Cass I CARD OF T H A N K S -! wish .to Reese. Mrs. H a r r i e t Dodge, who wifn Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Copland and Miss Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 6-19-tfi t h a n k Dr. McCoy, Dr. Donahue 100 Hemans, when a car driven by i City. Phone 32. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Houghton and f a m i l y of Detroit; Mr. a n d Mrs. Rohrbach visited Mrs. Karr's sis- Eva Tilger ................................ P e t e r A. Fischer, Vassar, crashed i WANTED__O1 d barn, 40x60 proa n d the nurses of the Pleasant Unionville. son of Detroit, has been spending I M. K. Blackford, sons, Albert Lee ter, Mrs. Masters, at Silverwood ferred. Will tear down and re- t Home hospital for the wonderful two weeks at a cottage in Cheboy- and J~illie, and M i s s Effie Black- Sunday. Linda Stecker .......................... 600 into the rear of a team and wagon! move from premises. S. T. Cope-I care t h e y gave me during m y 200 driven by Albert Yaeger, Lamont.! gan, returned home Sunday. ford of Wilmore, Ky., were enterMr. and Mrs. B. J. Dailey and Thelma Hensel ........................ F i s h e r and his companion, John l land, R1, Cass City. 8-6-eow-2pl s t a y at the hospital. Mrs. H a r r y Olive Ortmer .......................... 100 tained at the home of Mrs. CopMr. and Mrs. William Greendaughter, Florence, expect t o m o v e Beth W a r n e r ............................ l Hail, Pontiac, Mich. 700 E r m i n t i n g e r , Ubly, suffered cuts l wood, daughter, Frances, and Wil- land's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim to Decatur, Mich., within the next Lena Koreck 400 and bruises. Yaeger escaped i n - CASH-PAID for cream a t Kenney's, liam Wilson, ,all of Saginaw, were Bardwell, Sunday. week where they will make their Mabel Ainswor£h .................... 800 jury. One horse of a team pulling I Cass City. t I AM VERY g r a t e f u l for the m a n y Tuesday guests of Mr. Greenwood's Horace V. Pinney, who has been future home. E m m a Daurick ...................... 200 the wagon was injured and may i expressions of kindness shown t sister, Mrs. George Aekerman. employed a t Indian Trail Lodge at Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walsh have to be killed. F i s h e r told D e p - i' W E PAY highest prices for scrap i me by neighbors, friends, the P r e s b y t e r i a n church and the Cass Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Hutson, Traverse City for several weebs, and daughter, Mary, returned to Arla Hedley ............................ 400 u t y Melvin Pollard t h a t he was un-: iron and metal. Martin R i t t m a n City Grange while a p a t i e n t at Mrs. Fred Krause of Avoea, Mrs. has returned to his home here. He their home in Curtis S a t u r d a y at-I Linda Sy .................................. 700 able to stop his car when he at-! and Son, 40 rods north of Cars 500 tempted to pass the wagon on acthe Pleasant Home hospital; alRichard Br~)wn and daughter, will be employed at the store of ter a two weeks' visit with rela- i Mabel Schultz .......................... City high school. 7-17-tf so to the nurses, Dr. Donahue Marion, of Port Huron were visi- the P i n n e y D r y Goods Co. until he rives here and in Lapeer. Vassar. I count of an approaching car. L A N D O N and Roosevelt---How do and Dr. McCoy for their exceltors at the A. A. Sehmidt home on resumes his studies at the UniverMr. and Mrs. A r t h u r Little and Agnes Seney .......................... 42,400 t h e y rank in public favor since sity of Michigan in the fa!!. lent care. Mrs. Clifford Martin. Tuesday. 500 children visited at the Robert Mil- Olive A s a m .............................. the nominations? Read how voCivil W a r Veteran Roy. and Mrs. G. A. Spitler and Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consla of r I[ nor home l"n Alm _ er Su n d a y a fte_IN M E M O R I A M - - I n loving memters throughout the nation feel 100 Painsville, Ohio, Mrs. H. O. Green- Phyllis and Shirley Lenzner l e f t noon. Dale Little remained to l Madely Heron .......................... ory of our dear son and brother, about them in America Speaks. Died at Caro Sunday leaf, son, Alex, and daughter, Miss Wednesday morning" to attend t h e spend a few days with his grandArgyle, Lewis J. Maharg, who passed It appears exclusively in Michif i f t h General Convention of Chris- parents. Myrtle, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Irene Bulla .............................. 400 a w a y August 5, 1935. He has gan in Sunday's Detroit News. tian Education of the E v a n g e l i c a l Greenleaf enjoyed a picnic d i n n e r William T. Stephens, 89, Civil Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Steers Glendona Dellerce .................. 200 gone across the river, To the church at Oakwood Park, Lake and Mrs. William H. Champion and a t Shay Lake Sunday. Brook field. W a r veteran, died at Caro S u n d a y CASS MOTOR Sales Used C a r s - shores of ever green, And we Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elliott o f Wawasee, n e a r Syracuse, Indiana. daughter, Marjorie, of Detroit Marguerite Rupp .................... 200 at the home of his son, Arthur. i '34 Ford coach, '29 Chevrolet long to see his dear face, But The convention is in session from F u n e r a l services were held at the i Port Huron, Mrs. Rose Oviatt and l coach, '29 Chevrolet sedan, '23 spent from F r i d a y until Sunday Florence O'Connell ................ 400 the river flows between. Some 200 Huston Funeral home in Caro on lt Buick touring, '29 Plymouth son, Stanley, of Midland and Mrs. ! August 5 to 9. The Cass City with relatives here and attended Evelyn Heberly ...................... day, sometime, our eyes shall Ruth Rapson ............................ 200 W~ednesday afternoon, under aus-! Albina Munn of Croswell are spend-! a t t e n d a n t s expect t o return home the home-coming. Sport coupe, '35 Plymouth Desee, The face we loved so well; pices of the. Caro post of the I Luxe coupe, '35 Chevrolet pick-i Some day we'll clasp his loving ing the week at the home of M r ! next Monday. Mrs. E d i t h Shelton returned to American Legion. i The Misses Marion and Chrystal and Mrs. Don Hunter. up. These cars shown on lot in hand, And never s a y farewell.-her home in Oneonta, Ala., Mon- LARGE CROWDS AT William T. Stephens was o n e back of new Oldsmobile show E v e r remembered by Mr. and THE HOME-COMING AT Mr. and Mrs. James Cole and Read r e t u r n e d to their home in De- day a f t e r spending" three weeks Civil W a r veteran who never! . room. 8-7-1 Mrs. James M a h a r g and Family. daughter, Doris Jean, of Detroit troit last week from a trip to west- with her mother, Mrs. Annie MeCASS CITY LAST WEEK were week-end guests of Mrs. ern states. They left Michigan on Crea, of Gagetown and other relaCole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M a y 28 f o r Los Angeles, Calif., tives in Cass City. Concluded from f i r s t page. Kosanke. Mrs. Cole and daughter where Miss Marion Read was a Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bohnsaek ex- was introduced by A t t o r n e y Wm. NNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN delegate f o r the Grace hospital remained to spend the week here. alumni to the nurses' convention. pect to leave Aug. 15 for Eudora, Miller. Q u i t e frequently, speakers Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Dailey were The ladies visited t h e i r two broth- Kansas, where they will visit Mr. receive scant attention in the hurguests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ers, W i l l i a m and Charles, and Bohnsack's mother, who is 84 years ly-burly and clamor of a celebraDailey at P a w Paw Sunday and m a n y f r i e n d s in California. The of age and who has been ill in re- tion. However, Mr. Muyskens was N Monday. Florence Dailey, who had return t r i p was made from San cent months. They expect to be given a respectful hearing and N spent several weeks with her broth-t Diego, up the coast to Seattle, gone two weeks. quite a number listened to his apN er, returned home with her parents across to Spokane, through the Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Cranick, peal for good citizenship. Rev. Monday. [ N upper p a r t of Idaho, the length of daughter, Shirley, and son, Clif- Minnie Barrick of Detroit greeted The Tuscola County Grange will 1 Montana, and t h r o u g h Yellowstone ford, of Hartford, Connecticut, re- Cass City friends from the .platN hold their annual picnic at the[ park in Wyoming. On the way turned home on Tuesday after a form preceding Prof. Muyskens' N N county park at Caseville Wednes- out of Yellowstone, t h e y attended week's visit with Mr. Cranick's address. N day, A u g u s t 12. State Master the W e s t ' s famous rodeo at Chey- brother, F r a n k Cranick. This is Those who enjoy" Tim Doolittle Bramble will be present and will one, W y o m i n g . From t h a t point Charles' first visit to Cass City in and His Michigan Mountaineers' N give valuable Grange information. home, the w e a t h e r was v e r y warm. 38 years. p r o g r a m over W J R had the opporN A potluck dinner will be served at N e b r a s k a seemed to have suffered Mrs. E v a r t Bennett of Onaway t u n i t y of seeing these radio artists N noon. All Grange members are most f r o m t h e heat and drought. and Mrs. George Collins of Port in person in two programs, one on expected to attend and everyone is T h u r s d a y night and a n o t h e r on N Huron visited with their s i s t e r , A f t e r a short business meeting welcome. N conducted b y the president, Miss Mrs. Floyd Gallaway, from Sunday F r i d a y evening. Violin, guitar, Home,coming and Sunday guests Lena Joos, the Christian Endeavor to Wednesday. Another sister, Mrs. banjo and harmonica numbers, voat the Kleinschmidt home were Mr. society of t h e Evangelical church John Moyer, of Hollywood, Cali- caI solos and ensemble numbers After and Mrs. R. F. Kleinschmidt and enjoyed a n evening of fun at the fornia, is making" an extended visit were the main features. these programs, the group played daughters, Miss Irene and Miss home of Miss Mildred Schwegler in £he Gallaway home. N Rose Mary, of Berkley; Mr. and on Tuesday, Aug. 4. A visit was Two residences in town are un- for the free pavement dancing N Mrs. W. R. Kleinschmidt, children, made to an " A r t Gallery" w h e r e dergoing alterations. E . W . Doug- which continued until the e a s y N P a t t y Ann and Donald, of Detroit; each couple with the aid of " c a t a - las is building an addition to his morning hours each day. SaturMr. and Mrs. 0. J. Boat and son, logs," found and identified "pic- residence on o North Seeger street , day night, another season of paveFloyd, of Oxford; Mr. and Mrs. tures." A "Scene in Bermuda" ap- and the room formerly used as a ment dancing was held, the McInH. W. H a r r i s of Kingston; Billie peared to be two onions, "An Ab- kitchen will be used as an enbalm- tyro Dance band of U b l y being the Bates of Walkerville, Ontario. sorbing Subject" was a piece of ing room for his funeral home. A musicians. The five rides brought here by A number of friends and rela- blotting paper, "The Reigning Fa- hall connects this room with t h a t N tives met at the home of F l o y d vorite" w a s an umbrella. After used for funeral services in the the Cote Amusement Co. of Detroit N McComb Monday evening, August all of the pictures were properly home. Mr. Douglas has other and set up on West Main s t r e e t attracted large numbers of the 3, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. M a n l y recorded, t h e group was divided plans for f u r t h e r improvements McComb, who were married J u l y into two sides, and each contestant I which he expects to make later. younger generation and some not 26. A social evening was enjoyed l carried a lighted candle around] R. S. Kerbyson, who purchased the so young in years but youthfuI in and Mr. and Mrs. McComb received an obstacle, in a candle relay. The] residence north of ,the Opera spirit. m a n y lovely and useful gifts. A same t e a m s then engaged in a l House block from Gus Zapfe last Processed Wood Aid to Mining lunch, consisting of sandwiches, Japanese F a n race and fanned bal-l spring, is making extensive alteraiced coffee, ice cream and cake loons over "goal lines," "under! tions in both the exterior and in- | Mining operators by using procCASS CITY, MICHIGAN was served, a delicious pink and b r i d g e s " a n d back a g a i n in record] terior of the house. Hardwood l essed wood h a v e in the last eight N white cake made by ,th~ bride being time. A f t e r a few more games,] floors will be laid in the residence years collectively saved themselves The protective subN the center of interest. Out-of-town r e f r e s h m e n t s were served, and the I and ,the walls treated w i t h new $3,000,000. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Audley evening's f u n closed when every I coats of plaster. This residence stances employed have been chief® N Walstead of Bay City and Mr. and one g a t h e r e d around the piano to l was erected m a n y years ago by J. ly erecsote, zinc chloride, and variN Mrs. Ralph Tebeau and two chil- sing, a c c o m p a n i e d by Miss Eva] L. H£tchcock, a pioneer business l ous other preservative oils and I salts,~O~r Logic, dren of .12.sx~ ~ n . ~l,,u_Ll.. ?~ae Sovey's playing. NN@NN@NN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N N man of Cass City. i Nearby Sections ' Beauty Contest I 18 Used Cars and Trucks Special Low Price f o r 10 .days B&RKLEY MOTOR SALES N N
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