GEODAZE 2015 ABSTRACTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Oral Sessions Economic Geology 02 Geophysics 15 Climate and Paleoclimate 22 Tectonics and Geochemistry 26 GeoDaze Keynote Speaker 37 Geosciences EarthWeek Plenary Speaker 38 Poster Sessions Economic Geology 39 Geophysics 40 Climate and Paleoclimate 42 Tectonics and Geochemistry 48 Planetary Science 62 Environmental Science 64 1 Oral Sessions Economic Geology EOCENE HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEMS AND CONTRASTING HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION IN THE BATTLE MOUNTAIN DISTRICT, NEVADA Caleb A. King The Battle Mountain district in north-central Nevada hosts numerous Eocene intrusive centers that have hydrothermal systems, many with associated Cu/Au mineralization. Mineralization types include porphyry-type Cu-Au(-Mo), distaldisseminated Au, and Au±Cu skarns. These systems contain high-temperature quartz veins, potassic and sericitic alteration, and abundant sodic-calcic, calcic, and potassic-calcic alteration. Most systems, including Copper Canyon, Copper Basin, and the deeply exposed Elder Creek porphyry system, have superimposed features. For these systems, crosscutting relationships, combined with published geochronology and 37 new U-Pb dates, demonstrate that the Au(Cu) systems are Late Eocene (39-42 Ma). Alteration assemblages in these systems form distinct zones and were defined by mapping secondary mineral assemblages and by petrographic and electron microprobe studies. Alteration of siliciclastic and igneous rocks includes: potassic, sericitic, sodic-calcic, calcic, and potassic-calcic alteration. Two types of skarn occur in the district. Fortitude-type skarns replace carbonate rocks and consist of Cpx+Gar+Po with Au+Cu, whereas Copper Basin-type skarns replace feldspathic, silicic and carbonate rocks and consists of Gar+Hem+Mt with Au+Cu. The volume and distribution of these assemblages, along with petrologic considerations, indicates two fluid sources: magmatic fluids generated potassic, sericitic, and Fortitude-type skarns, and moderately saline, non-magmatic fluids produced Na-Ca(-K) alteration mineral assemblages and Copper Basin-type skarns. Those features inferred to be magmatic-hydrothermal are restricted in their extent and related to particular intrusive phases, whereas the Na-Ca-K alteration typically extends over many kilometers and is not correlated to any particular intrusive phase. Reconnaissance and selected mapping in northeastern Nevada has revealed that other exposed Eocene plutons contain analogous features. Many of these plutons exhibit local magmatic-hydrothermal features including potassic alteration and quartz veins, yet the distinctive Na-Ca-K alteration is remarkably widespread and heretofore, largely unnoted. Observations within the Battle Mountain district and regionally indicate that a variety of fluids – magmatic and non-magmatic – played significant roles in Eocene intrusion-centered hydrothermal systems, and that the consequences of both fluid types need to be considered in interpreting Cenozoic metallogeny. 2 THALLIUM DISTRIBUTION IN POTASSIUM SILICATES FROM THE BATTLE MOUNTAIN REGION, NV Shelby Rader Thallium (Tl), like many heavy metals (e.g., As, Hg, Pb), presents both economic opportunities and environmental challenges. Though thallium often occurs together with mercury, arsenic, and other similar elements in low-temperature hydrothermal systems, the specifics of thallium geochemistry are poorly understood. This is due in part to its dual role as a lithophile and chalcophile element, and thus its occurrence in both silicates and sulfides. In silicate environments, the distribution of thallium is analogous to lithophile alkali metals (K+, Rb+, Cs+) due to similar ionic size and charge. When sulfur activity is high, however, thallium has been shown to also exhibit chalcophile behavior, partitioning into sulfide phases in both magmatic and hydrothermal environments. The control of this behavior is currently poorly understood. This study uses Tl concentration data collected on a Micromass isoprobe MCICP-MS to investigate the first-order controls on the distribution of Tl between silicate and sulfide phases, as well as between different K-bearing silicate minerals (e.g., biotite versus K-feldspar). A collection of samples from the Battle Mountain region in northeastern Nevada were measured. This area records a mix of magmatic and non-magmatic (external) hydrothermal fluids responsible for voluminous alteration. Analyses of Battle Mountain K-feldspar and biotite display Tl concentrations ranging from below detection (<0.2 ppm) up to 1.96 ppm. Samples from unaltered rocks range from <0.2 to 1.36 ppm (n = 11, avg. = 0.50 ppm); samples from Na-Ca alteration range from <0.2 to 1.82 ppm (n = 9, avg. = 0.45 ppm); samples from weak K alteration range from <0.2 to 1.56 ppm (n = 12, avg. = 0.53 ppm); and samples from strong K alteration range from <0.2 to 1.96 ppm (n = 23, avg. = 0.73 ppm). Additional whole rock geochemical data was included for further comparison. Preliminary evidence suggests that elevated Tl concentrations coincide with weak to strong potassic alteration, and biotite samples are more enriched in Tl than coexisting K-feldspar. This mineral-scale study enhances our overall understanding of Tl distribution and geochemical behavior within heavily altered and economically mineralized areas. 3 TIME SCALES OF A GEOTHERMAL SYSTEM FROM ACTINOLITE FE-MG ZONING Zack McIntire Estimating the duration of ore-forming and geothermal systems is a longstanding challenge, despite considerable previous research into this issue. Though geochronological approaches are useful for determining absolute ages, their precision is typically inadequate to assess duration of hydrothermal events. Volume diffusion provides a mechanism to constrain the timescales of hydrothermal activity because the diffusional relaxation of compositional profiles can be related to temperature and time. We determined Fe and Mg profiles in delicately zoned actinolite crystals from the Punta del Cobre Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) district, northern Chile. Petrographic analyses were conducted to determine textures, mineral relations, and mineral orientation. Backscattered electron (BSE) images helped locate the most abrupt Fe:Mg zoning in actinolite crystals. Based on these observations, we used Cameca SX 100 electron microprobe (EMP) to measure mineral compositions along selected C-axis profiles. Traverse steps were done at 0.5 microns. Although this is comparable to the scale of the activation volume in EMP analysis, overlapping effects could be accounted for in the subsequent data analysis. In the absence of Fe-Mg diffusion data for amphibole, orthopyroxene was used as a proxy for the modeling of the diffusion times. We infer that diffusion along the M1-M2 strip (parallel to the C-axis) in orthopyroxene will be similar to that along the M1-M3 strip in amphibole given that these sites contain the Fe and Mg. Modeling the diffusion profile allowed for the solving of the diffusion coefficient multiplied by time (Dt). Deconvolution of Dt was conducted to account for the excess data due to the manner in which the electron beam penetrates and excites the sample. Temperature was estimated from fluid inclusion data on other nearby deposits and modern geothermal analogs. Temperatures from the fluid inclusions and modern analogs were estimated to be between 350 to 450°C. Using this temperature range and the orthopyroxene diffusion equations, the diffusion coefficient (D) was found to range from 8.44E26 to 4.83E-22 cm2/s depending on the temperature and the sample. Using this information, the duration of hydrothermal activity related to actinolite deposition at Punta Del Cobre was found to range from 10^4 to 10^7 years. In samples with multiple generations of actinolite textures, the younger textures were associated with less diffusion than the older textures. 4 FE OXIDE-RICH MINERALIZATION AND RELATED ALTERATION IN THE YERINGTON DISTRICT, NEVADA: AN UPDATE Simone Runyon The Fe oxide-rich Minnesota and Pumpkin Hollow deposits formed along the margin of the 169 Ma Yerington batholith. The Minnesota mine is a magnetite replacement body hosted in a fault slice of early Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The Pumpkin Hollow replacement-hosted Fe and Cu resources are contained in several ore bodies hosted by the same rocks as at Minnesota. Both localities are associated with Ca (-Na) altered quartz monzodiorite. Dilles and others (2000; SEG Field Guide 32) note that these deposits resemble iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) deposits and occurrences of Na-Ca alteration observed across the Yerington batholith. This study uses recent mapping, petrography, and mineral analyses to document and compare the characteristics of magnetite-rich systems with magnetite-poor Cu-rich skarn mineralization in the district. Mineralization at Minnesota and Pumpkin Hollow contains Na-Ca alteration of associated igneous units, multiple episodes of brecciation, relatively low Siaddition, and magnetite-dominated carbonate-replacement. In both systems, magnetite ± actinolite locally replaces carbonate, impure carbonate, and aluminosilicate host rocks. Crosscutting relationships between igneous rocks and hydrothermal alteration suggest that the majority of magnetite-dominated mineralization at both deposits occurred relatively early during emplacement of the Yerington batholith. There is a batholith-wide relationship between Na-Ca alteration in igneous units and associated Fe-oxide mineralization. Shallow Fe-oxide rich (specularite + chalcopyrite) vein or lode deposits are associated with Na-Ca alteration of igneous units (e.g., Blue Jay, Northern Lights, and Buckskin mine). Intermediate Fe-oxide rich deposits consist of magnetite-cemented breccias ± chalcopyrite associated with voluminous Na-to Ca-alteration (Minnesota mine and Pumpkin Hollow) or voluminous Na-alteration with magnetite-apatite-chalcopyrite mineralization (Easter prospect). Magnetite-rich deposits differ from the garnet-salite rich copper skarn (Casting Copper, Mason Valley) and quartz-pyrite lode deposits (Bluestone, Ludwig) that lack abundant magnetite (Einaudi, 2000). These magnetite-poor deposits are hosted in the same part stratigraphic units, but have higher silicate addition, and are related to late-stage granite porphyry dikes. Fe oxide-rich systems are distinct from Fe oxide-poor systems in the Yerington district and are similar to IOCG systems documented around the world. 5 VEIN-HOSTED AG (±CU, PB, ZN) AND W (±PB, ZN, CU) MINERALIZATION IN THE CERRO COLORADO AND LAS GUIJAS DISTRICTS, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA J.D. Mizer The historic Cerro Colorado and Las Guijas Districts in Pima County, Arizona were mined for vein-hosted silver, tungsten, and base metals even before Spanish explorers prospected the area in 1775. Host rocks in the district include Late Cretaceous andesite flows and breccia, Bisbee Group sedimentary units, and granitic intrusive rocks. Silver is found in polymetallic sheeted quartz veins up to one meter wide that strike east-west and cut an earlier group of weakly mineralized quartz-siderite/ferroan calcite-barite-dolomite veins that strike N40°E. Electron microprobe analyses document that silver in the districts is contained in sulfide and sulfosalt minerals such as acanthite, balkanite, and imiterite and to a lesser degree tetrahedrite, galena, sphalerite, and covellite. Oxide minerals including chlorargyrite and perroudite are also present. Abundances of these minerals vary greatly between mineralized localities, displaying the diversity of mineral distribution across the district. Acid alteration of varying intensity is often found proximal to these veins, ranging from weak sericitic-replacement of feldspars to clay-alteration of igneous mafic minerals (pyroxene/amphibole) and feldspars. Pervasive propylitic alteration is also present in the district, consisting of chlorite replacing biotite, pyroxene, and hornblende in addition to feldspars being replaced by epidote or altered to clay. Current mapping indicates no spatial relationship between veins and propylitic alteration. Cross-cutting relationships observed between igneous rocks and hydrothermal alteration provide important timelines that constrain the space-time development of alteration-mineralization across the districts. This study constrains the timing of Laramide and early Tertiary magmatic events with new U-Pb ages from zircon, and documents at least two generations of fault-controlled, Ag-bearing veins. The findings of this study will improve our understanding of the geologic and hydrothermal history of the Las Guijas and Cerro Colorado districts. This case study is expanded to the porphyry copper region of southwestern North America to include the overall timing of volcanic, magmatic, and mineralizing events. The ages presented in this study are incorporated into a growing U-Pb database for Laramide rocks in southwestern North America, thereby contributing to a more complete understanding of Laramide magmatism and associated hydrothermal systems. 6 CHUKARU PEKI PROJECT, TIMOK CU-AU DISTRICT, SERBIA Matthew Wetzel Chukaru Peki is a recently discovered, concealed, high-grade Cu-Au deposit within the Timok Cu-Au metallogenic belt, Serbia. The Timok district is located near the town of Bor, in Eastern Serbia and is one of Europe’s largest and most productive Cu-Au porphyry copper districts containing over 20Mt Cu and 1000t Au. The Timok district contains the cretaceous aged Bor, Veliki Krivilj, and Majdanpek porphyry copper deposits, as well as many other base metal and lesser significant porphyry systems. Chukaru Peki is a composite system with upper zone exhibiting high-grade massive sulfide mineralization contained within a variable envelope of advanced argillic alteration. Upper zone mineralization and alteration partially overprints the underlying alteration and mineralization indicative of classic Cu-Au porphyry type mineralization, found in many major porphyry copper districts around the world. The two styles of mineralization are thought to be genetically linked, but the extent to which they are linked is still uncertain. It is likely that the high sulfidation epithermal-massive sulfide mineralization, formed during the last phase of mineralization related to the emplacement of the Cu-Au porphyry deposit. Chukaru Peki is concealed by approximately 400-600m of post-mineral, late Cretaceous clastic rocks, marls, and Miocene sediments. Chukaru Peki is hosted in a thick sequence of Cretaceous hornblende andesite, cut by later porphyritic dikes of andesite-diorite composition. The structural regime is complicated, exhibiting contraction related faulting and tilting, pull apart basins related to transform faulting, and recent localized extension related faulting. Initial results, based on the detailed logging of over 5000m of core, collection of samples over 100 samples and extensive geochemical sampling of drill core has helped in the identification of different lithologies, alteration assemblages, geochemical zonation, and identifying major structures. This information is used to help define alteration assemblages, mineral distribution, and paragenesis, in an effort to understand the conditions of formation of the Chukaru Peki deposit. 7 THE DIRTY LIFE AND TIMES OF NORMAL FAULTS: IMPLICATIONS FOR FAULT MECHANICS FROM CROSSCUTTING RELATIONSHIPS IN HIGHLY EXTENDED DOMAINS Carson A. Richardson Normal faults are observed at a variety of dips with differing evidence provided by pre-/syn-extensional markers to support the view that they have rotated from higher angles. Following from Andersonian mechanics, normal faults are expected to nucleate ~30° from σ1 (~60° initial dip). Normal faults are then expected to slip and rotate until the fault is ~60° from σ1 (~30° dip) following Byerlee’s Law at which point the fault is expected to lock up (Ignoring any influence fluid pressure may have on the fault mechanics involved and assuming that the fault ceased movement due to locking up.). This study examines extended domains where the initial dips of faults can be ascertained and seeks to better constrain at what dips are faults observed to lock and to be cut by a younger generation of faults. In the surveyed extended domains, structural reconstructions indicate that normal faults are found to lock up at significantly higher angles than predicted by Byerlee’s Law. In the Yerington district, where three major generations of faults have extended the district ~150%, faults of the active generation cut the second generation faults when the second generation faults had dips of ~45°, suggesting that the second generation faults had locked up at 45° from σ1. The second generation faults had in turn cut the first generation faults when had dips of ~38° (~52° from σ1). The controls on the angle of death for normal faults are currently unclear, but possible factors exerting influences are strain rate, associated magmatism, the time-span of extension, and the amount of tilting per unit of slip. 8 FAULT-SURFACE RECONSTRUCTION AND EPIDOTE NORMALIZATION AT SAN MANUEL-KALAMAZOO PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSIT Juan Fajardo San Manuel-Kalamazoo is a porphyry copper deposit that has been tilted and dismembered due to Basin and Range dynamics. Although some cross sections and structural reconstructions have been constructed (Lowell, 1968; Force, Dickinson, and Hagstrum, 1995; Spencer et al., 2009), the technique of faultsurface map reconstruction (Seedorff et al., 2015) has never been undertaken in this deposit. Three-dimensional surface projections of the main faults at San Manuel have been generated using BHP-Magma historical database, composed of 2,023 surface and underground holes, and historical underground working maps (SRK, 2013), permitting a more accurate approach to the amount and direction of slip. These surface maps are expected to be the base of a preliminary structural reconstruction of the deposit. The results of the mineral normalization the epidote in the San Manuel deposit are also presented. A traverse of one kilometers within its propylitic halo suggests that the epidote has low amounts of REE (X=0.0013), indicating that allanite is not a relevant component (allanite samples presented by Armbruster at al., 2006, have average values of REE equal to 0.579). The epidote component seems to be the strongest (Fe Total average=0.945), and clinozoisite is not observed. Manganese is interpreted as mainly Mn2+; therefore piemontite component does not seem to be significant. 9 CONTRASTING STYLES OF LARAMIDE HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION IN THE SUPERIOR MINING DISTRICT, ARIZONA Sean O’Neal This ongoing study characterizes two previously unstudied hydrothermal systems in the Superior mining district of central Arizona. Detailed alteration mapping, age dating, and isotopic analysis of carbonates have provided insights into the evolution of the systems and their genetic relations to other systems within the district (the Silver King mine, the Magma mine, and the Resolution deposit). Despite all of the systems being hosted in the same stratigraphic sequence and likely being sourced from the same underlying batholith (the Schultze Granite), they have all manifested themselves in drastically different ways. Fluid temperature likely exerted the greatest influence over these differences, while other contributing factors likely included the oxidation and sulfidation states of the fluids. Alteration mapping of hydrothermal systems near Woodcamp Canyon and King’s Crown Peak within the western Superior mining district has identified mineral assemblages and zoning patterns typical of the distal porphyry copper environment. Alteration in the pelitic Pinal Schist and the quartzites of the Apache Group rocks is dominantly intense quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration and veining, and locally includes kaolinite and dickite. Limestones have been altered to marble-garnet-vesuvianite, tremolite-quartz-talc-calcite, and serpentinemagnesite-calcite assemblages. A number of observed porphyry dikes are strongly altered to quartz, pyrite, and sericite. Alteration assemblages and intensities are highly controlled by stratigraphy. Some units display intense alteration over kilometers along strike while others display weaker and less continuous alteration. New U-Pb age dates have constrained the ages of the mineralized system at the Silver King mine and the hydrothermal system by King’s Crown Peak. The mineralized host at the Silver King Mine (the Silver King Stock) yielded an age of 73 Ma. A granite porphyry dike located nearby the King’s Crown hydrothermal system that demonstrably predates mineralization yielded an age of 73 Ma, which constrains the age of the system to less than 73 Ma. Additional age dates are pending. Carbon and oxygen isotopic analyses have revealed that altered limestones have experienced a shift towards lighter values of both elements, which suggests that magmatic fluids played a crucial role in the formation of the alteration observed. 10 K-METASOMATISM AS RELATED TO MANGANESE AND COPPER DEPOSITS IN UPPER-PLATE TERTIARY SEDIMENTARY UNITS OF CENTRAL-WESTERN ARIZONA Christy M. Caudill The largest known manganese deposit in the US is located in central-western Arizona. Initial deposition of manganiferous sediments was followed by Cenozoic extension in the southwestern US forming uplifts and basins through high- and low-angle faulting. The paleoclimate surface conditions were distinctively arid, producing basinal brines, an important factor in ore body formation here as increased ligand capacity of the high-moderately saline waters assist in transporting and concentrating metals. During extensional faulting and isostatic uplift of lower-plate rocks, oxide mineralization occurred where reduced, metalbearing fluids ascended along detachment-related fault zones and mixed with shallower oxidized, saline fluids. It has been hypothesized that volcanics and sedimentary strata have been chemically altered through K-metasomatism and are related to mineralized Tertiary detachment fault zones in the southwestern US as a result of these mobilized reduced solutions. Smaller-scale geochemical studies of volcanics have been done in central-western Arizona (e.g., a single cooling unit studied by Hollocher, 1993) as the volcanic units are generally accepted to be the likely source for these economic mineral deposits. Similar alteration mineral assemblages (oxide- and alkali-rich, sulfide-poor, low Si/Fe ratios) are observed over a huge area, extending possibly 400km (personal comm., Jon Spencer, 2015) through central-western Arizona with porous and permeable sandstone units being far more voluminous than volcanics (in the Artillery, Buckskin, and Rawhide Mountains specifically), yet these units have not been systematically studied for geochemical composition. This study undertakes a large-scale geochemical analysis of these sandstones in nine smaller study areas spanning approximately 300km2 along with targeted feldspar and vein zoning petrography which support the timing and movement of faults, fluids, and minerals and may determine if they were a source of mineralization of the Mn and other ore bodies. This work seeks to better understand the complex processes that have resulted in ore formation in this broad area by geochemical modeling from extensive field-based chemical data, mass balance analysis, alteration mineral distribution, paleo-fluid temperature and salinity from fluid inclusion data, and textural and timing relationships as seen in veining. 11 CALC-SILICATE ALTERATION AND ORE CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SAN XAVIER SOUTH-MISSION-PIMA SOUTH ORE BODIES, ASARCO MISSION COMPLEX, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF MOLYBDENUM RECOVERY Sarah E. Baxter The purpose of this study is to better understand the skarns and mineralization of ASARCO’s San Xavier South (SXS)-Mission-Pima South (PS) orebodies, Pima mining district. A secondary focus is to characterize the various types of associated Mo mineralization. Previous work helped identify key areas for mapping and sample collection. Alteration zonation and ore type characterization was achieved using a combination of field and laboratory work. The SXS, Mission, and PS ore bodies occur within calc-silicate altered (skarn or tactite) calcareous, dolomitic, and siliclastic Upper Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (Concha Limestone, Scherrer Quartzite, Epitaph Formation). Hydrothermal features are part of a porphyry Cu(-Mo) system generated by quartz monzonite stocks (QMP) (58-59 Ma). Alteration varies with protolith composition: Concha Limestone is replaced by proximal massive garnetite to gnt ± cpx to distal wol (± gnt) at the marble contact. Scherrer Quartzite converts to qtz-rich cpx-trem (± cal, anhy) hornfels. The thin bedded, compositionally varied Epitaph Formation alters to intercalated hornfels and skarns consisting of gnt, cpx, anhy and cal (± tremact). High grade Mo mineralization generally occurs in two modes: 1) disseminated masses in Cpx-Trem (± cal, anhydrite) hornfels, 2) trace amounts in gnt ± cpx skarn locally closely associated with scheelite, and 3) as fracture controlled mineralization. Vein paragenesis plays an important role in ore characterization, which varies considerably throughout the deposit. In the QMP stocks, Mo occurs intermediate and late in the veining sequence. In the Epitaph, Mo is generally late and may be associated with Py and Cpy. In the lower portion of the PS orebody, Mo veins are truncated by Py-Cpy veins in Anhydrite beds. In the Concha and Scherrer, a complex array of Cu-Mo mineral assemblages occurs and timing is difficult to discern. In these lithologic units, generally, early Qtz-Cpy ± Py veins are cut by Mo ± Cpy veins truncated by Qtz-Epi-Cpy-Py ± Anhydrite veins. From this study, the relationships between mineral assemblages provide the framework for a broad time-space relationship of zonation. The results also identify deleterious mineral assemblages in specific lithologies associated with Mo to help predict potential milling issues. 12 THE DISTRIBUTION OF RHENIUM CONCENTRATIONS AT THE BAGDAD PORPHYRY CU-MO DEPOSIT Christian Rathkopf Rhenium, though rare in the Earth’s crust (0.4 ppb), is observed in many types of ore deposits at a wide range of concentrations within the crystal structure of molybdenite—commonly between 0 and 2,000 ppm. It is hypothesized that variance in [Re] among Mo-bearing ore deposits may be causally associated with other geologic attributes such as deposit type, lithology, alteration style, and overall metal content. With a greater understanding of the relationship between [Re] and these attributes of deposits, measurements of [Re] in molybdenite could become a viable tool for mineral exploration. To test this hypothesis, the distribution of [Re] in molybdenites was examined at the Bagdad porphyry Cu-Mo deposit using high-precision electron microprobe analyses. 324 analyses were conducted on 45 Mo-bearing samples from Bagdad. [Re] in molybdenite ranged from 0 to 4,450 ppm. Of the 11 lithologies sampled, the lowest relative variance in [Re] was observed in the Precambrian mafic schist ([Re]=192, σ=128 ppm; n=13), and the highest in the quartz monzonite breccia ([Re]=664, σ=1360 ppm; n=10). Additionally, no correlations were observed between [Re] and various degrees and styles of potassic and serecitic alteration assemblages. Even individual molybdenite grains showed significant variation in [Re]. All grains analyzed in 5 or more locations showed an average relative standard deviation of 58%. Preliminary results at Bagdad corroborate a wide range of [Re] within single deposits, as well as a high degree of variation among host lithologies, alteration assemblages, and even individual crystals. It would appear that a greater understanding of variance in the distribution of [Re] in molybdenite at the individual grain scale is a necessary first step before an extrapolation of these data can be made into a viable tool for exploration. 13 HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE GLOVE MINE, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, ARIZONA: MINING TO MINERAL COLLECTING J.D. Mizer Arizona has often been referred to as a mineral collector’s paradise. Collectors place value on specimens for their physical characteristics as well as provenance. Famous mine localities such as Bisbee, Morenci, and Ray have produced spectacular specimens of cuprite, azurite, malachite, and native copper. Another important contributor to beautiful, and often sought-after, mineral specimens are the smaller replacement or vein-type deposits. Famous localities such as Red Cloud, Rowley, Old Yuma, 79, Hilltop, and the Glove have produced magnificent specimens of wulfenite and some continue to do so today to the more determined collectors. Located in Pima County, the Glove Mine sits in the Tyndall mining district on the southwest corner of the Santa Rita Mountains. The property was originally claimed in 1907 and mined for silver, lead, and zinc from 1911 to about 1927. During the 1950s the discovery of a significant body of oxidized lead ore drove productivity at the mine deeper into the earth. As an oxide mineral, wulfenite was common in large quantities throughout the descending ore body. Mineral collecting at the Glove was prominent during this time, with collectors like Dick Apfel, Richard Bideaux, Richard Jones, and Edward Mack leading the initial efforts. The oxidized ore was quickly mined out, but it was mineral collecting that drove exploration efforts at the Glove to modern times. New geologic evidence (mapping and U-Pb ages) shed light on the formation of the ore body at the Glove. The ore sits in locally brecciated limestone along the east-west Glove fault zone between a 75.5 Ma latite porphyry sill to the north and a mass of 169.5 Ma quartz monzonite to the south. Mineralizing fluids, likely from a distal source, exploited this zone and locally replaced favorable carbonate beds within the Permian Earp formation with hypogene galena, sphalerite, and minor chalcopyrite. Subsequent oxidation of these sulfides resulted in enrichment of lead and zinc oxide minerals. Mining activity and mineral collecting was confined to the footwall (south) side of the sill. No geologic constraints other than the location of the Glove fault have been placed on the restriction of ore formation in this area, leaving the north side of the sill largely unexplored. 14 Geophysics MORPHOLOGY, TIMING AND INTERPRETATION OF CYLINDRICAL FEATURES IN 3-D SEISMIC DATA FROM THE GUINEA PLATEAU, WEST AFRICA Clinton Koch Two distinct phases of volcanism are recorded in geophysical data from the Guinea Plateau, offshore West Africa. Albian volcanism in the region is attributed to the rifting between Africa and South America and younger Late Cretaceous\Early Paleocene volcanism may be associated with crustal weakening due to the intersection of two fracture zones related to rifting. Detailed mapping of 3-D seismic data on the Guinea Plateau using a semblance attribute highlights numerous cylindrical to elliptical anomalies associated with this volcanism and dissolution features. The majority of these anomalies range in diameter from 1 – 2.5 km with a few larger anomalies from 5 – 20 km. The cylindrical structures have interpreted ages ranging from the Aptian to early Paleocene. These ages have been interpreted using seismic onlap relationships, isopach analysis, and seismic attributes. Six different morphologies have been identified on the basis of reflection geometry and amplitude character and are used to aid interpretation. Circular gravity anomalies, coupled with well and seismic data, indicate features that are interpreted as post-rift buried seamounts and syn-rift volcanoes. Many of the cylindrical features that surround these gravity anomalies potentially are sills and flows associated with the volcanism. The post-rift features are capped by a Paleocene unconformity indicating a late Cretaceous emplacement age. Rose diagrams of the elongation direction of the elliptical cylinders show two dominant directions of elongation, a northeast and a southeast direction. The northeast elongation direction is prominent in the postrift section and appears to be related to a series of northeast-trending normal faults from an extensional episode in the Cenozoic. The southeast elongation direction appears dominant in the rift-aged section and may be related to southeast-striking rift-related normal faults. The southeast direction may also be influenced by gravitationally-induced extension parallel to the evolving margin. 15 INVESTIGATION OF VERTICAL CRUSTAL MOTION USING GPS Alexandria Will-Cole In this study, we measured vertical crustal deformation along the east coast of the United States by analyzing global positioning system (GPS) data from over 200 geodetic stations along the margin of the North American east coast. This is the largest network catalogued to date to monitor glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) in this region. Our analysis of the GPS data reveals that a portion of the coastline is subsiding at rates in the range of -7.0 to -2.50 mm/yr. The estimated vertical subsidence rates support the hypothesis that the east coast is undergoing glacial isostatic adjustment. Furthermore, these vertical rates give us insight into the rheologic properties of the mantle beneath the east coast of the U.S. The subsidence of the coast also contributes to the rapid sea level rise there. The next step is to explore different GIA ice models, using the computational infrastructure for geodynamics supported code Selen to develop a refined model for North America GIA constrained by our GPS measurements. 16 TOPOGRAPHIC CONTROLS ON SOIL AND REGOLITH THICKNESS FROM SHALLOW-SEISMIC REFRACTION CONSTRAINTS ACROSS UPLAND HILLSLOPES IN THE VALLES CALDERA, NEW MEXICO Jared Olyphant How rock is weathered physically and chemically into transportable material is a fundamental question in critical-zone science. In addition, the distribution of weathered material (soil and saprolite) across upland landscapes exerts a firstorder control on the hydrology of watersheds. In this study we collected six shallow seismic-refraction surveys in the Redondo Mountain region of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico. The P-wave velocities corresponding to soil (300 ms^(-1) ≤ V_p ≤ 700 ms^(-1)) were inferred from a seventh seismic line where soilthickness data were determined by pit excavation. Forward modeling was used to infer the P-wave velocities corresponding to saprolite (700 ms^(-1) < V_p ≤ 2000 ms^(-1)) and fractured but relatively unweathered bedrock (> 2000 ms^(1)). Using multivariable regression, we quantified the influence of slope gradient, aspect, and topographic wetness index (TWI) on soil and regolith (soil plus saprolite) thicknesses. Our results show that both soil and regolith thicknesses vary inversely with slope gradient and TWI while varying directly with slope aspect. Within these results, we find TWI consistently exerts dominant control on regolith thickness variations and usually, but not always, variations in soil thicknesses. Slope aspect is mostly secondary, and, excluding steep slopes, gradient often provides no additional value to TWI for explaining variations in saprolite thicknesses. Using an empirical model based on power-law relationships to predict soil and regolith thicknesses, we were able to fit our inferred thicknesses with R^2-values as great as 0.697 for soil and 0.804 for regolith in areas with significant topographic variations. These results further demonstrate the power of shallow seismic refraction acquisition in providing spatially extensive datasets for determining the structure of soil and regolith and they add to a growing body of knowledge on how soil and regolith are distributed across upland landscapes. 17 PRELIMINARY DEEP TOMOGRAPHIC IMAGING OF THE SOUTHERN ANDES SUBDUCTION ZONE Daniel Evan Portner The geometry of the deep Nazca slab is poorly constrained south of the Chilean flat slab due to a lack of prominent earthquake activity. Although recent tomography results are beginning to reveal the structure of the southern Nazca slab, many interesting features, such as a potential relic slab and the slab's interaction with the transition zone, are left poorly resolved and without a connection to processes occurring further north. Here I present preliminary results from a finite frequency teleseismic tomography inversion of P-wave arrival time residuals. I use stations from several different temporary and permanent networks throughout Chile and Argentina between latitudes 24S and 42S, providing a high resolution image from ~200km depth through the mantle transition zone of the subducting Nazca slab and the surrounding asthenosphere. Using these results, I constrain the Nazca slab geometry and compare alongstrike variations in the Chilean subduction zone. 18 RAPID GEODETIC SHORTENING ACROSS THE SANTA BARBARA AND EASTERN CORILLERA OF NORTHWEST ARGENTINA AS MEASURED BY THE PUNA-ANDES GPS ARRAY Phillip McFarland The Puna-Andes GPS Array (PAGA) is a continuously recording GPS (cGPS) network operating in northwest Argentina between roughly 24S and 26S latitude. PAGA comprises two five-station phases: phase 1 deployed in March 2009 and phase 2 deployed in August 2013. We present velocities from PAGA phase 1 realized in a South America fixed reference frame with 79 (16) global (itrf08 reference) cGPS stations spanning the period between August 2009 and August 2013. We evidence cumulative crustal shortening at a rate of 8.6 ± 0.1 mm/yr across the Puna, Eastern Cordillera and Santa Barbara provinces with the systematic eastward decrease in thrust front perpendicular velocities from 11.8 ± 0.1 mm/yr near the Western Cordillera to 3.2 ± 0.1 mm/yr near the modern thrust front. We invert the thrust front perpendicular velocity field using a simple edge dislocation model and find a shear interface rooted beneath the Eastern Cordillera slipping freely at a rate of 10.2 mm/yr below 25 km depth and dipping 20° to the northwest. We link our best-fit model to a shallowly dipping décollement under the Santa Barbara system using a multiple dislocation model constrained by fault geometries inferred from balanced cross sections and compare model derived stress and strain fields with large wavelength topographic features and observed seismicity. 19 20,000 METERS AND MORE UNDER THE CRUST Jamie Ryan On the west coast of Central South America, the subducting Nazca slab extends through the mantle transition zone and penetrates the 670 km discontinuity. We use broadband data collected in two deployments (CAUGHT and PULSE) in the north central Andes to image the 410 and 670 km discontinuities using receiver functions (RF) and compare our results to previous travel time tomography studies done by the Global Seismology and Tectonics (GSAT) group. We use low-frequency P-wave and S-wave RF analyses to identify these mantle discontinuities. The P-wave and S-wave RF methods isolate P-to-S and S-to-P conversions, respectively, from these mantle discontinuities. S-wave RFs have the advantage of no multiples arriving and interfering with the primary arrivals, but are restricted to a narrow distance range (60-85º) where the conversion is not contaminated by other phases (Yuan, et al., 2006). By combining the two RF methods, we can compare the larger P-wave RF and the multiple-free S-wave RF data-sets to create more robust models of the transition zone. Our results show a relatively consistent 410 km discontinuity that shows disruption at locations where the subducting slab penetrates and appear to correspond to the dip angle of the slab. In the north, under Peru, there is an ~85º dip and the slab decreases the amplitude of the discontinuity by about 50%. To the south, under Bolivia, a normal dip angle of ~30º appears to significantly depress or reverse the amplitude of the discontinuity over an area of 250 km or more as it passes through. Along the dense line of the CAUGHT array, it appears that the slab may have an opposite effect on the 670 km discontinuity, as the highest topography on that boundary appears along the track of subduction. This is in contrast to observed global behavior, which associates depression of the 410 and elevation of the 670 km discontinuity with regions of higher temperature or mantle plumes. 20 AMBIENT NOISE TOMOGRAPHY ACROSS THE ALASKAN CORDILLERA Kevin M. Ward The Alaskan Cordillera has formed though an aggregate of tectonic processes including normal subduction of pacific lithosphere, flat-slab subduction of the Yakutat microplate, and the accretion of allochthonous terranes among other processes. Large active strike-slip faults, high levels of seismicity, and volcanic activity demonstrate the ongoing dynamic nature of the orogen. Many of these tectonic processes significantly alter the structure of the overriding lithosphere making this section of the North American Cordillera a unique place to study active orogenic processes as recorded in the lithosphere. Over the last decade, ambient noise tomography has emerged as powerful tool for imaging the lithosphere on orogenic scales often from ‘legacy’ data sets. I present the results of an extensive data mining effort integrating 197 permanent and temporary seismic stations into an ambient noise study across southern Alaska and westernmost Canada. I measure the surface wave dispersion of Rayleigh waves extracted from the ambient seismic wavefield for 13 periods between 8 and 50 seconds. Special care is administered when quality controlling and processing the data, an especially important consideration in regions with high levels of seismicity. Principal observations of my tomography model are largely consistent with mapped geology features and previous geophysical studies while providing previously unavailable, laterally continuous details of the Alaskan Cordillera lithosphere. At shorter periods, low velocities observed under the Prince William and Yakutat terranes, and apparent north-northwest migration of these low velocities are consistent with uplift of the Chugach Mountains through underplating of sediments beneath the Chugach terrane. At intermediate periods, a geophysically uniform crust is observed north of the Denali fault and is consistent with a sharp transition in crustal thickness. Under the Wrangell volcanic belt, a prominent low velocity anomaly correlates well with the lateral extent of a relative low gravity anomaly and Neogene surface volcanics. At longer periods, a low velocity anomaly bounds the inferred eastern extent of the subducted Yakutat microplate beneath the Wrangell volcanic belt. I suggest this low velocity feature represents the upper mantle melt regime that sources the volcanism in the Wrangell volcanic belt. 21 Climate and Paleoclimate THE PAST AS THE KEY TO THE FUTURE: USING PALEOCLIMATE RECORDS TO INFORM RISK OF INDIAN MEGADROUGHT Garrison Loope Variability in monsoon precipitation occurs on all time scales and has severe consequences for the people who depend on monsoon rains. The most recent model projections show monsoon precipitation and variability of precipitation increasing over the 21st century. This is expected to cause both increased flooding and severe droughts. Although current models are able to capture the risk of relatively short droughts (1-5 years) reasonably well, they tend to underestimate the risk of longer, decadal-multidecadal droughts. I use instrumental records from India in conjunction with cave, tree ring, and ice core data from the NOAA paleoclimate database to reconstruct late Holocene monsoon variability. Using a combination of paleoclimate and instrumental data, I am able to show that the Indian monsoon has more low-frequency variability than is projected by current climate models. The growing evidence for this discrepancy in hydroclimate variability between models and observational/paleoclimate records is of grave concern. If these models fail to capture the decadal-multidecadal droughts of the past it is likely they will underestimate the possibility of such droughts in the future. I use simple Monte Carlo simulations to combine the robust outputs of climate models (mean and variance) with those of paleoclimate (frequency distribution) in order to estimate probabilities of decadal and multidecadal droughts over the next 50 years. I find that incorporating the long-period variability into these simulations from paleoclimate records causes the risk of multidecadal droughts to nearly double. Although there are numerous inherent assumptions in these simple probabilistic models, they may be more realistic than most state of the art climate models for risk of multidecadal droughts. 22 TAKING THE OCEAN’S TEMPERATURE: GALÁPAGOS CORALS AND CHANGES TO ENSO Gloria Jimenez The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is regarded as the strongest source of global climate variability from year to year. However, fundamental questions remain concerning ENSO’s variability, even over the twentieth century. In this study, we present a new coral record of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) from the Galápagos archipelago, which sits in the eastern Pacific at the epicenter of the changes associated with a canonical El Niño episode. This record is novel as it is nearly continuous, with monthly-resolved growth spanning the strong El Niño episodes of 1982-83 and 1997-98. Coral Sr/Ca ratios closely mirror instrumental SSTs over the past century, and highlight a warming trend as well as a pattern of higher-amplitude SST variations since 1990, suggesting that radiative forcing may be increasing the strength of ENSO events in the eastern Pacific. 23 PACIFIC SEA LEVEL RISE PATTERN AND GLOBAL WARMING HIATUS Cheryl Peyser Since the late 1990s, Earth’s surface temperatures and regional sea level rise (SLR) exhibit two notable features: a slowdown of global warming (hiatus), and an East-West seesaw pattern of SLR in the Pacific. To investigate their possible linkage, we use ocean temperature and sea-level observations along with climate model experiments. Analyses of thermosteric sea-level and ocean heat content (OHC) trend confirm the importance of ocean heat uptake below the surface layer during a warming hiatus. Notably, the subsurface layer (100-300m) of the Pacific shows significant basin-wide increase in OHC along with a strong EastWest gradient that is reflected in the Pacific SLR pattern. Control simulations from 35 CMIP5 and 10 GFDL models indicate that during periods of negative trend in global mean temperature (analogous to hiatus decades in a warming world), dynamic sea level increases in the Western Pacific and decreases in the Eastern Pacific. The opposite occurs during periods of positive temperature trends. These results suggest that a possible flip of the Pacific SLR seesaw could imply a resumption of surface warming and SLR acceleration along the U.S. West Coast. 24 3-POLE SOIL GENESIS INITIATIVE: A GLOBAL APPROACH TO CITIZEN SCIENCE Yadi Wang The geosciences offers numerous opportunities for scientists to adventure undiscovered places and to ask large-scale questions in various fields. Among all the topics, climate change has drawn the most attention and become a global concern. Comparing to lower lands, alpine and polar regions normally undergo a more vigorous weathering process due to unique climate conditions. With more sensitive weathering, these regions tend to respond faster to climate change than lower lands. However, because the majority of these regions are inaccessible to most scientists and general public, major questions such as how soil genesis progresses in the extremely cold environments and how it responds to global climate changes have not been able to address. An innovative platform of adventure science aims to help scientists access samples collected by explorers from unreachable places to answer undiscovered questions. 3-Pole Soil Genesis initiative attempts this challenge by pairing with trained adventurers so that we could most effectively answer soil genesis of collected rocks from a large geographical gradients along altitude and latitude during climate change. Collaboration with Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation (ASC) has been established since 2011. A total of 13 locations of rock samples were collected from all continents except Australia. This wide sampling range allowed us to study the behavior of surface and subsurface of these rocks in geochemical perspectives with technique such as portable X-ray fluorescence and synchrotron transmission X-ray diffraction. These techniques can assist us to predict chemical composition and mineralogical alteration. Electron microprobe can be furthermore employed to resolve weathered mineralogy. All work will provide insights in understanding the association between geochemical processes and climate change in these unique regions. Aside from scientific achievements, this collaboration has provided opportunities for explorers to contribute works into science community. While new scientific merit are obtained, preliminary information can be delivered to those explorers and extended to general public in order to improve outreach consequences. This adventure science platform will ultimately aid in efficacy of globe citizen science as means of generating new information as well as understanding and protecting our fragile Earth system. 25 Tectonics and Geochemistry IDENTIFYING SOURCES OF LOCAL SPRINGS IN THE COLORADO RIVER DELTA USING STABLE ISOTOPES Hector A. Zamora The Cienega de Santa Clara (CSC) is the largest wetland on the Mexican portion of the Colorado River Delta (CRD). This wetland is supported by brackish groundwater from the Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District in Arizona and in minor percentage by local springs. The origin and hydrology of the local springs remains uncertain. Distinguishing the several sources of water in the CRD becomes increasingly important to manage not only agricultural resources, but also the natural spaces remaining in the area. For this study, I analyzed water samples for δ18O, δD, 3H, 14C, and major ion chemistry. These samples were collected from several locations within the CSC, local springs, wells, and Colorado River at Yuma. Stable isotope results (δ18O vs δD) for the CSC and Colorado River plot in an evaporation trend with a slope ~5.78. Spring water samples plot near this evaporation trend, but with relatively higher δ18O and δ2H values than CSC and well water. 3H activity from a spring sample resulted in >0.5 TU. This activity is far below modern Colorado River water (7-8 TU). 14C analysis for three spring samples yielded 14C PMC of 24.9, 11.7, and 2.9 from north to south along the flow path. These results suggest that water from the springs and local wells is Colorado River water. The low 3H activity and low 14C PMC obtained from the spring samples indicate the spring system is not currently being recharged by the river. The origin of spring water is interpreted to be old and evaporated Colorado River water ponding on the surface and infiltrating into the local groundwater reservoir prior to the construction of dams upriver. 26 INVESTIGATING THE TIMING OF MELT-PRODUCING HIGH GRADE METAMORPHISM IN THE RUBY RANGE, SOUTHWESTERN MONTANA THROUGH ZIRCON U-PB GEOCHRONOLOGY Mariah C. Romero-Armenta The Montana Metasedimentary terrane of southwestern Montana is one of three regions that compose the Wyoming craton (Mogk et al., 1992; Meuller et al., 1993; Roberts et al., 2002). Past studies suggest three main metamorphic events affected this terrane; these metamorphic events occurred at ~2.7 Ga, ~2.45 Ga, and ~1.78 Ga (Cheney et al., 2004; Erslev and Sutter 1990; James and Hedge, 1998; Jones 2008; Mueller et al., 2004; Roberts et al., 2002). The Ruby Range, a basement-cored Laramide uplift, is located to the east of Dillion, Montana. The Pre-Cherry Creek Group, Dillion Gneiss, and Christensen Ranch Group are three northeast-southwest trending Precambrian suites that make up the Ruby Range. Over the last few decades, relatively few analyses of zircon U-Pb geochronology have been conducted in the Pre-Cherry Creek, Dillion Gneiss, and the Christensen Ranch suites. Thus, placing constraints on the timing of crystallization and metamorphism in the Ruby Range will provide an enhanced understanding of the relationship between the three suites. The goal of the project was to collect and analyze neosomes and mylonitic garnet leucogneisses from the three suites in the range to determine if the metamorphism event at 1.78 Ga was hot enough to produce any partial melt in sampled rocks. This study presents 207Pb/206Pb ages from five samples collected from the Pre-Cherry Creek, Dillion Gneiss, and Christensen Ranch suites located in the Ruby Range. Backscattered Electron (BSE) and Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of the zircons from the range document the presence of cores with multiple zoned thick overgrowths. Due to the complexity of the zircons from each sample, BSE and CL imaging is essential in determining which spots on the grains to ablate. Preliminary results from applying Laser Ablation-Multicollector-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LAICPMS) for zircon U-Pb geochronology consists of two samples collected from the Dillion Gneiss. Sample 14-MA-11, a mylonitic garnet leucogneiss, located in the Dillion Gneiss indicates igneous ages of ~2.4 Ga and ~2.5 Ga. Sample 14MA-06, neosome from a pelitic gneiss within the Dillion Gneiss, yields an igneous age of ~2.45 Ga. The results of these two samples from the Dillion Gneiss provide a more detailed description and understanding of the geological history in the Ruby Range. 27 (U-TH)/HE AND U/PB THERMOCHRONOMETRY AND U/PB GEOCHRONOMETRY OF EXPOSED BEDROCK OUTCROPS IN THE WINDMILL ISLANDS, ANTARCTICA Patrick Boyd With 98% of Antarctica covered in ice sheets it is the least explored continent on earth. The Windmill Islands in East Antarctica are part of the 2% of Antarctica that isn’t encapsulated by ice, and the only such outcrop for hundreds of miles in any direction. Valuable inferences can be made about the Windmill Islands and the surrounding Wilkes Land regions history through analysis on the exposed bedrock. High and low temperature apatite thermochronometers (U-Th)/He and U-Pb and U-Pb zircon geochronometry can give us a constrained thermal history of exposed bedrock outcrops in the Windmill Islands, Antarctica. By performing chronometry techniques on multiple granites, gneisses, and diorites from the areas bedrock, inferences can be made regarding the crystallization and cooling history of the coast of this area of Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. Crystallization ages seen in U-Pb zircon data will allow us to view the last major thermal event in the area, while high and low temperature thermochronometry data will allow us to know the timing of metamorphic events in the region as well as the erosional history in the Windmill Islands. This data will make it possible to better understand the tectonic history of the Windmill Islands and surrounding Wilkes Land region, and will ultimately lead to a more complete picture of the role eastern Antarctica has played in earth’s tectonic history. 28 ZIRCON (U-TH)/HE AGE-EU CORRELATIONS REVEAL THERMAL HISTORY OF LAURENTIAN BASEMENT OVER PAST 1.3 BILLION YEARS Devon A. Orme We use zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology to constrain the ProterozoicPhanerozoic thermal history of Laurentian basement in the northern Rocky Mountain region, western United States. We present the first zircon (U-Th)/He ages of Wyoming craton crystalline rocks from the hanging walls of major Laramide faults in the Wind River Range (54 ages) and Bighorn Mountains (32 ages). All samples show a strong negative correlation between zircon He age and effective Uranium (eU), with younger ages from the Wind Rivers forming a “pediment” at ~ 50 Ma over a wide range of high-eU values. Using the span in eU as a first-order proxy for relative differences in the degree of radiation damage among grains, we use a zircon radiation damage and annealing model (ZRDAAM) that accounts for the effects of radiation damage on He diffusion in zircon to document a multistage thermal history of our samples. The thermal history that best models the observed ages for the Wind River dataset consists of initial cooling beginning at 1300 Ma, followed by reheating to 160 °C at 60 Ma, and subsequent cooling to 75 °C during Laramide orogenesis. Our best model for the Bighorn dataset consists of initial cooling between 1300 and 1100 Ma (500 to 100 °C), followed by reheating to 135 °C prior to final exhumation at 70 Ma. These thermal histories are consistent with prior apatite He and AFT constraints for the timing of Laramide exhumation in the Wind Rivers (60 Ma) and Bighorn mountains (70 Ma). Importantly, our model constrains Proterozoic cooling and subsequent reheating prior to Laramide exhumation. This timing is consistent with mid-late Proterozoic tectonism associated with the Grenville orogeny (ca. 1300-980 Ma), further exhumation associated with the formation of the Great Unconformity, and burial by passive margin and foreland basin sedimentation during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic. This long-duration, Proterozoic-Phanerozoic thermal history was previously unrecognized by lower-temperature thermochronometers and our data provide some of the first in situ evidence of Proterozoic tectonism in the northern Rocky Mountain region. 29 LOW-TEMPERATURE THERMOCHRONOLOGY OF LARAMIDE RANGES IN MONTANA INDICATE CRETACEOUS EXHUMATION ASSOCIATED WITH EARLY LARAMIDE TECTONICS Mariah C. Romero-Armenta Timing of exhumation of Laramide basement uplifts can be used as a proxy for timing of thick-skinned deformation resulting from lithospheric scale (e.g. flat-slab subduction) related processes. Thick-skinned deformation in the Laramide province ultimately resulted in the disruption of the regional foreland basin. Despite its significance, the timing and pattern of Laramide deformation remains poorly constrained particularly in Montana. Thermochronological data from Wyoming indicate exhumation of Laramide ranges during the late Cretaceous and Paleogene. Whereas a few data exist for the Beartooth Range in Montana; the exhumation history of most of the Montana ranges remains unexplored preventing testing of current tectonic models. This study presents the first detrital fission track study from Montana that combined with in-situ AFT ages of basement rocks characterized the regional exhumation history of Laramide ranges in Montana. We report apatite fission track thermochronologic (AFT) data from modern river sands derived from Laramide ranges, bedrock basement samples, and a syn-orogenic conglomerate clast to determine the regional exhumation history of the Beartooth, Gravelly, Madison, Tobacco Root, Ruby, the Highland Mountains, in Montana. Whereas AFT central ages are mostly Paleocene-Eocene thermal modeling show a strong Cretaceous signal and slow cooling for most of the Cenozoic. This is in stark contrast with the thermal history of other Laramide ranges such as the Wind River Range in Wyoming. 30 CALIBRATING TRACE ELEMENT PROXIES FOR CRUSTAL THICKNESS OF MAGMATIC ARCS: SR/Y AND LA/YB Lucia Profeta There is a growing interest in tracing the crustal thickness of arcs during their evolution. In part this is driven by the need for better understanding of long-lived convergent margins, but it also has economic applications: for example porphyry copper deposits are found in relationship to magmas from thick arcs. Subduction related magmas form as a result of complex interactions between asthenospheric mantle-derived melts and melts from the overriding plate. It has been hypothesized that the ratios of Sr/Y and (La/Yb)N in arc intermediate magmas correlate with the crustal thicknesses beneath arcs (e.g. Kay and Mpodozis, 2001). Higher ratios indicate equilibration of these arc magmas with garnet and amphiboles, typical for deeper levels of thick crust, whereas lower values are indicative of plagioclase being a major fractionating phase. One of these ratios (Sr/Y) has been shown to positively correlate with Moho depths in Quaternary arcs over a large spectrum of igneous compositions (Chiarardia, 2015), but it is not clear if that same correlation applies to intermediate rocks, or if that signal is carried by mafic compositions only. Here we use compilations of geochemical data of arc volcanoes and crustal thicknesses to show that both of these ratios correlate at global scale with crustal thickness in 19 modern arcs. The La/Yb –crustal thickness correlation is better defined. One possible complication for the Sr/Y system is that some thin arcs display elevated ratios, suggesting that in those cases slab melting can influence this parameter. The same relationships appear to hold at regional scale for the two arcs where crustal thickness varies significantly along strike: the northern part of the Southern Andean Volcanic Zone and the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt. The empirical correlation from modern systems was then applied to estimate variation in crustal thickness in the Cordilleran Interior of Western North America from the Jurassic to the Miocene. Overall, results are consistent with independent estimates of regional crustal thickness. References Chiaradia, M., 2015, Crustal thickness control on Sr/Y signatures of recent arc magmas: an Earth scale perspective: Scientific Reports, v. 5, no. 8115. Kay, S.M. and C. Mpodozis, 2001, Central Andean ore deposits linked to evolving shallow subduction systems and thickening Crust, GSAToday, v. 11, no. 3, 4-9. 31 SYNOROGENIC RECORD OF BASIN REORGANIZATION IN THE SIERRAS PAMPEANAS REGION OF ARGENTINA Andrea Stevens The Sierras Pampeanas region of Argentina is characterized by thick-skinned deformation that includes 12 basement cored peaks that reach as high as 6km. The rise of these basement block uplifts have commonly been attributed to a craton-ward transference of stress triggered by the initiation of flat slab subduction. In this study, we focus on synorogenic fluvial deposits located in basins adjacent to basement block uplifts. Detailed sedimentology from measured sections from Vinchina, La Rioja, Argentina and La Troya, Catamarca, Argentina coupled with detrital zircon geochronology from sandstones and intercalated tuffs constrain the temporal and spatial patterns of the rise of the Sierras Pampeanas. We hypothesize that uplift of the Sierras Pampeanas ranges fundamentally altered the provenance source, flow direction, and fluvial architecture of these deposits. An abrupt change from thick channelized fluvial deposits to thin paleosol horizons supports a major change in the regional basin history between 12 and 9 Ma, and could mark the initiation of flat slab subduction. We compare the timing of basin reorganization with new data acquired from apatite fission track and apatite helium thermochronology that records the spatial and temporal exhumation history of nearby basement block uplifts. The presence of a modern flat slab beneath west-central Argentina provides an unprecedented opportunity to link lithospheric-scale processes with its manifestation on surface geology. This relationship is important in interpreting the geological history of areas where the slab orientation is no longer preserved. 32 INDIAN CONTINENTAL MARGIN SUBDUCTION, HIGH-PRESSURE, LOWTEMPERATURE METAMORPHISM AND SYNCONVERGENT EXHUMATION DURING INDIA-ASIA SUTURING, LOPU KANGRI RANGE, SOUTH-CENTRAL TIBET Andrew K. Laskowski The Lopu Kangri range, located ~50 km NW of Saga, Tibet, exposes YarlungTsangpo suture zone architecture in the footwall block of a NW-SE oriented horst. In the south-central portion of the range, metasedimentary rocks (calcparagneiss, paragneiss, schist, and quartzite) are exposed in an antiformal structural culmination mantled by accretionary wedge mélange. Detrital zircon geochronology of these rocks indicates that they correlate to the Tethyan Himalaya sequence, which was deposited on the passive northern margin of India prior to collision with the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane (Asia). Electron microprobe geochemical analysis reveals the characteristic mineral assemblage quartz, phengitic white mica, chlorite, albite, rutile, apatite, zircon +/calcite, tourmaline, allanite, titanite, hornblende, biotite, spessartine garnet, and ilmenite. Peak pressures and temperatures of metamorphism were calculated for two samples—a garnet-bearing whiteschist and a phengite chlorite albite schist— using phengite geobarometry, Zr in rutile geothermometry, and garnet-phengite Fe-Mg exchange geothermometry. The pressure dependence of Si enrichment in phengitic white mica was constrained using composition-specific equilibrium phase diagrams (pseudosections). Our results indicate that meta-Tethyan rocks reached peak pressures of 20-25 kbar at temperatures <550 C (eclogite facies), which is consistent with continental margin subduction to upper mantle depths within a relatively cold subduction channel. These rocks experienced amphibolite-upper greenschist facies retrograde metamorphism during synconvergent exhumation to mid-crustal depths. Finally, they were exhumed in the footwall of a set of NW-SE normal faults related to Miocene-recent orogenparallel extension. This study is the first to document Indian-affinity, HP metamorphic rocks in the Yarlung-Tsangpo suture zone of southern Tibet, lending credence to geodynamic models of the India-Asia collision that extrapolate findings from Tso Morari, in NW India. In addition, this locality provides a unique opportunity to study the phenomenon of continental subduction, HP metamorphism, and rapid synconvergent exhumation along the central segment of the India-Asia suture. 33 SEDIMENTOLOGY, PROVENANCE AND GEOCHRONOLOGY OF A SUTURE ZONE SUCCESSOR BASIN, INDIA-ASIA COLLISION ZONE, TIBET Simon Stickroth We investigated a previously undocumented sedimentary section exposed along the north flank of the Indus-Yarlung suture zone (IYSZ) in Tibet, between the Xigaze forearc basin and the Gangdese batholith. This 664m section consists of three major units. The section fines upward from matrix- and clast-supported granite boulder conglomerates to massive sandstone and mudstone beds, capped by another series of matrix- and clast-supported volcaniclastic cobbleboulder conglomerates interbedded with dirty limestones and a tuffaceous unit. This formation was deposited in alluvial-fan and fluvial depositional systems. Conglomerate clast-counts suggest the basin was sourced from the Gangdese magmatic arc in the north, and changed upsection to a dual-sourced basin with a marked increase in input from the IYSZ and Tethyan Himalaya to the south. Preliminary chronostratigraphic age control from zircon U-Pb geochronology suggests the basin is Eocene in age and may represent a post-collisional successor basin to the Xigaze forearc. This basin can potentially provide unique insight into the immediate post-collisional history of the IYSZ. 34 POST-INDIA-ASIA COLLISION RISE OF THE HIMALAYA FROM TIBETAN PALEOSOLS Ryan J. Leary The post-collisional uplift history of the India-Asia suture zone in southern Tibet is important for understanding the geodynamic conditions of collision as well as how the India-Asia collision may have modified global climate. Despite this importance there are few established geologic constraints on this uplift history. Here, we present stable isotope and major element analyses of paleosols preserved in the Lower Miocene Liuqu Conglomerate as an indirect proxy for India-Asia suture-zone paleoelevation and paleoclimate. Paleosol carbonate nodules with average δ13C values of -9.4 ‰ indicate that soils forming at this time were well vegetated by C3 plants. Major element weathering indices show that these soils experienced significant collapse and loss of cations due to weathering of similar intensity to that in the wet, low elevations of the modern Himalayan foreland. Together, these results require that the Himalayan orographic barrier, which blocks Indian Ocean moisture from entering Tibet today, was not present or was much weaker during Liuqu deposition. This suggests that the India-Asia suture zone as well as the modern Himalaya did not attain their modern orographic configuration until as much as 40 ma after the India-Asia collision was underway. 35 CONSTRAINING DRAINAGE EVOLUTION IN SOUTHERN TIBET; EVIDENCE FOR A PRE-MIOCENE EXTERNALLY DRAINED RIVER SYSTEM NORTH OF THE INDIA-ASIA SUTURE Clay Campbell Interpretation of remote sensing data, including high-resolution aerial imagery and digital elevation models, suggests that a pre-Miocene river system may have excavated reaches of the southern Tibetan Plateau as far north as the BangongNujiang suture. This river system, whose headwaters were located in the presently internally drained region of the plateau north of the India-Asia suture, flowed southwards across the Gangdese Shan and perhaps the Himalayan crest, prior to the establishment of the current axial drainage system (Yarlung-TsangpoBrahmaputra and Indus rivers). Evidence of this paleo-river system manifests itself throughout the Gangdese Shan and to a lesser extent across the Himalaya in the form of N-S oriented wind gaps. Construction of regional river profiles suggests a continuous N-S regional gradient from the Bangong-Nujiang suture to the Indian foreland. The proposed paleo-river systems, which likely flowed across this undisturbed regional gradient, would have been the primary mechanism facilitating removal of sediment north of the present day drainage divide (the Gangdese Shan). The Oligocene-Miocene Kailas formation, primarily deposited between 26-24 Ma, contains lacustrine facies composed of organic material along with amphibian and fish fossils, this suggests a much wetter pre-Miocene climate and possibly upper plate extension. The late Oligocene-Early Miocene Liuqu conglomerate, which was deposited along the southern margins of the Gangdese Shan, is exposed along traces of our interpreted paleo-river system. Imbricated sediments within the Liuqu conglomerate records initial N-S directed sediment dispersal in a fluvial system followed by reversal during the Early Miocene. The presence of paleosol interbeds with highly leached major element chemical signatures indicates that these strata were deposited in a much wetter paleo-environment, which is consistent with a subdued Himalayan orographic barrier. We propose that renewed underthrusting of Indian lithosphere during the early Miocene drove uplift of the southern Tibetan plateau and increased relief along the Himalaya and Gangdese Shan, disturbing regional drainage patterns and resulting in the establishment of the Yarlung-Tsangpo-Brahmaputra and Indus rivers. This hypothesis is supported by a synchronous regional exhumation signal along the track of the Indus-Yarlung river recorded by low temperature thermochronometers at ~17 Ma. 36 GeoDaze Keynote Speaker DATES AND DYNAMICS: SNOWBALL EARTH COMES OF AGE Paul Hoffman Snowball Earth is a theoretically well-defined climate state in which the entire ocean and most continental areas are covered by dynamic glaciers, driven by sublimation in the equatorial zone of the sea glacier. Ice albedo instability is the trigger and deglaciation is self-induced, due to the steady rise of atmospheric CO2 from normal volcanic outgassing in the absence of sinks for carbon on the frozen planetary surface. Snowball Earth is invoked for two Cryogenian glacial epochs when dynamic ice sheets are known from geological evidence to have existed on all continents including low-latitude carbonate platforms. The snowball hypothesis makes three sets of falsifiable predictions: (1) Cryogenian glacial epochs were long-lived (millions to tens of millions of years), and both the onsets and terminations were globally synchronous at low paleolatitudes; (2) deglaciations occurred under extreme (105 ppmv) atmospheric CO2 radiative forcing and consequent ocean acidification, and were followed by very high surface temperatures and intense weathering; and (3) the biosphere was irreversibly impacted. The first two prediction sets and arguably the third are now strongly supported by observations unavailable when the hypothesis was proposed. At the same time, climate models suggest that the snowball atmosphere, cryosphere, ocean and lithosphere were more dynamic and unstable than initially assumed, consistent with geological evidence. Many aspects of the phenomenon are counterintuitive, meaning that insights from modeling are essential to avoid testing false predictions. The ultimate cause of Cryogenian refrigeration appears to have been basalt weathering following emplacement of the 0.72-Ga Franklin large igneous province across paleoequatorial (present Arctic) Laurentia during the breakup of supercontinent Rodinia. Biomarkers tentatively imply a Cryogenian origin for multicellularity in animals and for the dominance of green algae among eukaryotic primary producers in Phanerozoic oceans. 37 EarthWeek Plenary Oral Session MOUNTAINS AND TROPICAL CIRCULATION Zach Naiman Observed tropical convection exhibits zonal asymmetries that strongly influence spatial precipitation patterns. The drivers of changes to this zonally-asymmetric Walker circulation on decadal and longer timescales have been the focus of significant recent research. Here we use two state-of-the-art earth system models to explore the impact of earth’s mountains on the Walker circulation. Changes to mountain heights can significantly influence the Walker circulation on geologic time scales, and observed changes in tropical precipitation over millions of years may be forced by changes in distant orography. 38 GeoDaze Poster Session Economic Geology RE-OS GEOCHRONOLOGY IN BLACK SHALES AND HEAVY OILS FROM PETROLEUM BASINS IN THE COLOMBIAN ANDES Sebastian Jimenez The understanding of the geologic evolution of petroleum systems requires an adequate comprehension of the organic matter deposition age, and further events such as thermal maturation and hydrocarbons formation. The Re-Os isotopic system in Black shales records the deposition time of the organic matter. This attribute is the effect produced by anoxic conditions present in the bottom of ocean basins that allow the precipitation of organic matter and further sequestration of heavy metals -such as Re and Os- in the organic compounds. The hydrogenous character of Re and Os enables a selective leaching and precipitation of these metals sequestered only in the organic matter. Therefore, if the reducing conditions have kept undisturbed until the present time, the absolute depositional ages on black shales can be determined. In addition, Os isotopic signatures record the isotopic composition of the ocean water at the time of black shales deposit; these isotopic fingerprints provide a valuable tool for tracing possible hydrocarbons source rocks. Heavy crude oils have enough amounts of Re and Os that make them susceptible to be dated by the 187Re-188Os isotopic system. Processes, such as both hydrocarbon generation and migration, disturbed the Re-Os system recording the time at which these events occurred. The petroleum systems in the northern Andes present an excellent prospect to evaluate the Re-Os geochronology in an active contractional orogen. In this project, I present Re-Os information data from an intermontane petroleum basin located in the topographic depression between the central and eastern Cordilleras in the Colombian Andes This work provides isotopic temporal constraints regarded to the evolution and formation of hydrocarbons in basins related to thrust reactivation in a compresssional regime. 39 Geophysics RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UPPER MANTLE HETEROGENEITY AND CRUSTAL DEFORMATION IN THE NORTHERN APENNINES, ITALY Angela Blanks-Bennett The Apennine Orogenic belt in Italy is experiencing both crustal extension and shortening in close proximity. It has been proposed that this unusual pairing of deformation styles is related to a complex mantle convection system associated with a sinking slab of Adria and the delamination of the micro plate mantle lithosphere. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated crustal deformation models assuming on a viscoelastic crust overlying a viscous mantle half space. Density heterogeneities in the mantle is modeled using infinitely long cylinders of higher or lower density than the ambient mantle. Model results suggest the shortening along the northeast flank of the range is associated with sinking of negatively buoyant mantle, whereas the extension in the southwest is connected to rising buoyant mantle material. The model has implications also for observed crustal thickness variations across the Northern Apennines, as well as the topographic profile of the mountain chain. 40 EVALUATING FAULT GEOMETRIES BENEATH THE NORTHERN APENNINES, ITALY USING PRESENT-DAY SITE VELOCITIES MEASURED BY GPS Enrique Chon Observed crustal structures of the northern Apennines, Italy have been explained by a number of proposed geodynamic models of the tectonic setting, each with different implications for present-day crustal kinematics. GPS geodesy shows that the range is extending centrally and to the southwest, with simultaneous shortening across the thrust belt to the northeast. This deformation has happened in response to the northern Apennine block converging with the Adria microplate to the northeast. The problem arises when the relative motions of the plates are considered with respect to a stable Eurasia plate. Within this reference frame, the combined area is expected to move together as it is bound to the northeast by a seemingly static deformation front located beneath the Po Valley. Past geodetic experiments have revealed that the Apennine block is actually moving to the northeast at a faster rate than underthrusting Adria. This gives rise to the question of whether subduction is ongoing beneath the Apennine thrust belt, or if other geodynamic factors are driving this phenomenon. A likely fault configuration has been proposed to accommodate the anomalous kinematic behavior of the northern Apennines. The Apennines rests on top of two buried, oppositely dipping faults. A moderately dipping normal fault trends from southwest of the range to the northeast. A steeply dipping thrust fault lies beneath the range front to the northeast and trends in a direction opposite to that of the normal fault. In an effort to better understand the geometry and slip rates of this fault system, we have chosen 32 continuous GPS stations to construct a horizontal site velocity profile that runs across the range and parallel to the direction of fault slip. The goal is to investigate the range of fault geometries and slip rates that are consistent with the pattern of ongoing crustal deformation via these site velocities. Our measurements will give insight to the non-uniqueness of geometries, slip rates, locking depths, and other characteristics of the paired fault system, which could help to further discriminate between proposed geodynamic models. 41 Climate and Paleoclimate A MODELING STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF GEOMETRY AND CLIMATE ON THE CIRCULATION AND DEPOSITION IN THE RED SEA Hala Alwagdani Using a terrain-following regional ocean model (ROMS) to carry out simulations of the Red Sea, we will explore how plausible changes in geometry, climate, and combinations thereof, may have affected circulation and deposition in the past relative to today. From a geological perspective, the Red Sea first formed during the Eocene and continues to widen as the Arabian Plate moves to the northeast. From the climate perspective, the Red Sea is located in the transition zone between the tropical easterly wind belt and the mid-latitude westerlies, and is subject to significant seasonal variability due to its proximity to the Indian Monsoon region. Analyses of the circulation and deposition in simulations with modern bathymetry, a paleobathymetry and shifted wind-regimes will be discussed and compared. 42 LOI DATA FOR TOTAL ORGANIC AND TOTAL INORGANIC CARBON IN THE NORTH AWASH OSI ISI SITE IN NORTHERN ETHIOPIA AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ON PAST ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE CONDITIONS DURING HOMINID EVOLUTION Joseph Valachovic The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) is a collaboration of different universities and research centers whose goal is to collect drill cores from ancient lake beds in an attempt to improve our understanding of the local paleoclimate and environmental impacts on hominid origins in Africa during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. The 187m core used in this study (HSPDPNAO14-1B) was collected from the North Awash Osi Isi site, encompassing the late Plicoene (~3.4-2.94Ma) Hadar formation in northern Ethiopia, where many early hominids have been found in previous nearby excavations. Methods of extracting information from these cores has involved many different techniques. We studied the total organic carbon (TOC) and inorganic carbon content (TIC) content of the cores utilizing the Loss on Ignition method in lacustrine deposits. This data, in combination with lithostratigraphic and geophysical log data provide critical information about the environmental conditions of these lake margins over the cored interval of time. Cores were sampled every 32cm in multiple sections. They were then plotted against other data sets to see where peaks matched and correlation is established. Peak levels in TIC in this core correlate with sections of the core with large carbonate nodules and coarser light colored grains with a lack of organic material in the section of the core. Low TIC values are associated with mostly massive beds of brown siltstones, which typically are correlated with TOC peaks. TOC peaks are associated with massive brown silty clays, with occasional smaller carbonate nodules. Low TOC values are associated with sediments that are lighter in color and had larger carbonate nodules. TOC in the upper 35m of the core analyzed to date are surprisingly high given their mostly brown silty lithology. Lithologies in the upper ~35m of the core suggest fairly shallow lake margin conditions, with the more red-brown silty clays and carbonate nodule-rich intervals indicating paleosol alteration. Green mudstones and core log data indicate a deeper lacustrine phase in the lower portion of the core yet to be analyzed. 43 DECOMPOSITION OF THE ATLANTIC MERIDIONAL OVERTURNING CIRCULATION INTO ITS MAJOR COMPONENT TRANSPORTS IN CMIP5 MODELS Rebecca L. Beadling The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays an important role in Earth’s climate system as it transports significant amounts of seawater, heat, nutrients and salt from the tropics to the high northern latitudes. This circulation drives up to 1.3 petawatts of heat northward in the Atlantic, significantly contributing to the climate in the North Atlantic region. Since 2004, direct and continuous observations of AMOC have become available with the launch of the RAPID transatlantic array at 26.5 ° N, significantly advancing our knowledge and providing a benchmark for comparison of climate model simulations. Observations from this array reveal that the AMOC has been declining in strength, mostly attributed the increased southward return flow of the subtropical gyre and decreased southward flow of lower North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). According to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 results, the AMOC is projected to decline under future warming scenarios. Our study aims to determine the mechanism of future AMOC decline in each CMIP5 model by decomposing the circulation into the Gulf Stream, Upper Mid-Ocean (UMO), wind driven Ekman, Upper and Lower NADW and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) Transports at 27 ° N. We will compare the model simulated results with RAPID observations to gain a deeper understanding of future AMOC behavior in climate model simulations. 44 LINKING CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND CORAL HEALTH THROUGH GREAT BARRIER REEF CORAL RECORDS Emma Reed The ocean north of Australia is an engine for regional and global climate. Sea surface temperatures here drive the Australasian monsoon and influence the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Corals in this region respond to stresses, including warming and ocean acidification, that are intensifying with current climate trends. Understanding coral response to past stressors can help predict how reefs will respond to current climate change. Coral paleoclimate records offer a way to fill this knowledge gap. This research focuses on coral cores from three sites in the northern Great Barrier Reef (Eel Reef, Portland Roads, and 13-050) that form a transect that reflects changes from nearshore to offshore environments. Coral records from these sites include three proxy approaches: 1) 2) 3) Geochemical methods (δ18O, δ13C, and Sr/Ca), which reflect seawater temperature and salinity Growth banding (coral extension rate, density, and calcification rate), which record changes in coral growth in response to environmental factors (e.g. temperature, salinity, and pH) Luminescence banding, which measures organic matter incorporated into corals during large precipitation events Preliminary results confirm that coral geochemistry tracks seasonal change in climate, including temperature and precipitation, that vary with ENSO and monsoon events. Furthermore, between 1979 and 1989, coral calcification was highest during years with cool summers. This result aligns with other studies, which suggest that Great Barrier Reef coral growth has slowed after passing a threshold in temperature and pH. Furthermore, high coral growth rates in this region may allow us to resolve extension rate on sub-annual time scales, which can yield better Sr/Ca temperature reconstructions, as well as track the response of coral growth to annual temperature extremes. Ongoing data collection, including field work in Australia, will elaborate on these findings. Such work can prove valuable not only to paleoclimatologists, but to Great Barrier Reef researchers as well. 45 TRACE ELEMENT ANALYSES OF SPELEOTHEMS AS INDICATORS FOR DROUGHT IN SOUTHWEST U.S. CAVES Melissa Harrington Understanding the character of drought on both long (millennial) and short (seasonal) timescales is critical for water resource management, especially in the Southwest where water is scarce. Trace element analyses of speleothems are emerging as a new method for reconstructing past drought in semiarid regions. Previous work in semiarid areas such as southern Australia indicates that certain trace elements record paleohydrologic changes over time. Here we present preliminary results from trace element concentrations analyzed via laser ablation ICP-MS in a ~3500-year-old stalagmite from Fort Huachuca Cave in southern Arizona. The concentrations of Sr, Ba, P, Y, and U vary according to the annual cycle. Sr and Ba covary strongly, while P, Y, and U covary inversely to Sr and Ba cycles. We hypothesize that Ba and Sr concentrations are higher in arid conditions, whereas high concentrations of P, U, and Y correspond to wet conditions. Comparison of cave drip water elemental data with instrumental precipitation records will help determine which elements in speleothems can be used as a proxy for rainfall. This work is the first step in developing a new aridity index based on multi-elemental analysis of speleothems. 46 ANALYSIS OF AMAZON RAINFALL DATA SETS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF PALEOCLIMATE RECORDS Anson H. Cheung Global climate change is influencing the whole world. The IPCC AR5 projects the Amazon region’s climate drier in the future. Meanwhile, recent drought events (2005, 2010) were unexpected and had severe impacts on fire and carbon balance. While precipitation affects the carbon balance, the precipitation variability in the Amazon region is not well known. Station and satellite data are available and can be used to better understand such variability. However, Precipitation in the Amazon region has been previously shown to be highly spatial heterogeneous. Additionally, reanalysis on different data sets show that spectral and spatial discrepancies exist between different data sets. Further, these data only extend back to the early 1900s. Hence, the availability of paleoclimate records is important to help us validate these data sets and extend the rainfall record. To better understand the spatial extent of paleoclimate records, we used station data as an analogue to elucidate climate in the Amazon. 47 Tectonics and Geochemistry DETRITAL ZIRCON ANALYSIS OF ROCK SLABS FROM BRAZIL FOR PROVENANCE, ABSOLUTE AGE AND REGIONAL GEOHISTORY STUDY Jessie McGraw The purpose of this study is for a group of undergraduate students to determine the ages of a variety of rock samples using Detrital Zircon analysis. Using the UofA Laserchron lab, the students are going to conduct an age and provenance study and interpret the data to construct a geologic history of the region of Brazil from which the slabs were removed. The zircon crystals were separated from the rocks first by crushing the original samples of rock that contained the crystals, then using a magnetic separator to remove all of the magnetic minerals, thirdly with mineral separation to separate the minerals by their densities in heavy liquids, leaving mainly pure zircon crystals to be used in the sample. The samples were then mounted for Uranium-Lead analysis and then run through SEM and CL imaging to provide images of the internal structure of the crystals. Finally the samples were analyzed with laser ablation mass spectrometry to determine their absolute age, and based on the half-life of those isotopes, yields an absolute age of the formation of the zircon crystals. This data will be interpreted to infer the provenance of the different rock types. Students will then use existing geologic maps and the known information about these rocks to construct the geologic history of the region based on the data gathered from the zircon analysis. The results of this research will provide insight into the geologic history of this area of Brazil. 48 GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MELT GENERATION IN MAINE MIGMATITES Daniel Favorito Migmatites are rocks that represent the first occurrence of crustal anatexis in orogenic events and preserve characteristics of both their metamorphic precursors and the products of their melting. The presence of migmatites has important implications for how mountains and the continental crust are created during orogenies. However, many questions concerning these processes are not fully understood, including the actual mechanism for heating such rocks and the nature of the geochemistry of the first stages of anatexis. The geochemistry is particularly problematic because the leucosome that represents the “molten” portion of the migmatite may have been subjected to fractional crystallization and re-crystallization processes. As a result, bulk rock studies of migmatites may not necessarily indicate what is happening over the course of melting from beginning to end. This study aims at addressing this question by conducting geochemical microanalysis of a group of migmatites collected from the Tumbledown and Weld Anatectic Domains, Maine. Bulk rock geochemistry of samples of migmatites from Maine has been determined by previous authors, but new microanalytical data are generated in this study to compare and constrain the results of melting models. Thin sections were made in order to study the petrography of the samples and subsequent electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) was conducted in order to determine the chemical composition of garnet within the samples and examine chemical zonation of crystals. Garnet cores are enriched in iron and yet depleted in manganese, whereas other major elements were relatively consistent throughout chemical transects. These significant changes in the garnet composition indicate the presence of partial melting, with the cores of the garnet representing metamorphic growth; in contrast, the rims representing magmatic growth. Trace elements such as yttrium did not diffusively equilibrate compared to the abundances of major elements, indicating that the metamorphic event which resulted in migmatization was likely short lived. 49 PALEOENVIRONMENTS AND AGE ANALYSIS OF THE LOBO FORMATION: A LARAMIDE SYNTECTONIC DEPOSIT IN SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO Marie G. De los Santos The purpose of this study is to improve our understanding of the Lobo Formation’s age and environments of deposition during Laramide tectonism in the southern Rockies. Three sections of the Lobo were measured. Two sections are near Capitol Dome in the Florida Mountains: Capitol Dome-M is ~116m thick and Capitol Dome-A is ~200m thick. Both sections consist of intermontane lacustrine or palustrine, fluvial, and alluvial-fan deposits and are a fill of an intra-uplift basin following extensive Laramide faulting that exhumed basement outcrops. Capitol Dome-M contains a progradational succession of wet to arid conditions as recorded by a sequence of very fine to fine-grained sandstone, reddish-brown siltstone and pebbly sandstone, and an upper cobble and boulder conglomerate with basement clasts. Capitol Dome-A contains several paleosols with nodular carbonate horizons near the base and a contrasting upper section of cemented sandstones, pebble and boulder conglomerates with Paleozoic limestone and basement clasts, and non-carbonate paleosol horizons. The third section of the Lobo in the Victorio Mountains is an upward-fining succession (~325m thick) composed of alluvial-fan and fluvial deposits. Basal conglomerate clasts were derived from diverse sources: a Proterozoic basement, Paleozoic carbonate and siliciclastic strata, Jurassic basalt flows, and Lower Cretaceous strata (Bisbee Basin). The overall depositional style and presence of paleosols indicate Lobo deposition in arid environments with a modest depositional rate of ~0.02mm/a. Paleomagnetic analysis of the Capitol Dome-M section indicates four brief normal intervals amongst a mostly reversed section. Our data suggest deposition occurred between 59 and 53Ma (Paleocene-Eocene) followed by a postdepositional clockwise rotation of ~25-30° about a vertical axis. Paleomagnetic data from the Victorio Mountains section indicate no post-depositional rotation. Detrital zircon data from the Victorio Mountains section shows the youngest zircons dated at ~66Myr (+-3); however, a majority of the ages is ~1.4Ga suggesting only minor variations in sediment sources. Detrital zircon data from the Capitol Dome-A section shows a main peak at 1-1.2 Ga and several minor peaks at 1.4, 1.7, 2.7 and 0.4Ga suggesting various sediment sources, including the recycling of Bisbee Group strata. One Cenozoic grain from the middle of the section is dated at 57.5Myr (+-1.2), which correlates well with our suggested paleomagnetic age. 50 LU-HF ISOTOPIC TRENDS DURING SHALLOW SUBDUCTION AND FOUNDERING OF THE FARALLON SLAB AND THE RESULTANT MAGMATIC SWEEP ACROSS THE SOUTHWESTERN U.S. Michelle Dafov Previous research on Samarium-Neodymium (Sm-Nd) isotopic ratios of granitic bodies emplaced during the shallow-subduction and then roll-back or foundering of the Farallon slab in the Late Cretaceous to Middle Miocene in the Southwestern United States shows similar radiometric signatures to the basement terranes upon which the plutons were intruded regardless of the tectonic configuration at the time (Farmer and Depaolo, 1984). This trend, however, is not well-established in the Lutetium-Hafnium (Lu-Hf) isotopic system. The two radiometric systems are similar, however, changes in εHf isotopic values have been used in other orogenic systems (e.g. Tibet) to infer changes in tectonic environment. Is it possible that εHf values in the U.S. Cordillera will exhibit trends related to the tectonic setting? Conversely, if the εHf trends reflect only basement terrane composition, then do the data from other orogens need to be reevaluated? We have collected granitic samples from around Arizona, New Mexico, and West Texas and will process and analyze them at the Arizona Laserchron Lab to help resolve the usefulness of the Lu-Hf isotopic system in understanding orogenic processes. 51 BRITISH COLUMBIA COAST MOUNTAINS METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS: AGE CONSTRAINTS AND PROVENANCE Michelle Dafov The history of the Coast Mountains of British Columbia has long been a complicated one to piece together. This project focuses specifically on the ages and tectonic connections of the belt of metasedimentary rocks in the Coast Mountains that were intruded by batholiths during a time of subduction. This will provide a history of the growth of North America as each terrane has been added to the continent and will put constraints on the boundaries of these terranes. There are four arc-type terranes that are being studied; Yukon-Tanana, Alexander, Stikine and Wrangellia. Four samples have been collected from Lochborough and Bute inlets, British Columbia, and this coming summer, more samples will be collected from Knight inlet. One sample from Lochborough Inlet has been processed in the Arizona Laserchron Center for U-Th-Pb ages using the Element2 and Nu mass spectrometers, maximum depositional age and provenance have been determined. Our goal is to see whether Precambrian ages are present in the metasedimentary samples from Bute and Knight inlet, which would suggest they belong to the Yukon-Tanana terrane. There is reason to believe these sediments originate from Yukon-Tanana due to their quartz-rich composition. Field observations of the samples from Bute inlet show slightly metamorphosed quartz-rich turbidites, common of Yukon-Tanana terrane. If ages are Precambrian, new boundaries will be made for Yukon-Tanana that extend much farther south than previously thought. The Wrangellia terrane is Pennsylvanian in age and has granite intruded that is 180-150 Ma. The sample that has been dated has a cluster of ages from ~268-319 Ma and a cluster at ~150-167 Ma. Those ages show a clear signature of Wrangellia terrane, which would mean the boundary of Wrangellia extends further inboard than previously recognized. After more samples are analyzed, we hope to see whether ages of metasedimentary rocks from Bute inlet showing ages are Precambrian, indicating Yukon-Tanana derived sedimentary rock. 52 JACK HILLS QUARTZITE YIELDS HADEAN AGE ZIRCONS Michelle Dafov Until recently, the most we knew about early Earth, during the Hadean eon, is that it was a hellish world absent of a hydrosphere that operated with different processes from today’s Earth. However, zircons within the Jack Hills Greenstone belt in Western Australia have been dated back to 4.38 billion years old (Harrison, 2009) and tell a different story. This poster covers the process of extracting zircons and conducting Uranium-lead analysis- done by students in the Geos 251 class at the University of Arizona. Initially, the quartzite sample was crushed and then sieved in order to collect grains 425 microns in size or less. Low density material was then removed by panning, and the rest of the material was run through a magnetic separator to remove the magnetics. The remaining sediment was poured into methyl iodide, which is a heavy liquid that allows for separation of the dense zircons from the lighter material. The zircons were then mounted and imaged with a scanning electron microscope to bring out zonation within the crystals. After running the samples through the Element2 mass spectrometer for U-Pb analysis, results showed a variety of ages. There was a small cluster at 3.07 Ga, a large cluster at 3.3-3.7 Ga with peaks at 3389, 3462, and 3597 Ma, and most importantly a cluster at 3.85-4.15 Ga with a peak at 4019 Ma. Ages generated for standard zircons were within 1% standard error of their known ages which gives us confidence that the ages of the unknown zircons were also within 1% accuracy. The Concordia graph also shows accuracy of our results, as most ages sit on top of the Concordia line. Considering the oldest rock known on Earth is 3.9 Ga, the only information known about what was happening on Earth before then comes from Hadean eon zircon grains. Hadean zircons from Jack Hills likely crystallized in conditions below 700 °C (Harrison, 2009), indicating Jack Hills zircons likely came from felsic rocks. We can therefore infer from our results of >4.1 Ga zircon ages that there must have been felsic crust formation earlier than 4 Ga in order for these zircons to have formed. In other words, current geologic processes may also have been occurring during the Hadean eon. This research experience allowed undergraduate students to be exposed to sophisticated equipment and techniques required to extract and analyze zircons, providing them with useful skills for their futures in geology. 53 TONALITIC MAGMATISM, EXHUMATION, AND ROTATION ALONG THE BAKER-OLDS FERRY TERRANE BOUNDARY, BLUE MOUNTAINS, EASTERN OREGON Alexandra S. Macho A series of four tonalitic plutons intrude on or near the Baker-Olds Ferry terrane boundary in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon. This study utilizes multiple geochronologic techniques in order to help constrain the geological history of the Blue Mountains within the footprint of the IDOR EarthScope project. These plutons have been inferred to be similar in both composition and age to plutons affected by the Salmon River suture zone along the arc-continent boundary; here we explore the different exhumation history recorded in these two areas. CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon dating reveals a younging trend of pluton emplacement from SW to NE: Tureman Ranch (129.36 ± 0.055 Ma), Amelia (125.50 ± 0.076 Ma), Pedro Mountain (124.84 ± 0.073 Ma), and Lookout Mountain (123.84 ± 0.042 Ma). Geochemical analyses indicate that the plutons were sourced from mantle-derived and crustal melts of the juvenile accreted arc terranes. Hornblende thermobarometry data are consistent with relatively shallow (< 3 kbar) emplacement depths. Ongoing thermochronological studies (40Ar/39Ar on hornblende and biotite and (U-Th)/He on zircon) provide timing constraints on the exhumation of these plutons relative to similarly aged plutons associated with the Salmon River suture zone. Preliminary paleomagnetic results from two of these plutons indicate that the whole boundary may have undergone significant vertical axis rotation since ~120 Ma. Overall, the age of plutonism in eastern Oregon is coeval with high-grade metamorphism and plutonism in the Salmon River suture zone, although the subsequent history appears to differ from adjacent cratonic North America. 54 UTILIZING ArcGIS FOR DATA INTEGRATION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF HISTORICAL GEOLOGIC MAPS: A CASE STUDY OF THE COAST MOUNTAINS BATHOLITH IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Intan Yokelson Historical geologic maps, that are still being used today, were primarily based on field investigation techniques that were developed over the last century. As our understanding of tectonics and other geologic processes has grown over the past several decades, new technologies have allowed us to better integrate analytical data thereby requiring a fresh look at these historical geologic maps. As my thesis project for my certificate in geographic information systems, I am utilizing my field area and re-examining the geologic maps of the Coast Mountains batholith (CMB) in British Columbia. This region has proven to be challenging for two main reasons 1) access to the area and 2) a complicated compositional evolution history. The historically known geologic units in this region were characterized during a time before the theory of plate tectonics was a main driving force in our geologic understanding of the Earth processes. Additionally, rock classifications from that time are unusual and out of date for modern classification schemes, thereby making this region ideal for this type of study. This study will utilize the current pluton boundaries from the old maps while 1) update the rock classifications 2) check the geologic extent in the field and with the help of Google Earth, and 3) digitize and integrate the geochronological and geochemical data sets as independent layers; allowing for a better to understanding of the history of magmatic emplacement in the CMB. The summer of 2014 was spent mapping CMB pluton outcrops and sample collection for U-Pb geochronology as well as Lu-Hf and whole rock geochemistry. The major areas of investigation were along the shoreline of Bute Inlet and in the Waddington Range in order to determine major pluton bodies across the region. 55 DETRITAL ZIRCON AGE ANALYSIS OF THE JACK HILLS QUARTZITE CONGLOMERATE (RED) Jessie McCraw The purpose of this study is for honors students in Geos 251 at the UofA to analyze the detrital zircons found in the Jack Hills Quartzite of Western Australia to provide data to identify information about the surface of Earth during the Hadean Era. This study sought to address the processes that formed and shaped the Earth’s continental geosphere based on interpretations of the age data yielded by the zircon crystals. In this study, the ages yielded by the zircons support the idea that the earth’s surface was being formed and shaped by weathering and erosional processes, similar to those in occurrence today, because detrital zircons are of igneous origin the crystals must have been transported from their source, perhaps via water. The zircons were extracted and separated from the quartzite first by crushing the original quartzite sample, then using magnetic separation to remove all magnetic minerals in the mixture, thirdly with mineral separation to separate the minerals by density, leaving mostly pure zircon crystals to be used in the sample. This sample was then mounted and examined with SEM and CL imaging to give students an idea of the internal structure of the crystal. Finally the sample was analyzed by laser ablated mass spectrometry to determine their absolute age via the decay of uranium isotopes to lead, and based on the half-life of these isotopes, yielding an absolute age of the formation of the zircon crystals. The samples analyzed by the UofA students yielded a maximum age 4.2 Ga, implying the presence of felsic igneous rocks in the geosphere at that time. Significant age peaks in this sample were the youngest zircons at 3.066 Ga, implying that the age of deposition must be younger than 3.006 Ga, the largest concentration of crystals near 3.382 Ga showing that the igneous contributor to the quartzite depositional environment was mostly material this age, and the highest age of 4.2 Ga.These zircon crystals are the oldest known record of geologic processes occurring during the first 500 Ma of Earth history, because the oldest terrestrial rocks are only 3.96 Ga. The analysis of this sample of the Jack Hills Quartzite gives support to the idea of a possible hydrosphere as early as 4.4 billion years ago, which ultimately has implications about the origin story of the earliest life forms on Earth, opening up a new field of interest for future researchers. 56 CLIMATE AND TECTONIC CONTROL ON EROSION ACROSS THE ALPINE FAULT, SOUTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND Kaitlynn Walker In the South Island of New Zealand, both tectonics and climate influence the rate of erosion. The Alpine Fault is a transpressional fault, crossing the South Island of New Zealand through the Southern Alps Mountains along the AustralianPacific plate boundary. The Alpine Fault creates a drainage divide with catchments to the east and west of the fault. To the west of the Alpine Fault an extremely wet climate with high rates of physical erosion and uplift exist, while the east is characterized by a drier climate with significantly lower rates of physical erosion and uplift Four river sand samples were collected in various locations: three of the samples were collected west of the Alpine fault and one sample was collected east of the fault. Two samples (NZ2 and NZ3) are located in the same catchment. The sizes of the catchments vary from sample to sample. By analyzing the U-Pb ages of zircons in each sample, the source rocks of the samples can be determined. I also hope to evaluate the effect of a big catchment versus a small catchment. and contain very similar ages. Most of the U-Pb zircon ages of these samples range from Cenozoic to Cretaceous. Zircon fission track analysis will be conducted on the four samples in the future. This will evaluate the respective role of climate and tectonics on erosion across the Alpine Fault of the Southern Alps of New Zealand. If the thermochronological ages of the samples west of the Alpine Fault are older then it will be concluded that climate has a greater effect on erosion in the South Island of New Zealand. By understanding the erosional controls of the region, this study will provide insight on the respective roles of between climate and tectonics on orogenic evolution. 57 (U-TH)/HE AND U-PB THERMOCHRONOMETRY AND U-PB GEOCHRONOMETRY OF EXPOSED BEDROCK OUTCROPS IN THE WINDMILL ISLANDS, ANTARCTICA Patrick Boyd With 98% of Antarctica covered in ice sheets it is the least explored continent on earth. The Windmill Islands in East Antarctica are part of the 2% of Antarctica that isn’t encapsulated by ice, and the only such outcrop for hundreds of miles in any direction. Valuable inferences can be made about the Windmill Islands and the surrounding Wilkes Land regions history through analysis on the exposed bedrock. High and low temperature apatite thermochronometers (U-Th)/He and U-Pb and U-Pb zircon geochronometry can give us a constrained thermal history of exposed bedrock outcrops in the Windmill Islands, Antarctica. By performing chronometry techniques on multiple granites, gneisses, and diorites from the areas bedrock, inferences can be made regarding the crystallization and cooling history of the coast of this area of Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. Crystallization ages seen in U-Pb zircon data will allow us to view the last major thermal event in the area, while high and low temperature thermochronometry data will allow us to know the timing of metamorphic events in the region as well as the erosional history in the Windmill Islands. This data will make it possible to better understand the tectonic history of the Windmill Islands and surrounding Wilkes Land region, and will ultimately lead to a more complete picture of the role eastern Antarctica has played in earth’s tectonic history. 58 FORELAND BASIN STRATIGRAPHIC CONTROL ON THRUST BELT EVOLUTION James B. Chapman The linkage between orogenic activity and foreland basin stratigraphy is well established; however, potential controls by foreland basin stratigraphy on thrust belt architecture have not been fully evaluated. Mechanical properties of typical foreland basin stratigraphic successions influence the structural development of fold-thrust belts in predictable ways. Fundamental features of foreland basins include the onset of rapid subsidence and deposition of a coarsening-upward sedimentary succession. In the lower part of this succession are fine-grained back-bulge and distal foredeep deposits. Enlargement of the orogenic wedge through frontal accretion incorporates the foreland basin strata into the thrust belt and early foreland basin depositional units may be systemically exploited as a thrust detachment zone, often culminating in multiple detachment levels. We suggest that foreland basin stratigraphic architecture has significant influence on the structural development of thrust belts and that, by extension, processes that influence foreland basin sedimentation may ultimately influence orogenic evolution far removed in time and space. 59 ATTEMPT TO CONSTRAIN INITIATION OF THE SOUTHERN TIBETAN DETACHMENT SYSTEM USING U-PB GEOCHRONOLOGY AND TEMPORAL EVOLUTION OF ASSOCIATED INTRUSIONS Stephen Sobansky The Southern Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) marks a top to the North low angle detachment fault that occurred when gravitational potential energy exceeded the forces created by the collision of the Indian and Asian plates. The STDS consists of Tethyan metasediments and syn-orogenic detritus in the hanging wall to the North, and orthogneisses of the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) in the footwall to the South. Samples were collected along the footwall from three undeformed leucogranite sills and one mylonitized leucogranite sill. Zircon cores are to be analyzed with U-Pb radiometric dating techniques are expected to yield ages >500 Ma, while the metamorphic rims of zircons found in these sills are expected to yield ages ranging from 17-9 Ma. The ages of the rims will likely correlate to the onset of decompression melting, which occurred synchronously with initiation of the STDS and subsequent exhumation of GHS metamorphic rocks and Tethyan metasediments. We propose that as exhumation occurred along the STDS, gneissic rocks straddling the brittle ductile transition zone (12-15km depth & 3.5-4.5 kb) and overlying Tethyan metasediments experienced jointing as they were exhumed toward the surface via listric faulting. As jointing occurred, pressurized, highly evolved felsic magma penetrated the fractures in the form of leucogranite dikes and sills. The study’s final intention is to compare the rim ages from the three undeformed leucogranite sills with the individual mylonitized sill in an attempt to better understand the temporal evolution of intrusions along joints within our study area. 60 PROVENANCE OF EO-OLIGOCENE AND QUATERNARY STRATA IN THE LOESS PLATEAU THROUGH COMPARATIVE STATISTICAL Jordan Abell Characterizing provenance of the Quaternary eolian dust deposits of the Chinese Loess Plateau provides a means to better understand the aridification history of central Asian basins and local to regional wind patterns during the onset and amplification of Northern Hemisphere glacial cycles over the past ~2.6 Ma. The Chinese Loess Plateau is composed of interbedded loess and paleosol beds. This research aims to understand the provenance of the Chinese Loess Plateau by charactering the detrital zircon U-Pb age distributions on Loess Plateau samples and potential source areas for the loess-paleosol strata. Our research compiled previously published zircon U-Pb age data (n> 35000) from the literature along with new age zircon U-Pb age data (n> 3000) from modern dune, loess, and yardang samples. In addition to investigating provenance of the Quaternary Chinese Loess Plateau deposits, we also apply this dataset to understanding the Eo-Oligocene age eolian and eolian-influenced rock from (SE) Asia. To the latter, these deposits provide information on wind orientations during a critical phase of surface uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen and intensification of the Indian monsoon. Most previous studies argue that most of the Quaternary Loess Plateau strata were sourced from the proximal Gobi Desert and adjacent sand deserts to the northwest of the Loess Plateau (e.g., Mu Us, Gobi). However, the observations made in this study are not consistent with this hypothesis. The relative proportion of zircon crystals from the loess deposits in the age ranges of 350–450 Ma and 475–525 Ma suggest that sediment was drawn from a wider geographical area than the Gobi Desert and adjacent sand deserts. These data indicate that the source regions are not that far north, but rather include the Northern Tibetan Plateau (NTP) and in the area due west of the Loess Plateau (e.g., Qaidam Basin). Because this observation does not fit the modern observation of surface and mid-upper level atmospheric circulation, we contend that this marks a major reorganization of atmospheric circulation over central Asia during glacial periods when more dust was deposited on the Chinese Loess Plateau. 61 Planetary Science WIND EROSION LANDFORMS ON MARS Cyanna Hicks Wind erosion on Mars is thought to be similar to the process of wind erosion on Earth, but how the two planets relate in terms of these processes is not readily known. This project seeks to find similar landforms on both Mars and Earth that were created by erosion, and compare and contrast them. These features include yardangs, wind scours, sand dunes, and lineated terrains. One of the most studied features in this project is wind eroded mesas, which are thought to be the features that form yardangs on both Earth and Mars. This study is done using Google Mars and Google Earth imagery, as well as other remote sensing data from sources such as HiRise. The main findings of this project are that most landforms on Mars can be much larger, up to ten times larger, than their counterparts on Earth. The reasons for this could be that gravity is much less strong on Mars than it is on Earth, causing particles to more easily taken up by the wind. Also, there is very little water erosion on Mars due to the containment of most of Mars's water in the poles of Mars. This makes it easier to see the wind erosion. The specific landforms found on Mars that match those on Earth include those listed above, as well as katabatic wind patterns that are seen above mountains and craters on Mars. From this project, a map will be made that includes possible current and ancient wind patterns using the wind erosion features found. This map can indicate how wind patterns have changed over the course of Mars's history and possibly offer insight into the evolution of Mars's atmosphere. 62 EOLIAN AND GEOLOGIC MAPPING NEAR GORDII DORSUM OF THE LARGE FOSSAE FORMATION OF MARS Allison McGraw There are many locations on Mars where the surface material is of an unknown composition. Thermal inertia values of 60 – 100 [J*m^-2*K^-1*sec^-1/2] suggest fine-grained sand but it is likely that there are large quantities of ash material from ancient Mars volcanic eruptions. This area, (2.8 degrees N, 214 degrees E), is southwest of Gordii Dorsum in the Large Fossae Formation is due west of the Tharsis volcanic region, which could have been a source of fine ash material that could be present in the dune field in this area. Mapping in the thermal IR and closer investigations of thermal inertia values may not be enough information to determine the composition, although those aspects are also investigated here. Other processes near the surrounding area of interest could aid in understanding the composition of the material such as eolian processes and geologic contacts. Wind direction and eolian processes in the area southwest of the Gordii Dorsum dune field will be examined from satellite images; these images will be highly investigated in the red wavelength of light. Potential geologic contacts could be mapped in this region as well with images taken in STEREO. The HiRISE satellite orbiter takes the highest resolution images of Mars; this high resolution may be enough to map this area of interest in the Large Fossae Formation to interpret surface material and surface processes present. 63 Environmental Science OVER THREE YEARS OF MONITORING 129I SPREAD IN PACIFIC OCEAN AFTER THE 2011 FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ACCIDENT Ching-Chih Chang 129I is a long-lived radionuclide that has been used as a useful environmental tracer. At present, the global 129I in surface water is about 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than pre-1990 levels. The anthropogenic 129I signal produced from industrial nuclear fuel reprocessing plants is known to be the primary source of 129I in marine surface waters of the Atlantic, and elevated 129I values are found globally. The Great East Japan Earthquake and the induced tsunami in 2011 triggered the nuclear shutdowns, failures, and partial meltdowns of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The accident resulted in a series of radioactive material releases into the environment and spread out through atmospheric and ocean circulation. We will present 129I results of water samples collected weekly near Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA for the past 3 years. We also have several measurements collected a year apart from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, which represent west margin of Pacific Ocean, and from Alaska, Washington, and Oregon. By establishing 129I time series, we can observe the spread of 129I in the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean that resulted from the accidental releases. 64 ADVENTURE SCIENCE: EXPLORING ROCK WEATHERING AT THE COLD BOUNDARY OF EARTH Kexin Li Soil is a limited natural resource generated during slow weathering processes, where microbes, plant roots and water interact with rock and releases nutrients. Ignition of carbon and nutrient cycle at places where life meets rock is therefore the main driver of soil formation and ecosystem development. Compared with lower altitudes, mountain and Polar regions normally undergo a more energetic weathering process dictated mainly by physical and chemical forces. During this process chemical components of rock (major minerals) are transformed into secondary phases and nutrients translocate to rock surfaces where they support the life system. A total of 13 sampling campaigns were conducted at following locations: Franz Joseph Land (Russian arctic), Dry Valleys (Antarctica), Mt Denali & Mt. Witney (Alaska and continental USA respectively), Zero de Plomo (Chile), Weisshorn (Switzerland), Mt. Kilimanjaro (Kenya), Pamir Mt. (Tajikistan), and Himalaya between 2011 – 2013 by an international team of polar adventurers under the umbrella of Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation (ASC). A subset of rock samples (in triplicate) collected in the upper middle and lower levels of the alpine biome of Pamir Mt. and the two polar sites were sampled for surface and subsurface layers under a sterile hood and examined for chemical, mineralogical and biota by handhold X-ray fluorescence, synchrotron transmission X-ray diffraction and stereomicroscopy. Preliminary analysis of the data identified similarities in relative loss/retention of major elements between polar and mountain top surfaces, process which is different at lower altitudes. Likewise, high microbe survival rates were observed when samples were subjected to extreme desiccations and cold conditions. These weathering similarities of polar-like environments regardless substrate geology together with an unexpected high microbial activity after severe lab desiccation/temperature are promising results that entitles further analysis on the interlink microbes-rock weathering during soil genesis at these extreme places and how this readjusts to ongoing environmental/climate changes. Likewise the results open up to further interesting questions such as whether these microorganisms could can also survive long-term space conditions, which is at the basis of one of the major hypothesis on the origins of life itself. 65
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