Summer Camp is special. As a kid growing up, I learned to swim at camp, make new friends at camp, even kissed my first girl at camp! Looking back, the many years I attended summer camp had such a positive impact on my development as a person, both as an individual and as a member of the community as a whole. I have now been a Recreation Professional for the better part of ten years - but my real recreation career began when I was at Penn State finishing up my Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. On a whim, I took a job at the Bethlehem YMCA as a summer camp counselor. That first summer, I had a 10 year-old camper named Mikey Rodriguez. Mikey was unlike many of the other campers, he barely said a word, but spoke with his actions. When I asked him to turn left, he would turn right. When I asked him to run, he’d walk. He was openly defiant at every opportunity—and boy, what a challenge! I looked at his camp file, and of course, he was scheduled for every camp day, all summer. To me, that meant I was either going to get through to this kid, or there were going to be fireworks all summer! Slowly, as the summer progressed, and Mikey felt more comfortable in the ebb and flow of camp, he changed...dramatically for the better. I could see his confidence amongst his peers grow and his sense of self-identity emerge—he said, “Jason, someday, I’m going to become an Architect”. Wow! To see the transformation from openly defiant to “Architect” was amazing! By the end of summer camp, Mikey was stuck to my hip, helping me with every aspect of the camp, and I think we were both sad to see the last day arrive. During the last day of camp, Mikey ran up to me, kind of nervous, and said, “I have a present for you…”. I was fully expecting a card, or letter, something thoughtful yet commonplace in that setting. He pulled from behind his back, a dirty, old, stuffed bunny. I said, “Wow, Mikey, thanks…”. I thought, as any 19 year old would, that it was kind of a peculiar gift. Mikey ran off to play basketball and his mom quickly came up to me and gave me a big bear hug. I told her thanks, but that I couldn't accept the gift. She said, “You don’t understand, that bunny is what he had in his crib as a baby, its his most prized possession, you changed his life, you need to keep it…” Nothing tells the story of the Power of Summer Camp better than that. He gained confidence in himself, and I knew what my true career path would be...and it wasn't Political Science. When looking for a great summer camp, take a minute to consider the East Goshen REC Camp. It is unique because every single staff member attended the camp as a kid themselves—they are a staff that truly believes in “The Power of Summer Camp”. And the bunny sits on my desk to this day... ~Jason Summer Camp ‘99 Summer Camp Here We Come! Questions??? Learn more at the Camp Open House, Thursday March 5th, 1-2pm & 5-6pm You can also drop off your Registration for this and all the other camp programs (Robotic Lego’s, EA, Anim. Design) Summer REC Half Day Camp, “Passport To Fun” (Ages 5-11) ($85/$95) (9am-12pm) This summer campers will pack their bags, grab their passports and head off on a journey around the globe in search of adventure! Each week’s daily activities include: sports, arts & crafts, music, science and other zaniness based on the weekly theme! Camp Dates Weekly Theme Field Trip (Wed.) 6/29 – 7/2 Fireworks, the Fourth and Fun! Oasis Fun Center 7/6 – 7/10 African Safari Outdoor Swimming, YMCA *back at 1pm* 7/13 – 7/17 Exploring the Australian Outback Brandywine Picnic Park 7/20 – 7/24 Fiesta Time! Regal Cinemas 7/27 – 7/31 Hawaiian Hijinks Arnold’s Fun Center Summer REC Full Day Camp (Ages 5-11) ($175/$185) (9am-4pm) *** 7/20-7/24, 7/27—7/31 Only*** Last summer’s full day camp was such a hit—we’re expanding it! This summer, we will offer two weeks of full day camp in conjunction with the traditional REC half day camp. At the conclusion of the half day program, staff will escort the campers to the East Goshen Park where they will take part in field days, capture the flag contests and end the summer with a celebration party! Each week campers will go on a second field trip as well! Please pack a lunch, two snacks and a water bottle. Registration Form + Check for Camp Fees = Summer of Fun! East Goshen Recreation 610-692-7171 * 1580 Paoli Pike * West Chester, PA 19380 East Goshen Summer REC Camp Registration 2015 Child’s name Grade Entering Fall 2015 Birth date Check weeks you are enrolling your child (starting date) 6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 7/27 6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 7/27 6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 7/27 *Field Trips= WK 1, Oasis Fun Center; WK 2, Outdoor Swimming; WK 3 Brandywine Picnic Park; WK4 Regal Cinemas; WK5 Arnold's Center Field Trip Schedule subject to change Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________ Address _________________________________ Home Phone _____________ Cell Phone _______________ Work Phone _______________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________ Address _________________________________ Home Phone _____________ Cell Phone _______________ Work Phone _______________ Person to contact during the time the child is at the Program: ____________________________ The above person’s relationship to the child: _________________ Your email address: (please print) ___________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Info: ___________________________________________________________ Home Phone _____________ Cell Phone _______________ Work Phone _______________ The Following person is NOT authorized to pick up Participant*: (Please provide name and relationship) Name: _____________________________________ *Appropriate paperwork, such as a divorce decree or other legal documents must be attached if a parent is not allowed to pick up the child. I the undersigned, intending to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may now or hereafter have against East Goshen Township and their respective employees for any and all damages which may be sustained by me or my family arising out of participation in the above activity. PHOTOGRAPHIC RELEASE. By signing below, I give consent that videotapes, photographs, recordings, motion picture film and/or electronic images of me and other participants may be used by the Township, and its successors and assigns in any and all publications and other media in order to increase community awareness of East Goshen Township programs. I give my consent that such photographs, recordings, motion picture film and/or electronic images and the plates, tapes, and/or software from which they are made shall be the property of the township and the Township has the right to sell, duplicate, reproduce and make such other uses of such photographs, recordings, motion picture film and/or electronic images of me as it desires free and clear of any claim on my part. Signature of Parent/Guardian _____________Date ___ I choose to opt out of the PHOTOGRAPHIC RELEASE (please initial) __ (If you are signing up a child for another person, please take a Registration Form for them. They can sign and return. In the mean time, their child is tentatively registered by the check you submitted.) IMPORTANT: Everyone must fill out the Medical Authorization and Consent Form for Medical Treatment. Fee: $ 85 per week per child for residents of East Goshen /$95 for non-residents ($10 less week one, no Friday Camp) $ 175 for the full day camp (7/20-7/24) & (7/27 – 7/31) / $185 for non-residents Amt Pd _____ $ 7 per week discount per child for 3 or more children enrolled in the program People authorized to pick my child- please print: Check # _____ Name ____________________________ Address ___________________________________ Phone ____________ Name ____________________________ Address ___________________________________Phone _____________ See other side Medical Conditions Form for 2015 Summer Youth Recreation Camp Medical Information Does your child have any known allergies? _____________________ What are your child’s symptoms of exposure?____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have medication in case of exposure to a known allergen (ie. Epi-Pen or Inhaler)? _______ Does your child have any identified Special Needs (physical, emotional, cognitive, and developmental), Medical or Personal Care needs: If yes, what are the best ways staff members can support your child at camp? Are there any triggers for behavioral outbursts? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ We will always call if your child receives first aid at camp for more than a minor scrape. Medical Authorization and Consent for Medical Treatment Name(s) of Minor Child (ren) to whom this Authorization applies: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ I/ We, the undersigned, authorize East Goshen Township, its agents, servants and employees to act in my/our places and stead and do consent to the Township securing for my/our child emergency treatment needed to be performed and administered to my/our child should the Township determine the same to be necessary. This shall include, but not necessarily be limited to administration of first aid as the exigencies of the situation shall dictate, transportation to a physician, hospital or other health care providers and authorizing the rendering of necessary medical care and treatment by such physician, hospital and/or other health care providers if deemed necessary prior to my notification. I/We do hereby release and hold harmless the Township, its agents, servants and employees from any and all liability, known or unknown, arising out of the actions or the inactions of the Township, its agents, servants and employees in securing and arranging for such transportation and/or emergency medical treatment for my/our child. This Authorization and Consent is effective from the date designated below and shall remain in full force and effect for such period of time s my/our child is enrolled and/or participating in a park, recreation or other program sponsored or conducted by East Goshen Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________ Date _________
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