Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team

Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team
of Eastminster United Church,
Belleville, Ontario
May 1, 2015
Team Members:
Charles Benson
Kathryn Reid
Carolyn Vanhorne-Coffey
Jim Woolnough
Staff Support:
Rev. Dr. Peter Bartlett, Lead Minister
Peter Kerr, Church Administrator
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Background ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview of the Strategic Planning Team’s Mandate .............................................................................. 2
Overview of Process.................................................................................................................................. 2
Questionnaires .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview of Report Structure ................................................................................................................... 3
Overarching Recommendation for Visioning and Implementation .......................................................... 3
Major Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 4
The Need for “Re-Visioning” and Review of Governance Structure......................................................... 4
Establishment of Communications Function/Committee ........................................................................ 4
Staffing Model........................................................................................................................................... 5
Sunday Worship Service Timing ................................................................................................................ 5
Subsidiary Recommendations....................................................................................................................... 6
Coffee Time ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Celebration of Seniors Sunday .................................................................................................................. 6
DVD Ministry ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Mission and Service .................................................................................................................................. 7
Faith Formation......................................................................................................................................... 7
Sunday Morning Programs.................................................................................................................... 7
Other Programs for Youth..................................................................................................................... 7
Other Programs for Adults .................................................................................................................... 7
Annual Budget........................................................................................................................................... 8
Designation of Donations.......................................................................................................................... 8
Stewardship Campaign ............................................................................................................................. 9
The Link ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Elders......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Property .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Ministry & Personnel Concerns .............................................................................................................. 11
Worship Bulletin ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Sunday Morning Projection .................................................................................................................... 12
Sunday Morning Message....................................................................................................................... 12
Music Ministry ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Special Services ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Communion............................................................................................................................................. 12
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
In 2008, Rev. Ed Bentley informed the Eastminster United Church (EUC) congregation that he would be
eligible for retirement in early 2010. In his “Minister’s Message” for the 2009 Annual Report, Rev. Ed
affirmed that a process was beginning for Eastminster, that would be, “rich in opportunity and full of
challenge” as Eastminster discerned its future few years, anticipating his eventual retirement, and other
changes on the horizon. In response, Church Council established various mechanisms to envision
Eastminster’s future, which would help guide the transition and succession of ministry personnel and
staff going forward. In this vein, the United Church of Canada's Joint Needs Assessment process was
used to translate the congregation's Vision into a plan for action, which included the following elements:
That a second full-time minister be sought; and
That Rev. Ed would continue to serve as Lead Minister until the new minister was in place.
Following which he would negotiate the timing of his retirement as deemed to be in the best
interests of the congregation.
In September 2013, Rev. Peter Bartlett began as full-time minister in Team Ministry with Rev. Ed. This
began a period of transition for the Lead Minister portfolio of Eastminster in keeping with the plan of
action previously envisioned. At the Annual Meeting on February 11, 2014, the Congregation received
Rev. Ed’s letter announcing his intended retirement date of September 30, 2014. In it, he encouraged
our faith community to revisit strategic planning for these next years on Eastminster’s horizon, and to
“use every available resource to seek God’s will and then have the courage to pursue it”.
Overview of the Strategic Planning Team’s Mandate
At the Annual Congregational Meeting on February 11, 2014, it was moved by Bruce Goodman and
seconded by Kathryn Reid that the Congregation of Eastminster United Church requests the Church
Council appoint a committee, composed of a cross section of members of the Church, to commence a
Strategic Planning Process and recommend short and long term goals for the Church through periodic
reports to the Congregation. The motion carried, and this became the mandate of the Strategic Planning
Team (SPT) when it was formed by the Church Council at its meeting on March 18, 2014.
Overview of Process
Over a period of 14 months, the SPT explored “who, what and where” we are as a church family. The
SPT sought to identify: 1) Our strengths and weaknesses; 2) Any opportunities EUC could capitalize
upon; and 3) Any potential roadblocks that might interrupt future plans. To acquire supporting data for
recommendations, the SPT developed and distributed three questionnaires to the Eastminster
Eastminster United Church is a worship-centered church family. Through worship we express our love of
God and how we show God’s love to the world. We gather on Sunday mornings and on other occasions
to worship God as a community of faith, and we also acknowledge that all our church functions have
worship at their core, with the ultimate goal of sharing God’s love with our members and adherents and
with the greater community.
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
The SPT’s questionnaires asked key questions about if and how our many and diverse church functions
and tasks supported our main effort as a faith community seeking to maintain worship as our centering
The first questionnaire explored how the functions of Outreach, Faith Formation and Congregational Life
interplay with Worship; The second questionnaire explored the functions of Stewardship, Governance,
and Finance; and the third and final questionnaire explored the functions of Session, Property, and
Ministry & Personnel, all of which support the worshipful life and work of our church.
The SPT reviewed over 200 returned questionnaires (including approximately 1100 individual written
responses to questions). The data was then collated, and findings were formulated into the
recommendations offered in this Final Report. Statistical information resulting from the responses
contained in the questionnaires is available from the Church Office upon request.
Overview of Report Structure
While analyzing the congregation’s responses to the questionnaires, the SPT recognized many
opportunities for growth within our Eastminster faith community. When formulating the
recommendations contained in this report, the SPT was been proactive in raising matters with
responsible governing bodies whose remit it is to respond to concerns, throughout the study. Therefore,
in some instances, this report annotates progress already achieved in response to some concerns. In
some cases concerns have been raised, but neither progress nor recommendations have been made,
and it was the working assumption of the SPT that responsibility for these items remains with the
associated governing bodies going forward.
There is one “Overarching Recommendation” identified below which is intended to affirm the leadership
role for the Eastminster Church Council going forward. The remaining recommendations in this report
are labeled as either “Major” or “Subsidiary”. Major recommendations are those presumed by the SPT
to require congregational approval. Subsidiary recommendations are those presumed by the SPT to be
actionable by the Church Council and its Standing Committees alone.
Overarching Recommendation for Visioning and Implementation
The accepted protocol for Strategic Planning work is that the SPT begins with a “Vision”. The previously
established Vision for Eastminster, outlined in the Annual Report for 2009 and highlighted in the
Background paragraph of the Report, was the main driver for our church leading into and through our
most recent transition. However, it was very apparent in the early stages of the SPT process that
Visioning for the next phase in the life and work of Eastminster is now necessary.
Therefore, the SPT recommends that, as the principal body elected by the congregation, Church Council
have the principal responsibility to guide the Eastminster community forward. Therefore, it is the
overarching recommendation of the SPT, that Church Council henceforth become the lead agency
responsible for Visioning the next phase for EUC – as a collective, rather than delegating the
responsibility to a ad-hoc “Visioning Team”. Moreover, the SPT recommends that Church Council have
principal responsibility for the implementation of the recommendations presented in this report and
should work together toward achieving outcomes. Lastly, the SPT recommends that Visioning begin
upon acceptance of this report and the dissolution of the SPT by Church Council.
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Major Recommendations
The Need for “Re-Visioning” and Review of Governance Structure
Concerns Identified:
o There is a lack of a common Vision for Eastminster, with symptoms including:
 A perception of leadership not exercised
 A need for improvement of communication & coordination between
 A perception that some church groups and/or committees operate in silos
 A perception that there are too many church groups and committees to be
 A perception that the Congregation is asked to make decisions without
sufficient background information
Recent Progress
o Committees have begun meeting and working together (i.e. Stewardship and Outreach,
Stewardship and Finance, Faith Formation and Worship, Congregational Life and M&P)
o The SPT recommends that a Visioning process begin upon dissolution of the Strategic
Planning Team by Council
o The SPT recommends that the Church Council conduct a review of Eastminster’s current
governance structure in light of the recommendations of The United Church of Canada
and the concerns listed above
o The SPT recommends that all Committees continue to seek opportunities to work
together on common tasks to increase communication and organizational effectiveness
Establishment of Communications Function/Committee
Concerns Identified:
o In light of the other recommendations found within this report, the need for a
coordinating body whose function would include coordinating communications became
apparent to the SPT
o The SPT recommends that a Communications functionary be established, the purpose of
which will be to strategically facilitate effective communications among the church’s
governing body, the congregation, and the community
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Staffing Model
At the Church Council meeting in June 2014, the Church Council approved an Interim Staffing Model
proposed by the Standing Committee on Ministry & Personnel in consultation with the SPT. This model
includes: 2.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Order of Ministry Personnel (1.0 full-time Lead Minister, and
flexibility with regard to the division of hours for the second full-time equivalent as long as the functions
of Visitation/Pastoral Care, Programs, and occasional preaching are covered).
- Concerns Identified:
o In light of the other recommendations found within this report, the need for a
permanent staffing model, including 2.0 FTE Order of Ministry Personnel, became
apparent to the SPT
- Recommendations
o The SPT recommends that the previously approved Interim Staffing Model be approved
as the permanent staffing model for Eastminster.
o The SPT recommends that the Church Council contact the Pastoral Relations Committee
of Kente Presbytery to officially declare a 1.0 FTE vacancy.
The SPT had insufficient information to make any recommendations regarding either the Custodial
Assistant position or the Open Door Café Head Chef position.
Sunday Worship Service Timing
Concerns Identified:
o The two-service schedule involves a heavy workload for the volunteers and those
leading worship
o The two-service schedule divides the congregation
o The majority of comments found in the SPT questionnaires support one-service only but
style of service could be contentious
o A mid-week service is not available and could be advantageous for those who work on
o The maximum length of Sunday worship services should be between 60 and 75 minutes
Recent Progress
o EUC has conducted several 'one-service' Sundays (at 10:00). We have received positive
feedback and will continue in this vein.
o The length of the service has been reduced to 60 minutes except in exceptional
o The SPT recommends an experimental year of 'one-service' Sundays at 10:00am
beginning Victoria Day weekend, 2015
o The SPT recommends that a survey be conducted to assess the interest in a mid-week
worship service
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Subsidiary Recommendations
Coffee Time
Concerns Identified:
o There is often congestion in and around the Parlour caused by the proximity of the
coffee bar to the doorway
o The limited capacity of the Parlour
o The table set-up during coffee time is not always conducive to welcoming newcomers
o There is a perception that some people feel unwelcomed due to perceived 'cliquishness'
o There is a lack of availability of healthy snack alternatives
o The SPT recommends that the Congregational Life Committee in consultation with the
Worship Committee, the Property Committee, and the Hospitality Coordinators address
the above-mentioned concerns.
Celebration of Seniors Sunday
Concerns Identified:
o The congregational meeting conducted after the service conflicts with meal time
o The number of seniors attending is reducing over time
o There are not enough volunteers in seniors residences to help get seniors ready
o There is a separation of the seniors from much of the congregation due to having
different lunch locations (the Parlour and the Bentley Auditorium), which defeats the
purpose of the event
Recent Progress
o The Standing Committee on Congregational Life has decided that the Celebration of
Seniors Lunch will not take place on the same day as the May Congregational Meeting in
o The SPT recommends that the Session, including the Pastoral Care Team, canvas the
seniors to determine their interest level in attending the Celebration of Seniors Service
and Lunch
o Pending the results of the preceding recommendation, the SPT recommends that our
Pastoral Care Team members work with the activity coordinators of the various
residences to ensure that our seniors are ready on-time for this event
o The SPT recommends that Congregational Life review the set-up for the lunch and
provide recommendations to address the concern around having different lunch
DVD Ministry
Concerns Identified:
o Not everyone has a DVD player
o Not everyone knows about our DVD ministry
o Not everyone who receives the DVD can operate a DVD player
o The SPT recommends that the Outreach Committee, in consultation with the Pastoral
Care Team and the Session, conduct of review of the DVD ministry to identify possible
process improvements
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Mission and Service
Concerns Identified:
o There is a perception that our annual M&S Fund goal is too high
o The Congregation is not sufficiently informed about the purpose of the M&S Fund
o The SPT recommends that the Stewardship Committee investigate and communicate to
the Congregation how its M&S Fund contributions are used, with emphasis on local
missions and programs
Faith Formation
Sunday Morning Programs
- Concerns Identified:
o There is a perception of a lack of leadership for our Sunday morning programs
o There is a perception that activities are not age appropriate
o There is a perception that activities needs greater focus on learning bible stories
o There is a perception that activities are not always ‘faith’ based
- Recent Progress
o Rev. Frank Hamper agreed to voluntarily support our Sunday morning youth programs
until June 15, 2015
o The Faith Formation Committee will be renamed the Faith Formation and Education
(FFE) Committee, and has assumed responsibility for curriculum review in response to
the concerns identified
- Recommendations
o The SPT recommends that the currently vacant Minister/Director of Programs position
be filled as soon as possible
o The SPT recommends that the Minister/Director of Programs become a resource to the
FFE Committee in support of curriculum and programming
Other Programs for Youth
- Concerns Identified:
o Leadership is not always available for our youth programs
- Recent Progress
o Rev. Frank Hamper has agreed to voluntarily support the SPARK program until June 15,
- Recommendations
o The SPT recommends that the currently vacant Minister/Director of Programs position
be filled as soon as possible
o The SPT recommends that the Minister/Director of Programs become a resource to the
FFE Committee in support of Youth Programs
Other Programs for Adults
- Concerns Identified:
o There is not enough variety in our adult programs
o The timing of Bible Study is not good for working folks
o Adult programs seem to be geared toward “older” parishioners
o Programs are not available for shut-ins
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Recent Progress
o Bible Study was recently revamped and renamed to “Open Table: Serving Up the Living
o The SPT recommends that the currently vacant Minister/Director of Programs position
be filled as soon as possible
o The SPT recommends that the FFE Committee address the concerns identified above
Annual Budget
Concerns Identified:
o There appears to be a lack of communication relative to the expenditures of the church,
for example:
 Some claim not to understand how the core of church expenses are calculated
 Some claim the budget appears to be reactive rather than proactive, or appears
overall not to be realistic,
 Some claim that there is a lack of an action plan to reduce our expenditures or
resolve deficits
Recent Progress
o The Finance Committee is experimenting with ways to improve communication about
the expenditures of the church: narrative budgeting, more comprehensive financial
updates, etc.
o The number of PAR donors continue to increase, which stabilizes cash flow and makes it
easier to plan for expenditures
o The SPT recommends that the Finance Committee continue to educate the congregation
about the budgeting process, including advantages of narrative budgeting and the
importance of increasing our PAR donors
Designation of Donations
Concerns Identified:
o People are not fully aware about the many ways that they can designate their donations
to the church
o People are concerned about the perception that we continue to operate in a deficit and
are "internally borrowing" from our other funds
o The SPT recommends that the Finance Committee publish periodic information in
various church publications about how individuals can designate their donations to the
o The SPT recommends that the Finance Committee consider consolidating the General
Fund and the IMP Fund into one fund, i.e. "Operational Fund"
o The SPT acknowledges and inform the Finance Committee that the most popular
fundraising events are: concerts, auctions, dinners, and the memorial hymn sing,
whereas the least popular are the sales and the M&S walk
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Stewardship Campaign
Concerns Identified:
o Volunteer roles need to be explained more clearly
o “Time & Talent” form needs to be simplified
o In general there is concern about volunteer ‘burn-out’
o The feedback from financial intentions forms has not been a reliable resource for the
budgeting process (i.e. predicting income for the coming year)
o We have to find innovative ways of reaching those many families who claim Eastminster
as "their church" but rarely come for worship or participate
o The SPT recommends that the Stewardship Committee identify the 'talent'
requirements, communicate our needs, and effectively secure commitments from the
o The SPT recommends that the Stewardship Committee think outside the box in
presenting the various ways people can volunteer at Eastminster
o The SPT recommends that the Stewardship Committee work with Session to identify and
reach out to the folks who claim Eastminster as their Church home but don't actively
The Link
Concerns Identified:
o In some cases, the Link is delivered after the events promoted in it have taken place
o Publication of the Link involves lot of time, effort and paper but we have no information
about its benefits
Recent Progress
o An option for delivery of the Link via email is now possible
o An attempt to put more 'interest' items into the Link, rather than just event reminders
o As part of a larger communications strategy for Eastminster, the SPT recommends that
the Session conduct an analysis to determine the purpose and benefits of The Link to
the congregation
 If we determine that one purpose of it is to communicate information about
upcoming events, then the timing of the delivery needs to be tied to the events
 If it is only to report what the church has done, then why include information
about upcoming events?
o The SPT recommends that the new Communications functionary assume responsibility
for the preparation and publication of the Link
Concerns Identified:
o There are people who do not know who their elder is
o In some cases, there is a lack of communication (i.e. not enough personal interaction)
between the Elder and their households
o Elders are not always notified of illness of their parishioner
o Elders are not always attending Session meetings
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Recent Progress
o Our Pastoral Care Team has implemented a process to ensure that information
regarding pastoral care concerns is shared appropriately and in a timely fashion
o Session has experimented with meetings following Sunday worship to good effect
o The SPT recommends that the Session discuss ways to improve the communication
relationships between Elders and the Congregation, for example:
 The SPT recommends that the Session leaders consider reminding elders to put
their name and phone number on the Link in the designated spot
 The SPT recommends that the Elders consider ways to establish and maintain
contact with the parishioners in their district
Concerns Identified:
o The first impression of office is not impressive
o Our garden beds
 Need weeding
 Tired looking shrubs
o Our driveways and parking spaces are dangerous in winter conditions
o Washrooms:
 Air fresheners are needed
 Garbage needs to be removed before Sunday mornings
 Toilets are sometimes plugged
o The general cleanliness of the building interior is unsatisfactory
o There is clutter in the narthex
o There is no snow or rain protection at main entrance
o The air quality in Narthex during summer is unsatisfactory
Recent Progress
o The office was reorganized and de-cluttered
o The Property Superintendent's workspace was relocated out of the main office to open
up space in the office
o Additional volunteers have been recruited to tend to the gardens
o A company has been contracted to sand and salt the driveway when needed (in addition
to the snow clearing)
o Signs have been posted in all washrooms indicating not to put anything but toilet paper
in the toilets
o There is ongoing discussion at Council level regarding the location of the library.
o The SPT recommends that the Property Committee ensure that the parking spots and
walkways are adequately salted/sanded
o The SPT recommends that the Property Committee investigate air circulation in the
bathrooms to help reduce odours
o The SPT recommends that the Property Committee investigate options for garbage
removal from the main floor washrooms on Sunday morning
o The SPT recommends that the Property Committee coordinate a bi-annual (Spring and
Fall) interior clean-up (to include volunteers from the congregation)
o The SPT recommends that the Property Committee, together with Faith Formation,
evaluate and address safety concerns in the playroom
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
The SPT recommends that the Property Committee investigate solutions to the
inadequate snow, rain, and wind protection at the main entrance
The SPT recommends that the Property Committee investigate solutions to improve the
air quality/circulation in the narthex
Ministry & Personnel Concerns
Concerns Identified:
o There is a perception of a lack of responsiveness to personnel-related concerns that
have been brought to the attention of the M&P Committee
o Annual evaluation process has been missing over the past few years
o There is a lack of appropriate recognition for volunteers who cover the absences of paid
Recent Progress
o A recently reformed and implemented performance evaluation process is in place
o The SPT recommends that the M&P committee provide a more intentional response to
volunteers who step into roles that are usually paid (to increase awareness of the
volunteer and develop a process for compensation/formal acknowledgement)
o The SPT recommends that the M&P committee adopt a progressive approach to
personnel issue resolution (i.e. complaints should be responded to in writing)
Worship Bulletin
Concerns Identified:
o Asterisks or similar identifiers are missing from the order of service to indicate when to
o It is unclear which parts of the Order of Service are for the 9:00 service and which are
for the 10:30
o The style of bulletin needs work, it is graphically flat & cluttered
o There is a lot of repetition in announcements section of the bulletin
o Recognition of those who work with children’s programs is missing (as well as names of
soloists, etc.)
Recent Progress
o We have streamlined the communication process with regards to announcements/the
weekly update to ensure efficiency, accuracy and timeliness
o We have begun to produce separate (different coloured) bulletins for the 9:00 and
10:30 services
o We have placed an indicator in the Order of Service to show when to stand
o The SPT recommends that the Worship Committee, in consultation with the Lead
Minister, review the current format of the bulletin
o The SPT recommends that information about additional volunteers involved in Sunday
morning activities (i.e. Youth/Grace-Land program leaders, and music ministry) be
included in the bulletin
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Sunday Morning Projection
Concerns Identified:
o The use of coloured backgrounds and moving images during scripture sometimes
overpowers the words
o The timing between announcements slides is sometimes too fast to allow for some to
fully read
Recent Progress
o We have improved the readability of the projected material to address the above
Sunday Morning Message
Concerns Identified:
o Shorter messages would be helpful for those whose attention span is not as long
Recent Progress
o The average sermon length is 15 to 18 minutes long
Music Ministry
Concerns Identified:
o There is not enough variety in the type of music
o We need a more even split of “new” music vs. “familiar” hymns
o There are too many choir numbers
o The choir appears under practised
Recent Progress
o The music ministry has evolved in the last number of months to address the concerns
regarding variety of music
o The SPT has shared feedback from the congregation regarding the music ministry with
the Director of Music
Special Services
Concerns Identified:
o The timing of the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
o The SPT recommends that the Worship Committee, in consultation with the Lead
Minister, educate the congregation on the reason for the timing of the 11:00 Christmas
Eve Candlelight Service, and other special services in the Christian Calendar Year
Concerns Identified:
o The frequency of communion is questionable (difference between the 9:00 and 10:30
o Service by Elders is not necessarily meaningful i.e. people are just handed the elements
without any acknowledgement
o People feel pressured to hurry & take elements with larger crowds
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Recent Progress
o The Lead Minister has worked with the Clerk of Session and the Elders to develop their
participation in the Sacrament of Holy Communion and improve the process
o The SPT recommends that the Session, in consultation the Worship Committee and the
Lead Minister (keeping in mind the recommendation regarding doing one year of "oneservice" Sundays) review the frequency of communion
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Team - May 1, 2015
Although God’s Covenant with the people never changes, we know that our response to God’s call
constantly does. We are called always onward, to new destinations and to new challenges. Communities
thrive when they grow; when they embrace challenge and opportunity to always build upon their
cornerstones. Priorities change. Babies are born. Children grow up. Many of us: young, old, and inbetween, profess and act upon our faith in many and awesome ways. We are always searching to enrich
both others and ourselves as we live and grow in God’s presence. Loved ones grow older. New friends
move into our community and into our church. Others physically leave us, moving on to new places, new
experiences, and new callings. Yet, as with our mentor, the One from Nazareth, all of us remain
connected in the Spirit. We are Christians who continually remind ourselves that ours is an ongoing
journey, to places ever changing, faith ever-growing. In response to our call to be the Church, the
Eastminster congregation has responded to countless and differing various needs throughout it’s over
60-year history. We have always honoured our sacred calling to be relevant, and to be alive with the
This Final Report of the SPT is yet another reminder of Eastminster’s call. This report is the culmination
of over 14 months of work by dedicated members of your faith community, who asked many questions
of you, and in keeping with tradition, you certainly responded! After collecting more than 1100
individual responses to the three questionnaires, the SPT began the critical and very lengthy process of
collating data, in order to reach valid conclusions. In order to minimize bias on the part of SPT members,
integrity in the process was consistently maintained by continually testing all conclusions against the
data. Therefore, the recommendations offered in this report were gleaned solely from the information
presented from you, the people of Eastminster. This is your report, wherein you have spoken your
concerns, both for the present and for the future of our faith community, and you have been heard.
Fundamentally, this report is your concerns being reflected back to you, together with well thought out
recommendations for moving forward at Eastminster. It is hoped that these recommendations will be
put to good use to: 1) Envision the way ahead for our faith community; 2) Set exciting goals and
objectives in keeping with that Vision; 3) Organize ourselves in the way best suited for the way forward;
and, 4) Be open, transparent and collaborative in all that we do together. Eastminster is a faith
community with a rich history and reputation for being a living and relevant witness to God’s presence may we continue to be so, now, and well into the future!