- Eastwick Junior School

SUMMER TERM (2) 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you had a wonderful half term break with your families and that you are ready for the rest of
the Summer term. The term has already been full of so much fun with the first Eastwick Schools
Summer Fair as a highlight. Thank you so much to the Friends for organising a Fair which was
magical and thoroughly enjoyed by us all. Also a massive ‘thank you’ to all the families, friends and
children who supported the event. Over £10,000 was raised and we are currently discussing with the
the Friends how best to make use of the funds; we will keep parents updated as soon as this has
been decided.
Further successes this term have included a variety of entertaining class assemblies, the choir giving
an amazing performance at Dorking Halls and many sporting achievements which have been
celebrated in assemblies and via the Newsflash.
A success for teaching staff was our Inset training day on Monday 1st June when teachers learnt
about our new approach to assessment. Alex Bedford (Consultant for Chris Quigley Education)
explored the following points over the course of the day:
The Government instructed an expert panel (led by Tim Oates) to review the national curriculum.
2. The expert panel discovered that the common features of curriculums within high performing
schools & countries had:
 fewer objectives so that there were more opportunities for deeper learning
 assessment which was focused on whether the children had understood a key concept
 no levels
3. The expert panel report went on to explain that labels (i.e. levels) lead to children labelling
themselves which is dysfunctional. Furthermore, it forces teachers to plan for undue pace which
doesn’t give time for deeper learning and can lead to inaccurate assessment because they are only a
best fit.
Value of the month is
4. The recommendations from the expert panel included: having fewer objectives so that children had
more opportunity for deeper learning and the opportunity to apply their learning.
5. Good learning has an aim that advances: Knowledge; Skills; Understanding; and Learning
Behaviours and we need to be able to say what progress the children have made against these four
Obviously moving away from levels is a huge change for all school communities however, as a school
we feel very confident with The Quigley Materials - Assessment without Levels. Now that teachers
have received the training, support staff will become fully trained and we plan to hold an assessment
workshop for parents in September 2015. In the meantime, we will continue to use the Early Years
Framework for reception and Levels for Years One to Six. The children’s end of year sub levels will
be shared as normal on each child’s report. The reports will be sent out on Tuesday 14 th July.
So, with only five weeks left of the summer term, it leaves me to wish you all a great end of term. We
still have lots to enjoy including: Celebration of Work evening; Infant sports day and many transition
activities to prepare children for their next classes. I hope you are all enjoying the summer term as
much as I am and please remember that we promote an ‘open door’ policy at Eastwick, so if you
have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to speak to myself or your child’s class
Best wishes,
Kareen O’Brien
Splash! We have dived into our exciting new topic by reading the story of Pirate Pete who discovers all sorts of
exciting islands in his quest for the Queen’s treasure. We are designing our own islands and writing imaginative
stories about them. Throughout the term we will be reading some of the fantastic children’s stories that have been
written about the sea and using them to stimulate our learning across the curriculum. We will find out about who lives
under the sea and share our own experiences of the seaside. At the end of term we are planning to bring the seaside
to Eastwick for a day and hold our very own Reception Beach Day!
For the second year, we are looking forward to working with Kate Rice to develop our Forest School curriculum and
each class will have the opportunity to spend an afternoon working with Kate. Our specialist gymnastics teacher,
Emily, is also back to work with us each week.
Term will finish with the opportunity to show off the incredible learning that has taken place throughout the year at our
Celebration of Work evening. We look forward to seeing everyone there to celebrate a wonderful year!
Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Chessington World of Adventures last week where they took part in a science workshop
and had the opportunity to see some unusual animals close up. We are very proud of the children’s behaviour and
how well they represented the school. We will be using our experiences for our topic this half term.
In literacy we will be designing and writing our own information posters about wild animals. We will also be writing our
own chapter books with a beginning, middle and end as well as looking at onset and rhyme and writing our own
In maths we will be learning to measure length accurately together with addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division. We will continue to apply the maths we have learnt to solving problems and carrying out mathematical
We will also be learning different clay modelling techniques before we make our own clay animals. We will need all
our observation skills to study the photographs we took at Chessington and paint the animals carefully. We have been
practising our sports skills in preparation for school sports day next week. We look forward to welcoming you to our
sports day and also sharing our work with you at the Celebration of Work evening at the end of term. As always, if you
have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher.
This half term we have a science based topic learning all about minibeasts. We will be learning about minibeast
habitats through a bug hunt in our grounds and our excellent trip to Nower Wood.
In maths lessons we will be focusing on using and applying our skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
and having fun with fractions. Children will be reminded of methods involving partition, use of number bonds and
doubles as well as using a blank number line. In practical areas of maths we will be busy weighing, measuring length
and analysing data collected through our science investigations.
In literacy we have already begun planning and writing a chapter book which the children are very excited about. The
stories are being written using books by Jill Tomlinson as our inspiration. The focus of our RE lessons this half term is
to ask the very challenging question ‘What might God be like?’ We have invited Rev. Rob Stevens from Bookham
Baptist church to help us to discuss this tricky question.
In music lessons we will be learning songs ready for our celebration assembly towards the end of term. We will also be
learning to compose our own music using a composition grid, untuned instruments then our recorders.
We will be spending a lot of time this term talking about moving on to our new schools. We have activities planned for
three buddy days which will take place before the children spend time in their new classes. Buddy days are spent with
children from our present classes, with each child attached to a child from the junior school. In addition, children who
will be joining us in Year 3 from other schools are also invited to take part in the activities we have planned. Special art
activities are planned for those who are not moving on to Year 3 at Eastwick.
YEAR GROUP NEWS (continued)
In Year 3, we are continuing to immerse ourselves in our fantastic ‘Community’ topic! In Geography, we have been
learning all about different communities around the world and, using a variety of exciting resources, we have been
learning how to identify their physical and human features. As a result, we have been able to design our own interesting
communities, considering the local resources, needs and physical geography. We will then start to learn about how
environmental factors such as flooding and earthquakes can impact a community and what we can do to protect it.
In Literacy, we have been continuing to apply what we have learnt so far in suspense writing to create some really
exciting adventure stories! Using picture books, video stimulus and not forgetting lots of drama, we have been starting
to produce some super pieces of writing that we are all very proud of. When they are finished, we will be reading our
stories to a Year 2 audience, asking for feedback on how to make them even better!
In ICT, the children are thoroughly enjoying our exciting new LEGO software, where we have been learning how to build
and program mechanical objects! This half term, we will continue to work together to create various programmable
models following step-by-step instructions. We will then have the opportunity to change the ‘behaviour’ of our new
models by adding motion sensors and programming sounds to co-ordinate with movement.
Finally, the children (and staff) are counting down the days until our exciting end of year trip to High Ashurst! The
children will be working collaboratively to take part in a variety of challenging activities, which includes: rock climbing,
abseiling, challenge courses and forestry skills. We can’t wait!
We continue with our topic of ‘Survival’ and are looking forward to our residential trip to Hatfield House on Thursday
18th June to Friday 19th June.
We are being ‘stranded’ on a desert island and will use role play to inspire us to write a story. After our residential visit
we will be writing a recount of our adventures at Hatfield House. We will look at poetry as well as writing a play inspired
by our work this half term. In maths we are dividing and multiplying as well as revisiting place value. In Religious
Education we continue to find out about Islam and in Design & Technology we are looking closely at ‘moving pictures’ in
books and we will try to create one ourselves.
We look forward to welcoming parents to our Celebration of Work evening to see some of the wonderful work produced
by Year 4!
The first half of the summer term flew by as Year five were busy Roaming in the Rainforest, learning about the human
and physical features of the rainforests in the world. The children really enjoyed the start to their new topic and
produced some fantastic writing based on the rainforest setting. Continuing this topic this half term, the children will be
busy gathering information about the foods which are found and grown in the rainforest and will also be creating
rainforest scenes. We will be developing our sewing skills to ensure we have our products ready to sell at the
Rainforest Cafe on July 10th. We hope you are able to come and support our efforts to raise money for the Rainforest
Trust through purchasing some of the many items which will be available, hand made by the children of year five.
In Literacy, we will be continuing our Rainforest theme and writing creative stories based on the people and animals
who live in the rainforests; describing the environment, their lives and also the troubles they face through deforestation.
We will then be writing letters to rainforest charities explaining all that we have learnt this term and what our efforts have
been to support the work of the various charities. This term we are also looking forward to our visit to Thames Young
Mariners in Richmond on July 2nd and 3rd, where we will be taking part in water based teamwork activities.
With SATs finally behind us, Year 6 have been getting stuck into more foundation topics. We have begun our ambitious
new whole year group art project, a giant tapestry to tell the story of the children's year. In Computing, the classes have
continued to develop their programs in Kodu Game Lab. Plans have also begun for our Year 6 leavers assembly which
never fails to bring on the tears. Finally, the children are thoroughly looking forward to the end of year trip to PGL before
we must sadly say goodbye and farewell to another brilliant cohort.
As part of the children’s transition to their next phase of education for September, there will be a ‘move
up’ day on Wednesday 1st July when children from Year R to Year 5 will spend all or part of the day in
their new classrooms with their new teachers. Year 6 children will be spending the day visiting their new
secondary school. If your child will not be involved in a transition move up day on the 1 st July, please
speak to your child’s class teacher who will ensure that there are alternative activities in place for your
child on the day.
Class Letters
Letters providing details of your child’s class and classmates for September will be sent home on
Tuesday 30th June. This will provide parents with the opportunity of chatting this through with their child
prior to the move up day the following morning.
Thank you to those of you who continue to adhere to our attendance policy. Unfortunately, there has
been an increase in the number of requests for absence which has meant that attendance is currently:
95.8% for infant school and 95.9% for the junior school.
School Improvement
On Wednesday 3rd June, staff and governors met to evaluate the school’s progress against our School
Development Plan. The evening started with an inspirational performance by the school choir, led by Mrs
Hill with a series of workshops which involved discussions about our strengths and next steps. A
summary of our evaluations will be shared on the website by the end of June so please look out for it.
Parent & Child Questionnaire
In relation to our school improvement, your opinions continue to be of value to us. As a result, we will be
sending out a questionnaire at the start of July and we would strongly encourage you to complete it. We
will feed in your ideas to our improvement plan for the year ahead.
Celebrate Cycling Event.
“Celebrate Cycling” on Bookham Common is a free, family event that aims to encourage children to cycle.
It is organised by the Effingham Learning Partnership and this year will be the fourth year of running the
event. It will take place from 10.00am – 3.00pm on Sunday 28th June. The event is similar to orienteering
but on a bike! Several trails are set up around the common including a short stabiliser-friendly route
around the ponds that is suitable for very young children. All children must be accompanied by an adult! .
The required form has been attached to this email. If you wish to take part please return the form to the
school office who will issue a collection card.
St Nicolas Church Holiday Club.
St Nicolas Church will once again be holding their summer holiday club from Monday 24 th to Friday 28th
August. A flyer is attached providing further details.
Monday 15th June
Sports Day
Friday 19th June
1.15pm – 2.45pm
Year 2 & 3 Buddy Afternoon
Saturday 20th June
11.15pm (High Street)
Bookham Village Day Parade
Friends’ Summer Family BBQ
Tuesday 23rd June
All Day
Year 2 trip to Nower Wood
1.15pm – 2.45pm
Year 2 & 3 Buddy Afternoon
All Day
‘Move Up’ Day – children visit their new class
Year 1 Transition Meeting
(for current Year R parents/carers)
Thursday 9th July
9.00am & 2.00pm
Year 2 Celebration Assembly
Friday 10th July
Year 2 Transition Meeting
(for current Year 1 parents/carers)
Monday 13th July
‘Rain off’ Sports Day
Thursday 16th July
5.00pm – 7.30pm
Celebration of Work Evening
Tuesday 21st July
End of Term. No After School Club.
Wednesday 1st July
Thursday 18th June
All Day
Dingoes Class Assembly
Year 4 Residential trip to Hatfield House
Friday 19th June
1.15pm – 2.45pm
All Day
Year 2 & 3 Buddy Afternoon
Year 4 Residential trip to Hatfield House
Saturday 20th June
All Day
Bookham Village Day
Thursday 25th June
All Day
Year 3 trip to High Ashurst
Friday 26th June
1.15pm – 2.45pm
Year 2 & 3 Buddy Afternoon
Wednesday 1st July
All Day
‘Move Up’ Day – children visit their new class
Thursday 2nd July
All Day
Year 5 to Thames Young Mariners
Friday 3rd July
All Day
Year 6 Leavers Assembly (for Year 6 Parents)
Year 5 to Thames Young Mariners
Monday 6th July
All week
5.00pm – 8.00pm
Year 6 residential trip to PGL
Friends’ School Discos – Years 3, 4 & 5
Tuesday 7th July
11.50am – 2.30pm
Year 5 to Howard of Effingham for MFL afternoon
Thursday 16th July
5.00pm – 7.30pm
Celebration of Work and Achievement Evening
(details to follow)
Monday 20th July
Time TBC
Year 6 Leavers Disco
Tuesday 21st July
End of Term. No After School Club.